seccon - seamless integrated security planning

Keith Rayson – Principal Consultant Consulting Solution International FZE eamless Integrated Security Plannin

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Presented at 6th International Conference on Security - SECCON 2014, Karachi Seamless Integrated Security Planning Mr. Keith Rayson Managing Director, Consulting Solutions International (UAE) Topics Covered: • Security Design Implementation and Management • Risk & Threat Assessment • What do we mean by Integrated Security Planning? • What fourth pillar of the strategy calls for? • The Integrated Planning System (IPS) • Benefits of the IPS


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Keith Rayson – Principal Consultant Consulting Solutions International FZE

Seamless Integrated Security Planning

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Consulting Solutions International FZE

CSI is an advanced security consultancy offering practical, innovative and proven

solutions based on solid international operational experience

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We provide management insights into:-

Security Design Implementation and Management Risk & Threat Assessment Project Management Training

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Satisfied clients include:-

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Satisfied clients include:-

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The Homeland Security Management System (HSMS), described in the National Strategy for Homeland Security of 2007. The Strategy calls for a national effort to create and transform homeland security principles, systems, structures and institutions across four key pillars of homeland security: -

Prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks Protect the people, critical infrastructure, and key resourcesRespond to and recover from incidents that do occur Continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success

What do we mean by Integrated Security Planning?

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“Establish a more deliberate and comprehensive system”• ensure unity of effort and help maximize success • work to prevent and disrupt terrorism• protect the people, critical infrastructure and key resources• respond to and recover from incidents that do occur.

•This new Homeland Security Management System will involve a continuous, mutually reinforcing cycle of activity across four phases:-

GuidancePlanning ExecutionAssessment Evaluation

The fourth pillar of the Strategy calls for the Federal Government to:-

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The Integrated Planning System (IPS) has been developed recognizing that homeland security planning is based on coordination & synchronization rather than command and control.

The IPS applies to Federal departments and agencies with a role in homeland security when conducting scenario-based planning.State, local, and Tribal governments are encouraged to comply with IPS by using the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide.

The IPS establishes a process for developing Federal plans.The IPS is not designed to solve every planning problem.

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As this system is implemented over time, it will align and synchronize Federal planning efforts and serve as a model for planning at all levels of government—Federal, State, local, and Tribal.

IPS incorporates lessons learned from both the development of the National Planning and Execution System and the planning process and doctrine elements of the Interim Comprehensive Preparedness Guide.

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In summary, the IPS is the first step in standardizing homeland security planning – it encourages all stakeholders to march to the

same tune.

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Now lets examine some specific cases in point to appreciate how this could/should work in practice.

We’ve seen terrorist actions.

We’ve seen man-made disasters such as Fukushima in Japan.

We’ve seen natural disasters such as the flooding & earthquake.

We’ve seen ad-hoc problems caused by the rise of armed militant groups.

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Loss of life – civilian and emergency forces

Loss or damage to property public and private

Loss or damage to public services such as road, rail, power, communications

Loss of credibility of security services ability to identify and prevent such incidents

Overall confusion!

What are the common factors in each of these incidents?

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Let us take a few examples and understand what happens and how to improve the handling of the event.

First let us consider the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996.

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I was living in Bahrain at the time, some 30 km away, and saw the windows in my villa bend with the force of the blast.

A truck bomb with the force of 20,000lbs of TNT was detonated around 22 metres from the front of building #131.

The blast was partially deflected by the concrete Jersey barriers placed along the compound perimeter.

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Lessons to be learned from the incident

Perimeters need to be moved well away from the actual buildingsJersey or other similar types of barriers should be installedThe approach to the building or facility should be designed so as to prevent a high speed ramming attack

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Taking another example:-Consider a critical national infrastructure asset such as the White Oil Pipeline to the PARCO refinery.

If there is a serious attack on it, large areas of the country will be denied vital fuel supplies and they would be crippled until supplies can be restored.

The pipeline runs from Port Qasim to Mehmood Kot, around 750 km, through a wide variety of terrain, and delivers 100,000 barrels per day.

How can this be defended?

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What are the major potential threats to a pipeline?

Mechanical or explosive damage to the pipeline or pumping stations

Theft of oil by tapping into the pipeline.


Corrosion or material failure

Earth movements such as mud or landslides

Damage from lightning

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A pipeline protection system can be deployed which uses various methods to detect, identify the location of the problem and to alert the relevant authorities for necessary action.

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This holistic approach uses a combination of elements to detect, identify and deter different types of potential threats

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The fibre optic cables detect vibrations from actual attacks or simple illegal intrusions and warn the Control Room of the exact location.

The Control Room can then deploy ground based vehicles and/or UAVs to survey the scene, to warn off intruders and to provide identification imagery for later follow up with concerned authorities.

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The satellite system can detect leaks by detecting changes in images over time.

Satellite images of the Rumailah oil field showing a fire

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Where are these systems already deployed?

“Baltic Pipeline System (BPS-2)”, equipped length - 1000 kilometers“East Siberia – Pacific Ocean“ Pipeline System”, “Skovorodino – Koz’mino” sector, equipped length - 2500 kilometersPur-Pe – Samotlor” Pipeline System, equipped length - 429 kilometersAll are very challenging environments

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Uninterrupted Surveillance 24/7

Surveillance from:

Space Air Ground

Coordination of technical solution from Security forces

Benefits of the system

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The Control Center is connected on line and communicates with the Top Level Security Command

Communication with different levels of local commanders (police, militia, etc)

The Control Center is receiving ALL the information

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The ground radar detects movement of 5 people 500m away from the pipeline

The Control Center is immediately notified

At the same time the local communities are being alerted to be ready

The UAV (range up to 200 km) is dispatched and heading to the location

A typical incident

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As soon as the UAV is above the suspects, it makes a loud noise to warn off intruders.

The Police or Rangers are also approaching.

The UAVs continue their surveillance over the area looking for more suspects, using thermal sensors

Even If the problem is resolved, the troops remain at the area for cross checking and follow up.

Typical scenario

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Consider another scenario, a car or suicide bombing in a crowded town center. There are many ways to produce a car bomb.

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The first priority is to deploy ambulance and fire services to save and preserve lives/property and for those services to be able to intercommunicate effectively even if they are using different devices eg Tetra, GSM, Satellite etc.

The second priority is to identify suspicious people around the area who may have been responsible for the incident.

The explosion may well have compromised the local telecoms station so how can the emergency and security services intercommunicate?

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The answer

Command and Control vehicles which can create their own communications “bubble” to allow all emergency services to inter-communicate regardless of what radio or telephone systems they use

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Each application is different and is tailored to the client’s situation and requirements

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Some views of a typical command & control vehicle

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Consider a critical installation with very large perimeter eg an oil refinery or power station

Ground radar detects potential intruders at a distance and “steers” long range cameras onto them for identification and threat classification as a first step in the 4 D’s - deter, detect, delay and defend

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Consider monitoring ground movement at an airport

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What do all these solution providers have in common and what makes them successful?

They are all integrated systems which bring together all inputs/aspects and create a unified whole.

They are not closed proprietary systems limiting you to using that supplier’s equipment/software

They all deliver on their promises

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To recap

Plans should be put into place by each concerned agency prepared and agreed both individually and jointly.

All concerned agencies need to share information and work together for maximum effect.

All monitoring systems need to provide operators with the maximum information in an easy to read and follow manner.

All systems should be easily scalable to allow for future expansion.

Systems should be capable of easily incorporating new technologies as they become available.

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But BEWARE! You and others can have plans in place but if you are not all marching to the same tune….!

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Thank you for your kind attention

Managing Director:- Keith J RaysonMobile:- +971-56-795-1281Email:- [email protected]:- keithrayson