sct summer2010 final

S UMMER 2010 I SS UE 18 www .s cr apbookandcards .com become a CMO with Stacy Julian…TODAY! th e wonde r ful wor l d o f COLOUR hip, hip, hurr a y! Summer is  fina ll y here! creat e ma gic with mini books

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become a CMOStacy Julian…T

the wonderfulworld of COLOUR

hip, hip, hurray!Summer is

nally here!

create magic with mini boo

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© 2 0 1 0 H e w

l e t t - P a c k a r d

D e v e l o p m e n

t C o m p a n y ,

L . P .

For more information

Intro u wire ess tec no ogy.. Wiit itsintuitivetouc s rc een, an one utton

wireless connen cc ivivit , experience printing i e never e ore.

ing t e otosmarr remu m wit ouc mart anPRINTING’S NEVER FELT SO EASY.

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contentsthe essentials11 most wanted Take a peek at what’s HOT

for summer!

14 i spy with emilyJ oin d esigne r Emily Pitts as sheshowc ases her favourite new trend

17 our 3 designer challenge

20 got scraps? Bac k by POPULAR demand —see

how ea sy it is to turn leftover sc rap sinto beautiful cards!

the 3T’s (tips, tricks,and techniques)23 big story, small package Ma rvelous mini albums are fa st,

FUN, and functional

28 designer’s notebook

Check out Vicki’s great idea s forworking with colourful tissue paper

31 you’re not just a scrapbookeranymore

Part 1 of Stac y J ulian’s AMA ZINGtutorial on digital work ow

36 easy, detailed, expert

summer ‘10


the 3I’s (ideas, insights,and inspiration)39 the rainbow connection

J oin our designers as they celeb ratethe wonde rful world of co lour

45 pagemapsVersatility + contemporary elegance= Becky Fleck’s sketches!

48 summer sentimentsChec k out this CHARMING a rray of summer cards—perfect for birthdays,well wishes, and tokens of appreciation

51 reader’s gallerySummer is here and the living is EASY!Don’t miss this beautiful collec tion of seasonal layouts

66 something special This layout by Lisa Dickinson is pretty,poignant, and powerful

noteworthy 6 take 2 and 3

Don’t miss two other grea ttakes on our cover

7 editor’s letter

8 comments and letters

59 what’s nextBe the rst to know what’s instore for our fall issue

60 marketplace

62 directory




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Sc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y is published bySc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y Inc.,

139 Churc h Street Ma rkham, ON L3P 2M2.

Ca therine is a proud membe r of theIndepe ndent Pub lishers Assoc iation of Ontario.

Sc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y is published four times a ye ar (spring, summer,fall, winter). Sc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y is available through retailers across

North America,on our website,, or by subsc ription through

[email protected] se write to us at: Sc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y ,

139 Churc h Street, Ma rkham ON , L3P 2M2.(416) 855-9637

Editorial questions or comme nts should be sent [email protected].

With our compliments, Sc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y is for d istribution only; not fo r resale p urposes.

Retailers wishing to distributeSc r a p b o o k & C a r d s To d a y should

email ca [email protected].


take 2…and 3! We asked 3 designers to work with our coverphoto and, bec ause they all did such a fabu-lous job, we just had to share them with you!

Paula pulled coloursand textures fromthe photo to tellthis story. Noticehow the greenborder draws your eye right to thecenter of thepage, and how themulch in the photo

is mimicked withthe wood letters.

Kathy kept thefocus on thesweet photo withthis clean andsimple design. For maximum impact,she played withcomplementarycolours and createda subtle, yet linear,visual triangle.

by PAULA G ILARDEsupplies CARDSTOC K, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, J illibean Soup, Octob erAfternoon; CHIPBOA RD LETTERS, Co smo Cricket, BasicG rey; BRAD, Pink Paislee; TICKET,Creative Imaginations; TAG AND C ANVA S FLOWER, J illibean Soup; PUNCH, MarthaStewa rt C rafts; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK A DHESIVES BY 3L


sun + slide = smile (on the cover)by SUMMER FULLERTONsupplies: CARDSTOC K, Bazzill, C ore’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, J illibean Soup,Octob er Afternoon; CHIPBOA RD LETTERS, BasicG rey; LABEL STICKERS, Octobe r Afternoon;PUNCH, Stampin’Up!; DIE-CUTSUN, Cricut by ProvoCraft; OTHER, toothpicks; FONT,Bohemian Typew riter


FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Catherine Tac hdjian


EDITORIALSpe c ial Projec ts Editor Emily Pitts

Contributing Projec ts Editor Vic ki BoutinPhoto Editor J ustin Wootton

C ontributing Photo Editor Kathy Thomp son LaffoleyAssistant Photo Editor J ill J ones

C ontributing Writer Stac y J ulianContributing Editors J en Walker

Karen DouseSketc h Artist Bec ky Flec k

DESIGN TEAM Kimber Mc G rayLisa KischDavinie FieroSummer Fullerton

DESIGNArt Direc tion & Design Stepha nie Upricha rd

J enny Haw

PRODUCTIONProduc tion Direc tor J ac k Tac hdjian,

BPG G rap hic SolutionsMi5 Digital C ommunica tions Inc.


ADVERTISING & EVENTSAd vertising Sales Cathe rine Tac hdjianEvents Ma nage r Trac y Blake

Soc ial Med ia C oordinator J en Walker

SALES & MARKETINGDirec tor of Sales & Ma rketing Trac y Blake

Ac co unting Ma nage r Raf Boudakian

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editor’s letter • SCT

KERRY MC RORIEEditor-in-chief

the sights and sounds of summer by KERRY M C RORIE

supplies CARDSTOC K, Bo Bunny, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, American Crafts; LETTERSTIC KERS, Octob er Afternoon, American C rafts; BUTTONS, BasicG rey; FLOWERS ANDFLAIR EMBELLISHMENT, American Crafts; FLOSS, DMC; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK ADHESIVES BY 3L (layout ba sed on a 2009 sketch by Bec ky Flec k availa ble a

In the enduring wordsof Kermit the Frog, “It’snot easy being green.

Well, I grew up lovingthis cute littleamphibian as much asthe next child, but, onclose examination of our new summer issue, Ihave no choice but todisagree. You see, thisissue boasts the third

installment of “got scraps?” (p. 20). This articleshowcases three beautiful cards created entirely fromre-purposed odds and ends.

Similarly, artist and a uthor Stac y J ulian joins us to shareher extensive knowledge on the subject of digitalwork ow (p. 31). This timesaving practice encouragesus to organize, purge (i.e. delete the non-essential

shots) and then print our photos on a regular basis.Essentially, this process ensures that we use manyresources ef ciently—energy, ink, paper, and mostimportant, TIME .

Finally, big story, small package (p. 23) demonstrates,through the med ium of mini albums, that beautifulthings can be accomplished in small spaces. Gettingmore mileage from your stash of products is DEFINITELYanother great green initiative—oh, and don’t forgetthat nished mini albums occupy less premium realestate on your shelf.

With these guratively green examples in mind, not tomention the many literal references that can be foundthroughout (chartreuse is such an “it” colour thisseason), I think you’ll agree that being green isn’tnea rly as dif cult as it sounds.

I nd endless inspiration in Becky Fleck’ssketches and this layout was no different. Turn topage 45 to view some of her latest creations.

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comments & lettersgiveaways galore!

This issue, we’d like to announc e not

one, but TWO great giveaways!

J oin our facebook fan page

during the month of J uly for a

chanc e to win a signed c opy of

“Remember This,” the brand-

new book by our own Kimber

Mc Gray a nd Summer Fullerton.


Starting J une 25th until J uly 8th,

leave a co mment on

our blog for a c hance to win a

fabulous HP Photosmart A826



We'd love to hearfrom you!

We alwa ys love hea ring from

our readers! Whether you havea raving review or a c onstruc tivecritic ism, we we lcome your co m-ments. Send us your feed ba ck to

[email protected] .

r e a l l y >


Dea r Lizzy pape rs from America n Crafts.1.www.americancrafts.comCardstoc k border stickers from Sassafras.2.www.sassafraslass.comOn Holida y penna nts pa per from G irls’3.Paperie. www.thegirlspaperie.comBirthday party clear stamps from4.

J illibea n Soup. www.jillibean-soup.comCardstoc k banne r stickers from J enni5.Bowlin Studio. www.jennibowlin.comA little happy rubber stamps from Unity6.Stamp Co. www.unitystampco.comPap er from the new Midterm Co llec tion7.from Bella Blvd.

beautiful bannersBanners have hit the d esign wo rld b y

storm—appearing on everything from

home d éc or, print, and even fashion! For

pa pe r crafters, the produc ts are both pretty

and plentiful. Here are just a few of our



4 project 12Projec t 12 is a ha pp en-

ing place to be on the

SCT blog! All of us get

so excited to see your

monthly layouts ba sed on

Becky’s sketches and on Da vinie’s

interpretations. Here is what one

reader had to say:

“I love looking throug h each entry

every month—you get so many

cool ideas. Thanks again for an

awesome project!” Ann Freeman

(Lond on, UK)

please help uswelcome…We a re thrilled to anno unce that

the very ta lented a uthor and artist,

Stacy J ulian , joins the SCT family as

Contributing Writer. And , as a spec ial

“hello” greeting to o ur rea de rs, Stacy

has something fun up her sleeve—

check out the Big Picture Sc rap bo oking

ad on p. 30 for more info!







5 where we’ll beDurham C ollege is the place to

be on O ctober 15th and 16th for

ScrapFest! Visit the marketplace,

attend great classes (our

very own Kimber is teaching

a wonderful card c lass), and

participate in make n’ takes.

J oin us for the CreativFestival at

the Metro Toronto C onvention

Centre (O ctober 22-24) for

make n’ takes, giveaways, our

new produc t showcase, and





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i spy with emily p14 3 designer challenge p17 got scraps! p20

the essentials



Want to know what is fresh andFABULOUS for summer? Take a lookat our latest list of MUST-HAVE products—perfect for documentingyour next sunny celebration!



To scallop o r not to scallop , thatis the q uestion. Do n’t miss theseado rable c hipboa rd ba nnersfrom Maya Road

Availab le in your favouritedoodlebug colours—check outthese sweet J ac k and J ill letterstickers.www.

1My Mind’s Eye doe s it againwith the delightfully diverseQuite Co ntrary co llec


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SCT • the essentials

Punch your way to pag e pe rfec tionwith these new border punc hesfrom EK Succ ess .www.eksuccess.com4 The Swee t Summertime

co llec tion from Echo Park Paper is downright delic ious!

6We R Memory Keepers

guarantees that the forecastwill be “72 and Sunny” allsummer long!

Just like handbags, a girl can NEVER have too many border punches! What’seven better about punches, however, isthat they are less expensive and easier to hide! LOL.

These chipb oa rdletters from Pink Paislee are bold, bright,

and b eautiful! 7


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the essentials • SCT

Chronicle a g reat getawaywith the O n Holida y collectionfrom Girls’ Paperie .www.theg irlspaperie.com8

Feast your eyes (we know theysound delectable, but PLEASE don’t eat them) on this gorgeousnew collection from Jillibean Soup!

The Summer Squa sh Soupco llec tion from J illibean Soup issimply sumptuous!


9G uaranteed to make a nythingstick, the comp lete line of NEWad hesives from American Crafts isat the top of our wish

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SCT • the essentials

i spy with emily —totally terrifc type

From barely legible Victorian script, to crisp or grungytypewritten text, and even to curly handwritten

words, typography is trendy in today’s scrapbooking

products. Searching for typographic images on Fl ickr is one

of my favourite ways to glean scrapbooking inspi ration, so

I’m happy to see manufacturers embracing it as well. Script

and text papers work well as neutral backgrounds—try

turni ng them upside down so they work more as a pattern

instead of as legible words. For readable text, choose

A brand new season…brand new p roducts…and a brand new trend!Designer Emily Pitts is back to report on what products are turningheads, and turning up, on scrapbook layouts everywhere.

5 things tobe happyaboutby EMILY PITTSsupplies CA RDSTOC K,Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER,

BasicG rey, Girls’ Pa pe rie,Sassafras, Studio Ca lico; ALPHABETA ND CHARM,Girls’ Pap erie; STICKYBACKED CANVAS, StudioCalico; PUNCH, Fiskars; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK ADHESIVES BY 3L, Scotc hby 3M; PEN, Sakura;

THREAD, Co ats & Clark

The Pap er Girl linefrom Girls’ Paperie ha

lots of typographicproducts—includingtwo fun alpha bets.

A mixture o f script andtext, I’m in love with

BasicGrey’s newBasics line. This pa pe reven features some

geo metric equa tions!

EXTRA! EXTRA! These chipb oa rdalphas from CosmoCricket are breakingnews indeed .

Studio Calico addstextual sop histica tionto any project withtheir papers andalphas.

Large b loc k letters,individual die-cut letters,and word stickers makeGirls’ Paperie a greatsource fo r text in yourscrapping.

Lily Bee’s black andw hite c hipboa rdowe rs are just beg gingto dress up anyp ap er-crafting p roject,single or stacked.

Textual plus texturaleq ua ls bliss! I lovethe versatility of Prima’s canvases.

specic words or phrases to highlight or cut out. Papers

aren’t the only place text is showing up. I’ve found quite a

few alphabets sporting typographic images too. It’s a fun

and classic look, a chance to dress-up. I’ve also noticed

owers, tapes, overlays, and canvases with ty pographic

themes. A subtle pattern that doesn’t compete with photos

or journaling, typography isn’t just a way to communicate

our thoughts; it’s now an integral part of design as wel l.

Old world script on oneside, vintage a ds on theother. Does text get a nybetter than when do ne by7 Gypsies ?

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the essentials • SCT

our 3-designer challenge

Always up for a c hallenge, our design team welcomed this latest oppo rtu-nity to put their c rea tivity to the test. How did ea ch team membe r workwith these products to make them their own? Everyone was excited to see

just how different three layouts using the same six products could be.

Check out what Lisa Kisch , Davinie Fiero , and Lisa

Dickinson created when given the same six newproducts to work with.

Banner and Border stickersfrom the App le J ac kco llec tion by

The Treehousecollection fromPebbles

Go Fly a Kite label stickersfrom Oc tober

Core’dinations ColorCore c


Pre-c ut wood lettersfrom Harmonie. 6

Textured paperbrads from



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SCT • the essent ials

Lisa DickinsonAll of the grea t patterns in the Pebbles Inc. papermade it dif cult to choose which ones to use! Cuttingsmall squa res and arranging them in a grid made iteasy to incorporate several patterns, yet still leaveample white space. I loved how these photos of Rielyrea lly worked with this colour scheme a nd “popped”so nice ly off of the brown background.

sunshineadditional supplies FLOSS, DMC; OTHER, buttons, hemp twine, machine stitching; FONT,Veteran’s Typewriter

Brads are a very versatileembellishment—chec k outhow Lisa used them to ma kethe centers of her owersdimensional.

A ve ry effective visual triangle(c reated from fussy cut owers)works to lead the eye a roundthe pag e and focus on all of theimportant parts.

Look how Lisa stitche daround the outside edg esof he r squa res to groundthem on the pag e and toad d that homespun touc h.

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the essentials • SCT

bonjour brioc headditional supplies BUTTONS AND RUB-O NS, American Crafts

Lisa p rinted he r journaling strips usingwhite ink on blue p ap er—this was aneffective way to add an extra hit of

co lour and to a dd some weight to thebottom half of her pag e.

A quick lick of white paint on the wood lettersserves to b ring in one more white element—and, don’t they look great against the yellowand white patterned pa per?

in lifeadditional supplies PUNCH, EK Succe ss; PAINT, Gesso; OTHER,machine stitching

Lisa KischI loved how the brightcolours and the bold

shapes in the PebblesInc. pa pers remindedme of Provence in the

south of France. It was natural to pull out thesephotos of my girls and me at our local Frenc hbakery. I couldn’t resist using the Bazzill bradsfor the letter “o.” They were the perfect size togo with the wood letters and they added lotsof visual interest.


FieroIn order to use amultitude of p rints, Itrimmed them instrips and layered

them across my layout. If you look closely,you’ll see that I added weight to the bottomby layering the darkest colour rst (thegreen), and then worked my way up toplace the lightest colour at the top(the yellow). I brought all of the colours

together by stitching throughout the layoutwith red threa d.

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SCT • the essentials

got scraps? Always a reader favourite, our “got scraps?” article shows QUICK and practical waysto use up your scrap stash—and, as an added bonus, includes handy card sketchesfrom three different designers.

turn leftover scraps into BEAUTIFUL cards!

instructionsMa ke a 5.5 x 4” card from blue c ardstoc k.1.

Cut a 5.25 x 3” piece of oral paper, a2.5.25 x 1” piece of both b lue paper andorange c ardstock (sca llop one ed ge),and a 5.25 x 3/8” of green pa per; layerand stitch to c ard front.

Punch 4 yellow circles using a 2” punch;3.fold in half to c rea te a ha lf moon shape.

Layer half circles together as you would4.fold a c ardboa rd box; adhere undereach ap whe re it touc hes ano ther c irc le.

Repea t above using a 1.5” circle punch;5.layer, top with a g reen b utton a nd tie abow with oss.

Cut two leaves from green pa per and6.adhere, along with ower, to c ard front.

Ink chipboard letters and adhere as7.shown.

This adorable ower was made using a combination of 1.5 and 2” circlescraps—how sweet! And, a series of 1” strips (don’t we all have hundredsof those kicking around?) wereused to play up the beautiful coloursand to solidify the design.


supplies CARDSTOC K AND PATTERNED PAPER,Stampin’Up!; INK, Clearsnap; CHIPBOA RD LETTERS, BasicG rey; BUTTON, J enni Bowlin Studio; FLOSS, Karen Foster Design; PUNCHES, Fiskars; OTHER,machine stitching

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the essentials • SCT

instructions C rea te a 7 x 5” ca rd from orange1.cardstock.

Cut a 6 3/4 x 4 1/2” piece of white2.

ca rdstoc k and a 6 1/4 x 4” piece of blueca rdstoc k; ad here both to c ard front.

Cut 1 x 6” strips from va rious pa pe rs; zig zag stitch strips together in setsof three.

Turn strip sets 90° and c ut into 1 x 3” strips;4.randomly stitch strips together—changingdirections frequently to c rea te a roughlyshaped rectangle (approx. 6 1/4 x 4”).

Trim to measure 6 x 3 3/4” and ad here cardstock.

Cut a 1 x 6” strip of o range c ardstoc k and6.a 3/4 x 6” strip of white ca rdstock; adhereas shown a nd a dd sentiment.

Die-cut leaves from green c ardstoc k;7.layer ower elements on top a ndembellish with button.

thanks by KERRY MC RORIE

supplies CARDSTOCK, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, Sassafra s; J OURNALING SPOT, Co llage Press; DIE-CUT LEAVES, QuicKutz; LETTERSTICKERS, Octob er Afternoon; FLOWER STIC KER, Sassafra s; FLOSS,DMC; OTHER, button, mac hine stitching; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK ADHESIVES BY 3L

have a ballby KIMBER MC G RAY

supplies CARDSTOC K, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER,Bo Bunny; LETTER STICKERS, doo dlebug, BasicG rey; BRADS,American Crafts; ADHESIVE, Scotch by 3M

instructionsCreate a 4 3/4 x 4 3/4” c irc le templa te (Kimber1.traced around the outside edge of a spool of ribbon).

Using the circ le template, create a ca rd base2.using a folded piece of blac k ca rdstoc k.

Aga in, using the circle template, draw the shap e3.of a beach ball and cut into sections—trim away alittle from eac h piece to a llow the b lac k “seams”to show through.

Trac e the pieces onto different pa tterned pa pers.4.

Adhere to c ard ba se.5.

Add sentiment and embellishments.6.

Kerry used 1 x 6” strips of leftover patterned papers to create this funbackground that’s reminiscent of aVictorian “crazy quilt.” This techniqueboasts lots of visual interest and ismuch easier to assemble than it looks!

Paper piecing is a wonderful way to scraps AND to create unique projectat the same time! Kimber suggests uhandy household items (like a spool or even a dinner plate) to create uniqsized card templates.

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—making the most of mini albums by SUMM ER FULLERTO N

Looking for a fast and fabulous gift idea? Or, looking for lightweightand c ompact alternatives to more traditiona l albums? Read onto discover the latest and greatest products, as well as up-to-the-minute ideas—all related to the realm of mini albums.

big story, small package

designer’s notebook p28 digital work ow p31 easy, detailed, expert p36

(tips, tricks,& techni ques)

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SCT • the 3T’s

24 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010

fresh recipesby SUM M ER FULLERTO N

This chipboa rd and canvas album from MayaRoa d is chock full of inspiration! The poc ketsare perfec t for storing memorabilia, extraphotos, or in my ca se, recipe c ards. I started

with some of my favourite recipes, addedsome photos, and took advantage of thecanvas cover to try a new (to me)technique—misting. (See p. 23 for thebeautiful cover of this album).



good timesby VIC KI BO UTIN

Vicki crea ted this “summer fun” themed projec t froma peek-a-boo mini album from doodlebug. Whatmakes this album unique is that ea ch page is adifferent size a nd shape—thus allowing bits andpieces of each page to be viewed from the cover.For consistency, Vicki used coo rdinating papers,stickers, and gems (also by doodlebug).


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the 3T’s • SCT

Mini albums have come a long way since I

started scrapbooking over ten years ago!

The vast number and va riety of products

available today are responsible for providing paper

crafters with hours of inspiration. Many

manufacturers continue to push the envelope by

releasing a plethora of innovative products —all

intended to push our creativity to the next level.

So, where to start and how to begin ? If you are

apprehensive or uncertain about “diving in,” try

working with a mini album kit. Kits take the

guesswork out of scrapbooking—they are usually

based on a fun theme and tend to be quite a ffordable.

Or, check out some of the many manufacturers who

are releasing “smal ler scale” products like 6 x 6 or 8 x

8 paper pads—these papers and their coordinating

embellishments make it easy to carry a specic

d esign aesthetic throughout the entire project.

Similarly, mini albums are a fun way to try out new

techniques —I experimented with mist for the rst

time on my “fresh recipes” album (see p. 23) and had

a wonderful time in the process! And, Davin ie Fiero

discovered that canvas provides the perfect

opportunity to add visual interest and texture with

embroidery oss—take a look at her beautiful cross

stitching on the cover of her “with love, mom” album

on p. 26.

akumal mexicoby SUM M ER FULLERTO N

It’s hip NOT to be square! This mixed media albumfrom Fancy Pants provided endless inspiration and agreat jumping off point for my travel album. Withpages made of felt, ac rylic, canvas, chipboa rd, andeven corrugated cardstock, I had instant texture atmy ngertips. Resizing my photos allowed me toinclude more per page.




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SCT • the 3T’s

“ ”


As you can see, there i s no shortage of fabulous

products (or of artistic inspiration) when it comes to

working with mi ni albums. Whether you are new to

paper crafting and are look ing to “star t small,” or, are

looking to add another ski ll to your nely honed set,

mini a lbums offer a world of endless possibility . It just

goes to show you—good things really DO come in

small packages.

Looking for the perfect theme foryour next mini album? Try any of these great ideas!

ABC’s or 123’s

home is where the heart is

inspirational quotes

my BFF’s (perfect for a teen or tween!)

baby or bridal shower

a season of sports

26 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010

with love, momby DAV INIE FIERO

This album’s ca nvas base makes it open to all sorts of crea tive possibilities. Almost at rst glance, Daviniewas inspired to create a “words of wisdom” albumfor her daughters. This hea rtfelt album combinestraditional scrapbooking elements with stitching andhandwritten journaling.

supplies CA NVAS BANNER ALBUM AND RIBBON TRIMS, Maya Road; CA RDSTOC K,Staples; PATTERNED PAPER, BUTTON, AND BUTTERFLIES, J enni Bowlin Studio; INK, Ranger; LETTER STIC KERS, BasicG rey, Pink Paislee; CHIPBOA RD LETTERS, AmericanCrafts; FLOSS, DMC; OTHER, vintage glass buttons and buckle

Here is an excerpt from Davinie’spoignant journaling:

be you.

Individuality. Independence. Value. Knowwho you are. Don’t be afraid to walk to yourown beat, as long as you know you are doingthe right thing. Lead the way. Don’t fee l likeyou have to follow anyone, anything, or anybelief. Ask questions. Explore.

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SCT • the 3T’s

For this “tweet” tag, I coveredplain tag with spray adhesivewell-ventilated area). Then, I tissue on top and created pleafolds for interest.

A great way to add textureand a punch of colour to your next project is to pleat afolded strip of tissue paper andthen stitch it in place.

tweetsupplies CARDSTOCK, Prism, Stampin’Up! ; STAM PS, We RMemory Keepers; INK, Ranger; BRADS, 7Gypsies; BUTTONS,Autumn Leaves; STICKERS, We R Memory Keep ers; AD-HESIVE, SCRA PBOO K ADHESIVES BY 3L, Henkel C onsume rAd hesives, Inc.; OTHER, tag, tissue paper

fun day to playsupplies CARDSTOCK, doodlebug,Stampin’Up!; PATTERNED PA PER, AmericanC rafts, Oc tobe r Afternoo n, Sassafras; TICKETS,

J enni Bowlin Studio; DIE-C UT FLOWERS,Sassafras; CHIPBOA RD LETTERS, AmericanC rafts; BUTTONS, Autumn Leaves; STIC KERS,My Little Shoebox, October Afternoon; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOO K ADHESIVES BY 3L;OTHER, tissue paper

designer notebookadd texture with tissue WITH VIC KI BOUTIN

Happily conjuring fond childhood memories of creating with papier-mâc hé,Vicki Boutin is here to share some fast, fun, and fabulous projects using acolourful, ec onomical, and easily accessible material—tissue paper!

Are you ready to have some fun (and maybe g et your hand s just atiny bit messy)? Lately I have been playing with tissue paper—andLOVING the results! There are so many grea t ways to incorporate tissueinto paper crafting projects—due in no small part to its weight, texture,and availability. Here are some of my latest projects.

V i c k i

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Try customizing your brads!I punched circles fromtissue and stamped onelayer with a backgroundstamp. Then, I adheredmultiple circles to a bradwith a craft medium,tucked them underneath,and let them dry.

Don’t these gorgeous blooms remindyou of Mother’s Day gifts from days

gone by? See the easy-to-follow instructions in the sidebar.

Try covering chipboard withpatterned tissue! Adhere torn stripsof patterned tissue to your shape of choice using a craft medium. Let it dry and sand away the excess.

a day in the lifesupplies CA RDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PAPER, Pink

Paislee; STAM PS, Pink Paislee; INK, Ranger; BRAD,Sassafras; TAG, Pink Paislee; PUNC HES, Fiskars; ADHESIVE,SCRA PBOO K ADHESIVES BY 3L; MIST, Maya Road

remember this momentsupplies C ARDSTOC K, Stampin’Up!; PATTERNEDPAPER, Sassafras; STAM PS, Studio Calico, HeroArts; STIC KERS, Studio Ca lico; C HIPBOARD, J enniBowlin Studio; GEMS, Hero Arts; BRADS, BasicG rey; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOO K ADHESIVES BY 3L; OTHER, Multi Medium by Ranger, tissue paper

Using a punched circleas a template, layer 5-6pieces of tissue paper together and cut themout; secure layers togethby inserting a brad throthe center.


Spritz the tissue ower with an iridescent mist

and heat set.


Create beautiful blooms!

hellosupplies CARDSTOC K AND PATTERNEDPAPER, Stampin’Up!; STAM PS, Hero Arts; INK, Ranger; BRADS AND CHIPBOARD,American Crafts; PUNC HES, Stampin’Up!(co rner round er), Fiskars (c ircle s); ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOO K ADHESIVES BY3L; OTHER, Multi Medium by Ranger,tissue paper

Crumple the layers of tissue—beginning with top layer and working towards the bottom.


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you’re not just a

scrapbooker anymore! —digital workow with stacy julian (part one)

Digital photography has changed everything about

how we capture, share, and use our pictures. Gone

are the days when you could shoot a roll of lm,

develop it, toss the not-so-good shots, and go home to

scrapbook. In our world of digita l tools and

software, cell-phone photos, blogs, Facebook

pages, and even online galleries, we are a

globally connected community of scrapbook

enthusiasts . You are no longer an isolated

scrapbooker looking forward to a Friday

night crop with friends. You are managing

a never-ending stream of digital images and the

possibilities for creative expression are endless. You are not

just a scrapbooker anymore. You are a CMO (Chief Memory

Ofcer) charged with making critical decisions about the

security, longevity, organizat ion, and use of thousands of

digital images taken annually. Yikes!

I know how you feel—and this is why I’m excited to share

ideas and solutions in a three-part series on digita l workow.

There is hope, and a wonderful sense of photo-freedom

within your grasp, if you can adopt and adapt some essential

tasks and make them a par t of your scrapbooking routine.

Establishing your own digital workow (or protocol of steps)

to take following a big event, at the end of the month, or after

any photo session will help you track your images and feel a

sense of productivity and condence when it comes to

sharing them. You will need to design a workow that works

for you ; however, there are some general guidelines that can

be followed:

Digital workow can bedened as simply the stepsthat are required to enjoy,share, or use a photo after

you snap it.


Capture images using a digital camera

Upload images to a computer with backup

Purge (delete) unwanted les

Edit/Post-Process images

Set up search capabilities (using tags or keywords)

Upload images to an online photo service forarchiving and printing

Enjoy, share, and use (i.e. scrapbook) your memories!

basic digital workow

Have photos? Check. Love scrapbooking? Check. No time?Check. What to do? Read on—Stacy J ulian has the solutionwe’ve all been looking for.

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Please remember that no one can (or even should)

attempt perfection and/or precision with his or her

personal workow—you must live your life and be

both exible and forgiving. On the other hand, you

will struggle to nd the time and energy to becreative with photos until you have established and

prioritized a digital workow. The bottom line is that,

each and every time you choose to sit down and work

with your digita l images, you are, for all intents and

purposes, scrapbooking!

Here, I’ll walk you through my digital workow with

a group of photos taken in 5 short minutes on a

sunny Saturday in February. When I heard my son

Chase and my daughter Addie laughing hysterically,

I did what you would do—I grabbed my camera andstarted snapping away.

The best way that I know to track my personal work ow is to create a checklist for each batch of images I amworking with. Then, the best way to actually engage inthis work ow is to set a timer! I try to work with myimages for only 15 minutes, 4 or 5 days a week.

photos kept photos purged

If there is a secret to productivity inscrapbooking, it’s this: Learn how torecognize your best images and how to delete the rest. Once you learnto let go of the excess that resultsfrom shooting digitally, you willautomatically feel more optimisticabout your documentation process.


Here’s the result of thisspontaneous photo op:

Photos taken: 28

Photos deleted: 19

Photos printed: 7

Photos used on layout: 5

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Stacy Julian is the founder of online education at Big Picture

Scrapbooking ( ) and she blogs

regularly at

you two are so carefreesupplies PATTERNED PA PER, AmericanCrafts, Creative Imagina tions; LETTERSTIC KERS, Ame rican Crafts; TABSTIC KERS, DCWV; PAINT, Delta; OTHER,chipboard letters, brads, jewels

For this layout, I printedless than a third of thephotos I took. Do somequick math and you’ll alsorealize that I printedtwo photos that I didn’t use on my scrapbook page. Why? Well, I oftenuse photos outside thecontext of when theywere taken. For example,I put aside a particular shot of Chase and Addiefor a future page onsibling relationships.

Being able to track the progress of photos as they move from

camera, to creativity, to sharing, is HUGE. Here’s the good

news: There are so many incredibly delightful ways to use

your photos! You can nally let go of al l the unhealthy pressu re

that stems from the notion that, “Every photo is an extremely

valuable piece of your past and must be preserved with

archival standards in a handmade scrapbook lovingly created

by YOU.” Now that you know you are the CMO of your home,

you get to cal l the shots (l iteral ly) and trust me—when you’re

happy, your board of directors (i.e. family) will be

happy, and they will be more supportive of your

scrapbooking initiatives. So, I invite you to “let go”

of the pressure—design a digital workow that will

work for YOU, and get back to doing what you enjoy

most— celebrating life.

i love yousupplies MINI BOOK, Clo se To My Heart; PATTERNED PA PER,BasicG rey; SHEER FLOWER, Prima Marketing, LETTER STICKERSAND DECO RATIVE BADG E, American C rafts

I’ve already used the “personality”picture of Addie in a fun, purse-sized mini book!


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Flex RollersGrows with your

project up to1/2” thick!

Fabric Refillz ™

Adhesive made withtextiles in mind.

Great for appliqués,quilting or adding

fabrics to your projects!

Cutz ™

Cut decorative stripsor finish the edges of your projects with agreat selection of

cutting blades.

Patternz ™

Emboss projectborders or full

sheets of paper up to 12” wide!

Shapez ™

A 6½ ” wide press forthe industry’s leading

flat dies and embossinfolders all in one


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SCT • the 3T’s

easy, detailed, expertWhatever level of d if culty appea ls to you, our easy, detailed, expertcolumn has fantastic elements to try today!

When my son Da rian graduated from preschool this pa st yea r, it was such a ha ppyoccasion for my husband and me, especially since Darian is our oldest son andthe rst to graduate. I wanted to doc ument my son’s “big day” to let him know

just how proud we a re of him, as well as to celeb rate all of his ac complishments. TheReport Card Collection from O ctober Afternoon (with it’s bright colours and vintage air)contained the perfect pap ers to use for this oc casion.


For my easy layout, I kept the design simple and foc used on the sweet photos of my son.First, I created a quick photo collage in Photoshop. Then, I played up the red colour of my son’s graduation cap by using red cardstock for the base and by adding in somebright and coo rdinating patterned papers. Finally, I created a visual triangle on the pa gebetween the simple, typed journaling bloc k, the photo corner in the upper right corner of my photo c ollage, and the pa inted c hipboa rd title in the bottom right co rner.

supplies CA RDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PAPER, OctoberAfternoon; C HIPBOA RD,BasicG rey; STIC KERS, OctoberAfternoon; PAINT, MakingMemories; FONT, Rough

Typewriter; ADHESIVE, AllNight Media; SOFTWARE,Photoshop CS3

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For my expert layout, I decidedto step things up a notch with my

embellishments. What better way tocommunicate a school theme than withthe ad dition of some very basic “school”supp lies such as binde r clips andstaples? Next, I slightly overlapped mytwo supporting photos and layered themwith a handmade tag . A pumped upchipboa rd title (now laid on the vertical)with a metal rimmed “A+” sticker addsinterest to the title and focuses attentionon the main photo. Additiona l details,

like stickers ado rned with buttons andbrads, give my embellishments evenmore “pop.”

additional supplies METAL TAG S, Making Memories; BINDER CLIP,Of ce Supply; STAPLES, Tim Holtz; BRADS, Queen & Co.; J UTE, MayaRoad; PUNCH, EK Succ ess (corner rounder); FONT, Prissy Frat Boy

Want to check out more of Lynn’s great work?

Visit he r blog at http: //ly nng

For my detailed layout, I wanted to addlots of visual interest, so I split up myphoto collage and inc luded a dditionalpa tterned pa pers that played off boththe vertical and the horizontal planesof my layout. I used a noteboo k edgepunch to spice up the striped pa tternedpa per on the left edge of my layout,while add ing some zig zag stitchingfor deta il and texture. My title rec eiveda little “lift” from some dimensionalad hesive, a rub-on apple, and someoss tied to one of the letters. Typed

journaling, ad ded in strips instead of ablock, also lends to a more sophisticateddesign.

additional supplies RUB-ON, Oc tober Afternoon; FLOSS, CraftSupply; THREAD, Coats & Clark; PUNCHES, Martha Stewart (tag),Stampin’Up! (notebook edge)

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Tim Holtz ® Alterations ™ products for Sizzix have ofcially landed.Branch out with his all-new On the Edge ™ Dies, along with more Bigz ™ Dies

designed with Tim’s own touch. Soar ahead with everything edgy for cuttingand embossing all kinds of altered edges and materials.

For more information and ideas visit and

For details, search forproject #1795 on our site.

©2010 Ellison. Al l rights reserved. Follow us on:

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page maps p45 summer sentiments p48 reader’s gallery p51


the rainbow connectionHue…saturation…brightness…opacity…what do all of these words have incommon? They are a ll words that ca n be used to describe aspec ts of colour.

J oin Kimber and friends as they shed some light on this powerful creative tool.

applying the theory of colour to paper crafting by KIMBER MCGRAY

(ideas, insights,& inspiration)

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Kelly Goree used a triadic colour palette on her bright, summery,and energetic layout. Note how this colour combination workstogether to provide the perfect amount of balance, contrast, andexcitement. To complete the look, Kelly repeated the sunny shadeof yellow on her page embellishments—check out how the pompom trim ties everything together so nicely.

Colour is an incredible resource to have in your paper

crafting toolbox. The role it plays in telling your

story can be just as i mportant as the one your photos

and journal ing play. Based on the colours you choose, youcan, at a glance, determine i f the layout you’re looking at

is based on a happy event, or on a more reective topic.

Similarly, a relaxing vacation page may be reected with

tonal blues and neutral browns that mir ror both the ocean

and a sandy beach. Sometimes, however, we sit and stare at

our photos and don’t quite know where (or how) to begin the

process of pullin g together a complete colour package for

the page at hand.

soak it up!by KELLY G O REEsupplies PATTERNED PAPER, RIBBON, BRADS, BUTTONS, AND C ARDSTOC K STICKER, Fancy Pa nts; INK,Clearsnap; LETTER STIC KERS, BasicG rey (blue), Fancy Pa nts (brown); PUNCHES, Fiskars (bo rder), MarvyUchida (circle); PEN, Zig; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBO OK ADHESIVES BY 3L, G lue Dots

To get started, let’s rst go bac k to some c olour

ba sics by taking a quick look at the c olour wheel.

The three Primary colours are red, yellow, and blue

The three Secondary colours are orange, green,

and purple

The six Tertiary colours are yellow-orange, orange-red,

red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, and yellow-green

How ca n the colour wheel be used to selectappropriate colours for paper crafting projec ts?

When picking a colour palette for your next project,

start w ith a “main” colour and build on it from there.

If it is a primary colour such as red, you can easily pick

yellow and blue and be assured that they w ill work together

perfectly. The red, yellow, and blue g rouping is an example

of a triadic colour combination —the colours fall an equal

distance apart f rom each other on the wheel.


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refreshingby KIMBER MC G RAYsupplies CA RDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, Bella Blvd., BasicGrey; LETTER STICKERS,America n Crafts, Bella Blvd.; STIC KERS, BasicG rey, Bella Blvd.; PENS, Martha StewartCrafts, Uniball; PUNCH, EK Success

My “so refreshing” layout is a great exampanalogous colour combination. Because th

green hues fall next to each other on the cowheel, contrast is virtually eliminated—thcalm, soothing feeling on the page. A neutbase works to enhance the chosen coloursthem to work their magic on the page.

Colours that appear adjacent to each other on thecolour wheel are called analogous colours . Typical ly,

one colour is chosen as the dominant colour, while others

are incorporated to enrich the overall palette. A n example of

an analogous colour scheme can encompass everything f rom

a lively cherry red to a deep shade of mustard—or, gazing

at the opposite side of the wheel, it can include everything

from a soothing seafoam green to a rich cerulean blue.


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Now that we’ve covered some of theba sics, let’s explore some ways colourcan help tell your stories:

Convey a happy mood or occasion . Did

you know that yellow is know n as the“happy” colour, that orange indicates a sense

of adventure, and that blue has been proven

to increase energy levels? It would make sense

then, that a combination of these three colours

is a match made in heaven! If you are looking

to create a high-energy page that focuses on

FUN (bir thday celebrations and school-themed

layouts would be perfect), look no further than

this great trio.

A monochromatic colour combination consists of

d ifferent values (otherwise known as tints and

shades) of one single colour. Although typical ly less

vibrant than a triadic combi nation, t he end result of a

monochromatic scheme can be very restful and soothin g.Interior designers use them when looking to ach ieve a space

that is both clean and elegant. To visual ize a modern day

example of a monochromatic colour scheme, picture a multi-

hued paint chip.



my girlby KIMBER MC G RAYsupplies CA RDSTOC K, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, BasicG rey; GEMS, Me and MyBig Idea s; LETTER STICKERS AND C ARDSTOCK STIC KERS, BasicGrey; PUNCH, Stampin’Up!

35 years & 11 monthsby LISA KISC Hsupplies CA RDSTOC K, Creative Memories, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, Sassafra s; STICKERS,Sassafras, America n C rafts, My Little Shoebo x; RUB-ONS, Imaginisce; RHINESTONES, Kaisercraft; CIRCLEC UTTER AND PEN, Creative Memories; PUNCH, Fiskars; (PHOTOG RAPHY BY

Lisa says that once she has selectecolour palette for a particular projelooks through her stash for embellthat coordinate. In this case, the rhiand the rub-on words complimenteyellow, orange, and blue palette pe

This sweet card is an example of a monochromatic colour palette. Choosing pink as my “main” colour, Ithen incorporated several different tones of pink—varying from a pale carnation, to a rich coral, and nally to a freshly smoked salmon. Note the calm,clean look that is achieved with this soothing palette.

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Tell a story that is rich with historical

details . Heritage photos dictate the

introduction of another colour palette altogether.

Here is the opportunity to tone thi ngs down

and tell more of an in-depth, reective story.The neutrality that is accomplished with black

and white photos immediately ta kes your page

back in time and encourages the use of colours

that lack both saturation and intensity. A great

example of this technique can be found on the

“Clear Lake, Indiana” layout—by incorporating

a beautiful grey-blue with a pale, buttery yellow

and a rich, rusty red, it sets the stage for my

heritage page.

One nal thing to remember is that you can

always add a neutral colour into your chosen

palette. White, brown, g rey, and black are

colours that work no matter what colour

combination you choose to play with. In fact, the

introduction of a neutral is a great way to both

break up, and to balance out, a virtual ly endless

number of beautiful colours at t he end of your

creative rainbow. SCT


clea r lake, indianaby KIMBER MC G RAYsupplies CA RDSTOC K, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, Little Yellow Bicyc le; LETTER STICKERS, America n Crafts, BasicG rey; DIE-C UTS, Little Yellow Bicycle; STICKERS, America n Crafts, Little YellowBicycle; PEN, Martha Stewart Crafts

Somethin g to consider when starting ascrapbook page is to change your cphotos to black and white. For examthe last photo on this layout was ora poor quality colour photo from ththat didn’t mesh well with the oldeand white photos—I took this oppoto take the distracting colours out othe equation (resulting in a more uncohesive look).

smileby KIMBER MC G RAYsupplies CARDSTOCK, Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER, American Crafts; BUTTONS, Stampin’Up!; J OURNALING SPROUT, J illibean Soup; LETTER STIC KERS ANDCARDSTOCK STICKERS, American Crafts; PUNCH, We R Memory Keep ers;EMBOSSING FOLDER, Cuttlebug by ProvoCraft; FLOSS, DMC

Kimber’s tip for organizingyour colours:

Consider organizing your paper

and embellishments by colour in

your scrap area. This w il l make

reaching for that perfect paper (or

that na l embellishment) a piece

of cake! When creating this card,

I started w ith the ower stickers,

and then pulled paper, alphas, and

buttons from that same palette. It

was very quick and easy to do!

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Same old page templates getting you down? In sea rch of funnew sketches to help get those c rea tive juices owing? Look nofurther than pagemaps —a brand new sketch feature with aninteresting twist! BY BECKY FLEC K

J une’s sketchBecky combined two of the three photos found on thesketch into one to better accommodate her horizontalphoto. Although the c rocheted owers are positioned a tdifferent heights, they are the same size and c rea te anatural ow from left to right. A ticket stub, positionedslightly askew, deviates just a bit from the linea r design, butadds a nice touch of whimsy t o the page.

What’s the twist, you may ask?Why, sketches that foc us on apa rticular design p rinciple—in

this case, linear design . Have you everhea rd that old saying, “It’s hip to be

squa re?” I always remember that mottowhen I think of linea r design. Althoughbalance is key, a linear layout doesn’thave to be humdrum. One secret toachieving a great linear page is symmetryamongst all of your elements to keepthem from c ompeting with one another.Read on to see how this month’s artistsinterpreted these summery linear sketches.

pink posies by BECKY FLEC K supplies PATTERNED PA PER, Ame rican C rafts, My Mind’s Eye; LETTER STICKERS, BasicG rey; BUTTONS, Buttons Ga lore; PEN, American Crafts; DIE-C UTS, My Mind’s Eye; BUTTERFLYPUNCH, Martha Stewart; DYE MIST, Tattered Ang els; YARN, DMC; CROC HETED FLOWERS,Becky Fleck; OTHER, vintage book paper, straws, thread 45

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J uly’s sketchWaves of blue pa tterned pa per against asunny yellow backdrop ow seamlessly across

Lisa’s page, adding motion and harmony toher vacation theme. Lisa created a funmixed -media title (broken into two pa rts)and added bright yellow strip journaling.One photo, just a bit on tilt, offers a playfulappea l to the page.

heavenly hawaiiby LISA KISC Hsupplies CARDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, Imaginisce, Octob er Afternoon; BUTTONS, Making Memories, American Crafts; STICKERS, Imaginisce, American Crafts,Oc tober Afternoon; CIRCLE CUTTER AND PUNC H, Creative Memories

Check out these fabulous BONUS sketches—also designed by Becky Fleck!

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August’s sketchNotice how the placement and size of

J anet’s title (and also how it is c rowned with

an a dorab le bird) dictated that the tree bemoved to the right hand side to balance outher page. All other elements of the sketch fellright into place, while a sweet pom pom trimac ross the bottom added the pe rfec tnishing touch on this beautiful layout.

wonder by J AN ET BALLsupplies PATTERNED PA PER, Bo Bunny, Peb bles Inc.; GLIMM ER MIST, Tattered A ngels; PEN, Zig; LETTERSTIC KERS, Ame rican Crafts; RIBBON, Bazzill; STICKERS, Pebbles; THREAD, Mettler; PUNCH, Stampin’Up!;

TREE DIE-CUT, Cricut by ProvoCraft; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK A DHESIVES BY 3L, Sakura, Scotch by 3M

Bec ky Fleck is a graphic designer and author of the best-sellingbook Scrapbook PageMa ps: Sketches For Crea tive Layouts.Her second book, Scrapbook PageMa ps 2, will be a vailab le inOctober 2010. Visit her website a t for freemonthly sketches and loads of inspiration.

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supplies CA RDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER,GC D Studios; INK, Tsukineko, Clea rsnap; LETTERSTIC KERS, Cosmo Cricket, American Crafts; PUNCHES,Spellbinders; ADHESIVE, SCRAPBOOK A DHESIVES BY 3L

hello sunshineby J ULIE OVERBY

Make a 5 x 7” card from Kraft1.cardstock.

Cover card base with patterned2.paper.

Ma chine stitch four 2.5 x 2” pieces of 3.inked ca rdstoc k onto ca rd front.

From a piece of sheet music, punc h4.ower; ink edges and crinkle up.

Using a ower punch template,5.punch and embo ss four more owersfrom pa tterned pap er; ink edges.

Using foam squares, adhere6.patterned paper owe rs ontoca rdstoc k rec tangles; adherecrinkled owers to centers.

Embellish with trim.7.

Cut a 1.25 x .75” rec tang le; ink edges8.and add sticker sentiment.

Adhere letter stickers along bottom.9.

summer sentimentsSun ripened and mouth-wateringly delicious summer fruit, when pairedwith brightly coloured and freshly picked seasonal blooms—not tomention the occasiona l winged crea ture thrown in for good measure—work together to complete this exquisite gallery of cards.

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so sweet of youby J ULIE C AM ERO N

Make a 5.25 x 5.25” card from card-1.stock.

Cut brown c ardstoc k to t ca rd front;2.adhere.

Cut a piece of patterned paper3.slightly smaller than card front.

Cut a squa re of white ca rdstoc k and4.a strip of pa tterned paper; adheretogether and stitch a round edges;adhere to ca rd.

Stamp sentiment in uppe r left corner.5.Die-cut watermelon; ink edg es and6.stitch; adhere to c ard with foamsqua res.

Add rhinestones for seeds.7.

Punch owers and a ttac h to c ard;8.add rhinestones to centers.

hang in thereby CO URTNEY KELLEY

Make a 5 x 3.75” card from brown1.cardstock.

Cut a 4.5 x 3.25” piec e of oral pap er2.and a 4.25 x 3” piec e of g rid paper.

Stamp sentiment on left side of g rid3.paper.

Fussy cut clouds and owe rs; c luster4.and adhere.

Stamp tree branc h; cut out and5.adhere.

Cut out owl; adhere to rdstoc k and then to ca rd front.

Backstitch border with brown oss7.along edg e of grid pa per.

Adhe re card front to ba se.8.

Add G lossy Acc ents to owl, tree9.branch, and centers of clouds andowers.

supplies CARDSTOC K, Bazzill, Prism, Making Memories,Staples; PATTERNED PA PER, My Mind’s Eye; STAMPS,Pap ertrey Ink; INK, Stamp in’ Up!, Pap ertrey Ink;RHINESTONES, C rafts Inc.; PUNCH, EK Succe ss; DIE-CUTMACHINE, Silhouette by Q uicKutz; ADHESIVE, LinecoInc., Crafts Inc.

supplies CARDSTOCK, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER,Sassafra s, Co llag e Press; STAM PS, Purple O nion Designs; INK AND G LOSSY ACCENTS, Ranger; FLOSS, DMC

supplies CA RDSTOC K, Prism; PATTERNED PAPER ANDRUB-ONS, Octob er Afternoon; GLITTER G LUE, Stickles byRanger; ADHESIVE, Tombo w

thank youby AN G IE HAG IST

Make a 5.5 x 4.25” card from1.cardstock.

Cut nine 5.5 x .5” strips of c ardstock; here to ca rd front; trim.

Cut a 2 x 3” rec tang le from white3.cardstock.

Hand-cut curtains from gingha m4.paper; adhere to rectangle.

Trim window using brown strips of 5.cardstock.

Hand-c ut a window bo x shape from6.brown c ardstoc k; set aside.

Attach base of window to card front.7.

Add rub-on to co rner of window box; here to c ard using foa m squa res.

Cut owers from pap er; adhe re to9.card; embellish with glitter glue.

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happy anniversaryby SARA H HODG KINSO N

Ma ke a 4” squa re card from Kraft1.cardstock.

Cut a 3.75” squa re p iece of rdstoc k and sand; round ea chcorner.

Cut a 3.25” squa re p iece of grid3.paper; round ea ch c orner.

Cut one 2.5” oval from rdstoc k and one 2.25” oval fromcream cardstock; mount “HappyAnniversary” sticker in ce nter.

Adhere sentiment to green c ardstoc k5.with foam tape.

Adhere foam tape to bac k of 6.strawberry sticker and tuck in behindsentiment.

you are my reason whyby SARA H HODG KINSO N

Ma ke a 5.5 x 4.25” ca rd from1.cardstock.

Cut a 5 3/8 x 3 7/8” piece of pap er;2.adhere a nd stitch with a 1/8” border.

Cut a 5 x 3.5” piece of embossed3.cardstock and sand; round edges;ad here with foa m tape.

Stamp sentiment on c enter of die-c ut4. journaling ca rd.

Using a la rge G lue Dot, sec ure5. butter y to pin; push pin through journaling ca rd and a dhere.

Adhere chipboa rd to c ard; use foam6.tape to suppo rt overhanging owers.

supplies CARDSTOC K, Co re’dinations, J illibean Soup; PATTERNED PA PER, Cosmo Cricket; STAMPS, Tec hnique

Tuesday; INK, Tsukineko; MIRRORED BUTTERFLY, HeidiSwapp; PIN, Maya Road; CHIPBOARD AND DIE-CUT,Cosmo Cricket; TOO LS, We R Memory Keepers (CornerChomper), Making Memories (sanding block); ADHESIVE,Scotc h by 3M, SCRAPBOO K ADHESIVES BY 3L, Glue Dots; OTHER, thread

supplies CA RDSTOC K, Co re’dinations, J illibean Soup;PATTERNED PA PER, Oc tober Afternoon; STICKERS, SRMPress (“Happ y Anniversary”), Octo ber Afternoo n(strawberry); TOO LS, We R Memory Keepers (CornerChomper), Making Memories (sanding block), CreativeMemo ries (oval cutters); ADHESIVE, Helmar, SCRA PBOOK ADHESIVES BY 3L

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beans and peapodsby J ING-J ING NICKELsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,My Mind’s Eye; INK,Ranger; LETTER STIC KERS,Ame rican C rafts, Pink Paislee; RUB-ON,KaiserCraft; DIE-CUTS,My Mind’s Eye; STIC KERS,7Gypsies; BRADS,BasicGrey; PEN,American Crafts; CIRCLE CUTTER,Creative Memories;ADHESIVE,SCRAPBOOK A DHESIVES BY 3L

Mmm…don’t these fresh vegetabldelicious? Like you could just reatake one, and pop it into your mou

Jing-Jing created this stunning layodocument the gathering of her famsummer harvest.

tomato harvestby G RETA HA MM O NDsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,Fancy Pa nts; LETTER STIC KERS,Carolee’s Creations; GLIMM ER MIST, TatteredAngels; CHIPBOA RD AND FELT,Fancy Pa nts; PEARLS,Queen & Co.;


Greta made her own tomato “plant” byspraying glimmer mist onto a chipboard ourish. Then, she hand-cut tomatoes fromred felt, stitched a stem into place, andsprayed them with glimmer mist to makethem appear real. Finally, she attachedthem to the vine with pop dots.

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strawberries and donutsby PAULA GILARDEsupplies CARDSTOCK,Core’dinations; PATTERNED PA PER,Oc tober Afternoon,

J enni Bowlin Studio; LETTER STICKERS,America n Crafts (red), Je nni BowlinStudio (b rown), GC D Studios (yellow); PUNCHES,EK Succe ss; FONT,CenturyGothic; ADHESIVE,SCRAPBOOK A DHESIVES BY 3L

We fell in love with this beautiful pthe second we saw it. Look at the ibeauty and depth that Stephanie wto capture in Harper’s eyes. This phwhen paired with simple, yet elegaembellishments, as well as heartfel journaling, makes for one special l

This well-balanced, double page layout capvery precious events in young children’s livwith good friends, strawberry picking, and,important—enjoying some sweet and deliciYum!

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swing me—higherby A MY HELLERsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill, Papertry Ink; PATTERNED PA PER,BasicGrey, American Crafts, October Afternoon; INK,Close to MyHeart; CHIPBOARD,Maya Road; LABEL STICKER,Octob er Afternoon;BUTTONS,Pap ertry Ink; BRAD,BasicGrey; LETTERS,Making Memories(bamboo), Oc tober Afternoon; TWINE,Studio Ca lico; PUNCH,Fiskars; ADHESIVE, Tombo w, Scotch by 3M, Zig, Therm O Web; FONT,Cocktail Shaker

Amy created this great layout baseher children’s love of the hammocGrandma’s house. Angling the phother page elements enabled Amycapture the back and forth movemof the swing, and the inked letters

journaling strips played up the coltexture of the hammock.

actionby SÉVERINE DI GIAC O MOsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,Making Memories,A Muse; STAMPS,7 Gypsies, Florileges Design; INK, Tsukineko; BRADS,doodlebug, Making Memories, Tim Holtz; STICKERS,7Gypsies; PHOTOCORNER,Scenic Route; PUNCH,Fiskars; DIE-CUTS,QuicKutz

This photo-focused page centers aroundseveral things—food, friendship, and FUN!

Ample white space and minimal embellishing allows the sweet summertime photos totell an enchanting story of Severine’schildren and their neighbourhood friends.

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Celeste did great things with colour on thlayout about her son’s whale watching exneutral Kraft background allows the shad

(picked up from the water photos), and thpatterned paper (picked up from her son’sshirt), to complement the sweet photos.

whale watchby C ELESTE SM ITHsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,Oc tober Afternoon; DATE STAMP,Staples; INK, Tsukineko; CHIPBOARD LETTERS,BasicGrey; J OURNAL CA RD ANDSTIC KER,Oc tober Afternoon; GO OG LY EYES,Craft Supply; PUNCH,Fiskars; DIE-CUTS,Silhouette b y Quic Kutz; ADHESIVE,Fiskars, Scotch by 3M (this layout is based on asketch c halleng e a t Inspired Blueprints)

beach blissby J ULIA STA INTO Nsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER, J enni BowlinStudio; LETTER STICKERS,American Crafts; STICKY BACK CANVAS,Claudine Hellmuth; RIBBON,Making Memories; SHEERS,MayaRoad; BUTTON,BasicGrey; TICKETS,Advantus; CANVAS,Prima; LABEL MAKER,Dymo; TINY ATTAC HER,Tim Holtz for Advantus; DIE-CUTS,Silhouette b y Quic Kutz; OTHER,machine stitching, twine; ADHESIVE,Glue Arts

Julia created this layout to remember the sweet summer days that she andher family spend on the shores of LakeHuron. To add texture and visual interest,

Julia printed the scenic beach photo ontocanvas.

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picturesque portlandby MELA NIE LO UETTEsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,American Crafts;LETTER STICKERS, CHIPBOA RD, AND RUB-O NS,American Crafts; STICKERS,Ma rtha Stewa rt Crafts; ADHESIVE,Kokuyo

Melanie was inspired to create this layouafter clipping a Nike advertisement out omagazine. Look how she alternated betwblack and white and colour photos to maeach of them stand out.

vacation playgroundby LEAH WRIG HTsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,BasicGrey; INK,Clearsnap; LETTER STICKERS,Pink Paislee, Ame rican C rafts; DIE-CUTSAND STICKERS,BasicGrey; PUNCHES,EK Success, Fiskars; ADHESIVE,Scotch by 3M

This sweet, feminine layout capturour attention with its great use of pattern and colour, along with nicetouches like the scalloped bordersthe die-cut owers. Dimensional foletters add texture and interest tothe fun title.

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loves watering cansby J ILL SARG INSO Nsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;PATTERNED PA PER,Cosmo Cricket;LETTER STIC KERS,Pink Paislee, A merican C rafts; FLOSS,DMC;LABELMAKER,Dymo; CIRCLE TEMPLATE,Bazzill In Stitch’z; PUNCH,Fiskars;EDG E DISTRESSER,Close to My Heart; OTHER,buttons, twine, stapler;ADHESIVE,Creative Memories

treatby VIVIA N M ASKETsupplies CARDSTOCK,Bazzill;CHIPBOARD LETTERS AND PEN,American Crafts; DIE-CUTS, JO URNALING CA RD, AND RUB-ON,Octob er Afternoon; FLOSS,DMC;ADHESIVE,Kokuyo, All Night Med ia

We were immediately drawn “in” (bothliterally and guratively) to the magic of this beautiful summer layout. The bright colours and patterns are both interesting and engaging, and the stitched circle

(lovingly embellished with coordinating buttons) draws the eye in to rest on the

gorgeous photo.

We loved the sequence of “delicioon this layout by Vivian Masket—they lead the eye across the page athen upwards to focus on the focaand the title. Hand-stitched bumbl ight paths are the icing on the ca

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what’s next...

We loved the different textures that Lisa used on this beautiful falllayout—from corrugated cardboard and glittered cardstock, to ribbonand fabric hearts that were cut from owers. How sweet!

o nl i n


some of what you’ll

For the latest in scrapbookingtrends, giveaways, instructions,templates, and more…check outwww.scrapbookandcards.comp.s. all of our past issues canbe viewed…and downloadedonline!


fallby LISA TRUESDELLsupplies CA RDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, J illibean Soup, Octob er Afternoon; STAMP, Studio Ca lico; INK,Ranger; CORRUGATED LETTERS, J illibean Soup; LETTER STICKERS, J enni Bowlin Studio; SEQUIN A ND PEARL, Prima;GLITTER AC CENT, Fancy Pa nts; RIBBON, Ame rican Crafts; STIC KER, BasicGrey; RUB-ON, Bo Bunny; FABRIC HEA RTS,Bella Blvd. (cut from owers); MIST, Maya Road (all products are from a Studio Calico kit)

projec t 12Don’t miss out on thisgreat oppo rtunity!Head on over to o urblog for all of the deta ils

on this monthly cha llenge —a nd for thechanc e to win amazing prizes!

becky’s sketchesBecky Fleck’sinspirationalsketches areavailable in pdf form—ready foryou to download


blogHave you visited o ur blog lately? J oin usea ch wee kday for fresh idea s, fabulousinspiration and, most important, FUN!Here is what a typical week looks like:Monday – Designer’s Cha llengeTuesday – the 3T’s (tips, tricks, and techniques)

Wednesday – Designer’s ProjectThursday – Rea de r’s SubmissionFriday – Fabulous giveaways!

call for fallWe’d love to see what you’ve beenworking on! Head on over to ourwebsite and check out our current ca llfor layouts, cards, and more!

This ca ll ends July 12th.

Oooh…fall! Colourful foliage, cozy sweaters, and crispautumn air—not to mention homemade pumpkin pie! Hereare some of the things that our fall issue has in store:

the latest and greatest• scrapbook secrets with Kimber!rub-ons reinvented• —dig them out and dust them off because these ideas are sensationalwelcome to our neighbourhood• —our designers exploreand document the unique p laces they livedigital work ow (part 2)• with artist and author, Stacy J ulian

7/30/2019 Sct Summer2010 Final 60/6860 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010


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7/30/2019 Sct Summer2010 Final 61/68 61

SCT • marketplace

Scrapbookingand Rubber stamping Supplies

Over 10,000 items,new stock arriving weeklyClasses in Scrapbooking and Stamping

35 Nixon Road, Bolton 905.951.9544(at the corner of McEwan Drive and Nixon Road)

American C rafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w ww.americanc rafts.comBasicGrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w ww.b asicgrey.comBazzill Basics Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w ww.bazzillbasics.comBella Blvd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.bellablvd.netBig Picture Scrapbooking . . . . .www.bigpicturescrapb ooking.comBo Bunny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.b obunny.comCreativ Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.creativfestival.caDoodlebug Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.doodlebug.wsHP Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.hp.c aImaginisce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.ima

Jillibean Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ww w.jillibea mMaya Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w yaroad.c omMy StampBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mNikki Sivils Scrapbooker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ww mPink Paislee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.p inkpaislee.comScotch 3M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.scotc htape.caScrapFest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.scrapfest.caSizzix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ww w.sizzix.comStampin’ Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ww w.stampinup.comStamping Bella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ww w.stampingbella.comWe R Memory Keepers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.weronthenet.comXyron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A spec ial thank you to our advertising partners!

7/30/2019 Sct Summer2010 Final 62/6862 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010

SCT • directory

visit these grea t stores for shopping, c lasses, advice and more...

directoryonlin e

Ateliers “Mon”Online store/Boutique en

Cozy Lands Scrapbooking RetreatCa mbridge, ON(519)

Memory Workshop Scrapbook Co.Mo nthly Kit Club, C rops & RetreatsMa ple Ridge, BC,(604)

Memories ManorSt. Cla ir, MI(810)

Scrap ShotzC alga ry, AB,(403)

Scrap-tures Kit ClubMidland, ON(705)

Scrapbooker’s ParadiseC alga ry, AB,(877)

Scraptivity! –A C lub for Scrapbooking Memories

Toronto, Ontario, (416) 239-96031-877-SCRAP23 (727-2723)

ww m

The C rop StopBowmanville, 243-7824

The Scrap AtticKirkland Lake, ON,(705)

Whole Lotta Scrapbooking To eld, AB(780)

Younique Country RetreatGue lph, ON N1H 6J2


Canada British ColumbiaCherish The Thought3130 St. J ohn’s St.Port Moody, B.C . V3H 2C7(604)

Chocolate CloverScrapbook Supplies1114-102nd AvenueDaw son Creek, BC V1G 2C1(250) 782-4220

Creative Accents

79B 3rd Avenue NorthWilliams Lake, BC V2G 2A 3(250)

For Keeps Sake Scrapbook Co.1708 Emerson C ourtNorth Vanc ouver BC V7H 2Y6(604)

Got Scraps!414 W. First St., Box 3329Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0(250) 837-3329

Luv 2 Scrap101-33031 1st AvenueMission, BC V2V 1G2(604)

Making Memories withScrapbooking4415 Hastings StreetBurnaby, BC V5C 2K1(604)

Oasis Scrapbooking108 Van Horne Street SouthC ranbrook, BC V1C 1Z3(250)

P.G. Scrapbook Zone3899 – 18th AvenuePrince G eorge, BC V 2N 1B9(250) [email protected] a

Photo Express100 – 22470 Dewdney Trunk

RoadMa ple Ridge, BC V2X 5Z6(604)

Pick of the Patch104-250 Schoo lhouse StreetC oquitlam, BC(604) 520-5874

Prec ious Memories107-19925 Willowbrook DriveLang ley, BC V2Y 1A7(604)

Scrapbook Central

307C - 14th Stree tC ourtenay, BC V9N 6P5(205)

Scrapbook C ity ShopsCanada3 – 15970 96th AveSurrey, BC V4N 2L6(604)

Scrapbookin’ Adventures175 C or eld St.Pa rksville, BC V 9P 2G6(250) 954- 0009

Scrappers’ Anonymous2 - 50 Burnside Road WestVic toria, BC V9A 1B5(250)

Scrapbook Parade670 Grand erson Roa dLangford, BC V9B 2R8(250)

She Runs With Scissors...A Total Sc rapbookingExperience582 South Dogwood Street,Unit 4, Campb ell River,BC V9W 6R4(250)

Studio 11 Designs Scrap-booking and Cardmaking

2411 Trillium TerraceDuncan, BC V9L 3Z7(250)

The River Scrapbook Room830 13th AvenueCamp be ll River, BCV9W 4H2(250) [email protected]

Treasured MemoriesScrapbooking2753 Cha rlotte Roa dDuncan, BC V 9L 5J2(250) 748-8054 /


AlbertaBlack Ink PaperieR R #1Win eld , AB T0C 2X0(780)

Creative J unction Inc.5117-51st StreetBarrhead , AB(780)

Crop-Paper-Scissors5124 51stDrayton Valley, AB T7A 1S2(780) 515-9860croppap [email protected]

Life’s Treasures5018 51st StreetOlds, AB T4H 1P8(403)

Lil’ Scrappers6 Springwood Lane NESlave Lake, AB T0G 2A 2(780)

Scrap-A-Lot9218 - 51 AveEdmonton, AB T6E 3L8(780)


7/30/2019 Sct Summer2010 Final 63/68 63

directory • SCT

Scrapbook Fancy9-677B South Ra ilwa y Street S.E,Medic ine Hat A B T1A 2Y8(403)

Scrapbook Memories & More Inc.20 - 975 Broa dmo or Blvd.Sherwoo d Park, AB T8A 5W9(780)

Scrapbooker’s Paradise20-9250 Mac leod Trail SouthCalga ry, AB T2J 0P5(403)

Scrapbooker’s Paradise45 Crowfoot Terrace NWCa lgary, AB T3G 4J 8(403)

Scrapbooker’s Paradise185 – 2004 – 50th AvenueRed De er, AB T4R 3A2(403)

Scrapbooker’s Paradise103B – 2045 Mayor Magrath Dr.Lethbridge, AB T1K 2S2(403)

Scrapbooker’s Treasure Box106 – 403 2nd Street WBrooks, AB T1R 1C5(403) 793-8833

sc [email protected]

The Scrap Yard#2118, 380 Canyon Mead owsDr SECa lgary, AB T2J 7C 3(403)

Treasured Memories5218-86 StreetEdmonton, AB T6E 5J 6(780)

The Urban Scrapbook Inc100, 14315- 118 Ave

Edmonton, AB T5L 4S6(780) 451 –

Saskatchewan J ust Scrap It! The Scrapbook Shop108 – 103rd Stree t EastSaskatoon, SK S7N 1Y7(306) 955-4850

just-sc spot.c om

Prairie ChicksQuilting & Scrapbooking205 Ma in Street, Box 752Hague, SK S0K 1X0(306)

Tawbalies at BG’s Gifts, HomeDecor & Crafts506 Ma in StreetMoosomin, SK S0G 3N0(306) [email protected]

ManitobaCrafty Scrapper526 2nd AvenueRivers, MB R0X 1X0(204)

Gone Scrappin’ in Bloom20 Victoria Avenue E.Rossburn, MB R0J 1V0(204)

Magical Memories –The Scrapbook Shop#3 –103 C ree Roa d

Thompson, MB R8N 0B9(204)

Paperbag Scrapbooking645 10th Street

Brand on, M B R7A 4G6(204)

Scrapbooking By Design1191 Pembina Hwy.Winnipeg, MB R3T 2A5(204) [email protected]

Scrapbooking at Shelley’s712 18th Street (Thoma s Mall)Brando n, MB R7A 5B5(204) 727-7878ww rapna

Scrap Yard371 Ma in StreetStonewa ll, MB R0C 2Z0(204)

The Scrapbook Cottage116B Park Roa d WestSteinbach, MB R5G 1V6(204)

Ontario - EasternAuntie Em’s Scrapbooking109 11th Street WestC ornwall, ON K6J 3A8(613) 938-4888

[email protected]

Crop Circles ScrapbookingPeterborough Square,Lower Level360 George Street N., Unit 12Peterborough, O N K9H 7E7(705)

Heather’s Stamping Haven250 G reenba nk Roa dNepean, ON K2H 8X4(613)

Marchant Paper Memories1187 Princ ess StreetKingston, O N K7M 3E1(613)

Memory Lane20 Russell Street EastSmiths Falls, ON(613) [email protected]

Paper Paradise18 Harmony WayKemptville, ON K0G 1J 0(613)

SCRAP EN MASSE269, St-Philippe StreetAlfred, O N K0B 1A0(866)

Scrapbooks and Smiles469 Dundas St. W.

Trenton, ON K8V 3S4(613) 965-0952ww m

SCRAPtease156 Bridge StreetC arleton Place , ON K7C 2V7(613)

Sweet Sentiments…scrapbooking and more!Sommerville Plaza6835 Hwy 62, Belleville, ON(613)

The Scrapbox5510 Canotek Roa d, Unit 13Orleans, ON K1J 9J 5(613)

Tina’s Scrapbooking Creations485 Caleb StreetWinche ster, O N K0C 2K0(613)

Ontario – South CentralDK Scrapbook Connection1001 Rymal Roa d East, Unit 9Hamilton, ON L8W 3B7(905) m

Flim Flam Arts & Crafts Supplies63 Cha ring C ross Street, Unit 2,Brantford, ON N3R 2H4

(519) 753-0826 im [email protected]

Herrschners Yarn and C rafts1486 Victo ria Stree t N., Unit 5Kitche ner, ON N2B 3E2(519)

Learning Fac tory175 Lynden Road, Unit 10Brantfo rd, O N N3T 5L8(519)

Scrapping Turtle1441 King Street North

St. J ac ob s, ON N0B 2N0(519)

Simply Scrapping Inc.162-64 Grand Ave. S.Camb ridge, O N N1S 2L8(519)

The Art House Studio -Go Scrapping Retreats & Crops591 Lanc aster St. West, Unit 3Kitchene r, O N N2K 1M5(519)

The Memory Keeper1119 Fennell Avenue EastHamilton, ON L8T 1S2(905)

The Scrapping Bug10 Pioneer Drive, Unit 103Kitchene r, ON N2P 2A4(519)

7/30/2019 Sct Summer2010 Final 64/6864 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010

SCT • directory

Two Scrapbook Friends370 Eastbridge Blvd.Waterloo, O N N2K 4P1(519)

Younique Country Retreat7799 Wellington Road 22Guelph, ON N1H 6J2(519) m

Ontario – CentralApril’s Scrapbook Studio928 2nd A venue East downtownOwen Sound, ON N4K 2H6(519) [email protected]

Craft Nook 195 Wellington St., Unit #3

Brac eb ridge, ON P1L 1C 2(705)

Finn’s Affordable ScrapbookingSupplies154 Ma in Street N.Mo unt Forest, ON N0G 2L0(519) 323-9875elizab [email protected]

Karen’s Creations632 Berford StreetWiarton, ON N0H 2T0(519)

Scrappin’ Buddies!233 La Neige AvenuePort Sydney, ON P0B 1L0(705)

Scraps of Joy304 Dunlop Street, Bldg 1, Unit 4Barrie, ON L4N 7L2(705)

Seasons in The CountryScrapbook Supplies719637 Hwy 6Hepwo rth, ON N0H 1P0(519) 935-0838

The Cottage Scrapbook 294 King StreetMidland, ON L4R 3M6(705)

The Travellin’ Scrapper24 Trowb ridge Street Unit 8Meafo rd Onta rio N4L 1Y5(519) 538

Ontario – NorthernAbundance224 Main Street SouthKenora, ON P9N 1T2(807) [email protected]

O.C. Scrapbookers n’ More3 Ottawa AvenueElliott Lake, O N P5A 2J 8(705)

Scrapbooking @Photo Metro191 Lakeshore DriveNorth Bay, ON P1A 2B4


The Scrap Attic33 Harding AvenueKirkland Lake, O N(705)

Ontario –Greater TorontoAreaA Scrapbookers Dream35 Nixon Road, Unit 1Bolton, ON L7E1K1(905)

Bizzy B’s Stamp & Scrap2100 Bloo r Street West, Suite 4

Toronto, ON M6S 1M7(416)

Forever Scrapbooks29 Plains Road WestBurlington, ON L7T 1E8(905)

Olde Tyme Country Crafts& Studio57 Mill Street North, Suite 102Brampton, O N L6X 1S9(905)

Pointer Gifts and Crafts8355 Woodbine Avenue,Units 1 & 2, Ma rkham, O NL3R 2P4(905)

Scrapalicious Inc.5170 Dixie Roa d, Unit 102Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3(905)

Scrapbook Emporium Inc.3 - 133 Taunton Roa d WestOshawa, ON L1G 3T4(905)

Scrapbook Moments & More77 Mayvern C r.Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5J 6(905)

Scrapbooks By Design1783 Queen Street East

Toronto, ON M4L 3Y5(416)

Stamping Bella55 Doncaster Avenue , Suite 130

Thornhill, ON L3T 1L7(866)

The Workshop100 Ringwood Drive, Unit 22Stouffville, ON L4A 1A9(905)

Ontario – SouthWesternAll About Scrapbooks & More

22-24 Kent StreetWood stoc k, On N4S 8L5(519)

Crop ‘til You Drop Scrapbooking31 McNaughton AvenueWallaceburg, ON N8A 1R7(519)

First Choic e Trophies &Scrapbooking160 Wallace Avenue SouthListowel, O N N4W 1X9(519) 291-2081

Lasting Impressions850 C olbo rne Rd. Unit 4Sa rnia, O N N7T 6V8(519)

Sarnia Craft Supply1000 Finc h DriveSarnia, ON N7S 6G5(519)

Scrapbook Memories –The Design Studio1890 Hyde Pa rk Roa dLondon, ON N6H 5L9(519)

Scrappin’ Great Deals26 Kilworth Pa rk Drive, RR5Komoka, ON N0L 1R0(519)

Scrapping Nook Ltd.301 Thorold Roa d, Unit 4Welland, ON L3C 6H5


Scrapbook Towne60 Murray StreetAmb erstburg, ON N9V 1H5(519)

The Paper Pickle C ompany44 Fourth StreetC hatham, ON N7M 2G2(519)

The Rubber Room#14-90 C harterhouse CrescentLondon, O N N5W 5V5(519)

The Stamp Shack/MemoryMansion355 Wellington St. - CitiPlazaLondon, ON N6A 3N7(519)

QuébecLa C our à!87 Boul. St. Luc , Suite 24St.-Jea n-sur-Richelieu,

QC J 2W 1E2(450)

Scrapbook Centrale3349 boul. des SourcesDollard des Ormeaux,QC H9B 1Z8(514) 683-5558 /

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directory • SCT

Scrapbook Quebec3233 J ea n-BeraudLaval, QC H7T 2L2(450)

Scrapbook Star6252 SomerledMo ntrea l, QC H3X 2B6(514)

Scrapbookerie – Granby34, St. J ude Sud, Suite 2Granby, QC J 2J 2N4(450)

Ted’s Hobby Shop291 Blvd St J ea nPointe Cla ire, QC H9R 3J1(514) [email protected]

Nova ScotiaScrap & Shop49 Trinity LaneAntigonish, NS B2G 2V8(902)

Scrap & Stamp Among Friends166 Provost Street,New G lasgow, NS B2G 2R1(902) 695-3006

jaybird5513@yahoo .co m

New Brunswick

A Pile of Scrap!515 Saint Mary’s Street, Unit 1Fred eric ton, NB E3A 8H4(506) 454-PILE (7453)

Scrapbooking Gone Wild136 South StreetSt. Ge orge , NB E5C 3R2(506) m

Scraptacular Images625B Ma in Stree tSussex, NB E4E 7H8(506) 433-5050

The Scrap Shack 200 Irving Road ,Riverview, NB E1B 5V7(506) 384-2767sc rapshac k21@ao

United StatesArizonaScrap Happy Sisters6525 W Happy Va lley RdG lenda le, A Z 85310(623) 376-8257ww rap hap m

CaliforniaMoments in Time Scrapbooking7400 District Blvd.Bakers eld, CA(661) 831-0300www.bakers m

Simply Scrapbooks4612 C alifornia AvenueBakers eld, C A 93309(661) 325-2767ww w.simply-sc

ConnecticutThe Inspiration Station13 Furnac e AveStaffo rd Springs, C T 06076(860)

Wiggles & Giggles LLC1273 Silas Dea ne Hw yWethers eld , C T 06109(860)

ColoradoThe Scrappy Moose457 Ma in StreetDelta , C O 81416(970)

FloridaA Scrap in Time151 Broc k AveC restview FL 32539(850)

Priceless Scrapbooks514 S. Ma gno lia Avenue,Unit 101Ocala, FL 34471(352)

KansasScrappin’ Time LLC403 E. Madison AvenueDerby, KS 67037(316)

MarylandPhoto Scraps1213 Liberty RoadEldersburg, MD 21784(410)

MassachusettsAbsolutely Everything30 Main Street

Top s eld, MA 01983(978)

MichiganScrap, Scribble & Stick 89 - 54th Street SWG rand Rap ids, MI 49548(616) 532-2000info@sc rapscribb leand

MinnesotaThe Scrapbook and More

310 Minnesota Avenue NorthAitkin, MN 56431(218) [email protected]

New HampshireNH Scrapbook Cabin, LLC294 US Sta te 101)Amherst, NH 03031(603)

New York Buffalo Stamps & Stuff 3314 Sherida n Drive

Amherst, NY 14226(716)

OhioB & B Scrapbooks3980 W Powell RoadPowell OH 43065(614)

OregonThe Paper Bucket235A E MainHermiston, O R 97838(541)

Life’s A Scrapbook 16555 NW 12th Street, Suite CSherwood, OR 97140(503) 625-1193Visit us on fac ebook at “Lifes aScrapbook”

The Scrapper’s Corner2650 Washburn Way, Suite 102Klama th Falls, OR 97603(541) [email protected]

South CarolinaScrapnesia1178 Wood ruff Road, Suite 7G reenville, SC 29607(864)

TennesseeEclec tica Scrapbooks & Stamps2965 N. Ge rmantow n, Unit 104Bartlett, TN 38133(901)

Scrap Happy453 East E Street Suite AElizab ethto n, TN 37643(423)

D i d y o u k n o w ? A l l o f o u r p a s t i s s u e s a r e

a v a i l a b l e t o d o w n l o a d o n o u r w e b s i t e .w w w .s c r a p b o o k a n d c a r d s .c o m

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SCT • the 3I’s

i think about you

by LISA D IC KINSONsupplies CARDSTOC K, Bazzill; PATTERNED PA PER, OctoberAfternoon, Studio C alico; GLIMMERMIST, Maya Road; LETTER STICKERS,American Crafts; CHIPBOARD,Scenic Route; STICK PINS, J enniBowlin Studio, Ma king Memo ries; FONT, Bohemian Typew riter; OTHER,machine stitching, button

The word “special” can be de ned as something that is just a little b it unique and that

is made with a spec i c purpose in mind. This issue’s project meets those criteria andwill undoubtedly be treasured for years to come.

something special

M y house is l led with many things that br ing back memories of my grandmother, who passed away last year. I created

this page to document some of those very special items. These are things that I see everyday and glimpses of them

always brings her to my mind. I think about her…when I sit down at my sewing machine and see rows and rows of

colourful thread…every time I use the pewter dishware that used to be hers…whenever Riely clutches the beautiful blanket

she knit for her…when I see the striped cushion in the mudroom that she sewed…when I set the table with her china…as I am

knitting…a skill that she taught me…I think about her almost every day. L i sa

66 scrapbook & cards today • summer 2010

SCT • the 3I’s

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scrapbooking can do

more than preserve your

KDSS\ memories—it can

help you PDNH PRQH\

Talk to your Stampin’ Up! ®

demonstrator about the

Stampin’ Up! business


become a demonstrator,

you can turn the hobby

you HQMR\into a businessopportunity you’ll ORYH.

Contact your demonstrator or visit us on the web at tolearn how you can create a rewarding crafting business. Whether you

want to save money for your kids’ school fund, or want to makeyour business into your new career, you can do it as

a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator – it’s up to you!

stampin’ up!

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