
Department of Sociology and Social Policy Sociological Theory SCLG 2601 Semester One, 2007 Coordinator: Dr Craig Browne 166 R. C. Mills Building Telephone: 9351-2665 Fax: 9036 9380 [email protected] Lecture: Wednesday 2-4 Carslaw Lecture Theatre 157 This unit of study introduces students to key themes and debates in Sociological Theory. It aims to foster a critical appreciation of the contribution of both classical and contemporary sociological theory. Sociological theory is a challenging and rewarding area of study. Knowledge gained from this unit has a broad range of applications. It should inform all of your future research in sociology, providing a basis for developing complex modes of analysis. Students will acquire a better understanding of the history of the discipline of sociology, the controversies that have shaped its outlook and emerging themes in sociological theory. The first half of the unit examines classical sociological theory and draws you into recent debates over the foundations of the discipline of sociology. These disputes demonstrate that classical sociological theories are not only of ‘historical interest’; there is a great deal to be learnt from looking at the way the discipline of sociology took shape. Accordingly, a week is devoted to the work of each of the most influential classical sociological theorists: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel and George Herbert Mead.

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Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Sociological Theory

SCLG 2601 Semester One, 2007

Coordinator: Dr Craig Browne 166 R. C. Mills Building Telephone: 9351-2665 Fax: 9036 9380 [email protected] Lecture: Wednesday 2-4 Carslaw Lecture Theatre 157

This unit of study introduces students to key themes and debates in Sociological Theory. It aims to foster a critical appreciation of the contribution of both classical and contemporary sociological theory. Sociological theory is a challenging and rewarding area of study. Knowledge gained from this unit has a broad range of applications. It should inform all of your future research in sociology, providing a basis for developing complex modes of analysis.

Students will acquire a better understanding of the history of the discipline

of sociology, the controversies that have shaped its outlook and emerging themes in sociological theory.

The first half of the unit examines classical sociological theory and draws

you into recent debates over the foundations of the discipline of sociology. These disputes demonstrate that classical sociological theories are not only of ‘historical interest’; there is a great deal to be learnt from looking at the way the discipline of sociology took shape. Accordingly, a week is devoted to the work of each of the most influential classical sociological theorists: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel and George Herbert Mead.

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We then move on to later developments in sociological theory, engaging

with several influential approaches, like post-war feminist theory, structural functionalism, phenomenological sociology, ethnomethodology, Michel Foucault’s writings, and the work of Pierre Bourdieu. We will outline the difference between frameworks that stress how the institutional structures of society are independent of social actors and those approaches that accentuate the role of social action. The criticisms of this division in sociological theory have resulted in various attempts to either combine these general frameworks or disregard them.

Feminist sociological theory includes a number of different strands. Indeed, there have been important developments in the themes and perspectives of feminist thought. It represents one of the most vital traditions of sociological theory today. The tradition of critical social theory similarly attempts to discern potentials for transformation within the present development of society and to diagnose the sources of injustice and discontent.

Sociological theory has been shaped by its engagement with the social

context. We are therefore especially interested in the most influential theories of contemporary social changes and historical developments.

Postmodernism challenges various aspects of earlier sociological theory,

reflexive modernisation theory suggests that there are new contours of social change, and recently different versions of ‘civilizational analysis’ have acquired prominence. The risk society thesis and the notion of knowledge society seek to define and characterize new, and arguably dominant, forms of social organization.

You will also be introduced during the semester to the civilizational

analysis of ‘multiple modernities’ and that of Norbert Elias’ process sociology during the semester.

The course is organised around a weekly lecture and tutorial schedule. The topics covered during the course can grouped into two main parts and under four overarching themes:

Part 1 Sociological Theory and Classical Sociology A. Introduction: The Disputed Context of Sociological Theory B. The Classical Formation of the Sociological Imagination

Part 2 Contemporary Sociological Theory and Late-Modernity C. Continuities and Ruptures: Extending and Revising Sociology D. Theorising Contemporary Society and Social Change

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Tutorial Participation 10% Tutorial Presentation 10% Essay 40% Take Home Examination 40%

Texts and Readings Course Textbooks: Farganis, James (ed) 2004 Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill The course textbook can be purchased from the Co-Op Bookstore on Campus, located at The University of Sydney, Sports and Aquatic Centre complex. You need to purchase a separate reader from the University Copy Centre for part of Week 12 and Week 13. Supplementary Texts A longer list of readings relevant to the unit Sociological Theory is electronically accessible from the Reserve section of the Library Catalogue. A number of these texts have been placed in the Special Reserve section of Fisher Library. A familiarity with the Electronic Reserve system of Fisher Library will be advantageous, enabling you to download some of the texts in Special Reserve. Reference Texts A number of texts on sociological theory are worth consulting for reference purposes. The following texts should be referred to for research purposes and to enhance your understanding of the lectures and the course textbook readings. There is no substitute in this unit of study for reading primary sources, like, for example, Georg Simmel’s ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ or Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The texts listed below will help you acquire the background necessary to better understand original statements. It may be worthwhile keeping an eye out for the

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4 text by Ritzer and Goodman below as it overlaps much of the course textbook and its website has some additional features to test your understanding. Baert, P. (1998) Social Theory in the Twentieth Century Cambridge: Polity Press Beilharz P. (ed.) (1991) Social Theory - A Guide to Central Thinkers North Sydney: Allen & Unwin: Best, S. (2003) A Beginner’s Guide to Social Theory London: Sage Browning, G. (2000) Understanding Contemporary Society: Theories of the Present London: Sage Delanty, G. (1999) Social Theory in a Changing World Cambridge: Polity Press Dodd, N. (1999) Social Theory and Modernity Cambridge: Polity Press

Elliott, A. (ed) (1999) The Blackwell Reader in Contemporary Social Theory Oxford: Blackwell Elliott, A. & Ray, L. (eds) (2003) Key Contemporary Social Theorists Oxford: Blackwell Fraser, N. (1993) Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory Cambridge: Polity Press Fraser, N. (1997) Justice Interruptus New York: Routledge Harris, D. (2003) Teaching Yourself Social Theory London: Sage Harrington, A (ed) (2004) Modern Social Theory Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lemert, C. (ed.) (1999) Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings Oxford: Westview Press Miles, S. (2001) Social Theory in the Real World London: Sage Pampel, F (2007) Sociological Lives and Ideas – An Introduction to the Classical Theorists New York: Worth Publishers Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill McGraw Hill, the publisher of Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. have established a website that complements the textbook. It contains useful exercises for revision and chapter summaries. If you purchase this text you can make use of the website to supplement the lectures and tutorials. For instance, by double-clicking the book chapter titles of the Sociological Theory site you can access the following: Chapter Summary Chapter Outline

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5 Learning Objectives Web Links Internet Exercises Quiz The Ritzer Sociological Theory website is: Seidman, S. (1994) Contested Knowledge: Social Theory in the Postmodern Era Oxford: Blackwell

Seidman, S. & Alexander, J (eds) (2001) The New Social Theory Reader London: Routledge

Skinner, Q. (ed) (1985) The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Stones, R. (ed) (1998) Key Sociological Thinkers London: Macmillan Turner, B. S. (1999) Classical Sociology Sage: London

Turner, B. S. (ed) (2000) The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory Oxford: Blackwell Course Objectives The course aims to introduce you to some of the major traditions of sociological theory and a few of the most influential contemporary perspectives. It will direct you to the substantive themes of the classical sociological theorists and consider the relevance of their arguments to contemporary sociology. You should acquire a sense of the history of the discipline of sociology and the significant debates that have led to the initiating of new approaches. The course places particular emphasis on the way in which different sociological theories have engaged with present day society, whether this be contemporary society or the society of the time of the writings of classical sociological theorists. In general, these engagements have involved an empirically grounded theoretical description of the reality of the present day society and a normative evaluation of that society and its prospects. For example, Marx believed that capitalist society was shaped by class conflict, exploitation and contradictions. You should be able to appreciate the contrasts between different theoretical perspectives and the criticisms that later theoretical perspectives have made of earlier sociological theories. The unit specifically aims to develop your capacity for sustained reflection and complex modes of analysis. You are encouraged to pursue independent research and to think critically about the potential and limitations of different sociological frameworks.

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6 Assessment exercises are intended to enhance your ability to communicate ideas effectively and to reflect on the internal structure of arguments and concepts. It is hoped that the course will stimulate an interest in the possibilities for creative thinking and imaginative interpretation that are distinctive to field of sociological theory. The unit of study also aims to illuminate dimensions of contemporary society and to provide you with an insight into the major arguments of the sociological theories of the present, their applications and the research that these theories have inspired.

Lecture Schedule

Part 1 Sociological Theory and Classical Sociology Week 1 7 March Introduction: Contemporary Debates and Classical Arguments Week 2 14 March Karl Marx and Critical Theory: The Contradictions of Capitalist Modernity Week 3 21 March Emile Durkheim: Social Reality, Social Solidarity and Social Complexity Week 4 28 March Max Weber: The Disenchantment of the World and Modern Rationality Week 5 4 April Georg Simmel: Forms of Social Association and the Culture of Exchange

Week 6 18 April George Herbert Mead: Symbolic Interaction and Intersubjectivity Part 2 Contemporary Sociological Theory and Late-Modernity Week 7 (Anzac Day) 25 April Take Home Examination Due April 30

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7 Week 8 2 May Functionalism, Exchange Theory & Rational Choice Week 9 9 May Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology Week 10 16 May Feminism and Sociology Week 11 23 May Critical Social Theory Week 12 30 May Michel Foucault and Postmodernism: Power, Subjectivity and Knowledge Pierre Bourdieu: Social Practices, Symbolic Power and Social Fields

Week 13 7 June Risk Society, Reflexive Modernization and Globalisation WebCT Resource Materials Distributed in the Lectures and Lecture Overheads will be available from the WebCT site of Sociological Theory: SCLG2601 Assessment Take Home Examination A Take Home Examination is worth 40% of the total mark for this unit of study. The examination questions will be distributed in Week 6. Your examination answers must be submitted to the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry office with the appropriate cover sheet attached by 4pm Monday, April 30. Essay A 2500 words essay is worth 40% of the total mark for this unit of study. Essay questions will be distributed during the semester. The essay is due 4pm Tuesday, June 19. Tutorial Presentation

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8 In Sociological Theory SCLG 2601, students are required to make one ten minutes presentation on a theme relevant to one of the weekly topics. You may, for example, wish to discuss Michel Foucault’s analysis of power or his ideas regarding sexuality, or Marx’s notion of alienation or Marx’s vision of class struggle, Durkheim’s conception of the sociological method or his explanation of religion, Beck’s analysis of terrorism in terms of his idea that contemporary societies are risk society, and so on. The presentation should seek to utilize materials that build on those in the course textbook. The synopses of weekly topics provide further indications of topics that you may wish to choose as your presentation. Presentations that merely restate the course text will receive low marks. The tutorial presentation is worth 10% of your grade for the unit of study. Your presentation may overlap the tutorial discussion questions but it should not be based simply on providing an answer to a discussion question. Tutorial Participation Your participation mark will reflect the quality of your contribution to the tutorial. It is expected that you will come to the tutorial prepared to discuss the reading for each week and themes outlined in the lectures. Participation includes raising questions, exchanging ideas, contributing to the discussion, offering criticisms and providing information. Evidence of independent and additional research will be rewarded. Generally, the more reading and research you do the better you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge. You should note that The University of Sydney requires a satisfactory record of tutorial attendance. Participation, of course, involves more than just attendance. Your participation mark is worth 10% of your grade for this unit of study.

Tutorial Program Tutorial Times Wednesday 4pm-5pm Wednesday 5pm-6pm Thursday 10am-11am Thursday 10am-11am Thursday 11am-Midday Thursday 11am-Midday Thursday Midday-1pm

Thursday Midday-1pm Thursday 2pm-3pm Thursday 3pm-4pm

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Sections and Weekly Topics

Section A. Introduction: The Disputed Context of Sociological Theory The lectures and tutorials introduce you to the general themes and topics covered over the entire course. Sociological Theory examines the large-scale questions that initiated the discipline of sociology, for example, how has capitalism transformed social relations, does modern culture promote individualism, and how do belief systems become enduring social structures. These types of questions continue to inform contemporary sociology. Sociological Theory also enables you to pose questions which are relevant to interrogating the classical paradigms of sociological inquiry, for example, did classical sociological theorists – Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, George Herbert Mead and Georg Simmel - unequivocally accept the idea of progress and how did they evaluate modern societies? Disputes over and within sociological theory take many forms. There are disputes relating to ‘the problems of knowledge and objectivity’, ‘the relationship of theory to empirical research’, over what should be considered the core themes of sociological theory, how to assess innovations in sociological theory, and simply the relationships between theories. Our aim is to alert you to these disputes and to open up ways of thinking-through them. You might like to start to reflect on the question of whether later sociological theories have satisfactorily addressed topics which classical sociology may have neglected or misunderstood? Week One

Contemporary Debates and Classical Arguments Lecture March 7 This week we pose the question of the vitality of classical tradition of sociological theory and introduce the debates shaping the discussion of sociology classics today. We will consider how it is possible to link up with the classical tradition of sociological theory, whether it is necessary to transform classical approaches and if it is possible to revise their conclusions. We also seek in the early part of the course to identify the types of general ‘problems’, or framing questions, which underlie sociological theory. For instance, is it possible to suggest that sociological theory is sensitive to variations in historical and cultural contexts and yet, at the same time, claim that it is informed by a number of constant unifying questions? One of the most interesting attempts to both extend and criticise the broad concerns of the classical sociological theorists is that associated with the notion of

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10 multiple modernities. Theories of multiple modernities explore how diverse societies have engaged with modernity. Hence, they retain the classical sociological theorists’ interest in ‘modernity’ but look beyond the context of their analyses. A similar broadening of perspective leads the important Australian sociologist R. W. Connell to ask questions about how did a notion of classical sociology actually come about and did this idea of a classical phase of sociological theory involve certain losses in terms of themes and perspectives. Connell’s comments suggest that sociologists today are sensitive to different questions, ones that the classical tradition ignored. His piece drew a critical response from the North American sociologist Randall Collins. Collins’ article makes a case for the traditional view of classical sociological theory; he suggests that Connell’s biases lead him to misrepresent the classics. ‘Modernity’ - or the world that was produced by the changes associated with industrialisation, urbanisation, capitalism, nation-states and the ideals of freedom and democracy – appears a consistent object of classical sociological theory. This contemporary dispute leads us to ask if the classical sociological theorists’ demarcations of modernity are capable of satisfactorily taking into account the relation of the global and local, the core and periphery. Perhaps, another approach may just accept that the classics validate themselves by their rigour, evocation, illumination, and path-setting qualities, in other word, that they are worth studying because they are the ‘canon’ of sociology. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Introduction: The Classic Tradition to Post-Modernism: An Overview” in J. Farganis Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 1-19 Tutorial Discussion Questions What questions inspired the work of the ‘classical’ sociological theorists? Do theoretical discussions necessarily involve the questioning of knowledge and beliefs? Has sociological theory progressively led to a better understanding of society? Further Readings Beilharz, P. (1995) “Social Theory in Australia: A Roadmap for Tourists”, Thesis Eleven No. 43, 120-133 Connell, R. W. (1997) “Why is Classical Theory Classical?” American Journal of Sociology Vol. 102 No. 6 (May 1997): 1511-57 Clegg, S. and van Krieken, R. “A Post-Colonial Comment on Collins” Unpublished Manuscript (available from Fisher Library Reserve) Collins, R. (1997) “A Sociological Guilt Trip: Comment on Connell” American Journal of Sociology Vol. 102 No. 6 (May 1997): 1558-64 Collins, R. and Makowsky, M. (1978) The Discovery of Society. New York: Random House.

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11 Craib, I. (1997) Classical Social Theory Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press pp. 1-10 “What’s the point?” Delanty, G. (2003) “Social Theory, Modernity and Global Transformations” in V. Kultygin andV. Zhukov (eds) European Social Theory: Sources and Challenges Moscow: Materials of European Conference on Social Theory (Moscow, September 2002) pp. 30-42 Delanty, G. (2000) “The Foundations of Social Theory: Origins and Trajectories” in B. S. Turner (ed) The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory Oxford: Blackwell pp. 21-46 Eisenstadt, S. N. (1999) “Multiple Modernities in an Age of Globalization” Canadian Journal of Sociology Vol. 24 No. 2: 283-295 Eisenstadt, S. N. (2000) “Multiple Modernities” Daedalus Vol. 129 Iss. 1: 1-29 Eisenstadt, S. N. and Schluchter, W. (1998) “Introduction: Paths to Early Modernities – A Comparative View” Daedalus Vol. 127 No. 2: 1-18 Friese, H. and Wagner, P. (2000) “When ‘The Light of the Great Cultural Problems Moves On’: On the Possibility of a Cultural Theory of Modernity” Thesis Eleven No. 61: 25-40 Gaonkar, D. P. (2001) “On Alternative Modernities” in D. P. Gaonkar (ed) Alternative Modernities Duke University Press Durham pp. 1-23 Gaonkar, D. P. (ed) (2001) Alternative Modernities Duke University Press Durham Göle, N. (2000) “Snapshots of Islamic Modernities” Daedalus Vol. 129 Iss. 1: 91-117 Graubard, S.R (2000) “Preface to the Issue ‘Multiple Modernities’” Daedalus Vol. 129 Iss. 1 pp.V-XII Knöbl, W. (2000) “In Praise of Philosophy: Johann P. Arnason’s Long but Successful Journey Towards a Theory of Modernity” Thesis Eleven No. 61: 1-23 Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘1, A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early Years’ pp3-39 (especially pages 4-31 which provide a useful background to the themes discussed in the first part of the course) Turner, B. S. (1999) “Conclusion: Coherence and Rupture in the Discipline of Sociology” Classical Sociology London: Sage pp. 276 – 84 Section B: The Classical Formation of the Sociological Imagination Having established that there is a lively debate over classical sociological thought, we turn now to the actual work of classical sociological theorists. We look at the theories of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, George Herbert Mead and Georg Simmel. The work of all five theorists has profoundly influenced sociology; they each constitute alternative models of sociological theory. We want to accentuate the relevance their work has to understanding present day society, as

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12 well as the different milieu of their respective writings. We will see that there are dominant themes specific to each of the classical sociologists and that these are associated with concrete areas of research, like social identity, class, capitalism, suicide, bureaucracy, religion and cities. Equally significant, we will find that we can address other substantive topics from within the theoretical perspectives that each of the classical sociologists developed Week Two Karl Marx and Critical Theory: The Contradictions of Capitalist Modernity Lecture March 14 Karl Marx developed a complex approach to the analysis of capitalist modernity. Marx’s theory was genuinely critical. It sought to determine the tendencies within capitalist society that would generate crises and to contribute to the self-understanding of the class that could, in his opinion, end social relations of oppression. Marx believed that capitalism was an unjust and exploitative system of production, founded on the alienation of workers and products. Marx’s social theory has been extremely influential, remaining a point of reference for contemporary discussions of ideology, class and globalisation. Marx’s theory is founded on a distinctive understanding of human capacities and human potential. He contended that the social processes of material production are central to the reproduction of society and that major historical changes in social structures can be traced to alterations in the system of production. For example, the change from a feudal social structure to a capitalist social structure is related to alterations in the ownership of property and changes in the means of producing, and hence also the conditions of work. In Marx’s opinion, the struggle between classes is a dynamic feature of capitalist society, class conflict being a common thread throughout human history. Ideological systems of belief and the oppressive organisation of social activities have veiled and disguised the antagonism between social classes. A critical theory, like that initiated by Marx, seeks to undermine these ideologies and contribute to the just transformation of society. Reading Farganis, J. 2004 ‘Chapter 1: Karl Marx: Alienation, Class Struggle, and Class Consciousness’ in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 23-54 Tutorial Discussion Questions Why did Marx and Engels believe that capitalism had resulted in unprecedented changes in society? Why does Marx’s social theory focus on the process and conditions of production? Is the fetishism of commodities still a secret? Further Readings

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13 Callinicos, A. (2003) An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto Cambridge: Polity Press Cuff, E. C., Sharrock, W. W. and Francis, D. W, (1998) Perspectives in Sociology 4th Ed. Routledge: London pp. 10-35 “Karl Marx” Giddens, A. (1971) Capitalism and modern social theory: an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hardt, M. and Negri A. (2000) Empire Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. Marx, K. (1976) Capital Penguin: Harmondsworth pp. 927-930 “The Historical Tendency of Capitalism” Marx, K. and Engels, F. (1972) “Manifesto of the Communist Party” in R. C. Tucker (ed) The Marx-Engels Reader New York: W.W. Norton & Co pp. 335-362 Morrison, K. (1995) Marx, Durkheim Weber London: Sage. Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘2, Karl Marx’ pp. 40-70 Swingewood, A. (1975) Marx and modern social theory London: Macmillan. Wallerstein, I. (1983) Historical Capitalism Verso: London pp. 97-110 “Conclusion: On Progress and Transitions” Week 3 Emile Durkheim: Social Reality, Social Solidarity and Social Complexity Lecture March 21 In France, there is a long tradition of reflection upon the constitution of the social order, a tradition that was to influence the 1789 French Revolution. The changes in structure of French society arising from the revolution and during the nineteenth century by the process of industrialisation reinforced the significance of social organisation for many French intellectuals. Emile Durkheim belongs to this tradition; he also transformed its insights into a distinctive program of knowledge and inquiry. Durkheim aimed to establish the discipline of sociology as the scientific study of society. He argued that the scientific methods of empirical analysis could be applied to social phenomena and that there is a unique quality to social reality. Durkheim outlined a number of key principles of sociology. These principles have been both widely accepted and challenged within sociology. Durkheim’s own works on suicide, social solidarity and religion seek to apply these principles and they elaborate a general theory of society. Durkheim asks basic, though clearly fundamental, sociological questions. For instance, by drawing on his theory we can think about what holds society together. Durkheim’s sociological arguments have important things to say about the nature of morality, the conditions of individualism, and the characteristics of systems of belief. Durkheim was committed to demonstrating the social determination of human thought and action. His writings continue to be relevant to discussions of norms and values, social identity and collective membership, the implications of complex social relations and socialisation.

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14 Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 2. Émile Durkheim: Anomie and Social Integrationj” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 55-89 Tutorial Discussion Questions What are, according to Durkheim, the chief characteristics of social facts? Why does Durkheim infer a relationship between suicide and the integration of the individual into society? Is it fair to say that Durkheim’s conception of religion is thoroughly sociological? Further Readings Frisby, D. and Sayer, D. (1986) Society London: Ellis Horwood; Tavistock Publications. Hughes, J., Mark, P. J., and Sharrock, W. W. (1995) Understanding Classical Sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim London: Sage pp. 150-211 Lukes, S. (1975) Émile Durkheim, his life and work: a historical and critical study Harmondsworth: Penguin. Swingewood A. (1991) A Short History of Sociological Thought Macmillan: London pp. 97-127 Chapter 4: Critique of Positivism: I Durkheim” Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘3. Emile Durkheim’ pp. 71-107 Thompson, K. (1982) Emile Durkheim London: E. Horwood Tavistock Publications. Turner, B. S. and Rojek, C. (2001) Society and Culture: Principles of Scarcity and Solidarity London: Sage (especially Chapter 4: “Solidarity” pp. 68-87) Week 4 Max Weber: The Disenchantment of the World and Modern Rationality Lecture March 28 Max Weber’s work has had a profound impact on sociological thought. His writings are arguably unparalleled in their combination of substantive analysis and formation of social scientific concepts. One can cite a number of sociological categories that are associated especially with the thought of Max Weber, including bureaucracy, power, charisma, legitimacy, ideal types and disenchantment. Weber possessed an encyclopedic knowledge; he wrote detailed works on ancient economic history, jurisprudence, world religions, capitalism, music and

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15 methodology. At various points of time in the history of sociology, the interpreters of Weber’s thought have emphasized different leading themes, such as class, power, action, methods, and the fate of the individual. In recent discussions, the theme of rationality has been taken as a unifying problem, informing the different strands of Weber’s theory and constituting Weber’s core insight into modernity. The rationalization of modern society reflected substantial changes in the conduct of individuals and the disenchantment of the world. Yet, Weber appreciated the irrationality that may lay behind rationality and which may result from the very process of rationalization. George Ritzer’s recent works on the McDonaldization of society draws extensively on Weber’s theory of rationality. Similarly, Michael Pusey’s account of economic rationalism in Australia is firmly grounded in Weber’s sociological categories. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 3. Max Weber: The Iron Cage” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 91-125 Tutorial Discussion Questions What does Weber consider to be the main features of the economic ethic of modern capitalism? Why does Weber contend that bureaucratic forms of organization are more rational than many other types of social organization? Is the problem of values relevant to Weber’s discussion of objectivity in the social sciences? Further Readings Käsler, D. (1988) Max Weber: an introduction to his life and work Cambridge: Polity Press. Morrison, K. (1995) Marx, Durkheim Weber London: Sage pp. 212-255; 270-304 Pusey, M. (1991) Economic rationalism in Canberra: a nation-building state changes its mind Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ritzer, G. (2000) The Mcdonaldization of society. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Pine Forge Press. Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘Max Weber’ pp. 108-152 Turner, B. S. (1999) Classical Sociology London: Sage (especially Chapter 1 “The Central Themes of Sociology’) Weber, M. (1930) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism London: George Allen and Unwin pp. 13-31 “Author’s Introduction”

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16 Week Five Georg Simmel: Forms of Social Association and the Culture of Exchange Lecture April 4 Georg Simmel was particularly interested in the various forms of social relations and the types of sociability exhibited by these associations between individuals. For instance, he wrote about the relationship between ‘the stranger’ and the group, the difference between the interaction of three people and the interaction of two individuals, the impression the modern urban metropolis made on the subjectivity of the person. Simmel offered highly insightful and nuanced accounts of the bonds and exchanges that characterize social life. He pointed to how social phenomena can become independent of individuals, speaking of an ensuing loss of vitality in terms of a ‘tragedy of culture’. The lecture will outline Simmel’s contributions to sociology, in particular, as a theorist of capitalism, urbanisation and modernity. It will discuss his ideas on the dichotomy of traditionalism and modernity, and will then consider his ideas on the consequences for personal life. Simmel’s perspective on the interconnections of subjectivity, social networks and social structures led to arguments about the construction of masculine and feminine identities in modern, urban life. Simmel’s writings have informed subsequent theories of power and conflict in modern economic, political and social life. An appreciation of the multiple sources of power and resistance can be traced to his work. The affinities with Simmel’s theory of contemporary postmodernism have lent it a new vitality. Likewise, the substantial engagement with cultural issues in recent sociological theory has drawn considerable inspiration from Simmel’s approach and writings on topics like the city, money, fashion, travel, literature, space and style. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 4. Georg Simmel: Dialectic of Individual and Society” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 127-141 Tutorial Discussion Questions How does Simmel develop the idea that society is the outcome of the dynamic of interaction? Why is Simmel’s sociology sometimes viewed as more distinctive in its difference from that of Max Weber and Emile Durkheim? Is it valid for Simmel to infer qualities about the mental life of individuals from their experience of the city exterior? Further Readings Adams, B. N. and Sydie, R. A. (2002) Classical Sociological Theory Thousand Oaks: Sage pp. 197-221 “The Sociology of Form and Content: Simmel”

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17 Coser, M. (1977) Masters of Sociological Thought New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Dalzeil, H. D. (1959) “Simmel’s Image of Society” in K. H. Wolff (ed) Georg Simmel, 1858-1918 Columbus: The Ohio State University Press pp. 100-118 Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘Chapter 5, Georg Simmel’ pp. 153-182 Frisby, D. (1984) Georg Simmel London: E. Horwood; Tavistock Publications. Levine D. (ed) (1971) Georg Simmel: On Individuality and Social Forms Chicago: The University of Chicago Press Simmel, D. (1971) “Freedom and Individuality” in D. N. Levine (ed) Georg Simmel: On Individuality and Social Forms Chicago: The University of Chicago Press pp. 217-226 Simmel, G. (1997) “The Concept and Tragedy of Culture” in D. Frisby and M. Featherstone (eds) Simmel on Culture London: Sage pp. 55-75 Wolff K. H. (ed) (1955) The Sociology of Georg Simmel The Free Press: New York Week Six George Herbert Mead: Symbolic Interaction and Intersubjectivity Lecture April 18 This week we will consider George Herbert Mead's original and groundbreaking conception of the interrelationship of self and society. Mead's understanding of the self is anchored in an account of the intersubjective character of social action and how our sense of identity derives from the relationship of the self to the other. In other words, Mead suggests that it is through our interaction that we arrive at a sense of ourselves and that it is from this determination of our own individual identity that a general conception of society is achieved. Mead introduced a number of categories and dichotomies which continue to inform the discussion of self and society. We will examine these features of Mead's interpretation of intersubjectivity. The arguments of the important and influential recent attempts to build upon Mead's ideas will be introduced to highlight the significance and implications of an intersubjective approach. Mead’s influence on the tradition of symbolic interactionism and its key ideas will be reviewed. Finally, the later ideas of Erving Goffman will be briefly introduced and you may wish to investigate some of the suggested readings listed below. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 5. George Herbert Mead: The Emergent Self” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 143-163

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18 Tutorial Discussion Questions Why does the tradition of symbolic interactionism trace its origins back to the work of George Herbert Mead? What is the basis of the claim that Mead views intersubjectivity as prior to subjectivity? How does Mead contrast individuals’ understanding of society exhibited in play from that which characterises participation in game? Further Readings Aboulafia, M. (1991). Philosophy, social theory, and the thought of George Herbert Mead. Albany, State University of New York Press. Burkitt, Ian (1991) “Language and the Social Self” in Burkitt, I. Social Selves London, Sage Burns, T. (1992). Erving Goffman. New York, Routledge. Elliott, A. (2001). Concepts of the self. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press Goffman, E. (1968). Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity. Harmondsworth, England, Penguin. Goffman, E. (1972). Encounters: two studies in the sociology of interaction. Harmondsworth, Penguin. Goffman, E. (1972). Interaction ritual: essays on face-to-face behaviour. London,, Allen Lane. Goffman, E. (1972). Relations in public: microstudies of the public order. Harmondsworth, Penguin. Goffman, E. (1973). The presentation of self in everyday life. New York, Overlook P. Goffman, E. (1986). Frame analysis: an essay on the organization of experience. Boston, Northeastern University Press. Habermas, J. (1992). ‘Individuation through Socialization’ in Postmetaphysical thinking : philosophical essays. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press. Hamilton, P. (1992). George Herbert Mead: critical assessments. London ; New York, Routledge. Manning, P. (1992). Erving Goffman and modern sociology. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press. Joas, H. (1985). G.H. Mead, a contemporary re-examination of his thought. Cambridge, Polity Press.

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19 Joas, H. (1993). Pragmatism and social theory. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Joas, H. (1996). The creativity of action. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press. Joas, H. (2000). The genesis of values. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Mead, G. H. (1964). On social psychology: selected papers. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Mead, G. H. (1982). The individual and the social self: unpublished work of George Herbert Mead. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Mead, G. H. (1938). The philosophy of the act. Chicago, Ill.,, The University of Chicago press. Mead, G. H. (1936). Movements of thought in the nineteenth century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Mead, G. H. and C. W. Morris (1934). Mind, self, and society. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Mead, G. H. (1981) A. J. Reck (ed) Selected writings. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ’10, Symbolic Interactionism’ pp. 334-373 Section C. Continuities and Ruptures: Extending and Revising Sociology Sociological Theory is not static. The history of sociological thought is one of continuities and ruptures. Indeed, interpreting the writing of classical sociological theorists inevitably involves potential conflicts and, as we have seen, there are serious disputes today. There are not only conflicts over meaning, but also of the purpose of sociological theory and sociology in general. Consequently, while there is fairly broad scope for agreements and disagreements, there is also the possibility of new departures in sociological theory. At the same time, the importance of work extending the lines of sociological theory introduced by the classical thinkers should not be underestimated. In this section of the course, we look at several different contemporary perspectives; they are each highly influential in the fields of empirical sociological research and sociological theory. The varieties and stages of feminist sociological theory, the writings of Michel Foucault, and the respective research programs of Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias can be variously classified. It is possible to suggest that their continuities with the versions of sociological theory that preceded them are more important than whatever ruptures they may initiate. But it also feasible to argue the opposite: each of them represents a substantial rupture with earlier modes of sociological theory, and especially with the established themes of classical sociology. They offer novel frameworks for interpreting culture and cultural phenomena, and in each case this goes together with a rethinking of the questions of power and domination.

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20 Week Seven April 25 Anzac Day Public Holiday Week Eight

Functionalism, Exchange Theory and Rational Choice Lecture May 2 Functionalism was arguably the dominant theoretical approach in sociology during the nineteen-fifties and nineteen-sixties. It would be the subject of substantial criticism, yet functionalist assumptions remain implicit in much work in the social sciences. Functionalism would subsequently be developed in the direction of sociological systems theory and a neo-functionalist movement has sought to revive and transform some aspects of its programme. Functionalism brings together a set of assumptions about the nature of the social order; it is often considered to extend Durkheim’s emphasis on the social whole. The best-known version of functionalism is structural functionalism, with an interest in how the various parts of society or social structures contribute to its reproduction. Functionalism is therefore an approach that is interested in explaining the purpose of social action and social organizations. In many cases, these purposes are distinct from those social agents believe they are pursuing and they are the unintended consequences of social action. For instance, individuals may believe that they participate in the education system in order to learn but from a functionalist standpoint the overall purpose of the education system may be to allocate individuals into different career paths and to reproduce the division of labour. Exchange theory focuses on individual behaviour and the transaction between individuals. It attempts to account for social order and social dynamics through explaining agents’ estimation of the consequences of behaviour and the incorporation of norms and values into individuals’ decision-making. Rational choice theory is particularly influential in much contemporary social scientific research and social scientific modelling. According to the rational choice, it is necessary to understand the reasoning of agents and the calculations they make in choices and coming to decisions. Readings Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 7. Functionalism” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 181-191; 201-217; “Chapter 9 Exchange Theory and Rational Choice” pp. 263-279 Tutorial Discussion Questions What makes functionalism a useful approach for explaining the reproduction of society? What makes functionalism a useless approach for explaining the reproduction of society?

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21 Why are motivations and reasoning important facets of social exchange? Further Readings Functionalism Cohen, P. (1968) Modern Social Theory London: Heinemann “3. Functionalism or the ‘Holistic’ Approach” pp. 34-68 Colomy, P. & Greiner, L. R. (2005) “Criminalizing Transgressing Youth: A Neofunctionalist Analysis of Institution Building” in P. Kivisto (ed.) Illuminating Social Life – Classical And Contemporary Theory Revisited Thousand Oaks: Sage pp. 125-159 Holmwood, J. (2005) “ Functionalism and its Critics” in A. Harrington (ed.) Modern Social Theory an introduction Oxford: Oxford University Press pp. 87-109 Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ‘7, Structural Functionalism, Neofunctionalism, and Conflict Theory’ pp. 226-264 Turner, J. (2003) The Structure of Social Theory ‘Part 1 Functional Theorizing’ Belmont: Wadsworth 21-72 Exchange Theory & Rational Choice Abell, P. (2000) “Sociological Theory and Rational Choice Theory” in Turner, B. S. (ed) (2000) The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory Oxford: Blackwell pp. 223-244 Coleman, J. (1990) Foundations of Social Theory Cambridge: Harvard University Press Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ’12, Exchange, Network, and Rational Choice Theories’ pp. 226-264 Turner, J. (2003) The Structure of Social Theory ‘Part V Exchange Theorizing’ Belmont: Wadsworth pp. 267-293 Turner, J. (2003) The Structure of Social Theory ‘Chapter 20 Rational Choice Theory’ Belmont: Wadsworth pp. 325-340

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22 Week Nine

Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology Lecture May 9 Phenomenology is a distinctive theoretical movement, with its own particular perspective and approach. The term phenomenology is derived the Ancient Greek word phainomenon, which is concerned with how things appear or phenomena. What phenomenology provides is a particular logic for studying knowledge and perception, questioning traditional scientific understanding. The founder of modern phenomenology, the philosopher Edmund Husserl, famously stated that phenomenology aims to return to the things themselves, but this does not entail an empiricism that excludes the subject. Phenomenology introduces a distinctive conception of society, emphasising its construction through perception and understanding. In other words, it is especially interested in consciousness and experience. Further, phenomenological sociology has disclosed the tacit and implicit character of this knowledge, especially by way of the concept of the lifeworld (Lebenswelt). The most widely read work of phenomenological sociology is probably Berger and Luckman’s book: The Social Construction of Reality. Later phenomenology has contributed novel approaches to the study of everyday life, the body, texts and collective symbolism. Ethnomethodology is similarly concerned with mundane and everyday forms of reasoning. In this sense, ethnomethodology constitutes a type of questioning or critique of theory. According to ethnomethodological investigations, theorising is a property of our making sense of the world, anchored in our everyday practices and routine orderings of social interaction. Ethnomethodology is interested in the subtle nature of interaction and the use of language. It too leads to a concern with processes of classification and typification. Ethnomethodology is equally a set of research practices, aimed at disrupting some of our taken for granted assumptions and a way of detailing the social theorising of non-specialist members of society. Readings Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 10. Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 303-348 Reading suggestion: you may be worthwhile to read the extract from Berger and Luckman before tackling the piece by Schutz. Tutorial Discussion Questions What are some of the features of the phenomenological method of questioning taken for granted assumptions about reality? What is the point of the ethnomethodological method of disrupting common sense? What does Schutz mean by his analogy between the social scientist and the puppet?

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23 Why is routine behaviour so important to the ethnomethodologist’s vision of social order? Further Readings Giddens, A. (1976) New Rules of the Sociological Method London: Hutchinson Phenomenological Sociology Berger, P. and Luckman, T. (1967) The Social Construction of Reality London: Allen Lane Schutz, A. (1972) The Phenomenology of the Social World London: Heinemann D’Alton, S. and Bittman, M. (1972) The Social Experience Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Douglas, J. (ed.) (1970) Understanding Everyday Life Chicago: Aldine Luckmann, T. (ed.) (1978) Phenomenology and Sociology Harmondsworth: Penguin Smart, B (1976) Sociology, Phenomenology and Marxian Analysis London: Routledge Ethnomethodology Douglas, J. (ed.) (1970) Understanding Everyday Life Chicago: Aldine Garfinkel, H. (1967) Studies in Ethnomethodology New Jersey: Prentice Hall Heritage, J. (1984) Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology Cambridge: Polity Kessler, S (1985) Gender: an ethnomethodological approach Chicago: University of Chicago Press Livingstone, E. (1987) Making Sense of Ethnomethodology London: Routledge Lynch, M. & Sharrock, W. (ed.) (2003) Harold Garfinkel London: Sage Sharrock, W. & Anderson, B. (1986) The Ethnomethodologists London: Tavistock Turner, R. (ed.) (1974) Ethnomethodology: Selected Readings Harmondsworth: Penguin Week Ten

Feminism and Sociology Lecture May 16 Feminist social theory can trace its intellectual development to women's campaigns against domination and subordination, particularly those of the 19th and 20th centuries. This lecture explores the historical relationship between

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24 feminism and sociology. It will examine the roots of feminism, its linkages to sociology and describe the various forms of classical and contemporary feminist social theory. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 12. Feminist Theory” in in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 369-393 Tutorial Discussion Questions What have been the main contributions of feminist thought to sociological theory? What are the main currents of feminist theorizing? How have feminists utilized and critiqued the sex-gender distinction? Further Readings Barrett, M. 1980 Women's oppression today: problems in Marxist feminist London: NLB Lovell, T. (2000) “Feminisms of the Second Wave” in Turner, B.S. (ed) The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell pp. 299-324 McDonald, L. (1997) “Classical Social Theory with the Women Founders Included” in C. Camic (ed) Reclaiming the Sociological Classics: The State of Scholarship Oxford: Blackwell pp. 112-141 Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ’13, Contemporary Feminist Theory” By Patricia Madoo Lengermann and Jill Niebrugg-Brantley pp.436-479 Smith, D. (1990) The Conceptual Practices of Power Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press Sydie, R. A. (1987) Natural women, cultured men: a feminist perspective on sociological theory Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Witz, Anne (1997) 'The Feminist Challenge' in P. Hamilton and K. Thompson (eds) The Uses of Sociology, Blackwell. Oxford, pp. 327-333 Week Eleven

Critical Social Theory Lecture May 23

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25 Critical Social Theory emerged as a revisionist or ‘non-communist’ strand of Western Marxism. The work of the Frankfurt School circle of critical theory attempted to up date the Marxist theory of capitalism and to understand the reasons for why the working class had not revolted in the manner Marx and Engels proposed and failed to overthrow capitalism. Critical theory has been distinguished by its interest in the problems of rationality and psychoanalysis. The concern with rationality reflects an incorporation of themes from the work of Max Weber, while the psychoanalytic dimension of critical indicates an interest in the processes of integration into the capitalist order and the formation of personality. The Frankfurt School were pioneers in interdisciplinary research and the study of the mass media. These themes have been continued by the successors within the tradition of critical theory, although the work of Jürgen Habermas and more recently Axel Honneth involve a substantial break with that of their predecessors. Habermas’ social theory has obtained an almost encyclopaedic character, but he has made a distinctive contribution through the elaboration of a theory of communication as the foundation of society and the development of the democratic implications of this idea. Like Habermas’ theory of communication, Honneth’s idea of the struggle for recognition links up with the work of George Herbert Mead and seeks to specify the preconditions for continued social progress. Reading Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 13. Critical Theory” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 397-422 Tutorial Discussion Questions How did critical social theory extend the Marxist approach to the analysis of capitalist society? How does the method of critical theory differ from those of other sociological approaches? Why does Habermas believe that an open public sphere and unimpeded discourse should shape democracy? Further Readings Crossly, N. (2005) The Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory London: Sage Delanty, G. (1999) Social Theory in a Changing World Cambridge: Polity Press Chapter 3 “Discourse and Democracy: Habermas’s theory of modernity” Fraser, N. & Honneth, A. (2003) Recognition or Redistribution? London: Verso Goode, L. 2005 Habermas and the Public Sphere London: Pluto Press Held, D. (1980) Introduction to critical theory: Horkheimer to Habermas Berkeley: University of California Press Holub, R. Jürgen Habermas: critic in the public sphere London: Routledge

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26 Jay, M. (1973) The Dialectical Imagination London: Heineman Jay, M. (1984) Marxism and Totality Berkeley: University of California Press Kellner, D. (1989) Critical Theory, Marxism and Modernity Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Outhwaite, W. (1994) Habermas: A Critical Introduction Cambridge: Polity Press D. Theorising Contemporary Society and Social Change Sociological theory has always sought to engage with the transformations in society during the contemporary period. This engagement with social change is a both necessary and a difficult task. There are the problems of achieving a suitable perspective and of satisfactorily appreciating the consequences of developing trends. The transformations in contemporary society have been perceived to require a certain rupture with preceding views of social change and the adoption of rather different modes of sociological theorising. At the end of the twentieth century, the notion of ‘modernity’ came under intense scrutiny; its suitability as an overarching conception of the contemporary period was questioned. Specifically, postmodernism emerged as a alternative to the modernist outlook which had shaped classical sociological theory and most subsequent sociological research. The questioning of modernist epistemologies went together with a new emphasis on multiplicity, discourse, desire and everyday culture. A somewhat different understanding of contemporary social change is associated with the thesis of a risk society emerging out of the processes of reflexive modernization. Since reflexive modernization bears particularly upon institutional changes, it converged with some interpretations of globalization. In the opinion of its main protagonists, the idea of reflexive modernization suggests a new agenda in sociological theory, one relevant to the intersection between globalization and individualization. Week Twelve Michel Foucault and Postmodernism: Power, Subjectivity and Knowledge Pierre Bourdieu: Social Practices, Symbolic Power and Social Fields Lecture May 30 One of the ways of approaching Michel Foucault’s writings is to reflect on how the topics they consider not only correspond to many leading themes of contemporary sociology, but also to areas of interest in everyday life today. These topics range from the historical volumes on sexuality, madness, prisons, hospitals, and

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27 knowledge, to works on literature, art and governance. Foucault is a distinctive critic of modern rationality, liberal ideas of freedom, and preceding notions of the self and subjectivity. Foucault‘s writings introduced new ‘methods’ of theorising and they challenged at least some of the classical sociological theorists’ assumptions about the foundation of knowledge. Foucault is an exciting and difficult thinker; he raised questions that are still being debated. His account of discourse, analyses of power and histories of the constitution of the modern subject may be disputed but they cannot be ignored. Foucault described how modern notions of liberation and reason would eventuate in types of knowledge and institutional reforms that enhanced surveillance, control and regulation. In his late writings, he initiated a new concern with the emergence of problems to be known and regulated, while detailing a history of ethical practices and the demarcations of realms of experience that have shaped the constitution of the self. Foucault’s writings represent one of the most influential voices in contemporary sociological theory and they have inspired a body of research across the social sciences and humanities. Pierre Bourdieu is probably unique amongst his contemporaries for his combination of theory and detailed empirical social scientific studies. Bourdieu has developed a distinctive conceptual arsenal, framed by an exploration of the category of practice. Bourdieu attempts to overcome the persistent contrasts in sociological theory between action and structure, subjectivity and objectivity, the symbolic and the material. The concepts of habitus, field and capital are critical to his attempted solutions to these oppositions and his substantive research into topics such as education, taste, media, suffering, politics and domination. Bourdieu’s influence on contemporary sociology is immense and his work aims to promote sociological reflexivity. Postmodernism has been hotly debated in sociology. At the very least, postmodernism signifies an approach to contemporary society that differs from earlier frameworks. Postmodernists celebrate the heterogeneous and the discontinuous, rather than the uniform and linear. In the most famous statement on postmodernism, Jean Francois Lyotard states that postmodernism involves a scepticism towards the larger stories of modernist narratives, such as the idea of history moving in the direction of progress, freedom and reason. Lyotard claims that there has been a change in rules by which social relations are legitimated. Postmodernists stress the contextual and contested quality of knowledge claims; they suggest that the search for ultimate foundations of truth and knowledge has obscured this quality. Postmodernists similarly question the distinction between high and popular culture. A number of writers have seen a connection between transformations in capitalist production and postmodernism, with the increased significance of consumption, advertising and finance capital. These analyses tend to discern a period of postmodernity, some celebrated postmodern authors have taken these arguments even further. Baudrillard suggests that we are witnessing ‘the end of the social’ with the triumph of the symbolic. He cultivates a detached and ironic stance towards the mass media and commodity fetishism.

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28 Readings Farganis, J. (2004) “Chapter 14. Post-Modernism” in J. Farganis (ed.) Readings in Social Theory- The Classical Tradition to Post-Modernism 4th edition Boston: McGraw Hill pp. 423-450 Bourdieu, P (1998) Practical Reason Stanford University Press: Stanford pp. 1-13; 31-34 (Social Space and Symbolic Space) & (Appendix: Social Space and Field of Power) Please remember to purchase the Supplementary Reader for weeks 12 & 13. Tutorial Discussion Questions Do Foucault’s writings enable us to reach a better understanding of power? If two groups of people were playing a sport, but only one group had been practicing (because they knew the rules of the game) beforehand, which group do you think would win? Would the group that had been practicing be more likely to win if they also invented and interpreted the rules of the game? What is the relevance of these questions to key ideas of Bourdieu’s sociology like, field, capital, habitus and reproduction? What distinguishes postmodern from modern forms of knowledge? If you had a choice, would you live in modernity or postmodernity? Further Readings Baert, P. (1998) Social Theory in the Twentieth Century New York: New York University Press Baert, P. (1998) Social Theory in the Twentieth Century New York: New York University Press pp. 114-133 Baudrillard, J. (1983) In the shadow of the silent majorities, -or, The end of the Social New York City: Semiotext(e) Baudrillard, J. (1998) The consumer society: myths and structures London: Sage Bauman, Z. (1991) 'A Sociological Theory of Postmodernity' Thesis Eleven No. 29 pp.33-46 Bauman, Z. (2001) “Postmodern Ethics” in S. Seidman and J. Alexander (eds) The New Social Theory Reader London: Routledge pp. 138-144 Bourdieu, P. (1990) “Social Space and Symbolic Power” in Bourdieu, P. In Other Words Polity Press, Cambridge Bourdieu, P (1998) Practical Reason Stanford University Press: Stanford pp. 1-13; 31-34 (Social Space and Symbolic Space) & (Appendix: Social Space and Field of Power)

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29 Bourdieu, P. & Wacquant, L. (1992) An invitation to reflexive sociology Chicago: University of Chicago Press Brubaker, R (1985) “Rethinking Classical Theory - The Sociological Vision of Pierre Bourdieu” Theory and Society 14 pp. 723-744 Chambers, I. and Curti, L. (eds) (1996) The Post-Colonial Question London: Routledge Danaher, G., Schirato, T. and Webb, J (2000) Understanding Foucault North Sydney: Allen and Unwin Dodd, N. (1999) 'Reality in Retreat: Lyotard and Baudrillard' in Dodd, N. Social Theory and Modernity Cambridge, Polity Press 131-159 Featherstone, M. (1991) Consumer Culture and Postmodernism London, Sage Foucault, M. (1978) 'Method' in Foucault, M. The Will to Knowledge - The History of Sexuality: Volume One London: Penguin 92-102 Foucault, M. (1980) “Two Lectures” in C. Gordon (ed.) Michel Foucault Power / Knowledge: Selected Interviews and other Writings, 1972 -1977New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf pp. 78-108 Foucault, M. (1980) Power / Knowledge: Selected Interviews and other Writings, 1972 -1977 Gordon, C. (ed.) New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf Foucault, M. (1982) “Afterword: the Subject and Power”, H. Dreyfus and P. Rabinow Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics Harvester: Sussex pp. 208-226 Foucault, M. (1985) The Use of Pleasure: The History of Sexuality Volume 2 Harmondsworth: Penguin pp. 3-13 Foucault, M. (2001) “Power/Knowledge” in S. Seidman and J. Alexander (eds) The New Social Theory Reader London: Routledge pp. 69-75 Gandhi, L. (1998) Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction St Leonards” Allen and Unwin pp. 81-101 Harvey, D. (2001) “The Condition of Postmodernity” in S. Seidman and J. Alexander (eds) The New Social Theory Reader London: Routledge pp. 176-183 Jenkins, R. (1992) Pierre Bourdieu London: Routledge pp. 66-102 (Ch. 4: Practice, Habitus and Field) Lyotard, J. F. (1984) The Postmodern Condition: a Report on Knowledge University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis McNay, L (1994) Foucault: a critical introduction Cambridge: Polity Press Nicholson, L. & Seidman, S. (ed) (1995) Social Postmodernism: Beyond Identity Politics Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

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30 Pefannis, J. (1991) Heterology and the Postmodern - Bataille, Baudrillard, and Lyotard Allen and Unwin: North Sydney Postone, M., LiPuma, E. & Calhoun, C. (1993) 'Introduction: Bourdieu and Social Theory' in C. Calhoun, E. LiPuma & M. Postone (eds) Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives Cambridge, Polity Press Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill (‘Pierre Bourdieu’s Reflexive Sociology’ A5-A7 (Appendix)) Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ’17 Structuralism, Poststructuralism, and the Emergence of Postmodern Social Theory’ pp579-594; pp.598-616 Seidman S. (ed) (1994) The Postmodern Turn - New perspectives on social theory Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Swartz, D. (1997) Culture and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu Chicago: University of Chicago Press Webb, J., Schirato, T. & Danaher G. (2002) Understanding Bourdieu Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin Week Thirteen

Risk Society, Reflexive Modernization, and Globalization Lecture 8 June Beck’s idea of an emerging ‘risk society’ appears to give a name to changes that may otherwise appear discrete and disconnected. For Beck, the modernization of an already modern society gives rise to increasing risks and this reflexive modernization intersects with processes of individualization, detraditionalization, and sub-political activism. Like Beck, Giddens perceives that globalization and the tendencies associated with contemporary individualisation generate a new social and political agenda. His vision of a ‘third way’ in politics has been highly influential, despite extensive criticisms. Before this, Giddens developed a general sociological theory intended to overcome some fundamental dichotomies in the history of sociology, especially the distinction between approaches which emphasis social structure and those that accentuate action and agency. Reading Beck, U. (1992) “From Industrial Society to the Risk Society: Questions of Survival, Social Structure and Ecological Enlightenment”, Theory, Culture and Society Vol 9: 97-123

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31 Pietrse, J. (2004) Globalization and Culture Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield pp. 7-21 Tutorial Discussion Questions What are the key differences between the risk society and industrial society? Does the risk society provide greater insights into the present than posmodernism? Is globalization a process that is irreversible? Further Readings Adam, B., U. Beck, et al. (2000) The risk society and beyond: critical issues for social theory London: Sage. Bauman, Z (2000) Globalization: The Human Consequences Cambridge: Polity Press Beck, U. (1992) Risk society: towards a new modernity London: Sage. Beck, U. (1999) World Risk Society Polity: Cambridge pp. 48-71 “From Industrial Society to Risk Society: Questions of Survival, Social Structure, and Ecological Enlightenment” Beck, U. (1999) World Risk Society Cambridge: Polity Press. Beck, U. (2000) What is globalization? Cambridge: Polity Press. Giddens, A. (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity Polity: Cambridge pp. 10-34 “The Contours of High Modernity” Giddens, A. (1990) The Consequences of Modernity Cambridge: Polity Press Giddens, A. (1994) Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics Cambridge: Polity Press Giddens, A. (2000) The Third Way and its Critics Cambridge: Polity Press Habermas, J. (2001) The Postnational Constellation Cambridge: Polity Press Lupton, D. (1999) Risk London: Routledge (especially Chapter 4; “Risk and Reflexive Modernisation”) Pietrse, J. (2004) Globalization and Culture Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D. J. (2003) Sociological Theory Sixth Ed. Boston: McGraw Hill ’16 Contemporary Theories of Modernity’ pp.541-552; 569-578 Urry, J. (2000) Sociology beyond societies: mobilities for the twenty-first century London: Routledge

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32 Unit of Study Outcomes You will acquire detailed knowledge of the key themes and debates in Sociological Theory, a critical appreciation of the contribution of both classical and contemporary sociological theory, insight into the broad range of applications of the knowledge gained from this unit. Sociological theory should inform your future research in sociology and you should acquire an enhanced capacity for complex modes of analysis. You will have a better understanding of the history of the discipline of sociology, the controversies that have shaped its outlook and the emerging themes in sociological theory. Sociological theory develops your capacities for sustained reflection, pursuit of independent research and ability to think critically about the potential and limitations of different sociological frameworks. It should lead to an enhanced ability to communicate ideas effectively and to reflect on the internal structure of arguments and concepts, an interest in the possibilities for creative thinking and imaginative interpretation distinctive to field of sociological theory. You will obtain a better understanding of contemporary society, being acquainted with the insights of the major arguments of sociological theories of contemporary social change.

A Word on the Demands of Sociological Theory

This is definitely a heavy reading course. You will probably be exposed to approaches and arguments with which you are unfamiliar. Moreover, you will need to regularly supplement the textbook readings with further readings. These activities will make considerable demands on your time. You should also keep in mind the need to allow yourself sufficient time to assimilate theoretical perspectives. It is unlikely that immediate responses will enable you to gain a full appreciation of a theory and its implications. A similar comment is worth making about essay writing: a theory essay may take much longer than you expect. We will discuss the essay during the semester, but early research and a preparedness to rework drafts of your essay will be a significant advantage. Depending on your point of view, these comments could be seen to highlight the down-sides of the course: heavy reading, the time required for research and reflection, commitment to the essay writing process and the potential feelings of uncertainty which may result from encountering the unfamiliar. But you could also consider something which you may not otherwise gain: you will not only know a lot more than you did before but you may even look at things differently from undertaking the course in Sociological Theory. The contribution studying sociological theory will make to your work in other sociology courses and units of study should not be underestimated. A brief list of some of the general course objectives is set out below.