selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization By: Maayan and Alex N.

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Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization. By: M aayan and Alex N. Selective breeding : Mating 2 different organisms to create a new organism with both traits of the parents. Advantages: You get the desired traits that you wanted. Ex. Fur, products made by the animal, strength. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

By: Maayan and Alex N.

Page 2: Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

Selective breeding: Mating 2 different organisms to create a new organism with both traits of the parents.Advantages:1. You get the

desired traits that you wanted.

Ex. Fur, products made by the animal, strength.2.The animals can be stronger. Ex. More meat and better tasting food.

Page 3: Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

Disadvantages:*To much muscle growth can cause bad side effects.Ex. Muscle growth is too fast and can cause heart failure.*The animals might not turn out the way you wanted. Maybe even worse.Ex. The muscles in cows are stronger cause them to not be able to give birth properly. * In the pictures below, the animals have too much muscle to live normally.*

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Inbreeding: Mating organisms that are closely related to each other

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Advantages1. Inbreeding organisms could produce

one single advance ,no flaws organism. Ex. If some one would want to create cows have healthy genes and have it carry throw children they would only bred with the same cow.

2. If some one had created a chicken with the gene to grow fast you wouldn’t mate it with a chicken without the gene other wise it would mean no fast growing gene for some chickens.

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Disadvantages1.Their will not be any difference between the children and parents and grandparents.Ex. If some one would want to only have purebreds then they would only mate with other purebreds so their children won’t be different.2.If you there is only one type of dog because of inbreeding then some one would try and change it their won’t be any other species

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Hybridization: A genetically modified animal that has only desired traits by combing two cells

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Advantages1.The new species could give

benefits to humans like farming or less fatty meat.

Ex. If a cow could be combined with a Ox it could work on the farm and give milk.

2.If a dog had a bad gene you could replace it with a new gene from another animal.

Page 9: Selective breeding, inbreeding and hybridization

Disadvantages1.If you tried to combine a organism and it turned out to be a bad combination you would have to keep on testing wall the animal suffers.2. If you had a good turn out the animal still mite not have a natural habitat because it is two species.