seg 2 fort macon

Greenhead Construction Inc.

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Segment 2 of the Coastal Education Center at Fort Macon State Park


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Greenhead Construction Inc.

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Greenhead Construction Inc.

• Spencer Taylor- Project Engineer • Hunter Rogerson- Superintendent• Tyler Brantley- Safety Director• Stuart Flynn- Document Control• Paul Walsh- Project Manager• Zack Slate- Lead Estimator

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Work Plan• Work Plan

Build Team

• Project Manager – Paul Walsh is the head Project Manager for Greenhead Construction. He will be in charge of scheduling, meeting with owner’s reps, architect. In charge of processing RFI’s, obtaining mock-ups from subcontractors, and coordinating day to day activities with the superintendant.

• Superintendent- Hunter Rogerson will be the Superintendent for the Fort Macon project. He will be in

charge of the day to day operations such as coordinating the subs, managing quality and schedule, and deliveries

• Document Control – Stuart Flynn is in charge of keeping records and organizing all documents related to

the project. • Lead Estimator –Zack Slate is in control of Greenhead Constructions Budget on the project and all change

orders will go through him. • Safety Director – Tyler Brantley is responsible for developing and implementing a safety plan • Project Engineer - Spencer Taylor will be the head engineer for this project. He will be inspecting any

major work done to make sure it is up to Greenhead’s standards.

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Work Plan (continued)• Subcontractors• Greenhead Construction will handle all management activities for this project. All other tasks will

be subcontracted. Greenhead Construction has worked hard to establish and maintain positive relationship with all subcontractors. Subcontractors must provide proper documentation regarding insurance policies, safety plan and workers compensation before bidding process begins. Once Subcontractors are selected there will be a mandatory preconstruction meeting where the safety plan, schedule, how work will be conducted as well as any concerns subcontractors have will be discussed. Every week once construction has started subcontractors will meet with our Safety Director, Tyler Brantley, and Superintendent Hunter Rogerson to discuss safety and any concerns on the project.

• Safety Plan• Greenhead Construction takes great pride in having a safe working environment for all of our

projects. For this reason there is a strict safety plan in place that applies to any individual on site. All employees of Greenhead Construction including subcontractors must be OSHA certified. Subcontractors must have a good safety record and provide evidence of an a safety plan to be approved by Tyler Brantley, Greenhead Construction’s Safety Director before any work is done. If sufficient evidence cannot be provided Greenhead will require training before work is done.

• If any unsafe activity is seen or any accidents happen all parties involved will receive a warning and then be required to take an additional safety course. If the same activity is seen again then the subcontractor will be fined and possibly kicked off the job.

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Work Plan (continued)• Project Duration • Greenhead Construction’s estimated duration for this project is 450

days. The project is to be started January 27, 2009 and conclude by the end of April 2010. To estimate the duration of the project we have accounted inclimate weather by researching at to gather information on the average precipitation amounts in this region, for a 450 day time period. Greenhead construction and all subcontractors are expected to work five days a week and an average of ten hours a day. In the event of inclimate weather, weekends will be considered as work days until the lost time is made up. In the event that the project gets behind schedule, some work days may exceed ten hours to prevent weekend work. This work week is subject to change, as necessary throughout the project.

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Work Plan (continued)• Sequencing of Major Tasks • The goal of Greenhead Construction is to have the building dried in

by late December. This is a very important goal to keep the project on schedule. The months of December through February are the coldest months of the year in this region and the month of March typically has the most rainfall of the year. By having the roof on the building by December, work can go on inside the building uninterrupted by the weather. In order for this to take place, the foundation subcontractors need to be efficient and be on schedule. All site work leading to the building along with a temporary access road also needs to be completed by late December.

• After completion of the roof and access road, the electrical, mechanical, insulation and framing crews will all work in rotating zones of the building in an orderly manner. Completion of the outside of the building will take place in late March, early April as weather permits. After all this is complete, one week will be allowed for minor finishes on the project.

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Work Plan (continued)Contractor Crew Size

Site/Utility Contractor 12,4

Concrete/Foundation 10

Framing 10

Roofing 8

Exterior Siding/Masonry 18

Mechanical 10

Plumbing 5

Electrical 6

Sheetrock/Finish 15

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Work Plan (continued)

• Equipment• The following is a chart of equipment that is to

be rented by Greenhead Construction or is equipment that is owned by Greenhead Construction. Equipment owned by subcontractors of Greenhead Construction will not appear on this chart.

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Work Plan (continued)

Description Dates Needed Quantity Use

7k LULL Forklift 1/27/09-4/27/10 2 Various

40ft Scissor Lift 1/27/09-4/27/10 4 Exterior Masonry, Mechanical,


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Work Plan (continued)Temporary Facilities

• Elite Construction Job Trailer – One 40’, air conditioned job trailer with electrical and sanitary connections. Trailer will have four offices and a conference room for Greenhead employees. It will be located approximately 60’ from North side of main job entrance.

• Portable Toilets – Elite Construction will maintain a minimum of four portable toilets including one for women on the jobsite for the subcontractors and crews to use. The number of portable toilets on site will be adjusted as needed throughout the duration of the project. Portable toilets are to be provided by and maintained by Southeast Portables, Inc.

• Temporary Power Supply – The electrical subcontractor will set up two temporary power supply stations to be used by all subcontractors on site for the duration of the project. The power supply stations shall be set up a soon a possible and shall meet or exceed all OSHA standards for temporary power on site.

• Temporary Driveway and Parking - As soon as feasibly possible, the site contractor shall establish a

suitable driveway and parking lot for all subcontractors to use. This driveway and parking lot shall be maintained by the site contractor for the entire duration of the project, or until the final asphalt paving has been completed.

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Work Plan (continued)• Quality Assurance

• The superintendent, Hunter Rogerson, will be in charge of making sure all work is done in the proper manner and all inspections are completed. It is also his responsibility to make sure all protected areas surrounding the site remain undisturbed. Every two weeks and any other time necessary the engineer, Spencer Taylor, will inspect any work done to make sure it is up to the high standards of Greenhead Construction Inc. Subcontractors are required to do their best work, and they will be penalized and have to pay the cost to redo things.

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Site Layout and Logistics

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Contract Review

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Document Control Log

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Submittal Log

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Inspection Log

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60 Day Schedule

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Team Field Project Reports

• Copper Beech Phase II• We started our daily reports of Copper Beech Phase II on the

week of January 26. On the side closest to campus they had started framing on nine buildings. Plumbing and electrical had started on the few that were finished framing and vinyl siding was being installed. On the other side, the footings had already been poured but no fine grading had been done. In the following weeks the framing on all the buildings on the campus side were completed. Decks were started and they begun hanging drywall. On the other side grading crews were called in and the parking lots were paved. Since then framing has started at an impressive rate on all the footings.

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II

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Copper Beech Phase II