sdpm - lecture 1 - introduction

Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Introduction 1 System‘s Development and Project Management Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäck

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Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science



System‘s Development and

Project Management

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bäck

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Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science


!  System‘s Development and Project Management

!  Prof. dr. Thomas Bäck, Natural Computing !  Room 169, Tel. 7108, baeck@ !  Also – Company Experience


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Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Dates

Feb. 1 14:45 – 17:30 Introduction, Project Description Feb. 2 13:45 – 16:30 STEP WISE Approach to Project Planning Feb. 9 13:45 – 16:30 Selecting an Appropriate Software Dev.

Approach Feb. 15 14:45 – 17:30 Activity Planning and Resource Allocation Feb. 16 13:45 – 16:30 Software Effort Estimation Feb. 22 14:45 – 17:30 Risk management, project escalation Feb. 23 13:45 – 16:30 Project monitoring and control Mar. 1 14:45 – 17:00 Exam Mar. 2 13:45 – 16:30 Software Quality Assurance Mar. 8 14:45 – 17:30 Managing People; Contract Management Mar. 9 13:45 – 16:30 Various Mar. 15 14:45 – 17:30 Trade Fair


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ICT Project Management „runaways“ …

!  Standish „Chaos“ Report !   1994:

•  16% successful •  31% cancelled •  53% challenged

!   2000: •  34% successful •  15% cancelled •  51% challenged


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!  Technical Issues !   Hardware / software / telecommunications systems don‘t work !   Frequent failure / errors in operation

!  Economic Issues !   Time or budget overrun !   Low / no ROI („productivity paradox“)

!  Organizational (implementation) Issues !   Resulting system fails to achieve desired benefit !   Users reject system


Project Management and Success

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Course Content !   What is project management ? !   Student project: Save Energy !   Planning and revising projects !   Project lifecycles !   Estimating effort: size and productivity models !   Risk management and project escalation !   Controlling projects, including earned value analysis !   Managing project and process quality !   Managing people and organizing teams: motivation and

capability !   Contract management


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Course Structure !  10 interactive lectures:

!   45 min teaching – 15 min break !   45 min teaching – 15 min break !   In-class assignments (20 – 40 min) + student presentations !   Case studies

!  Written exam (closed book, Mar. 1) !  Hands-on development project

!   Save Energy application ideas !   Project plans, reports !   Final trade fair (Mar 15, 14:45 – 17:30)


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!   15% project proposal (‚bid‘) [group] !   25% detailed project plan [group] !   5% Deutsche Bank case [group] !   5% reflection paper on group project

[individual] management issues !   5% in-class participation [individual] !   25% written exam [individual] !   20% trade-fair – project presentation [group]


Grade Composition

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Required Literature

!  Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell: Software Project Management, 3e or 4e, McGraw-Hill ISBN 007709834

!  Blackboard: readings and assignments


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What is a Project ? !  A definition

!   „A specific design or plan“

!  Key elements !   Non-routine !   Specific objectives !   Planned !   Predetermined time span !   Constrained resources !   Work carried out for a third party !   Work involves several specializations or phases !   Size and complexity


1.  Temporary 2.  Unique Products, Services, or Results 3.  Progressive Elaboration

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Typical Project Cost and Staffing


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Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science

Stakeholder‘s Influence over Time



Cost of changes

Influence of stakeholders

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Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science

ICT Project Management


!  Part art, part science !  Activities have duration, required resources

and sequence (path) !  Critical path: Link of activities where delay

causes delay in entire project !

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ICT Project Management: Two Exercises !  Design a project plan for

!   Organizing a party next weekend


Small birthday party … Vienna opera ball

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Software Engineering is more Difficult ! !  Due to …

!   Complexity !   Conformity (with human requirements) !   Changeability !   Invisibility


It therefore needs specialized management techniques to deal with it !

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Common Activities

!  Feasibility study – decide if project is worth doing

!  Plan how you are going to do it, then do it. 16

Feasibility Study


Execute Project

Is it worth doing? How do we do

it ?

Do it !

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Execute Project (Hughes-Cotterrell Stages)


Requirements Gathering






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Execute Project !  Functional Requirements

!   What the system is to do !   Systems analysis aims to provide these

!  Quality Requirements !   Other attributes of the system, e.g., response time,

usability, reliability !  Resource / time Requirements

!   Cost !   Time

!  Trade-offs between the different factors 18

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Managerial Issues !  Management may involve:

!   Planning - deciding what is to be done !   Organizing - making arrangements !   Staffing - selecting the right people !   Directing - giving instructions !   Monitoring - checking on progress !   Controlling - taking action to remedy hold-ups !   Innovating - coming up with new solutions !   Representing - liaising with users


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Managerial Issues !   Internal stakeholders may be:

!   In the project team !   Outside the team but in the organization

!  External stakeholders may be: !   Customers or users affected by the system !   Contractors

!  There will be different types of users with different interests

!  Need for good communication !


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Objectives !  Different stakeholders will have different

objectives !   Need for agreed objectives

!  Need for an identifyable project authority !   To set, monitor and modify objectives !   Can contain user, development and management

representatives !  Objectives

!   Can be informally expressed as: „In order for the project to be a success, the project must …“


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Objectives (cont‘d) !  Objectives must be:

!   Concrete !   Have measure of success

!  Objectives can be: !   Broken down into sub-objectives or goals !   Can be informally expressed as „in order to

achieve A, we must achieve B, C, D, etc.“ !   Identifying sub-objectives involves considering the

„how“ as well as the „what“


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Problems - I !  Project Manager‘s point of view:

!   Poor estimates and plans !   Lack of quality standards and measures !   Lack of guidance about making organizational

decisions !   Lack of techniques to make progress visible !   Poor role definition – who does what ? !   Incorrect success criteria


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Problems - II !   Staff‘s point of view:

!   Inadequate specification of work !   Management ignorance of IT !   Lack of knowledge and application area !   Lack of standards !   Lack of up-to-date documentation !   Preceding activities not completed on time !   Lack of communication between users and technicians !   Lack of communication leading to duplication of work !   Lack of commitment (especially when tied to one person) !   Narrow scope of technical expertise !   Changing statutory requirements !   Changing software environment !   Deadline pressure !   Lack of quality control !   Remote management !   Lack of training !   ...


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Examples !   German toll collect system (2 years late, 2 billion €). !   US IRS was to abandon tax system modernization

programme after having spend $4 billion. !   State of CA spent $1 billion on non-functional welfare

database system. !   500 million € UK air traffic control system 2 years

behind schedule. !   … !   All government ? Many industry examples as well.


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Other Aspects I !  Setting Objectives

!   Project authority !   Project board !   Sub-objectives and goals !   Measures of effectiveness

•  Predictive measures (while constructing the system) •  Performance measures (operational system)

!  Stakeholders !   Internal to project team !   External, but within same organization !   External to project team and organization


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Other Aspects II !  Business Case

!   Justification for project !   E.g., cost-benefit analysis

!  Requirement Specification !   Functional: Systems Analysis and Design !   Quality: Response time, reliability, … !   Resources: Time and cost


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Feasibility Study: Contents !   Introduction: What this document is !   Description of current situation !   Problem description

!   Boundaries !   Scope

!   Proposed development !   Business and financial aspects !   Technical aspects !   Organizational aspects

!   Estimated costs !   Development costs !   Operational costs

!   Envisaged benefits !   Recommendation


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Project Plan: Contents !   Introduction !   Background, incl. Reference to the business case. !   Project objectives !   Constraints !   Project products (deliverable and intermediate) !   Methods !   Activities to be carried out !   Resources to be used !   Risks !   Management, including

!   Organizational responsibilities !   Quality management !   Configuration management

!   Success factors 29

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Project Plan: Structure !   Introduction !   Management Summary !   Goals and objectives

!   Business goals !   Benefits !   Objectives

!   Scope, Key deliverables, Prioritization !   Organization, responsibilities, resources !   Risks, Risk Containment !   Other Issues


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The System‘s Development Life Cycle


1. Pre-study

2. Systems Analysis

3. System Design

4. Implemen- tation

5. Test 6a. Final assembly

and delivery

6b. Final assembly and delivery

7. Correct, Maintain

Functional Release

Correction Release

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Project Management and Success !   Traditionally: trace production of „milestone“ documents (functional

specs = 14%, logical design = 30%, …) !   But: cost will migrate out of any activity that is measured more

carefully than its neighboring activities !   Escalating committment to failure


Law of diminishing returns

% Completion








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




ge C




% Completion

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!   When one of the factors of production is held fixed in supply, successive additions of the other factors will lead to an increase in returns up to a point.

!   Beyond this point, returns will diminish. !   Example: Agricultural production (seed amount – growth

production, no. of workers – total labor and harvesting done).


No. Of workers Total physical

product (TPP) Marginal physical product (MPP) Average Physical

Product (APP) 1 10 10 10 2 30 20 15 3 90 60 30 4 120 30 30 5 130 10 26 6 120 -10 20










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of Workers


Total physical product(TPP)

Marginal physicalproduct (MPP)

Average PhysicalProduct (APP)

Diminishing returns

Law of diminishing (marginal) returns

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Prioritizing and Managing Expectations


Development Request Entry Screening Prioritization

Processing in Development

(product planning)

Customer Feedback

100 dev. requests logged in

the system

Reduction of: •  unclear •  doubles •  curr. release •  next release •  out of scope

- 30%

Selection of most relevant needs

- 60%

X selected as planning input Y denied Z input for next year planning

archived Transfer to next year‘s


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Your Project: Save Energy

Demonstrator of innovative application that stimulates to save energy

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Save Energy

!  EU project on user behaviour transformation by empowerment of the users with ICT

5 Pilots: -Lisbon -Leiden -Manchester -Helsinki -Lulea

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Leiden Employee Behaviour

!  Electricity, switching on/off: !  PC, monitor !  Lighting !  Miscellaneous equipment

!  Heating: ! Setpoint for room temperature !  Turn heater on/off !  Close/open windows

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Leiden Pilot

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Current Initiatives in Leiden Pilot !  Weekly Energy Emails

•  Real time energy displays

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!  Develop a demonstrator that runs on a pc, smart phone or presentation screen that displays the current energy consumption of individuals and stimulates users to save energy.

!  Present in trade-fair setting

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!  Keep in mind the audience (Municipality employees)

!  Real data is available (SOAP webservice) SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks.

!  Think of what motivates to save energy!

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!  Meet as Team !   Actually, you will have many meetings … !   Teamwork is of critical importance

!  Project proposal (bid) due by !   February 18, midnight

Save Energy Project

February 18, midnight Assignment 1: Project proposal (‘bid’)

February 25, midnight Assignment 2: Project Plan including functional specification

March 1, midnight Assignment 3: Deutsche Bank case, 5 ppt slides

March 1 (14:45 – 17:00) Exam March 15 (14:45 – 17:30) Trade fair March 16, midnight Assignment 4:

Personal reflection paper on project management