
mwptpay; tpQ;Qhdpfs;

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mwptpay; tpQ;Qhdpfs;

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mwptpa;y; tpQ;Qhdpfs;

Page 3: Scientist;gofd;,ilepiy Mrpupau;

Cuhl;rp xd;wpa eLepiyg;gs;sptp#u;

cj;jpuNk&u; xd;wpak;fhQ;rpGuk; khtl;lk;

Page 4: Scientist

“Lt\ u ®û[úY TûPlTôt\p

TûPlTôt\ u çiÓRúX £k§jRp

£kRû]«u EÚúY A±Ü

A±úY ¨]Õ ùTÚûU”

PôdPo. §Ú. A.P.J.AlÕpLXôm

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Bod¡ª¥v RjÕYmJÚ §PlùTôÚs JÚ §WYj§p Øt±Ûm êr¡«ÚdÏm ùTôÝÕ

AÕ CZlTRôLj úRôußm GûP AR]ôp ®XdLlThP §WYj§u GûPdÏf NUm.

Bod¡ª¥v §ÚÏ

Bod¡ª¥v §ÚÏ

úLô[m,EÚû[ B¡VYt±u EVWm Utßm ®hPm JúW A[YôL CÚkRôp úLô[j§u TWl× Utßm L]A[Ü EÚû[«u TWl× Utßm L]A[®u êu±p CWiÓ TeLôL CÚdÏm GuTûR LiP±kRôo. CYo ªLf£\kR L¦R úUûR.

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L§¬VdLj§tLôL 1908p úSôTp T¬Ñ ùTt\ôo. 1911p AÔUô§¬ûVlTt± Øu ùUô¯kRôo.

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Pô¬ùNp TôWUô²ûVl TVuTÓj§ JúW EVWeL°p Y°UiPX AÝjRm NUm GuTûR TôvLp N¬TôojRôo. Ru RkûRdLôL ØRuØR p LQd¡Óm CVk§WjûRd (Mechanical Calculator) LiÓ©¥jRôo. CYo ªLf£\kR L¦RúUûR.

LQd¡Óm CVk§Wm

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ìRoúTôo¥u AÔUô§¬«p Es[ ©WfNû]Lû[j ¾ojÕ ×§V AÔUô§¬ AûUlûT Tt± ®[d¡]ôo. CRtLôL 1922p úSôTp T¬Ñ ùTt\ôo.

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1774p ú_ôNl lÃvh (Joseph Priestley)

Bd£_û]d LiÓ©¥jRôo.

ú_ôNl lÃvh

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B]ôp ARtÏ ØuTôL.. 1770p Lôop ®pùam Ìp (Carl Wilhelm Scheele)

GuTYWôp LiÓ©¥dLlThPÕ. B]ôp AYo LiÓ©¥lûT ùY°lTÓjR®pûX.

Lôop ®pùam Ìp

Page 14: Scientist

BuPô«u XôùWuh XYôn£Vo (Antoine Laurent Lavoisier )GuTYo Bd£_u

Guß ùTV¬hÓ ARu Ti×Lû[ ®[d¡]ôo.

BuPô«u XôùWuh XYôn£Vo

Page 15: Scientist

mnyf;]hz;lu; gpnskpq;

Alexander Fleming was the Scotsman who in 1928 discovered the antiseptic properties of penicillin mould. The production of pure penicillin was achieved by Ernest Chain and Howard Florey in 1940. In 1942, Fleming demonstrated that penicillin could cure meningitis and the British government urged its mass production. Fleming was knighted in 1944 and shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine with Chain and Florey in 1945. This photograph was taken when Suschitzky was making a documentary film on penicillin for the Ministry of Information in 1944.

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My;ngu;l; Id;];Bd;

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ru; Irf; epA+l;ld;

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians that ever lived. He was born in England on December 25, 1643. He was born the same year that Galileo died. He lived for 85 years. Isaac Newton was raised by his grandmother. He attended Free Grammar School and then went on to Trinity College Cambridge. Newton worked his way through college. While at college he became interested in math, physics, and astronomy. Newton received both a bachelors and masters degree.

While Newton was in college he was writing his ideas in a journal. Newton had new ideas about motion, which he called his three laws of motion. He also had ideas about gravity, the diffraction of light, and forces. Newton's ideas were so good that Queen Anne knighted him in 1705. His accomplishments laid the foundations for modern science and revolutionized the world. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727.

In this lesson you will develop an understanding of each of Newton's Three Laws of Motion.

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ngQ;rkpd; gpuhq;fspd;

Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706, may by his life alone be the most profound statement of what an American strives to be.With no formal education beyond the age of 10 years, Franklin was celebrated throughout Europe, welcomed in any Royal Court, sought out by every prestigious society. Simply said, Franklin was worshipped wherever he went, because of his intellect and genius. He was known as a scientist, inventor, politician, author, diplomat and social activist. Ben Franklin was also elected to the continental congress, where he played a crucial role in the fight for American independence. Through his writings of America, he is seen as an optimistic person that was hopeful about the American lifestyle and culture.


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