security management | system administration

Security Management System Administration

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Page 1: Security Management | System Administration

Security ManagementSystem Administration

Page 2: Security Management | System Administration

Ethical issues for systems and networks administrationInvasion of Privacy

System or Network Administrators might be directed to review browser activities and emails of employees to ensure they are complying with Internet usage policies.

Equality in ReportingThere may be some concern with what information about an employee’s activities should be reported. It will need to be determined what constitutes as a serious infraction that will need to be reported.

Sensitive InformationSystem or Network Administrators must be trusted to know proprietary technologies and business practices that could be useful to other companies. Non-disclosure agreements can provide guidance to what information can or cannot be shared.

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Legal issues for systems and networks administrationInvasion of Privacy

“The Electronic Communications Privacy Act allows system administrators to access a person's electronic information in the normal course of employment, when necessary, to protect the Integrity of computing and networking resources” of an organization (US Department of Justice, 2013).

Intercepting Electronic CommunicationsPotentially violating The Wiretap Act by installing sniffer software to monitor employee activities (i.e., pornography or music downloads on the network), and uses or releases the information (Cybertelecom, 2017).

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Policy issues for systems and networks administrationSecurity Policies

Be able to identify and prevent information from being compromised and the abuse of business-related data, applications, computer systems, and networks.

Acceptable Use PoliciesEnsure there are proper and complete guidelines for instructing users on acceptable and unacceptable computing usage.

Copyright and Licensing Policies• Implement procedures to ensure software license and copyright

compliance. • Ensure users don’t copy software unless permitted by the

licensing agreement.• Conduct annual audits on installed software to determine


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User and Group Security1. From the Control Panel,

click on the Administrative Tools icon.

2. Click on Computer Management icon.

3. Double-click on Local Users and Groups.

4. Expand the folders to list the user accounts and groups.

5. Right-click on the Users folder, and select New User…

6. Enter required info, and click Create.

Using Local Users and Groups can limit the actions that can be performed on the computer through the assignment of rights and permissions.

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User and Group Security1.Right-click on the

Group folder, and select New Group…

2.Enter a name for the new Local Group.

3.Members (Users) can be assigned to the Group.

4.Click Create.

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User and Group Security1.Right-click on a User and

select Properties to modify.

2.General tab 1. Disable the account2. Set password rules

3.Member Of tab1. Assign user to group(s)

4.Profile tab1. Set paths and Home folder

5.Right-click on Group to set properties or assign Members.

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Implementing Virus ProtectionInstall and maintain current antivirus software

It is important to keep antivirus software up-to-date to protect against new viruses which are constantly emerging.

Scan internal disk drives and external mediaComplete scans should be scheduled once a week and after operating system updates are downloaded and installed.

Block potentially dangerous attachmentsCertain types of attachments should be blocked from being received via email as they may execute a virus or malicious program that can infect all the computers on the network.

Develop a reaction plan• Review security bulletins and verify any warnings about new viruses. • Block services that might be vulnerable to the virus.• Deploy anti-virus updates as they become available.

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Configuring a network-based firewall

1.Select Windows Firewall from the Control Panel.

2.Click Advanced Settings in the left pane.

3.Click the Inbound Rules node from the dialog window.

4.Scroll to find the rule you want to modify, such as the File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request-ICMPv4-In) rule The Inbound Rules pane displays

the details of various firewall inbound rules.

(Xvoucher, 2015)

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Configuring a network-based firewall

5.Right-click the rule and select Properties.

6.Under the General tab, within the Action section, select the Block the connection radio button.

7.Click Apply to save changes, and then OK to close the dialog box.

8.The rule will displays a blocked icon.

(Xvoucher, 2015)

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Configuring proxy settings

1.From the Control Panel, select Internet Options.

2.Under the Connections tab, click LAN settings.

3.In the dialog box, check Use a proxy server for your LAN.

4.Type the address and port of your proxy server.

5.Click OK to close all dialog boxes.

(Smith, 2014)

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Cybertelecom. (2017, January 3). Wiretap Act. Retrieved from

Smith, R. (2014, August 13). Network Security: Using Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. Retrieved from

US Department of Justice. (2013, July 30). Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. Retrieved from

Xvoucher. (2015). CompTIA A+ Certification