secondary library geography

Secondary Library Geography 166 videos Year Rating Duration 1850 - Present Day Series: Australian Relationships with Nature In recent history, Australia's relationship with nature has evolved with the arrival of settlers and increased population. We are more aware of the importance of preserving our natural environment. In... 2010 E 00:19:31 A Child's Day: East Timor This program portrays a day in the life of Cecilia, an 11 year-old East Timorese girl.Cecilia lives with her uncle and aunties so she can attend school as her parents live three hours away. Her villag... 2003 E 00:14:23 A Smarter Country There are infinite opportunities and benefits created by renewable energy, ecologically sustainable farming, and green buildings and lifestyles."A Smarter Country" follows Sydney’s Lord Mayor Clover M... 2014 E 00:54:40 Air Pollution Series: Pollution of Air and Water Objective: To learn about air pollution and its sources. Learning outcomes - students will be able to: 1. Define air pollution. 2. Discuss the human pollutants of air and their sources. 2014 E 00:05:04 Air, Water Vapour and Weather This video explores the three components of air, water vapour and weather, looking particularly at:1. The suns energy - the heating of the ground. 2. The air-sea breezes, the fact air has mass and exe... 1997 E 00:21:14 Amazon Rainforest: The Development Dilemma The Amazon headwaters in eastern Ecuador are some of the world's most abundant in biodiversity. This programme traces the impact of oil exploration and development on a fragile ecosystem. Local Huaora... 1994 00:23:53 Applying Environmental Science: A Land Rehabilitation Case Study In this program we follow a project where an entire tract of bushland is moved from one location to another. We explore: - Project planning, execution, completion and assessment. - Scientific trials a... 2002 E 00:21:18 Australia's Diverse Environments: Natural and Human Join us on a whirlwind tour of Australia's diverse natural and man-made environments. We kick off with the Great Dividing Range's impact on rainfall and human habitation, and then dive into the Great... 2010 00:21:55 Australia's Role in the Asia-Pacific Region Geographically, Australia is part of the region known as the Asia-Pacific Region. A region is a human concept that can be mapped and analysed. (Definition: Regions are identified as having something i... 2010 E 00:17:56 Australia's Threatened Plants and Animals Produced in conjunction with the Australian Nature Conservation Agency, this program is an introduction to some of the nation's rare and threatened species. By exploring some of Australia's fragile ec... 1996 E 00:22:58 Page 1 of © Copyright ClickView Pty Limited 2018 15

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Secondary Library

Geography166 videos

Year Rating Duration1850 - Present DaySeries: Australian Relationships with Nature

In recent history, Australia's relationship with nature has evolved with the arrival ofsettlers and increased population. We are more aware of the importance ofpreserving our natural environment. In...

2010 E 00:19:31

A Child's Day: East Timor

This program portrays a day in the life of Cecilia, an 11 year-old East Timoresegirl.Cecilia lives with her uncle and aunties so she can attend school as her parentslive three hours away. Her villag...

2003 E 00:14:23

A Smarter Country

There are infinite opportunities and benefits created by renewable energy,ecologically sustainable farming, and green buildings and lifestyles."A SmarterCountry" follows Sydney’s Lord Mayor Clover M...

2014 E 00:54:40

Air PollutionSeries: Pollution of Air and Water

Objective: To learn about air pollution and its sources. Learning outcomes -students will be able to: 1. Define air pollution. 2. Discuss the human pollutants of airand their sources.

2014 E 00:05:04

Air, Water Vapour and Weather

This video explores the three components of air, water vapour and weather, lookingparticularly at:1. The suns energy - the heating of the ground. 2. The air-seabreezes, the fact air has mass and exe...

1997 E 00:21:14

Amazon Rainforest: The Development Dilemma

The Amazon headwaters in eastern Ecuador are some of the world's most abundantin biodiversity. This programme traces the impact of oil exploration and developmenton a fragile ecosystem. Local Huaora...

1994 00:23:53

Applying Environmental Science: A Land Rehabilitation Case Study

In this program we follow a project where an entire tract of bushland is moved fromone location to another. We explore: - Project planning, execution, completion andassessment. - Scientific trials a...

2002 E 00:21:18

Australia's Diverse Environments: Natural and Human

Join us on a whirlwind tour of Australia's diverse natural and man-madeenvironments. We kick off with the Great Dividing Range's impact on rainfall andhuman habitation, and then dive into the Great...

2010 00:21:55

Australia's Role in the Asia-Pacific Region

Geographically, Australia is part of the region known as the Asia-Pacific Region. Aregion is a human concept that can be mapped and analysed. (Definition: Regionsare identified as having something i...

2010 E 00:17:56

Australia's Threatened Plants and Animals

Produced in conjunction with the Australian Nature Conservation Agency, thisprogram is an introduction to some of the nation's rare and threatened species. Byexploring some of Australia's fragile ec...

1996 E 00:22:58

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Australia: An Ecological Profile

This beautiful video highlights the flora and fauna of a unique landscape brieflyexplaining the concept of Gondwana in relation to Australia's endemic species.

2000 E 00:22:37

Australian States and Territories

This is a journey around Australia. We examine each state and territory in turn. Wealso consider the colonial history of Australia, and how this led to the formation ofthe states, and the advent of...

1998 E 00:27:52

Biodiversity Under Threat: The Sundarbans

Bangladesh's Sundarban Mangroves is one of the world's most bio-diverse areasand home to the endangered Bengal Tiger. This video resource bank looks at whythe Sundarbans is so important: as a bio-di...

2011 E 00:40:29

Built Environment

Produced with the co-operation of the Geography Teacher's Association of NSW,this program provides an introductory overview on the nature of the builtenvironment.- What is the built environment? - P...

1993 E 00:25:34

Caring for a Catchment: The Hawkesbury-Nepean

Produced in association with Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Trust andEnvironmental Protection Authority, NSW. This video examines the impact ofagriculture, urban planning, urban development, and touris...

1996 E 00:21:41

Challenges of Urbanisation: Inequalities in Bangalore

Taking Bangalore as a case study this resource looks at the causes and impacts ofurban poverty. The programme then visits various poverty alleviation projectscovering, water, sanitation and housing.

2009 E 00:27:44

Change in Rural Australia: People Adjusting Differently

A study of a proud town with a strong heritage learning to cope with national andglobal changes. With the decline of both coal and other manufacturing in morerecent years, Lithgow has suffered a dec...

1998 E 00:21:21

Changing Communities

In this program, we examine what changes have occurred in the town ofKorumburra, and the reasons for these changes.

2006 E 00:26:44

Climate ChangeSeries: Classroom Video Issues

Scientific evidence clearly shows that global temperatures are rising and weatherpatterns are changing. But what's causing it? Undoubtedly there has been a massiveworldwide shift into accepting the...

2008 E 00:17:38

Climate Change

Use this fantastic video resource to encourage students to judge whether or notclimate change will impact upon people differently around the world. The impacts ofclimate change can be quite hard to...

2014 E 00:36:47

Climate Change: Our ResponsibilitySeries: Classroom Video Issues

This programme establishes the vital importance of the greenhouse effect for life onEarth and then presents a balanced argument to assess whether or notanthropogenic climate change (often called glo...

2008 E 00:25:40

Coastal Dunes: Ecology and Rehabilitation

Coastal dunes are good examples of fragile ecosystems. This program exploresdune ecology, the impact of human-induced change and the management of theseecosystems through coastal dune rehabilitatio...

1996 E 00:28:59

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Coastal Landforms and Management

This program looks at the 'sand budget' and erosion of rock and explores thebalance between natural and human forces at work on a beach. Topics featuredinclude: sources of sand, effect of waves on a...

1987 E 00:23:16

Coastal Processes and Landforms

This program shows the processes shaping our coastlines with case studies fromthe UK and Australia. How does the process of erosion, transportation anddeposition transform coastal landscapes? How do...

1994 E 00:23:14

Coastal Processes and LandformsSeries: Dynamic Lands

Why do novice surfers prefer constructive waves? What happens when you takeaway a village's natural sea defences? Filmed along the Dorset coastline, thisresource provides up-to-date explanations and...

2012 E 00:23:09

Community Action and the Environment

In 1996 residents living in Werribee, just outside Melbourne, learned that a toxicwaste dump was being proposed for a nearby quarry site owned by CSR, aninternational manufacturer of building produc...

2003 E 00:24:05

Crime, Safety and LiveabilitySeries: Place and Liveability

What can be done to reduce crime, increase safety and improve liveability indifferent communities? This clip considers factors influencing crime rates andperceived safety, and compares relevant fact...

2014 E 00:11:59

Debating Energy Futures: Coal, Gas and Nuclear

With case studies from the US, the UK, China and India, this programme asks howimportant coal, gas and nuclear will be in the future global energy mix. Find out whatis being done to clean up coal, t...

2014 E 00:34:07


This video covers the topic of deforestation. Aspects of deforestation that arediscussed include tsunamis, landslides, global warming and the extinction of animalspecies.

2014 E 00:05:46

Deserts: Global Environments

Every continent has deserts – they occupy more area of the surface of our planetthan any other type of landscape. They occur in all climatic zones including thehottest and coldest locations on Earth...

2012 E 00:18:04

Drought in AustraliaSeries: Natural Hazards

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on the planet. Drought in many parts of thisnation is a fact of life. At just about any point in time, somewhere in Australia will beexperiencing drought....

2012 E 00:19:54

Earth's Survival: Decoding the Climate Science

Made in consultation with the IPCC and world leading climate scientists, thisgroundbreaking documentary explains the big headlines in climate change, and howwe may be in the middle of the most cruci...

2014 E 00:51:57

Earthquake Tsunami: Wave of Destruction

This programme explores natural forces inside our planet, how and why earthquakesoccur, the 2004 tsunami and the international response that followed. Seniorseismologist Gary Gibson takes us through...

2005 E 00:24:23

Eco Pioneers: A Case Study of Bega

The town of Bega, on the south coast of NSW are working to transform their towninto a sustainable community. Through the work of "Clean Energy for Eternity", theprogram follows Dr Matthew Nott as he...

2013 E 00:17:50

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Ecotourism: What Is It?

This beautifully filmed program examines what constitutes ecotourism and whatdoesn't. We look at different types of ecotours, including: - Whale watching and seakayaking in Canada. - Coral islands i...

1998 E 00:24:02

Emerging Superpower: Booming Bangalore

Bangalore has become the "Silicon Valley" of India. This programme asks what havebeen the causes of this success, including the role of education, globalisation andgovernment deregulation. It goes o...

2009 E 00:36:51

Energy Security: India’s Sustainable Solutions

India faces a major energy crisis because of its rapid population growth andindustrialisation, but traditional energy sources won't be enough to meet all futureneeds. This geography video and resour...

2009 E 00:20:04

Environmental Impacts of Consumer ProductsSeries: Geographies of Interconnections

We often don’t realise it, but the decisions we make as consumers – from whatproducts we buy to how we end up disposing of them – often affect other people inother places. In this programme we inves...

2016 E 00:10:05

EstuariesSeries: Life in the Sea

Estuaries… many of us live on or near an estuary and maybe use it for boating orfishing or swimming, or even just for the view. Estuaries are often at the heart ofcoastal cities. But what’s their st...

2017 E 00:17:07

Ethical Tourism

This excellent resource is suitable for teaching both Geography and Travel andTourism. It discusses ethical tourism practices and their benefits and costs for hostcommunities, business and traveller...

2012 E 00:31:09

Extreme Weather: Coastal Flooding

Through the use of two case studies, the Dawlish Railway Collapse and the EastCoast Tidal Surge, this resource looks at the impacts of the 2013/2014 winterstorms. The extreme weather conditions that...

2015 E 00:31:48

Factors Affecting Global Tourism

Many forces impact on global tourism – some have immediate impact, others longerterm; some have a major effect on destination competitiveness and stability, othersare not so significant. The global...

2012 E 00:20:48

Fish Sustainability

The growth of Canada coincided with a growth and development of the fishingindustry. Technology and capital allowed companies to expand and develop newmethods of fishing while sonar, radar, bigger s...

1997 E 00:23:55

Flooding in Bangladesh: Causes, Impacts and Management

Tailor-made to fit UK specifications, this resource is filmed in Bangladesh andemphasises contemporary thinking about hazard events. The personal accounts ofthose living on Bangladesh's char lands h...

2010 E 00:37:37

Flooding in the UK: Tewkesbury

A freak weather event or a disaster waiting to happen? Explore the physical andhuman causes of the Tewkesbury 2007 flood with this resource that looks in detail atrunoff, infiltration rates and the...

2013 E 00:34:54

Forest Conservation

Objective: To study about forest conservation.Learning outcomes - students will beable to: 1. Understand the important role that forests play in the natural environment;2. Understand that humans mus...

2014 E 00:03:27

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Fragile Ecosystems: Palau, Micronesia

The Pacific Islands of Palau contain some of the world's most pristine coral reefecosystems. In this program, the interaction between coral reefs, rainforests,intertidal wetlands and mangroves is ex...

1995 E 00:25:53

Freedom StoriesSeries: Freedom Stories

"Freedom Stories" is an exploration of the struggles and achievements of former‘boat people’. Now Australian citizens, they arrived seeking asylum during thesecond term of the Howard Government.It i...

2015 PG 01:39:40

Future Harvest: Case Studies in Sustainable Agriculture

In this video produced by VEA and the Museum of Victoria we look at eight casestudies. The program gives valuable insights into the changes taking place inAustralian agriculture to solve serious env...

1998 E 00:41:08

Geographers in the Field

This programme examines how to undertake a fieldwork study. It begins with lookingat why fieldwork is important for geography and how to choose and undertakeresearch on a site. It teaches students h...

2009 E 00:33:36

Geohazards: Monitoring and Prediction

Learn how volcanologists in Montserrat and Iceland are predicting the location,frequency and severity of future volcanic and seismic events. Get access to the verylatest equipment used for deformati...

2013 E 00:39:04

Glaciation in the UK

How has ice shaped the UK landscape? What are the processes operating atdiffering scales and how have they been influenced by geology, climate and humanactivity? With examples drawn from around the...

2015 E 00:25:50

Glaciation: Processes and Landforms

How are glaciers formed? Where are they found? How and why do they move? Howdo they shape the land, both now and in the past? Using examples filmed in the UK,Iceland and the Alps, and with the help...

2014 E 00:41:04

Glaciers and Glaciation: A Frozen Key to Our Past and Future

This program examines the development and characteristics of glaciers in differentstages including: their movement, their effect on mountain features and landformsand their advancement and retreat....

2000 E 00:25:07

Global Atmospheric CirculationSeries: Weather Hazards

Earth’s diverse climate and weather patterns are predominantly governed by globalatmospheric circulation and ocean currents. This programme looks at differentatmospheric phenomena, including the glo...

2017 E 00:11:27

Global Connections through TradeSeries: Geographies of Interconnections

We use foreign-made products every day. Some have components that originate inmany different countries. This programme explores how international tradingconnects us with other places. It looks at th...

2016 E 00:12:08

Global Connections: How We Are Connected to the Rest of the World

Everyday we can see things in our lives that show us that we are connected withpeople all over the world. But exactly how is Australia connected to the othercountries in the world, and what are our...

2002 E 00:21:43

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Global Energy Security

What makes some countries more energy secure than others and what are thestrategies that can be pursued to improve security? With video case studies from theEU, Iceland, China, India, Canada and the...

2014 E 00:34:04

Global Food Equity

Global food shortages are having devastating affects in many corners of the globe.This detailed, wide-ranging programme breaks down the different areas of food –from the availability and distributio...

2012 E 00:19:58

Global Health and Human Development

This eye-opening program provides a global perspective on health and humandevelopment. We speak to experts from The Nossal Institute for Global Health,ActionAid, and Oxfam, and examine the important...

2011 E 00:20:19

Global Warming: You Can Make a Difference

Our appetite for the Earth's resources is leading to global warming of theatmosphere. This program argues that action should be taken at international andpolitical levels and addresses the question...

2006 E 00:28:20

Growing Cities

From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans are growing food likenever before. Growing Cities tells the inspiring stories of these intrepid urbanfarmers, innovators, and everyday city-dwe...

2013 E 01:33:13

Growing Up in Modern Japan

Eri lives in Nagoya, one of the largest cities in Japan. Raki lives in the small farmingvillage of Obara. The daily lives of these children form the basis of this program,which explores modern Japan...

2000 E 00:24:24

Growth and Niche Markets in Tourism

A range of factors have led to tourism becoming one of the world’s fastest growingindustries. Tourism experiences have become more diverse in recent decades, inresponse to changing demands from the...

2012 E 00:21:23

Health in the Developing World

Across the world 1.3 billion people suffer from extreme poverty. They don't haveenough to eat, they don't have proper shelter, they don't have safe drinking waterand they don't have access to life s...

2001 E 00:34:51

Health Inequities in Australia

Despite the best intentions, Indigenous life span and health expectancies are stillsignificantly lower than the national average. For those aged 65 years or above,access to health services can also...

2011 E 00:17:18

Hope City

Majak, a teenage boy from South Sudan is haunted by his dark past and tornbetween his new life and a burning desire to return to home to find his mother.

2015 E 00:15:09

HousingSeries: Geography

A key human need is shelter. Providing appropriate and sustainable housinginfrastructure, and access to it, is a major national focus and involves a range ofbusinesses and other organisations, inclu...

2013 E 00:23:16

How Many of Us? Australia's Population Debate

This program examines the history of Australia's population growth and thenpresents two leading advocates for a larger and a smaller population, who discusspotential outcomes of current social poli...

2002 E 00:28:09

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Iceland: Living with Volcanoes

Focussing primarily on the 2010 eruption, this resource first asks why people chooseto live in volcanic regions? The opportunities for geo-thermal power, tourism andagriculture are considered. It th...

2013 E 00:42:36

Impact of Development: A New Mine in Papua New Guinea

This program looks at the changes brought about by the development of a billion-dollar gold mine to the indigenous people of Porgera, in one of the more remoteareas of Papua New Guinea. As the govern...

1993 E 00:43:28

Impacts of Tourism: Economic, Environment, Social and Cultural

Tourism is often something of a mixed fortune. Whilst the financial benefits can behuge, the seasonal influx of visitors can have a massive impact on an area, itspeople, culture and landscape. This...

2001 E 00:23:09

Improving Liveability: Case Studies in Urban DesignSeries: Place and Liveability

This clip looks at two case studies that feature local infrastructure projects aimed atimproving aspects of liveability for the community. The first is an internationalexample – Copenhagen’s cycling...

2014 E 00:12:11

In Focus: East Timor - A Case Study in International Aid

This programme examines the work of International Aid organisations in East Timor.Important concepts such as local solutions for local problems and the involvement ofcommunities in aid projects are...

2003 E 00:33:28

Industrial and Sustainable Farming

One of the biggest challenges facing the farming industry today is feeding thegrowing world population while also caring for the environment. At the centre of thisdebate are industrial and sustainab...

2012 E 00:21:19

Internal Migration in China

Since the 1970s, China has been experiencing the world’s largest internal migration.In this program, we look at what internal migration is and why China is experiencinga dramatic population shift f...

2014 E 00:13:03

Is Australia's Population Growth Sustainable?

Australia's population is growing faster than the world average. In the near future,where will an extra 10-15 million people live? Will we have enough water, food andenergy resources to meet growing...

2010 E 00:18:16

Issues in Globalisation: Environmental Impacts and Sustainability

Can economic growth be environmentally sustainable? Residents of Dhaka's slumsshow how extreme industrial pollution is destroying their environment and health.Next we talk to Bangladesh's environmen...

2011 E 00:24:47

Japan: An Introduction (Years 4-7)

This programme explores society, economy, politics, technology, population,consumerism, exports and foreign policy in Japan.

1987 E 00:22:38

Landmines: Cambodia Case Study (Years 8-11)

Landmines claim a victim every 15 minutes. Every month, 100 Cambodians step ona landmine. Why are landmines still used today? Why are people forced to take therisk of walking through a mine field? T...

1999 E 00:11:38

Latitude and Longitude: Where Are We?

This film examines Earth as a sphere, it defines latitude and longitude and exploreshow this global referencing system is applied. Following the crew of a 30,000 tonnecontainer ship as they navigate...

2002 E 00:17:08

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Living in Vietnam: In the Country and in the City Today

Through the lives of Vietnamese children, we are given an insight into life in thistroubled country. In Vietnam all children have to go to school, but some also workbefore or after school to bring i...

2001 E 00:20:28

Living with Fire: Bushfires and Land Management in Australia

The positive and negative effects of fire on Australian ecosystems are debated inthis program.

2002 E 00:19:40

Location: Why Things Are Where They Are

While the old explorer geographers described and mapped where things werelocated, the contemporary geographer is asked to explain why they are locatedthere. Location is a key concept used by geograp...

2001 E 00:24:02

LondonSeries: Megacities

London is one of the world’s most important megacities. It has long attracted peoplefrom all over the globe, as well as migrants from within the UK, and continues to doso today. This programme explo...

2017 E 00:13:59

Magic Harvest

Many suburbs are build on former farmland. In the suburbs of Adelaide, locals armthemselves with garden forks and kitchen knives to put that land to good use,pioneering a backyard revolution one squ...

2011 G 00:26:34

Managing a Coastal Ecosystem

Built around a case study of Towra Point Nature and Marine Reserve in Botany Bay,New South Wales, this programme highlights: location and change over time; anexamination of the biophysical environme...

2006 E 00:28:50

Managing Australia's Coastal Resources

This program examines how beaches are formed, the range of habitats that are apart of the coast, impacts and threats and the levels of governance that shape ourcoast.

2005 E 00:29:59

Managing the Dorset Coast: Conflicts, Challenges and Opportunities

How can you balance the needs of the 25,000 visitors who descend on StudlandBay on a busy day, meet the requirements of Europe's largest oil field and protectthe environment? This programme explores...

2012 E 00:48:19

Mapping Australia: Introducing Mapping Concepts

This programme is a comprehensive guide to mapping principles, using Australasianexamples that show how maps are made and used. Origins of mapping conceptssuch as latitude, longitude, and scale are...

2004 E 00:26:02

Mapping Environmental Disasters: Bushfires and Threatened Species

When natural disasters like fire strike the Australian landscape, maps are used tohelp us to immediately deal with the problem, determine the impact on people andthe environment, and plan for anothe...

2004 E 01:58:27

Minimum Impact: Take Only Photos, Leave Only Footprints

This program examines ways to minimise our impact when enjoying the outdoors.

2005 E 00:23:56

Mining - From Exploration to Rehabilitation

Starting with a brief historical overview of mining, this comprehensive program takesus out of the classroom, into the field, and down the mines. We visit Victoria'sStawell gold mine and meet expert...

2011 E 00:19:34

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Montserrat: Living with Volcanoes

A perfect case study of a volcano in an LEDC. The resource provides a clearexplanation of the processes causing Montserrat's recent volcanic activity. It thenassesses the social, economic and enviro...

2013 E 00:45:51

More Freedom StoriesSeries: Freedom Stories

WARNING: Chapter 6 of this film, 'Dreaming of Freedom', discusses psychologicaltrauma and conveys thoughts of suicide and self-harm. Teachers are stronglyadvised to view the programme and use their...

2015 PG 01:40:47

MumbaiSeries: Megacities

Mumbai, the world’s most densely populated city, has been a thriving commercialhub for millennia. Its population has increased massively over the past 50 years, andalthough it has slowed, growth con...

2017 E 00:13:50

Murray-Darling Basin: Profile of a Large River Drainage System

An introduction containing statistics regarding river lengths, basin size, populationsand human dependence on the Basin. Also discussed are geological time scales,geological formations, topographica...

1993 E 00:27:28

National Parks: A Case Study - Minnamurra Rainforest

John Dengate conducts a guided tour of the Minnamurra rainforest with a group ofstudents. They examine unusual species and discuss a variety of environmentalissues: - The role of parks in preserving...

1994 E 00:22:48

National Parks: Kakadu

National Parks conserve the natural beauty of a region: unique landscapes, flora andfauna for present and future generations. But what qualifies as a National Park? Inthis documentary style programm...

2013 E 00:07:29

National Parks: The Lake District

National Parks conserve the natural beauty of a region: unique landscapes, flora andfauna for present and future generations. But what qualifies as a National Park? Inthis documentary style programm...

2013 E 00:07:42

National Parks: Yellowstone

National Parks conserve the natural beauty of a region: unique landscapes, flora andfauna for present and future generations. But what qualifies as a National Park? Inthis documentary style programm...

2013 E 00:09:02

Natural Disasters (Senior Version)

Natural disasters are an inevitable part of the world we live in. This programmeexamines how we respond to overwhelming natural forces which place lives,property and resources in danger. Specificall...

1999 E 00:26:20

Natural Hazards: Floods

Floods can cause enormous devastation that has lasting social, psychological,economic and environmental impacts on a community. Flooding can also be aseasonal weather event that helps sustain life a...

2013 E 00:23:11

People of Porgera: 1984

This is the original film we made of the Porgera people in Papua New Guinea beforemineable gold was discovered. They show us their courting ceremony, a sing sing,marriage and bride price, wealth, de...

1997 E 00:48:21

Population and World Resources

What are the factors that determine the 'ecological footprint' of human beings? Usingexamples from around the globe, this programme looks at how the world's resourcesare consumed by populations at...

2003 E 00:30:57

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Population Geography

With a global population of 6 billion and counting, the planet is becomingovercrowded as our current population places strain on the planet's resources. Theissue of where and how people live has cru...

2009 E 00:27:52

Population, Settlement and Change: A Study - Solomon Islands

This film examines population growth, urbanisation and Western influence in theSolomon Islands. It outlines factors leading to change including population growth,urbanisation and western influence....

1995 E 00:28:27

Pre-1850Series: Australian Relationships with Nature

Throughout time, Australia's natural climatic extremes have presented manychallenges for human inhabitants. This has prompted Australians to develop aunique relationship with the natural environment...

2010 E 00:23:51

Preparing for and Living with Natural Disasters

Australia's diverse landscape and climate has always been subject to manyenvironmental hazards. This program demonstrates how property can be protectedand lives saved with well-coordinated disaster...

2006 E 00:28:49


Presented by Richard Morecroft, this video is an excellent introduction to rainforests,providing information on their nature and structure and the role of light, water, soils,fauna, and vegetation i...

1987 00:20:52

Reclaiming Our Earth: Salinity Success Stories

This program provides two case studies of farms that have rehabilitated their salt-stricken land using a number of different methods and given hope to othercommunities around Australia.

2002 E 00:20:32

Recycling Processes: How is it Done, What Does it Save?

This program looks at why we should recycle and what happens to waste materialonce it has been sent for recycling. The recycling processes for paper, glass,aluminium, iron, concrete, oil and water a...

1991 E 00:22:10

Rise of the Eco-Warriors

A group of passionate and adventurous young people leave their known worldsbehind to spend 100 days in the jungles of Borneo. Their mission: saving rainforestsand endangered orangutans. But time is...

2014 G 01:44:13

River Health: Caring for Our Waterways

This beautifully-filmed program examines our impacts on rivers, river managementand ways of assessing river health.

2005 E 00:36:00

River Landforms: From Source to Sea

Using examples from around the world, this film looks in detail at the landscapes andfeatures along the courses of rivers, examining the processes that have shapedthem over thousands of years. Topic...

1996 E 00:27:37

River Processes and LandformsSeries: Dynamic Lands

Provide your students with memorable examples of potholes, rapids, waterfalls,gorges, meanders, braiding, flood plains and deltas, with our high quality videofootage filmed both in the UK and abroad...

2013 E 00:31:11

Rotorua: A Case Study in Sustainable Tourism

Tourism is an important industry to many nations worldwide, and New Zealand is noexception. Rotorua on New Zealand’s north island is the birthplace of tourism in thatcountry, having hosted visitors...

2012 E 00:23:45

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Rural Challenges: Case Studies from South India

Filmed in Southern India, this resource looks at the causes and impacts of ruralpoverty. It goes on to look at how this poverty can be alleviated, including providingbetter access to education and h...

2009 E 00:35:18

Rural Urban Migration: Push and Pull Factors

We look at the push factors that encourage people to move away from rural areas,and the pull factors that draw them to cities.Cities however, have their own pushfactors, and modern technology has en...

2001 E 00:19:54

Social Connectedness and IsolationSeries: Place and Liveability

How does being socially connected or isolated affect the liveability of particularplaces? This clip showcases the experiences of three young Australians in verydifferent geographical locations: the...

2014 E 00:07:54

Sustainable Agriculture: Managing Our Land for the Future

This program presents 4 case studies of sustainable agriculture: - Whole formplanning: inputs, outputs, erosion control, soil management, tree planting, watermanagement, and salinity control. - Land...

1997 E 00:24:20

Sustainable Forestry: Timber Production and Conservation

How can land and resource use be ecologically sustainable, especially in forestry?Solutions are offered by plantations that can be used to supplement timber takenfrom native forests. Forest conserva...

1995 E 00:29:33

Sustainable ManagementSeries: Tropical Rainforests

Ecuador needs to exploit the Amazon's resources to develop. Leaving it untouchedis not an option. This programme looks at the challenges of achieving sustainablemanagement in the Amazon. It explores...

2016 E 00:22:36

Sustainable Settlement Issues

Large urban cities consume large amounts of resources and create vast amounts ofwaste that needs to be dealt with. For decades little or no concern was paid to thisvital issue, but now there is a mu...

2010 00:23:52

Sustainable Urban Living: A South American Case Study

Curitiba is known worldwide for its innovative ideas in sustainable urbanmanagement. This case study looks at the city's initiatives and how these havebenefited residents, examples being the integra...

2003 E 00:25:11

Tectonics: Processes and Landforms

Filmed in Montserrat, Haiti, Iceland, the Alps and the UK, this program providesexamples and explanations of the processes, features and landforms that occur atdifferent plate margins. The resource...

2013 E 00:40:05

The Alps: Opportunities and Challenges

Filmed in the honeypot site of Chamonix in the Alps, this programme looks at thesocial, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges facing the region.The resource explores the variety of...

2014 E 00:41:20

The Australian Farm Environment

Knowledge of the complex interactions contained in a farm environment, and theircontribution to a successful business enterprise; is an important part ofunderstanding the agricultural industry. This...

2004 E 00:25:14

The Christchurch Earthquake: A Case StudySeries: Natural Hazards

The destructive and unexpected nature of earthquakes has remained a constantthreat since civilisation began. Suitable for all secondary audiences, this two-partprogramme firstly examines the scienti...

2013 E 00:29:43

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The End of GlobalisationSeries: Global Issues Series

In this balanced programme we explore exactly what globalisation is - in theory andpractice, we meet the people suffering and those benefiting from it and look into thefuture to see what lies ahead.

2009 E 00:26:59

The Fabric

Katrina, a teenager whose family have taken refuge in the country town ofShepparton from war torn Sudan, is seeking a way out and a desire for the big city.A chance meeting with local teenage boy Ch...

2014 E 00:15:00

The Forgotten District

Between the Caribbean Sea and the Maya Mountains lies Toledo, known as theForgotten District of Belize, Central America. For the last 20 years, the Maya havebeen promoting their own ecotourism progr...

2009 E 00:51:45

The Formation of Landforms

Mountains, valleys, islands, hills ... What makes our planet have such diverselandforms? Has it always been as it is now? In this clip we will learn that thelandforms of the earth´s crust are due to...

2016 E 00:04:05

The Great Barrier Reef: A Natural WonderSeries: Ecosystems

Australia is home to one of the world’s largest, most complex and amazingecosystems – the Great Barrier Reef. This video explores the reef’s biotic and abioticfeatures, including coral formation and...

2017 E 00:16:30

The Great Barrier Reef: Coral, Carbon and Climate ChangeSeries: Ecosystems

The future of the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world’s most significant marineenvironments, is under threat due to modern industry and agriculture. Featuringinterviews with reef experts, including...

2017 E 00:14:43

The Greening of Energy

Although renewable energies are seen as "clean and green", their development canoften be cause for conflict. Some forms of renewable energy are also limited byweather and climate. Examine the pros a...

2014 E 00:46:32

The Haiti Earthquake: Impacts, Responses and Vulnerability

Use this resource to exemplify the effects of a geo-hazard in an LEDC. The film firstsets out Haiti's historical context to explain why the impacts were so devastating.Then, using footage filmed str...

2013 E 00:44:37

The Impact of Tropical CyclonesSeries: Weather Hazards

Tropical cyclones devastate people, property and infrastructure. This programmeoutlines how cyclones are classified across the world, and then examines the impactof Hurricane Matthew on south-easter...

2017 E 00:12:58

The Science of Pollution

What is pollution? What causes pollution? Where is pollution found? Who will takecharge of the big cleanup? This programme answers these questions whilediscussing how pollution impacts on the enviro...

2009 E 00:33:47

The Sherpas of Nepal: Their Changing Environment and Community

The Sherpas live around the Everest region in Nepal. They trade wool and salt fromTibet for hides, dried potatoes and other foods.This was cut off when the Chinesetook over Tibet and the Sherpas had...

1998 E 00:21:57

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The Use of Irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin

Is irrigation in the Murray-Darling basin sustainable? While irrigation produces 36%of the agricultural profits from Australia's 'food bowl', it does not come without a costto the environment. Is s...

2009 E 00:29:17

The World's Water Crisis

This program looks at the world's dwindling fresh water supply. We examine howmuch fresh water there is on Earth, how much is locked in polar ice caps, and howmuch is available.

2003 E 00:20:01

Threats and ChallengesSeries: Tropical Rainforests

Follow a indigenous environmental campaigner as he introduces you to his rainforestworld and explores the threats facing it. This title considers the value of rainforests,both locally and globally i...

2016 E 00:25:15

Tropical CyclonesSeries: Weather Hazards

Tropical cyclones, also called hurricanes and typhoons, cause catastrophic damagewhen they strike land. When a cyclone’s fury unleashes on population centres,death, injury and wholesale destruction...

2017 E 00:08:32

Tropical Storms: Bangladesh's Cyclone Aila

With extraordinary footage shot during and after Bangladesh's most recent cyclone,this program looks at the causes, impacts and management of tropical storms in anLEDC. It provides clear explanation...

2010 E 00:33:08

Urban Development

The program about urban development examines the geographical processesinvolved, perceptions and responses of various groups and the management anddecision making required.

2006 E 00:31:43

Urban Dynamics: Suburbanisation and the Mechanism of Urban Sprawl

This programme offers a concise overview of today’s city living. It explains theimpact of city life on productivity and the economy as well as the concepts of ‘time -travel budget constancy’ and ‘ur...

2005 E 00:16:42

Vietnam: Impact of Aid on a Developing Nation

Vietnam today is in transition, in an effort to double living standards the governmenthas introduced a policy of reform known locally as Doi Moi. For many people livingconditions have improved drama...

1995 E 00:30:59

Voices of Transition

“Voices of Transition” looks at different forms of agriculture and food production. Thefilm takes as its starting point the adverse impacts of today’s globalised agriculturalindustry and highlights...

2012 E 01:05:59

Waste Disposal: Think Globally, Act Locally

Where does your garbage go? A look at landfill operations, recycling, composting,toxic waste treatment and alternative productivity. This program also encourages thestudent to find ways to reduce th...

1991 E 00:24:30

Waste Not

"Waste Not" is a film about where your garbage goes, who sorts it for you, and whatit is worth if it isn't just tossed into landfill. It's easier and cheaper to retrieve goldfrom old computers for i...

2011 E 00:25:31

Water around the WorldSeries: Water Supply and Management

Clean water is essential for human existence. However, international requirementsare not met by the available supply. This programme examines rising global waterdemand and some of the serious issues...

2017 E 00:14:39

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Water in Australia: The Importance of Water in Our Lives (Years 3-7)

An overall look at water in all its facets. - Water in Space - vapour/liquid/ice only onEarth. - Water for Life - dissolves many chemicals. - Effect of water on the landscape- erosion, corrosion etc...

1985 E 00:21:31

Water in Australia: The Importance of Water in our Lives (Years 7-10)

An overall look at water in all its facets. - Water in Space - vapour/liquid/ice only onEarth. - Water for Life - dissolves many chemicals. - Effect of water on the landscape- erosion, corrosion etc...

1985 E 00:21:33

Water in the UKSeries: Water Supply and Management

The UK’s more densely populated and growing urban areas are, for the large part,located in regions of the country where rainfall is lower. Conversely, high rainfalloccurs in regions where there is l...

2017 E 00:15:03

Water: A Precious Resource

Objective: To discuss about the importance of water and its availability, learn aboutgroundwater, the water table and its depletion and methods to conservewater.Learning outcomes - students will be...

2014 E 00:13:13

Water: Australia as an International Case Study

From the tap in your own home to the mighty Amazon River - humans often usewater without really thinking where it has come from or where it is going to. Such aprecious resource is often taken for gr...

2008 E 00:26:43

Waves: Seismic Imaging and Tectonics

With exciting footage of earthquakes, engaging graphics and interviews with seismicsurvey teams, this programme provides a fantastic introduction to waves and howthey are used. The different types o...

2015 E 00:28:39

Weather and Climate

It affects everything we do, from our day to day plans of what clothes to wear toaffecting the way we feel. Weather is a giant continuum of change and is crucial tothe planet's survival. But how is...

2009 E 00:27:02

Weather Forecasting

The weather affects everyone and everything on the planet so being able to predictwhat it will be like has numerous advantages. With the invention of the telegraph inthe 1830s it became possible for...

2000 E 00:19:08

WetlandsSeries: Bill Nye the Science Guy

Bill Nye sloshes across American wetlands and gets a little bit muddy while heshows us how these swamps, bogs, and marshes help control floods, naturally filterwater, and provide a good home to lots...

1996 E 00:24:49


The nature of wetlands are defined and we look at the location of wetlandsthroughout the world. In addition, the video examines in detail a wetland arealocated next door to the site of the Sydney 20...

1998 E 00:20:17

What Causes Volcanoes? (Junior Version)

This film is a compilation of the best volcanic footage from around the world withclear explanations of what causes the different volcanic types. Mid ocean ridges,volcanoes over trenches, plate tec...

1985 E 00:22:24

What Causes Volcanoes? (Senior Version)

A compilation of the best volcanic footage from around the world with clearexplanations of what causes the different volcanic types. Mid ocean ridges,volcanoes over trenches, plate tectonics, shiel...

1985 E 00:21:28

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World Population Issues: How Many Is Too Many?

The program provides a historical background to population growth and presentsdifferent perspectives on how many people the earth's resources can support.Through sample studies, the issues surroundi...

1998 E 00:26:49

Youthful Populations: An African Case Study

The Gambia has one of the most youthful populations in the world. This resourceexplores the issues and implications that arise as a result. It includes the role ofcontraception and family planning,...

2005 E 00:31:18

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