
DNA Computing

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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presentation on dna computing



DNA Computing


Introduction to DNA

Structure of DNA

Need and Introduction to DNA Computing

Advantages & Disadvantages

Developments in DNA Computing

The Smallest DNA Computer



What is DNA?

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

DNA represents the genetic blueprint of living creatures.

DNA contains instructions for assembling cells.

Every cell in human body has a complete set of DNA.

DNA is unique for each individual.


A single DNA molecule is about 2m long packaged in 5um

Structure of DNA

Composed of four nucleotides (+ sugar-phosphate backbone)

A Adenine

T Thymine

C Cytosine

G Guanine

Bond in pairs




Need of DNA Computer ?

Moores Law states that silicon microprocessors double in complexity roughly every two years.

One day this will no longer hold true when miniaturisation limits are reached. Intel scientists say it will happen in about the year 2018.

Require a successor to silicon.

Basics And Origin of DNA Computing

DNA computing is utilizing the property of DNA for massively parallel computation.

With an appropriate setup and enough DNA, one can potentially solve huge problems by parallel search.

Utilizing DNA for this type of computation can be much faster than utilizing a conventional computer.

Leonard Adleman proposed that the makeup of DNA and its multitude of possible combining nucleotides could have application in computational research techniques.


The power of DNA in view of computation capability:

vast parallelism: A test tube of DNA can

contain trillions of strands. Each operation on

a test tube of DNA is carried out on all strands

in the tube in parallel ! (3 1014 )

exceptional energy efficiency:

21019 operations/J,

extraordinary information density:

1gram = 41021 bits = 1 trillion CDs.


DNA computing involves a relatively large amount of error.

Requires human assistance !

Time consuming laboratory procedures.

No universal method of data representation.

DNA has a half-life.

Solutions could dissolve away before the end result is found.

Developments in DNA computation

First practical DNA computer unveiled in 2002 by Olympus Optical Co., Ltd . Used in gene analysis.

Self-powered DNA computer unveiled in 2003.

>First programmable autonomous computing machine in which the input, output, software and hardware were all made of DNA molecules.

>Can perform a billion operations per second with 99.8% accuracy.

In 2004 an autonomous DNA computer that is capable of diagnosing cancerous activity within a cell, and then releasing an anti-cancer drug upon diagnosis is constructed by Prof. Shapiro & team. They claim in the journal Nature that they were successful.

A DNA Sequence Design for Direct-Proportional Length-Based DNA Computing using DNA Sequence Generator is developed in University Technology Malaysia in 2008.

The Smallest DNA Computer

The smallest programmable DNA computer was developed at Weizmann Institute in Israel by Prof. Ehud Shapiro last year.

It uses enzymes as a program that processes on the input data (DNA molecules).

Future !

DNA Manipulation technology has rapidly improved in recent years, and future advances may make DNA computers more efficient.

The University of Wisconsin is experimenting with chip-based DNA computers.

Instead, their powerful computing power will be used for areas of encryption, genetic programming, language systems, and algorithms or by airlines wanting to map more efficient routes.


DNA computers showing enormous potential, especially for medical purposes as well as data processing applications.

Many issues to be overcome to produce a useful DNA computer.

Still a lot of work and resources required to

develop it into a fully fledged product.






















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