segment m44: red, white, and red, white, and...

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, Families in MotionDownload resources for your mission field through . Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND BLUEGRASS Mission Impact…Focusing your heartburst for the people around you Mission Impact Guide V 2.0 Group M, Families in MotionLower middle-income rural families with diverse adult and children household dynamics Resource: Mosaic by Experian General Spiritual Insight: Red, White, and Bluegrass is part of the Lifestyle Group M (Families in Motion). Please refer to the description of Group M for the larger context of this segment's potential relationship with the church. Religious Perspective: "God, Family, and Country" Key Behaviors: Jeans and Work Boots, Outdoorsy with Multiple Vehicles, Religious, Family Loyal Strong Impressions: Inclination & Attitudes: Traditional, Dutiful, and Followers Mood & Values: High Devotion to Family, High Importance of Religious Faith M44-page 1

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Page 1: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC


Mission Impact…Focusing your heartburst for the people around you

Mission Impact Guide V 2.0

Group M, “Families in Motion”

Lower middle-income rural families with diverse adult and children household dynamics

Resource: Mosaic by Experian

General Spiritual Insight: Red, White, and Bluegrass is part of the Lifestyle Group M (Families in Motion). Please refer to the description of Group M for the larger context of this segment's potential relationship with the church.

Religious Perspective:

"God, Family, and Country"

Key Behaviors:

Jeans and Work Boots, Outdoorsy with Multiple Vehicles, Religious, Family Loyal

Strong Impressions:

Inclination & Attitudes: Traditional, Dutiful, and Followers Mood & Values: High Devotion to Family, High Importance of Religious Faith





Page 2: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Comments: Family, country, and God are the top three priorities of these large households ... and they may not able to say which comes first. They live in rural and small town areas in the eastern half of the US and southern Bible Belt. People in this segment express and old-fashioned pride that has been handed down over the generations. Their roots are on the farm, but now many work in construction, transportation, health care, and other blue collar jobs. Family is important. Several generations with roots in the farm now live together in new subdivisions and mobile homes. The children are usually quite young, and the aging grandparents might share some of the parenting load. They live family centered lives that tend to spoil the kids with toys, and their large acreage lots may be filled with RV's, trampolines, and miscellaneous stuff. Their little discretionary income is stretched to support 3+ vehicles and long commutes to work. People are patriotic and disinterested in other cultures; fond of bluegrass, country and Christian rock music; football; and don't like to stand out in a crowd. God is important, and the church is very much a part of their lives. Churches tend to be conservative, and take faith and Christian lifestyle very seriously. They advocate conservative public policies and political candidates. Churches are neither high-tech nor hard copy, but emphasize spiritual experience, accountability, conformity with family expectations, and hope for tomorrow. They appreciate a church that is down to earth and focuses on the family. It is not too intellectual, but very spiritual.









Page 3: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Leadership Hospitality

The Basics, Multiple Choices People in this segment may have lived in their small town subdivisions or mobile homes for 5-15 years, but they usually have rural or agricultural roots. They own large lots, and among the assorted recreational vehicles there may be large vegetable gardens to supplement the family groceries. They arrive at the church building with a car full of smaller children and infant paraphernalia. A sheltered, safe drop-off entrance is crucial, and churches should deploy greeters who can help families unload and enter the church. Deploy the same people after church to help them exit. The vestibule and refreshment center before or in-between worship services can be pretty chaotic. Provide lots of room, minimize objects with sharp corners, and provide extra storage space for strollers. Greeters will be very busy directing traffic, welcoming visitors and relatives, and pointing people in the right direction. They should wear big, bold nametags, or some identifiable apparel (T-shirt, hat, etc.) to identify their role. Always train greeters to be extra friendly; sensitively useful; and capable of stating the mission of the church over and over again.

Enabler, Discipler The pastor who is effective with this lifestyle segment is often called a “preacher”, but “preaching” is not really the most important part of their leadership. This is a pastor for whom preaching and Sunday worship is only one part of a larger process to mature Christians in faith and shape Christian behavior in daily life. The pastor is usually an expressive and Biblically knowledgeable preacher, but does not need to be the best public communicator. The pastor’s greatest strength is the ability to teach by word and deed what it means to live like a Christian. The pastor oversees interconnected programs for spiritual growth, and is especially helpful coaching young parents to shape their home life and raise their children around Christian values and beliefs. The pastor is often (but not exclusively) male, and there is usually room for women to participate on staff and volunteer ministries. The pastor is usually trained in a Bible College or Seminary, but may or may not be ordained by a denomination. Regardless of gender, training, or certification, the pastor must be a spiritual leader and role model. He or she is a readily available for emergency counseling, and observes and celebrates lifecycle transitions among the member families of the church. The pastor frequently teaches a Bible study class for leaders, and coaches small group leaders to exercise care giving among members.

Hospitality Compelling Issues: Pot luck fellowship dinners, designed to include the whole family, are very welcome to these people with small discretionary budgets. This is an opportunity for good times ... and healthier eating. Families may bring fresh vegetables and enjoy home cooking, and avoid the fast and frozen food that characterizes much of their weekly diet.

Leadership Compelling Issues: The most productive ministries last at least five years, because it takes time and constant association for the pastor to build credibility and trust.

Relevant Ministry Choices:





Page 4: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Inspirational, Coaching or Transformational Worship may be a special day, but it is clearly an extension of their daily lives and a part of a larger weekly spiritual life. They come wearing the same functional clothes, sneakers, and work boots ... only cleaner. They bring with them habits of table grace and personal or family devotions during the week. All the elements of traditional worship do not need to be emphasized on Sunday, because Sunday worship is not a “stand alone” event in their Christian behavior. Worship is always upbeat and inspirational. Praise music with a strong rhythm begins worship, and music tends to set the mood, frame the message, and connect everything together. The music director or band leader is more important than the average organist or choir director might be in a traditional church. Christian music may have a distinctly bluegrass, country, or rock sound, and is usually led by electronic keyboard or band. There is often soft music in the background of prayers, communion, or baptism. Lyrics are uncomplicated and clear, and the words to prayers, music, and the points of the sermon are visually displayed (projected or computer generated). The content of worship may be coaching or transformational. Worship often follows a practical theme for the day (or a theme extending several weeks) on a practical subject of Christian living. The pastor often speaks for 30 minutes or so, without a written text, and with frequent references to scripture. The message may be supplemented by video clips or drama. Alternatively, worship may focus changing lives (conversion, spiritual blessings, addiction intervention, etc.) The message is more motivational, and often includes a witness from the band or congregation, and healing prayer or altar call.

Experiential or Curricular, Biblical, Generational Christian spirituality is often a natural part of home life. Church families often pray before meals, and couples may pray or read the Bible together during the week. If they can afford it and it is readily available, they might opt for Christian schools or even home schooling. The church may have inexpensive day care and Vacation Bible School programs. The men's ministries are just as strong as the women's ministries, and men tend to take leadership in the policies of the church. Children’s Sunday school is usually based on a curriculum from a Christian publishing house. It may be customized by local teachers, but more often it includes a teacher’s guide that is followed carefully. Older grades may be more experiential. The budget of the church may allow crafts, Christian videos and video games, puppetry, and special music, but ordinarily the church budget is as constrained as family budgets. Classes are organized by age, and curriculums emphasize Bible stories and moral teachings. Sunday school is usually separate from the worship time, although preschoolers may leave worship for a separate “Children’s Church” experience. Adult Sunday school is also important. Classes gather around a more mature member with credibility as a spiritual person. The class usually studies a book or workbook that often contains exercises for each lesson to reinforce learning. The curriculum may focus on a topic, but is primarily informed by scripture.



Relevant Ministry Choices:





Page 5: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Education Compelling Issues: In the past, children Sunday schools’ attracted adult participation; but these days adult participation brings the children with them. Men are particularly targeted for Sunday school, since they are considered the head of household and pacesetters for the family.

Outreach Small Group

Rotated or Designated Leaders, Curriculum Midweek small groups are often an important part of the discipling process. The pastor or paid staff person trains and coaches small group leaders to build relationships and deepen faith. A book or workbook is usually the focus of conversation, and sometimes this book is uniformly studied by all small groups. The curriculum strongly references scripture, but is very practical in its lifestyle application. Leadership is sometimes rotated among group participants, but many people in this segment prefer “following” than “leading”. A small group leader is often recruited by the pastor using spiritual gifts inventories, and regularly coached to lead the group. Groups may be quite structured for prayer, fellowship, and learning. They may have very clear times for closure, and mentoring moments to move people to the next group that will enhance their individual spiritual growth.

For Themselves: Health, Quality of Life For Others: Quality of Life, Health, Survival People in this lifestyle segment are somewhat liberal in their social views and politically active. Locally, they are especially concerned about the impact of urbanization on their once quiet neighborhoods (and the related issues of traffic safety, crime, housing, retail, etc). More globally, they are concerned about air and water pollution, the environment, corporate ethics, health care, human rights, and family values. They are ambivalent about technological advances in medicine and bioengineering. They are willing to raise consciousness through seminars, petitions, and protests, but are unlikely to hold extreme positions or take unnecessary risks. These people also rally to respond to natural disasters around the world. They are apt to give generously for famine relief, health care, or recovery from natural disasters. As indicated above, they may combine education and mission to sponsor short term mission trips in the US, Mexico, or the Caribbean (e.g. building projects for orphanages, schools, health clinics, churches; or irrigation, tree planting, and conservation).

Worship Compelling Issues: Eucharist can be important for people with Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran backgrounds. The liturgy is usually simpler and in ordinary language, appreciates children, and focuses on specific experiences of grace that sustain people through hard living or rescues people from bad habits.

Relevant Ministry Choices:





Page 6: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Stewardship/Financial Management

Property and Technology

Small Group Compelling Issues: Most groups meet in private homes and include dinner or dessert. While some groups related to specific issues are short term, other groups may build relationships that continue for a long time.

Ecclesiastical or Utilitarian, Christendom, Modern Red, White and Bluegrass prefer church buildings that stand out in the neighborhood as religious centers (i.e. steeple and cross), but which are otherwise quite versatile and resemble other public buildings. Exterior signage is very visible, day or night, and often communicates the theme for the Sunday message and a “thought for the day”. The name and logo of the church communicates the unique vision of the congregation. Hospitality is important. There is usually a sheltered car port, and clear signage to the office, worship center, and nursery. The vestibule is large, and may include refreshment stations. The hospitality center, nursery, and worship center are usually proximate to each other (on the same floor and just a few steps away). The worship center is more of a hall than a sanctuary: flexible seating, stage, project screen, and plenty of space for a musical ensemble (electronic piano, amplified guitars, and percussion). The room may have a few symbols. Windows may be shaded, and the stage may have some artificial plants. Technology is modestly progressive. Amplified audio and video screens are used constantly. Budgets are limited, so projected images rather than LCD screens are most common. However, the building may not be wireless or cell phone friendly, and the internet may not be available in worship center or Sunday school space.

Unified Budgets, Lifestyle Coaching People in this segment usually have low salaries, few investments, and functional tastes. They have significant debt burdens. They use credit and debit, but may not carry much cash. Occasionally they have to make ends meet by borrowing against payday at high interest rates. Aside from paying the weekly bills, they are most intentional about paying insurance premiums and church obligations. The major thrust of a stewardship campaign is to help young struggling families develop a lifestyle discipline of Christian giving. They may welcome a budget and annual financial statement, but want coaching to develop a Christian family financial plan that allows them to minimize interest payments on debts and maximize giving to the church. The church is their primary target for charitable giving, and they often strive to tithe (although they may or may not succeed each month).

Outreach Compelling Issues: The small group is often an important entry point for newcomers to the church. People are encouraged to invite friends, family, and neighbors.

Relevant Institutional Strategies:





Page 7: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC

Stewardship/Financial Mgmt. Compelling Issues: These people trust the church leaders to invest or spend money appropriately. Financial malfeasance seriously undermines the credibility of the church; and financial responsibility seriously reinforces the credibility of the church.

Property and Technology Compelling Issues: One of the paradoxes of space is that words, rather than images, are emphasized in much of the building. There are not a lot of pictures, although quotations from scripture and key words like “hope” or “love” may be visible on walls. On the other hand, images, rather than words, are emphasized in the worship center. Still and moving pictures are projected on the screen; color and light shape the decor.

Relevant Institutional Strategies:





Communication Compelling Issues: People in this segment pay close attention to announcements projected on screen before and after worship.



Radio, Television, Gatherings, and some Internet People in this segment are seriously averse to print. They are not likely to accept or read orders of service, printed announcements in the bulletin, printed newsletters, or mass mailings. They are becoming somewhat more internet friendly. They may respond to email and explore a church website (if it is simple and does not require many clicks). They may or may not use social media, and may pay most attention to still images and amateur video. They may not participate in internet forums or blogs. The best way to communicate information within the church is during large and small group gatherings, and by telephone. They may use basic cell phones, but may not use all the Apps of a smart phone. And they will respond to voice mail messages.

Page 8: SEGMENT M44: RED, WHITE, AND Red, White, and Bluegrass.pdf · Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Mission Impact Guide V2.0 by Thomas G. Bandy Group M, “Families in Motion”

Download resources for your mission field through Mission Impact Guide V2.0 © MissionInsite, LLC


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Really Relevant (and) Always Faithful: How Churches and Ministries Target Mission in An Explosion of Diversity by Thomas G. Bandy (Available through Amazon)

Download the MOSAIC Guide from Experian

Explore the Interactive MOSAIC Guide from Experian






