selection of land

SELECTION OF LAND/PLOT For any building the land (Kshetra) is the basic requirement and utmost care must be taken in its selection. Normally an Architect is brought into the scene only at the designing stage but it is advisable to involve him at the stage of buying the land itself. In selection of the land the following aspects should be taken care of: (1) Types of Earth : Earth is classified according to its color brick red, dark brown, white, red, yellow, mixed color, black and also according to their smell, taste, texture, etc., Black and clayey soil is not good for construction and while designing the foundation/ footings, the load bearing capacity of the soil should be ascertained. Sites with big boulders, ant hills and those with loose or filled -up earth should be avoided. (2) Location and Environment : As far as possible the site should be level or sloping towards North and East or North-East. If it is a small one, which normally is the case in the towns or cities, there should not be any big trees like Aswatha (peepul), Mango, Banana, Tamarind etc., whose roots and branches may cause damage to the building. If the site is big then the building area should be sufficiently away from them. Site which has fertile earth, flowering plants, fruit trees, grass etc., is good Natural water nearby is auspicious, although it is better if it is flowing from either the south or the west towards the east or the north. Vastu stipulates avoiding buildings near burial grounds, sites where murder has occurred, or buildings formerly used as brothels. Living surrounded by roads may make us feel insecure. Vastu also recommends to avoid the shadows of other structures on our home. Avoid buildings that are over shadowed by much larger structures such as industrial towers, a flyover or a large tree. It is also worth checking air quality and rejecting a site that smells unpleasant in any way, particularly locations that are near to factories and industrial sites. Those abutting temples, ashrams, schools, colleges and mantapas are not advisable for obvious reasons and sites behind Vishnu temple or to the

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Selection of Land


Page 1: Selection of Land

SELECTION OF LAND/PLOTFor any building the land (Kshetra) is the basic requirement and utmost care must be taken in its selection. Normally an Architect is brought into the scene only at the designing stage but it is advisable to involve him at the stage of buying the land itself. In selection of the land the following aspects should be taken care of:

(1) Types of Earth : Earth is classified according to its color brick red, dark brown, white, red, yellow, mixed color, black and also according to their smell, taste, texture, etc., Black and clayey soil is not good for construction and while designing the foundation/ footings, the load bearing capacity of the soil should be ascertained. Sites with big boulders, ant hills and those with loose or filled -up earth should be avoided.

(2) Location and Environment : As far as possible the site should be level or sloping towards North and East or North-East. If it is a small one, which normally is the case in the towns or cities, there should not be any big trees like Aswatha (peepul), Mango, Banana, Tamarind etc., whose roots and branches may cause damage to the building. If the site is big then the building area should be sufficiently away from them. Site which has fertile earth, flowering plants, fruit trees, grass etc., is goodNatural water nearby is auspicious, although it is better if it is flowing from either the south or the west towards the east or the north. Vastu stipulates avoiding buildings near burial grounds, sites where murder has occurred, or buildings formerly used as brothels. Living surrounded by roads may make us feel insecure. Vastu also recommends to avoid the shadows of other structures on our home. Avoid buildings that are over shadowed by much larger structures such as industrial towers, a flyover or a large tree. It is also worth checking air quality and rejecting a site that smells unpleasant in any way, particularly locations that are near to factories and industrial sites. Those abutting temples, ashrams, schools, colleges and mantapas are not advisable for obvious reasons and sites behind Vishnu temple or to the left of Durga temple are also not good and it should be at least 50 meters away from a Shiva temple. A hill to the south or west of a building is fine, but never purchase a property with a hill on the north-east side: there will be no positive sunlight and your prosperity will be blocked. It is preferable if the site is flat, neither humped like a tortoise nor concaved.

VASTU OF PLOTS: Levels, angles, its size, shape etc., should be according to principles of Vaastu. In towns and cities due to various reasons the choice is limited, but as far as possible one must endeavor to acquire land adhering to Shaastras.

Shape of the Plot: Principles of Vaastu of plots is same for houses, industries, commercial establishments, and apartments, except that the size of plot varies.

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The shape of building plays a key role in site selection. The shape of any building should be such that it brings stability in life. The stable structures are safer and efficient in stress distribution when studied from structural point of view. Stable structures are those which has their centre of gravity in the middle or centre of the area. This is possible only when a shape is symmetrical. Square being more stable structure is considered to be the best shape for any site of construction. This is based on the principle of energy of sun. According to Vastu all four directions East, West, North, South and the intersection of these: Ishan (N-E), Aagnaya (S-E), Nairitya (S-W) and Vayavya (N-W) have special effects on the structure and people living inside them. In a square plot, all these energies are balanced and the house planning can be done easily. While in any other shape the energies are not properly balanced and the planning might be difficult in that plot.In Vastu, every aspect of a potential living space is carefully inspected, starting with the surrounding landscape and the shape of the site. The square and rectangle are considered the perfect shapes in which to dwell, whether it is the shape of the building or of the surrounding land, though ideally both, as the energy field present in a square, and to a lesser extent in a rectangle, are the most harmonious and beneficial. Irregular shapes of any kind are best avoided, unless they extend towards the north-east. If however the garden shape is irregular, then this can be remedied by constructing a wall or hedge to square up the site. The extra portion can then be used as separate area, as long as the area surrounding the house has been squared off.

i) The plot should be a square or rectangle (ratio of width to length should not be more than 1:2 in case of rectangular plot) and the East and West dimension should be more than that of North and Southii) Triangular sites: triangular shaped sites should be avoided at all costs! Triangles are associated with Agni or fire, so it is best not to invite its influence. Vertical triangular forms that rise from a square base are dynamic and powerful structures and can be good for business, but not as homes.iii) Circular shapes: correspond to water and will cause restlessness, so are ideal for activity, such as sports. A Buddhist stupa will draw you towards movement, to circumambulate, but not to rest.iv) Site with five corners; those having hexagon, octagon or polygon shapes; and those with irregular and odd shapes are not good. v) Plot in the form of ‘Gomukhi’ where the frontage is less than the width at the rear is good provided the road is in the Southern and Western side only and not in Eastern and Northern Site in the form of ‘Vyaagramukhi’ where the frontage is more than the width at the rear is not good but not in the case of roads in the Eastern and Northern sides. vii) Angle of the different corners of plot is equally important in determining the merits and demerits of the plot.

Angles of the Plot: In terms of Vastu Shastra, we talk about regular and irregular shapes.

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All regular shapes will have their corner angles at 90 degree. While, irregular shape buildings or rooms are those where the corner deviate from a 90 degree angle to form either an oblong or rhombus. An irregular shaped property with an extended corner may have two right angles, one obtuse and one acute angle. The acute angle is always the point of extension.

However, there are few exceptions: if N-E corner has an angle less than 90 degree, it is extended, attracting positive energy. One or both sides of the N-E corner may be extended, this being the only corner that can be extended fully.The South-West corner may be extended to produce an angle of less than 90 degree, which will also have the positive effect on the inhabitants, has an acute or extended north-west corner and an obtuse south-west corner. This is positive, inspiring success on a personal or corporate level. The diagram below right shows a room with an extension at the south-east corner so that the south-west angle is obtuse. This will encourage harmony and health, particularly among the females of the family.Extended south-east corner (extending south of the south-east corner has a positive effect on the health and harmony of the females of house)

Effect of the cornersSome space should be left out vacant on all the four sides of plot. If the corners are closed, some unexpected calamities make the owner of the plot suffer, as explained hereunder:-

(a) Covering the North - East corner: It is well known that the corner where East and North sides meet is called N.E. corner. The presiding deity of this corner is Ishan or Ishwara. He carries ‘Ganga’ on His head. If any weight is put on His head, ‘Ganga’ is arrested and water which is one of the vital elements doesn’t flow down. Life comes to a

standstill, when water is not available. So to avoid destruction no weight of any kind should be placed, under any circumstances, in the N.E. corner.

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(b) Covering the North - West corner: The presiding Deity of N.W. corner is ‘Vayu’ who is the Lord of winds. If this corner is closed, there will be no air without which no living being can exist. Hence, N.W. corner should not be closed. If there is some closed construction in the N.W. corner, the owner of the building, let it be house, factory or business complex faces mental problems slow pace of progress & becomes an insolvent. It is indispensable to demolish such a building that is constructed in the N.W. corner

(c) Covering the South-West corner: The Master of the S.W. corner is a demon names

Nairutijan Naishan. To control this demon; heavy things or lumber should be dumped in the S.W. corner. When a house is built in the S.W. corner, building should be constructed on a higher level than that of ground. When the plot is lower in this area or a well, pit or ground, under water tank exists in South-West people living on that plot have a tendency to meet with accidents, commit suicide, meet with death in any fatal accident or become handicapped. So, the S.W. corner in the house should always be, under any circumstances, loaded with heavy things.

(d) Covering the South-East corner: The presiding Deity of the S.E. corner is Agni-the Fire God. If the S.E. corner is covered for any reason, the Fire God devours everything. That is to say, both the landlord as well as the landlady will meet with premature death. Their wealth & progeny will also perish. So one must be careful in leaving the S.E. corner open.

Slope of landAccording to the principle given in Vaastu Shastra the slope of the land of a plot has beneficial or baneful effect on the life, activities and achievements of the owner. Generally, the land having slope in the east is considered good for development and progress, slope in the north provides prosperity, slope in the west destroys knowledge and wealth, and slope in the south is supposed to bring diseases and death. Land slope in the north brings monetary profit, slope in northeast (Eeshan) increases knowledge, slope in the east brings prosperity and comfort, slope in the Vayavya causes jealousy and fear from fire, slope in south causes death, slope in Nairitya causes monetary loss, slope in west causes loss of children, and slope in

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Aaganeya causes undesired migration, depression in the centre is much inauspicious and ominous.

The only exception is if the contour of the surrounding land gently inclines, sloping either from the west towards the east or from the south towards the north, so that the north east is the lowest point.

Land is divided into four categories on the basis of slope of the surface:-1. Land elevated in South, West, Nairitya and Vayavya is called Gajprishtha (elephant - like surface). This provides increase in wealth and age.2. Land elevated in the middle and slope in four directions is called Koorma Prishtha (Tortoise like surface). This provides prosperity, boosts courage and provides comfort.3. Land elevated in east, north -east, southeast and depressed in west is called Daitya- Prishtha (Demon like surface). Residents upon such will suffer loss of wealth, sons and cattle.4. Longer from east to west, elevated in north-south and depressed in the centre is called Naag - Prishtha (Snake like surface). Residing on such a land causes mental diseases, death and enemity. This is harmful for wife and children.

Facing of site Vastu has given guidelines about this, which are as follows:A south facing site: a site with a road to the south can cause problems. It needs special attention from a Vastu practitioner, especially if the road is at lower level than the house.An east facing site: the road lies to the east side of the property. It is a positive location, as the east will be unobstructed by other properties, allowing the morning sun to penetrate the site.A west facing site: in this example the road is to the west, thereby blocking the north and east. This site is considered neutral.A north facing site: this example shows a property with a road running along the north. Having the north side unobstructed for the free flow of cosmic energy is also positive.A south-eastern site: if there is a road to the south and a road to the east, this is referred to as a south-eastern site. South-eastern properties are well located and are especially good sites.A north-eastern site: a property that has two roads bordering it, one to the north and one to the east, is called a north-eastern site. If the two roads are lower than the property, or on the same level, then this is considered the best possible site. If the roads are higher than the building, this will indicate possible financial problems or problems with fertility for the occupants.A south-western site: this site shows a road to the south and another to the west. According to Vastu the south-west should be blocked, but in this situation the south-west is vulnerable to negative influences. This is a bad residential site, although it could be good for business purposes. If the roads are lower than the site, this accidents, and criminal activities, and should be avoided.

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A north-western site: a north western site is one with a road in the west and another in the north and is considered neutral.