security sphere: radio frequency subsampling receiver

Security Sphere: Radio Frequency Subsampling Receiver by Jelena Madic MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 3 12002 LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 2002 Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 10, 2002 Certified by Professor Charles G. Sodini Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses

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Security Sphere: Radio Frequency Subsampling



Jelena Madic


JUL 3 12002


Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering

and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

June, 2002

Copyright 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.

AuthorDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

May 10, 2002

Certified byProfessor Charles G. Sodini

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceThesis Supervisor

Accepted byArthur C. Smith

Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses


Security Sphere: Radio Frequency Subsampling Receiverby

Jelena Madic

Submitted to theDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

June 2001

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofBachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering

and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


The main goal of this thesis project was the design and implementation of a RadioFrequency Subsampling Receiver that can demodulate the 2.5Mb/s GFSK/GMSKmodulated signal at 1.89GHz carrier frequency using commercially availablecomponents. This receiver has a single analog IF stage that downconverts the carrierfrequency to 140MHz. The wideband signal is further subsampled and transferred intothe digital domain using high speed, high performance, wide dynamic range analog-to-digital converter AD6644. The digitized signal is then separated into in-phase (I) andquadrature (Q) components with a frequency translator using a numerically controlledoscillator. Digital samples of I and Q run at the frequency equal to the sampling clockfrequency of 60MHz. Currently available DSPs are not fast enough to perform all theother subsequent functions on data running at sample rates this high. Thus, following thefrequency translator are high-speed decimating filters that reduce the sample rate to allowfor proper data processing, and FIR low-pass filter. The low-pass FIR filter rejectsunwanted signals and their images. Demodulation is performed in software. As a resultthis receiver is very flexible since software allows for easy changes without a need toreplace hardware. In addition some problems like DC offsets, mismatch and noiseproblems are eliminated.

Thesis Supervisor: Professor Charles G. SodiniTitle: Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science




I wish to thank all people who helped me to bring this thesis project to successful


Specifically, I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Dr. Charles Sodini

for his guidance and support not only while I was doing my M.Eng. project but also while

he was my undergraduate advisor at MIT. His invaluable suggestions and his visionary

mind where a crucial factor in the successful completion of my thesis project. I am also

grateful for all the career advices I received from Dr. Sodini throughout my stay at MIT.

Sam Lefian is a person with a wealth of practical knowledge that he was always

willing to share with me. He is also a very warm and friendly person that was there to

offer an advice when I most needed it. Often his encouragement and advice were the

source of hope after long nights I spent trying to make things work. The numerous useful

discussions I had with him influenced decisions related to my career in general.

My thesis partners Oluwamuyiwa Olubuyide and Matthew Yarosz provided me

with technical advice throughout the project. They were always ready to listen to

complaints or excitements related to my work. I learned from them in many ways.

Ketan Patel's thesis provided me with a very useful base on practical radio

frequency receiver design.

I thank to Manish Bhardwaj for many brainstorming sessions, technical assistance

and friendship.

I also thank to Dan McMahill for finding time to discuss his project with me

during his last and busiest year at MIT.

Analog Device's University Program made valuable contribution to this project

by donating several evaluation boards and components. National Semiconductor

Corporation, SAWTEK and Connor-Winfield also contributed to this project with their

valuable component donations.



Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 15

1.1 Receiver Specifications ......................................................................................... 16

1.2 Thesis Overview .................................................................................................... 18

Radio Frequency Receiver Architectures ....................................................................... 19

2.1 Perform ance V ariables ......................................................................................... 21

2.1.1 Bit Error Rate................................................................................................... 21

2.1.2 Signal-To-N oise Ratio..................................................................................... 22

2.1.3 N oise Figure and N oise Factor ....................................................................... 22

2.1.4 Cascaded N oise Figure .................................................................................... 23

2.1.5 Sensitivity ......................................................................................................... 23

2.1.6 Linearity...............................................................................................................25

2.1.7 Effects of N onlinearity .................................................................................... 26

2.1.8 Interm odulation ............................................................................................... 27

2.1.9 Cascaded N onlinear Stages ............................................................................. 30

2.1.10 D ynam ic Range ............................................................................................. 30

2.1.11 Selectivity...................................................................................................... 31

2.2 Receiver A rchitectures ......................................................................................... 31

2.2.1 Superheterodyne Receivers ................................................................................. 32

2.2.2 H om odyne Receivers....................................................................................... 33

2.2.3 D igital Receivers ............................................................................................. 34

Subsam pling Radio Frequency D esign ......................................................................... 37

3.1 Subsam pling ........................................................................................................ 37

3.1.1 Sensitivity to Sam pling Clock Jitter ................................................................ 42

3.2 Subsam pling Receiver Architecture .................................................................... 46

3.2.1 N um m erically Controlled Oscillator ................................................................ 47

3.2.2 D ecim ating Low -pass Filters........................................................................... 47

3.2.3 D em odulator.................................................................................................... 50 A nalog M odulation.................................................................................... 50 D igital M odulation .................................................................................... 51


Im plem entation of the Subsam pling Receiver................................................................ 61

4.1 Frequency Planning and Com ponent Selection.................................................... 62

4.2 Printed Circuit Board Layout D esign .................................................................... 70

Testing and Results............................................................................................................73

5.1 A nalog RF Board Testing .................................................................................... 73

5.2 Testing of the A D C................................................................................................ 75

5.3 Testing of the Functions Implemented in Digital Domain ................................... 76

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 83

6.1. Sum m ary..................................................................................................................83

6.2. Future W ork.............................................................................................................84

References ......................................................................................................................... 85

A ppendix A : Schem atics and Board Layout ................................................................. 87

A ppendix B : LM X 2330L D ual Frequency Synthesizer .................................................. 101


List of Figures

1.1: T he Security Sphere ............................................................................................... 16

1.2: Subsampling receiver block diagram .................................................................... 17

2.1: Fundamental single IF receiver functions. ............................................................ 20

2.2: D ual-IF receiver block diagram .............................................................................. 20

2.3: Graphical representation of the 1-dB compression point ...................................... 27

2.4: Degradation of the input signal due to intermodulation between two interferers ...... 28

2.5: G raphical interpretation of the IIP3...................................................................... 28

2.6: Problem of im age in receivers................................................................................ 32

3.1: The effect of Nyquist sampling, f., = 4f ............................................................. 38

3.2: The effect of destructive aliasing, f, < 2fa ........................................................... 39

3.3: Frequency domain effects of sampling..................................................................40

3.4: Successful example of subsampling ...................................................................... 42

3.5: Error caused by clock jitter when subsampling.................................................... 46

3.6: An example frequency response for N=4, M=1, R=7, and f, = 1/8 ..................... 49

3.7: GMSK time domain waveforms........................................................................... 57

3.8: Q uadrature m odulation......................................................................................... 58

4.1: Subsampling receiver block diagram used in this thesis project...........................61

4.2: Transfer characteristics of the band select filter DFC21R89PO20 HHE .............. 63

4.3: Functional block diagram for AM50-0004 LNA ................................................. 64

4.4: Schematic of the application circuit for IAM-91563 mixer ................................. 65

4.5: Transfer characteristics for SAWTEK-854909 bandpass filter.............................66

4.6: SNR as a function of rms jitter for different analog input frequencies ................. 67

4.7: Functional block diagram for AD6620..................................................................68

4.8: Basic AD6620 Evaluation Board block diagram ................................................. 69

5.1: GMSK modulated signal at the input of the SAW filter ................... 74

5.2: GMSK modulated signal at the output of the SAW filter .................. 74

5.3: L O output of the SA W filter......................................................................................75

5.4: AD6620 composite filter specifications ............................................................... 76


5.5: Composite frequency response of the AD6620 CIC2 , CIC5 and RCF filter stages

u sed in th is project.............................................................................................................77

5.6: For 00 data pattern the phase of the GMSK modulated signal has a constant negative

slope as it constantly decreases ...................................................................................... 78

5.7: For 11 data pattern the phase of the GMSK modulated signal has a constant positive

slope as it constantly increases ...................................................................................... 79

5.8: Demodulated phase for 01 data pattern ................................................................. 80

5.9: Demodulated phase for 0011 data pattern ............................................................. 80

5.10: Demodulated phase for 1111 1011 0010 0000 data pattern ................................. 81

5.11: Demodulated phase for 0011 00110000 1111 0000 1111 0101 0101 data pattern 81

A -1: R eceiver front end ............................................................................................... 88

A-2: Receiver front end (continued).............................................................................89

A-3: AD6644 circuit schematics ................................................................................. 90

A-4: Dual frequency synthesizer circuit (part I)...........................................................91

A-5: Dual frequency synthesizer circuit (part II) ........................................................ 92

A-6: Dual frequency synthesizer circuit (part III)........................................................93

A-7: Programmer for the LO Synthesizer LMX 2330L ............................................... 94

A-8: Top copper, top silk, board.................................................................................. 95

A-9: Top silk, top paste, power2-3.3V and 5VA, board ............................................... 96

A-10: Bottom copper, bottom silk, board.........................................................................97

A-11: Top silk, top paste, 5V, board ............................................................................. 98

B-1: Symplified block diagram of LMX2330L..............................................................100

B-2: The timing diagram for Data, Clock and Enable input signals .............. 104


List of Tables

3.1: The occupied RF bandwidth for GMSK as a fraction of the data rate containing a

given percentage of power............................................................................................ 56

T.1: Counter selection via control bits.............................................................................102

T.2: Reference divider (R) serial format ......................................................................... 102

T.3: 15-Bit Programmable Reference Divider Ratio (R counter) ................................... 102

T .4 : D ivider (N ) serial form at.........................................................................................103

T.5: 7-Bit Swallow Counter Divide Ratio (A counter) ................................................... 103

T.6: 1 1-Bit Programmable Counter Divide Ratio (B counter)........................................103

T.7: Synthesizer Programmable Modes ......................................................................... 104

T.8: Mode Select Truth Table ........................................................................................ 104



I dedicate this thesis to my parents, my brother, and Sasa



Chapter 1


The demand for wireless and low power video surveillance devices is constantly

increasing in recent years as the cost, performance, size and power dissipation of their

integral components improves. The main advantages of these devices are their portability

and versatility. For example, they can be used in security systems installed in banks,

grocery stores, prisons, and homes or for traffic surveillance.

The motivation behind the Security Sphere project was to develop such a video

surveillance device that meets today's market standards using advanced technology

developed at MIT. This includes CMOS Differential Passive Pixel Image (DPPI) sensor

chip used to replace standard digital camera and the phase locked loop (PLL) frequency

synthesizer chip. Since the DPPI sensor chip is implemented in a standard CMOS

process, its important advantages are lower power dissipation, smaller area and cost. The

phase locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer chip is used in the radio frequency

transmitter architecture. It employs a technique for in service automatic calibration whose

purpose is to achieve high data rates [1]. This technique is used to maintain accurate

matching between the digital precompensation filter and the analog PLL transfer function

across process and temperature variations.

The Security Sphere, shown in Figure 1.1, contains four imager cameras mounted

on the bottom half of a 16-cm radius sphere. This set up allows 180-degree panoramic


view of the camera surroundings. Images collected by the cameras are first processed

through an intelligent motion detection algorithm. The algorithm is designed to

distinguish between human and non-human motion. The data are next compressed in real

time and sent through the wireless channel at 2.5Mbps data rate on a 1.89GHz carrier to a

display unit. The wireless channel consists of an ultra low power transmitter and a

subsampling receiver.

Important advantages this receiver has over its analog counterparts are a single

downconversion stage and thus reduced number of analog components and an algorithm

to demodulate a high data rate GMSK modulated signal in a digital domain. The aim of

this thesis project was to design and implement such a subsampling receiver.


2.5Mb/s, 1.89GHz

MIT Transmitter] RFSubsampling

Vid-O ReceiverCompression

PE Motn 30 ps DecompressionDe ection

Camera cm

Figure 1.1: The Security Sphere.

1.1 Receiver Specifications

A block diagram of the subsampling receiver is shown in Figure 1.2. It is designed to

receive and demodulate data sent by the MIT radio frequency (RF) transmitter. The key


features of this transmitter relevant for the receiver design are Gaussian Frequency Shift

Keying (GFSK) or Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) modulation at data rate of

2.5Mbps, and RF output carrier center frequency in the 1.89GHz range. In addition the

receiver is designed to meet DECT standard which requires at least -82dBm of receiver

sensitivity. To improve the performance of this receiver compared to fully analog

receivers and to minimize the number of analog components, demodulation is

implemented in digital domain. Frequency downconversion from 1.89GHz to 140MHz is

performed in one IF stage. After the first frequency downconversion and bandselect

filtering, wideband carrier signal is transferred into the digital domain using the

subsampling technique. The subsampling technique allows sampling of very high

frequency signals at a rate lower than the Nyqust rate.






Figure 1.2: Subsampling receiver block diagram


1.2 Thesis Overview

This thesis consists of six chapters and two appendices. Chapter 2 presents a brief

discussion of basic concepts in RF design and a review of conventional receiver

architectures and topologies that are the subject of the mainstream research today.

Chapter 3 describes proposed subsampling receiver architecture in more detail and

reviews some basic communications topics useful for this thesis work. Implementation of

the proposed system and printed circuit board design are discussed in Chapter 4. Chapter

5 presents experimental results from the prototype. Chapter 6 summarizes the project and

suggests areas for future work.

Appendix A provides schematics, board layout details, and a bill of materials. Appendix

B explains the LMX2330L dual frequency synthesizer chip used in this project.


Chapter 2

Radio Frequency Receiver Architectures

The purpose of a radio frequency (RF) receiver is to gather relevant information from the

energy of the electromagnetic waves present in the surrounding medium. To accomplish

this goal, the receiver must do several fundamental functions. It needs to transform the

energy in the medium to an electrical form and select and amplify a desired weak signal

from much stronger interfering signals and noise. It also needs to reject undesired signals

and extract modulated information with minimum probability of error [2]. Because most

of the analog and digital components cannot operate at high RF frequencies, it is

necessary to downconvert the carrier frequency of the received signal. Illustration of

performance of these receiver functions in the case of amplitude-modulated signals is

presented in Figure 2.1.


(a) Time domain representation.

(b) Frequency domain representation.


f f f f f

Input Amplification Frequency Channel DemodulationDownconversion Select


Figure 2.1: Fundamental single IF receiver functions. (a) Time domain. (b) Frequency


An example of a typical analog dual IF receiver is shown in block diagram of

Figure 2.2 [3].

Tael c Reject Fiter Soe Flft er _ Select FilterD m du a r

Figure 2.2: Dual-IF receiver block diagram.

Its basic parts are band select filter, low noise amplifier (LNA), image reject filter, two

mixers used for downconverting the carrier frequency, second channel select filter,

amplifier, and a demodulator. Mixers reduce carrier frequency to a value called

intermediate frequency (IF). They operate on a pair of signals in a way that produces two

signals with frequencies equal to the sum and the difference of the input signals'

frequencies. Their function can be represented with the following expression:


(A cOs ORF) A2 COsLOtO) A 2 [cos(WRF - WLO )t + COS(WRF + COLO )t [2]. (2.1)

For this reason, mixers are sometimes called multipliers. The lower frequency component

of the output is of interest to us, whereas the higher frequency component is useless and

is filtered out with the channel select filter.

2.1 Performance Variables

Receiver performance quality is determined from the quality of the output signal usually

defined in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or bit error rate (BER). In general, we

want to maximize SNR and minimize BER. Other important parameters that characterize

receiver performance are noise figure, sensitivity, linearity, dynamic range, and

selectivity. They all have to be studied carefully for a designer to be able to understand

major receiver design tradeoffs and to be able make a proper selection of receiver


2.1.1 Bit Error Rate

Communication accuracy of a digital wireless system is analyzed by monitoring a bit

error rate (BER), which is defined as the rate at which errors are expected to occur as a

fraction of the total number of bits of information. Mathematically, bit error rate is

defined as number of errors divided by number of bits sent. If the quality of the signal is

maximized, then signal range and transmitter power are optimized as well. Detectors

ability to "make" a decision in the presence of the noise in a receiver is relayed by its bit

error rate.


2.1.2 Signal-To-Noise Ratio

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a measure of signal strength relative to noise. The ratio is

usually measured in decibels (dB). If the incoming signal strength in microvolts is Vs, and

the rms noise level, also in microvolts, is Vn, then the signal-to-noise ratio, SNR, in

decibels is given by the formula

SNR = 20 log o(Vs/Vn) (2.2)

2.1.3 Noise Figure and Noise Factor

Noise factor (F) is the amount of noise that receiver contributes within a given noise

bandwidth [3]. It is commonly given as

Total available output noise power

Portion of output noise caused by the source

Noise factor can also be expressed in terms of signal-to-noise ratios at the input (SNRin)

and at the output (SNRU,)

SNRinF = [3]. (2.4)


Thus, noise factor can also be defined as a measure of how much SNR degrades due to

noise added by the receiver.

Noise Figure (NF) is defined as noise factor expressed in decibels:

NF = 10logF. (2.5)

Note that in literature NF is sometimes used to denote noise factor and F noise figure. For


/2.3 )

all practical purposes, there is no need to distinguish these two terms and they can be

used interchangeably. The lower the noise figure, the better the receiver performance.

2.1.4 Cascaded Noise Figure

In an n-stage system, like a receiver built using commercial components, to qualify

receiver sensitivity, it is important to calculate the noise figure for a cascade of stages.

This noise figure can be expressed in terms of the noise factor and gain of each stage.

Cascaded noise factor is given by the Friis equation

F2-1 Ffl-1Fo = I+ (F, - 1) + +.2 - + , (2.6)

Api Ap1... Ap~m - >

where Fi) is the noise factor and AP(i) is unloaded voltage gain of the i-th stage [3].

Noise figure can then be found using equation (2.3). Friis equation tells us that the higher

the gain of the stage is, the lower the noise of the following stage is. Thus, the first stages

are the major contributors of noise and it is desirable to minimize the noise factor and

maximize the gain of those stages. This is the reason why the low noise amplifiers are

located at the first stage to amplify the signals with minimum increase of noise. It is also

useful to mention that Friis equation assumes that input and output impedances of each of

the n stages are perfectly matched, which is usually not true in reality. Therefore, noise

figure of a real system is higher than its calculated value using Friis expression.

2.1.5 Sensitivity

Sensitivity is the minimum strength of input RF signal that a receiver can detect with

acceptable value for the output SNR ratio [3]. When received carrier is modulated by a

digital baseband signal, the output SNR directly affects detected BER. Therefore,

sensitivity can also be defined as the minimum signal level a receiver can detect that


results in a given BER. The expression for sensitivity can be derived from equation (2.2)

for noise figure [3].




where, Psig is the input signal power and PRS the source resistance noise power, per unit

bandwidth. Thus, the total input signal power is expressed as

Psig tot = PRS -NF -SNRor -B , (2.8)

where B is the channel bandwidth. Minimum input signal power is found by replacing

SNRout with minimum acceptable value for the output SNR. Converting quantities in

equation (2.6) in decibels, we get

Pin, min dBm = PRS I dBmIHz + NF | dB +1 logB.

Assuming conjugate matching at the input

PRS = kT = -174dBm/Hz

at room temperature. It follows that

Pin min = (-l74dBm / Hz + NF + 10log B) + SNR min




The three terms inside the brackets represent the total integrated noise of the system that

is also called the noise floor.


2.1.6 Linearity

Linearity is an important concept as it helps us understand how nonlinear effects limit the

upper end of a receiver dynamic range. For a device to remain linear, the output signal

must be equal to the input signal times the gain of the device. In addition, the principle of

superposition must hold. In other words, if the output of a system can be expressed as a

linear combination of individual input responses, the system is said to be linear.

Mathematically this looks as follows. If the two inputs x, (t) and x2 (t) are applied to a

system with a system functionf, then

x, (t) -f > y (t), and x 2 y2 (t) . (2.10)

For superposition to hold

ax1 (t) +bx 2 (t) -f->ay, (t) +by 2(). (2.11)

In real devices, for large enough input signals, the linearity condition is not satisfied. The

output starts to level off and gain starts to decrease. To explain these effects further, we

will simplify our analysis by looking at memoryless, time-variant systems whose

response in the nonlinear range can be approximated with a polynomial [3]:

x(t) f y(t)~ax(t)+a2x2 (t) + a 3x3 (t) . (2.12)


2.1.7 Effects of Nonlinearity

Gain compression

If the input to a nonlinear system is of the form x(t)= A cos a, (2.12) becomes

2 2 3 CO3

y(t) = a, A cos ax + a 2A cos2 ax +aA cos t (2.13)

a9 A2 a3 A3=aAcosax+ 2 (1+cos2ax)+ 3 (3cosal+cos3ax) (2.14)

2 4

_a 2A2 K 3a3A3 5 a2A2 a3A3

= + ajA+ cosax+ cos2ax+ cos3ox. (2.15)2 y1 4), 2 4

The term in (2.15) with the same frequency as the input signal is called fundamental and

the ones with frequencies equal to the multiple of the input frequency are called

harmonics. The amplitude of n, harmonic is proportional to A". For small input levels,

the small-signal gain of the system from the system represented by (2.15) is oc. Thus, if

the input signal has high amplitude, harmonics will become more dominant in the

response. As a consequence, the system gain begins to vary. With the emergence of

harmonics the gain becomes approximately a, + 3a 3A2 /4. Because active devices can

provide only a limited amount of power that will be distributed among both the

fundamental and the harmonics, the system gain will decrease consequently. Ideally we

would like all the power to be delivered to the fundamental. The input signal power at

which the small-signal gain of a device has decreased by ] dB is called 1-dB compression


point (Figure 2.3) [3]. This point can be used to determine the upper limit of the dynamic

range if intermodulation effects are not that severe.

P .(dB)

1 dB


P1d (B

GAIN(dB) I .. .......

jPinP 1.dS 08)

Figure 2.3: Graphical representation of the 1-dB compression point.

Another effect of nonlinearity is the addition of a DC term to the output of a device,

which affects biasing of the next stage.

2.1.8 Intermodulation

If a two-tone interfering signal with frequencies w0 and W2 is applied to a nonlinear

system, it will produce frequency components that are not harmonics of the input signals.

This effect is called intermodulation (IM). The frequency of the intermodulation products

can be expressed in terms of input frequencies as

w= a, + ba 2, (2.16)

where a and b are integers. Thus, IM products can fall in the band of interest and corrupt

it. To understand this effect better, we will further explain it mathematically. Assume the

input signal is of the form x(t) = A, cos C91t + A2 cos a)2t . If we substitute x(t) into equation

(2.12) and perform a few algebraic manipulations, we get

y(t) = a ](A, cos, t + A2 cos 0 2t)+ a 2 (A, cosco t + A2 cos C0t 2

+a(A Cosco t + A2 cos 2t)3 (2.17)


= a 2 AA 2 cos(C 1 + w 2 )t+a 2AA 2 cos(W1 - 2 )t

3aA 2 A2+ 3 2cos(24


+ C2)t + 3aA1 A 2 cos(2wo, - o2 )t4


(2.20)3a 3A A+ 3a 3A2 A-+ 2cos(2w 2 +wc1)t + 'cos(2w 2 -w1))t4 4

+ DC terms and harmonics that are excluded for simplicity.

Equation (2.18) shows second-order and equations (2.19) and (2.20) third-order IM

terms that come from the second and third-order terms in equation (2.12), respectively. It

turns out that third-order terms with frequencies 2a), - 0 2 and 2o) - C0, can be the most

destructive when C0, , w2 and the band of interest are near each other. This is illustrated

in Figure 2.4 [3.]





2 0)12)2 I )m

Figure 2.4: Degradation of the input signal due to intermodulation between two




An important characteristic of intermodulation distortion is that for nh-order IM product

its output power changes by n decibels for each decibel change in the output power of its

two-tone fundamental. This is under assumption that A, = A2 . For example, we can see

from (2.17) and (2.18) that third order IM (IM3) product increases proportionally to A3

and fundamental to A. The point at which the power levels of IM3 product and

fundamental are the same at the input and at the output is called third intercept point

(IP3). This is illustrated in Figure 2.5 [5].






Figure 2.5: Graphical interpretation of the 11P3.

under the assumption that a higher-order nonlinear IM terms are negligible and the gain

of the system is relatively constant and equal to ol. The input power level at which the

two lines in the graph cross is called the input IP3 (11P3) and the output power level

(01P3). Either 11P3 (usually mixers) or 0IP3 (other components of the receiver) are used

to measure IM. The higher IIP3 and 01P3 are, the wider the linear range of a device is.

IP3 is an important measure of linearity especially in devices like active filters where

other tests often fail to reveal nonlinearity.


2.1.9 Cascaded Nonlinear Stages

In a cascade of nonlinear devices, such as a receiver, it is important to know the

equivalent cascaded value of IIP3 in terms of the IP3 and gain of individual stages. One

can expect IIP3 to be lower if the gain in the first stages of the chain is higher. This is

because higher gain results in higher signal levels and lower useful linear range for the

following stages. Mathematically this can be seen from the expression [3]

1 1 G12 G1

2G22 2+ G 2 + 22 .+ (2.21) A P3 1 2 AII 3,2 AIP 3.3 2y

where A js,, is the IIP3 in volts and G, is the small-signal gain of the nth stage. Although

lower gain in early stages improves IIP3, it also decreases the overall noise figure of the

system, as concluded earlier. Proper design decisions have to be done to come to the most

optimal solution.

2.1.10 Dynamic Range

Dynamic range is defined in general as the ratio of the maximum tolerable to the

minimum acceptable input levels. In RF systems the upper limit is determined by

intermodulation and gain compression phenomena and lower limit by sensitivity.

Dynamic range defined this way is called spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) [3]. If

SFDR is expressed in decibels it becomes equal to the difference between the input

power level in a two-tone test that produces third-order intermodulation product equal to

the noise floor and minimum acceptable power of the input signal. Minimum acceptable

input power for a system Pin,,n was already found in (2.9). The power level Pi,,,nax for

which intermodulation levels equal the noise floor are given by

n m 2 PP +noise -floor

nmx =3"- (2.22)


Thus, mathematically SFDR can be expressed as

SFDR =IP -P (2.23)

2P 3 F + SNR(2.24)3

=2(P -) SNR, , (2.25)3

where PjI3 is the input power level corresponding to the input-third order intercept point.

2.1.11 Selectivity

Selectivity is a measure of how well a receiver can reject unwanted signals and image

frequency. This is usually determined by appropriate use of channel select and image

reject filters. Detailed description of these and other measures of performance can be

found in the literature [2], [3], [4].

2.2 Receiver Architectures

Many receiver architectures have been developed in the past: superheterodyne,

homodyne, tuned radio frequency (TRF) receivers, regenerative and superregenerative,

compressive (microscan), instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM), and many other

[2]. However, the most popular among these are superheterodyne and homodyne

receivers. Selecting the most appropriate configuration is not a simple task and depends

on many factors, some of which are the previously discussed performance measures, but

also complexity, cost, power dissipation, and in IC design the number of external



2.2.1 Superheterodyne Receivers

The superheterodyne receiver architecture is the most popular architecture. The basic

block diagram of a dual-IF (two downconversion stages) superheterodyne structure has

been shown in Figure 2.2. These types of receivers typically consist of two or three

downconversion stages to provide the necessary sensitivity and selectivity. They are

different from homodyne receivers because their final IF frequency is non-zero. The

advantage of this architecture is that the DC-offset problems are avoided. Selecting the

value of the final IF frequency is a hard step as it carries a lot of tradeoffs of which the

most important one is between image rejection and channel selectivity.

The problem of the image frequency arises because mixers or analog multipliers do not

distinguish polarity of the difference between two frequencies. In other words, the

product of mixing cos(ORF -COLO )t will have the same value as cos(OLO - WRF )t

Therefore, two input frequencies, desired and interfering signal, equally distant from CLO

will be translated to the same frequency by a mixer. The interferer translated into the

band of interest is called the image. For example, if the received signal of interest is

centered around ORF = (WLO - CIF), then what we call "image" is located around

COW = (2c0L0 - WRF (CLO + (oF). Figure 2.6 illustrates the problem of image [3].

Desired ImageBand

AAae(RF im

(t)IF () IF

0LO 0


Figure 2.6: Problem of image in receivers.


The image power can be so much higher than the power of the desired signal, that it is

necessary to utilize proper image rejection techniques. The most common way to reject

unwanted interferers is to place an image-reject filter before the mixer. For better

rejection IF frequency must be selected to be high. However, high IF requires high Q of

the channel select filter following the mixer. This is why traditionally in receivers there

are two or even three downconversion stages. The first IF frequencies are selected to be

high for good image rejection, while the final IF frequency is low to enable better channel


2.2.2 Homodyne Receivers

Homodyne receivers are also popularly called direct-conversion or zero-IF receivers.

Their major difference from heterodyne receivers is that their final IF frequency is zero.

In other words, RF frequency is directly downconverted to baseband. To achieve this,

local oscillator frequency must be equal to the RF signal frequency. For phase and

frequency-modulated input signals, the spectrum is double-sided. When such a signal is

brought to zero-IF with a single mixer, the two sides of the spectrum overlap producing a

single-phase output. As a consequence, LO with quadrature outputs (Figure 1.2) must be

used to avoid the loss of information. This structure produces I (in-phase) and Q(quadrature) outputs 90 degrees out of phase with each other.

In zero-IF receivers the image problem previously discussed in heterodyne receivers is

eliminated. Thus, there is no need for the image reject filter. Furthermore, the channel-

select filter becomes a low-pass filter that is more flexible and easier to implement than

bandpass filters. These architectural advantages that result in cost reduction of homodyne

receivers add to their increasing popularity.

An important disadvantage of zero-IF frequency is that 1/f noise and DC offset at the

output of a mixer can now directly corrupt the spectrum of a desired signal. The most

severe DC offset is created in the process of "self-mixing". Self-mixing arises when LO

signal leaks through the LO port to the mixer input. The leakage signal mixed with the


LO signal translates directly to DC. DC offsets produced this way are almost impossible

to remove because they are time-varying and thus difficult to distinguish from the actual

signal. In addition, since leakage from the local oscillator through the antenna is more

significant in homodyne receivers, it can cause interference in other receivers using the

same wireless standard. Mismatches between the amplitudes of the I and Q signals as

well as the errors in the 90-degree phase shift can also severely degrade the SNR of the

output signal [3].

2.2.3 Digital Receivers

Much progress has been made recently in the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and

digital signal processing (DSP) technology, the most crucial factors to make digital

receiver architectures possible. Today's cutting edge ADCs can sample analog signals in

the range as high as hundreds of MHz, thus allowing IF sampling [6]. The second set of

mixing, filtering and demodulation can all be performed in the digital domain. All the

basic principles of the theory of operation of the analog architecture apply to digital

receivers. In addition, digital architectures are more flexible, smaller in size, cheaper,

more accurate, and some problems like DC offsets, mismatch and noise problems are

eliminated. Digital modulators and demodulators can be implemented completely in

software. Software allows for changes and advancements without having to replace the

hardware. Direct conversion of the RF signal at the antenna into the digital domain is still

not possible mainly because today's ADCs are not sensitive enough to extremely low

signals levels and high frequency of the RF signal is impossible to sample. Therefore, at

least one IF stage must be implemented in the analog domain. However, according to the

Nyquist sampling theorem the sampling rate of the ADC must be at least twice the

frequency of the carrier frequency requiring sampling rates on the order of several

hundred MHz. A converter running at these high rates consumes substantial amount of

power and usually has resolution and dynamic range that are too small to satisfy market

requirements for practical receivers. One solution to these problems is to sample at the

second IF, which adds more analog components into the system. A more progressive


method is to use a subsampling technique also used in this thesis project. This topic is

discussed more thoroughly in the next chapter.



Chapter 3

Subsampling Radio Frequency Design

3.1 Subsampling

When performing subsampling (undersampling, bandpass sampling, harmonic sampling,

or super-Nyquist) a high frequency carrier signal is sampled at a rate much lower than the

Nyquist frequency for the carrier signal. For example, a signal atfF=140MHz that has a

bandwidth of Af=4MHz is sampled using a high speed ADC at a sample rate of

f =60MHz. Three important observations can be made related to this example:

" The signal does not extend from DC.

" The sampling frequency is lower than the Nyquist frequency of 2fIF for the carrier

signal. Therefore, aliasing will occur.

* There is a possibility of losing critical information about the sampled signal in the

event aliased images of the carrier signal overlap.

According to Shannon's Information Theorem and Nyquist's Criteria, an analog signal

with a data bandwidth of Af must be sampled at a rate f, 2Af in order to avoid the loss

of information. This turns out not to be the only restriction that needs to be imposed on

the sampling frequency when the sample rate is lower than twice the signal carrier



For signals that extend from DC to a frequency fa, where Af =2fa, if the Nyquist Criteria

is not obeyed, the signal data will be irrecoverably lost. As an illustration compare Figure

3.2 (Nyquist obeyed) to Figure 3.3 ( Nyquist not obeyed).



Figure 3.1: The effect of Nyquist sampling,fs=4fa. (a) Spectrum of the original signal. (b)

Spectrum of the sampling function. (c) Spectrum of the sampled signal.





Figure 3.2: The effect of destructive aliasing,f<2f,,.

(a) Spectrum of the original signal. (b) Spectrum of the sampling function. (c) Spectrum

of the sampled signal.

However, for signals that do not extend to DC, as in our example, from the beginning of

the section, the minimum required sampling rate is a function of the bandwidth of the

signal as well as of its position in the frequency spectrum. When subsampling the carrier

centered at fiF, even if fs < 2fIF, it is possible to recover all the relevant data stored in the

bandwidth around the carrier. To better understand the usefulness of subsampling and

how to make it work, it is necessary to review the basics of the sampling theorem.

A continuous-time signal xc(t) that undergoes periodic sampling is represented

with a sequence of samples x[n], where x[n]=x,(nT). T is the sampling period, and f, is

the sampling frequency, where fs=]/T The spectrum of the sampled signal x[n] can be

expressed as

X (f )= , 1 XT (f - nf) (3.1)T n=-


We see that the process of sampling creates replicas of the input signal spectrum spaced

atf, from-each other. An important fact to observe from Eq. 3.1 is that regardless of what

the sampling frequency is chosen to be, the sampling will cause either the actual signal or

an aliased component to fall between DC andf 3 /2 (Figure 3.4) [7].

CfAE I _ _ _ __ _ _




hA REPEATS:- ....


f" I jk

M=11; kAJJr Jf" f


Figure 3.3: Frequency domain effects of sampling

In the case of Nyquist sampling, the image closest to baseband is located at the carrier

frequency fiF. However, in the case of subsampling (f, < 2fIF) aliasing will produce

replicas of the input signal closer to DC than in the case of Nyquist sampling. Some very

important conclusions can be derived from these observations:

0 Subsampling provides an alternative way for designing a mixer in digital domain. The

lowest frequency image is taken to be the desired downconverted signal. However,

care must be taken to select the sampling frequency properly to avoid destructive

interference between aliased images coming from positive and negative frequency

components of the input signal.



* Any signal that enters the sampler along with the desired signal will produce noise

that will fall between DC and f,12 that can corrupt the wanted signal. These noise

creating signals are almost inevitably produced in devices in the IF stage as a

consequence of their nonlinearity. Therefore, the unwanted signals must be

adequately filtered with an antialiasing bandpass filter before sampling is performed.

It is recommended to place a sharp transition surface acoustic wave (SAW) bandpass

filter prior to ADC, to eliminate part of that noise.

As previously emphasized, the selection of the proper sampling rate is essential to

preventing spectral overlapping of the aliased images and also to place these images at

the desired frequency location. The location of the spectral images of the sampled input

signal centered atfF is given by

f, = nf, fIF 1 (3.2)

where f1 is the desired image frequency, n is an integer, f, is the sampling rate, and fIF

is the ]IF carrier signal frequency. One should bear in mind that the IF carrier signal is

assumed to be sinusoidal and therefore has both positive and negative frequency

components at fIF and - fIF , respectively. Therefore, images of the input signal will be

created at both X (nf, + fIF ) and X (nf, - fIF). From this we see that if the center of the

IF signal frequency is equal to the multiple of the sampling frequency, these images will

exactly overlap each other, even if Nyquist's criteria is satisfied. We conclude that apart

from looking at the Nyquist's condition, one must consider Equation 3.2 to select the

sampling frequency that will not result in destructive aliasing.

One good example of subsampling in which the sample rate is chosen properly is

given in Figure 3.5. This is the same example presented at the beginning of this chapter.


f =60 MHz

\k-142 -140 -138 138 140 142 [MH


-180 -12) -60 6) 12) 180 [MHz)




18 22

80 100 140 16 [MHz]


Figure 3.4: Successful example of subsampling.

(a) Spectrum of the original signal. (b) Spectrum of the sampling function. (c) Spectrum

of the sampled signal.

It was found that sampling clock jitter noise can also alias into the sampled band

of interest and thus corrupt it. To minimize the jitter noise the sampling frequency should

be chosen to be as high as possible. The next section is devoted to the discussion of this


3.1.1 Sensitivity to Sampling Clock Jitter

When performing IF sampling, a clock signal is used to index the timing of sampling.

Ideally, the samples are taken at uniformly spaced intervals. In real implementations the

clock signal usually contains some jitter that will introduce an error to the data.

Therefore, one of the key concerns during IF sampling are aperture uncertainty and

aperture jitter. Aperture uncertainty is sample-to-sample variation in the encode process,



and aperture jitter is the error effect of aperture uncertainty [8]. Aperture uncertainty has

one major effect, increase in system noise, and two minor effects, uncertainty in the

actual phase of the sampled signal and inter-symbol interference. The error signal

produced by aperture jitter and uncertainty increases in amplitude as the slew rates at the

input of the ADC increase. The slew rate shows how fast the signal is slewing through

the zero crossing of the input signal and it is expressed in volts. In a sine wave, the

maximum slew rate is at the zero crossing and it is defined by the first derivative of the

sine function evaluated at t=O.

v(t) = A sin( 2.ift)-v(t) = A2)7f cos( 2; ft) (3.3)dt

at the same point (t=O) the cosine function evaluates to 1 and

dv(t)= A2f =itter (3.4)


The aperture uncertainty will produce error voltage that can be determined by multiplying

the input slew rate by the jitter.

Verror= Slew Rate x tjitter (3.5)

This equation shows that as analog input frequency increases, the error voltage increases

in direct proportion to the aperture uncertainty.

The ADC's SNR imposed by jittered sampling can be theoretically determined using the

following equation:

SNR= -2 0log[(2 }fIF tjitter rMs)] (3.6)


A more generalized equation is used to describe the effect of thermal noise and

differential nonlinearity.

SNR = -20log (2JfIFtijitterrms )2 < 2+e) + VnoerMS 2 2(3.7)

fIF = analog IF frequency.

tjitterrms = aperture uncertainty.

C= average DNL of converter (- 0.4 LSB).

Vnoiserms = thermal noise in LSBs.

N = number of converter bits.

We can measure aperture uncertainty by looking at SNR performance as a function of

analog input frequency. When FFT is done at sufficiently low analog frequency and when

thermal noise is rolled up into the quantization noise and jitter is neglected we arrive at:


e=2NXlO 20 _ (3.8)

SNR = the low frequency SNR.

N = the number of converter bits.

. = average DNL (+thermal noise).

At high frequency, we can assume that jitter is a contributor to noise. Solving the general

equation for jitter brings us to:

(-SNR 22

1020 +

2NtjiterrMS = '' (3.9)



SNR = the high frequency SNR.

N = is the number of converter bits.

F= average DNL (+thermal noise).

fiF = the IF analog input frequency.

The noise due to sampling clock jitter can greatly affect the SNR performance of the

ADC especially at high IF frequencies, given that the sampling frequency is held

constant. Let us define the ratio of the IF frequency and the sampling clock frequency as

the subsampling ratio m

fiFM fI. (3.10)

It can be shown that during the process of subsampling noise power of the sampling

circuit is multiplied by a factor of 2m and the clock phase noise power is amplified by m2

[3]. If a sinusoidal signal is sampled with a jittered clock, the resulting error of the clock

jitter spectrum can be distributed onto the sampled IF input. The ratio of the power

spectral density of the error signal to the power spectral density of the clock signal turns

out to be (fVF /f) exactly [9]. Therefore, to minimize this noise it is necessary to

maximize the sampling frequency or minimize the IF frequency, which usually has more

negative effects. Figure 3.6 illustrates how a desired signal can get corrupted by jitter in

the process of subsampling [9]. S. is the power spectral density of the error due to

jittered sampling. S, contains an infinite number of frequency components located at

frequencies dependant on the input signal carrier frequency (fVF) and the sampling

frequency (f,). The frequency component which is very close to the desired signal

frequency (fa) is shown in Figure 3.6. This frequency component has the most

destructive effect on the wanted signal.





SE fn/f) 2 SC

Clock Spectrum, Sc

fadj fi


Figure 3.5: Error caused by clock jitter when subsampling.

3.2 Subsampling Receiver Architecture

Using the subsampling technique, it is possible to design an RF receiver using only one

IF stage. After the first frequency downconversion and appropriate filtering, the

wideband carrier signal can be transferred into the digital domain using high speed, high

performance, wide dynamic range ADCs such as AD6640 or AD6644. We have seen that

subsampling has a very similar function to mixing and thus can be thought of as the

second downconversion. To prevent the loss of information, sampling frequency is

carefully chosen to avoid direct signal translation to baseband. Direct signal translation to

baseband would happen when the IF frequency is equal to the multiple of the sampling



frequency. A digital mixer with quadrature outputs is necessary to perform the final

conversion of the subsampled signal to baseband. This digital mixer consists of two

multipliers. With a complex numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) it makes a digital

frequency translator.

3.2.1 Numerically Controlled Oscillator

The NCO provides digital samples of sine and a cosine waves that are precisely 90

degrees out of phase. The sine and cosine digital samples run at the rate which is equal to

the ADC sampling clock frequency and the rate of the I and Q outputs of the frequency

translator. The precision of the digital frequency translator is so great that it allows

mixing down to baseband with no offsets. For wideband signals, sample rates can be as

high as several tens of MHz, which would require a lot of processing power in the DSP,

following the ADC. Unfortunately, currently available DSPs are not fast enough to

perform all the other subsequent functions like mixing, filtering and demodulation, for

data running at sample rates this high. Therefore, this data rate must be reduced first to

allow for proper data processing.

3.2.2 Decimating Low-pass Filters

Sample rate reduction or decimation is performed by so-called decimating low-pass

filters [10]. These filters usually consist of cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filters, to

allow for an efficient decimation and interpolation. They are typically employed in

applications where the sample rate is much larger than the data bandwidth. CIC filters are

used for realizing large sample changes in digital systems. Their structure consists of an

integrator section operating at the highest sampling rate and a comb section operating at a

low sampling rate. The overall filter response is equal to the composite of all of these

filter responses.


The integrator section consists of N ideal digital integrator stages operating at high

sampling rate f. Each stage represents a single-pole filter with a unity feedback

coefficient. The transfer function for such an integrator is

1H , (Z)= _ 1, .(3.11)

The comb section consists of N comb stages and runs at the low sampling rate f, /R,

where R is an integer rate change factor or decimation rate. Each stage has a differential

delay of M samples per stage. The transfer function of a single comb stage referenced to

f, is

H c (z) =1z - Z-R . (3.12)

A CIC filter consists of an equal number of integrator and comb sections. The system

transfer function for the composite CIC filter consisting of N integrator and comb

sections is

N N Z~-RM )N = RM- - ]N

H(Z) = HN (z)HC (z) -I N -k (3.13)(1- Z ) k=O_

The frequency response can be obtained by evaluation of Equation 3.13 at

z = e j( 2,f /R) (3.14)

And is given by

f 31-2N

P(f )=sin ;TMf (3.15)sin R_ R _


Therefore, the response of the CIC stage is a low-pass filter whose characteristics are

defined by the decimation rate. The higher the decimation rate is, the smaller the

passband bandwidth is. An example of the frequency response from Eq. (3.15) is given in

Figure 3.8 for N=4, M=1, R=7, and f, =1/8. f, is a relative bandwidth and

f = 1- f, [10]. All frequencies are with respect to the low sampling rate.










1040 fc



-*i2fc +- 2fci*II'I I

fA 1 2


3 3.5

Figure 3.6: An example frequency response for for N=4, M=1, R=7, andf, = 1/8.

It is a common practice to combine several CIC filters to implement higher decimation

rates. This is also done to achieve very narrow transition bandwidths and relax

requirements on individual filters. The total decimation factor is then equal to the product

of decimation factors of the individual stages. The output rate of the overall CIC filter

stage can be found from the equation

Folur f= anp _ ADC



wherefsam1p_ADC is the frequency of the sampling clock in the ADC, and Mo,,i is the total

decimation factor of the CIC stage. The higher Mt,,L is, the smaller power consumption

in the subsequent stages is. I and Q data are processed in parallel within the CIC filters.

After coming out of this stage, the data are ready to be demodulated in a DSP.

3.2.3 Demodulator

Demodulation is performed with the goal to recover the original baseband signal sent

from a transmitter to a receiver with maximum SNR. The transmitted signal is a high-

frequency carrier modulated by the original baseband signal using some modulation

technique. Therefore, demodulation can be thought of as the inverse of modulation. To

make a proper demodulator, we have to have a thorough knowledge of the modulation

schemes used to modulate the signal. Modulation can be analog or digital. Analog Modulation

Analog signals can be amplitude modulated (AM), phase modulated (PM), frequency

modulated (FM) onto a carrier, or modulated using combinations of these modulation

schemes. Modulated signal can be represented with the following equation:

x(t) = a(t) cos[alt + 0(t)] , (3.17)

where a(t) and 6(t) are parameters that can vary as functions of a baseband signal that

modulates the carrier. If we choose to modulate the amplitude of the carrier and keep the

phase constant we get amplitude-modulated AM waveform. In this case (3.17) becomes

XAAIWt) = A,1+ MxB(t)]cos Oxt , (3.18)

where m is called the "modulation index" and XBB(t) is the baseband signal. Modulation

index is defined as the ratio of the peak baseband signal amplitude to the peak carrier


amplitude and can take values between 0 and 1. However, AM is not a very popular

modulation scheme because information stored in the amplitude is more sensitive to noise

and requires from the power amplifier in the transmitter to be highly linear.

If a(t) is a constant Ac, and 0(t) is linearly proportional to the baseband signal, the carrier

is then phase modulated and given by

xpA(t) = ACcos[aOt +mxn(t)]. (3.19)

On the other hand, if dO/dt, which is equal to the angular frequency, is linearly

proportional to the baseband signal, then we have frequency modulation. The modulated

signal then becomes

xFM(t) Ac cos ct + m x 3B(t)dtj. (3.20)

Analog FM is more popular than analog PM because frequency modulation and

demodulation are more easily performed than phase modulation and demodulation [3]. Digital Modulation

If a carrier is modulated by a digital baseband signal, this is called digital modulation.

There are several advantages of using digital to analog modulation. The most important

ones are better sensitivity to noise and thus improved accuracy, and much higher channel

capacity [12]. In addition, large progress in very large-scale integration (VLSI) and DSP

technology have made digital modulation more economically attractive than analog

modulation. The equivalents of AM, PM, and FM modulations are called amplitude shift

keying (ASK), phase shift keying (PSK), and frequency shift keying (FSK). PSK and

FSK are more frequently in use than ASK for the same reasons FM and PM are more

frequently in use than AM.


Frequency shift Keying (FSK)

In digital frequency modulation schemes the frequency of the carrier changes to a number

of different values, depending on the baseband symbol that modulates the carrier. If FSK

results in a modulated waveform with phase discontinuities at the switching time, this is

called discontinuous FSK. Phase discontinuities are highly undesirable because they can

cause wide transmitted spectrum as well as spectral regrowth, if the envelope of the

signal is not constant. Envelope variation of a digitally modulated signals often happens

due to filtering and thus it is unavoidable. It is even more severe if phase steps are greater

and filter bandwidth smaller [3]. In case of envelope variation, it is possible to prevent

spectral regrowth if highly linear power amplifiers (PAs) are used in the transmitter. The

main disadvantage of this approach is that linear PAs are much less efficient than their

nonlinear counterparts and as such dissipate more power [3]. The expression representing

continuous phase FSK modulated signals is the same as in Eq. 3.20. However, in this

case XBB(t) takes discrete values since XBB(t) is a digital signal. For example, in binary

frequency shift keying (BFSK), frequency switches between 2 values corresponding to

baseband binary 1 or 0. By integrating m(t), which is a discontinuous function, we get a

smooth continuous waveform from which the phase function 6(t) is derived.

Phase Shift Keying (PSK)

In digital phase modulation schemes the phase of the carrier changes to a number of

different angles, depending on the baseband symbol that modulates the carrier. Binary

phase shift keying (BPSK) is considered the simplest PSK scheme in which 1 bit is sent

at a time. Carrier phase of 0 or 180 degrees is sent depending whether a bit 0 or 1 is sent.

BPSK modulated signal can be represented as either:

sBPSK(t) -C cos Ot 0 ! t T Tb (binary 1) (3.21)



SBI'SK(t) = Acos(w~ +fz) = -A, cosa W 0 t Tb (binary 0). (3.22)

In quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) 2 bits are sent at the time and are represented by

four different phase angles. Using the same idea, 3 bits can be sent at a time and they can

be represented by eight phase angles (8-PSK) or even 4 bits (16-PSK). In the example

given for BPSK we can see that the phase of the carrier abruptly changes to a new value

in response to the change in the modulating baseband digital data. Discontinuities in

phase here have the same detrimental effects as in the discontinuous phase FSK.

It is possible to change the phase angle from one value to another in a continuous

fashion. In this way a constant amplitude can be achieved and a spectral re-growth can be

minimized if nonlinear amplifiers are used in the transmitter. It is desirable to use

nonlinear power amplifiers (PAs) as they exhibit higher efficiency and thus less power

dissipation than linear PAs. However, nonlinear PAs do not perserve the shape of I and Qsignals, which results in increase in the spectrum bandwidth. In addition, it was found

that envelope variation of I and Q signals due to filtering is stronger at abrupt phase

changes [3]. Thus, if continuous phase modulation schemes are used in combination with

nonlinear PAs, the effects of spectral re-growth can be minimized.

Continuous phase PSK modulation is equivalent to continuous phase FSK. This

can be concluded from the fact that frequency is a derivative of phase.

Minimum Shift Keying (MSK)

MSK is a binary digital modulation with a modulation index of 0.5. It can be considered

either a phase or a frequency modulation. During one bit period, phase changes smoothly

by 90 degrees. The phase advances by 90 degrees at the end of a bit period whenever the

data bit is 1. On the other hand, for each data bit of 0, the phase retards by 90 degrees at


the end of each bit period. Since the phase is continuous, the frequency or the derivative

of the phase is also changing. If the data bit is 1, the frequency is higher, and when the

data bit is 0, the frequency is lower. This is the reason MSK can be thought of as

frequency modulation. The MSK modulated signal is given by

X(t) =Ac cos cat + Jd(t) -2dt = Ac cosOkt +--( 1) t + soj. (3.23)

The change in frequency of the MSK modulated signal that results from the change in

data from 0 to 1 or vise versa, can be found as a function of the data rate fb=]/Tb. Tb is the

bit period. When the data bit is 1, the frequency will increase by the following amount

from the carrier frequency

Af+= A 1 A(p(t) 1 f 12 1 f(3.24)2ff At 21r T, 2ff 4

Similarly, it can be found that if the input bit is 0, the frequency will decrease by the

same amount from the carrier frequency

Af = fb. (3.25)4

Therefore, the peak-to-peak RF frequency difference is

Af = Af + - Af f= . (3.26)2

Because MSK can be thought of as frequency modulation, we can associate a modulation

index to the MSK modulated signals. The modulation index h in digital frequency

modulation has the same expression as the analog FM index of modulation 6 and is given



h = Af (3.27)fm,

where Af is the effective frequency difference found in Equation 3.26, and f, is the

modulation frequency of the data rate. Thus, for MSK h=0.5. A modulation index of 0.5

tells us the minimum frequency difference that allows two FSK signals to be coherently

orthogonal. In other words, this modulation index results from the minimum peak-to-peak

frequency difference that allows orthogonal detection. That is what the word minimum in

MSK corresponds to.

Gaussian-Filtered Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK)

GMSK is a type of MSK that utilizes a Gaussian pulse-shaping premodulation filter to

narrow the transmitted spectrum of MSK. In effect Gaussian filter smooths the phase of

the MSK signal and thus reduces the instantaneous frequency variations over time [11].

The result of doing this is significantly reduced sidelobe levels in the transmitted signal

spectrum. GMSK exhibits very little intersymbol interference (ISI). Gaussian

premodulation filter response is often specified in terms of its relative bandwidth or 3 dB-

bandwidth-bit duration product or BT

BT = (Filter _ Bandwidth) . (Bit _ Period) B -Te = - Bandwidth [12]. (3.28)fA Bit_ Rate

Values of BT ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 are common in practice. The occupied RF

bandwidth for GMSK as a fraction of the data rate containing a given percentage of

power can be found using Table 2.1 [12].


BT 90% 99% 99.9% 99.99%

0.2 GMSK 0.52 0.79 0.99 1.22

0.25 GMSK 0.57 0.86 1.09 1.37

0.5 GMSK 0.69 1.04 1.33 2.08

MSK 0.78 1.20 2.76 6.00

Table 3.1: The occupied RF bandwidth for GMSK as a fraction of the data rate

containing a given percentage of power.

The DECT standard employs a BT of 0.5 and this value was used in this thesis also.

Using Table 2.1 we can calculate that the occupied RF bandwidth for a 2.5Mbps signal,

with a BT of 0.5 containing 99.9% of signal power, is 1.33 -2.5Mbps = 3.325MHz.

Similarly, for a 10kbps signal with the same BT and signal power, the occupied

bandwidth is 1.33 -1Okbps = 13.3kHz .

We can write a GMSK modulated signal as

s(t) = A . cos[oRFt + y(t)], (3.29)

where, yp,(t) is the phase that contains all the information about the modulated data. The

time domain response of a GMSK modulated signal with BT=0.5 is shown in Figure 3.9



fRF = 80 MHz, fDATA = 10 MHz






Data -5

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

TIME (nsec)

700 800 900 1000

Figure 3.7: GMSK time domain waveforms.

Therefore, it is first necessary to recover the phase information of the received RF signal

to demodulate the data. To obtain a useful expression that will help us in this goal, it is

useful to know that GMSK is a type of quadrature modulation. A quadrature modulator

contains a serial-to-parallel (S/P) converter that separates consecutive bits of the serial

data stream. The separated bit stream that modulates the carrier represented by cos(CORFt

is called the "in-phase" or I component of the bit stream. The other bits that modulate

sin(WRFt) carrier are called the "quadrature" or Q data. Quadrature modulation I is

illustrated in Figure 3.10 [3].



\ V V V V V V V


+ S(xt ( t)Converter sinWj t

Q 0



Figure 3.8: Quadrature modulation.

The output of the quadrature modulator can be represented in the following way

x(t)=ii cos(at) + Q sn = * *. 2 _ _ 2j

Reorganizing (3.30) we get

x(t) = -[(I - jQ) -e i(" + (I2


I-jQ= I2 ± Q2 . j


I+ jQ= I2- + Q2 .e-',


yp = tan'(Q /I).

+ jQ) -e-j'"".












Equation (3.31) can now be rewritten as

'F 0 + -jORb'-px(t) = I2 +Q 2 Le jFtQ +e j (3.35)

Finally, we can express x(t) in the following form

x(t)= I 2 +Q2 .cos(aktt +y). (3.36)

This expression has the same form as the one in Eq. 3.29. It is obvious now that to

recover ((t) from the received modulated carrier signal, the best way is to recover I and

Q data and insert them in Eq. 3.34.

It would require the implementation of a feedback system using a phase-locked loop

(PLL) to recover the phase directly, which is a much harder task.

More details about modulation can be found in [3], [11], and [12].



Chapter 4

Implementation of the Subsampling Receiver

In the previous chapter major architectural issues of the subsampling receiver were

discussed. A block diagram of the receiver used in this thesis project is shown in Figure





C(kV E M N [D(D




I- -I-- 'I

Figure 4.1: Subsampling receiver block diagram used in this thesis project.

Starting from this block diagram, the next three major steps towards implementing the

receiver are: frequency planning, circuit implementation and selection of the optimum


M -1.



commercially available components, and RF printed circuit board (PCB) layout design.

They will be discussed in detail in the coming sections.

4.1 Frequency Planning and Component Selection

One of the major constrains of this thesis project is the requirement that the subsampling

receiver be implemented using discrete commercially available components. The

availability of these components affects the frequency planning a great deal. For this

reason these two steps towards receiver implementation are discussed together.

The low power transmitter, which is a part of the Security Sphere, is designed to perform

Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) or Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK)

modulation at a data rate of 2.5Mbps. This data rate translates to 3.325MHz of

bandwidth, as explained in the previous chapter. The RF output carrier center frequency

of the transmitter is in the DECT (Digital European Cordless Transmission) band i.e.

between 1.88 and 1.90GHz. Thus, the components in the IF stage of the receiver up to

and including the mixer must operate in this frequency range. For the testing purposes,

the center frequency of the input RF signal is chosen to be 1.89GHz. In addition, the

receiver is designed to meet the DECT standard which requires at least -82dBm of

receiver sensitivity. This means that the cascaded noise figure and thus the gain of all

stages in the receiver front end must be such to result in at least this sensitivity.

The first element in the receive path is a band-select filter. It is necessary to filter the

input signal upon reception to reject unwanted signals and therefore improve the

sensitivity. Murata's DFC21R89PO20 HHE ceramic filter is chosen to perform this

function. It was marketed for the DECT frequency band. The center frequency of the

filter is at 1.89GHz and its bandwidth is 20MHz. It has a very small insertion loss of only

2dB max and a ripple of 0.5dB max. The transfer characteristics of this filter in the

frequency range of interest are shown in Figure 4.1. The curve in the figure that peaks at

1.89GHz is the attenuation curve and the other one represents the return loss.





0 0


0 -2


0 4



1600.0 18C0.0 2000.0Frequency (MHz)

Figure 4.2: Transfer characteristics of the band select filter DFC2lR89PO20 HHE.

Upon reception the RF signal is very weak. After band-select filtering to eliminate part of

the noise, this signal has to be amplified with a low noise amplifier (LNA) to further

improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Because this subsampling receiver contains only one IF

stage, all the gain stages must be implemented before analog-to-digital conversion. To

meet the receiver sensitivity spec, it was decided to use two gain stages. One must occur

immediately after the first band-select filter to enable further processing of the input RF

signal. The real question is where to put the second gain stage. One can think of two

possibilities: before or after the mixer stage. There is one major disadvantage of placing

an amplifier after the mixer stage. Mixers are devices that produce a lot of noise. Phase

noise that enters mixers through their local oscillator input increases the overall noise

figure at the output even further. Placing an amplifier there would increase both the

signal level and the noise level leaving the SNR unchanged. However, the SNR would be

higher if the amplification occurred before the mixer. We conclude that it is best to place


the two LNAs in series with each other and prior to the mixer stage. These stages are

implemented using Macom's AM50-0004 LNA. It has a high dynamic range and operates

in the frequency range from 1400 to 2000MHz. It also has a high gain (-14dB at

1.89GHz and 5V supply voltage), low noise figure (-1.4dB at 1.89GHz and 5V supply

voltage), and high input IIP3 (-15dB at 1.89GHz and 5V supply voltage). The functional

block diagram for this chip is presented in Figure 4.2.







RI (See note 5)

Figure 4.3: Functional block diagram for AM50-0004 LNA.

Preceding the mixer stage another band-select filter is necessary to reject the noise

created by the LNAs. DFC21R89PO20 HHE ceramic filter is again selected to perform

this function.

IAM-91563 manufactured by Hewlett-Packard is used in the mixing stage. This is an

active mixer, which essentially means that it is an amplifier with a nonlinear transfer

function. A schematic of the application circuit used in this thesis project is shown in

Figure 4.3.



RF C7 C5 VInput C1

0_ itL3 C6

Li = 0 RFC IF-,I L2 Output

MLIN C3 1-+-T =C2 C4

Figure 4.4: Schematic of the application circuit for IAM-91563 mixer.

LO (local oscillator) input is provided by the National Semiconductor's LMX2330L low

power frequency synthesizer. Although only one LO input was needed for this project, a

dual frequency synthesizer was used for testing purposes. This is explained in more detail

in the section about PCB layout design. Functional description and programming of the

frequency synthesizer chip is contained in the Appendix B of this thesis. The data sheet

for LMX2330L was the main source of information for this part. The circuitry used to

program this chip is described here, however.

LMX2330L requires three inputs that have to be provided by the external circuitry:

Clock, Data, and Load Enable. Programming words for the synthesizer are stored in

D2674A NMOS 64 Kbit (8Kb x 8) UV EPROM. Two synchronous 4-bit binary counters

74LS 163 provide inputs to the EPROM. The outputs of the EPROM are fed through two

MM74HC74A dual D-type flip-flops and one SN74F04N inverter chip for buffering

purposes. The schematic of this circuitry is provided in the Appendix A.

It was explained in the previous chapter that before subsampling the signal must be

appropriately bandlimited with a bandpass antialiasing filter. Selecting a SAW filter to

perform this function is one of the most important and difficult steps in receiver design.

Since the input RF signal in this project is allocated for DECT, it was desirable to adopt

the frequency planning commonly used in DECT. Another constraint for the selection of


the SAW filter is that the data bandwidth in this project is 3.325MHz. SAW filters at

110.592MHz produced for DECT standard have bandwidths smaller than 3.325MHz.

SAWTEK is the only manufacturer that provides filters of varying bandwidths. It

produces two standard families of filters centered at 70 and 140MHz. 140MHz family is

selected because image rejection is better at higher IF. Within this family a filter with the

bandwidth closest to the required spec is a 4MHz 854909 SAW filter. The transfer

characteristics for this filter are provided in Figure 4.4.

Horizontal: 2 MHz/DivVertical: 10 dB/Div

Figure 4.5: Transfer characteristics for SAWTEK-854909 bandpass filter.

The next component in the signal path and the most critical one for the subsampling

receiver performance is analog-to-digital converter. Special attention was paid to

selecting a high performance ADC. Analog Device's AD6644 is a 65MSPS (mega

samples per symbol) high dynamic range 14-bit ADC that can accept inputs with

frequencies up to 250MHz [13]. SNR for the high speed ADC is extremely sensitive to

the sampling clock timing jitter. This effect was described in the previous chapter and can

also be observed from the following expression derived explicitly for AD6644:


---- _ _ I --- -- ----

.. ...........

----- -- -------- ------ -4-

--- -- -------- ---- ----------- -------

SNR = -20 x log ( 2 E)1 +(2 Xz XfANALOG X tjRMS) 2 VNOISE _ RMS 2-1/2

= IF analog input frequency.

= rms jiter of the encode (rms sum of encode

source and internal encode circuitry).

= average DNL of the ADC (typically 0.41 LSB).

= number of bits in the ADC.

VNOISE RMS =V rms thermal noise referred to the analog input of the ADC (typically

2.5 LSB).

As the analog input frequency is increased, degradation of the SNR due to timing jitter is

even higher. This is illustrated in Figure 4.5 [13].

0.1 0.2 0.3JITTER - ps

0.4 0.5 0.6

Figure 4.6: SNR as a function of rms jitter for different analog input frequencies.

From this figure we can conclude that for analog input frequency of 140MHz sampling

clock jitter in the subpico-second range is necessary to obtain 60dBs of SNR.












AIN =30MHz

-- AIN =70M Hz -





Unfortunately, clock oscillators with such low jitter spec cannot be found. Connor-

Winfield is the leading company in producing high quality clock oscillators with low

jitter. S 15R8-60MHz TTL oscillator has only 5 ps rms jitter, which is the best jitter spec

that currently exists in industry.

AD6644 is specifically designed for software radio applications and is a part of the

Analog Device's SoftCellTM Multicarrier Transceiver Chip set. It interfaces well with

AD6620 digital decimating receiver. This chip implements the following stages in the

subsampling receiver described in Figure 4.1. in the previous chapter: digital frequency

translator and two cascaded integrator comb FIR filters. In addition it has a RAM

coefficient FIR (RCF) lowpass filter [14]. This is also the only commercially available

product that can perform these functions. Therefore, it was the obvious choice for this

thesis project. Because of the time constraints of the project, it was decided to use to

evaluation board for AD6620 rather than to implement another board that would also

include it.

A simple functional block diagram for AD6620 is shown in Figure 4.6.

Real, RAM Serial orDual Real, CC 2

', CIC 5 ' Coefficient Output Parallel

or Complex Q Filter Filter Filter maFo-mso-OuputsInputs



Figure 4.7: Functional block diagram for AD6620.

The NCO has a 32-bit resolution. Following the NCO is the first cascaded integrator

comb FIR filter shown in Figure 4.6 as CIC 2 . It is a second order, fixed coefficient filter

and it can reduce the sample rate by a programmable factor that ranges between 2 and 16.

CIC' is the second integrator comb FIR filter with fixed coefficients. It is a fifth order

filter and it can further reduce the sample rate by a programmable factor that ranges


between 1 and 32. The overall response of these two stages is defined by user selected

decimation rate. The higher the decimation factor, the smaller the overall filter

bandwidth. The final stage of AD6620 is a sum-of-products FIR filter with

programmable 20-bit coefficients. The maximum number of taps this filter can handle is

256. Decimation rate for this stage is programmable from 1 to 32. The overall filter

frequency response of AD6620 is the composite of CIC2 , CIC 5 , and RCF. Basic block

diagram of the AD6620 Evaluation Board is shown in Figure 4.7 [14].


H ch

Sp L LcLe a a ae Tant scevd c c


PC Printer Port

Figure 4.8: Basic AD6620 Evaluation Board block diagram.

In addition to AD6620 evaluation board, two software programs are also utilized.

AD6620 Filter Design Software assists the user in designing a desired composite

response of the three filter stages that is optimized for use with the AD6620. Once the

filter design is finished, the files created in this process can be downloaded to the

AD6620 with the Control Software. This software also allows the user to select the NCO

frequency. This is the frequency of the desired signal image closest to DC. For example,

in case of 140MHz IF signal, after subsampling the image closest to DC will be located at

20MHz. More information about AD6620 and two software programs can be found in the

datasheet, application notes, and manuals for AD6620 [14], [15], [16].


4.2 Printed Circuit Board Layout Design

The electrical characteristics of the printed circuit board (PCB) used to connect the circuit

components in an RF frequency product have a crucial role on the performance of that

product. Special care was taken to minimize the receiver size, parasitic elements such as

parasitic inductors and capacitors, and noise. Other issues such as grounding, decoupling,

and transmission line impedance affecting successful RF PCB layout were also

considered. Manufacturer's recommended PCB configuration was followed when

supplied. PCAD 2000 layout program was used to draw the schematics and PCB layout

in this project.

One of the first considerations in the PCB design is how many routing layers and power

planes are required for best functionality. Based on the noise immunity of the

components used in this project, number of traces to be routed, and impedance control, it

was decided to implement a 5 layer board.

Special attention was used for proper use of micro-strip technology to implement outer

signal traces on the PCB that result in 50 Q impedance. In general, RF signals that run

over a ground plane form a micro-strip transmission line. The characteristic impedance of

the line is defined by its dimensions and must be properly terminated to prevent it from

behaving reactively. In this thesis project 50-ohm termination was used since the

components utilized were designed to be driven and to drive 50 Q impedance.

The LNA datasheet recommends an FR4 dielectric thickness of 0.008" yielding 50 Q line

width of 0.015" to be used in the PCB layout for the LNA. The recommended RF


metalization is 1 ounce copper. In other words, the thickness of copper used in PCB

fabrication should be 1 ounce

Since no other manufacturer specified any such preference, it was decided to use these

dimensions for the transmission lines. The PCB was manufactured with Advanced

Circuits company. They use FR4 fiberglass as dielectric material. It has a relative

permittivity of 4.8. The micro-strip calculator written by Dan McMahill [17] is used to

calculate the impedance of the transmission lines to be 46.4 Q, given their dimensions

and material used to implement them.

Much care was taken in increasing the isolation of the LMX2330 frequency synthesizer

to prevent the leakage of the LO signal into the other parts of the board, especially the

ones in the front end. Faraday shield consisting of a grounded conductor surrounding the

synthesizer circuitry is used to minimize parasitic capacitance that could potentially

couple the LO signal with the sensitive parts of the board. The RF synthesizer in the

LMX2330 dual synthesizer chip was used only. However, the external component layout

for the second synthesizer was constructed with different trace lengths and component

distribution for testing purposes.

Ground planes were used for isolation of most of the analog parts. The input and output

matching inductors in the SAW filter external matching networks were placed

perpendicular to each other to minimize any mutual inductance which would couple input

and output ports. This is done in addition to adding a ground plane because the high

insertion loss makes SAW components more sensitive to the effects of the RF

feedthrough than other RF components.

For matching purposes and to increase flexibility a shunt transmission line is added to the

input of the mixer. The dimensions of the metal tab are chosen to obtain a line with the

real part of the impedance approximately equal to 50 Q. The length of the line is

adjustable by moving the position of the shorting tab between the line and the ground



All the circuit schematics and PCB layouts are given in Appendix A.


Chapter 5

Testing and Results

Testing of the subsampling receiver proceeded in two stages: testing of the analog RF

board and testing of the ADC and the functions implemented in digital domain. The

functionality of the overall system was demonstrated by comparing the demodulated

GMSK time domain phase information to the theoretically predicted values for various

data patterns. More emphasis was placed on testing the subsampling function. 1.89 GHz

GMSK modulated signal used for testing was created by Rohde & Schwartz signal

generator. The generator has the frequency range between 300 kHz and 3.3 GHz.

5.1 Analog RF Board Testing

The functionality of the blocks up to the ADC was tested on the analog RF board. The

spectrum of the RF signal was measured at various test points using the HP 8563E

Spectrum Analyzer. No major loss was observed in the receive chain. Demonstration of

the functionality of the SAW filter was shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. LO output from the

synthesizer is shown in Figure 5.3.





VAVG 8510 d B/

MKR -15.OOd~m





Figure 5.1: GMSK modulated signal at the input of the SAW filter.


RL Od~m

VAVG 100±0dB/

MI<R -S0.150dBm

140 . 40MHZ




XVS V 100kHz


SWP 50.O Ors

Figure 5.2: GMSK modulated signal at the output of the SAW filter.





RL OdEm I 0d8/MKR -15.5OdBm


CEN ER!1.7 000 GH2

CENTER I . 75000GHz

REw 3OOkHz -V8W 100k Hz


SWP G 0. Oms

Figure 5.3: LO output from the synthesizer.

5.2 Testing of the ADC

One of the major issues in this part was selection of the sampling clock frequency. The

maximum sample rate AD6644 can handle is 65MHz. 60MHz was chosen since this was

the highest frequency clock with minimum jitter that doesn't result in destructive aliasing

of the sampled 140MHz IF signal commercially available. The Control Software can be

used to bypass AD6620 on the evaluation board. The bypass mode allows the AD6644

ADC data to be latched twice and captured by the on board FIFO shown in Figure 4.7.

This enables the data coming out of the ADC to be downloaded to the PC for processing.

The Control Software allows us to view the spectrum of the data coming out of the

AD6644. Once it was observed that the spectrum of the sampled data had a frequency


component located at 20MHz as predicted theoretically, the testing moved to the next


5.3 Testing of the Functions Implemented in

Digital Domain

AD6620 receive signal processor was programmed using the AD6620 Filter Design

Software. Filter specifications chosen for this project are given in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: AD6620 composite filter specifications.

The passband of +/- 15kHz rather than +/- 13.3/2kHz was selected to provide some space

for testing with higher data rates than 10kbps with no observable negative effects on the

receiver performance for 10kbps input signal. The total decimation factor is chosen to be

256. This enables the final filter stage RCF (RAM Coefficient Filter) to calculate the

maximum number of taps AD6620 can provide, which is 256. The number of taps is


equal to the decimation rate for the single channel real mode for decimation factors less

than or equal to 256. This is because AD6644 ADC and AD6620 evaluation board use

the same clock of 60MHz. With 256 taps we get best performance out of the filters.

Once these filter specifications were given to the evaluation board software, the

performance of two possible filters was computed. The decimation rate was distributed

between the three stages by the software in each of them in the following two ways: Filter

I CIC 2 =8, CIC 5 =32, and RCF=1, and Filter II CIC2 =16, CIC 5=16, and RCF=l. Filter

II was chosen since it minimizes power consumption in the CIC5 and RCF filter stages.

The composite response of Filter II is given in Figure 5.5.

Composite Frequency Response (Hz)

10000 20000 30000 40000 500000-------------------





~ 100-


Figure 5.5: Composite frequency response of the AD6620 CIC 2 , CIC5 and RCF filter

stages used in this project.

The input RF signal used for testing the overall functionality of the system was -50dBm

strong. The data rate of the modulation binary stream was chosen to be 10kbps.

Unfortunately AD6620 is not designed to handle signals modulated with high data rate

baseband streams in the Mb range. As mentioned previously, the number of taps is equal


to the decimation rate for the single channel real mode. For high data rate baseband

streams in the Mb range, decimation factor has to be small in order not to violate Nyquist

criteria. Small decimation factor results in small number of taps. With smaller number of

taps, the filter implemented by AD6620 will have worse characteristics. That is why the

idea of building a receiver that can handle 2.5Mbps data rates of the modulating signal

was abandoned.

The I and Q data were extracted from the AD6620 board using the Control Software and

then processed in Matlab using the theory presented in section to obtain the phase

of the modulated signal.

The pattern of the modulating stream was initially chosen to be 00 and 11. As presented

in section the phase of the GMSK modulated signal advances by 90 degrees at the

end of a bit period whenever the data bit is 1. Similarly it retards by 90 degrees at the end

of a bit period whenever the data bit is 0. Experimental data shown in Figure 5.6 and

Figure 5.7 agree with this theory. The phase goes between if and - )z.

data pattern = 00

200 400 600time

800 1000 1200

Figure 5.6: For 00 data pattern the phase of the GMSK modulated signal has a constant

negative slope as it constantly decreases.








-4 L0


data pattern = 114







-4 ----0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


Figure 5.7: For 11 data pattern the phase of the GMSK modulated signal has a constant

positive slope as it constantly increases.

The next step was to determine if phase indeed changes by 90 degrees when baseband

signal switches from 0 to 1 and vice versa. From Figures 5.8 and 5.9 we can see that it

changes by a little bit less than 90 degrees due to the constant phase offset that

continuously adds error. The phase offset is even higher for data patterns shown in

Figures 5.10 and 5.11.






data pattern = 01

0.510 200 400 600 800 1000 12


Figure 5.8: Demodulated phase for 01 data pattern.

data pattern =0011 00112f









0 200 400 600 800 1000time


Figure 5.9: Demodulated phase for 0011 data pattern.




data pattern = 1111 1011 0010 0000

200 400 600time

800 1000

Figure 5.10: Demodulated phase for 1111 1011 0010 0000 data pattern.

data pattern = 0011 0011 0000 1111 0000 1111 0101 0101






0 200 400 600 800 1000time


Figure 5.11: Demodulated phase for 0011 0011 0000 1111 0000 1111 0101 0101 data








-40 1200


The phase offset in Figures 5.8 through 5.11 is data dependent as it has a different value

for different data patterns. It was determined that it comes as a consequence of the fact

that the spectrum of the sampled data after the NCO frequency downconversion to

baseband is not centered at 0 Hz exactly. The error that results from constant phase offset

in the system can be corrected by careful selection of the NCO frequency that will bring

the downconverted signal closer to baseband. An even better solution would be to utilize

a corrective feedback loop, which due to the time restrictions could not be implemented

in this thesis project. A less complicated solution would be to add code bits to average the

phase error to zero.


Chapter 6


6.1 Summary

The main focus of this thesis project was to explore the subsampling technique and use it

to design and implement a radio frequency receiver with discrete commercially available

components. Subsampling allows digitization of the received signal at the first IF, thus,

eliminating the second analog IF stage. Digital architectures are more flexible, smaller in

size, cheaper, more accurate, and some problems like DC offsets, mismatch and noise

problems are eliminated. Digital demodulator is implemented in software. Software

allows for changes and advancements in demodulation scheme without any need to

replace the hardware.

The functionality of the receiver was demonstrated with -50dBm GMSK modulated

signal at 1.89GHz center frequency. The data rate of the modulation binary stream was

chosen to be 10kbps. Since AD6620 is not designed to handle signals modulated with

high data rate baseband streams in the Mb range, the idea of using 2.5Mbps stream to

modulate the RF carrier had to be abandoned. The major problem observed was a

constant phase offset that continuously adds error to the demodulated phase. It was

shown that this offset is data dependent.


6.2 Future Work

Some of the future efforts related to this work would be to perform the demodulation in

real time in a DSP software and also to correct the data dependent phase offset. The next

version of the demodulator should also be able to extract data bits from the phase. One of

the better ways to correct the phase offset would be to implement a feedback loop. An

even better solution would be to add code bits to average the phase error to zero. Another

step further would be to integrate all functions implemented in a digital domain on a

single chip. This will allow for flexibility that would enable optimizations previously

constrained by using discrete commercially available components.



[1] D. R. McMahill, Automatic Calibration of Modulated Fractional-N Frequency

Synthesizers. Ph.D. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2001.

[2] R. C. Dixon, Radio Receiver Design. Marcel Dekker Inc, 1998.

[3] B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics. Prentice Hall, 1998.

[4] H. W. Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, 2 ed., John Wiley &

Sons, Singapore, 1989.

[5] K. B. Patel, Ultra Low-Power Wireless Sensor Demonstration System: Design of a

Wireless Base Station. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February


[6] B. Brannon, AN-502 Application Note: Designing a Superheterodyne Receiver Using

an IF Sampling Diversity Chipset, Analog Devices.


[7] W. Kester, Section 5: Undersampling Applications. Analog Devices,


[8] B. Brannon, AN-501 Application Note: Aperture Uncertainty and ADC System

Performance, Analog Devices.

[9] D. H. Shen, Architecture and Design of a Monolithic Radio Frequency Receiver.

Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, March 1997.

[10] E. B. Hogenauer, An Economical Class of Digital Filters for Decimation and

Interpolation. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol.

ASSP-29, No. 2, April 1981.

[11] T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications. Prentice Hall, 1996.


[12] L. E. Larson, RF and Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Communications.

Artech House Mobile Communications, 1997.

[13] Analog Devices' AD6644 Datasheet, Rev. 0, 14-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS A/D

Converter. 0.pdf, 2000.

[14] Analog Devices' AD6620 Datasheet, Rev. A, 67 MSPS Digital Receive Signal

Processor. a.pdf, 2001.

[15] AD6620 Evaluation Board Manual, from Analog Devices, Rev 2.10, 27 April 2000.

[16] Application Notes: Designing Filters with the AD6620, Analog Devices,

Greensboro, NC.

[17] Daniel R. McMahill: Micro-strip Analysis/Synthesis Calculator, Version 1.4A.

Intersymbol Interference.


Appendix A

" Schematics: Figures A-I - A-7.

" Board Layout: Figures A-8 - A-11.



to (0








: R












3 W











: R





d (c









15pV 010 D"F.LAT .4



oil CN 2

R r D



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k 2 1C21c2 C3 1 VC2I 33 jC34







C74 C71 GNInF 29pF




VCO:1722-1777 MHz 3,pF

C79GND 3.9pF

R45 R4326.1 43.2k

R47 R48 GND10 dB PAD R47

GNO 69.8 69.8 GNDR51 GND





R54 L15 TP31 M69 R5578.7 l8nH 1 47pF 37.4

1.750 GHz(-3 dBm)

01471 nF




47.5C87 Cas20pF lGOnF

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OND. m G c

30 MHzCRef OSC


TO Reeavm rmeft LEW (St"Is 4)

iz I Number jRevt s OS rw wi

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C77 C7829pF InF

n TowTP39 VCO:

ca, C 1722-177730pF

SC823.9pF GND

R59 R5743.2k 26.1

owD R50 R49if 10 dB3 PAD

OND 69.8 69.1 mGND R52




R58 C90 TP32 L16 R5637.4 47pF 1 1SnH 78.7

GND 1.750 GHz(-3 dBm)









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Appendix B

LMX2330L Dual Frequency Synthesizer

LMX2330L PLLatinum Low Power Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal

Communications (courtesy of National Semiconductor) is used as a local oscillator for

the single conversion subsampling receiver in this project. It belongs to the LMX233XL

family of monolithic, integrated dual frequency synthesizers with dual modulus

prescalers: 32/33 and 64/65 in the 2.5 GHz LMX2330L RF synthesizer. This family of

synthesizers is characterized by low current consumption with serial data being

transferred via a three-wire interface: Clock, Data, and Enable. The simplified block

diagram of LMX2330L is shown in Figure A. 1.




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Figure B. 1: Symplified block diagram of LMX2330L.


Programming the LMX2330L

Programming words for this synthesizer are provided serially through Clock, Data, and

Enable pins. Data for the various counters is clocked in on the rising edge into the 22-bit

shift register. Serial data input entered MSB first. The last two bits are the control bits. If

Load Enable (LE) input goes HIGH, data residing in the shift registers is loaded into one

of the control bit dependent latches. Clock, Data and Enable pins must be provided with

high impedance CMOS inputs.

The synthesizer must provide 1.75GHz local oscillator input to the mixer in the front end

for 140MHz IF to be produced. The relationship between the frequency provided by the

crystal reference (fosc) in the synthesizer and the LO frequency (fvco) is given by the

pulse swallow function

fVC0 = [(P .B) + A] -fosc I R

fvco: Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)

B: Preset divide ratio of binary 1 1-bit programmable counter (3 to 2047)

A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 A 127 {RF}, A B)

fosc: Output frequency of the external reference frequency oscillator

R: Preset divide ratio of binary 15-bit programmable reference counter (3 to 32767)

P: Preset modulus of dual modulus prescaler (for RF; LMX2330L: P=32 or 64)

30MHz crystal oscillator was used to produce the reference signal.

Functional Description

The three wire interface is connected to the 22-bit shift register. The data stream is

clocked into this register on the rising edge of the Clock signal, MSB first. On the rising

edge of LE the data stored in the shift register is loaded in one of the four latches

depending on the value of the Control Bits (Table T. 1).


Control Bits DATA Location

C2 Cl

0 0 IEF R Counter

0 1 IF N Counter

1 0 RF R Counter1 1 RF N Counter

Table T. 1: Counter selection via control bits.

R Counter

RF counters were the only ones relevant for this project. If the Control Bits ClC2 are 01

(RF R Counter), the data is transferred into the RF 15-bit R Counter. Serial data format

for R Counters is shown in Table T.2 and Table T.3.

R R R R R R IRTRrR R R R R R R R R RR R 2 C20119 18 71 15 14113112 111 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 qRProgj~r- - 15-bit Divide Ratio (R)

Table T.2: Reference divider (R) serial format.

Divide R R R R R R R R R R R R R R RRatio 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

32767 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Notes:

Divide ratios less than 3 are prohibited.Divide ratio: 3 to 32767R1 to RIS: These bits select the divide ratio ofData is shifted in MSB first.

the programmable reference divider.

Table T.3: 15-Bit Programmable Reference Divider Ratio (R counter).



N Counter

If the Control Bits C IC2 are 11, the data is transferred from the 22-bit register into the N

Counter. Programmable reference dividers for RF N Counters have A counter (7-bit

swallow) and B counter (11-bit programmable). When the Control Bits are 11 (RF N

Counter), data is transferred to a 4- or 7-bit latch and 11-bit latch from the 22-bit shift

register, MSB first. The RF N counter is without so-called don't care bits. Serial data

format for N Counters is shown in Tables A.4, A.5 and A.6.

MSB B Counter Swallow Counter (A) LSB

N |N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N |N C2C20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Prgm 18-bit Divide Ratio (N) CTRL

Table T.4: Divider (N) serial format.


Divide N N N N N N N

Ratio 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


0 0 000 00 0

1 0 000 00 1

17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notes: Divide ratio: 0 to 127B 2 A

Table T.5: 7-Bit Swallow Counter Divide Ratio (A counter).

Divide N N N N N N N N N N N

Ratio 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8


3 0 2 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 1

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

2047 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note: Divide ratio: 3 to 2047 (Divide ratios less than 3B > A

are prohibited)

Table T.6: 11-Bit Programmable Counter Divide Ratio (B counter).


Programmable Modes

The truth table for the programmable modes is shown in Tables A.7 and A.8.

C1 C2 R16 R17 R18 R19 R200 0 IF Phase IF IcpO IF DO IF LD IF FO

Detector Polarity TRI-STATE

0 1 RF Phase RF 'Gpo RF DO RF LD RF FODetector Polarity TRI-STATE

1 C2 N19 N200 IF Prescaler Pwdn IF1 RF Prescaler Pwdn RF

Table T.7: Synthesizer Programmable Modes.


Phase Detector Polarity(Note 1)




Normal Operation


,CPO(Note 2)






2330L RF



2331L/32L RF




Pwrd UpPwrd Dn

Table T.8: Mode Select Truth Table.

Serial Data Input Timing




Figure B.2: The timing diagram for Data, Clock and Enable input signals.





Programming Data Words

Using the information provided, it was determined that the following data words will be

used to program the synthesizer.



