seminar in interactive advertising seminar notes for topic: “managing interactive advertising”...

Seminar in Interactive Advertising Seminar Notes for Topic: “Managing Interactive Advertising” (Part III) Department of Advertising College of Communication The University of Texas at Austin

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Seminar in Interactive Advertising

Seminar Notes for Topic:

“Managing Interactive Advertising”

(Part III)

Department of Advertising

College of Communication

The University of Texas at Austin

Integrated Interactive Advertising Campaigns

• I. What is an Advertising Campaign?

• II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

• III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• IV. Interactive vs. Traditional


I. What is an Advertising Campaign?

• A. Webster:

– “A series of Planned Actions”

• B. Ads develop points around a single,

primary appeal and together

form a campaign.

I. What is an Advertising Campaign?

• C. Planning Process:

• 1. Setting Goals and Objectives

• 2. Developing the Budget

• 3. Defining Segments and Positioning

• 4. Setting Message Strategy/Tactics

• 5. Media Strategy/Tactics

• 6. Monitoring the Campaign

II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

• A. Information Power Shift

II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

• B. Inside-Out:• 1. Dollar-volume objectives

• 2. Costs

• 3. Contribution margin

• 4. Marketing funds

• 5. Allocation against prospects

• 6. Communication choices

• 7. Implementation

II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

• C. Outside-In:

• D. Schultz Outside-In Planning:

II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

II. Inside-Out vs. Outside-In Planning

• E. Summarize:– Inside-Out planning attempts to develop product

messages and predict what might happen as a result

of changes in attitudes and beliefs of the customer or


– Outside-In planning attempts to explain what

customers and prospects are actually doing, buying,

or using and to determine what marketing

communications will influence this behavior in the


III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• A. What is an Interactive Campaign?

– “An Interactive Advertising Campaign is an

integrated and planned series of messages

appearing in interactive media.”

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• B. A Possible Process:• 1. Determining Goals

– promoting the brand and/or– getting a response

• 2. Selecting a target audience(s)• 3. Deciding on Tactics:

– newsgroup announcement posting– newsgroup discussion participation– creating a new public newsgroup– email newsletters– email signature blocks ads

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

– game sponsorship– classified ads– link trading– link placement– banner ads--static,animated,interactive– banner ad exchange– site sponsorship– event sponsorship– content development (your own site)– interstitial ads– product placement

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

– Push channel sponsorship

– chat sponsorship

– virtual world sponsorship

– what else????

• 4. Assigning Responsibilities:

– In-house

– Outsourcing

• 5. Setting Standards

– Logo always appears at top, e.g.

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• 6. Establishing procedures

– setup step-by-step instructions

– enable “speaking with a single voice”

• 7. Making an Interactive Proposal

• 8. Constructing the Creative

• 9. Testing:

– Client-side testing

– Server-side testing (banner serving, database, e.g.)

• 10. Acting on Feedback

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• C. The Interactive Proposal• 1. Project name

• 2. Project identification (CI50%BYIE2/6801)

– [creamy italian, 50% off banner, Yahoo, Infoseek, Excite

from February through June, 2003]

• 3. Project description

• 4. Purpose

• 5. Intended audience

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• 6. Response mechanism

• 7. Competitive analysis

• 8. Media selection

• 9. Project players/responsibilities

• 10. Tools required

• 11. Guidelines/standard deviations

III. Planning an Interactive Campaign

• 12. Pre-testing

• 13. Cost

• 14. Timeline

• 15. Risks

• 16. Alternatives

• 17. Lost opportunity cost

• 18. Measuring success

IV. Interactive vs. Traditional Campaigns

• A. How are they different?

• B. How are they the same?