semanticxo: connecting the xo with the world’s largest information network

Christophe Guéret - @cgueret (VUA) SemanticXO ICeND2011 - August 4, 2011 1/25 SemanticXO connecting the XO with the World’s largest information network International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2011) Christophe Guéret, Stefan Schlobach [email protected], [email protected] Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Nederlands)

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Page 1: SemanticXO: connecting the XO with the World’s largest information network

Christophe Guéret - @cgueret (VUA) SemanticXO ICeND2011 - August 4, 2011 1/25

SemanticXOconnecting the XO with the

World’s largest information network

International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2011)

Christophe Guéret, Stefan [email protected], [email protected] Universiteit Amsterdam (Nederlands)

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The next 20 minutesSemantic Web + XO = SemanticXO

One Laptop Per Child and the XO

Linked Data / the Semantic Web

Goals of the project SemanticXO

Publish and Consume Linked Data with the XO

Your questions, remarks, suggestions !

Work in progress

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One Laptop Per Child

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One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)

“Empower the world’s poorest children through education [by providing them] with a rugged, low-cost, low-power and connected laptop” –

Mission principles

1.Every child owns his laptop

2.Action focused on early education (6-12)

3.No one gets left out

4.Connected device

5.Open source software free to grow and adapt

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The XO laptop and Sugar

Collaborative learning

Activities instead of applications

Journal of usage (critical thinking)

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Example of current capabilities

Fully featured web browser

Snapshot of Wikipedia

Activities running simultaneously can share data

Bulk export of journal entries (for backup)

The XO is Web 2.0 ready : create and share data in data silos

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Linked Data (aka Semantic Web)

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Linked Data“Using the Web to connect related data that wasn't previously linked, or (...) lower the barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods” –

Publish data on Internet as already done for documents

Design principles

1. Use URIs as names for things

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names

3. Bind useful information to the URI, using the standards

4. Include links to other URIs

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“Dar Es Salaam” in the Cloud

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Relation with “Air Tanzania” Air Tanzania has its HQ in Dar Es Salaam

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Why Linked Data ? (1/2)

Data integration realised at application level

Inspired from, Icons by


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Why Linked Data ? (2/2)

Integration on data level

Inspired from, Icons by


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Open Data

“A piece of content or data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirements to attribute and share-alike” –

Open Data published by UK, USA, France, Finland, Ireland, Kenya, …

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Linked Open Data Cloud

Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.

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Goal: make the XO ready for the Web 3.0 by extending its software stack

OLPC contributor project started in October 2011 for 12 months

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What is there to expect ?

Benefits for the operating system

Flexible and dedicated data storage solution

Benefits for activities developers

Easier data access and integration

Access to the content of the LOD Cloud

Benefits for end users

Increased sharing opportunities

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How to do it ?

Implement a software stack

“Triple store” to store the data

Interface to publish/consume data

Triplestore and files

Programming Interface (API)HTTP server

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Example of application

Knowledge Acquisition of traditional Amerindian World views using Serious Games

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Under the hood : data model

Resources and relations

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Under the hood : data stored

Subject Predicate Object

olpc:resource/a05864b4 rdf:type olpc:Item

olpc:resource/a05864b4 olpc:name "image114"

olpc:resource/a05864b4 olpc:hasDepiction "image114.jpg"

olpc:resource/a82045c2 rdf:type olpc:Box

olpc:resource/a82045c2 olpc:hasItem olpc:resource/a05864b4

olpc:resource/78cbb1f0 rdf:type olpc:Box

... ... ...

An item

A box

Set of triples (SPO)

Same structure everywhere in the Cloud

e.g. Can be linked to cities for provenance

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New data flows

Data distribution Easy access

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Partnership with W4RA-VOICESWeb alliance for Regreening in Africa (W4RA)

“initiative to help extend the Web benefits of the knowledge society and economy to people in rural communities in Africa”

Project VOICES funded by European Union

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Aimed at expanding knowledge creation and sharing, especially in poor communities in Africa, with have limited access to the Web.

Use voice technologies, mobile phone and community radio for communication and access to information

Working to create access to the Linked Open Data and to create an Open Web of Speech

Use triple stores and RDF for spoken data

More about W4RA-VOICES

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Take home messageLinked Data = best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the Web

Web scale data sharing

Lots of data published as Linked Data

World's largest information network

Linked Open Data can contribute to development with more, easier, data sharing