self awarness - amazon · 86) explain...

Self Awarness 00) What specific techniques were used to bring about the destruction of self-awareness among the prisoners? --> This case is about the value of the four dimensions of self-awareness. The case illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among prisoners without well-constructed value systems. Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept. The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth. The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to stability and consistency. Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a lifelong journey. Managing Personal Stress 82) Explain each of the three stages of how people can react to stress. Then, identify the stage or stages where individuals use defense mechanisms. Finally, define and provide an example for each of 5 defense mechanisms individuals may use.

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Page 1: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

Self Awarness 00) What specific techniques were used to bring about the destruction of self-awareness among the prisoners?

--> This case is about the value of the four dimensions of self-awareness. The case illustrates the techniques used in

Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It

points out the coupling between one’s social definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is

the need for a stable set of internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common

among prisoners without well-constructed value systems.

∙ Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept. The old adage from

social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor in our development of a self-concept.

We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.

∙ The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident individuals are and the

more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life not only is not worth living, it is the most

changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to stability and consistency.

∙ Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a lifelong journey.

∙ Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed, consistent set of

values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those who folded first were those without a

foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter

stresses that self-awareness is crucial to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and

nonreinforcing circumstances facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.

The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in the post-1949 thought

reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the writings of Mao Tse-tung:

∙ Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.

∙ Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly by identifying

weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the individual, requiring public

confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and subjecting the individual to many group interrogations

and defenses of actions.

∙ Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness and sin. "The party"

or the adoption of a new world view is the only way to reconstruct the now-destroyed self-confidence.61-62,

+)What opposite processes could be used to create the reverse process, a strengthening of the self-concept?61-62, +2) Assume that you are charged with the orientation of a cohort of new managers in your organization. How

would you help them understand their own strengths and inclinations and how they could best contribute?

+3) What mechanisms do people use, and what mechanisms could the prisoners of war have used, to resist a change

in their self-concepts?58-59

94) What could be done to reform or rebuild the self-awareness of these prisoners? What can be done to help

individuals without self-awareness to improve that skill?: 59-60

95) How did prisoners protect their self-esteem and self-respect? 79-83

96) In the situation of these prisoners of war, what demonstrates that individuals tend to avoid new self-


97) What did the somewhat more advanced prisoners do to overcome the threat-rigidity response of less reformed

prisoners? 58-59

98) What likely happened to the sensitive line of less reformed prisoners? Provide justification for your answer.

99) Which of the five core aspects of self-concept were the prison camps structured to change? Provide justification

for your answer.

Managing Personal Stress 82) Explain each of the three stages of how people can react to stress. Then, identify the stage or stages where

individuals use defense mechanisms. Finally, define and provide an example for each of 5 defense mechanisms

individuals may use.

Page 2: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

--> The three stages of reacting to stress include (1) Alarm stage Characterized by acute increases in anxiety or

fear if the stressor is a threat or by increases in sorrow or depression if the stressor is a loss; (2) Resistance

stage Defense mechanisms predominate in this stage, and the body begins to store up excess energy; and (3)

Exhaustion stage Stage at which stress is so pronounced as to overwhelm defenses or so enduring as to outlast

available energy for defensiveness; pathological consequences may result. When discussing the resistance stage,

students should identify and provide an appropriate example for each of the following defense mechanisms: (1)

Aggression Involves attacking the stressor directly; may also involve attacking oneself, other people, or objects; (2)

Regression Involves adopting a behavior pattern or response that was successful at some earlier time; (3)

Repression Involves denial of stressor, forgetting, or redefining the stressor; (4) Withdrawal May take both

psychological and physical forms; individuals may engage in fantasy, inattention, or purposive forgetting, or they

may actually escape from the situation itself; and (5) Fixation Involves persisting in a response regardless of its



83) Compare and contrast the four major kinds of stressors.

--> (1) Time stressors Result from having too much to do in too little time; time stressors focus on issues of time

rather than issues about other people, life conditions, and future events. Yet, people, life situations, and future events

can all add to time stress. Time stressors are the most common type of stress among managers. (2) Encounter

stressors Result from interpersonal interactions; burnout is caused mostly by these stressors. (3) Situational

stressors Arise from the environment in which a person lives (working conditions and changes in a person's life);

these stressors are mostly external to a person or outside of him/her whereas time stressors and encounter stressors

are often internal to a person. (4) Anticipatory stressors Worrying about things that haven't happened yet. See

Table 1 for additional information.


Mini-Case: Mary is currently going to college "full-time"; after four years, she is finally a junior! ……….I never

seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done!

84) Indicate the main type of stressor(s) Mary experienced on each day she recorded a journal entry. Provide support

for your answer.

--> On Tuesday, Mary experienced encounter stress. On Wednesday, Mary experienced situational stress. On

Thursday, Mary experienced anticipatory stress. On Friday, Mary experienced time stress. In providing support,

students should relate relevant chapter concepts to justify their choices of the type of stressor(s) Mary experienced;

student responses related to support/justification will vary.117-120

85) Describe the difference(s) between managing time effectively as opposed to efficiently. Describe the key aspects

related to managing time using an effectiveness approach.

--> Time management using an effectiveness approach involves aligning time use with core personal principles

whereas managing time using an efficiency approach involves an emphasis on accomplishing more by reducing

wasted time. The most commonly prescribed solutions for attacking problems of time stress are to use calendars and

planners, to generate to-do lists, and to learn to say "no." However, these approaches address the efficiency approach

to time management.

Managing time using an effectiveness approach means that (1) individuals spend their time on important matters, not

just urgent matters; (2) people are able to distinguish clearly between what they view as important versus what they

view as urgent; (3) results rather than methods are the focus of time management strategies; and (4) people have a

reason not to feel guilty when they must say "no." An extremely useful tool to manage time effectively is the "time

management matrix" in which activities are categorized in terms of their relative importance and urgency. Important

activities are those that produce a desired result. They accomplish a valued end, or they achieve a meaningful

purpose. Urgent activities are those that demand immediate attention. They are associated with a need expressed by

someone else, or they relate to an uncomfortable problem or situation that requires a solution as soon as possible.

See Figure 4 for additional information related to the time management matrix.121-125

86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence.

--> Simply put, social intelligence refers to the ability to manage your relationships with other people. It consists of

four main dimensions:

1. An accurate perception of others' emotional and behavioral responses

2. The ability to cognitively and emotionally understand and relate to others' responses

3. Social knowledge, or an awareness of what is appropriate social behavior

4. Social problem solving, or the ability to manage interpersonal difficulties…129

87) Identify the stressor work redesign focuses on eliminating. Explain the key components of Hackman's model of

job redesign and provide examples of how the model can be applied to reduce stress-producing job strain.

--> Work redesign focuses on eliminating situational stressors. Hackman's model of job redesign has proved

effective in reducing stress and increasing satisfaction and productivity. It consists of five aspects of work: (1) Skill

variety the opportunity to use multiple skills in performing work; (2) Task identity the opportunity to complete a

whole task; (3) Task significance the opportunity to see the impact of the work being performed; (4)

Autonomy the opportunity to choose how and when the work will be done; and (5) Feedback the opportunity to

receive information on the success of task accomplishment. Ways the model can be applied to reduce stress-

producing job strain include combining tasks, forming identifiable work units, establishing customer relationships,

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increasing decision-making authority, and opening feedback channels.130-131

88) Outline and explain how one might reduce his/her anticipatory stress.

--> (1) Prioritizing Determine what is important in the long term and stay true to it; (2) Goal setting Focus on

immediate goal accomplishments; and (3) Small wins Break the goal down at the beginning and change something

that is relatively easy to change. Build momentum.132-133

89) Identify the key activities that characterize most people's lives. Explain the approach(es) one should use in

balancing these activities in order to develop resiliency. Why is it counterproductive to devote more time and

attention to an activity in which one is experiencing stress?

--> The key activities that characterize most individuals' lives include cultural activities, family activities,

intellectual activities, physical activities, social activities, spiritual activities, and work activities. The most resilient

individuals are those who have achieved a certain degree of life balance. They actively engage in each of the

activities so that they achieve a degree of balance in their lives. Individuals who are best able to cope with stress

spend time developing a variety of dimensions of their lives. Overemphasizing one or two activities to the exclusion

of others often creates more stress than it eliminates. When an individual feels stress in one area of life, such as an

overloaded work schedule, he/she typically responds by devoting more time and attention to it. Although this is a

natural reaction, it is counterproductive for several reasons. First, the more one concentrates exclusively on work,

the more restricted and less creative one becomes loses perspective, ceases to take fresh points of view, and

becomes overwhelmed more easily. Second, refreshed and relaxed minds think better. Third, the costs related to

stress decrease markedly when employees participate in well-rounded wellness programs.134-136

90) Explain the major behavioral tendencies associated with a Type A personality.

--> The major behavioral tendencies include competitiveness (high desire to be dominant, to win); life imbalance

(high involvement with work with very little involvement with anything else in the person's life); hostility and anger

(become upset over trivial issues); and impatience/urgency (have no patience). See Table 8 for additional

characteristics of the Type A personality.: 139-141

91) Explain the major techniques that can be used on a short-term or temporary basis to reduce stress.

--> Muscle relaxation Involves easing the tension in successive muscle groups. Deep breathing exercises Involve

taking several successive, slow, deep breaths, holding them for five seconds, and exhaling completely. Imagery and

fantasy Involve visualizing an event, using "mind pictures" (for example, an athlete visualizes achieving a specific

goal). Imagery can also include recollections of sounds, smells, and textures associated with pleasant experiences

from the past that can be recalled vividly. Fantasies are make-believe events or images that can be comforting when

one encounters stress. Rehearsal Involves working through a potentially stressful situation, trying out different

scenarios and alternative reactions. Appropriate reactions can be rehearsed, often in a safe environment before stress

occurs. Reframing Involves temporarily reducing stress by optimistically redefining a situation as manageable.


Page 4: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

The Turn of the Tide: Not long ago I came to one of those bleak periods that many of us encounter from time to

time, a sudden drastic dip in the graph of living when everything goes stale and flat, energy wanes, and enthusiasm

dies. ………………………………………


92) What is effective about these strategies for coping with stress, and why did they work?

--> The case illustrates a positive way to cope with stress on a temporary basis. The formula followed by Arthur

Gordon is not exactly that discussed in the text, but the principles are the same. The case clearly illustrates the

practical use of several temporary coping mechanisms, such as imagery and fantasy and refraining. A major point

made in the chapter is that this kind of temporary coping mechanism can offer release, but we can avoid the tension

and stress in the first place if we use resiliency and proactive stress management strategies.144-145

93) What troubles, challenges, or stressors do you face right now to which these prescriptions might apply?144-145

94) Are these prescriptions effective coping strategies or merely escapes?144-145

95) What other prescriptions could the author take besides the four mentioned here? Generate your own list based on

your own experiences with stress.

--> This answer should include some of proactive or enactive strategies, rather than the reactive ones. These include

changing the environment causing the stress, increasing physiological resilience (through diet and exercise), etc.

96) Which of the four key sources of stress were most dealt with by the doctor’s prescribed therapy? Provide

justification for your answer.

--> Though much of the exercise was focused on short-term stress reduction, the final prescriptions pointed the

author in the direction of a personal statement of principles, which should help him become more effective with his

time. As a result, the time stressors are addressed most fully.

A convincing argument may also be made that the true purpose of the "prescriptions" was a journey of self-

awareness, leading to increased emotional intelligence, which will eliminate encounter stressors.121-124

97) How was the stressed man’s emotional intelligence developed through the beach experience? Provide

justification for your answer.

--> Emotional intelligence can be developed though increased self-awareness and self-discovery. Once the man's

knowledge of himself and his emotions increased, so too did his ability to interact constructively with others.


98) How does the beach therapy experience compare to the guidelines provided in the text for deep relaxation


--> It follows them hardly at all. The guidelines provided in the text are (1) a quiet environment in which external

distractions are minimized, (2) a comfortable position, (3) a mental focus on a single object, (4) controlled breathing,

(5) a passive attitude, (6) focused body changes, and (7) repetition.

Mostly, just the first guideline is fulfilled by the beach therapy experience the quiet environment without


The Case of the Missing Time: At approximately 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 1959, Chet Craig, manager of the

Norris Company’s Central Plant, swung his car out of the driveway of his suburban home and headed toward the

plant located some six miles away, just inside the Midvale city limits. It was a beautiful day. 99) What principles of time and stress management are violated in this case?

--> The missing time case illustrates poor stress management. Chet violates a variety of time- and stress-

management principles, although he sincerely tries to improve. It also shows that people often are not good judges

of their own competence in stress and time management. Chet would probably rate himself as a relative skilled

person in these areas. However, comparing his activities with the principles in the text suggest that Chet’s skill level

is not very high.Students might identify the following problems:

Span of control too wide No formalized reporting

Little delegation No supervisors over unit foremen

No planning time Office manager needs authority

Excessive plant tours Centralized decision making

Upward delegation No staff coordinating meetings


100) What are the organizational problems in the case?

101) Which of Chet’s personal characteristics inhibit his effective management of time?

--> Answers may include that he sincerely wants to help others (which can contribute to his failing to delegate

matters), that he overestimates his ability to accomplish tasks at hand, that he gets easily distracted, that he tends to

handle problems himself (upward delegation) instead of making people do their own job.

102) If you were hired as a consultant to Chet, what would you advise him?

--> He needs to make some organizational and personal changes to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of

his time. (See complete list in text; a partial list includes remedying the problems listed below.) Also necessary is a

list of priorities and effective use of goals.

103) What are some small wins that Chet could work toward?

--> Perhaps he should keep track of his efforts in delegation. First, to delegate two tasks per day. Once he has

achieved that, he can go up to 4 or 5.

Another idea is that he can break his long-term creative projects into smaller, more manageable units. Chet seems

Page 5: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

discouraged that he is unable to bring the project to pass. However, it seemed like he made some progress on it

despite the distractions. Planning and goal-setting more methodically (including the use of small wins) will allow

Chet to reduce his stress levels and increase his job performance.

104) What collaboration would you suggest Chet should consider?

--> Collaboration, which helps eliminate encounter stress, can be achieved by setting up work teams. In this

situation, it appears that Chet feels isolated because he individually deals with employees and problems in the plant.

One step he should consider is to hire an assistant. Another he should consider is to set up special work teams to

brainstorm and generate creative ideas. This would help him feel more of a sense of community.

105) Should Chet consider work redesign? Why or why not?

--> Probably not. While work redesign helps eliminate situational stressors that arise in the workplace, it is typically

oriented toward increasing freedom and autonomy for lower-level workers. Here, Chet's primary problem is that he

lacks sufficient time; it is not that Chet lacks the decision-making ability to change his situation.

Page 6: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively

Admiral Kimmel's Failure at Pearl Harbor In the summer of 1941, as relations between the United States and Japan

were rapidly deteriorating, Admiral Kimmel, ………

99) Identify the conceptual blocks that are illustrated in this case.

--> This case shows the rigidity that develops as a result of violating several principles of creative problem solving.

A class discussion uses the questions at the end of the case as a focus. The following are brief answers to the


At least the following five conceptual blocks are present:

Vertical thinking (not considering other alternatives to past strategies

Artificially constraining problems ("The Japanese . . . would not launch an attack against any American


Past experiences causing stereotyping (Kimmel continually received "assurances from the members of his

in-group" that confirmed past decisions)

Lack of inquisitiveness ("Kimmel failed to inquire" about several messages he received)

Not separating figure from ground ("He and his advisors devoted considerable attention to the exact

wording [of the memo]."

100) Outline the problem-solving steps followed by Kimmel and his advisors. What steps in analytical problem

solving were skipped or short-circuited?

Kimmel clearly used a participative decision style, but he also generated limited alternatives and selected the easiest

satisfactory solution. His inclination was to logically analyze memos in detail, but to maintain the status quo.

Almost any of the principles listed in the text could aid information gathering and alternative generation.

Often managers in organizations surround themselves with at least some individuals who take a confrontational,

challenging role. This helps guard against "groupthink," stimulates information gathering from a wider variety of

sources, and avoids the tendency to make overly restrictive assumptions. Another structure Kimmel could have used

was a formal information gathering and checking unit. When unclear memos were received, that unit would obtain

additional information. 174-178

101) If you were Admiral Kimmel's advisor, knowing what you know about problem solving, what would you have

suggested to help his problem-solving processes? What kinds of conceptual blockbusters could have been useful to


102) What do you learn from this case that would help you advise Microsoft in its anticompetitive case with the

federal government, or advise Barnes & to displace, or advise American Greetings to

become the dominant player in the greeting card business? What practical hints, in other words, do you derive from

this classic case of analytical problem solving gone awry?

.: 194-196

103) If you had to define the problem that caused Pearl Harbor to be unprepared for attack, how would you define

the problem? What characteristics do you want in your problem definition?


104) How could Kimmel and his advisors better evaluate and select alternative solutions to the problem of

uncertainty about possible attack?194-196

105) In the information given to Kimmel about possible attack, what themes and commonalities did Kimmel and his

advisors miss? What block does ignoring commonalities relate to? How can this block be overcome?187-190

Page 7: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively 98) Explain the types of communication that invalidate people. Describe the attributes of validating communication.

Provide specific examples.

Answer: Communication that is invalidating arouses negative feelings about self-worth, identity, and relatedness to

others. It denies the presence, uniqueness, or importance of other individuals. Communication is invalidating when it

denies the other person an opportunity to establish a mutually satisfying relationship or when contributions cannot

be made by both parties. Communications that invalidate people include conveying superiority, rigidity,

indifference, and imperviousness. Superiority-oriented communication can take the form of put-downs, in which the

others are made to look bad so the communicator looks good, or it can take the form of one-upmanship, in which the

communicator tries to elevate him- or herself in the esteem of others. Another form of this type of communication is

the use of jargon, acronyms, or words used in such a way as to exclude others or to create barriers in a relationship.

Rigidity relates to communication that is portrayed as absolute, unequivocal, or unquestionable. No other opinion or

point of view could possibly be considered. People who communicate in dogmatic, know-it-all ways often do so in

order to minimize others' contributions. Rigidity can also be conveyed in the following ways: reinterpreting all other

viewpoints to conform to one's own; having an answer for everything; appearing unwilling to tolerate criticisms or

alternative points of view; reducing complex issues to simplistic definitions. Indifference occurs when the other

person's existence or importance is not acknowledged. A person may do this by using silence, by making no verbal

response to the other's statements, by avoiding eye contact or any facial expression, by interrupting the other person

frequently, by using impersonal words, or by engaging in unrelated activities during a conversation. Imperviousness

means the communicator does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of the other person. They are either labeled

illegitimate or they are labeled as ignorant. Being impervious means to ignore or make unimportant the personal

feelings or thoughts of another. It serves to exclude the other person's contribution to the conversation or the


Validating communication helps people feel recognized, understood, accepted, and valued. Attributes of validating

communication are egalitarian, flexible, two-way, and based on agreement. Respectful, egalitarian communication is

especially important when a person in a higher status interacts with a person in a lower status. Communicators using

an egalitarian approach treat subordinates as worthwhile, competent, and insightful and emphasize joint problem

solving rather than projecting a superior position. Flexibility involves the willingness of the communicator to

indicate to another person that he/she may possess additional data, and that other alternatives exist that may make

significant contributions to the problem solution or relationship. It means indicating genuine humility and a

willingness to learn; it also involves being open to new experiences and new insights. Two-way communication is

an implied result of respectfulness and flexibility. Individuals feel validated when they are asked questions, given

airtime to express their opinions, and encouraged to participate actively in the conversation. Two-way interchange

communicates the message that subordinates are valued by managers and that an atmosphere of collaboration and

teamwork exists. Identifying areas of agreement and joint commitment is the final attribute. One way to express

validation based on agreement is to identify positive behaviors and attitudes as well as negative ones during a

coaching and counseling session. A manager should point out important points made by a subordinate before

pointing out trivial ones, areas of agreement before areas of disagreement, advantages of the subordinate's

statements before disadvantages, and compliments before criticism. 251-252

99) Explain the major response types used in supportive listening. Provide the key advantages and disadvantages for

each response type.

Answer: (1) Advising Provides direction, evaluation, personal opinion, or instructions. This response imposes on

the communicator the point of view of the listener, and it creates listener control over the topic of conversation.

Advantages Helps communicator understand something that may have been unclear before, helps identify a

problem solution, and can provide clarity about how the communicator should interpret the problem.

Disadvantages Can produce dependence; creates impression the communicator is not being understood by the

listener; shifts focus from communicator's issue to the listener's advice; can imply that communicators don't have the

necessary understanding, expertise, insight, or maturity; i.e., implies incompetence. (2) Deflecting Switches the

focus from the communicator's problem to one selected by the listener; the listener turns the attention away from the

original problem. Advantages Most appropriate when a comparison or some reassurance is needed, can provide

empathy and support, can convey assurance that things will be fine. Disadvantages Can imply communicator's

message is not important or that the experience of the listener is more significant than that of the communicator,

may produce competitiveness or feelings of being one-upped by the listener; may change the subject from an

important topic to a topic not as important. (3) Probing Involves asking a question about what the communicator

just said or about a topic selected by the listener. Advantages Acquires additional information; helps communicator

say more about the topic, helps listener foster more appropriate responses; helps listener adopt communicator's

frame of reference so that in coaching situations suggestions can be specific and in counseling situations statements

can be descriptive. Disadvantages Can have the unwelcome effect of switching focus of attention from the

communicator's statement to the reasons behind it; can serve as a mechanism for escaping discussion of a topic or

for maneuvering the topic to one the listener wants to discuss; can allow communicator to lose control of the

conversation, especially when difficult topics need to be addressed. (4) Reflecting Purpose is to mirror back to the

communicator the message that was heard and to communicate understanding and acceptance of the person.

Advantages Allows speaker to feel listened to, understood, and free to explore the topic in more depth; allows

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supportive listeners to contribute meaning, understanding, and acceptance to the conversation while still allowing

communicators to pursue topics of their choosing; can provide the clearest communication, the most two-way

exchanges, and the most supportive relationships of all the response types. Disadvantages Communicators can get

an impression opposite from the one intended; can be perceived as an artificial technique or as a superficial response

to a message.256-260

ccc: Investing in the 90s. Your inheritance from your Uncle Bruce has just arrived. You have decided to invest the

$5,000. The following conversation took place with John, Morgan, and Ivan……etc

Principles of Supportive Communication Advising, Deflecting, Probing, Reflecting

Skill: Understanding/Analysis

Situation #1: Advising; Situation #2: Deflecting; Situation #3: Clarification probe; Situation #4: Elaboration probe;

Situation #5: Repetition probe: 256-260

Cc: Find Somebody Else

Ron Davis, the relatively new general manager of the machine tooling group at Parker Manufacturing, was visiting

one of the plants….etc

aa: This case illustrates poor communication between a superior and a subordinate. The following statements

violated the following principles of supportive communication:

First statement, by Ron: Tends to be evaluative, will cause defensiveness from the outset. Owns rather than

disowns feedback. Second statement, by Mike: Indicates defensiveness; person oriented; confrontative

approach will produce mutual defensiveness. Third statement, by Ron: Attempts being problem oriented,

validating, and descriptive. Fourth statement, by Mike: Still person oriented, not problem oriented; global, not

specific; nonsupportive listening. Fifth statement, by Ron: Evaluative rather than descriptive; advising rather than

asking for alternatives; implied accusations; nonspecific. Sixth statement, by Mike: Still defensive; still

nonspecific; avoids discussing problem definition or problem solutions.

This case violated nearly every principle of supportive communication. Instead of beginning the conversation with

an attitude of joint problem solving, Ron was immediately evaluative and put Mike on the defensive. Mike in turn,

never did accept the legitimacy of the meeting and refused to collaborate with Ron in solving the problems.

The interaction could have been more productive if Ron had begun with some validating statements (e.g.,

compliments, description of successes) to reduce Mike's defensiveness and had relied primarily on descriptive

statements rather than evaluative statements. All the burden for change should not necessarily rest with Mike. Ron

may need to alter some expectations as well.

Interpersonal hostility almost always takes precedence over task-related issues. Because Mike feels so defensive

around Ron, it is unlikely that the task-related problems will be resolved satisfactorily. Therefore, the priority

problem is getting Ron and Mike to agree to work to solve the other problems together. This requires attention to

the interpersonal relationship first. That is, subsequent discussions should focus on improving the communication

process before resuming communication about content issues.

Cc: Rejected Plans Case

SUSETTE: LEONARDO: SUSETTE: 108) Categorize each statement in the case according to the supportive communication characteristic or type of

response it represents. For example, the first statement by Leonardo obviously is not very congruent, but the second

one is much more so.

Aaa: This case illustrates a variety of response types that produce a helpful result. One lesson to be learned from

this case is that outright advice is frequently not helpful because it may produce defensiveness through invalidation

or superiority/inferiority feelings and because it does not produce the same level of commitment to changing or

improving. In this case, Bob was allowed to clarify his feelings and formulate a plan of action that would lead to

problem resolution.

Statement, By, Principles Illustrated: Sue Probing. Leo Incongruence, avoidance, Sue Reflective, Leo

Global (not specific), more congruence, Sue Understanding/reflective, Leo Some evaluation of

Peterson, description of event, Sue Probing, conjunctive, Leo Probing, Sue Pacifying, validating, probing, Leo

Descriptive, Sue Probing, Leo Descriptive, Sue Validating, understanding/reflective, Leo

Congruence, owning, Sue Agreement, diverting, focus on feelings, Leo Evaluative, disowning,

Sue Reinterpretive , Leo Validating, probing, Sue Understanding, Leo Congruence, owning, Sue

Validating, somewhat confrontive, probing, Leo Congruence, owning, descriptive, Sue

Reinterpretive, conjunctive, Leo Conjunctive, validating, owning, Sue Validating, reinterpretive,

Leo Congruence, probing , Sue Probing, evaluation (advice), confrontive Leo Validating, descriptive,

owning , Sue Understanding, reflective, Leo Specific, owning

109) Which statements in the conversation were most helpful? Which were least helpful or could have produced

defensiveness or closed off the conversation?

Gaining Power and Influence

Page 9: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

In order for managers to empower effectively, they must enhance the following qualities in their subordinates:

1. Self-efficacy: ―I can do it attitude‖

2. Self-determination: Internal locus of control, I have choices

3. Personal consequence: what I do has an impact

4. Meaning: what I do adds value

5. Trust: I will be treated fairly and equitably

There are 9 specific prescriptions to generating empowerment (see practical suggestions on p. 460):

1. Articulating a clear vision and goals

2. Facilitating personal mastery experiences

3. Modeling or demonstrating the desired behavior

4. Providing Support

5. Replacing negative emotions with positive ones

6. Providing information

7. Providing resources

8. Providing connection to outcomes

9. Creating confidence

Ten Delegation Principles

1. Begin with the end in mind: the desired results of the delegated task must be clear.

2. Delegate completely. Indicate the expected level of initiative.

3. Allow participation in the delegation of assignments

4. Establish parity between authority and responsibility

5. Delegate to the lowest organizational level at which a job can be done.

6. Provide adequate support for delegated tasks

7. Focus accountability on results. Do not micromanage.

8. Delegate consistently

9. Avoid upward delegation

10. Clarify consequences

Violated empowerment guidelines

a) by Ken Hoffman: 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 9

Mr Hoffman failed to provide Ruth with clear performance guidelines of where her branch should be taken. He

wrongly assumed she knew and gave her no directions, set no boundaries. Neither he demonstrated his desired

behaviors. Even when she made her first ―mistake‖ by hiring an Inventories assistant, he failed to provide her with

information, guidelines, a budget, a procedures manual. By micro-managing Ruth, Hoffman is not creating much

confidence on her.

Hoffman should have taken this first opportunity to meet with Ruth and establish clear, general guidelines; a list of

can's and cannot's, must's and must not's. Ruth had given clear indications of initiative and desire to make her store

one of the best, if not the best.

Hoffman had been ―twice warned‖ and still did not act in consequence.

If store rules indicate that no charge could be made over $1000 for any reason, Hoffman should instead encourage

Ruth to double check with him on these ―particular‖ occasions. By doing so, Hoffman would be demonstrating his

desired behavior to Ruth. Instead he said: ―‖you need to learn to use your head.‖ Three strikes, Hoffman is out. Still

he did not ask for a clarification meeting with Ruth.

b) by Ruth Cummings: unless you have been given specific authority to hire or fire personnel, it is a good idea to

check it first with your upline. Also, one should always follow corporate salary guidelines in order to avoid conflicts.

After her first ―misunderstanding‖ with Hoffman, Ruth should have informed him on her planned TV appearance.

After her second ―misunderstanding‖ with Hoffman, Ruth should have asked for a copy of the Store's Procedures

Manual or for a meeting with Hoffman, to set things straight.

Knowing that this was an important customer, Ruth should have done her best to accommodate him. She should

have taken the customer to a waiting room, offered coffee, tea or water and made him feel pampered while waiting

for her to solve the issue. She should have immediately phoned Hoffman and ask for indications on how to proceed.

Instead she just sent the customer to the main store.

Ruth finally realizes his boss' shortcomings and ask for a clarification meeting.

Violated delegation guidelines

a) by Ken Hoffman:

Hoffman violated delegation guidelines # 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10

He did not clearly articulate his desired results. He did not indicate the expected level of initiative. He did not

establish parity between authority and responsibility. He did not provide adequate support for delegated tasks. He

did not focus accountability on results, in key (an undefined) areas he tended to micromanage Ruth. He did not

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delegate consistently. He did not clarify consequences.

b) by Ruth Cummings:

Cummings violated delegation guideline #9 Upward delegation.

Specific agenda items for the meeting

Since Ruth asked for the meeting and so far Hoffman has failed to provide her with clear guidelines on how to

proceed, Ruth should ask for guidelines on:

Sales: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly budgeted sales. Sales per square meter. Discount policy. Initial

Mark-up. Mark-down policy. VIP clients. Average sale per customer.

Marketing: Customer Purchase Frequency Count, Customer Sales by segment (age, education, lifestyle),

Inventory: Average inventory, turnover ratio.

Human Resources: Hiring, Firing, Salary ranges, benefits.

Questions for Ken from Ruth; Questions for Ruth from Ken.

1. Establish KPI for the store

2. Establish desired level of initiative as per p.467

3. Equate authority and responsibility

4. Provide adequate support. Ruth should not be afraid to contact Ken when in doubt. Ruth should not try to

delegate upwards.

5. Ken should focus accountability on Ruth's results. He should not micromanage her.

87) Robert is a manager ……next meeting."

Which key indicators of Robert's upward and outward power in an organization are apparent in the above example?

Which key indicators are not apparent in the above example?

aaa: Robert did get items on and off the agenda for a key meeting; get fast access to top decision makers; seemed to

maintain regular, frequent contact with top decision makers; and acquired early information about decisions and

policy shifts. Robert did not intercede favorably on behalf of someone in trouble; get a desirable placement for a

talented subordinate; or get approval for expenditures beyond the budget. Table 5.1page285.

x) Explain the determinants of personal power. Provide examples for each determinant.

aar: (1) Expertise Task relevant knowledge or experience. (2) Personal attraction Desirable characteristics

associated with friendship. (3) Effort Higher-than-expected commitment of time. (4) Legitimacy Behavior

consistent with key organizational values. See Table 3. Also, the student should provide appropriate examples for

each determinant. 288-293

xx) TV- Several determinants of personal power are illustrated in the story of channel surfing.

Answer: Situation #1: 53Legitimacy; Situation #2: 13Personal attraction; Situation #3: 44Effort; Situation #4:23

Expertise: 288-292, Strategies for Gaining Or

x) Explain the determinants of position power. Provide an example of each determinant.

available in a positi

students should provide appropriate examples of each determinant. Strategies for Gaining Organizational Power,,,

Sources of Position Power293-297..

xx) Explain the three influence strategies and provide an example of each strategy. Identify how one might

neutralize each influence strategy.

aar: (1) Retributi

and coercion. Ways to neutralize include use countervailing power to shift dependence to interdependence, confront

the exploiting individual directly, and activ

the principle of satisfying the self-interests of both parties. Ways to neutralize include examine intent of any gift or

favor-giving activity, confront individuals who are using manipulative bargaining tactics, and refuse to bargain with

individuals who use high-

i.e., compliance is warranted because of the inherent merits of the request; focus is on helping others to see why

one’s ideas make sense. Ways to neutralize include explain the adverse effects of compliance on performance,

defend your personal rights, and firmly refuse to comply with the request. See Tables 8 and 9 for additional

information. Also, students should supply appropriate examples of each influence strategy.298-303, 305-306

cc: A Day at the Office. Your boss has… and judgment on this‖

92) Various types of influence strategies

aa: Situation #1: Retribution; Situation #2: Reciprocity; Situation #3: Reason; Situation #4: Retribution 298

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Motivating Others

()employee is not performing at the level you had hoped. In fact, you have determined his poor performance is due

to a lack of ability. Explain (in the order that they should be utilized) the five tools an effective manager would

employ in this situation.

a: (1) Re

mponents of his or her job and develop a different combination of tasks

in another position, either a position with less responsibility or in one requiring less technical knowledge or

329 Enhancing

Individuals' Abilities

() Are concerns about employee morale and company productivity compatible or are they mutually exclusive?

Compare and contrast the types of outcomes that can result from placing a different emphasis on both job

performance and job satisfaction.

aa: Effective motivational programs not only can but must focus on increasing both satisfaction and productivity.

Managers must hold employees accountable for producing satisfactory results. A manager who emphasizes

satisfaction to the exclusion of performance will be seen as a nice person, but his or her indulging management style

undermines the performance of his or her subordinates. A strong emphasis on performance to the exclusion of

satisfaction is equally ineffective. In this situation, known as imposing, the manager has little concern for how

employees feel about their jobs. The manager issues orders, and the employees must follow them. Employees may

feel exploited and become unhappy. Although this approach may increase productivity in the short run, its long-term

effects generally decrease productivity through increased absenteeism, employee turnover, and in some cases, even

sabotage and violence. When a manager emphasizes neither satisfaction nor performance, he or she is ignoring the

job's responsibilities. There is no real leadership, in that employees receive neither priorities nor direction. The

resulting neglect may ultimately lead to the failure of the work unit. The integrating motivation strategy emphasizes

performance and satisfaction equally. An effective manager is able to combine what appear to be competing forces

into integrative, synergistic programs. This view proposes that although the importance of employees feeling good

about their work and how they are treated cannot be downplayed, this concern should not overshadow a manager's

responsibility to hold employees accountable for results. 330 Fostering a Motivating Work Environment

(x) path-goal theory of leadership. aa. The key question addressed by this theory is how much help a manager

should provide to employees. The theory proposes the level of involvement should vary according to how much

subordinates need to perform a specific task; how much they expect, in general; and how much support is available

to them from other organizational sources. The key task characteristics of the model are structure and difficulty. A

task that is highly structured and relatively easy to perform does not require extensive management direction. On the

other hand, for an unstructured and difficult task, management's direction and involvement in problem-solving

activities will be seen as constructive and satisfying by subordinates. Another factor that influences the appropriate

degree of management involvement is the expectations of subordinates. Three characteristics influence expectations:

desire for autonomy, experience, and ability. Although managers should focus on facilitating task accomplishment,

their level of direct involvement should be calibrated to the nature of the work and the availability of organizational

support, as well as the ability and experience of the subordinates. See Figure 2 and Table 3 for additional


Topic: Elements of an Effective Motivation Program: Remove Obstacles to Performance

(x) Explain the key steps a manager may take to foster exceptional behavior in subordinates. Then, explain how an

employee might act if the manager does not effectively utilize the key steps to foster exceptional behavior.


employee might develop poor morale and/or cont

that are expected; if a manager does not do this effectively, an employee might burn out or give up on trying to meet

expectations, settle for mundane performance, and fail to innovate or get

salient to the employee, link the rewards to desired behaviors, and provide rewards in a timely manner. If a manager

does not do this effectively, an employee might become less satisfied with work.341 Reinforce Performance-

cc: Harry Mitchell is vice president……(x) the most appropriate theory or model of motivation that can be used to

explain or understand the motivation problem in this pharmaceutical firm. In addition, describe the management

style that appears to apply to Harry Mitchell.

aa: The most appropriate motivation theory is the equity theory. Equity refers to workers' perceptions of the fairness

of rewards. Evaluations of equity are based on a social comparison process in which workers individually compare

what they are getting out of the work relationship (outcomes) to what they are putting into the work relationship

(inputs). The ratio of outcomes to inputs is then compared to corresponding ratios of other individuals, judged to be

an appropriate comparison group. If workers experience feelings of inequity, they will adjust their own or fellow

workers' inputs and/or outputs. In this case, confidential interviews with some of the hourly employees indicated a

situation of inequity likely exists. It appears these employees are decreasing their work efforts, i.e., not working

anywhere near their full potential, in order to restore feelings of equity. The most applicable management style to

describe Harry Mitchell is Theory X. Harry's comments indicate he believes people really do not want to work hard

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or assume responsibility. Although Harry seems to be willing to listen to Denise's recommendations, he does appear

to believe that managers must coerce, intimidate, manipulate, and closely supervise their employees. Denise

certainly has her work cut for her.348- Elements of an Effective Motivation Program

cc:Electro Logic. Electro Logic is a small firm located in a Midwestern..ect


1.Inadequate resources : - Pat: Staff being shifted to other projects-: More frequent planning/coordination meetings.

Possibly more staff–possibly hire part-time students from local university during peak periods.

2.Expectations not understood - Bob: Boss too busy to discuss goals/priorities -: More frequent staff meetings.

Upper management review first level managers’ unit plans and expectations.

3.Rewards not linked to performance:- Chris: Senior members get preference for staff, salary- Set up a formal salary

and benefits program

4.Tasks have low identity and feedback: - Chris: Do not understand contribution. Do not receive feedback -Redesign

some jobs by combining tasks, building relationships with client groups

5.Performance not linked to salient rewards:- Meg: Administrative staff do not receive respect. Chris: Lack of

recognition and appreciation P.J.: Feeling pressure to advance, "Engineers with most responsibility and authority

tend to leave." - Steve to model behavior by spending more time in the administration unit.

6.Inequity:- Chalida: Doing work of engineers, receiving pay of tech - Adjust unrealistic expectations. Provide

opportunities for continuing education

7.Lack of training : - Meg: Needs administrative education -Follow the retrain, refit, reassign approach

8.Possible placement mismatch:- Meg: History major—assistant head of administration- Follow the retrain, refit,

reassign approach.

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Managing Conflict (x) the four types of interpersonal conflicts and provide an appropriate workplace

: (1) Personal differences Different beliefs, perceptions, and values; (2) Information deficiency Information may

not be received or understood; (3) Role incompatibility Interdependent tasks have different priorities; and (4)

Environmental stress Resource scarcity; downsizing. Also, students should provide an appropriate example for

380-382…(x) Compare and contrast the four responses to interpersonal conflict other than collaborating. Also,

briefly identify the situation where each response would be most appropriate.

Answer: (1) Forcing An attempt to satisfy one's own needs at the expense of the other individual's; (2)

Accommodating Satisfies the other party's concerns while neglecting one's own; (3) Avoiding Neglects the

interests of both parties by sidestepping the conflict or postponing a solution; and (4) Compromising An

intermediate response between assertiveness and cooperativeness; it is an attempt to obtain partial satisfaction for

both parties, the proverbial "half loaf." Table 4 summarizes the characteristics of the situations where each of these

responses is most appropriate. 383-387 Selecting the Appropriate Conflict Management Approach

cc: The In-Box Is Full. Returning wonderful vacation …ect

(x) Indicate the conflict approach that would work best for each of the five situations described in The In-Box Is

Full. Provide support for your answer.

aa: Situation #1: Forcing; Situation #2: Avoidance; Situation #3: Accommodation; Situation #4: Compromise;

Situation #5: Collaboration 389-393 -Topic: Selecting the Appropriate Conflict Management Approach

(x) Using the framework for the collaborative approach to problem solving, explain the behavioral guidelines when

one acts as an initiator in dyadic confrontation. Also, provide example statements that the initiator can make for each

major guideline.

aa: (1) Problem identification: (a) maintain personal ownership of the problem, use specific incidents, and stick to

the facts; (b) describe the problem in terms of behaviors, consequences, and feelings I have a problem; when you

do X (behavior), Y results (consequences), and I feel Z; (c) avoid drawing evaluative conclusions and attributing

motives to the respondent; (d) persist until understood; (e) encourage two-way discussion, allow the responder an

opportunity to express opinions and to ask questions; (f) manage the agenda carefully. (2) Solution generation:

Focus on commonalities as the basis for requesting a change; the legitimacy of a request will be enhanced if it is

linked to common interests; pointing out how a change in the respondent's behavior would positively affect your

shared fate will reduce defensiveness. Also, the student should provide an example of a statement an initiator can

make for each major numbered guideline.392-395Resolving Interpersonal Confrontations Using the Collaborative ..

cc: Educational Pension Investments;

(x) What approaches to conflict management are used by the actors in this situation? How effective was each?

aa: Based on an actual investment firm, this case chronicles the challenges facing the head of a very conservative

organization (Dan), who hires a strong-willed, highly successful senior staff member (Mike) with a very different

investment philosophy. The resulting conflict is extremely disruptive, eventually leading to Mike and EPI parting


Research on organizational deaths has isolated several common causes some seemingly contradictory. Some firms

go under because they fail to keep up with changing competition (Mike's argument), whereas others experiment too

much and get away from what they know best (Dan's argument). The fact that such a large number of businesses fail

each year suggests that these are very complicated strategic decisions. Therefore, it is quite common to see

organizations experiment with new approaches on a limited basis. A common strategy is for senior management to

import new perspectives or expertise and observe how the organization and market react.

All four causes of conflict discussed in the chapter are present in this case. Mike and Dan have very different

personal interests. They are operating on different sources of information (or at least different interpretations of the

same information market projections). Their roles are incompatible in the sense that Mike was brought in to

interject new ideas. And their disagreements are exacerbated by limited staff resources and conflicting signals from

their investors (environmental stress). Some might argue that it is easier to manage multisource conflicts because

they allow more points of leverage (e.g., if you cannot resolve the interpersonal difference problem now, at least you

can correct the error in information usage).

Dan is forceful and Mike is accommodating and compromising.

Dan did not do a good job at following the problem-solving steps discussed at the end of the chapter. Dan was in a

position to play all three conflict management roles (initiator, respondent, mediator). Dan could have taken to

improve his performance in each role.383-385Resolving Interpersonal Confrontations Using the Collaborative


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Empowering and Delegating (x) power and empowerment.

aa: The characteristics of power are external source (it is given to a person); ultimately, few people have it; involves

the capacity to have others do what you want; to get more implies taking it away from someone else; and leads to

competition. The characteristics of empowerment are internal source (a person must accept it, it cannot be given);

ultimately, everyone can have it; involves the capacity to have others do what they want; to get more does not affect

how much others have, and leads to cooperation. See Table 8.3.

(x) the core dimensions of empowerment. Provide a real-life example for each dimension.

Answer: The five dimensions are (1) Self-efficacy A sense of personal competence, (2) Self-determination A

sense of personal choice, (3) Personal control A sense of having impact, (4) Meaning A sense of value in the task,

(5) Trust A sense of security. 8.4Dimensions of Empowerment

(x) Nine principles were provided on how to develop empowerment in employees. Explain five of these principles

and provide an example of each principle.

aa: The nine principles are (1) Articulate a clear vision and goals Create a picture of a desired future by identifying

specific strategies that will lead to the vision; (2) Foster personal mastery experiences Assign simple tasks before

difficult tasks and incrementally expand job responsibilities; (3) Modeling Point out other people who have

succeeded and establish a mentor relationship; (4) Provide support Praise, encourage, express approval, and

reassure; (5) Create emotional arousal Foster activities to encourage friendship formation and foster attributes of

recreation in work: clear goals, effective score keeping and feedback systems, and out-of-bounds behavior; (6)

Provide necessary information Provide task-relevant and technical information and clarify effects of actions on

customers; (7) Provide necessary resources Provide training and development experiences, technical and

administrative support, and needed time, space, and equipment; (8) Connect to outcomes Provide a chance to

interact directly with those receiving the service/output, authority to resolve problems on the spot, and immediate,

direct feedback on results; (9) Create confidence Exhibit reliability, consistency, fairness, personal concern,

honestly, and competence.Table 8.5

(x) positive outcomes of delegation.

aa: The advantages of delegation include it increases discretionary time of the manager, develops knowledge and

capabilities of delegates, demonstrates trust and confidence in delegates, enhances commitment of delegates,

improves decision making with better information, enhances efficiency and timeliness of decisions, and fosters work

integration by manager coordination.

(x) determining when to delegate work to others.

aa: The five criteria are (1) Do subordinates have the necessary information or expertise? (2) Is the commitment of

subordinates critical to successful implementation? (3) Will subordinates' capabilities be expanded by the

assignment? (4) Do subordinates share with management and each other a set of common values and perspectives?

and (5) Does sufficient time exist to do an effective job of delegating?464

(x) There are 10 rules of thumb involved in delegating work effectively. (1) Delegate completely, (2) Delegate

consistently, and (3) Avoid upward delegation. aaa: (1) Delegating completely is focused on specifying the

constraints and level of initiative expected for the tasks performed. There are five levels of initiative possible: wait

to be told what to do; ask what to do; recommend, then take action; act, then report results immediately; and initiate

action, reporting only routinely. (2) Delegating consistently is focused on the idea that delegation should be a

continuous process, not just when the manager is overworked, and that managers should delegate both pleasant and

unpleasant tasks. (3) Avoiding upward delegation is focused on the idea that subordinates recommend solutions to

their manager rather than asking for assistance or advice. One approach to avoid upward delegation is for a manager

to insist that employees always take the initiative for developing their own solutions to the issue at hand. Also,

students should provide appropriate examples for each rule of thumb.

Cc: The Task Force (x) Issues related to delegation are noticeable in The Task Force case. Based on the

information in the case, identify the principles related to delegating work effectively that are evident; next, identify

the principles that may either be lacking or cannot be determined due to insufficient information. aa: The following

principles of delegation are evident: begin with the end in mind (task force was formed to provide strengths and

weaknesses for three suggestions to address the concerns); delegate completely (manager is not going to monitor

progress of the task force); work within the organizational structure (manager has delegated the assignment to the

lowest relevant organizational level; focus accountability on results (manager is avoiding monitoring the progress of

the task force and requests that the task force provide three specific suggestions by a specified time). The following

principles of delegation may be lacking: allow participation in the delegation of assignment (manager established

task force without involving the sales staff); establish parity between authority and responsibility (the case does not

provide enough information to determine if this principle was used; while the manager delegated the responsibility

to the task force to provide the strengths and weaknesses for three suggestions, he did not provide the authority to

implement the suggestions); provide adequate support for delegated tasks (the case does not provide enough

information to determine if this principle was used); delegate consistently (the nature of this assignment neither

supports nor negates consistency the facts indicate this is a one-time assignment); avoid upward delegation (the

case does not provide enough information to determine if this principle was used); clarify consequences (the case

does not provide any information related to consequences; no repercussions are indicated if the task force does not

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provide three specific suggestions by Julythirty..

Cc:Minnding the Store:

91) What guidelines related to empowerment were violated by Ken Hoffman? By Ruth Cummings?

Answer: Ken violated many empowerment principles. He did not delegate completely (rather, he acted as if he did,

but criticized Ruth for not following rules which he had not informed her of, another violation). He gave her no

deadlines and set an ambiguous goal. He did not specify the level of initiative he expected of Ruth, nor did he

encourage her to help set objectives. Ken did not give her enough authority to carry out the responsibility with

which he charged her, nor did he provide any support to carry out the tasks he assigned. He did not foster personal

mastery experiences or model properly, and he certainly did not show confidence in her.

For her part, Ruth did not seek to clarify the objectives or have Ken specify acceptable levels of performance. She

also should have asked about the budget, requested more information, and asked more about her accountability.

Diff: 2 .: 451-459

Topic: How to Develop Empowerment

Skill: Analysis/Evaluation

92) What guidelines related to delegation were violated by Ken?

Answer: Ken violated each of the delegation guidelines. He did not begin with the end in mind. Each conversation

with Ruth seemed to be looking at a very short time period, both in the future and the past. He obviously did not care

about her success in the organization. Ken failed to delegate completely. He retained control and continued to judge

Ruth for decisions on matters that he appeared to have left up to her discretion. There was a disparity between

authority and responsibility. Ruth was responsible for hiring but apparently overstepped her bounds when she hired

an admin. Ken failed to focus on results. He showed a lot of frustration regarding the television spot (because she

broke an unwritten policy) even though the end result was not negative for the company.

Diff: 1 .: 465-470

Topic: Delegating Work

Skill: Analysis/Evaluation

93) What should Ruth and Ken discuss in their meeting? Identify specific agenda items that should be raised.

Answer: They should discuss Ken's expectations for Ruth's decision making and the degrees of freedom he is

willing to give Ruth. Areas of potential concern include hiring, marketing, customer relations, and company policy.

How much freedom does she have to deviate from the articulated norms, and what are Ken's expectations for those

areas where there is no written policy?The Meaning of Empowerment

(x)What are the questions that Ruth should ask Ken to help her acquire the necessary elements of empowerment?

What questions should Ken ask Ruth to be better able to ensure her success?

Answer: Ruth needs to learn more about the rules and regulations of the company as well as the resources available

to her. She also needs to ask for information about her performance is Ken satisfied or dissatisfied? Ken needs to

explain his expectations, the company policies, and procedures. 445-446

(x) If you were an outside consultant attending the meeting, what advice would you give Ken? What advice would

you give Ruth? aa: Advice to Ken: Be consistent in your feedback. Becoming frustrated with an employee for

following rules and for not following rules sends a confusing message about what his or her priorities should be.

Allow Ruth to exercise some discretion and enjoy some small wins. Show her that you trust her, and she will not let

you down. Employees want to do a good job and succeed. (Students may have more ideas, but these would be


Advice to Ruth: If you are not feeling supported, feel free to speak up. Ken may not be aware how his actions are

perceived. If you are unsure whether you are permitted to make an exception to the rules or you are not aware what

the rules or customs are, contact Ken or another manager to clarify. Inhibitors to Empowerment

(x) What attributes of stress are evident in the store? Why are these attributes of stress present?

aa: Centralization, Decreased Morale, Loss of Trust.

Centralization occurs when decision making is pulled toward the top of the organization and less power is shared.

With a decrease in morale, a mean mood permeates the organization. Leaders lose the confidence of subordinates

and distrust predominates among employees. Each of these results in stress 445

(x) How is power used instead of empowerment? What needs to change to shift power to empowerment?

aa: Power is an external motivator. Here, Ken is very much trying to control Ruth's behavior instead of permitting

her the latitude to make good decisions on her own. Power is competitive. Ken appears to derive satisfaction from

putting Ruth down and criticizing her. He seems afraid to give her any leeway, fearful that she may decrease his

power. Empowerment is cooperative, nonexclusive, and is directed toward allowing people self-determination. In

order to shift power to empowerment, Ken needs to remove the focus from him and his success, and rely on the fact

that if he gives Ruth the attention, information, and resources she needs to succeed, he will be better off as well. 446

X( What advantages can come to the store through proper delegation?

aa: Delegation increases the discretionary time of the manager, develops knowledge and capabilities of delegates,

demonstrates trust and confidence in delegates, enhances commitment of delegates, improves decision making with

better information, enhances efficiency and timeliness of decisions, and fosters work integration by manager

coordination. 463

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Building Effective Teams and Teamwork

85) Explain the four stages of team development and the key interpersonal behaviors typically exhibited by team

members in each stage.

Answer: Forming stage: The key behaviors are silence, self-consciousness, dependence, and superficiality. Norming

stage: The key behaviors are cooperativeness, conformity to standards and expectations, heightened interpersonal

attraction, and ignoring disagreements. Storming stage: The key behaviors are coalitions or cliques being formed,

competition among team members, disagreement with the leader, and challenging others' points of view. Performing

stage: The key behaviors are high mutual trust, unconditional commitment to the team, mutual training and

development, and entrepreneurship.

86) Explain the attributes associated with the development of groupthink. Next, provide suggestions to address or

minimize the development of groupthink.

Answer: Attributes associated with the development of groupthink include illusion of invulnerability, shared

stereotypes, rationalization, illusion of morality, self-censorship, direct pressure, mind guarding, and illusion of

unanimity. Suggestions to address or minimize the development of groupthink include assign at least one team

member to perform the role of critic; team leader should avoid expressing an opinion at the outset of a meeting and

encourage open discussion of differing perspectives; form multiple subgroups in the team to develop independent

proposals; invite outside experts to listen to a team's decision and critique it; assign one team to play the role of

devil's advocate; schedule a second-chance meeting allow the team to "sleep" on a decision and revisit it afresh the

next day.

x) critical aspects related to effective team leadership. How might a leader develop these skills?

aa: The first skill is credibility, which involves establishing and maintaining influence among team members. Seven

behaviors are key to building credibility: (1) Demonstrate integrity, (2) Be clear and consistent, (3) Create positive

energy, (4) Use commonality and reciprocity, (5) Manage agreement and disagreement, (6) Encourage and coach,

and (7) Share information. The second skill involves establishing motivating goals for the team. An Everest goal

illuminates the core values and principles that will guide the team in the future. It gives a sense of direction by

providing a glimpse of possibilities, not just probabilities. It serves as a glue to bind the team together. A motivating

Everest goal has three characteristics: (1) It contains objectives and intended accomplishments as well as metaphors,

colorful language, and emotion; (2) It should be interesting and energizing by contradicting weakly held

assumptions and challenging the status quo; and (3) It should convey passion and key principles. Goals must also be

"SMART" specific, measurable, aligned with team culture, realistic but stretching, and time-bound. 506-50

x) the task-facilitating roles that can enhance team performance.

aa: Direction giving Identify ways to proceed. Information seeking Ask questions, analyze knowledge gaps,

request opinions. Information giving Provide data, offer facts, highlight conclusions. Elaborating Build on the

ideas expressed by others by providing examples and illustrations. Urging Implore team members to stay on task to

achieve goals. Monitoring Check on progress, develop measures of success, help maintain accountability for

results. Process analyzing Analyze processes and procedures used by team to improve efficiency and timeliness.

Reality testing Explore whether ideas presented are practical or workable. Enforcing Help to reinforce team rules

and standards. Summarizing Combine ideas and sum up points made by team and help team to understand

conclusions that have been reached. See Table 2 for additional information.

x) the relationship-building roles that can enhance team performance.

aa: Supporting Praise ideas of others, show friendliness, and point out others' contributions.

Harmonizing Mediate differences between others, find common ground in disputes and conflicting points of view.

Tension relieving Use jokes and humor to reduce tension and put others at ease. Confronting Challenge

unproductive behaviors to help ensure proper behavior in team. Energizing Motivate others toward greater effort

and be enthusiastic. Developing Assist others to learn, grow, and achieve. Consensus building Help build

solidarity among team members and encourage agreement. Empathizing Reflect group feelings and express

empathy and support for team members. See Table 3 for additional information.515

cc-: The Student Group.

x) Identify the role and type of role that each team member is playing in the case of the student group. Don't forget

to include your role.

aa: You are playing a direction-giving role (task-building role). Morgan is playing an elaborating role (task-building

role). Patti is playing a confronting role (relationship-building role). Jessie is playing a reality-testing role (task-

building role). George is playing a rejecting role (blocking role).


x) Explain the principles that have been found to be effective in providing feedback to others.

aa: Focus feedback on the following: behavior rather than persons; observations rather than inferences and on

descriptions rather than judgments; behavior related to a specific situation, preferably to the here and now, rather

than on abstract or past behavior; sharing ideas and information rather than giving advice; amount of information the

recipient can use, rather than on the amount you might like to give; value it may have to the recipient, not on the

emotional release it provides; and time and place so that personal data can be shared at appropriate times..: 516..

The Tallahassee Democrat's

x) stages of development oftea m? the team went through (forming, norming, storming, performing). In addition,

(relationship forming, expectations, tears during storming, and increased performance during performing).

Page 17: Self Awarness - Amazon · 86) Explain in simple terms the ability of social intelligence. --> Simply put, social intelligence

x) How do you explain the team's reaching a high-performance condition? What were the major predictive factors?

aa: The ... Team did a number of things that predict high performance, including specifying clear goals and making

them known to all employees. Mott gave the team a vision and sense of purpose. The list in Table 9.5 of the chapter

contains task-facilitating roles that the students should recognize in the case.

Also, the major predictive factors were (1) Good leadership. Mott articulated a vision for success and helped the

team understand the mission of the organization. (2) Team membership played both task-facilitation roles and

relationship-building roles. (3) Mott seemed to foster team development and high performance.

x) Why didn't Mott's top management team reach a high level of performance? What was his team lacking? Why

was the ... Team needed?

a: The team was never able to overcome the norming stage. This is because it lacked a clear purpose (the goals were

there, but vague) and never focused on the attributes listed in Table 9.3. The ... Team was needed to break the

organization out of the norming rut and begin again, with clearer expectations and more discretion/empowerment.

Once the original team got stuck in one phase of team development, it became entrenched there.

x) how can capitalize on team building?

a: In addition to the team, feel free to form other cross-departmental teams with specific purposes, lots of discretion,

and the resources to make improvements. Be sure to set high goals and encourage creative approaches to problem


x) What points to a high level of trust among the team members?

aa: Teams with a high level of trust are interested in each others' successes in addition to their own. When the team

stopped the finger pointing and started accepting responsibility for errors, it began to transition from storming

(where loyalties are divided) to performing (where commitment to the team and the organization is unquestioned).

x) What points to the need for continuous improvement?

a: The ... spirit lives on at the Democrat. Even though the specific purpose for the team has been accomplished, not

a day goes by without learning something new and making some incremental improvement. This shows that the

organization as a whole had adopted a performing attitude, where accomplishment is supplanted as a goal by

incremental progress.

xx) What was the ... Team's core competence? What supports your conclusion?

aa: ...'s core competence was in error identification and reduction, specifically with regard to advertising. This is

shown by the initial task given the group and by the fact that it was able to reduce errors below 1%. However,

outside of this core competence, the team had a contagious effect on performance.