script. the cell cycle

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  • 8/2/2019 SCRIPT. the Cell Cycle



    Script Version 1

    Lydia Caplan

  • 8/2/2019 SCRIPT. the Cell Cycle


    Opening Credits.


    The slow and mesmerising soundtrack begins.

    FADE IN and ZOOMinto a glowing object from the distance.

    Narrator (V.O.)

    Cells. There are 10 trillion cells that make up a human body. Each cell

    contains DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the genetic information

    necessary for controlling all cellular activities. There are two main types

    of cells called the eukaryotic cell and the prokaryotic cell.

    Most eukaryotic cells follow a process of growth and division called the cell

    cycle. The cell cycle has 2 key stages, interphase and the Mitotic Phase. The

    interphase consists of G1, S and G2. In the G1 stage normal cell functions

    occur and growth begins. In the S stage DNA synthesis occurs, making two

    copies of chromosomes. G2 prepares the cell for Mitosis in which the

    chromosomes will divide into two genetically identical cells.

    LONG SHOT one single cell is rotating and pulsing slowly.

    CLOSE UP and PAN passing through the cell portraying the cells inner

    structure, before exiting through the opposing side.

    BACKGROUND slowly transforms from a pitch black into an array of blurred

    blues, purples and turquoises.

    CAMERA LENSE FOCUSING hundreds of cells can be seen drifting and pulsing

    through the confined inner space.


    STILL, focusing on the movement of the cells.

    ZOOM INTO cell and pass through the opposing side of the cell, blurring the

    surrounding cells into colours and glows/lights.

    Narration (V.O.)

    Once the cell is ready Mitosis occurs. Mitosis has 4 major phases; Prophase,

    Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase.

    In the first phase, Prophase, Chromosomes become more visible and condense

    becoming shorter and thicker. Each single copy of the chromosome is called a

    sister chromatid and they exist in the nuclear envelopes. The nuclear

    envelope breaks down. Spindle fibres form as microtubules grow out of

    centrioles. The centrioles then progress to opposite poles of the cell.

    In the next phase, Metaphase, the double stranded Chromosomes line up along

    the equator of the cell preparing to divide. At this moment the spindle fibre

    is fully formed and attached to the microtubules and each individual sister


    In Anaphase the Chromosomes are divided and move away via its spindle fibre.

  • 8/2/2019 SCRIPT. the Cell Cycle


    In the fourth and final phase in Mitosis, Telophase, the Chromosomes reach

    the opposite end of the cell and develop a new nuclear envelope around the

    chromosomes. It is now when the chromosomes uncoil and the spindle vanishes.

    MS, CU, XCU, CAMERA ROTATES, PANS, ZOOMS accordingly to the process of the

    cell cycle and mitosis.

    Narration (V.O.)

    Finally when Cytokinesis occurs the cytoplasm separates and the cells divide

    into two genetically identical structures. Cell division is complete.

    The cells slowly separate and remain still.

    MS. CAMERAremains STILL, focusing on the two separated cells and their


    PANS OUT slowly and the frame begins to fill with pulsing/drifting cells.

    FULL ZOOM OUT millions of cells can be seen; the lighting is shimmered across

    the cells.

