
Leadership Series – 1 st Year Foundational Leadership - Part V Selflessness

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Page 1: Selflessness

Leadership Series – 1st Year

Foundational Leadership - Part V Selflessness

Page 2: Selflessness


What is selflessness?

SelflessnessI’m third

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SelflessnessI’m third

I’m third God/value system first The other person second I’m third

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SelflessnessI’m third

Selflessness is arguably the most difficult character trait to possess and to develop. It is difficult to truly live this characteristic out for two major reasons: 1) Our nature 2) Our society.

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SelflessnessI’m third

Our nature is one of self-preservation. We instinctively want to take care of our own needs before the needs of others. We think of ourselves first in most every situation, it is natural for us to do so.

Society inundates us with the mentality of “me.” We live in a world that promotes and encourages selfishness. We are to take care of ourselves first. We are to lookout for number one. We are to be all that we can be despite the cost to others.

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Selflessness is a radical character trait, especially in today’s world; however, it is the key to success and happiness in nearly every aspect of life. It is the answer to a winning team, real relationships and a strong family. It is the key to business success, and it is the foundation of the most effective form of leadership. It is the crux of many major religions.

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Sports teams Michael Jordan was the best in the NBA,

however the Bulls won zero championships until he realized that he had to make those around him better. When he became unselfish the team won championships.

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Relationships (Marriage) Putting your spouse before yourself is

the key to a healthy marriage. You spend your whole life up until that time trying to find what is right for you only to learn that love isn’t about what you want but about serving.

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The business world they say is a dog eat dog world. Meet the right people, be political and move your way up the chain. However the CEO’s and the President’s of the world’s largest companies and organizations sing a different tune. Instead of being a self-promoter the great one’s talk about how it is about treating people right. The old business adage rings true:

“The way to achieve what you want to achieve is by helping others achieve what they want to achieve.”

Helping others is the key to business success.

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Leadership Most people do not usually associate

great leadership with selflessness. Our first thought of a leader is a dominant personality that gets people to do extraordinary things. However, it is exactly selflessness or serving others that makes leadership most effective at the deepest level.

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Leadership Sun Tzu the 5th Century B.C. Chinese

war lord told his commanders, “Treat your soldiers like you own beloved son and they will walk through the valley of death with you.”

Napolean, Lincoln “It’s surprising how much you can

accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.” – Abraham Lincoln

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Religion Many major religions talk about

selflessness. Christianity for example is not designed to make people miserable but instead it claims to provide the best life possible. A life filled with peace, hope, and constant adventure. The Bible speaks about being selfless but in being selfless your life becomes fulfilled.

Islam and Alms, giving in secret

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Religion “If anyone would come after me, he must

deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.” – Luke 9: 23-24

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” – Philipians 2:3

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The Principal of Paying Forward “It is very seldom in life that you can

pay back the people who have invested in you, but you can always pay forward.” –Woody Hayes

Who paid forward in your life?

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SelflessnessI’m third

Selflessness Challenge: - Before the semester is over, “pay forward” in someone’s life who will never know what you did. Tell no one.

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Review Leadership is influence Character is the foundation of Leadership, and is found

in these six qualities: Integrity- Who you are when no one else is looking Commitment- A promise Discipline- Doing the right thing, the right way, all the

time. Courage- Courage is not the absence of fear, it is going

anyway despite the presence of fear. Confidence - Believe in yourself Selflessness – I’m third