scripts for executive meeting

General Manager : Ms Shaminy Ganesan Secretary : Ms. Foo (Ms. Foo Pui Yee) Finance & Accounting Manager : Ms. Chua (Chua Yi Mei) Merchandising Manager : Ms. Chiang (Chiang Pei Weng) Human Resource Manager : Ms. Malar (Parimalar) Sales & Marketing Manager : Ms. Siew (Siew Poi Mun) General Manager : Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you for attending our Executive Meeting of MaCsha Paradise. Before we start our meeting, I would like to appoint Ms .Foo as the secretary for today’s meeting. It is okay with you, Ms. Foo? Ms. Foo : Sure, it is my pleasure. General Manager : Ms. Foo, is there any apologies for absence? Ms. Foo : There are no apologies for absence. Problem 1 : Latest books are not available most of the time. General Manager : Thank you. Without any delay, we are here today to discuss the problems arise in our company and find out the solutions to solve them. Ms. Foo, could you

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Post on 07-Nov-2015




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business professional and communication 1


General Manager : Ms Shaminy GanesanSecretary : Ms. Foo (Ms. Foo Pui Yee)Finance & Accounting Manager: Ms. Chua (Chua Yi Mei)Merchandising Manager: Ms. Chiang (Chiang Pei Weng)Human Resource Manager: Ms. Malar (Parimalar)Sales & Marketing Manager : Ms. Siew (Siew Poi Mun)

General Manager : Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you for attending our Executive Meeting of MaCsha Paradise. Before we start our meeting, I would like to appoint Ms .Foo as the secretary for todays meeting. It is okay with you, Ms. Foo?Ms. Foo: Sure, it is my pleasure.General Manager : Ms. Foo, is there any apologies for absence?Ms. Foo: There are no apologies for absence. Problem 1 : Latest books are not available most of the time.General Manager :Thank you. Without any delay, we are here today to discuss the problems arise in our company and find out the solutions to solve them. Ms. Foo, could you list out the problems we are going to discuss todayMs. Foo: Sure. Recently we have faced several problem which jeopardize on our business performance which are the latest books are not available most of the time, the employees attitude towards customers are bad and decline in sales. General Manager: Alright. We need to find out solution for these problems in order to make our company achieve our vision and mission. First and foremost, let us discuss on the first problem. Ms. Chiang, could you give me a reasonable explanation, why the latest books are not available most of the time in our bookstore? (Knock table)

Ms. Chiang: The latest books are not available most of the time in our bookstore due to our current supplier problem. They provided a very poor delivery services. The books we ordered was late delivered for 2 weeks, this causes we unable to update the latest book in our bookstore and this situation have been continues for 2 months.General Manager: Is that anything happened for our current supplier? We have been cooperate with GG Berhad for a quite long period, and this problem never been happened before. Ms. Siew: As I know there was a big changing in their company personnel for few months ago. Is it this is the main cause of their poor delivery service?Ms. Chiang: Yes, you are right Ms. Siew. Their new manager, Mr. Adam has changed their transportation company to a small company in order to save their cost. That company is bad in their delivery services. Not only our company are facing this problems, but other bookstores which order books from GG Berhad also facing the same problem.Ms. Malar: I would like to add something. Recently we received many complaints from customers regarding for this problem, I think it have been jeopardized our bookstore reputation. Hence, we should do something to save our reputation.General Manager: Seem that the situation is worsening. Is there anyone have any suggestion or solution on our bookstores current situation?Ms. Siew: I suggest to change our current supplier to AAA Berhad. This is because AAA Berhad has been operating for more than 10 years, I believe they have more experience. Furthermore, they have a good reputation on their delivery service.

Ms. Foo: Sorry for interrupt. It is a good suggestion but I think the delivery cost of AAA Berhad is quite high. I suggest we can choose to change our main supplier to BBB Berhad. This is because their delivery cost is lower compared to AAA Berhad.General Manager : Ms. Chiang, how about your opinion? Ms. Chiang: I agree with Ms. Siew. Actually, I have conducted a survey about few company which supply books to the bookstores. Could you all please have a look? Based on the report, delivery service of AAA Berhad has the best rating among the suppliers. As the survey shown, they even provide night shift transportation service to the customers. Even though the delivery cost is higher a bit, their reputation is good. However, I will try my best to negotiate with them to get the lowest delivery cost. Ms. Chua, is that our bookstore able to afford those additional delivery cost?Ms. Chua: Based on the analysis of financial report, currently it shows our bookstore is facing financial problem. We do not have the enough capital to cover those delivery cost. I suggest, all of us contribute additional capital to support this expenditure. How do you all think?Ms. Malar: I agree with you Ms. Chua. Since the supplier is our core problem, we should not tolerate on this issues. As a partner, I think all of you are willing to help our bookstore to across this problem together, am I right?AllSure!General Manager: Ms. Chua, we still need how much additional capital to cover the expenditure in case if we change our supplier?Ms. Chua: The estimated amount is RM 30,000. I will prepare the budget report when received the quotation from AAA Berhad to come out with the actual amount of expenditure.

General Manager : Alright. Ms. Chua, could you come out with a budget report before this Friday? Ms. Chua : Sure. Ms. Chiang, could you send me the quotation of AAA Berhad after this?Ms. Chiang: Of course. No problem. General Manager: Alright, any objection for the suggestion?All: No. (Shake head)General Manager: Ms. Chiang, could you handle it?Ms. Chiang: Okay, it is my responsibility. I will follow up. (Node head)General Manager : Good. So I hereby announced we will switch our supplier to AAA Berhad. Problem 2 : Employees attitude towards customers are bad.General Manager: We now move to the next problem which is to discuss on the employees attitude towards customers are bad. Ms. Malar could you address this problem to us briefly?Ms. Malar : Alright, now I will proceed with our companys second problem. We have employed few full time and part times staffs due to the reason we are new bookstore. But most of them are not familiar with the operation of our bookstore and I received some complaint on their bad attitude towards customer. It is a severe problem because they are front line staff which representing our bookstore, their service represent our bookstores name and image. Besides that, I saw some staff didnt work according to our bookstores procedure, slack while working and even didnt collaborate with the manager to do the task they supposed to do because the manager didnt act like what a manager should do and didnt lead them in their task accordingly. In my opinion, both staff and management problem should be handled immediately before the thing get worse.General Manager: How come no action was taken when the problem was getting serious?Ms. Malar : First of all I would like to apology because recently I were occupied with my familys problem and I wasnt able to perform my duty and responsibility in carrying out my task as well as failed to managed my staff.General Manager : The responsibility doesnt only fall on you Ms Malar but to all of the people that attend the meeting. I was also busy in setting up my other business until I neglect this company. I think we must give more commitment to our task and we should amend our attitude too. About the staffs problem, I think we need to do something to amend their attitude. Ms.Malar : I think we should meet the staffs and have a talk with them regarding their duties and responsibilities. The better idea is to send the staffs to a training centre which will provide talks and workshop. This will help us in changing the staffs behaviour. Besides that, I have a place in my mind which can solve the problem we facing now.Ms. Siew: In my opinion, instead of provide training to our existing employee, I think we shall employ someone who is capable, expertise and have a good attitude. I scare the impact of the training is insignificant.Ms. Foo: I disagree with Miss Siew because training is less costly compared to layoff and hiring of new capable staff because they are not familiar with our bookstores operation. Moreover their expected salary will be higher too. Ms Malar: I propose that we should provide training not only on their organizational attitude but also on the techniques and skills needed in attracting and entertaining their customers in an impressive way. Ms. Siew: Yes, it is a good opinion and I agree with Ms Malar.General Manager: Okay, thus in conjunction with our problem, we will provide training on organizational attitude and on the techniques and skills needed in attracting and entertaining our customers to our staff. In addition to that, I propose that we should provide training on management staff in order to make our bookstore operation runs more smoothly. But what training should we provide? Any suggestion?Ms. Chiang: I suggest that we should provide leadership training course to our management staff because a good leader can lead our staff to operate the bookstore and at the same time could make our staff more committed and motivated in order to achieve our bookstores vision and mission. Ms.Malar: Not only that, I think we should also provide training on communication course to our management team because communication is essential in creating a harmony working environment while avoiding many of the conflict. I also believe that our management team still lack of this skill. Ms. Chua :I agree with Ms.Malar, I think we should focus on training our management team first in following 3 months due to our limited capital. Then only we will consider on moving to another type of training if needed.General Manager: Ok, now we have suggestion on leadership training and communication training. Is there any other suggestion?(Every member shakes their head)General Manager: If there is no other suggestion , due to limited capital as Ms. Chua said, we should vote for the training course for our following 3 months, please raise up your hand to let me count your vote. Anyone recommend leadership course for training in following 3 months?(Ms. Chiang raise up her hand)General Manager: 1 vote for leadership course, anyone recommend communication course for training in following 3 months?(All raise up their hand except Ms. Chiang)General Manager: There are four votes for communication course since the majority agree in implementing communication course, I think that it is more suitable and important for management training at the moment. Hence, we will have communication course provided by our management team for following 3 months. Ms. Malar, is it okay for you to find the suitable training center that provides training for us?Ms.Malar: Ok, Madam, I will find the best and suitable training center for our management training.Problem 3 : Decline in sales.General Manager: Finally we are moving to third problem which is decline in sales. Can I know why this problem occurred? Is the problem related to first problem? Can anyone of you explain it to me?Ms. Chua: Yes. Firstly, I would like to explain about how decreased in revenue will affect our bookstore financial position. The recent sales had declined continuously for a few months ago. If this problem continues to happen, our bookstore will face liquidation problem in coming year because we are not able to recover the set-up expenditures and continue to get losses. Ms. Chiang: (raise hand) I am sorry to interrupt you, Ms. Chua. Since we were received complaint from customers about the latest books were not available most of the time as discussed early, this is directly contribute to the sales declined. I would take necessarily actions as appointed early by General Manager to solve that problem. Ms. Chua: Ok, no wonder. (Hand show okay sign)General Manager: Good, Ms. Chiang. I want to see the increase in sales after you update the inventory. Please take notes about this, Ms. Foo.Ms. Foo: Sure, Madam. General Manager: So, still have any reasons regarding to this problem? Anyone?Ms. Siew: Sorry, I would like to make additional explanation about sales declined. As you all know, we are having monthly promotion of 15% discount for all kinds of books on every first week of Monday. Actually it is better if the promotion day change to every second week of Monday. Not everyone have balance from last month and is able to make purchase during the early of month.

Ms. Malar: I agreed with Ms.Siew. It is take time for a company to settle employees salaries. For us, we are taking about 2 to 3 days for calculating the employees salaries such as EPF, SOSCO, allowances and overtime hours. After that, I need to pass to Ms. Foo for approval from General Manager then Finance & Accounting Department.Ms. Chua: After approval from General Manager, bank need about 2 to 3 float days while transferring money from our company account to employees account. Therefore, it is impossible for the customers to make purchase on the first week of Monday. General Manager: Okay, our monthly promotion day will change to every second week of Monday. Ms. Siew: Furthermore, we should give RM5 cash voucher for every purchased of RM100 from customers on the promotion day. This cash voucher is valid for 3 months after the purchase date and is deductible for every purchased of RM50 from customers on this period except monthly promotion day. This voucher is not exchangeable to cash. Ms. Chua: This idea is good. We can get more sales because customer will try to buy more books and stationeries for getting cash voucher and use this voucher at our bookstore again to enjoy the benefits. Ms. Chiang: This really helps to get the lower price from supplies if we order more inventory due to high demand from customers.General Manager: Thats good. Let me concluded that in order to increase sales, Ms. Siew you have to operate with Ms. Chua to implement cash voucher and change promotion day to every second week of Monday.Ms.Siew & Ms.Chua: Sure, we will try our level best. General Manager: Ms. Foo can you briefly come out with a summary regarding the problems we have discussed just now?Ms. Foo: No problem. The first problem we have discussed was the latest books are not available most of the time. Ms. Chiang will handle this problem by changing current supplier to AAA Berhad. Secondly, bad attitude of employees towards customers will handle by Ms. Malar by giving communication training course to employees. Lastly, Ms. Chua and Ms. Siew will implement cash voucher and change promotion day to every second week of Monday to increase sales.General Manager: Ms. Foo, please complete the minutes of meeting and submit to me by tomorrow morning. Ms. Foo: Okay.General Manager: Its there any other business issues need to discuss? All: No. (Shake head)General Manager: Okay, its time to end the meeting today. Please always refer to the notice board for the next meeting date. I am hereby to adjourn the meeting. Thank you.All: Thank you.