screen shots


Upload: alexandralouisebooth

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Screen shot 1 is of Columbia pictures, Columbia pictures is an American film production and film distribution company. Screen shot 2 is of Ghost House Pictures, the logo of the company is quite horror like, the colours are dark which creates a dark tone. Also there is a keyhole, which leads to a skull this creates the general feel towards the film. Screen shot 3 is a black background with text over the top; the text gives an insight into the film in a non-distracting way. The text gives the audience a hint into what the film is going to entail without giving the story line away. Screen shot 4 is a point of view shot of a woman’s boyfriend who has just killed him self, the woman is looking down at the man in shock, this gives the effect that the man could be under the curse which is hinted at in screen shot 3. Screen shot 5 is the title sequence of the actors names, the first name is Sarah Michelle Gellar, this shows that she is one of the main actors and characters in the film, the red colour in the name shows is a typical convention of horror symbolising blood and gore. Screen shot six shows blood and hair, hair is one of the main features in the film, and this shows the audience that from this screen shot. Screen shot 7 is still using the blood background but shows the title of the film which is the opposite to the black background with red writing In screen shot 5. Screen shot 8 shows the actual leading force of the film, the character that brings the curse and kills. This is shocking and brings fear straight into the film. The final screen shot is of Sarah Michelle Gellar, showing that she is a main character by putting her right in the beginning of the film.