scvmc - california hospital association · scvmc contracts with a company to collect and organize...

As the first hospital in Santa Clara County, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has a long and proud tradition of service and dedication to the people of Santa Clara County. You, as volunteers are part of this proud tradition of caring. Each day I am amazed at how generous and committed you are to our patients. I hope you know that Cora and I are very grateful for each one of you and for the wonderful enthusiasm and care you bring when you serve in the hospital and in the clinics. It is a joy to work with you. This year, we are honoring your service as we celebrate 75 years of volunteer dedication and service to the people of Santa Clara County. Our recorded history began 75 years ago, when a group of local women, the wives of the Carpenters Union workers, decided to make layettes for the children in Pediatrics and for the newborns in the Maternity Ward. The generosity of these women amazes me because they reached out, during the depression, to provide layettes and blankets for our tiniest patients. This generosity has continued non-stop for the past 75 years. The Board of Supervisors began providing healthcare to our community in the mid 1800’s. Knowing what I know about volunteers and healthcare – I believe that the day the County From Our Manager Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteers: 75 Years of Dedication and Service In every great medical institution there are individuals who leave a legacy of compassionate service through their volunteer commitment. Kathleen Dolci SCVMC volunteer news Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary April 2012 “The mission of the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary is to enhance the services of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center through compassionate service and fundraising.” opened its first one-room clinic – a volunteer showed up that afternoon and offered to help out. We do not have records of those first volunteers, but we hold them in our hearts as we celebrate our 75 Years of Service. By the early 1940’s, women from the local neighborhoods had established themselves as hospital volunteers. In 1948, their service was formalized and they were organized into The County Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary. May Widman, head nurse in Pediatrics, was instrumental in organizing the volunteers under the leadership of Dr. Milton Chatton, MD. Since then, thousands of volunteers have served in the hospital and in the clinics. Since our first volunteers were organized in 1937 and in 1948, generous individuals have come from all over Santa Clara County to support the mission of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Today, as in times past, we know the positive impact that compassionate service provided by warm and welcoming volunteers can have on patients in a healthcare institution. In the last 10 years alone, we celebrate that over 2,000 volunteers gave 450,000 hours of dedicated service for our patients, visitors and staff. From the Manager continued on page2 ...

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Page 1: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

As the fi rst hospital in Santa Clara County, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has a long and proud tradition of service and dedication to the people of Santa Clara County.

You, as volunteers are part of this proud tradition of caring. Each day I am amazed at how generous and committed you are to our patients. I hope you know that Cora and I are very grateful for each one of you and for the wonderful enthusiasm and care you bring when you serve in the hospital and in the clinics. It is a joy to work with you.

This year, we are honoring your service as we celebrate 75 years of volunteer dedication and service to the people of Santa Clara County. Our recorded history began 75 years ago, when a group of local women, the wives of the Carpenters Union workers, decided to make layettes for the children in Pediatrics and for the newborns in the Maternity Ward. The generosity of these women amazes me because they reached out, during the depression, to provide layettes and blankets for our tiniest patients. This generosity has continued non-stop for the past 75 years.

The Board of Supervisors began providing healthcare to our community in the mid 1800’s. Knowing what I know about volunteers and healthcare – I believe that the day the County

From Our ManagerSanta Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteers:

75 Years of Dedication and ServiceIn every great medical institution there are individuals who leave

a legacy of compassionate service through their volunteer commitment.Kathleen Dolci

SCVMCv o l u n t e e r n e w s Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary April 2012

“The mission of the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary is to enhance the servicesof Santa Clara Valley Medical Center through compassionate service and fundraising.”

opened its fi rst one-room clinic – a volunteer showed up that afternoon and offered to help out. We do not have records of those fi rst volunteers, but we hold them in our hearts as we celebrate our 75 Years of Service.

By the early 1940’s, women from the local neighborhoods had established themselves as hospital volunteers. In 1948, their service was formalized and they were organized into The County Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary. May Widman, head nurse in Pediatrics, was instrumental in organizing the volunteers under the leadership of Dr. Milton Chatton, MD. Since then, thousands of volunteers have served in the hospital and in the clinics.

Since our fi rst volunteers were organized in 1937 and in 1948, generous individuals have come from all over Santa Clara County to support the mission of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. Today, as in times past, we know the positive impact that compassionate service provided by warm and welcoming volunteers can have on patients in a healthcare institution. In the last 10 years alone, we celebrate that over 2,000 volunteers gave 450,000 hours of dedicated service for our patients, visitors and staff.

From the Manager continued on page2 ...

Page 2: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

A Proud History of Financial SupportBesides providing well-trained, warm and welcoming volunteers, it is the mission of the Volunteer Auxiliary and the Volunteer Services Department to provide fi nancial support for the hospital and the clinics. These funds are raised through our hospital Gift Shop. We are very grateful for the hard work of our Gift Shop supervisor, Kathy Trutz, her assistants, Adella Bondad and Diep Tran, and for the many, wonderful Gift Shop volunteers. These funds would not be available without them.

Over the years the Volunteer Auxiliary Leadership Team has awarded annual grants as well as one time larger gifts to the hospital and to the clinics.

Just to name a few:

In 1998, they gave $50,000.00 for the Main Hospital Lobby, including the Gift Shop.

In 2001, they awarded $75,000.00 to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a specialized piece of equipment used to transport newborns to other hospitals.

In 2002, they contributed $200,000.00 for the VIP Housing, located in the back of the hospital. These four apartments give families of our long term patients, a welcome place to stay while their loved ones are hospitalized.

In 2009, they gave $50,000.00 toward the Varian Linear Accelerator in the Sobrato Cancer Center.

Over the years they have given over $300,000.00 in grants to individual programs, clinics, and departments.

To continue this mission of fi nancial support, the Volunteer Auxiliary has been saving for years and has pledged $100,000.00 for equipment in the new Sobrato Pavilion.

Moving into the FutureEven though we are very proud of our history and the impact we have had in the hospital and in the clinics, we do not want to stop there. We want to continue our volunteer commitment to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, as it grows and changes.

We are very grateful for the support we have receive from our CEO, Linda Smith, from Carolyn Brown, Director of Quality and Safety, as well as from the many managers and staff that welcome volunteers to their departments, clinics, and units. We look forward to starting the next 75 years of service with renewed enthusiasm, warm and welcoming service, and big smiles.

Kathleen Dolci

From the Manager continued ...

“In the last 10 years alone, we celebrate that over 2,000 volunteers gave 450,000 hours of dedicated

service for our patients, visitors and staff.”

A volunteer helping a patient.

This year, we are honoring your service as we celebrate 75 years of volunteer dedication and

service to the people of Santa Clara County.

Page 3: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

As I begin my term as president of the Auxiliary Leadership Team, I am very excited about

upcoming events and changes. This year we are celebrating 75 years of volunteerism at SCVMC, beginning with National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and culminating in October at our Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. The volunteer program at SCVMC has grown along with the hospital and health system to become the outstanding program that it currently is.

We will also be incorporating more technology and social media into our program. We will be installing a volunteer management program that will allow volunteers to sign in electronically, aid in recordkeeping and improve communication with our volunteers. We are also looking forward to having our own Facebook page!

VMC will be having its tri-annual accreditation survey by the Joint Commission this year. This is always an exciting and stressful time for all involved, including the volunteers. Kathleen and the Leadership Team will do our best to keep you all informed and prepared for this unannounced survey.

Executive management of the health and hospital system is focusing on “the patient experience,” and volunteers play a signifi cant part in this experience. Later in the newsletter you will fi nd an article on patient satisfaction, and the role volunteers can play. We will be looking at other ways we can improve our contribution to the overall performance of the institution.

We have a busy and exciting year ahead of us. We will continue to support the patients, families and staff, but we will also take the opportunity to celebrate ourselves!

Cheryl Dewey

From Our President

CAHHS Volunteer ServicesSince 1954 the Volunteer Services Department of the California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (CAHHS) has promoted and supported health care volunteerism in the state’s hospitals and health systems.

For more information, contact the CAHHS Volunteer Services Department at (916) 552-7544 or

Front Lobby Information Desk Volunteers

Helping a customer

Cheryl Dewey

Page 4: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

Volunteers and the Patient ExperiencePatient satisfaction is one of the factors that determine the overall quality of a hospital’s performance. In fact, it has become one of the major factors. As results of patient satisfaction surveys are made public, clients have an opportunity to choose where they would like to have their care delivered, so most hospitals are focused on improving the experiences of patients during their hospital stay or clinic visit.

SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or outpatients, and a survey is taken over the phone. A number of questions are asked. These questions may be related to quality of food, discharge instructions, how fast a call light was answered, and the quality of communication between the patient/family and various health care providers. Reports are then distributed to managers, areas needing improvement are identified, and strategies for improvement are developed.

What do volunteers bring to the patient experience? A recent Google search indicates that they bring a great deal, and that institutions are realizing this more and more. In fact, there is a number of research studies published in very reputable health care journals indicating that volunteers are being recognized as an integral part of the hospital workforce.

The following is an excerpt from “Valuing Volunteers: The Impact of volunteerism on hospital performance” (Health Care Management Review, April-June 2009)“Hospital volunteers are perceived to add to the quality of a hospital by contributing to the happiness and comfort of patients, their families, and visitors. They add a human touch to the technical aspects of care………….Volunteers have the time to offer patients attention when employees may not. Thus, it is believed that the humanization of services offered by volunteers adds to the quality of the hospital and enhances patient satisfaction.”

Every contact made with a patient, family member, or visitor has the potential for enhancing or diminishing the overall impression of the hospital or clinic. Each interaction needs to focus on the individual and his/her problems or concerns. We should remember that most of our clients are under one sort of stress or another. A kind word, a smile, and a willingness to take the time to understand their concerns go a long way to decrease their stress and anxiety. Always remember that you are an important part of the organization and that your actions can have a positive effect on the institution’s overall performance.

Cheryl Dewey

“Today, as in times past, we know the positive impact that compassionate service provided by warm and welcoming volunteers can have on patients in a healthcare institution. “

Page 5: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or


Lupe GonzalesLupe has just celebrated her 90th birthday and it’s time to let her know what an inspiration she is to all of us!

In 1994, Lupe’s friends encouraged her to become a volunteer at O’Connor Hospital. Her daughter encouraged her to come to V.M.C. instead, where her Spanish speaking skills would be so useful. She came to our hospital and has served in Escort, Ambulatory Services, Information Desk, and now 2 days each week in the MICC (Mothers and Infant Care Center). Lupe served on the Auxiliary Board for over six years and trained many new volunteers.

Before volunteering, Lupe worked in management for the U.S. Postal Service for thirty-two years. She enjoyed training others and giving Civil Service tests. She also served on the Grand Jury from 1984 to 1986.

Lupe enjoys her family of 5 children and their spouses, 7 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild.

Lupe is warm and compassionate with patients and staff. She sets a fi ne example for all of us.

Lupe, thank you for all of your years of dedicated service!

“In every great medical institution there are individuals who leave a legacy of compassionate service through their volunteer commitment.”

Volunteers helping to transport a customer Donors from Evergreen Valley United Methodist Church

Page 6: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

VMC‛s Healthier Living Program makes the Wall Street Journal!

Every day, teams of dedicated men and women run great programs at Valley Medical Center…but it’s not every day that the news makes the Wall Street Journal.

This week, it did! The article features photos from a VMC Healthier Living Class and talks about this growing nationwide movement . Our Healthier Living program has graduated over 800 participants since 2006.

Healthier Living is staffed by the SCVMC patient association HELP: Health, Empowerment, Leadership People which consists of SCVMC patient-volunteers. The VMC Foundation is proud to support this great program.

Free Chronic Disease Self Management Program “Healthier Living” Classes are available for all VMC patients and staff, regardless of insurance or non-insured status. This program was developed at Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is a workshop given two and a half hours, once a week, for six weeks. The program was developed for people with chronic health problems and their signifi cant others. People with different problems attend the same workshop together. Workshops are facilitated by two trained leaders.

Subjects covered include: 1) techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation, 2) appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, fl exibility, and endurance, 3) appropriate use of medications, 4) communicating effectively with family, friends, and health care professionals, 5) nutrition, and, 6) how to evaluate new treatments. There is also great emphasis on three process skills: action planning, disease related problem solving, and decision making.

Visit Our Exciting Gift Shop!Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Gift Shop / A Non-Profi t Gift Shop to Benefi t SCVMC

A Relaxing Place to Visit, An Exciting Place to Shop,and Always a Smile to Greet You!


Gifts for All Ages ... All Occasions!We have a large selection of Holiday Items!

Great Prices and New Products Arriving Daily!

QLarge Selection of Drinks & Snacks Over-the-Counter Remedies s Flowers

Baby Gifts Balloons Greeting Cards See‛s Candies s Toiletries s Jewelry

Books & Magazines New Line of Sun-Protective Hats (Exclusive to the SCVMC Gift shop)

QLocated in the Main Building - 1st Floor Lobby

The team of VMC’s H.E.L.P. program, nationally recognized!

“The Volunteer Auxiliary has provided more than $750,000.00 for patient equipment, programs, and projects.”

Page 7: SCVMC - California Hospital Association · SCVMC contracts with a company to collect and organize patient satisfaction data. Random phone calls are made to discharged patients, or

DID YOU KNOW…The VMC Foundation is an independent, nonprofi t organization that raises donations from the community on behalf of VMC and the entire Health & Hospital System? The VMC Foundation seeks funds for programs that support community well-being, improve the quality of care and promote access to medical treatment for all residents of Santa Clara County regardless of their ability to pay.

To learn more please visit and sign up to receive regular communication about the various fundraising activities.

Feel free to call us at 408.885.5299 with any questions and the next time you are asked, “How can I help VMC?”

San Jose Sharks Redecorate the Pediatric Clinic at Valley Health Center Tully

Sharks Pediatric Clinic a big win for VMC

After nearly a year of work, the Sharks Foundation and VMC Foundation were delighted to unveil the new Sharks Pediatric Clinic at Valley Health Center Tully to the public on Friday, March 23, 2012.

The event included special appearances by Sharks players Patrick Marleau, Dan Boyle and Brent Burns, General Manager Doug Wilson, Head Coach Todd McLellen and, of course, the team’s lovable mascot,Sharkie.

VHC Tully, a VMC community clinic in San Jose, serves nearly 6,000 kids a month, providing essential preventative care, regardless of ability to pay. Those patients will now enjoy pediatric exam and waiting areas that are fun, engaging and promote healthy living, thanks to the Sharks Foundation. For pictures and more information go to:

2012 Jewelry Show DatesMay 11, 12, 13July 11, 12, 13

September 12, 13, 14November 14, 15, 16