selfishness makes your married life happier

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life Happier

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Selfishness Makes Your Married Life


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Usually every marriage starts off selfishly. Whenever a couple starts dating, it is mostly about each individual’s own interest. The reason one gets married is due to what the partner does for you. Also, it’s the same with the other individual. Everything is about self.


But when you get these two selfish people together, someone has to give in. Where the couples in a marriage are able to make the… 

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life Happier

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transition from selfish thinking by realizing one can’t get everything, they flourish in the relationship. Otherwise, the marriage is likely to fall apart.

There are several things which a selfish spouse wants done from partner including loading the dishwasher, getting the things done the way one wants to do, getting the spouse to keep the house in better manner or getting the partner to spend less amount of money.

A selfish partner thinks how to…

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life Happier

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make the partner do what one wants. These are the spouses who could not make the shift from the I want or I need attitude to a sacrificial way of approach.

But the truth is that one can’t make everyone do everything. One will always complain that their partner doesn’t folds the clothes or clean the bathroom the way they want in a marriage.

Every married person may not get everything one wants. If there is a specific way you need the things…

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done and your spouse doesn’t do it that way, then only option is you should do it by compromising.

Selfishness and Spouses:

Sometimes a married person needs to deliberately choose to lose one’s ego, selfishness and your right to be correct on all occasions. In this one winner lose and losers win. If one can avoid guilty feeling, being selfish will make us happy till such time. One feels happy… 

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life Happier

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when one is pursuing one’s own self-interest it seems one is in a happy marriage. But, those who choose selfishness have to face the guilt. One feels bad for keeping our priorities ahead of the others. But that usually means that we foreget the things which make us happier. Most spouses can never be happier than they believe their spouse is. Their happiness is most important. Many times their own selfishness gets in the way, but their own happiness is only thought.

Effects of Selfishness on Marriage: …

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life Happier

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Selfishness is one of the most dangerous threats to marriage. Selfishness affects the way spouses talk to one another, how they share responsibilities in the home, how they overcome conflicts and spend the time. The husbands tend to ignore needs of the wives. They may choose playing golf, hunting, fishing or spending an extra time at the office. There are husbands who spend time in other activities just to avoid their wives. Also, there are wives who may spend time on shopping for avoiding household responsibilities.  …

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life


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There could be several effects of selfishness in marriage, like people will dislike you, will create resentment, create communication issues and affect your happiness. These are several issues which result from the selfishness in a marriage.

Selfishness Makes Your Married Life


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