searching for buddhist resources university of the west library

Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

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Page 1: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Searching for Buddhist Resources

University of the West


Page 2: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Buddhist resources

• Library services

• Buddhist Canon

• Search on specific topic resources

• Buddhist online resources

Page 3: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Library services for Buddhist materials• Books -- Library Catalogs subject searching

– Library of Congress classification schedule -- BQ section• UWest Library online catalog• WorldCat• Ebook – Encyclopedia of Religion• Google Book Search,• Online Book Sources• Online Dissertations Sources• Japanese Catalogs• Chinese Catalogs

• Journal articles• UWest Library Journal List• ATLA• JSTOR• ProQuest

• Others• Digital Dictionary of Buddhism• Encyclopedia Britennica online• UWest Library Online Resources --Buddhism• East Asian Buddhist Studies:A Reference Guide


• Fo Guang Buddhist Dictionaries• Zhonghua Fo Dian Bao Ku• Google advanced search

Page 4: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

LCCS BQ Buddhism -- Outline – 1 of 4

1-10 Periodicals, Yearbook (期刊年鑑 ) 12-93 Societies, councils, associations, clubs, etc. (會社 ) 96-99 Financial institutions. Trusts (財團、董事會 )100-102 Congresses. Conferences ( 會議 )

104-105 Directories ( 名錄 )

107-109 Museums. Exhibitions ( 博物館、展示 )

115-126 General collections. Collected works ( 一般館藏、蒐藏作品 )

128 Encyclopedias ( 百科全書 )

130 Dictionaries ( 字典 )

133 Terminology ( 名相 )

135 Questions and answers. Maxims ( 問答、格言 )

141-209 Religious Education ( 宗教教育 )

210-219 Research ( 研究 )

221-249 Antiquities. Archaeology ( 古物、考古學 )

240-244 Literary discoveries ( 文獻發現 )

246-249 Inscriptions, etc. ( 碑銘等 )

251-799 History ( 歷史 )

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LCCS BQ Buddhism -- Outline – 2 of 4

800-829 Persecutions ( 教難 )

Bibliographies ( 傳記 )

840-858 Collective ( 集體 )

Individual ( 個人 )

860-939 Gautama Buddha ( 佛陀 )

940-999 Other ( 其他 )

1001-1045 Buddhist Literature ( 佛教文獻 )

1100-3340 Tripitaka ( 三藏 )

4000-4060 General Works. Treatises ( 一般作品、論文 )

4061-4570 Doctrinal and systematic Buddhist ( 教理與體制上的佛教 )

4188-4565 Special doctrines ( 特殊教理 )• Special topics and relations to special subjects

( 特殊主題以及和特殊主題的關係 )

4600-4610 Relations to other religious and philosophical systems( 與其他宗教及哲學體系的關係 )

4620-4905 Practice of Buddhism. Forms of worship ( 佛寺 )

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4965-5030 Ceremonies and rites. Ceremonial rules ( 修行、禮拜儀式 )

5035-5065 Hymns. Chants. Recitations ( 唱讚、誦經 )

5070-5075 Altar, liturgical objects, ornaments, memorials, etc. ( 祭壇、祭拜物、飾物、紀念物等 )

5080-5085 Vestments, altar clothes, etc. ( 袈裟 )

5090-5095 Liturgical functions ( 儀式功用 )

5100-5125 Symbols and Symbolism ( 象徵 )

5130-5137 Temples. Temple organization ( 寺廟、寺廟組織 )

5140-5355 Buddhist Ministry. Priesthood Organization ( 僧侶、叢林規則 )

5251-5305 Education and training ( 教育與訓練 )

5310-5350 Preaching ( 弘法 )

5360-5680 Religious life ( 宗教生活 )

5485-5530 Precepts for laymen ( 五戒十善 )

5535-5594 Devotional literature Meditations. Prayers ( 皈依文、禪定、回向發願 )

5595-5633 Devotion. Meditation Prayer ( 皈依、禪定、發願 )

5635-5675 Mysticism. Enlightenment. Perfection ( 感應、覺悟、圓滿 )

LCCS BQ Buddhism -- Outline – 3 of 4

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5700-5720 Festivals. Days and seasons ( 節慶 )

5725-5845 Folklore of Buddhism ( 佛教傳說 )

5821-5845 Miracle literature ( 靈異文獻 )

5851-5899 Benevolent work, social work, welfare work, etc ( 慈善工作 )

5901-5975 Missionary work ( 弘法事業 )

6001-6160 Monasticism and monastic life ( 叢林與叢林生活 )

6200-6240 Asceticism. Hermits. Wayfaring life ( 苦行、潛修、行腳 )

6300-6388 Monasteries. Temples. Shrines. Sites ( 寺院、佛剎 )

6400-6495 Pilgrims and pilgrimages ( 朝聖參方 )

7001-9800 Modifications schools, etc ( 教派 )

7100-7285 Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism ( 小乗佛教 )

7300-7524 Mahayana Buddhism ( 大乗佛教 )

7530-7950 Lamaism ( 西藏佛教 )

7960-7989 Bonpo ( 棒教 )

8000-9800 Special Modifications, schools, etc ( 各別教派 )

8500-8767 Pure Land Buddhism ( 淨土宗 )

8900-9099 Tantric Buddhism ( 密續佛教 )

9250-9519 Zen Buddhism ( 禪宗 )

LCCS BQ Buddhism -- Outline – 4 of 4

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UWest Library Online Catalog

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UWest Library Online Catalog

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UWest Library Online Catalog

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WorldCat or

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Google Book Search

Page 15: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Google Book Search

Page 16: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Google Book Search

Page 17: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Google Scholar Find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers,

as well as scholarly articles available across the web.

Page 18: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Google Scholar

Page 19: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

UWest Library Electronic Database – ebook: Encyclopedia of Religion

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ebook: Encyclopedia of Religion

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ebook: Encyclopedia of Religion

Page 22: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

UWest Library Journal List

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UWest Library Online Resources -ATLA

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UWest Library Online Resources -ATLA

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UWest Library Online Resources - JSTOR

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UWest Library Online Resources - JSTOR

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UWest Library Online Resources - ProQuest

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UWest Library Online Resources - ProQuest

Page 29: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

UWest Library Online Resources– Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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UWest Library Online Resources– Encyclopedia Britennica Online

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UWest Library Electronic Database – Encyclopedia Britennica Online

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UWest Library Electronic Database – Encyclopedia Britennica Online

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Reference Tools

Page 34: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Google – Advanced search

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Google – Advanced search

Page 36: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Buddhist Canon • Scriptural Collections

• Sanskrit

• Pali

• Chinese

• English

– Union Catalog of Tripitakas

– The Korean Buddhist Canon: a descriptive catalogue

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Page 38: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

To search for 佛說阿惟越致遮經Key in Sutra’s name

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To search for 佛說阿惟越致遮經 Choose all (Tripitakas)

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To search for 佛說阿惟越致遮經The result will list the status and bibliographic

information in each Tripitakas

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To search for 佛說阿惟越致遮經 Choose one Tripitaka

Page 42: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

To search for 佛說阿惟越致遮經The result will provide information for only one particular


It also provides Links to other Triptakas.

Page 43: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Bibliography of Buddhist Canon

• The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue – Printed

The Korean Buddhist canon : a descriptive catalogue / Lewis R. Lancaster, in collaboration with Sung-be Park. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1979.

– Online

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Sanskrit Canon• Printed

– UWest Library holdings • Title﹕SAMĀDHIRĀJASŪTRA(Sanskrit)

– Publishing: Darbhanga : The Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning, 1961

– Volume﹕ 18

• Title﹕DHARMAKOS’A(Sanskrit)– Publishing: Wai (Satara): The Prājña Press, 1949 – Volume﹕ 18

• Title﹕Mahavastu (Sanskrit)– Publishing: Paris : A l’imprimerie nationale, 1977 – Volume﹕ 3

• Title﹕Bibliotheca Buddhica (Sanskrit & Tibetan)– Publishing: Japan :Meicho-Fukyu-kai, 1977

• Volume

• Online• Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon

Page 45: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Sanskrit CanonDigital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon

Page 46: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Pali Canon

• Printed– UWest Library holdings

• Title﹕Pali Text Society. Text Series (Pali)– Publishing: Oxford : The Pali Text Society. – Volume﹕

• Title﹕Nālandā-Devanāgarī-Pāli-Series(Pali)– Publishing: Pāli Publication Board, 1958

– Volume﹕47

• Title﹕Dhammagiri-Pāli-Ganthamālā(Pali)– Publishing: India : Vipassana Research Institute, 1998

– Volume﹕127

• Online

Page 47: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Pali Canon - Online

Pali Canon• Access to Insight

– Tipitaka

– Non-English Tipitaka translation

• BUDSIR (Buddhist Scriptures Information Retrieval). Pali Canon – Online BUDSIR

• Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project • Vipassana Research Institute. "The Chattha Sangayana


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Pali Canon – OnlineAccess to insight

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Pali Canon – Online

Access to insight

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Pali Canon – Online

Access to insight

Page 51: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Pali Canon – OnlineBUDSIR (Buddhist Scriptures Information Retrieval). http://

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Pali Canon – Online Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project.

Follow the instruction to download the Pali Canon

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Pali Canon – OnlineSri Lanka Tripitaka Project

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Pali Canon – OnlineVipassana Research Institute. "The Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka".

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Chinese Tripitakas (Includes Japanese & Koreans)

• Printed

– Description of Tripitakas

– Library holdings

• Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA)

– CD-Rom

– • Online

• Koreana Tripitaka– CD-Rom

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Chinese Tripitakas (Printed) – UWest Library holdings書 名 ﹕ 佛教大藏經

編 者 ﹕ 佛教書局 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕佛教出版社, 1978 年 冊 數 ﹕ 162 冊

書 名 ﹕ 佛光大藏經 : 阿含藏 編 者 ﹕ 佛光宗務委員會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕佛光山出版社, 1983 年 冊 數 ﹕ 16 冊

書 名 ﹕ 佛光大藏經 : 禪藏 編 者 ﹕ 佛光宗務委員會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕佛光山出版社, 1994 年 冊 數 ﹕ 51 冊

書 名 ﹕ 佛光大藏經 : 淨土藏 編 者 ﹕ 佛光宗務委員會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕佛光山出版社, 1999 年 冊 數 ﹕ 31 冊

書 名 ﹕ 佛光大藏經 : 般若藏 編 者 ﹕ 佛光宗務委員會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕佛光山出版社, 1997 年 冊 數 ﹕ 42 冊

書 名 ﹕ 中華大藏經 (漢文部分) 編 者 ﹕ 中華大藏經編輯局 出 版 ﹕ 中國北京 ﹕中華書局出版 , 1984 年 冊 數 ﹕ 85 冊 (不全)

書 名 ﹕ 大藏經 編 者 ﹕ 日本大正一切經刊行會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕中華佛教文化館影印大藏經委員會, 1957 年 冊 數 ﹕ 110 冊

書 名 ﹕ 中華大藏經 (第一輯,第二輯) 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕修訂中華大藏經會印行, 1962~1968 年 冊 數 ﹕ 120 冊

書 名 ﹕ 大正新修大藏經 編 者 ﹕ 大藏經學術用語研究會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕大正新修大藏經刊行會, 1982 年 冊 數 ﹕ 129 冊

書 名 ﹕ 續藏經 出 版 ﹕ 香港 ﹕香港影印續藏經委員會 , 1967 年 冊 數 ﹕ 150 冊

書 名 ﹕ 卍 續藏經 編 者 ﹕ 新文豐編審部 出 版 ﹕ 香港 ﹕香港影印續藏經委員會 , 1953 年 冊 數 ﹕ 153 冊

書 名 ﹕ 高麗大藏經 編 者 ﹕ 高麗大藏經完刊委員會 出 版 ﹕ 台灣 ﹕新文豐出版公司 , 1982 年 冊 數 ﹕ 48 冊

書 名 ﹕ 乾隆大藏經編 者 ﹕ 傳正有限公司編輯部出 版 ﹕ 台 灣 ﹕ 傳正有限公司, 1997 年 冊 數 ﹕ 169 冊

書 名 ﹕ 漢譯南傳大藏經編 者 ﹕ 元亨寺漢譯南傳大藏經編譯委員會出 版 ﹕ 高雄市 : 元亨寺妙林出版社 , 民國 79 [1990]

冊 數 ﹕ 65 v. in 70

書 名 ﹕ 南傳大藏經 (日文 ) 編 者 ﹕ 水野弘元 出 版 ﹕ 日本 ﹕嵐柴征吾發行者 , 1970~1977 年 冊 數 ﹕ 73 冊

書 名 ﹕ 國譯一切經 (日文) 編 者 ﹕ 蓮澤成惇 出 版 ﹕ 日本 ﹕ 大東出版社 , 1955 年冊 數 ﹕ 80 冊

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CBETA – Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association

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Chinese Tripitakas - Online

• Association for Computerization of Buddhist Texts (ACBUT). Samganikikrtam Taisotripitakam: Machine-readable text-database of the Taisho Tripitaka (the Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo).

• WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts

• Epstein, Ron, comp. Shurangama Sutra: Text, Commentaries, and Articles (Da Fo Ding Shou Leng Yan Jing. Taisho Tripitaka, No. 945).

Page 60: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Chinese Tripitakas - Online• Association for Computerization of Buddhist Texts (ACBUT). Samganikikrtam

Taisotripitakam: Machine-readable text-database of the Taisho Tripitaka (the Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo). 1998.

Page 61: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Chinese Tripitakas - Online• Epstein, Ron, comp. Shurangama Sutra: Text, Commentaries, and Articles (Da

Fo Ding Shou Leng Yan Jing. Taisho Tripitaka, No. 945).

Page 62: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

Chinese Tripitakas - Online• Epstein, Ron, comp. Shurangama Sutra: Text, Commentaries, and Articles (Da

Fo Ding Shou Leng Yan Jing. Taisho Tripitaka, No. 945).

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English Canons• Printed

– Library holdings• Pali Text Society: Translations Series of Buddhist Scriptures

• Pali Text Society: Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series

• BDK: English Tripitaka

– Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages

Page 64: Searching for Buddhist Resources University of the West Library

English Canon - Printed

• Pali Text Society: Translations Series of Buddhist Scriptures

Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.1&V.4

1. Psalms of the Early Buddhists, Vol. I NO NO

Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.2 2. Compendium of Philosophy BQ2495.S5913 1979



Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.3 3. The Great Chronicle of Ceylon

BQ2602.E5 G4 1980

《錫蘭大史》或《大王統史》 Mahavamsa

(reprinted together with vol. I)

4. Psalms of the Early Buddhists, Vol. II N0 NO

Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.5 5. Points of Controversy BQ2542.E5 S58 1960 《阿比達磨》之《論事》 Kathavatthu

Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.6 6. Manual of a Mystic BQ5650.M36 1982 NO NO

Ref. BQ1138.T73 V.7 7. Book of Kindred Sayings, Vol. I

BQ1332.E5 D3

南傳之《相應部》(北傳之《雑阿含經》) Samyutta Nikaya

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English Canon - Printed

• Pali Text Society: Sacred Books of the Buddhist Series

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.1

1. Gātakamālā 本生鬘 ?Jātakamālā(梵語)

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.2

2. Dialogues of the Buddha, Vol. I 南傳《長阿含經》 Digha nikaya

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.3

3. Dialogues of the Buddha, Vol. II 南傳《長阿含經》 Digha nikaya

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.4

4. Dialogues of the Buddha, Vol. III 南傳《長阿含經》 Digha nikaya

Out of print 5. *Further Dialogues of the Buddha, Vol. I  

Out of print 6. *Further Dialogues of the Buddha, Vol. II  

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.7

7. Minor Anthologies, Vol. I Verses on Dhamma and The Text of the Minor Sayings NO

Ref. BQ1138.S23 v.8

8. Minor Anthologies, Vol. II Verses of Uplift and As It Was Said

BQ1138.S23 v.8 1987 NO

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English Canon - Printed

• BDK English Tripitaka -- Examples1. Asanga. Mahayanasamgraha. English. The summary of The great vehicle /, by Bodhisattva Asanga ; translated from

the Chinese of Paramartha (Taisho, volume 31, number 1593) by John P. Keenan. Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1992. xii, 147 p. ; 24 cm.

Series title: BDK English Tripitaka ; 46-III, BDK English Tripitaka ; 46-III BQ2982.E5 K44 1992 攝大乘論2. Gyonen, 1240-1321. Hasshu koyo. English. The essentials of the eight traditions /, by Gyonen ; translated from the

Japanese by Leo M. Pruden. The candle of the latter Dharma / by Saicho ; translated from the Japanese by Robert Rhodes. Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1994. xi, 153, 28 p. ; 25 cm.

Series title: BDK English Tripitaka ; 107-I, III BQ7050 .G9613 1994 八宗綱要 末法燈明記

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English Canon - PrintedBibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into

Western Languages

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Electronic Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources 香光資訊網 Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute

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Online Resources

• UWest Library Online Resources – Buddhist Studies

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UWest Library Online Resources – Buddhist Studies

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UWest Library Online Resources - Buddhist Studies

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Online Resources • Bu d d h a Ne t - Bu d d h i s t In fo rma t i o n Ne t wo rk – ht t p: / / www. budd hanet . net /

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Online Resources Buddhist Digital Library & Museum

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Online Resources Resources for East Asian Language and Thought