self determination v

Table of Contents I Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………2 2 The Definition and Origin of the right to Self-determination of Peoples………………….......4 3 The Place of Self-determination in International Law………………………………………......7 3.1 The Twin Human Rights Covenants…………………………………………….................7 3.1.1. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights………………...9 3.1.2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights………………………….......9 3.2. The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights……………………………………….9 3.3. The Arab Charter on Human Rights……………………………………………………...10 4. The Relationship between Self-determination and the Doctrine of Uti Possidetis……………11 5. Self-determination and the Question of the Minorities………………………………………..12 1

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Table of Contents

I Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………2

2 The Definition and Origin of the right to Self-determination of Peoples………………….......4

3 The Place of Self-determination in International Law………………………………………......7

3.1 The Twin Human Rights Covenants…………………………………………….................7

3.1.1. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights………………...9

3.1.2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights………………………….......9

3.2. The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights……………………………………….9

3.3. The Arab Charter on Human Rights……………………………………………………...10

4. The Relationship between Self-determination and the Doctrine of Uti Possidetis……………11

5. Self-determination and the Question of the Minorities………………………………………..12

6. Self-determination and the Question of the Indigenous People…………………………….....14

7. Self-determination and the Use of Force……………………………………………………...18

8. The Resultant Forms of Self-determination of Self-determination…………………………...9.

9 The Role Self-determination Plays in Shaping the Geopolitics of the World………………....20

10. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….21

11. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………22





Self-determination is one of the most contentious, subversive, tragic, controversial and

paradoxical ideas in the International community today. In fact no social or legal discourse on

state genesis and/or creation can be said to be complete without a mention on some aspects

relating to self- determination. The right to self-determination is premised on the assertion by

van Genugten.1

That peoples, including national minorities and the indigenous peoples depend on the

first instance on local prosperity and natural resources and trade in these to combat

absolute poverty

The right to self-determination is an overarching aspect and according to Dugard2 “features

prominently in contemporary international law and is a topic that belongs to any discussion of

human rights, territory and statehood” One reason why self-determination is such a subversive

topic is in the words of McCorquodale,3

Because it challenges some core principles of the international legal system it challenges

the sovereignty of states and their territorial integrity, it interferes in matters within the

domestic jurisdiction of states and it makes the application of treaties uncertain.

Cassese4 concurs with McCorquodale and states that “the idea of self-determination has set in

motion a restructuring and redefinition of the world’s community basic rules of the game” Self-

determination is concession to national pride and patriotism and identity at best and the pursuit

of sheer political expediency and opportunism at worst. The idea of self-determination is finally

1Willem van Genugten et al, The United Nations of the Future, Globalization with a human Face,68 2 John Dugard, International Law, A South African Perspective,1023 Robert McCorquodale, Self-determination in International Law, ix 4 Antonio Cassese, Self-determination of Peoples, 1


very tragic and is one of the causes of major conflicts in the world. This is confirmed by Kreijen5

when he states that “in 1994 alone, there were forty-seven armed conflicts in the world, all of

them intra-state and all linked with the question of self-determination of peoples”

It should as a point of departure be clearly stated that there are two forms of self-determination

of peoples, the internal form of self-determination as well as the external form of self-

determination. The internal form of self-determination is primarily concerned with the realization

of various socio-economic and political rights, it does not wholly deal with the question of

autonomy or independence in the true sense of the words, it concerns itself with granting

peoples the choice to make within the confines and boundaries of the concerned state and

includes the ability to participate meaningfully in the government and decision-making

structures without any form of being discriminated against on the basis of one’s religion, creed,

language, race and culture. Internal self-determination is related with the right to freely pursue

economic, social and cultural development as indicated above and the right to freely dispose of

the natural wealth and resources. These two sets of rights are reflected in Article 1 of the ICCPR

and the ICESCR mentioned below. On the other hand, the external form of self-determination,

relates to a people’s capacity to liberate itself usually from the bonds of a colonial or racist

rule(as was the case with almost all the African countries which were once colonized by some

European powers).The self-determination can mean a secession and the establishment of a new

sovereign and independent state, integration or even a free association like in a federation or an

association with another independent state or even any other political status freely determined by

the people concerned. The right to external self-determination has in the past been confined

within the parameters of colonial situations. In the history of international law no state has ever

acceded to the demands of external self-determination and the international community only

knows of the right of external self-determination as applicable to and in terms of freedom from

colonial rule. In short an external form of self-determination refers to full legal independence (in

5 Gerald Kreijen, State, Sovereignty and International Governance,349 3

the form of autonomy or self-government) or secession for the given people from the main

politico-legal state as Moeckli6 puts it succinctly,

A change in the international relationships between the peoples exercising their right of

self-determination and the original state/colonial power as well as with other states and

international actors.

This paper will attempt to explore and dissect primarily an external form of self-determination

in the context of International Law but( will deviate and look briefly into self-determination and

the question of minorities and the indigenous people) with special emphasis on its definition and

origin, its place in the international arena, its relationship with the doctrine of Uti Possidetis, its

relationship with the use of force, its end-products as well as the role it plays in shaping the

geopolitical landscape of the world. An attempt will also be made to limit and confine this

multifaceted discipline to its relevance in the domain of International Law to avoid what

Cassese7 aptly describes as “opening up of a veritable Pandora’s box”



The right to self-determination of peoples cannot adequately and fairly be defined without first

delving into its targets. The primary target of self-determination is the people. It will be

convenient to avoid the semantics surrounding the term people and refer to people as any number

or group of individuals. The right to self-determination is therefore a group or a collective right

and not an individual right. This statement is supported by Levy8 who contends that “The idea of

self-determination refers to collectivities, rather than individuals not yet subjects of international

law but potential recipients of direct rights under the law.” Klabbers9 understands self-

determination to entail that” identifiable groups have a right to determine for themselves how

they wish to be politically organized” In its simple form, self-determination means the right of 6 Daniel Moeckli et al, International Human Rights Law,3427 Cassese,18 Werner Levy, Contemporary International Law,1859 Jan Klabbers, International Law,117


people of a particular place to choose the form of government they wish to have. The Free

Dictionary10 defines self-determination as “freedom of the people of a given area to determine

their own political status; independence”

Self-determination is as evasive as a shadow and very fraught with contradictions.

Klabbers11elaborates further and argues that “there are two major problems usually associated

with self-determination. The first is the identification of the ‘self ‘Who bears the right to self-

determination?” According to Klabbers, identity does not always imply sharing the same

language, ethnicity or history because if that was the case, the Americans and the Australians

would be one because they share the same English language and yet they are different (the same

difference) Many nations in West Africa like in Nigeria, Togo, Niger and Benin speak the same

Yoruba language and yet they are distinctively different. One cannot easily differentiate between

the Tutsi and the Hutu in Rwanda and Burundi and yet a black page in the history of the UN

happened in Rwanda in 1994 between these two groups because of their ‘similar differences’

The second problem according to Klabbers is that the main demand related to external self-

determination is usually succession .It is very difficult to reconcile the demand of succession

with the stability of existing states. These are two very extreme and polarized outcomes, the

realization of one results is the destruction or suppression of the other. In other words, the denial

or rejection of the demands of self-determination boosts and enhances stability and permanent

statehood. Equally, the denial to demands of self-determination confines its potential recipients

to perpetual subjugation and loss of identity which may result in feelings of resentments and

sows seeds of enmity which itself is a recipe for a civil war. Levy12 warns that,

The idea of self-determination is frightening to existing states, which usually do

everything possible to restrain this self-determination in method and substance as a

matter of self-preservation.

10 Free Dictionary (2015) ( Klabbers,11812 Levy,118


International law is very reluctant to break up existing states for fear of destabilizing the global

order. The paradoxically of the idea of self-determination of states is in the words of van

Genugten13 “the prohibition of states to oppress people and the prohibition of states to secede”

This is a conundrum of nearly unparalleled proportion. How do people realize their dream of

self-determination if their only option lies in secession? Robertson14 plunges the controversy

deeper when he asserts that “application of self-determination principle comes up against the

brick wall of state sovereignty”

Turning our attention to the origin of the idea of self-determination, Mullerson15 opines that “the

principle of the idea of self-determination of people is rightly considered to be a successor to the

political principle of nationality” Duursma16 gives an insight into the idea of self-determination.

He states that the fundamental philosophical thought behind the concept of self-determination

has historically been that every human being is entitled to control his own destiny, however this

line of thought was not always accepted in the past. Individuals were considered subjects of their

monarchs who ruled by divine right and thus decided upon their common fate. Self-

determination and the consent of the governed are principles espoused by Greek philosophers

like Aristotle and seventeenth and eighteenth century thinkers such as John Lock and Jean

Jacques Rousseau. According to Cassese17, the origin of the principle of self-determination can

be traced back to the American Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Revolution

(1789) which marked the demise of the notion that the individual and peoples as subjects of the

king were objects to be transferred, alienated, ceded or protected in accordance with the interests

of the monarch. The core of the principle lies in the American and French insistence that the

government be responsible to the people. Modern idea of self-determination can be credited to a

number of leading statesmen, among them Lenin and President Woodrow Wilson. Both these

13 Van Genugten et al,6814 Geoffrey Robertson, Crimes against Humanity, The Struggle for Global Justice,20815 Rein Mullerson, International Law, Rights and Politics, 5816 Jorri Duursma, Self-determination, Statehood and International Relations of Micro-states, The Cases of Liechtenstein, San Marino, Andora and the Vatican City,1117 Cassese, 11


statesmen championed the idea of self-determination albeit from different perspectives. Boas18

mentions that “the notion of self-determination was actively pushed by President Wilson and

implicitly included in his speech known as ‘Wilson’s Fourteen Points” The Fourteen Points

ushered the notion that government must be based on the consent of the governed, for Wilson,

self-determination consisted of the right of peoples to freely choose their government. The idea

has since evolved into what we know as democracy


Kreijen19 reminds us that “the International Court of Justice has explicitly recognized that the

right to self-determination of peoples has an erga omnes character and therefore a peremptory

norm of general International Law or jus cogens” The idea of self-determination is deeply

enshrined in International Law through a number of instruments. These are covenants and

charters which cover the idea of self-determination. This means that International Law

acknowledges and recognizes the principle of the right to self-determination of states. There are

mainly four instruments which deal with and contains the principle of self –determination. The

four instruments are: The Twin Human Rights Covenants, The International Covenant on the

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) OF 1966, and the two regional instruments

namely The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights of 1981 and the Arab Charter on

Human Rights of 2004.

3 1. The Twin Human Rights Covenants of 1966.

3.1.1The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

Common Article 1

18 Gideon Boas, Public International Law , 195 19 Kreijen et al , 353


1. All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right, they freely determine

their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development

2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources

without prejudice to any obligations arising out of International economic co-operation, based

upon the principle of mutual benefits and International Law. In no case may a people be deprived

of its own means of subsistence

3. The state Parties to the present covenant, including those having responsibility for

administration of non-self-governing and Trust Territories shall promote the realization of the

right to self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the

charter of the United Nations

3.2 Article 15, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

1. The State Parties to the present covenant recognizes the right of everyone,

(a) To take part in cultural life

(b) To enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications

(c) To benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any

Scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author

2. The steps to be taken by the State Parties to the present covenant to achieve the full realization

of this right shall include those necessary for the conservation, the development and the diffusion

of science and culture

3. The State Parties to the present covenant undertake to respect the freedom indispensable for

the scientific research and creative activity

4. The State Parties to the present covenant recognize the benefits to be derived from the

encouragement and development of International contracts and co-operation in the scientific and

cultural fields


3.1.2Article 27, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

In those states in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such

minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of their group, to

enjoy their own culture, to profess and practice their own religion, or to use their own language.

Article 25, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICCESCR)

Article 47, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Political Rights (ICCPR)

Nothing in the present covenant shall be interpreted as impairing the inherent right of all the

peoples to enjoy and utilize fully and freely their natural wealth and resources

The Universal Declaration on Human Rights also contains Article 21(3) which reads:

The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of governments, this shall be expressed

in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be

held by secret vote or by an equivalent free voting procedure.

3.3. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Article 20 of the Charter reads:

1. All peoples shall have the right to existence, they shall have the unquestionable and

unalienable right to self-determination, they shall freely determine their political status

and shall pursue their economic and social development according to the policy they have

freely chosen

2. Colonized and oppressed peoples shall have the right to free themselves from the bonds

of domination by resorting to any means recognized by the International Community

3. All peoples shall have the right to the assistance of the State Parties to the present charter

in their liberation struggle against foreign domination, be it political, economic or


3.4. The Arab Charter on Human Rights


Part 1

Article 1

(a) All people have the right of self-determination and control over their natural wealth and

resources and accordingly, have the right to freely determine the form of their political

structure and to freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development

(b) Racism, Zionism, Occupation and foreign domination pose a challenge to human dignity

and constitute a fundamental obstacle to the realization of the basic rights of peoples.

There is a need to condemn and endeavor to eliminate all such practices

Although some provisions relate directly and more specifically to an internal form of self-

determination mentioned elsewhere in this paper, they are nevertheless interwoven and

cannot be separated from those relating directly to the topic under discussion.

Given the length and space in which the idea of self-determination is deeply enshrined in the

main charter and the two regional instruments, it boggles the mind as to how the UN charter

can contradict itself and arrive at a conclusion that is viewed as undermining and

compromising the sovereign integrity of states, that is the support for the right to self-


Article 2(4) of the UN Charter reads:

All members shall refrain in their internal relations from the threat or use of force against the

territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent

with the purposes of the United Nations.

Now, Article 1(2) on the Purposes of the United Nations declares:

To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights

and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen

universal peace.


This in my opinion constitute what I term ‘constructive ambiguity’ History has shown that

secession as an end-product of self-determination can never be realized with relative ease ,it

can never be offered on a silver platter and very rarely has secession been realized through

relative peace. This argument is corroborated by Cassese’’20 when he laments that

The rules of international law are particularly ambiguous and do not provide clear

indications as to the resolution of the crucial conflict between self-determination and the

territorial integrity of states.

Maybe this argument should best be left to the statesmen and international law-makers.



Since the idea of self-determination has a subversive character and a potential to deliver

statehood to the erstwhile oppressed people and subsequently disrupt the fabric of the

existing natural and otherwise borders, it is critical to juxtapose it with other important

doctrines applicable in International Law. One such doctrine is Uti Possidetis. Uti Possidetis

is a Latin phrase which loosely translated means ‘as you possess’ The issue of Uti Possidetis

as Dixon21 clearly puts it “encompasses the idea that the frontiers of newly independent states

are to follow the frontiers of the old colonial territories from which they emerged.”

The doctrine is used primarily to reduce border disputes that may erupt following the creation

or independence of states from their former parent (main) state. Though rigid in principle, it

calls on all stakeholders to respect the former boundaries and strictly rejects any unilateral

change of these boundaries unless by mutual agreement of concerned parties. The doctrine

has been used effectively to adjudicate upon a number of landmark border cases. Higgins22

adds her voice to the debate and asserts that “the principle of Uti Possidetis carefully 20 Cassese, 206 21 Martin Dixon, International Law, 172 22 Rosalyn Higgins, Problems and Processes, International Law and how we use it, 112


balances the references to self-determination with the importance of national unity and

territorial integrity”

Now, the question is, given the significance of the right to self-determination and its

recognition by the UN sets of instruments, and by extension, the United Nations as a whole

and equally the importance of the doctrine of Uti Possidetis and its relevance and subsequent

application by the UN competent tribunals, which of the two should take precedence over

another especially in a situation where peoples seeking to realize their dream of self-

determination find themselves spread across or straddling the boundaries of two states? A

food for thought for International Law practitioners!


The rationale for including this sub-topic here is because as indicated above self-

determination is a collective right and not an individual right. Minorities are collectivities and

as such deserve mention even though their rights can be realized and catered for in the

internal form of self-determination.

International law has for decades battled to come up with a satisfactory and convincing

definition of what minorities represents. This is confirmed by Malanczuk23 when he declares

that “the question of what constitutes a ‘minority’ in terms of international law has remained

a vexed one to which as yet, no completely satisfactory answer has been found” The UN

Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities defines

the minorities as: a group numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a state, in a

non-dominant position whose members-being nationals of the state- possess ethnic, religious

or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and show, if

only implicitly a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions,

religion or language. In fact, there is no legal definition of what a ‘people’ is. The danger of

23 Peter Malanczuk, Modern Introduction to International Law, 10512

defining a minority in terms of its composition and a ‘people’ in terms of numbers will be too

misleading if not to open a can of worms. McCorquodale24 shares this opinion and states that

“one of the problems was to work out an acceptable definition of who constitute a minority”

Article 27 of the International Covenant on the Civil and Political Rights( ICCPR) needs to

be revisited. It states that: In those states in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities

exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with

other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practice their own

religion or to use their own language. The phrase clearly emphasizes the need for the

minorities not to be separated, discriminated or excluded upon, or to be swallowed by a

dominant majority, but to be accepted as a unique part of a larger entity and thus to be given

the respect and recognition that they deserve. Mullerson25 adds

It would not be correct to say, as it is sometimes asserted, that there is no right of self-

determination for minorities, it would be more accurate to say that they can exercise the

right of self-determination together with the rest of the population of a given state, as

part of this population

Given this analysis and the fact that it is more complex to find a yardstick to divide

ethnicities into peoples, minorities, tribes and nations, it is safe to say that minorities

constitute a part of peoples who have a distinctive ethnic, religious or linguistic

characteristics. The type of self-determination that the minorities may be able to realize is

that which addresses their cultural, religious and linguistic uniqueness. When Article 27 is

studied more closely, one realizes that it is biased towards individuals within a group who are

individually holders of rights. It also does not envisage political, economic or social

autonomy. Cultural, religious and linguistic rights tend to address the identity and not the

political independence of an individual. This shows that the intention of the drafters of the

covenant was to encourage unity in diversity. If one were to juxtapose minorities with an

external form of self-determination, one would be trying to create a chain of events too

24 McCorquodale, 29125 Mullerson, 73


untenable and which an attempt thereof would result in an unprecedented fragmentation of

states into millions of states, the situation which is not ideal for either state integrity or

human survival because it would trigger a number of armed conflicts. Cassese26 corroborates

“it was feared that granting minorities a legal right to self-determination would create havoc

in sovereign states” The self-determination referred to here by Cassese is the external form of

self-determination. Higgins27 puts it more empathetically

The evolving norms on self-determination- contained –undeniably and consistently- an

anxious refrain whereby self-determination is to be harnessed to, and not to the enemy

of, territorial integrity.

The next question one needs to ask is, are the indigenous people classified as minorities? The

answer to this complex question lies in delving deeper and investigating who the indigenous

people are.


The red man has always retreated before the advancing white man, as the mist of the

mountains runs before the morning sun. But the ashes of our fathers are sacred. Their graves

are holy ground, and so these hills, these trees, this portion of the earth is consecrated to us.

We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of the land to him is

the same as the next, for he is the stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land

whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother but his enemy, and when he has conquered it,

he moves on. He leaves his father’s graves behind, and he does not care. He kidnaps the earth

from his children. He does not care. His fathers’ graves and his children’s birthright are

forgotten. He treats his mother, the earth, and his brother, the sky, as things to be bought,

plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads.

26 Cassese ,6227 Higgins, 121


I do not know. Our ways are different from your ways. The sight of your cities pains the eyes

of the red man. But perhaps it is because the red man is a savage and does not understand28

These were the words of Chief Sea’lth (Seattle) of the Suquamish nation spoken more than

three centuries ago. The Suquamish are an indigenous community of what is known

collectively as the American Indians previously known as the Red Indians. The extract

presents a vivid account of who the indigenous people are and what they stand for in relation

to a ‘civilized’ man

The indigenous people are scattered across the globe from the great forests of the Amazon in

Latin America to the cold regions of Siberia in Northern Russia. Statistics show that there are

approximately more than 370 million indigenous people in the world, belonging to 5,000

different groups, in 90 countries worldwide29 as indicated, these people range from the

Amazon, the tribal peoples of India and from the Inuit in Canada and Greenland to the

Aborigines of Australia. Africa has a huge number of these people with Kenya topping the

list. A number of names are used interchangeably to refer to these members of the human

race, the tribal people, First people, and the natives.

In Africa, there are the Khoi and the San in Southern Africa, the Ogoni in Nigeria, the

Maasai, Samburu and the Endorois in Kenya and other countries in Central and East Africa

and the Amazigh in North Africa. The Aborigines are found in Australia, the Maori in New

Zealand, the American Indians in the Americas and a variety of Eskimos in Canada, Alaska,

Greenland and Siberia

For decades the International Community also battled to arrive at an on- the –spot definition

of what these indigenous people are. Malanczuk30 agrees when he opines that “the

definitional obstacles are in principle of the same nature as in the case of the minorities” The

UN however coined a detailed but questionable definition of the. Indigenous people:

28 McCorquodale ,30129 www.Cultural.Survival 201530 Malanczuk,106


Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which having a historical continuity

with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider

themselves distinct from other sectors of societies now prevailing in these territories, or parts

of them. They form at present non-dominant status of society and are determined to preserve,

develop and transmit to future generation their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity,

as the basis of their continued existence as peoples in accordance with their own cultural

patterns, social institutions and legal status… On an individual basis, an indigenous person is

one who belongs to these indigenous populations through self-identification as indigenous

(group consciousness) and is recognized and accepted by these populations as one of its

members (acceptance by the group).

The definition of this group of people contains the words “they form at present non-

dominant sectors of society…” These words bear the same meaning with those found in the

definition of minorities given in the last paragraph. “in a non-dominant position”

This means that the indigenous people and the minorities share one thing in common and

hence are usually grouped and discussed together. They are not dominant in the groups

where they live or find themselves. The word ‘dominant’ here may convey two meanings, the

first is that which concern the numerical superiority, meaning that these groups do not

possess numbers to match with those of other groups within which they find themselves.

Their numbers are less as compared to those of other groups. This first meaning applies more

and is relevant to the minorities. The second meaning of dominant has more to do with

control or power. Both the minorities and the indigenous people do not have power over the

other groups within which they live.

Does this then imply that the indigenous peoples should be categorized as minorities and

therefore like the minorities only deserving of an internal form of self-determination?

A closer look at the definition of the indigenous people will show that these people should

not be categorized with the minorities.


Similar to the minorities, the indigenous people have their own language and culture or

religion. However, there are basically three things which set the indigenous people apart

from the minorities. The first is their unique relationship with their territory and its natural

resources. The survival and dignity of these people depends to a large extent on the territory

and its gifts of mother-nature, the natural resources. According to them, the territory is both

sacred and sacrosanct and forms an ‘umbilical cord’ with them. The second is their unique

way of life. The indigenous people prefer to lead their own secluded lives and any attempt at

integration or assimilation into the mainstream ‘modern way of life’ will in their opinion

trigger the process towards their extinction. The third and the most important is that the

indigenous people as their other name suggests, First People, were in almost all the cases, the

first occupants or inhabitants of the territories where they live or have lived (depending on

whether they moved voluntarily as pastoralists and/or gatherers or were forcibly evicted) The

fact that they were the first inhabitants gives them the legal status to legally claim the

territory they live or once lived. The landmark, Endorois case in Kenya is a good example

where the indigenous people, the Endorois won a case against the Kenyan government after

they were illegally and forcibly evicted from their territory to make way for the natural game

reserve around Lake Bogoria.

This therefore means that the indigenous people, despite some similarities with the minorities

are deserving of both the internal and the external form of self-determination. A major

headache is the fact that the indigenous people are not or do not recognize national borders

and many of them are spread across or straddle the borders of two or more states. However

what is pleasing is that in most cases, the indigenous people normally do not aspire for

secession or independence but usually prefer some form of autonomy concerning their

cultural, economic and political rights within the borders of existing states. They usually use

the right to internal self-determination to realize their desire to exist freely and to fully

develop as distinct communities. They prefer living according to their own values and

beliefs. Two articles in the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People serve to


illustrate that indeed the indigenous have the right to both the internal and the external form

of self-determination

Article 3

Indigenous peoples and the individuals have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that

right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and

cultural development.

Article 4

Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination have the right to autonomy

or self-government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and

means for financing their autonomous functions.


Dixon 31opines that “armed force has traditionally played a central role in international

relations” It may sometimes happen that a parent or main state resort to the use of force to

crack down and suppress sentiments of self-determination echoed by a particular group of

people within the state. Alternatively, these ‘oppressed’ people may use force to realize their

cherished dream of self-determination. Article 2(4) of the UN Charter forbids the use of force

or threat by states for purposes of denying self-determination to a colonial or foreign people

or a racial group. The article also forbids any other forcible action aimed at suppressing the

desire for self-determination including state-sponsored and institutionalized violence namely

all those, mechanisms, measures and any devise destined to prevent peoples or racial groups

from exercising their right to self-determination. The Charter is however non-committal as to

whether it is justifiable and legitimate for a third party (state) to use force to assist the

‘oppressed’ people to achieve self-determination. The Charter according to Dixon32 “only

31 Dixon,32132 Dixon ,339


states that such people have the right to self-determination and to receive unspecified

assistance” The unspecified assistance is open to a number of interpretations. The Charter has

however been interpreted as allowing liberation movements to use force to achieve the

objectives of self-determination. The difficulty with liberation movements is which criterion

to use to determine their legitimacy for not all liberation movements are legitimate and thus

carrying out the mandate to translate the concerns of their people. Some so called liberation

movements are just a group of ‘armed power mongers’ who could not convince the electorate

at the ballot boxes and have resorted to illegitimate armed struggle. Colonialism and

Apartheid led to the formation of liberation movements, in Southern Africa and elsewhere.

These liberation movements emerged to fight for the liberation of the oppressed people. In

Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwean African National Union (ZANU P.F) led by

Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the Zimbabwean African Peoples Union (ZAPU) led by Joshua

Nkomo were at the forefront of the liberation of Zimbabwean people. In South Africa,

Africa’s oldest liberation movement, the African National Congress (The ANC) led by Chief

Albert Luthuli, Oliver Reginald Tambo and later Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki and its

splinter group, the Pan Africanist Congress, led by Robert Sobukwe and others and the

Azanian Peoples Organization (AZAPO) deserve mention, in South West Africa, now

Namibia, the South West Africa People Organization, (SWAPO) led by Sam Nujoma, was

involved in the liberation struggle for the emancipation of the Namibian people. Elsewhere in

the Middle-East, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Yasser Arafat, is still

fighting for the total liberation of Palestine from the Israeli bondage. The Charter however,

indicates that the use of force by the genuine liberation movements should be the last resort

when all other peaceful methods have been exhausted because the Charter strongly advocates

for the peaceful settlements of disputes.



Mullerson33 declares that,

The developments in the former USSR and Eastern Europe unfolded to a great extent

under the banners of the right to self-determination and gave an additional impetus to

similar processes in other parts of the world.

There are a number of end-products associated with the successful attainments of self-

determination. One such product is what Crawford34 terms “the dissolution of the predecessor

state “as was the case with the former Yugoslavia and the USSR. Another product is the

unification of two states into one state. The unification of North and South Korea, as well as

the historic breakdown of the Berlin Wall which culminated in the unification of East and

West Germany are cases in point. There is also a secession which is the most common, and

inevitably the most dramatic and tragic of all. The secession of Belgium from the

Netherlands, Bangladesh from Pakistan, Eritrea from Ethiopia and most recently South

Sudan from Sudan may serve as examples. Today there are a lot of ‘states’ that are involved

in bitter struggles to ‘ surgically remove’ themselves from other states all fueled by a desire

of external self-determination The ‘states’ of Biafra, Kashmir, Kosovo, Chechnya and

Kurdistan deserve mention.



Crawford35 opines that as a point of departure, “self-determination is, at the most basic level,

a principle concerned with the right to be a state” One wonders what the political world map

would like today if there was no idea of self-determination. It is not by accident that many

states have emerged as a result of the desire for self-determination. The world today is more

divided into smaller units, the antithesis of the powerful and united empires that existed

33 Mullerson ,5834 James Crawford , The Creation of States in International Law ,37535 Crawford ,107


before in the human history. When the United Nations came into being after the rubble of the

Second World War, it was made up of a few states but today this family of nations boasts a

membership of no less than 193 states. Indications are that this number will increase in the

near future if the ‘states’ mentioned in the preceding paragraphs and others still in the

pipelines succeed in realizing their dreams of self-determination. Commenting on the role of

self-determination in shaping the geopolitics of the modern world, one social commentator

lamented that “there are more divorces than marriages” She was trying to draw an analogy

between dissolutions and secessions of states (divorces) and unifications of states

(marriages). The million euro question is, will the world order be save and better with a few

united-states or with many smaller states?


For the International Community to live in peace and harmony while creating prosperity for

posterity, it has to consciously attend to the controversies and paradoxes surrounding self-

determination and its relationship with state sovereignty. It is an undisputable fact that self-

determination forms an integral part of International Law. The idea of self-determination

evokes mixed feelings to a spectrum of the human race and has at times been used as a

weapon to unleash untold terror in other parts of the world. The world has witnessed

tragedies of genocides and mass killings by groups who were for or against the idea of self-

determination. The relationship between self-determination and state sovereignty is laden

with frictions and tensions and as Raic36admits “the right to self-determination can have a

tense relationship with the principle of state sovereignty”. In my opinion, the idea of self-

determination requires a new, fresh and vigorous approach and a decree of circumspection as

Higgins37 concludes,

36 David Raic ,Statehood and the Law of Self-determination, 237 Higgins, 128


The role of the international lawyer remains constant-to eschew current fashion when it

is intellectually unsound to provide the analysis that shows how properly understood,

this important principle of international law can serve common values.

For the destiny of self-determination is intricately and inevitably ‘tapestrically interwoven’

with statehood.




1 Boas G, Public International Law (Contemporary Principles and Perspectives), Edward Elgar, 2012

2. Cassese A, Self –determination of Peoples, Cambridge University Press, Grotius Publication, 1995

3. Crawford J, The Creation of States in International Law, Oxford University Press, 2006

4. Dixon M, International Law, Oxford University Press, 7th Edition 2013

5. Dugard M, International Law (A South African Perspective, 3rd Edition, Juta Company, Landsdown, S A, 2005)

6. Duursma J, Self-determination, Statehood and International Relations of Micro-States, The Cases of Liechtenstein, San Marino, Andora and the Vatican. City University of Leyden, 1994.

7. Higgins R, Problems and Processes Press2013, International Law and How we use it, Oxford University Press, 1995

8, Klabbers J, International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2013

9. Kreijen G, State, Sovereignty and International Governance, Oxford University Press, 2004.

10. Levi W, Contemporary International Law, Westview Press, 2nd Edition, 1991.

11. Malanczuk P, Modern Introduction To International Law, Routledge, 7th Edition, 1997

11. McCorquodale R, Self-determination International Law, Ashgate Dartmouth, 2000

12. Moeckli D, International Human Rights, 2nd Edition, 2014

13. Mullerson R, International Law, Rights and Politics, LSE/Routledge, 1994

14. Robertson G, Crimes Against Humanity, (The Struggle for Global Justice) The New Press, 2012

15. Van Genugten W et al, The United Nations of the Future, Globalization with a Haman Face, KIT Publishers, 2006

2. International Law Instruments

2.1. The Twin Human Rights Covenants of 1966


2.1.1. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

2.1.2. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

2.2. The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights

2.3. The Arab Charter on Human Rights

2.4. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights

2.5. The UN Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

2.6. The UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People.

3. Internet Sources

3.1. Free Dictionary (2015) (

3.2. www.Cultural.Survival 2015