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Select index of Greek words 31415 73 123 158 49 73 316n.91 64 31112 2701 295 242n.70 12 309 76n.27 20 2667 88 20 296 712 128 265 369 379 241n.71 198 321n.107 (voc.) 2 105n.107 281 64 , 889, 23940, 381 207 373, 378, 381 105n.107 280 , 657 156n.96 185 161 341 264 58n.124 3789 71 103, 109n.113 447 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84890-9 - Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language and Interpretation R. B. Rutherford Index More information

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Select index of Greek words

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Index of topics

Under the entries for each of the three great tragedians are listed the main discussions of particularplays. In view of this, I have been sparing with references to divine and human characters who appearin these plays. For ancient authors, see also the Index of passages discussed.

absolute statements 388, 393abstractions, deified: see personificationabuse or invective 54, 166, 169, 183, 200, 209,

395, 404accusations of foreign birth 209actors 30–2, 38–40, 165, 218–19

displace chorus 31n.6sing see song versus speech

aeschylusanacoluthon in 403Dike especially prominent in 156formality of earlier dramas 41importance of ritual song in 45–7, 49–50importance of the chorus 165, 218–19likes kennings 403more Oriental influences in 402n.9no antilabe in 42normally endstops sentences 41–2polysyllabic compounds in 110, 111, 403positive view of persuasion and democracy

132, 205–7rhesis more important than stichomythia

165stichomythia normally between actor and

chorus 165three-word trimeters 403n.13specific plays discussedAgamemnon 49–50, 53, 92, 123–4, 131–2, 133,

225, 226–30, 252–4, 296–307, 330–1, 383–6Choephori 1–2, 61, 92–3, 170–1, 249–51Eumenides 93–4, 141, 181–4, 254–6, 369–70Persae 203–5Prometheus Vinctus 45, 101, 152–3, 213, 257–8,

375Septem 246–7Supplices 205–7

aetiology 93, 237, 359Agathon 10, 40, 55, 60, 267–9, 271, 325n.5, 364,

400n.4, 409–10agon 26, 32–3, 53, 163–4, 190–200, 381

in Ajax 394–6in Hippolytus 193–7in Oedipus Coloneus 159–60, 197–200in Phoenissae 160–1, 396–7

alliteration and assonance 23, 77, 113–18,195–6n.66, 199, 205, 228n.45, 268, 280, 408

allusionby character, to other mythological figures

144n.60intertextual 360–1to Athens (history, aetiology, etc.) 93, 237,

244, 359to the mysteries (in Bacchae)? 353n.68metatextual: see metatextuality

alpha, Doric 73, 220alpha-privative adjectives (negative prefix)

24n.75, 70, 76, 113, 142, 145, 195, 232, 245,280, 385

ambiguity, verbal 94, 167, 315n.87, 318–19, 320,326, 330–1, 342n.35, 347, 352, 355

oracular 344see also deception, irony

anachronism 13–14, 207, 239, 394anachronism, within mythological ‘history’

361n.89anagnorisis see recognition-scenesAnaxagoras 56, 369, 381anthologies 22antilabe (change of speaker mid-line) 42, 97,

106, 109, 165, 171–2, 173, 177, 179, 340, 355,402–3

Antisthenes 53

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Index of topics 449

antithesis 74, 157, 158, 388, 391, 393, 406; see alsopolar expressions

Apolloand Admetus 94and Creusa 262–7, 338–40and Oedipus 387and Orestes 93, 124, 187at Delphi 181–2, 344criticism of 157n.99, 265–6, 379hostility to Furies 133, 181–4on reproduction 56, 369–70

aposiopesis (breaking off in mid-sentence) 194,232n.49

apostrophe 79, 82, 107n.111, 178, 196, 219n.10,224n.35, 235n.58, 264, 275, 400

apotropaic song 45Aristophanes 17–19, 54, 57–61, 90n.67, 117, 158,

179, 191, 269, 270–1, 274, 342n.34, 363, 365,407, 408, 409

Aristotle 9, 19, 20–1on actors 218–19on characterisation 19, 261, 284, 288, 321–2on early tragedy 37–40on family plots 103on interlude-songs 268on meaningful coincidence 347, 349on recognition 326, 335on structure 30–2on unity of time 37

assembly-scenes 13–14, 52–3, 188, 205–11astrophic song 36, 219–20, 248, 252, 256, 263,

268, 269, 280, 401–2asyndeton (absence of connectives) 23, 59, 179,

248, 257, 272, 348Athena 93, 134, 183–4, 243–5, 254–6, 267, 327,

328, 329, 343, 344, 345n.41, 346, 359, 370,390–1, 396

contest with Poseidon 243Athens, praise of 13n.33, 54, 93–4, 182–3,

237–46, 359, 370audience 89n.64, 90n.67

Bacchylides 39, 220‘barbarians’: see foreign characters‘binding-song’ in Eumenides 46, 141blessing songs 45–6, 93, 134, 142, 256, 385,

402boe (cry to the community for aid) 193n.62

capitalisation 155n.92‘capping’ or echoing interlocutor’s words

172–3Cassandra 16, 34, 35, 123–4, 133, 142, 147–8, 191,

221, 252–3, 258–9, 292, 302–3, 308–9, 326,331

character, characterisation 283–322inappropriateness of 21, 261inconsistency of 21, 284of chorus 221–3typicality 288

children in tragedy 15n.39, 35, 40, 42–3, 61, 90,123, 145, 237–41, 253, 266, 292–4, 317–21,332, 339, 385, 407

choruschoral ‘I’ 223n.26‘choral projection’ 142–3, 220, 358contribution scaled down after Aeschylus 40,

401does not deliver rheseis 165–6‘escape-lyrics’ 236fluid personality 222, 230generalised reflections 222–3, 225its role and functions 217–26leaves stage in mid-play 33, 63, 392members anonymous 221narrates past legend 55, 224n.33oath of secrecy 44, 317, 359n.84quotes mythological exempla 76, 219n.9song of deluded joy 48n.72, 224n.33

Clytemnestra as archetypal figure 307, 317in Aeschylus 45, 92–3, 102, 116, 121, 155,

167, 168, 181, 230, 252–4, 290, 292, 294,296–8, 296–307, 330, 350n.59,385

in Euripides, IA 193, 291, 362in Sophocles, Electra 233–4, 328, 347n.51imagery used by/about 1–2, 130, 132–3, 140,

147–8in oratory 65

colloquial expressions 9n.17, 12n.26, 13, 60, 63,83, 103n.101, 113, 168, 199n.76, 221, 296,404

Comedy, New 67–9Comedy, Old 58, 120n.3, 221, 292, 358, 359; see

also Aristophanescomparison-game (eikazein) 9n.17, 62, 121n.6,

395, 404n.16compound adjectives 10, 21, 61, 64, 70, 72–3,

79, 110, 213, 220, 229, 235n.56, 245,269n.131, 273, 279, 297, 369, 372, 399, 403,405, 407

sense varied according to context 72–3compound and simple forms of verb combined

407n.27consolation 52, 398‘contact’ between characters, broken or resumed

16, 60, 79, 108, 193, 197, 258, 263, 303, 313,318–19, 320

contested attribution of fragments 57n.120,400n.2, 409n.37© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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450 Index of topics

contrasts between two or more dramatists19–20, 103n.103, 110, 157, 159–61, 174, 200,213n.109, 221, 269, 291, 397n.42, 403,404n.17

Creusa 175–6, 252, 261–7, 294, 338–40critical terminology, ancient 6, 18, 163criticism of the gods 376–80curses 26n.89, 33, 46, 99, 109, 129, 151, 152nn.87

and 88, 155, 160, 198–200, 213, 233, 246–7,291, 316n.90

dead kill the living 348deception 108–9, 166, 262, 309–11, 324, 333–4,

340by gods 326–8, 329, 350–6by women 298–307, 328–9

deception-speech of Ajax 368, 392–4decorum (�! ������) 9, 62, 284n.5, 370defamiliarisation 70, 77, 221n.20deictics 11, 200, 219n.11demagogues 209deme and city 242democracy 13–14, 42, 52, 191, 205, 207; see also

Athens, assembly-scenesDeus ex machina 21, 44, 65, 327, 344, 345, 346,

350, 359, 363Dicaeopolis 57–60Dike 131, 150, 154, 156–7, 160, 227n.42, 229,

397n.82diminutives 58, 399Dionysus

celebrated in chorus of S. OC 242–5in Ar. Frogs 61in E. Bacchae 2–4, 84–6, 87–9, 102–3, 135–6,

168, 350–6direct speech quoted 84n.48, 204, 205, 213, 225,

265, 293n.39, 316discourses, clash of, within tragic text

geographic/ethnographic 55legalistic 13, 194, 206–7political theory 13–14scientific/medical 56, 369sophistic 379–80

distichomythia 32, 92, 164, 196dithyramb 21, 38, 43, 117, 261, 268, 269n.130,

270–1, 274dramatic illusion 45, 57, 59, 358drunkenness 62–4, 94, 114, 329n.15, 404

ekkuklema (‘rolling-out platform’) 58, 65, 298Eleusinian Mysteries 245embolima (interlude-songs) 40, 268enallage (transferred epithet) 77endstopped lines (sentence ends at verse end)

41–2, 402

enjambement 41–2, 80–1, 402epicisms 112, 202; see also Homerepodes 34n.17etymologies 3, 23, 96n.82, 100–1, 145n.63,

189n.48, 282, 379, 400euphemism 190, 406n.23euripides

anadiplosis in 274, 275, 277, 408associated with New Music 43–4, 267–77characters voice sceptical opinions 362–3,

374–82chorus less prominent in 43, 218, 401–2expressions of type ‘x and not x’ 58, 341–2extends stichomythia to extremes 175favourite or characteristic words 111intellectual vocabulary 380–1love of antithesis 406mannered periphrases 71n.7moralising passages detachable 365–6odd personifications 157–61peculiar prayers 158–9prefers female or marginal choruses 222n.23,

401resolves in trimeters more freely

41–2sigmatism 117specialises in monody 256–67structural transitions clearly marked 192use of astrophic odes 36, 219–20, 252, 268specific plays discussedAlcestis 62–4, 94–5, 221, 340–3Bacchae 3–4, 84–9, 135–6, 201–2, 218, 276–7,

285, 345, 350–6, 409Electra 47, 50–1, 173–5, 331, 361, 362, 379Hecuba 127, 136–7Helen 64n.142, 272–4, 363–4Heracles 90, 91, 378, 381–2, 407–8Hippolytus 16, 176–9, 193–7, 234–7, 312–15Ion 175–6, 261–7, 338–40Iphigenia in Aulide 144, 146, 291, 333, 362Iphigenia in Tauris 98–9, 336–8Medea 237–43, 317–21, 332Orestes 186–90, 208–11, 361–2, 363Phoenissae 47, 142–3, 160–1, 180–1, 274–6Supplices 13–14, 259–60, 372–4Troades 54, 158–9, 258–9, 329

exclamations 82–3exempla (paradeigmata), cited in choral song

76, 145, 219, 225extrametrical cries 82, 319

fable of eagle’s feather 350of lion cub 226, 230

foreign characters 21, 85–7, 221, 261, 290n.32,291© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Index of topics 451

foreshadowing 325–6forms of address 4, 71, 101–9, 167, 185, 200, 265,

354, 399‘formulae’ 286, 399future events beyond play’s end 362, 376–7

gender conflict: see male-female conflict andcontrasts; women

genealogy 147n.68, 149n.75, 150, 156generalisation 53, 54, 56, 187, 193, 197n.67, 223,

230, 365–98, esp.365–8genre, importance of concept 8genres, appropriated or exploited by tragedy

45–57genres, influenced by tragedy 57–69; see also

Comedygods 89, 122, 127, 150, 156–62, 326–9, 343–56,

374–82; see also deception by gods, Deus exmachina, and names of certain deities

Gorgias 10, 17, 52–5, 114, 191–2, 259n.106Helen 54

Hecataeus 55Heraclitus 344, 397hero-cult, foreshadowed in S. Ajax? 393n.70Herodotus 18, 55, 58, 82–3, 149, 157, 191, 204,

349–50, 362Hippolytus 56n.114, 102, 177–9, 193–6, 236,


as model for tragedy 47, 61n.129, 146, 70n.3,71, 112, 291

contrasted with tragedy 75n.24, 293–4, 301,305n.65

gods reproached by characters 377ironic techniques 326–9oxymoron in 76n.25personifications 150scholia on 21, 118n.133silent women 309similes 120–2, 128, 129n.26, 139, 147n.70soliloquy 60, 319style 77n.31sympathy for ‘barbarians’ 291Zeus 345

hymn, hymnic language 45, 47, 48, 51, 142, 159,224, 256, 277n.143, 375, 402

hyperbaton 81, 220hyperbole 73–4, 199, 244n.78, 300–1

comic 271

identification of human with supernatural power147–8, 152n.85, 228

imagery‘tenor’ and ‘vehicle’ 121

amphisbaena 147blood as dew from heaven 304–5butcher’s chopper 128characteristic of tyrants 303comes close to metamorphosis 121, 137, 147contest of misery 127diver 128Gorgon 133, 147, 183Harpies 147interaction 121–2, 279law and courts 131–2light and darkness 127lion, lioness, cub 121–2, 133, 147, 226marriage to death 144–6reaping the harvest 139–40sacrifice 135–6sea blooms with corpses 127n.21sea of troubles 126–7ship of state 129–31snakes 1–2, 121stench of evil 124yoking 265, 303, 331, 372

intercrural sex 293n.38interpolation 14n.36, 147, 181n.29, 186n.44,

189, 202n.83, 212n.106, 317–18, 361n.88,405

invocation 45, 48, 66–7, 79, 83, 105, 157n.99,171, 182, 195, 196, 224, 247, 250, 252, 308,402; see also apostrophe

Ion of Chios 18n.50irony, dramatic 262, 300, 323–4, 344, and see

Ch. 8 passimirony, metatextual 357–64Isocrates 18Itys, lament for 242n.71

kennings 403key words 84n.49, 88–95koine (‘shared language’) among tragedians

400–9Kolonos Hippios 243kommos (sung lament) in A. Choephori 249–51

language, distorted to express wrongness 75–6,140, 231–2

language, ineffectuality of (failure to persuade,understand etc.) 12, 15–16, 161, 194–7, 252,303, 344–5, 353

language, potency of 17, 310–11, 373; seeblessing-songs, ‘Binding-song’, curses,Peitho, rhetoric

Lasus of Hermione 117laughter 64n.142, 319lice and fleas, ennobled 399literacy 90n.67© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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452 Index of topics

lower-class characters 12, 61–4, 296–8lyric genres

lament, dirge (goos, threnos) 47, 50, 51, 67,114n.118, 261, 269, 291,

paean 47n.70, 48–9, 76, 141, 204, 264,wedding-song (hymenaios) 48, 144, 259

lyric ‘I’ 223n.26lyric material revisited in spoken verse 221

madness 46, 86, 124, 135, 138, 141–3, 148, 152,187, 257, 285, 345, 351, 354–6, 390

male-female conflict or contrasts 56, 64n.142,87, 92, 133, 145, 147, 215, 252, 254n.97, 257,260–1, 289–95, 303, 304, 307, 321n.107, 401

mechane (‘crane’) 44medical language 139, 187, 213, 369, 406mesodes 34n.17messenger speech 32, 47, 193, 200–16

alternatives to 201epic features 202in A. Supplices 205–7in Oedipus Coloneus 213–16in Oedipus Tyrannus 211–13in Orestes 207–11in Persae 203–5linked speeches 201

metamorphosis 121, 137, 147n.70metaphor

dead or tired 127literalised or made real 120mixed 121, 126see also imagery, similes

metatextuality, metatheatricality 44, 45n.58, 64,143, 177, 189n.48, 357–64

metre 29, 35–6anapaests 31, 34, 35, 43, 180n.27, 218n.3, 247,

249, 253, 256, 257, 258, 261, 263caesura in trimeter 81, 408dactylic 35dochmiac 35, 82, 182, 218, 247, 254, 257, 263,

272elegiac couplets 35iambic trimeter 81ionics 35, 85, 247, 277polymetric song 220, 248–9, 256, 257, 268,

401resolution in trimeters 41–2trochaic tetrameter 5, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 42,

259n.107, 340, 400see also antilabe; chorus; song-speech

combinationmirror-scenes 90misdirection of audience 351Mitys, statue of 347, 349monody 43, 218, 256–67, 272–5

monologue 33, 96n.82, 97, 313n.83, 318, 336in prologue 179–80, 184, 186, 258

moralising 67–8, 404–5by chorus 222–3, 225by messenger 202–3drunken 62–3sometimes banal 91, 366–7, 398sometimes interpolated 366n.6

murder as sacrifice 46, 48–9, 51, 135–6, 302–3,305, 319, 331

myth, variant versions of 96, 132n.32, 330, 360,361–4

name, speaker uses his/her own 3, 95, 96, 98,99nn.86–7, 170–1, 353, 387–8

names (and other forms of address) 95–109, 400names, concealed 97–9names, significant 3–4, 95–6, 100–1, 227, 337narration, narrative 55, 84, 188, 200, 201, 225–6,

268, 275–6, 401New Music 43–4, 267–77nightingale 242nomos-phusis opposition 157–8noms parlants: see names, significantnouns ending in -(� 73

ending in -,� 380n.44ending in -��� 265–6

old men 63n.138, 222n.123, 261, 288Olympian versus chthonian 48, 183oracles 135, 154, 156n.96, 167n.9, 182, 231n.48,

240, 316, 339, 344, 346, 348, 349, 379oracular ambiguity 344, 349‘Oresteia-words’ 112‘Oriental’ elements 46, 55–6, 86, 301, 402n.9oxymoron 75–6, 143, 162, 266, 400

paradoxical arguments 54, 57, 191, 259, 367, 381,393

paradoxical expressions 75, 76, 115, 127, 195, 215,263, 279, 409–10

Parian Marble 38n.32parodos 30–1, 34, 43, 85, 218–19, 224parody, of Aeschylus by Euripides 361

of dithyramb 274n.141of tragedy (paratragedy) 18, 43, 57–61, 220,

267–8, 271of tragedy by Housman 18, 175, 367

particles 27n.93, 75n.22, 165n.2, 316n.91absence of 179n.26, 406n.23

Peitho, goddess personifying persuasion 53, 149,151, 152n.87, 156

Pentheus 3–4, 15n.38, 81n.39, 87–8, 102–3, 124,133n.36, 201–2, 285, 350–6

periphrasis 70, 71, 101, 207, 213, 273© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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personification 119, 122, 148, 149–62, 314,318n.97, 397

persuasion 12, 26, 53, 133, 149, 169, 205, 207,255, 298, 303; see also Peitho, rhetoric

philia, between man and deity 314Philochorus, on Euripides’ family 125philosophy 53, 56, 157, 191, 362, 380; see also

Sophistsphusis 157–8, 159, 310–11, 381Pindar 17, 18, 29, 34, 35, 77, 84, 89, 95n.80, 117,

124–5, 151, 158n.104, 220, 224, 225, 236,262n.115, 306, 330, 362, 380

pity 53, 196, 295, 307–9, 339, 346, 374, 390–2Plato 12n.27, 18, 20n.59, 46n.64, 52, 53, 54,

57n.116, 65–6, 71, 269, 271, 289, 362, 370,406, 409

pleonasm 24n.75, 71plurals, for singular 58n.124, 60, 70, 73, 74n.17plurals, sympathetic 2polar expressions 74, 207, 380n.39, 388, 389,

391polis 87, 135, 136, 223, 227, 374; see also Athenspoliteness 13pollution 138, 155, 189, 206–7, 314n.85polyptoton 75n.21, 83, 115, 273Poseidon 243–5, 329, 344possession: see identificationpower-relations 15, 168–9, 264, 286, 303, 346,

351praeteritio 188, 306n.71prayer 26n. 89, 33, 45, 112, 150n.82, 151, 156–7,

158–9, 182, 224, 225, 294, 299, 313, 379fulfilled in unwelcome sense 315, 328,

347Prodicus 17, 52, 191, 289prologue 179–90

gods in 344–5monologue in 33to Agamemnon 296–8to Ajax 346, 390–1to Antigone 70–84, 184–6to Bacchae 84–6to Eumenides 181–4to Orestes 186–90

Protagoras 17, 52, 191, 192, 370, 373proverbs 296puns, wordplay 144, 244, 281, 309, 379n.36, 381;

see also namespurity 314–15

rape 113, 262–7recitative 5, 14, 34, 180, 246, 253–4, 256, 258,

260, 263–4, 305n.67recognition scene 97, 97–9, 157, 169, 170–5, 252,

260, 266, 324, 325, 326, 334–43, 348, 350, 356

refrain 34n.17, 43, 47, 141religious language 26, 45–6, 85–6, 112, 224, 314,

388blasphemous use of 304–5see also hymn, prayer

repetition 2, 47, 75n.22, 77n.31, 83, 95, 116,173n.17, 220–1, 236n.60, 241, 263, 273, 281,400

repetition, casual or conscious? 75n.22,265n.119, 213

rhesis 32–3, 164–70; see also agon, messengerspeech, prologue

Rhesus, abnormal treatment of gods in 44,345n.41

short on gnomai 381n.48snoring in 183

rhetoric 12, 15, 20, 21, 42, 191–2, 195, 241, 259,260, 288, 298, 306, 309, 310–11, 382, 384,397, 404, 409n.35

hypocritical 300–2interaction with tragedy 52–5, 169modern interest in 25–6political debate 13–14, 207, 209see also agon, Gorgias, paradoxical arguments,

Peitho, persuasion, sophistsrhetorical question 179, 196, 272rhyme 55, 62n.136, 114, 409riddling or obscure formulations 332n.19, 344,

353n.68, 403ritual, ritual songs 26, 45–6, 51, 112, 224,

277n.143, 402rituals perverted 24n.75, 46–51, 76, 305

sacral iteration 277n.143sarcasm 325n.6satyr-drama 10n.18, 29, 36, 38, 64, 95n.79, 110,

293, 329, 348scholia on tragedy 21–2, 54n.98, 183n.36,

244n.77, 291n.33, 332n.19, 347, 356, 361n.89secondary prologues 33self-address (by name) 64, 96n.82self-address (heart or other anatomical part) 60,

96n.82, 318n.97Seneca 36n.27, 144n.60, 170n.14, 352sentence completed by other speaker 176sentence length 104n.105sentence structure 42, 61, 79–82, 83, 167, 168,

179n.26, 204, 215, 220, 229, 233, 235n.58,254–5, 268, 272, 273, 274, 279, 297, 319, 321,372, 402, 403

sex, sexuality 15n.38, 116, 136n.40, 158, 190, 195,292–3, 305, 306

sigmatism 117silences, significant 16, 93, 102andn.98, 198,

200, 252, 262, 309, 312n.83, 316, 334, 361© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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similes 47, 120–1, 122, 128, 133, 138n.43, 140, 301,384, 395n.76

skene (stage-building) new in 458 bc? 299slaves, slavery 2n.3, 12, 15, 57, 62–3, 67–9,

95n.80, 98, 173, 290–1, 303snoring 183Socrates 65, 66, 191, 271, 362soliloquy: see monologuesong-speech combinations 246–61song versus speech 29–30, 83–4, 220–1, 246; see

also monodysophists 52–4; see also Gorgias, Protagoras,


affinity with Herodotus 55–6, 349–50allows looser structure to stichomythia

402avoids innovations of New Music 277avoids self-standing monody 258complexity of language 231–2, 372, 405fascination with deception 404fascination with time and change 156, 368,

376, 387, 389–90, 392favours plots involving oracles/prophecies

231, 344masks structural transitions 192, 258, 402on his own development 5plain style in 83n.45, 279subtlety in handling agon-form 197–8specific plays discussedAjax 389–98Antigone 70–83, 184–6Electra 97–8, 154, 171–3, 230–4, 335–6Oedipus Coloneus 159–60, 198–200, 213–16,

241–6, 277–82Oedipus Tyrannus 99–101, 134–5, 153–4,

167–9, 211–13, 247, 346–9Philoctetes 103–9, 123, 248–9, 389, 309–12Trachiniae 294–5, 307–9, 348–9

‘sparring’ 92, 404speech versus song: see song versus speechstaging, problems of 106n.109, 181n.34,

260n.108stanzas (strophes, antistrophes, etc.) 34stasimon (choral song) 218–19, and see chorusstasis (civil conflict) 134, 139stichomythia 5, 17, 24n.75, 32, 92n.72, 98, 155,

163, 164–79, 185, 196, 197–8, 221n.22, 246,252, 254, 256, 274, 315, 356n.73, 387, 400,402, 408

interruption of one speaker by the other 175longest cases of 165‘self-indulgence’ 175

Stobaeus 22n.68

styletowards a definition of 4–16aggressive 102colloquialisms see colloquial expressions‘feminine’ 289–95grandiloquent 57n.120, 63, 95–6,

189n.49late Euripidean 268, 271–7sententious 62–3, 67–9see also forms of address, imagery

suspense 94n.76, 325symposium 39, 49, 142–3, 149, 269, 305synaesthesia 204

tenses, use of 251n.91testing, in ironic contexts 95, 351textual problems discussed or noted 3n.5, 45,

100n.88, 137, 146nn.66–7, 187n.45,209n.101, 212n.106, 229n.47, 241, 249n.84,251n.90, 301n.57, 303n.63, 318, 366

Thebes, used as ‘anti-Athens’ 85, 140, 386Thespis 38, 40three-word trimeters 403Thucydides 14, 18, 83, 150n.79, 158n.104, 191,

209, 366, 370, 380n.44, 406Timotheus 44, 261, 269, 271tmesis 220tokens 99, 171, 174, 266, 335, 361topoi (‘commonplaces’)

biter bit 349–50catalogue of inventions 400n.4cries from within the house 400learning too late 346–50pretence that someone is dead 67–8, 360prophet’s advice rejected 167n.10reading letters on a ship’s sail 400n.4rejection of public life 56today is the day of crisis 188see also deception, irony, madness,

recognition-scene, testing, tokenstragedy

formal structure 12, 29–37, 41, 56n.115, 160,162, 163–4, 192, 196, 218–20, 400, 401, 405

fourth-century developments 44, 409–11origins 37–9tendency to generality 397unity of time and place 36–7

tricolon crescendo 79n.37Tyche (‘Luck’ or ‘Fortune’) 157, 379‘typical’ passages from the three dramatists 111tyranny, tyrants 57n.116, 96, 161, 303n.61, 380,


‘utopian’ wish 16n.45, 193, 377–9, 405© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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vocabulary, modern discussions of 109–13

women 184, 289–95and deception 298–307and song 254n.97, 260–1female choruses 222n.23, 401

word order, inverted or adjusted for emphasis21, 79–81

word order, pointed juxtaposition 75–6, 199,207, 406; see also oxymoron

wordplay: see punswords fail the user 133, 183

Xenophon 58Xerxes, utterances confined to lyrics


Zeus 345Agoraios 156n.94Katachthonios 304Kataibates 244Morios 243–4Teleios 331Tropaios 308Xenios 229© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1.190–1 653.150 325n.63.172 209


hypothesis, p.138 Page 296n.431–39 296–811 181, 29716–19 14141 13147 13149–59 120n.457 89154–5 147n.70, 230160–83 375177 114–15205–27 42, 316224–5 115239–47 49247 190n.51338–50 299348, 351 292355–487 225–6357–61 133361–4 397n.82385 53, 156n.94451 131454–5 281n.149471–4 223n.26475–87 223489–502 166n.7534, 537 131544–5 173n.17562 399600–14 299–300659 127n.21664 157n.100681–781 219n.9, 226–30

681–93 101n.92681–98 227–8694–5 133700 144705–13 50, 142717–36 120n.4737–43 120n.4738–49 229–30749 148n.72750–71 383–6750 229752–5 156764–71 230769–70 156, 229783–4 101n.95810–74 167n.9813–17 131848–50 139854 92855–76 102n.98, 300855–913 300–2861–2 306866–73 300–1870 144n.60911 330931–43 165n.5940–5 92953 331958–62 303n.63973–4 330–1979 142990–4 50n.801008–17 303n.631035 3021035–1330 252–31038–42, 1071 303n.621042–6 303n.631066–7 133, 3031072–1177 16n.42, 35, 252–31081 227n.421087 326

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1115–16 133, 146n.661142 1421186–92 1421232–6 1471255 244n.401311 123–41318–19 75n.211327–30 397n.841331 731339 75n.211372–1576 253–41375–6 1331379–92 304–51391–2 140, 3051410 1161412–13, 1421 1321426–7 2831435–6 3061440–7 292, 306n.711468–80 152n.881486 227n.421500–4 147–81507 221n.201533–4 212n.1071580–1 1331624 3031625 148n.74, 3051631 121n.61635 731639–42 303

Choephori (‘Libation-Bearers’)16–18 9789 75n.21128 369n.13149–51 48151 76171 74n.20212–25 170220–1 173n.17235–8 171249 1305 305306–478 249–51309–10, 312–13 115327–8 113385 251406 151n.84, 155434–8 249n.84435 251436–7 114n.118461 75n.21, 115475 142525–53 298n.52540–50 350n.60548–50 1–2, 121

556–8 350n.59585–638 219n.9657–66 56691–5 155726–9 53, 152n.87, 156n.94737–41 155750 306n.69755–60 61–2780 190n.51881 296n.44886 348n.53888 350n.59889 305890 92–3893 71n.7, 306899–903 316, 361–2900–2 16n.43900 316n.91903 93908–30 165n.5910–11 155920 306924–5 133, 156927 155929–30 93949 227n.42987–90 132994 21026–33 1321049–50 21054 133

Eumenideshypothesis 183n.361–142 181–412–16 18225–6 133n.36, 360n.8746–54 133, 18368–73 18383 297n.4689 72n.1294–142 298n.52111–12 133132 133143 221n.20, 296n.44147 133179–97 183193–4 133202–3 92n.72235–43 33253 133254–74 36n.23264–5 133286 366n.6306–96 46n.64, 141308 141© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Eumenides (cont.)323–33 = 341–46 141326 133371 141413–14 183417 151418 183490–565 396534–5 156n.96538–44 397n.82585–6 17, 163614–21 346n.44644 183657–66 56, 369660 75n.21696–706 396721–2 93731 74n.20735–9 370741 93778–891 254–6795 93831, 835–6 147885–6 53, 156n.94903 93916–1020 46918 376n.28929–30 93n.73970–5 53, 156n.94973 376n.28980–1, 990 1341009 941011 891022 183n.36

Persae21–58 55, 8687–91 122n.6302–28 86327 74n.18353–4 147377–9 21n.62391–411 203–4431–2 74n.18480–514 55550–2 281n.150658 86660 55673–80 34n.17735 175n.20821–2 140955–1001 861041 75n.21

Prometheus Vinctus85–7 10188–127 257

88–95 79n.36192 75n.21255–6 176n.21362 118n.134442–506 55n.113, 371n.17,

397n.81511–20 152–3561–88 43n.49566–73 36n.23593–609 43n.49700–41 55786–818 55877–86 257–8901–6 34n.17944–6 102980 42

Septem contra Thebas1–3 1296 95n.7960–9 120n.462–4 12970 151n.84, 152n.88101 204n.89114–15 129181–202 52197 380n.39208–10 129427–9 260447, 473 251n.91577 101580–9 205n.92652 129653–7 152n.88, 247674–5 75n.21686 102n.100686–711 246718 72758–65 129785–91 198n.73795–6 129911–12 114n.119961–74, 983, 993 114n.1181001 147n.72

Supplices87–95 375118–21, 162–6 34n.17234–479 41n.40291–347 165n.3376–454 42477 74n.20498 156n.95524–99 55538–93 84n.48604 207605–24 206–7© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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609–14 13n.32625–709 45637–8 140681 141720–91 224n.33916–29 404n.171034–42 150n.82

fragments, ed. Radt (TrGF)58 (Edonians) 1970 (Heliades) 375135–7 (Myrmidons) 293139 (Myrmidons) 350169 (Xantriae) 152n.85253 (Philoctetes) 20281 (Oreithyia) 57n.120281a (Dike-play) 199n.75350 144n.59



ANTIPHANES (PCG)F 55 274n.141F 189 44n.56

ANTIPHON1.13 54n.1031.17 655.25 54n.1035.59 199n.766.8 54n.103

APOLLODORUS (FGrH)244 F 120 244n.77

APOLLODORUSBibl. 1.8.1 307n.76


12 12n.2624 12n.26380–1 209393–489 57–60395–401 195n.66396 58n.122, 342n.34440–4 58–9475–8 59577 2n.31069–1142 57n.120

Aves (‘Birds’)1238–42 57n.120

1372–1409 274n.141Equites (‘Knights’)

16 178115 183n.37137 2091229–52 3491379 366n.4

Nubes (‘Clouds’)5 183n.37112–15 54, 191207–8 52n.90331–9 274n.141889–1104 191952 366n.4969–71 274n.1411075 1581366–7 18

Pax (‘Peace’)58–176 57n.120830–1 274n.141

Ranae (‘Frogs’)775 207n.97833 64n.141849 18877 366n.4911–20 16n.43924–6 18926–30 9928–30 18937–43 9937 18948–67 42–3959–67 91028–9 86n.541058–61 91154 181173 181181 181249–50, 1261–97 2691301–3 2711309–28 2361314 270–11317–18 2711323 2711329–63 181348 270–1

Thesmophoriazusae39–208 57n.12055 366n.4850–928 57n.1201009–1135 57n.120

Vespae (‘Wasps’)1 2n.31364 2n.31308–21 395n.75© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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4.1449a15–19 404.1449a19–21 38, 64n.1414.1449a24–5 295.1449b12–13 36–76.1450a3–9 3216.1450a29–31 2846.1450b7–8 53n.947.1451a12–13 2848.1451a16–17 2849.1451b21 364, 4099.1452a7–10 34711.1452a29–b8 326n.812.1452b14–25 30–114.1453a37 36314.1453b1–7 321n.10814.1453b19–22 103n.104,

31615.1454a16–28 28415.1454a29 284n.215.1454a31–3 21, 284n.316.1454b19–55a21 326n.818.1456a29 40n.3719.1456a27–30 26822.1458a20–1 922.1458a21–3 2122.1458b33 2125.1461b21 284n.2

Rhetoric1.2, 2.1 (generally) 395n.762.2.1379b13–16 410n.462.15.1389b13–90a25 288n.242.21.1395a20 3842.24.1401b15 259n.1062.24.1402a24 54n.1012.24.1402a3–27 191n.543.1.1404a 53n.973.2.1404b18–25 407n.283.2.1405a27–30 21n.623.7.1408b1–20 118n.133


28.3 20969.1 93n.74

AULUS GELLIUSNoct. Atticae 6.5 336n.27

BACCHYLIDES5.104–7 115n.125

CATULLUS62.39–47 47n.70

CICERODe oratore 3.148–71 77n.28

CRATES (PCG)F 28 64n.141

CRATINUS (PCG)F 171 209F 242 366n.4

CRITIASB25 DK (= TrGF i.43F19) 54, 380n.45,


DEMETRIUSDe elocutione72–4 118114 405n.21177 83n.46194 179n.26

DEMOSTHENES18.13 67n.14918.127 6619.184 52n.9119.189 66n.14819.216 6521.106 199n.7621.149 6523.66 132n.3224.170–1 374n.2240.59 44n.56

DIO CHRYSOSTOM52.7 37n.28, 225n.3652.7, 11, 14, 15, 17 19

DIONYSIUS OF HALICARNASSUSDe compositione verborum14 11822–4 18Demosthenes 22 118n.133

EPICTETUSDiss. 1.24.16 67n.149

EUBULUS (PCG)F 26 117n.130

EUPOLIS (PCG)F 327 90n.67


hypothesis 64© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1–7 9412 329n.1520, 27 188n.4732–4 329n.15141 342184 71n.7252–72, 371–92 221n.22393 43n.46416–19 398n.85422–4 48447 76509–11 341518–21 341521 58n.121, 195n.66530–3 342531 342n.35538–67 93n.77568–87 94569 94779–85 61–2782–5 62n.136809 94837–45 63–4893 52n.89962–6, 973–9 1581012–13 951020 94n.751039–40 951061–3 342n.351072–4 3421102–10 342–3

Andromache85 306103–16 35n.20103–4 148n.721029–36, 1164–5 3791269 346n.44

Bacchaehypothesis 2, p. 290 Diggle 361n.871–63 84–530 8850–2 87, 360116, 164 46135–68 34n.17179, 186, 189 55200 88228–32 135263 87n.58266–327 12272–327 56–7325 88n.60326–7 138332 88337–41 135352 135

367 3, 101370–3 151395 88, 381402–16 150n.82436–40 135451–2 135473–5 351477–9 351480 88494–518 352503–8 3–4, 353508 101537–41 140n.50576–603 277n.143635–6 88n.60641 88655–6 88, 89667–774 201–2717 210n.103726 19788 102802 103824 88849 354877–81 88n.61895–6 157912–14 102n.97, 265n.120, 354923–4 355934 354947–8, 955, 964 355n.72965–72 355977–91 135977–8 152n.851005 88n.611031–8 203n.881043–1152 201–21065 407n.271078–90 2n.41115–24 350n.611150–2 203n.871157 146n.661168–99 2181184 461251–8 356n.741255 88n.601259–1300 3561308–24 293n.391345 881348 89, 379n.351349 346n.441379 341n.33

Cyclops85–6 21n.61103 95n.73696 348© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Electra175–87 50–1260, 274, 283 98367–400 366n.6432–41 236n.58435–41 270479–86 219n.10567–84 173–5571 98596–7 174647 16n.44737–44 362745–6 219n.10759 44, 359860–5, 874–9 51n.93907–56 54, 169907–8 54n.103930–5 305n.68945–9 306n.71971–2 89n.63, 379974–8 92n.72988–97 101n.951123–41 331n.181141 3311230 195n.661245–6 89n.63, 3791278–83 364n.951301–2 157n.991308–41 175

Hecuba110 71n.7251–95 54n.103409–10 293426–7 341n.33466–74 237n.63480–1 145n.64488–91 379491 157n.100612 75659–70 127690 75n.21737 96n.82785–6 157n.100799–800 158800, 816 381n.46826–32, 855 292968–1022 331n.18990 3311056–84 43n.491058 1361070–2 1361076 1461089–1106 43n.491125–6 1361160 12n.26

1173–5 136–71195–6 164n.11206 281n.49

Helen18–21 363138 195n.66191–210 272–4317–29 166n.7330–85 31n.6363–6 75n.21386–436 33435–82 64n.142528–1106 40560 157625–97 252711–33 366n.6734–45 403779–841 165n.41002–4 397n.821049 2921056 3601137–8 3801195–1278 165n.41301–68 223, 2681341–5 84n.481478–86 236n.591621–41 29n.2

Heracles31 9673–9 43n.46151–64 54n.101252–74 166n.7315 266n.122454 199n.76460–79 292n.36475–9 43n.46480–1 145485–9 293531 126n.16542 139580–2 96602 179n.26605 190n.51622–32 43n.46631 90655–70 378701–27 331n.18763–814 224n.33815–73 345822–72 151–2855–73 29n.2880–3 122n.61109–62 356n.731146–62 2931248 407© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1250–1 961314–15 3811341–6 363n.92, 3821414 961424 90

Heraclidae65, 67–8 63n.138253–74 404n.17321, 688 103n.101

Hippolytus22 188n.4773–87 313–1487 314–15, 347n.48120 89, 379121–40 225141–69 292293–4 292309–10 97n.84, 177335–57 177–9373–402 42433–81, 446 12n.26616–24 378651 72n.10668–79 256, 271–2732–75 219n.11, 224n.33, 234–7817–50 261834–5 398n.85884 193n.62899–942 16n.45902–1089 193–7916–47 102n.98, 378936–45 193–4948–9 3151002–6 3141013–20 56n.1141032–5 195–61078–9, 1092–3 1961100–1 1971257–60 203n.881391–3 3141425–30 236

Ion250 339265–74 175288 339305–6 176, 339324–5, 330 339336–7 176353–4 340356, 359 340510–65 29n.2517–65 340621–47 56n.113643 157752–60 16n.42

859–922 43n.49, 260–7859–64 262–3868–9 263887–96 264–5897–906 265912–22 266916 266n.1221068 190n.511171–84 3621312–19 377n.331445–1509 2521557–8 267

Iphigenia in Aulide376–8, 402–3 192n.59411 138461 146542 44569, 612–13, 627–9 338631–90 333721 355n.72794–800 362–3802–3 96n.82847–8, 851–2 291–2864 157n.99946 149n.751136 157n.991139 381n.461146–1208 1931279–1335 31n.61341–68 421403 1381408 88n.601467–74 48

Iphigenia in Tauris344–91 317n.93369 147n.68499–504 98, 337512 58n.122, 195n.66522, 549–51 337609–10 284692 190769–79 99791–3 99828–99 252829 991089–1152 219n.11, 223, 2261234–82 84n.481361 99n.86

Medea49, 53 71n.792 133n.35127–30 157n.99187–8 133n.35214–18 291248–51 290, 321n.107© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Medea (cont.)271 102n.97285 239362 126401–7 96n.82410–45 219n.11476 117516–19 377n.33526–31 239546 17n.96, 164n.1555, 568–73 306n.70663–707 165n.6668–87 349n.57675 240, 344n.40677 240680 175n.20697–700 239792 238824–32 238824–65 237–41851–65 240–1899–905 318n.98922–31 318n.98, 3321011 1901019–80 317–211022–3 3321024–31 292n.361056 318n.971069–77 2931078–80 421124–35 2031224–30 202–31236–50 317, 318n.971242–3 318n.97, 321n.1071251–92 351260 148n.731342–5 133n.35, 147

Oresteshypothesis, p.189 Diggle 284n.21–139 186–901–10 186–72 187n.4534 187n.4542 58n.11446–50 18871–80 18979 19084 199n.76126–7 158237 72n.9264 148319 76341–4 122n.6390 406462–7 43n.46, 61n.129

650 139n.46729–806 29n.2774–98 42758 190n.51819 195n.66, 381n.46866–956 14n.36, 207–11887–94 208895–7 208n.100902–8 209976–81 52n.89982–1012 217n.11083 341n.331104 441109 1451177 16n.441323–46 331n.181401–2 147n.701369–1502 2011519 188n.471650–2 132n.32

Phoenissae202–25 225n.36272 58n.122304–17 274–5446–637 16n.41469 42n.44499–525 57504–6 160–1531–8 161535–47 396–7588–637 29n.2603–24 42636–7 101n.92657–75 140748–52 361749–50 75n.21782–3 157784–91 49n.78784–97 142–3, 220n.15818–33 275–6852–7 237n.63, 361n.89859–60 130n.30888 147n.72991–1018 289n.281095–6 75n.211151 1281193 179n.261264–83 1611284–92 2761296 147n.701310–11 54n.1031369–1502 43n.491427–59 1611485–1538 31n.61494 101n.92© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1524–5 54n.1031592 361–21519 188n.471675 1441688 74n.17, 951689 188n.47

Rhesus355–9, 385–7 101n.95595–674 345n.41785 183n.37993–6 45n.58

Supplices50–1, 76–7 5275 14191–2 190n.51110 58n.114135 344n.40138–46 349n.57201–13 56n.111, 372–4222–3 139n.46267–9 130n.30297–331 374306–14 403399–466 14, 53426–8 17n.96, 164473–5 130614 75n.21634–730 201692 128n.23716–17 140734 16n.44857–917 54, 169, 260860–71 260990–1030 259–601000–3 144n.621029–30 2601191–5 13n.32

Troades48–97 32998–152 259121 141207–13 13n.33, 237298–341 259308–41 43n.49365–405 54n.101457 148n.73484–8 292n.36618 144n.60630 190696 126740–79 321n.107749–63 320n.104766–71 149n.75801–3 243n.75862–3 95n.79

884–8 158–9946–50 190n.50966–8 54n.100983–92 190n.50988–90 159, 3791024 72n.101173–80 293

fragments, ed. Kannicht (TrGF)61b (Alexandros) 381n.46114 (Andromeda) 180n.27182b–202 (Antiope) 381n.47189 (Antiope) 191n.53223 (Antiope) 331n.18253 (Archelaus) 42n.44265a (Auge) 157, 406286 (Bellerophon) 380324 (Danae) 380373 (Eurystheus) 140n.48415 (Ino) 140n.48433 (Hippolytos Kaluptomenos)

158448a (Cresphontes) 317n.91480–1 (Melanippe Sophe)

380n.42484 (Melanippe Sophe) 21n.63495 (Melanippe Desmotis)

72n.12540a (Oedipus) 349n.55546 (Cresphontes) 337n.28638 (Polyidus) 406705 (Telephus) 21n.62752 (f ) (Hypsipyle) 36n.26757 (Hypsipyle) 140n.48773.70 (Phaethon) 242n.71781.14–31 (Phaethon) 48792 (Philoctetes) 20840 (Chrysippus) 158910 381n.461018 159n.106

EUSTATHIUSin Iliadem 1170.54–6 117

GORGIASB11 (Helen) 9–10 53n.97B23 55n.105

HELLANICUSfr. 38 and 169 Fowler 132n.32

HERACLITUS (DK)B32 388n.62B67 397n.82B93 344B94 397n.82© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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HERODOTUS1.11.5 3501.86 308n.782.112–20 364n.953.64.3 3508.13 397n.828.55 2448.79 156n.968.105–6 3508.111 149

HESIODWorks and Days 3–8 388n.62,

391Works and Days 256–60


‘HESIOD’fr. 25.20–5 307n.76fr. 250 101n.93fr. 275 306n.70


1.472–4 482.35–6 3272.142–6, 394–7 129n.263.399–412 377n.314.439–45 1506.466–73, 476–81 2947.303–5 1469.63 70n.39.321–3 1089.485–7 61n.12913.382 325n.615.119–20 15016.46–7 327–816.742–50 12817.482–7 35118.221–4 13918.310–13 328n.1218.493, 570 4819.90–134 32920.61–5 215n.11122.15–20 377n.3123.597–600 305n.6524.62–3 144n.5924.522–51 398n.8524.525–6 37424.752 121

Odyssey4.525 296n.435.394–8 138n.4311.249–50 26516.118–20 281n.15016.434 199n.76

17.354f., 595–7 328n.1318.112–13, 117, 122–3 32818.282–3 32819.406–9 10120.10–22 319n.10120.201–3 377n.3120.390–4 328n.1221.293–304 64n.14021.402–3 328n.1323.97 7523.233–40 301


HORACEEpistles 1.16.73–4 102n.99Ars Poetica 119–27, 155–78


HYPERIDES2 (Lyc.) 12 67n.1493 (Eux.) 26 67n.149

INSCRIPTIONSIG i3 269 242n.73LSAM 16 52n.87LSCG 97 52n.87Marmor Parium 38n.32ML 14 13n.32ML 30 13n.32ML 86 13n.32Staatsvertage 193 13n.32

ISOCRATES9 (Evagoras) 8 21n.6110 (Helen) 12 259n.106

‘LONGINUS’De sublimitate9.3 9n.1616–28 77n.2823 74n.1739 118n.13340.3 407

LYSIAS1 (Erat.) 26 155n.93

MARCUS AURELIUSMeditations 11.6 67n.149

MENANDERAspis 407–28 67–8Dyscolus 842 140n.52F 602 Kassel-Austin 68© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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PAPYRIP.Bodmer 28 117n.129P.Oxy. 2257 37n.29

PCG viii (Adespota)1048 69n.153

PHERECRATES (PCG)F 155 269n.130


PHILOCHORUSFGrH 328 F218 125n.14

PINDARIsthm.6.53 101n.93Isthm. 7.43–7 380Ol. 13.10 156n.96Ol. 13.91–2 380Paean 9 (F 52k = A1 Rutherford) 47n.70Pyth. 1.23–4 115n.125Pyth. 3.86–103 144n.59Pyth. 8.1–7 151Pyth. 11.17 95n.80Pyth.11.17–37 306, 330n.17Pyth.11.51–4 223n.26

F 70b 117n.129


18b 191n.5526d–e 90n.67

Clitopho407a 44n.56, 65

Cratylus414c, 418d 66n.146425d 44n.56, 65

Gorgias481–6 57n.116502b–d 20n.59, 53, 64n.141518e 139

Laws700ab 20n.59800d 20n.59931bc, 933a 46n.64

Menexenus244e 374n.22

Meno76e 6680c 395n.75

Phaedo115a 66

Phaedrus227c 54n.101, 259n.106

260a 54n.101267a 54n.101, 259n.106267c 53n.97, 366n.4268c–e 12n.27, 30n.3

Protagoras337a-c 289343b 3n.6

Republic3.413b 663.397a 2716.487e–9a 130n.288.545e 66n.147

Symposium177b 54n.101,259n.106197, 198b 55n.105215a 395n.75223d 57

Theaetetus228a4 139

PLATO COMICUS (PCG)F 29 117n.130

PLAUTUSCurculio 591–2 69n.152

PLUTARCHDe profect. in virt. 79b 5De gloria Atheniensium 347e–f

30n.3Solon 21.5 52n.87

PMG542 384n.53702, 704 117785, 792 271793 261856 35

PMGF192 364n.95217 124

PROTAGORASB1 DK 373B 5–6 DK 54n.101, 191

SAPPHOF 2 47n.70

SCHOLIAon Ap. Rh. Arg. 1.1212 307n.76on E. Or. 1512, 1521 21–2on E. Pho. 854 361n.89on S. OT 64 356© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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SOLON (West, IEG)fr. 5.9–10 156n.96fr. 6.3–4 384fr.13.9–24 384–6fr. 20 384n.53


71–3, 89–90 102n.9790 347n.4898 96n.82117 347n.48121–33 308n.78, 346, 390–2131 389141–7 225n.36154–63 389191–200 34n.17322 147n.70348–427 258n.102393–7 127n.19430 101545–51 293–4591–4 42n.43639–718 48n.72646–92 392–4, 395, 397–8661–5 146675–9 389680 389693–718 224n.33753–7 188n.47815–65 33864 96n.82866 75n.21906 72n.10918–19 212n.1061026–7 348n.531028–37 146–71047 102n.971071–88 3941125–33 92n.721134 75n.211140–1 92n.721142–58 62, 3951199–1210 49n.781226–8 102n.971246–94 3941253–4 395–61318–73 1971365 391

Antigone1 71–21–99 71–5, 78–82, 184–62–3 220n.1712–14 7414 199n.77

21–8 8022 8231 184, 186, 325n.636 7341–2 78, 8245–6 8149–57 54n.10353 7455–7 199n.7660 74n.1769–77 83n.4571–2 8173 74–588 7490 8293–4 7899 74–5, 82100–3 47n.70170–1 74327–31 83n.45332–75 56n.113, 223, 226, 371–4334–7, 342–7, 355 127379 75n.21441–2 102449 90n.72, 184450–2 166455 90n.72523 185n.41, 309n.79531–5 102n.97533 148n.72536–7 185, 295569–70 140n.32572 185n.40574–5 145582–92 126–7602 128603 228n.46604–10 376614 228n.46625 228n.46631–780 197–8635 197665 75694 320n.103793–4 77n.30804 145806–82 247n.82, 258813 145816 145, 146850–2 76871 74n.20, 348n.53876 145891–3 78897–9 78905–12 55–6© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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915 72n.9916–20 145924 75944–5 220n.171015 1381023 102n.1001030 76n.171052 1381064–90 1691070–3 761091 199n.741108–14 83n.451115–54 48, 224n.331123 1711166–7 761205 1461240–3 203n.871261–9 821288 761325 76

Electra1 189n.4962–3 36086–210 258107, 147–9 242n.71111 152n.87153–5 52n.89, 398n.85385–414 165n.4439–40 320n.103472–515 154, 230–4489–91 231493–4 231–2504–15 232582–3 75n.21707, 731 237808 348n.53961 145n.63992 102n.981070 1381080–1 148n.741111–1229 97–81126–73 16n.451153 751160–3 3361164 72n.91174–1226 165n.41208–26 171–31232–87 173, 2521388 154n.911442–57 331n.181445–7 102n.971457 341n.331525 74n.17

Oedipus Coloneus5–6 74n.18

77–80 242n.73203–24 388207–27 99n.87230–1 75n.21321 72421–30 198n.73510–48 258543 312n.81558–719 241–6562–8 308n.78, 368n.10, 386n.59606–28 386–8611, 621–2 74n.18625–8 99n.87637 241n.69698–701 244–5718 242n.70820–83 42n.431028–33 386n.591044–1502 2011044–84 2451211–48 219n.11, 245n.79, 277–821220–3 1411221 1441249–1446 198–2001267–9 159, 1991271–83 16n.421335–7 198n.711348–54 102n.981375 198n.731380–2 1601383–8 1991393–6 99n.871438–47 42n.431547–8 2151626–8 21647–66 213–16

Oedipus Tyrannus1 74n.208 95n.79, 10022–4 13060–1 138, 34768 139n.46109, 111 134233–45 13n.32249–50 347n.49258–68 232n.49264–5 347, 356284–5 75n.21297 347n.49300–462 167–9371 115380–403 167–8397 100, 347430 168n.11437 167, 169© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Oedipus Tyrannus (cont.)438 188n.47444 167463–72 153–4468, 479 135471–2 284472 228n.46473–82 134–5480–2 154534 199n.76559 175n.20583–602 56n.114626–9 42n.43635–6 138649–89 247n.81694–6 130707–27 167n.9742–3 347754 348794–6 154807 213873 156897–910 231n.48922–3 130928 347n.49961 406n.23977–83 347n.50988–1055 16n.451032–6 100, 1351071–2 2111145 103n.1011182 3481207–13 116, 1401213–15 405–61223–9 2111237–40 2111245–8 2811256–7 75, 1401266–79 212–131287 232n.491293 1381297–1318 2471366 1001376 1901391–7 67n.1491391 79n.361395–6 1381398–1408 79n.361484–5 1401497–8 1401515–30 29n.21527 126

Philoctetes2 18116 106n.109

50–5 30966 123n.879–99 310–1186 123101–3 90n.65108–9 496130 105n.107239–43 104254–316 166260–316 105260–7 104263–70 138329 333345 333n.23473 312483 123n.8570–1 360589 333n.22591–7 360593–4 90n.65706 123n.9742–50 105745–6 312n.81753 42n.43754 312n.81774–5 334779–81 333n.21785, 792 312n.81806 334867–81 105895–903 311906, 912–13 312919–20 313n.21923–4 105, 309n.79927–9 106, 166938–9 106952 106n.109974–6 106974b–1075 16n.451011–12 1231066–9 1071070–3 1071075, 1078 1071081–94 79n.361081–1217 31n.6, 248–9, 258n.1021203–17 248–91222 165n.61234–7 1081269–72 90n.651280–7 1081290 1091295, 1301, 1310–13 1091314–47 333n.211326–8 1381358–9 123© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1362–6 333n.231387 103n.101, 109n.1131393–6 90n.65

Trachiniae1–5 384n.5326–7 29532 140n.5279–81 315n.86103–11 225n.36129–35 389144–50 47n.70227–8 295242–3 295293–334 307–9305 147n.70445 139544 139584–7 295633–62 48n.72,

224n.33784 139819–20 341n.33834 149n.75893–5 148983–1045 258n.1021051–2 146n.661120 1391143–5 179n.26, 3481174 3481264–74 376–7

T (testimonia), ed. Radt2.7 1775 18n.30100 5163 55

fragments, ed. Radt441a (Niobe) 344n.38598 (Triptolemus) 401n.5611 (Triptolemus) 405n.21771 344n.40837 (Triptolemus?) 245965 101n.92

THEBAIDF 2–3 West 198n.73

THEMISTIUS 26.316d 40n.35

THEOGNIS153–4 384

THEON (Spengel, Rhetores Graeci)Progymnasmata, 2.91 366n.4

THUCYDIDES1.33.2 281n.1491.77.1 52n.902.40.2 2113.36.6 2093.37.3 2093.82.2 1396.35.2 209

TIMOCLES (PCG)F 6.5–7 69

TrGF I (minores)1 T2 (Thespis) 38n.321 F6 (Thespis) 40n.353 F1 (Phrynichus) 62n.1343 F8 (Phrynichus) 358–939T16 (Agathon) 5539F6 (Agathon) 55, 40939F11 (Agathon) 55, 41039F12 (Agathon) 41039F34 (Agathon) 5560 F5 (Astydamas II) 341n.3370F1e (Carcinus) 409n.3971F14 (Chaeremon) 409n.4097F6 (Moschion) 371n.17

TrGF II (adespota)458 409n.36502 409n.37539 409n.37641 402n.10644 409n.36665 402n.10, 409n.26

VIRGILAeneid 4.469–73 124n.10Aeneid 4.628–9 75n.21Aeneid 7.55 320n.105

Vita Sophoclis7 18n.5021 309

XENOPHANES (DK)B 11, B 25–6 DK 382n.49

XENOPHONHellenica 2.2.19–20 243Memorabilia 4.2.1 90n.67

‘XENOPHON’Constitution of the Athenians 1.16 52n.90© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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