sdg 6 report ipb university

Sustainability Report 2020 SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all ipbofficial Supplementary

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SustainabilityReport 2020SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all ipbofficial


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Learning Programs ipbofficial

Page 3: SDG 6 Report IPB University

1 Webinar “Metabolisme Air Kawasan Perkotaan Dalam Perencanaan”

28 Agustus 2020

Webinar Series 05 oleh Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), membahas mengenai Metabolisme Air Kawasan Perkotaan Dalam Perencanaan

Tata Ruang:1. Urban Environmental Management: Understanding the Spatial of Urban Water Metabolism (Erbi Setiawan, ST, MSc - Urban Environmental Consultant di BAPPENAS);2. Metabolisme Air untuk Rencana Detil Tata Ruang (Dr. Ir. Moh. Yanuar Jarwadi Purwanto, MS, IPU - Kepala Divisi Teknik Geomatika, Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University); Serta dimoderatori oleh Maulana Ibrahim Rau, ST, MSc (Dosen dan Peneliti di Divisi Teknik Geomatika, Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University). Webinar ini membahas mengenai diperlukannya perspektif holistik dalam mengelola air pada konteks spasial, dalam hal ini perkotaan. Perspektif inidapat membuka pandangan baru tentang bagaimana mengelola air perkotaan dengan orientasi yang terintegrasi dengan sektor lainnya. ipbofficial

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2 PDAM Tirta Pakuan Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019

School of Business of IPB University in collaboration with the Bogor City

Water Company (Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor) conducted a survey related

to customer satisfaction Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor. The survey activity is

intended as an evaluation material for Perumda Tirta Pakuan in improving

performance, especially in improving the performance of products and

services. High customer satisfaction will improve positive performance for

Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor and loyalty for customers.

The purpose of the survey is to identify characteristics and behavior of

customers, customer assessment of the performance of products and

services, and provide inputs and recommendations to improve service


Link Activity:

From the results of a survey conducted to 964 respondents, in general,

Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor customers were satisfied with the 74%

customer satisfaction index (IKP) on the performance of the products and

services offered. The results of the study related to customer satisfaction

Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor was then presented in a press conference

held at the School of Business of IPB University on January 12, 2020. ipbofficial

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Research, Innovation, and Business ipbofficial

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3Research On The Utilization Of Processed Sludge From The Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) Into Fertilizer

h 5319419912 ipbofficial

1.1 Implementation Time December 2020

1.2 Brief Description The utilization of IPLT sludge as organic fertilizer (compost) is an alternative to reduce sludge generation at the IPLT location. The compost produced can increase soil fertility and can be sold (marketed) to provide economic value. Mara and Cairncross (1994) stated that since thousands of years ago, the use of feces as compost has been proven in various countries such as China, Japan, Korea, and other countries, even now this system is used by developed countries such as the United States, England, and Mexico.

At that time, mud processed on PD PAL Jaya's IPLT were still not used optimally and continuously. Therefore, it was necessary to step towards the sludge processed by the IPLT become a more helpful product and less pollutant.

To find out the potential utilization of IPLT sludge, a study was carried out related to the mud content and follow-up management. As the initial step of the study, laboratory analysis was carried out on the sludge samples from the IPLT to see the elemental content and characteristics of the mud. The research results and features are compared with the parameters of organic fertilizers based on KepMentan No.261/KPTS/SR.310/M/4/2019 concerning Technical Requirements for Organic Fertilizers, Biological Fertilizers, and Soil Improvements.

The IPLT mud samples consisted of 2 specimens, namely mud taken from the drying basin since June 2020 (PG-1) and silt that has been air-dried since 2018 (PG-2). Sludge samples were taken from the processing of Pulo Gebang IPLT.

Processed IPLT in liquid soil or solid based on Governor Regulation No. 1 of 2018 can be used as a fertilizer/compost mixture for non-food plants or building materials. Utilization of processed products can cooperate and the fertilizer products produced must pass quality and feasibility tests.

1.3 Benefits The benefit of this activity was to optimize the potential of the sludge produced from the IPLT as an Organic Fertilizer (Compost).

1.4 Obstacles & challengesBased on the description of the analysis results, there are several parameters for measuring mud samples that still did not meet the characteristics/criteria for Solid Organic Fertilizers (POP) following KepMentan No.261/KPTS/SR.310/M/4/2019. For the use of mud as organic fertilizer, further management actions are needs so that the resulting material can meet the standards of organic fertilizer.

1.5 Outcomes / achievements The outcomes of this activity was recommendations action to optimize the sludge produced by the IPLT as an Organic Fertilizer (Compost).

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4Study On The Water Quality Status Of River And Lake In Jakarta Province In 2020 -sungai-dan-situ-waduk-provinsi-dki-jakarta-tahun2020/ ipbofficial

1.1 Implementation Time September – December 2020

1.2 Brief Description

As an implementation of the mandate of The Indonesian Law No. 32 of 2019 concerning environmental protection and management and The Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control, PPLH IPB in collaboration with the Environmental Service Agency of Jakarta Province (DLH DKI Jakarta) conducted a study of water quality status of river and lake water in Jakarta province in 2020. This study was a desk study conducted by analyzing historical data on environmental monitoring of water quality in rivers and lakes/reservoir from 2015 to 2019 sourced from DLH DKI Jakarta Province. The study results produce an overview of the quality status of rivers and lakes/ponds/reservoirs, the main pollutant parameters, and priority locations for environmental management. The study results have been delivered through an online presentation to the DLH DKI Jakarta and several other related agencies. This study result was used as input for environmental management actions plan in the next period.

1.3 Benefits

The benefits of this activity are:1. Provide information on the water quality of

rivers and lakes/reservoirs to the community.2. Provide information on quality status, priority

locations, and recommendations for environmental management actions to the relevant agencies as input to the environmental management action plan for the next period.

3. Provide understanding to the community regarding community participation in maintaining rivers and lakes/ponds/reservoirs, especially in priority locations.

1.4 Obstacles & challenges

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, field observations were not fully conducted. Field observations were only carried out at several priority locations.

1.5 Outcomes / achievements

The outcomes of this study are:1. Availability of water quality status of rivers and

lakes/reservoirs in DKI Jakarta Province.2. Availability of the locations of rivers and

lakes/reservoirs that need to be prioritized for environmental management.

3. Provide some environmental management recommendations to improve the quality of river water and lake/ponds/reservoirs

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Campus Operation ipbofficial

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5 The Winner of Hygiene Competition in IPB

IPB University held the MWA IPB and Rabuan Open Plenary Session IPB

on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at Graha Widya Wisuda, IPB Dramaga

Bogor Campus. The academic community of SB-IPB, especially the leaders

(Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, Dean of SB – IPB, and Dr. Nimmi Zulbainarni

as Vice Dean of SKP SB-IPB) and lecturers also attended the event.

In a joint Rabuan, the rector of IPB delivered several launches of the IPB

flagship program. At that moment also announced the winner of the clean

toilet competition in the IPB. The announcement was made that the

Business The school was the winner of the clean toilet award.

Link Activity:

With the achievement of clean toilets, the Business School has a goal in

sustainable development in the environmental sector by making clean water

and sanitation feasible for all academic communities of Business


This success is inseparable from the role and contribution of SB IPB the

academic community that participated in maintaining the facilities on the

SB-IPB campus. The existence of this award is a challenge for the

Business School to continue to progress and be able to improve the

achievements that have been achieved. ipbofficial

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6 FATETA Mendapatkan Penghargaan Toilet Terbersih 2019 Seluruh IPB

31 Januari 2020

Dalam Sidang Paripurna Terbuka MWA IPB dan Rabuan Bersama

IPB bertajuk Menciptakan SDM Unggul dengan Semangat Maju

Bersama dan Transformasi Culture of Excellence pada Rabu, 29

Januari 2020 di Ghra Widya Wisuda, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian

(Fateta) berhasil menorehkan prestasi membanggakan dengan

membawa pulang Penghargaan Toilet Terbersih 2016 seluruh IPB. penghargaan-toilet-terbersih-2019-seluruh- ipb/ ipbofficial

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