self defense – what self defense tactics should you use?

Self Defense What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

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Post on 20-May-2015




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What would you do if you found yourself face to face with a would-be assailant? Unless you have trained in self defense, and have com-mitted time to self defense training and on-going practice, you may not know what techniques would work best to keep you out of harm’s way.


Page 1: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Self Defense

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 2: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

W hat would you do if you

found yourself face to

face with a would-be assailant? Unless you

have trained in self defense, and have com-

mitted time to self defense training and on-

going practice , you may not know what

techniques would work best to keep you out

of harm’s way.

Before discussing what to do once an at-

tack has been instigated, let’s look at what

may have started it in the first place.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 3: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

When discussing self defense and

personal safety, it is important to first look at

how to avoid dangerous situations


No one wants to be in the position of having

to defend themselves. Luckily, through the

simple act of paying attention, you can take

large steps towards staying safe.

It is easy to think you are paying attention

when you go about your tasks. However,

take a look at some of these tips for

increasing awareness and decide for yourself

just how much and how often you’re really

paying attention!

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 4: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Put cell phone away and look around when

walking through a parking lot, store, or

other public place.

Look around parking lots as you locate a

parking spot. See anything out of the


Glance at cars as you park. Is there some-

one sitting in the car next to your driver’s

door? Find another place to park!

Look around your property as you pull into

the driveway.

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 5: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Awareness can go a long way in avoiding

danger. But should situations arise that war-

rant self defense, you certainly need to know

how to handle yourself.

1. Some altercations begin with a simple ver-

bal tussle. A verbal confrontation could be

due to pride, hurt feelings, or other emo-

tional issues like anger. If not carefully

navigated, there is the potential to escalate

into a physical confrontation or a fight.

2. Sometimes, physical alterations are simply a

surprise. An example of this may be a rob-

bery or sexual assault.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 6: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

The first case

In the first case, it is difficult claim self

defense if you actively engage in a verbal

confrontation with another person. This is

true even if you view yourself as the poten-

tial victim. The best self defense tactics at

your disposal in this instance are patience

and verbal skills. Diffuse the situation with

words to avoid a physical fight.

Self defense is based on the presence of

unprovoked danger threatening physical

harm or damage; a danger that will harm you

physically (not emotionally).

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 7: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Because of the laws surrounding the use

of self defense, it is important to understand

your role in any situation. In this first exam-

ple of a verbal altercation, active participa-

tion in the conflict eliminates the ability for

you to claim self defense. Period.

Using verbal self defense is the best thing to

do if you find yourself in a situation where

another person would like to wage a war of

words with you.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 8: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

The second case

What if a bad guy stands in front of you

and threatens you with physical harm? What

will you do in self defense? What tactics

should you use to ensure your survival?

The emphasis here is survival. You

cannot permit pride or any other emotions

like anger to rule your head. To protect your-

self fully, it is important to think clearly. A

clear mind is the path to determining the best

self defense tactics to use to get out of the

situation unscathed.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 9: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Experts recommend de-escalation as an

excellent tactic to calm a potentially explo-

sive situation which could lead to physical

violence. De-escalation is the use of words

to end an attempted assault. In this potent

tactic, you use your voice and its tone, ac-

companied by body language to talk your at-

tacker down emotionally. Shouting “No!” or

“Stop!” is an example of how to thwart a

sudden attack. In the case of a verbal con-

frontation, it is simple to state “I don’t want

any trouble” as your first line of defense.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 10: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Should verbal diffusing fail, and you find

yourself unable to get away from an attacker,

it is then necessary to neutralize your assail-

ant and no more. You should be careful that

you do not go beyond the limits of self de-


Real self defense involves the utilization

of effective self defense tactics that will

help you ensure your survival with only as

much physical force as is necessary. Spe-

cifically, enough force to neutralize your at-

tacker and cause the attack to stop.

What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Page 11: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

I f you are confronted with a situa-

tion in which you have no choice

except to fight for your life in order to sur-

vive, what will you do? What self defense

tactics will you utilize?

Assuming your self defense actions

aimed at diffusing the situation failed and

you are now confronted with an individual

who is poised to attack you. What are your


Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 12: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Your Options

There are at least three options of self

defense training available to you in the face

of an individual poised to attack you.

Flight. You’ve certainly heard of the fight

of flight response. In the face of danger,

most of us instinctively want to run. And

that is the exact thing that you should do if it

is possible. It is far better to give up your

pride, your wallet or your car than your life.

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 13: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

Throw off your attacker and escape.

With just a little training, you can learn how

to throw an assailant off balance by using

simple, quick unarmed self defense

techniques. Even without a weapon, you

can deliver an effective blow and create an

opportunity to end an attack.

Through self defense training, either

with a video or through a class, you can

learn how to escape from an attack using

just your hands, fingers, and feet.

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 14: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

In self defense, many of the techniques

taught are aimed at creating a diversion and

temporarily disrupting the focus of the at-

tacker. Small diversions may give you

enough time to run away and get help.

There may be many instances where a

person can use simple self defense tech-

niques to gain control over a situation and

end an attack. However, there are no guar-

antees and therefore the best form of self de-

fense goes back to that of awareness.

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

Page 15: Self Defense – What Self Defense Tactics Should You Use?

With an unarmed attacker, you can use

the appropriate self defense techniques you

have learned in your self defense class or

video and fight until you are able to gain

control over the situation.

It is important to always remember that

your goal in using self defense tactics is to

survive – preserve yourself and escape with

minimum of injury. It is not your objective

to permanently silence your opponent. The

lines of self defense are clear and you want

to avoid being criminally liable for excessive

use of force.

Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

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This is the mistake of some who claim

self defense. But by taking any self defense

activity past the point of stopping an attack,

you actually turn the tables and put yourself

in the role of attacker.

An effective self defense is anchored on

the correct self defense tactics and the proper

application of techniques and force sufficient

to stop the assailant from doing what he

intends to do without maiming or killing

him, in order for you to attain your goal of


Self Defense Tactics and Effective Self Defense

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For more information about

self defense and

self defense training,

please check out