section 29 education act, 1998

Section 29 Education Act, 1998 Appeal Process

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Section 29 Education Act, 1998. Appeal Process. Grounds for Appeal. Exclude a pupil permanently Suspension of 20 days in any one school year Refusal to enrol a child. Who Can Make an Appeal?. Parent of the child Child if over 18 years of age National education welfare board. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Section 29 Education Act, 1998

Appeal Process

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Grounds for Appeal Exclude a pupil permanently

Suspension of 20 days in any one school year

Refusal to enrol a child

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Who Can Make an Appeal? Parent of the child

Child if over 18 years of age

National education welfare board

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What Timescale Is Involved? 14 days is given to the applicant to

lodge the appeal from the day he/she was notified in writing of the decision.

The principal must notify the applicant of their right to appeal the decision.

Appeal should be made on section 29 appeal application form available from the VEC.

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Confirmation of Appeal Appeal must be accompanied by a

signed letter from appellant

Appellant should inform the school of the grounds on which they are making the appeal {signed letter}

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Application Form Details Appellants full name, address, telephone Students name Decision being appealed Grounds for the appeal Name and address of school concerned Date parent was informed of the decision Outcome of appeal proceedings at school


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CEO’s Role CEO may seek clarification prior to

allowing the appeal go ahead CEO to ask those involved to

consider a local resolution – within the school- 1week is allowed

CEO may only allow an appeal to be considered if it meets all stipulated criteria

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Processing of an Appeal 30 days permitted for conclusion of an

appeal in the vocational sector CEO or nominee to keep appropriate

records CEO must acknowledge receipt of appeal to

appellant and invite any further information CEO to inform principal/board that appeal

has been lodged and invite additional information

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Confidentiality All information pertinent to the

appeal to be treated in the strictest confidence.

All information pertinent to the appeal must be forwarded to the secretary general of the department of education and science in the event of a subsequent appeal to DES.

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Final Stages CEO may deem an appeal

inadmissible if procedures are not adhered to and in that case must notify the appellant and the school simultaneously

Appellant may withdraw the appeal at any time by notifying the committee to that effect

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VEC Appeal Sub-committee No member of the sub-committee

may be a member of B.O.M. of the school in question

Date, Time & Venue arranged by CEO in consultation with all involved for the purposes of hearing the appeal

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Appeal Hearing-the School Team Principal

B.O.M. {1 person}

The school may ask the sub-committee for permission to take 2 additional persons to the hearing {these persons may not make statements at the hearing unless with the approval of the board

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Appeal Hearing-the Appellants Team Both parents


NEWB person

2 others nominated by the appellant with prior approval of sub-committee

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Prior to Hearing Appeal CEO to circulate full set of

correspondence to appellant, school/board

CEO to notify both appellant and school of persons attending 3 days prior to hearing

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Prior to Hearing Appeal Sub-committee may invite expert

witnesses to attend and make statements

If either party can not attend they must notify sub-committee so that hearing can be rescheduled

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Failure to Attend the Hearing

In the event of either party not attending and not having notified the sub-committee the hearing may proceed in their absence.

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The Hearing Appellant is asked to present their case School asked to present their case Both parties have the right of reply

through the chair Both parties have the right to question

each other Sub-committee have also the right to

question both parties and call on expert witnesses to make statements

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Determination of Appeal Practices within the school

statutory/non-statutory Educational interests of child Educational interests of other students Effective operation and management

of school Resource implications Policies spirit/ethos of school

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Determination of Appeal Sub-committee may take advice as


Put decision to a vote

Decision notified by sub-committee to VEC in writing {to include reason and recommendation}

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Notification to Appellant and School CEO must write to the school and

the appellant informing them of the determination

The reasons The recommendations CEO may issue instructions to the

B.O.M as appropriate

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Right of Appeal to DES CEO must simultaneously notify the

appellant of their right to make a further appeal to the secretary general of DES.

All of this to be concluded within the 30 days allocated for the process.