scripting - law of attraction

Scripting Imagine having a magic pen that allows you to write what you desire and have it materialize before your eyes as you read it. Imagine what you’d write down with that pen knowing it will come true. This site explains how you can be, do and have everything you desire by incorporating one of the most powerful tools in the Law of Attraction repertoire: Scripting. This site will show you how to write scripts that come true. Sound hard to believe? The further and further you read into this website, the more you’ll realize how scripting will change your life forever. Scripting is one of the best kept secrets for accelerating what you want by using the Law of Attraction. Joe Vitale, one of the stars in the movie “The Secret,” explains in his book, “The Attractor Factor,” how he keeps a notebook full of scripts and how every single one he has written has come into reality. Scripting involves writing what you desire and then reading it over and over again while watching it come into your life. Scripting gives you the power to instantly transform yourself. Although they are similar, scripting can be far more powerful and effective than simple affirmation techniques. Scripting goes beyond traditional goal setting. Scripting encapsulates your goal with the precise clarity and detail to quickly suck your goal into reality. Scripting fuels your goal. It surrounds your goal with the positive energy to propel it into existence. Scripting allows you to see your goal with such clarity that it has you taking the appropriate action to actualize your goal via the most effective means. Scripting allows you to effortlessly direct energy to the materialization of your desires. Just as a hydroelectric plant (such as Hoover dam) directs the flow of water to spin its turbines to produce electricity for large cities, scripting allows you to direct the appropriate resources and energy to thrust your goals into existence. The site will walk you through step-by-step on how to effectively write the code to program your own mind and thoughts to attract the people, circumstances and events, so you can live the life of your dreams. This website will provide you the knowledge to incorporate

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Practice telling the new story of how you would like your life to be


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ScriptingImagine having a magic pen that allows you to write what you desire and have it materialize before your eyes as you read it. Imagine what you’d write down with that pen knowing it will come true.

This site explains how you can be, do and have everything you desire by incorporating one of the most powerful tools in the Law of Attraction repertoire: Scripting.   

This site will show you how to write scripts that come true. Sound hard to believe? The further and further you read into this website, the more you’ll realize how scripting will change your life forever.

Scripting is one of the best kept secrets for accelerating what you want by using the Law of Attraction. 

Joe Vitale, one of the stars in the movie “The Secret,” explains in his book, “The Attractor Factor,” how he keeps a notebook full of scripts and how every single one he has written has come into reality. 

Scripting involves writing what you desire and then reading it over and over again while watching it come into your life. 

Scripting gives you the power to instantly transform yourself.

Although they are similar, scripting can be far more powerful and effective than simple affirmation techniques.

Scripting goes beyond traditional goal setting. Scripting encapsulates your goal with the precise clarity and detail to quickly suck your goal into reality.

Scripting fuels your goal. It surrounds your goal with the positive energy to propel it into existence. Scripting allows you to see your goal with such clarity that it has you taking the appropriate action to actualize your goal via the most effective means.  

Scripting allows you to effortlessly direct energy to the materialization of your desires. Just as a hydroelectric plant (such as Hoover dam) directs the flow of water to spin its turbines to produce electricity for large cities, scripting allows you to direct the appropriate resources and energy to thrust your goals into existence.

The site will walk you through step-by-step on how to effectively write the code to program your own mind and thoughts to attract the people, circumstances and events, so you can live the life of your dreams. This website will provide you the knowledge to incorporate this secret method of scripting to write and design the optimal life for yourself.

Because your current state is the result of your thoughts, both past and present, scripting allows you to reprogram your thoughts in a way that will allow you to change your current conditions and materialize your dreams. 

This site will help you to awaken the dormant powers within you through scripting, so you can achieve your desires. This tool can immediately increase your wealth, health and happiness.

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Begin right now to design your life. Take advantage of the information in this site. What you do right now will determine the rest of your life.

Law of AttractionThis site first takes you through a review or an introduction of the Law of Attraction and how it relates to scripting.

 What is scripting?Once you are familiar with the basics of the Law of Attraction, you’ll be introduced to scripting.  

Write the scriptsNext, learn to write the scripts in the most effective way, so you can tap into the Law of Attraction and be provided with everything you can imagine.

Reading scriptsOnce you’ve written your script, refer to the Reading Script section, which describes how to read and how often to read your scripts in order to maximize the impact that they’ll have on obtaining your desires.

Be an ActorAlthough writing and reading the scripts are keys to attracting what you want, you’ll need to take some inspired action and be an actor to ensure that your desire will come true.

Be a CopycatModel someone that is getting the results you’d like and incorporate their thought patterns, strategies, skills and actions into your script. This will ensure your scripts are finely tuned to deliver you your intended desire.

Hang in there!You never know how close you might be in obtaining your desire, so hang in there!  

Letting goAs you are doing everything in your power to make your script come true, you’ll want to practice letting go. 

Organizing scriptsYour scripts contain enough energy to power a large city for a lifetime. In order for you to tap into this mighty energy source, you’ll want to make sure your scripts are well organized and stored where you could read them often.

ExamplesTo get some ideas on how to write the appropriate scripts for you, view some script examples. As you learn the scripting techniques within this website and begin to apply them, you’ll be shocked to see how quickly your desires come true. 

Take advantage of learning about this powerful tool so you can attract everything you desire. Enjoy!

What is scripting?

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Imagine having a magic pen that allows you to write your life-long dream and watch it materialize before your eyes. If you had that pen, what would you write knowing that it would come true?  

The powerful technique of scripting incorporates the Law of Attraction so you can be, do and have everything you desire.  Scripting is one of the best kept secrets for accelerating what you want by using the Law of Attraction.   

Scripting involves writing what you desire as if you’ve already obtained it and then reading it over and over again while watching it be attracted into your life. Scripting allows you to program your thoughts to have, be and do what you desire. 

You might use scripting to lose weight, increase wealth, find love or for a myriad other desires. You may also want to use it to become more outgoing, smarter or funnier or overcome any fears or anxieties. You may also write a script for how you want your day to go or a particular event to go. 

 Instead of feeling like a victim to circumstances, you will be the author of your life and you will create your own circumstances.  

As stated by Buddha, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” As you read on, you’ll see how you will be able to make your world.

 How does it work?

Because everything in your life is a result of your thoughts, scripting will allow you to strategically program and arrange your thoughts in a way to attract what you desire. Being clear on what you want is the first step in invoking the Law of Attraction. One way to get clear on what you want is to create a script and read it over and over again or as needed to align your thoughts with your desire.  

Instead of leaving your thoughts to chance, which can result in inconsistent results, use scripting to tame those thoughts to channel the energy to what you desire.  

Esther & Jerry Hicks have stated in their book Ask and It is Given, “The Universe does not know or care if what you are vibrating is in response to something that you are living, or in response to something that you are imagining--in either case, the Universe will deliver it to you.”  

Scripting will be the vehicle to deliver your desire from the Universe to you. Your positive vibrations will be the fuel and your imagination will be the map.  

Because thoughts are the cause of everything in your life as explained previously in the Law of Attraction section, scripting is an effective tool to insert the appropriate thoughts into your mind, creating an indelible impression of your desires. These thoughts and the impression of your desires will send the appropriate signal out to the Universe to bring you and lead you to your intended desire.  

For example a simple script could be:

I’m so grateful that I’m a decamillionaire. Through my profitable businesses and investments, I have amassed a net worth of ten million dollars.

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I’m great at identifying wealth-building opportunities and implementing them. As a result, my wealth continues to grow at an outstanding rate.

I feel so financially secure. I’m able to travel the world!

I have time and resources to donate to charity.

Life is wonderful! I’m so happy!

Reading an effectively written script over and over again on a consistent basis with the right feeling and attitude and believing that it is true will imprint it on your mind. Once it is firmly imprinted on your mind, you’ll be able to be pulled into having that desire. You will suddenly start taking the appropriate action toward that goal and you may not even know you are taking that action. Opportunities will suddenly appear and you’ll find yourself jumping on those opportunities.  

Because you have imprinted your desire on your mind, it’ll help you believe that it will come true. Believing that your desire will come true helps you feel good and buzz with joy. When you’re buzzing with joy, believing that your desire will be manifested, you’ll take the appropriate action and you’ll watch everything line up so you can have what you desire.  

Sound too easy? It is easy. However, you still need to ensure that your actions are harmony with your script. You still need to get yourself to believe and feel that you are that person, so you can put yourself on the right frequency to receive.  

Your script alone won’t be able to materialize your desire. Your script needs the energy from your thoughts. If your thoughts contradict your script, then your actions will as well. 

You need to get yourself to believe that it is true and you need to read it with the right feeling and attitude to imprint this on your mind, which will also contribute to you believing.


Does knowledge and skill have anything to do with obtaining a particular desire?

You may already possess the necessary skills and knowledge to obtain your desire, but if you don’t, there is no need to worry. Suppose you want to score high on the SAT test. Although you feel like you know the material, you took the test once before and got really nervous and tensed up. As a result you scored low on the test. If you were to write a script that would allow you to score high and overcome your nervousness, then knowledge and skill may have little to do with you obtaining your desire, because you already possess the knowledge. The script may help you to believe that you can do it. The script may also help you acquire a couple of test-taking skills along the way. Even if you didn’t know the material, the script will help you acquire and retain the knowledge so you can score high on the test.  

Suppose you wrote a script to earn an additional $50,000 this year, but you don’t have any idea on how you will accomplish this. If you don’t have any of the skills or knowledge at the time you wrote the script, an effective script will ensure that you take the appropriate action to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge on your path to getting what you desire. 

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When you pursue your desires, it may feel like you are climbing a curvy trail.

You may only see 10 yards in front of you at any given time, but as you continue up the trail, more of the trail is revealed to you.  

Suppose you have an idea on investing in real estate to obtain the extra $50k. As you set out on your desire, you may only have knowledge to advance one step toward your goal. The first step may be going to a particular seminar or visiting a friend that is a real estate investor. Once you have taken that first step, you may only have the knowledge to advance another step and so on and so on until you materialize your desire.  

Martin Luther King Jr has said, “Take the first step in faith you don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step.” You don’t need to possess all the knowledge at the start of your journey to materialize your desire. Just take the first step. 

Many times you don’t need to preoccupy yourself with the knowledge or skills, because someone else already possesses that knowledge to help you obtain your desire. An effective script will attract the appropriate people with the knowledge or skills to assist in obtaining your desire. 

Because you believe in the script, you will emit an aura of credibility that people will be attracted to. For example, you may need capital to start a business. If you believe that your business will succeed, you will be more likely to emit that through your actions. As a result, investors will more likely give you the financing.  

Scripting helps you believe in yourself so you attract the right people with the right knowledge, skills, capital, etc. to help you on your way.  

Summary: An effectively written script will not only help you get clear on what you want, but it’ll help you believe your script is real. In addition, it’ll have you feeling and vibrating at a level where you’ll be magnetizing to you the necessary events and circumstances needed to obtain your desire. The script will help you obtain the appropriate knowledge and skills, if needed. Lastly, it will have you taking inspired action, pushing you to your intended desire. 

As you learn to use this powerful technique, you will be amazed to see your dreams come true from the magic of your pen (or keyboard).

Writing ScriptsImagine knowing how to write secret spells that would instantly change your circumstances and create your dream world. Imagine what you would do with this skill. As you read on, you will learn how to acquire this skill. But instead of incorporating magic, you will be incorporating something better-- the highest power in the universe—the Law of Attraction. 

Wayne Dyer has said, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.” 

Scripting will help you change the way you view certain things and you will be amazed to see those things change.  

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An effectively written script will inject the appropriate thoughts into your mind so you can attract your intended desire. As you read on, you’ll be taken through the script writing process so you can have scripts that will come true.  

First, you will be taught how to identify your desire. Then, you’ll learn how to write your desire. After that, you’ll learn to add the appropriate supporting detail to your desire to make it hypnotic, powerful and effective.


Identify Your Desire:

What do you desire? Whether you desire a new car, to find your true love, a raise or just to be happy, the methods you are reading on this site will get you what you want. There’s no limit to what you can have, be or do.

If you write it, you have it! 

Identifying exactly what you want is the first and most important step in writing an effective script. Knowing that you cannot fail, what do you want? What gets your blood flowing? What are your true passions in this life? Pick something that you really, truly desire. Don’t sell yourself short. Remember: You can have, be and do anything you desire. Think BIG. Pick something that truly excites you. Incorporate your passions into your scripts. Make sure your desire is aligned with your passions.

Albert Einstein has said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Use your imagination to create your script. And when it comes true, you’ll understand that imagination is more important than knowledge. 

Have fun with this. When you write with positive feelings, the energy will stay within your script, increasing its effectiveness.   

In some aspects of your life, you may not know exactly what you want. In these cases, start out by identifying what you DON’T want and then transform it into its opposite to what you DO want.  In other words, if you know what you don’t want then spin it to a positive. For example, if you wish to not be poor, change what you want to the opposite of poor, which is rich. To be specific, list the net worth and/or income you’d like to obtain. To avoid being poor you may want an income of $150,000 per year and a net worth of $1,000,000. Of course, these are just examples. The person avoiding being poor may have something different in mind, but the important thing is to change it to a positive. If we leave it as a negative, as goes the Law of Attraction, we will attract what we don’t want.  

Once you’ve identified your want or have identified what you don’t want and have spun that to its opposite, we’re ready for the next step, which is writing your desire.


Write Your Desire: 

Which one of the lines would be most effective in a script?

             I want to be a millionaire.

             I will be a millionaire.

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             I am a millionaire.

“I am a millionaire” is the best choice. It gets you thinking and believing that you’ve already obtained your desire. Because you believe you’ve already obtained your desire, you will automatically find yourself taking inspired action toward that goal.

Also, your thoughts of having what you desire will allow you to feel great, so you’ll be able to attract the circumstances and people to materialize your desire.  

The least effective is the “I want.” It reinforces that you are NOT a millionaire. It registers in your mind that because you want to be a millionaire, you must not currently be a millionaire. Your mind doesn’t need any reinforcement that you are NOT a millionaire, else as the Law of Attraction goes, you will attract more of NOT being a millionaire. In addition, the “I want” creates a longing for your desire, which reinforces the lack of it in your life. This longing corrupts the signals being sent out to the Universe. Therefore, avoid writing scripts in the I want format.  

Although the “I will” is stronger than the “I want,” it still reinforces that currently you are not yet a millionaire. Avoid writing scripts in the future tense because it gets you in the feeling of being attached to something in the future. This creates a longing for something you don’t have, which is not the right feeling you want for attracting your desire.  

Effective scripts are written in the past or present tense as if you’ve already obtained your desire. When you feel as if you’ve already received what you desire, you are sending out the right signal to attract your desire. Writing scripts in the past or present tense programs you to believe them and take the necessary action to make them true.  

Once you have written your desire as if you’ve already obtained it, then you can add the necessary supporting detail that will empower your script.


Add Supporting Details: 

After writing what you desire, your script may look like a skeleton. Put some muscle on those bones by adding supporting detail. This includes adding feeling to your scripts. It also means including the “whys” and the “hows.” This detail provides added clarity to your desire. It provides you the thoughts that get you into the feeling of believing and having your desire. Supporting detail may be specific in some areas and general in other areas.


Add feelings:

Add feelings to your script. Write out how you’d feel considering your desire has already manifested itself. 

For example, when I wrote a script to create this website, I put: “I’m feeling great and radiating with joy knowing my site had a hand in helping people obtain their dreams. Wow! It feels great to have such a positive impact on people’s lives.”  

Listing the feelings you’d have if your desire was manifested allows you to put yourself on a frequency to receive your desire. When you’re on that frequency and

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feeling as if you’ve already obtained your desire, then you accelerate that desire coming into being.  

The whole point of obtaining your desire is the payoff you’ll get from it. Even if your desire is of a noble cause, like helping other people, you still get some kind of sense of payoff from it. So list those feelings in your script.   

To attract what you want, it’s important to feel good, so you can send a powerful signal and attract your desire. Every script should be worded in a way that’s going to make you feel good.

The Whys:

Now that you’ve identified your desire, ask yourself, “Why do I want this?” When you consciously know why you desire something, you’ll be more apt to acquire it. 

Philip Humbert wrote, "If you have enough why's, you'll find a way. We reach goals that excite us, that stimulate our imaginations. We reach goals that are vital to our health, our family and our future. Find lots of reasons! When it's important enough, you'll make it happen.” 

Lynn Grabhorn in her book, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, wrote, “the ‘what’ defines, but it’s the ‘whys’ that charge your batteries and start the juices running. As you think about all the ‘whys’ of wanting something you really began to latch onto it in feeling; you get more turned on and passionate.”  

Harrison Loke wrote, “If you have the enough WHY to do something, your mind and body will take action automatically!”  

For example, if you desire to be a millionaire and your reason is to have financial freedom, then describe that in your script. If you want to be a millionaire because you don’t like the feelings of insecurity of being poor, then incorporate in your script that you feel financially secure for being a millionaire. (Note: if your why is a negative, make sure you change it to a positive as we did above.) 

You may want to become a millionaire so you can have the resources to help a particular charitable cause. If that’s one of your reasons, then put that in your script. For whatever reason why you want your desire to come true list it in your script. This will increase your script’s magnetic power to attract your desire.


Consider replacing your Goal with the WHY

When you are determining the Whys for your goal, you may discover that your Why is actually your true goal and your true goal is actually just a How. In that case, you may want to discard your original goal because it is a How to your goal and replace it with your Why, which is actually your true desire.  

For example, suppose you want to earn a six-figure salary for the primary purpose of moving into a house on a bigger (1 acre) lot. In this case, you may wish to replace your goal of earning a six-figure salary with your Why of moving into a house on a 1-acre lot.  

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Moving this focus to the 1-acre lot will allow the Universe the flexibility to offer you different ways to move into the 1-acre lot. Therefore, it won’t limit you to only one way of moving into a bigger lot. For example, you may achieve moving into a bigger lot by getting a job transfer to a city with lower real estate prices. Or, you may find a foreclosed home at an extremely discounted price that you can afford. The Universe could provide you with various means to that end. But if your focus is only on an increased salary to get your 1-acre lot, then you may unintentionally create a bottleneck. As you focus on your end, the Universe will provide you with the most effective means. 

Therefore, in cases like this, consider making your Why your objective and discarding altogether your original goal, which proved to be a How.  However, if you have many reasons on why you want to earn a six-figure salary, then you may want to keep that objective. Of course, be sure to list all the reasons Why to make it more effective.

 The Hows:  

Once you have your script written with your desire(s), have added supporting detail, including feelings and the Whys, then consider adding some content on How you will accomplish your desire.  

Wayne Dyer has said, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” The Hows make sure you’re happy on your path to your objective.  The Hows will describe the kind of ride you’d like to take on your way to your destination. The Hows allow you to define the experience you want along the way. 

Suppose you want to become a millionaire and you really enjoy investing in real estate. Then consider putting in your script that you became a millionaire investing in real estate. If you want to become a millionaire with a business that helps the environment, then include that in your script.  

Suppose you want to start your own business, but you don’t want to be so busy that you don’t have time for anything else. Then you might put a statement in your script that your business only requires you to work four hours a day.  

Remember: You’re the author of your life. Make the journey to your desire fun!

Be cautioned that when you include a How, you are narrowing down the many paths that lead to your desire.  The Hows allow you to choose the path to your objective. You may want to leave some Hows out and use more generalities in your scripts.

For example, if you want to meet your life-long partner, then you may be tempted to put something in your script like you met this person on the Internet. Being this specific on the Hows may be limiting yourself to only one path to meeting your partner. Sometimes it’s better to allow the Universe to provide you the most effective path. Perhaps you bump into your future partner at the grocery store, but you don’t even recognize it because you plan to meet your future partner on the Internet. In cases like this, leave it open to the Universe to determine the Hows. 

When writing scripts, be specific in areas where you need to be specific but leave some things pretty general.  

When writing the Hows, imagine how you’d like to see yourself achieving the result. Then write as if you’ve already achieved your result and how you did it. If you want to grow wealth, how would you like to do it?

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 How long should my script be?

You want it long enough to capture the necessary supporting detail, but not so long that it puts you to sleep when you read it. For many people, it could be anywhere from one paragraph to two pages.  

Be concise. Eliminate any unnecessary redundancies within your script.  

If it’s too long, determine if there are multiple themes within your script that you can divide into smaller scripts.  Splitting it into smaller scripts will make it easier for you to read the script, while keeping your focus.

 Script presentation:

To give your script some flare, consider experimenting with different fonts or

increasing the font size. Consider doing ALL CAPS, bold or italics for emphasis. Add a little color.  

Divide it into multiple paragraphs. 

The point is to make it more impactful, so it can impress these thoughts on your mind. Don’t overdo it though, as I may have overdone it for this paragraph. Give it a great presentation so it captures your attention so you can visualize your desire.

 In conclusion:

Your script should motivate and excite you. Once you have your script written, then you’ll read your script to summon the powers from the Universe. You’ll be amazed as it comes true. 

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Reading your scriptsRead it! When reading your script, dedicate your full attention to your scripts. Focus on each word and visualize your desire and what the script is describing. Eliminate any distractions or anxieties as you read the script.

Read it in a way where you feel good as you read it. As you read it, picture yourself in that role. See your desire fulfilled. 

As you read it, apply images to the words in your scripts to enhance its effectiveness. The script will not only be imprinted on your mind, but the corresponding images that you create as you read the script will be painted on your mind as well.

Seeing images while reading your script is an important step because a picture can paint a thousand words. 

While reading it, believe and imagine that your desire has already come true. Utilize as many senses as you can while reading your scripts. If it is a new car you desire, imagine the smell of the car as you read the script. Hear the sound of the engine. Feel the steering wheel. 

Feel it. See it. Touch it. Smell it.  Use as many senses as applicable. Once you really sense it, you’ll soon see your desire materialize.  


How often should you read your script?

For best results, consider reading your script once in the evening (right before going to bed) and once in the morning.  

Put your brain to work at night while you’re asleep. Reading your script right before bedtime encourages your brain to work the night shift in pursuit of your desire. Through out the night, your mind will be working and sending the appropriate signals out to the Universe to set the path for you to obtain your intended desire.  

It allows your thoughts to query the Universe for the necessary circumstances in creating your desire--all while you’re asleep. 

Each time you read your script, you reprint your desire over the previous print. This reprinting covers up any blurriness or fading from the previous time you read it.  

During the day, your mind processes thousands of thoughts. These thoughts may corrupt your script’s print on your brain. By the time you go to bed, you’ll want to read your script to repaint it on your mind, allowing it to work efficiently for you during the night. 

Start out your day with magic potion. Reading the script is the magic potion to magnetize to you the appropriate circumstances for obtaining your desire. By reading your script in the morning, you begin your day with your desire at the foremost of your mind. It puts your desire on the front burner. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and gets you on the frequency of attracting your desire.    

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Tune your scripts.  Each time you read your scripts, tune them as you go. Make any modifications or enhancements. If you read a printed version, keep a pen next to your script, so can make any modifications or additions. Later, you can update your electronic copy and print a new version. As you’re reading your scripts, use it as an opportunity to find corrections and improvements, which will increase the effectiveness of your scripts.  

Although reading your well-tuned scripts as described above will help you attract your desire, you can still do more to accelerate your desire.

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Be an actor! 

Go for a Grammy! It’s possible that at first your desire may seem far fetched to you. To help yourself believe, start acting like you are the person in the script. You wrote the script to this movie. Now it’s time for you to be the actor. You are also the director of this movie--so get yourself to act! 

Although reading an effective script is the key to attracting your desire, it’s important to take the appropriate actions to position yourself to receive your desire. Once your desire has been imprinted on your mind with the corresponding images, it’s time to do your part and take inspired action.  

Suppose you desire to be a multimillionaire. Get yourself into that role. Start acting like you are that multimillionaire in the script you wrote. That probably doesn’t mean going on a shopping spree, but it may mean that you take action to acquire wealth as a millionaire would. 

Suppose you want to be a multimillionaire because you want to be able to go on shopping sprees. In this case, you should go on that shopping spree, but don’t actually purchase anything. You might try on clothes or sit in that new boat you’d like to buy, but you don’t need to actually buy anything. Just get yourself into that feeling of receiving those things.  

Suppose you want to be a multimillionare to buy your dream home. Consider designing your dream home now. Find the neighborhood where you’d like to buy it or build it. Imagine you own it. Take a tour of a similar home. Get yourself into that role of acting and believing you own it.   

Joe Vitale wrote in his book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: “If you want to change your nature, start acting in a new way. At first it may seem awkward, as if you are truly acting. After a while it will become second nature, and everyone will assume you were born that way.” 

Suppose you want to be a great public speaker. When you stand in front of a group to speak, act like you are that great speaker. Do it with the same confidence. It may feel like acting at first, but when you do it enough, it will be nature.  

Suppose you want to be the CEO of the company. Start acting like a CEO. Walk, dress and think like a CEO. Soon you will be promoted and on your way.  

Although reading the script will cause you to take action, as the director of your movie, you need to get yourself (the actor) to play the part. Take action! Do it now. What you do today, will decide your future.   

What else can you do? After writing, reading and acting out your script, some additional steps can be implemented to ensure you acquire your desire.

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Be a Copycat 

Be a copycat! Find someone who is obtaining the results you’d like and copy their thoughts into your mind. How do you do this? Use the technique of modeling in parallel with scripting.  

Modeling involves the following steps:

1)    Find someone who’s already getting the results you want.

2)    Find out what that person is thinking and doing.

3)    Do and think the same way and you’ll get the same results.

As you model someone, take what you learn from them and apply it to your intended script.

Look for opportunities to pick their brain, to understand their way of thinking. This process works best if the person is cooperative in helping you. However, just by listening to potential “models” on the radio or TV or reading their material, you can gain needed insight for your scripts.  

By examining the person’s thoughts, actions, strategies and then incorporating them into your scripts, it will ensure your scripts are finely tuned to deliver you your intended desire. 

It’s like taking a software program someone has built to achieve a specific result and who wants to share it with you. By all means if it’s a trusted program, accept the copy and install it, so you can achieve the intended outcome. 

Obviously, being a “copycat” does not mean copying anything unethically or illegally and calling it your own. It means getting the person to share with you her strategies, ways of thinking and anything else of importance to achieve your desire. Take that info and incorporate it into your script. This will ensure that your script is cocked and loaded.  

Suppose you have a script that is not yielding the right results. Maybe there is something in the script that’s contradictory to your intended desire. Or maybe your script is lacking in the needed detail to accomplish your desire.  

For example, suppose you want to deliver a powerful speech, but in your mind and in your script you don’t have much of an idea on what a powerful speech means. Well, if you model someone who delivers powerful speeches and incorporate specifically what they do and think into your script, you’ll make your script effective, which will make you a great orator.  

In conclusion, to increase the effectiveness of your scripts, use the technique of modeling and copy the relevant thought patterns from your model into your scripts. Once you start doing this, there is no stopping you. You’ll really start to believe in your boundless and infinite potential. You’ll accomplish everything you set out to do.

Hang in there!

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Don’t give up. You never know how close you might be in obtaining your desire.  

"Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up." Anonymous.  

You never know how close you really are. Around the next corner could be the materialization of your desire. Don’t give up. Keep going. Stay the course. Watch, it’ll materialize. Suppose you are far away from your desire. It’s better you don’t know how far away you are, because if you did, you might be more inclined to quit.

Stay the course. Persist with inspired action. You’ll attract it!

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Letting go 

What next? You’ve wrote a stupendous script. You’re effectively reading and acting out the script. Now what?  

Let go!  

Joe Vitale wrote in his book The Attractor Factor: “When you want something, but can live without having it, you have upped the odds of your having it. This is one of the ironies of life. As long as you are playfully desiring something, but not addicted to your having it, the Universe will most likely quickly bring it to you. But as soon as you say, “I must have this,” you begin to push it away. Why? Because you are sending out an energy to repel what you say you want. Because you are focused on need and not in the moment. Because you haven’t learned the ultimate secret, Let Go.” 

Letting go means eliminating any feelings of anxiousness, stress, neediness or worry regarding your desire. These feelings cause you to vibrate on the wrong frequency.  

Letting go does NOT mean giving up. You’re still doing your part. You’re still taking inspired action.  

Oprah Winfrey has said, “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” 

When you let go, you’re enjoying the present moment. You don’t depend on your desire’s outcome for your present happiness.  

Don’t force it!  If you become too attached to the outcome, you might feel like you need to force it. This could result in damaging consequences. For example, have you ever tried to force a screw into an incorrect slot that is too small? You end up stripping the screw or perhaps ruining the slot. Being too attached may cause you to force things, which will have detrimental effects toward obtaining your desire.  

Forcing it is uninspired. It’s action taken out of desperation. It’s action taken when you’re in a hurry. It’s action taken when you’re angry, upset, stressed, etc. It’s action taken with negative feelings. When you force it, you emit the wrong frequency and attract the wrong results.  

Let go. Don’t force things. It will happen.  

The Universe will grant you your desire or something better. Some of your desires are better for you NOT fulfilled.  

You could probably think of a situation where you wanted something really bad and didn’t get it—and now looking back, you are grateful that you didn’t obtain your desire.  

For example, a guy really believed he was in love with his girlfriend and truly wanted to marry her. However, she dumped him. Several years later, after he fully recovered from her, he attracted a beautiful woman into his life and married her. He is extremely happy with his wife and is thankful that he didn’t marry the first girl. Things happen for a reason. Let go and let the Universe see the bigger picture.   

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Some desires, if fulfilled, will actually prevent you from obtaining some of your higher-level desires. You may not even be consciously aware of these higher-level desires. It may be some future desire. The Universe sees the future. Letting go allows the Universe to fulfill your higher desires, even if it means some of your lower desires are not fulfilled.  

Let go. Keep in mind that if you don’t obtain some of your desires, it’s for your good. The Universe will give you something better.  

Let go and let the Universe grant you your desire or provide you something better. 

Be grateful for your failures. Failures are the stepping stones in achieving your ultimate desires. If it doesn’t happen, then there’s something higher and better for you.  

Everything that exists or happens is favorable to you in someway. Identifying the favorability in that which you observe or experience will not only provide you with immediate joy, but will lead you to everything you desire. 

Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents and I lay them both at his feet.” 

In conclusion, when you become too attached to your desire, you send out the wrong signal. Let go of your attachment, but continue to take inspired action. If it doesn’t happen, it’s for your benefit in the long-run.  

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Organizing your scriptsYour scripts may contain enough energy to power the city of Las Vegas for a lifetime.

In order for you to tap into this mighty energy source, you’ll want to make sure your scripts are well organized and stored where you could read them often. 

Like many of us, you probably wrote your scripts using a word processor. Consider printing them out and placing them in a three-ring binder.  

Keep the binder near your bed. This way you can easily read them in the evening and have this energy work for you during the night. When you wake up, you can read them in the morning to invoke the powers to work for you through out the day.

Keep a pen near your bed or within the binder so you can easily edit and modify your scripts, which you can later enter in the word processor.  

Multiply this energy. Feel free to make multiple copies and strategically place these where you can easily read them. You may want to hang up certain scripts near your work area or somewhere that you can refer to often.  

Because you may print various copies that are strategically placed, you may want to include a Last Updated date at the bottom of the page in a footer. This way you will be sure you have the right version when reading or editing your scripts.  

Your scripts are powerful sources of energy. Ensure you organize and place them to where you can continuously funnel that energy into the materialization of your desires.

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You can use scripts to make any desire you have come true. You can use scripts to attract a new car. Get a better job. Build wealth. Improve health. Cure your sicknesses. Change a personality trait. Overcome any phobias, such as public speaking. Improve skills. Gain knowledge. And so on and so on. 

Want to see a few examples? 

Happiness script: 

I’m extremely happy! My joyfulness radiates from me in all directions. I have everything I desire in this life and I’m on track to have everything I will desire. I do activities that bring me joy and I bring joy to everything I do. 

I seek to be happy now, while staying in harmony with everyone and everything. I seek to maximize my level of joy. I understand that happiness is the way, not the destination. 

No matter what it is I’m doing, I’m always enjoying the moment to the fullest. I’m always buzzing with joy. Positive thoughts and energy thrive within my mind and it shows through my physiology and my actions. My thoughts determine my happiness. Because I control my thoughts, I control my happiness. No matter what’s thrown at me, I process it in a way that keeps me buzzing with joy. 

I have no regrets. I make every decision the right decision. What some consider a mistake, I consider a learning opportunity. No matter what the circumstance or situation, I spin it to my favor.  

Everything that exists or happens in my life is favorable to me in some way.  Because I always identify the favorability in that which I observe and experience, I’m not only reaping immediate joy, but I’m being led to everything I desire.  

If ever I’m challenged to find favorability in an unpleasant situation, at the very least, I’ll use that moment as the needed contrast to make joyful moments more pronounced.  I’m in the present. I’m feeling great! If unwanted past memories ever show up, I alter them to my favor. I row my boat gently and merrily down the stream. No matter what happens, I know that life is but a dream. 

I’m unattached to any outcome. Although I may have a certain outcome in mind, I enjoy the process. And whatever happens, I accept it as optimal for me, especially in the long-run. I remain happy regardless of what others think, such as their opinions of me or their opinions of my actions, interests or beliefs.  

I do activities that make me happy. I enjoy getting out of my comfort zone, so I can test my skills and discover new ones. I seek adventure, the unknown, being on the edge and, most importantly, spending joyful time with friends and family.  

I choose activities that I want to do and I avoid doing things just because others want me to do them or expect me to do them. 

I’m constantly checking the level of my joy to ensure that levels remain high. I often take moments to think of everything I’m grateful for, which push my levels of joy even higher. Because I have a high-degree of joyfulness, I’m vibrating at the

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frequency to receive that which I desire.  When it all comes down to it, the most important thing in life is being happy—and I certainly am.

  Millionaire Script: I’m so grateful that I’m a decamillionaire. I have a knack for identifying and implementing autonomous wealth-building systems that use other people’s time and money. I have set up numerous wealth-generating systems, which have built me a net worth of over 10 million dollars. My wealth continues to grow at an outstanding rate. 

When I set up a wealth-making system that works, I expand or implement more. When it works on a small scale, I find a way to implement it on a large scale, so it can accelerate growth. 

Because my systems are autonomous, I have freedom to go and do anything I desire, while my systems continue to build wealth. I enjoy what I do and have plenty of time during the day to pursue non-business activities and interests. Because many of my business deals involve residual income and require little maintenance on my part, it allows us to earn money while I’m snorkeling in the Caribbean. I vacation with my family often to exotic places around the world. Sometimes I choose to combine business with vacations and visa versa. 

I make many business decisions based on deals that are of noble cause, such as helping the environment and helping people. Also, I tend to set income-producing systems that pertain to my hobbies and interests. 

Although I have competent and capable people who manage my businesses, I get involved to some degree to ensure profits remain high. I’m also involved with strategic initiatives to grow and expand my businesses and start new ones.  

I find wealth opportunities by talking with people and networking. I have contacts in various markets who are always presenting me with business opportunities and profitable investments. I partner or pay my contacts well, so it’s not surprising that they continuously supply me with lucrative deals.  

When I identify a feasible deal, I find a way to execute it, even if I may be unclear on how to proceed. Many times I use consultants and advisors to facilitate the implementation. I have very good mentors that have helped me along the way. I also have a few protégées.

I think big. So big, that many people pass up these types of deals.

By using my creativity I’ve created wealth-generating systems that no one would have thought of or considered possible. I’ve been able to reap substantial profits by pulling off deals that have inherent problems, which others shy away from. I’ve developed profitable systems that fill a unique market niche. Many times, I find opportunities when a given market is down. In addition, when people make mistakes, I find great investment opportunities. 

Because of my excellent communication skills and credit qualifications, I easily secure funding for my investments. Once the money-making system is set up, my interpersonal and leadership skills help propel the system in an autonomous and effective way.  

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For some of my liquid assets, I buy stocks that substantially beat the market. I make sure our assets are always working effectively. I’m always using my creativity to identify opportunities to reduce costs or increase revenues. 

Although I’m leveraged in many of my business dealings, cash flow is high and risk is relatively low. I incorporate various tools, methods and risk products (such as insurance) to reduce the risk. I’ve protected my businesses by setting up legal entities, such as LLCs and corporations. I consult with the best tax professionals and incorporate strategies to minimize taxes in both the short- and long-terms. 

Although rare, if one of my wealth systems ever becomes hurt, I have substantial buffers (liquid assets) positioned in various key areas that can be easily tapped to repair or maintain a hurt system. If the system is not worthy to keep, I may sell the system and use the money for another investment. Because I’m well diversified, if I do happen to lose a system, the impact to my overall portfolio is minimal. My systems are set up so if one crashes, it won’t bring down other interrelated systems.  

Because I’m always honest in everything I do, I’ve established a really good reputation in the business community. I’ve worked my way into the political inner circles of the groups that pertain to my interests.  

Once I establish a wealth system, I make sure to share opportunities with friends and family, so they can capitalize as well and visa versa.  

I feel so financially secure.I have time and resources to donate to charity. Life is wonderful! I’m so happy!

Life Manager Script:   I’m my own life manager and an extraordinary one at that. My role as a life manager is to optimize my happiness and to manage my life in a way that I have everything I could possibly want. 

I effectively utilize various tools to better my life, including scripting, visualization, neuro-linguistic programming, dream boards and any other tool or method to program my thoughts. 

I’m continually writing new scripts and improving my current ones. As a result, I’ve created the life of my dreams. I habitually read my scripts, believing that I’m the person in those scripts. Consequently, I find it easy to act in parallel with what is written in my scripts. For some of the content, it may feel like acting at first, but soon it becomes habitual and feels natural. Because I do everything in my part to make those scripts come true, I’ve gotten rapid results.   

I enjoy getting out of my comfort zone to test my skills. I continually seek out the unknown and push my limits. I get myself to take intelligent risks, especially when dealing with people, because I understand that “no risk, no return.” 

I view apparent difficulties as challenges or opportunities. When I make an apparent suboptimal decision, I learn from it and move on. I ensure that I maintain the right balance in life to optimize my happiness. I program myself to believe in my boundless and infinite potential. As a result, I operate without limits.  Because of my effectiveness of a life manager, I’ve seen phenomenal success. I’m living my dreams!

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Scripting Miracles

(This is the Scripting story I promised Martha in the Pray Rain Journaling post:)

Once upon a time I was in a lifeless job and dead end relationship. The only love I had in life was volunteering as a foster mom for animal rescue groups.

But my misery in my work and love life bled into my passion, which soon contributed to my first (and I like to think only) nervous breakdown.

For various reasons I'll spare you details on, I had eight big dogs in my 850 sq ft house. EIGHT. That's a lot of canines. (I also had cats and a boyfriend. It was a full house.) Sometimes that might sound fun, but after three months it was NOT. Five dogs were up for adoption, and I was breaking new records in the rescue community for length of time without an adoption.

Every weekend we hauled dogs to the adoption fair, and every weekend they came back home.

To my overcrowded unhappy home.

One hot August day I was scooping poop in the backyard when I realized I couldn't scoop poop any more, because there was no grass left. (I loved grass. And it was gone because of the high dog traffic in the hot summer.) The poop wouldn't scoop. It just rolled along in the dirt as I tried to scoop it. It was my breaking point.

I threw the pooper scooper in one direction (it landed on the garage roof) and the bag of poop in another (landed in the neighbor's bushes), and I went to bed for four days.

Which is when I read Adrian Calabrese's "How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted."

Now this girl was truly strange. She wanted me to set up sacred space and burn incense and weird stuff like that. It was very "out there" to me.

But before I could put the book away, I knew I would have to do at least one thing in it. Just to say that I did.

The least strange thing was Scripting.

Where you talk out loud about what you want as if you already have it.

So I did that. I came out of the bedroom Thursday night. I said to my boyfriend, "This is going to sound crazy. But just listen."

(He had seen my poop flinging moment four days prior and knew I was hanging on to a very thin rope. He didn't say a word.)I started "scripting."

"Isn't it great how Jeff"(our hardest to adopt dog - I didn't name him, by the way) ... "Isn't it great how Jeff got adopted by that nice couple. That husband and wife. Who have two kids. And a dog. A dog for Jeff to play with. And how they live nearby."

(This story chokes me up every time I tell it.)

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"They live nearby, so we can visit him whenever we want. And they have plenty of money, so we know they'll take care of whatever needs he has."

"Yeah, isn't that great?"

It was a fairly lifeless script.

But from the dark place I was coming from, it was the best I could do. It was two minutes tops.

I went back to bed.

Saturday morning Verrall drove the dogs back to the same adoption fair he'd been taking them for the past three months.

An hour later we got a phone call from Trish, who ran the event. "You guys have to get over here RIGHT NOW."

I was sick. I knew the only reason they call that early is because your dog is either sick, misbehaving, or there's no room for him. No one gets adopted that fast. And I needed them to be there all weekend. I couldn't make it another week with these dogs. I knew it. I didn't have it in me.

SOMEONE needed to get adopted. It just wasn't optional that we go another week without an adoption.

But Trish went on ...

"There are two families over here fighting over Jeff. And I don't know who to give him to!!!!"

Okay, that didn't compute. I didn't understand. This had never happened.

Verrall drove us to the adoption fair. I walked in. There stood two families on either side of Jeff. Two couples, with their two kids, and their one dog. I read their applications. Perfect. You know how often that happens? Never.

We usually have to take a dozen apps before we find someone we'd even consider adopting to. And this was two perfect apps within one hour of the first day of the adoption fair!

I handed the paperwork back, turned around, and went back to sit in the car. I was in a stupor. I couldn't believe it.

It was just like I said. TWICE. Two families! With their two kids! And their dog!! Living close by!!

It had happened! Jeff, whom no one ever even LOOKED at in the three prior months, was being argued over by two perfect families!!

And the next day Oakley got adopted, too. To an absolutely amazing guy with the patience of a saint who owned a crazy dog who needed a crazy friend.

Two adoptions in one weekend after a three month dry spell!!

I doubt you can imagine my relief.

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Scripting. I was hooked!

From that moment on, I read everything I could get my hands on about law of attraction. Which wasn't much back then. I didn't even know that's what it was called. (This was before "The Secret" and "Ask And It Is Given.")

And I couldn't stop talking about it. Anyone talked to me about their problem, I was telling them about this great thing I just learned.

And I've been talking ever since.

Talked my way right out of that miserable job, unhappy relationship, financial fears ... and more.

Our words create our world.

Are you paying attention to what you're saying? Are you choosing your words deliberately? Are you talking about what you want?

When you do that, especially when you talk about what you want as if you already have it - miracles happen.

What are you creating with your words today?

To this day, I don't get out of the shower without thanking angels in advance for what I want as if it were already here. Shower is a safe place to speak it out loud so no one thinks you're crazy. Plus, doing it with gratitude - that's a good vibe. And then you add the water element, which amplifies energy - that's a powerful practice.

I highly recommend it. :)

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Scripting ExampleWhile on vacation on The Disney Cruise, I, along with my family took a tour by boat to a small resort island. As we approached, I was awestruck by its beauty. I knew this was going to be fun, but had no idea that this place would be forever etched in my mind. Two natives dressed in brightly colored tropical shirts, white pants and shoes greeted us at the dock. They were also wearing smiles just as bright. They escorted us to an open-air type restaurant with a thatched roof that was actually attached to the pier at which we docked The restaurant had a casual atmosphere that made us feel very comfortable. The food was served buffet style, with an elegant array of Bahamian and American cuisine.

The entertainment during and after the buffet was delightful. A ten minute introduction to the Bahamian culture was followed by an intriguing native dance, performed by a man dressed in an authentic looking costume consisting of only a rawhide g-string with a short apron front. His sandals had leather cords winding halfway up his legs. This dance depicted a story of a hunter and his prey. A woman who was also in costume narrated it. Brightly dressed Bahamian men were beating drums and banging sticks providing the sound effects for the story. This was truly a great beginning to a wonderful afternoon. Behind the restaurant was a private beach area, accessible by walking trails only. We walked one of these trails, observing the brightly colored tropical plants and trees that flourished o...

While on vacation on The Disney Cruise, I, along with my family took a tour by boat to a small resort island. As we approached, I was awestruck by its beauty. I knew this was going to be fun, but had no idea that this place would be forever etched in my mind. Two natives dressed in brightly colored tropical shirts, white pants and shoes greeted us at the dock. They were also wearing smiles just as bright. They escorted us to an open-air type restaurant with a thatched roof that was actually attached to the pier at which we docked The restaurant had a casual atmosphere that made us feel very comfortable. The food was served buffet style, with an elegant array of Bahamian and American cuisine. The entertainment during and after the buffet was delightful. A ten minute introduction to the Bahamian culture was followed by an intriguing native dance, performed by a man dressed in an authentic looking costume consisting of only a rawhide g-string with a short apron front. His sandals had leather cords winding halfway up his legs. This dance depicted a story of a hunter and his prey. A woman who was also in costume narrated it. Brightly dressed Bahamian men were beating drums and banging sticks providing the sound effects for the story. This was truly a great beginning to a wonderful afternoon.

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Behind the restaurant was a private beach area, accessible by walking trails only. We walked one of these trails, observing the brightly colored tropical plants and trees that flourished o...