screen shots of draft three trailer

Screen shots of draft three trailer Lauren fitzsimons

Upload: laurenfitzsimons

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Screen shots of draft three trailer

Screen shots of draft three trailer

Lauren fitzsimons

Page 2: Screen shots of draft three trailer

Here I have added inserts from live type this is put in place for the title and the release date.

Inserts of CCTV static are added in the middle to add suspense.

Inserts of selective pieces of video have been added to tell the contents of the story.

By adding black inserts this makes the action quicken this is seen in the trailer to the ride 13.

Page 3: Screen shots of draft three trailer

This is a selective piece of video and here I have added a effect on it because the tones are deeper and the make – up look very effective.

This part of filming will be added in to give more context I only noticed I needed this when I watched my trailer back.

Here I have tried still photos and these I edited in Photoshop when I watched this back I decided that I didn’t like this idea.

Page 4: Screen shots of draft three trailer

Here I have added the live type inserts into this trailer to tell the story line quicker as 2 minutes isn’t enough time for the whole story.

Here I have added video because it looks professional to have old style video. Lobotomy videos have also been used to show inside the mental home.

Page 5: Screen shots of draft three trailer

Here I have started to add sound this one is child whispers to show the viewer that the patients can hear the voices inside their head.

A range of camera angles and shots have been used like this one which is a extreme close up.

Page 6: Screen shots of draft three trailer

Transitions such as fade to black have been added here so the overall viewing is smoother.

Here I have added sound effects and music to add dramatic effect. Music using church bells have been used.