scientific issues concerning radon in natural gas

Scientific Issues Concerning Radon in Natural Gas Texas Eastern Transmission, LP and Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC New Jersey–New York Expansion Project, Docket No. CP11-56 Prepared at the Request of Counsel for Applicants Lynn R. Anspaugh, Ph.D. Henderson, Nevada July 5, 2012

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Study authored by Dr. Lynn Anspaugh which looks in detail at the question of whether or not radon in Marcellus Shale natural gas poses a health risk for residents of New Jersey and New York City. It completely refutes, via science, the claims that because Marcellus gas is so close to the markets it serves, that radon is present in very high levels posing lung cancer risks to consumers.


Page 1: Scientific Issues Concerning Radon in Natural Gas

Scientific Issues Concerning Radon in Natural Gas Texas Eastern Transmission, LP and Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC

New Jersey–New York Expansion Project, Docket No. CP11-56

Prepared at the Request of Counsel for Applicants

Lynn R. Anspaugh, Ph.D. Henderson, Nevada

July 5, 2012

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Declaration of Lynn R. Anspaugh ...................................................................................................1

Qualifications ...................................................................................................................................2

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................8

Background information ..................................................................................................................8

Naturally occurring radiation and radioactive materials ............................................................8

Concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil ..............................................13

Radiation dose from naturally occurring radionuclides .....................................................14

Concentration of airborne radon in U.S. Homes ......................................................................14

Examination of the Resnikoff (2012) report ..................................................................................15

Concentration of radon at the natural gas wellhead .................................................................18

Transportation from the wellhead to the residence ..................................................................19

Dilution of incoming radon in the home ..................................................................................20

A more rational approach to calculating radon exposure in the home ..........................................20

Measurements of radon in the pipeline natural gas .................................................................20

Concentration of radon from burning natural gas in residences ..............................................22

Dose from incremental increase of radon in residences ..........................................................23

Risk of lung cancer from the incremental increase in radon concentration .............................24

Discussion ......................................................................................................................................25

Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................25

References and documents examined ............................................................................................26

Appendix: Curriculum Vitae of Lynn R. Anspaugh .....................................................................29

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I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree with High Distinction from the Nebraska Wesleyan

University with a major in physics (1959); a Master of Bioradiology Degree from the University

of California, Berkeley, with a specialty in health physics (1961); and a Doctor of Philosophy

Degree with a specialty in biophysics from the University of California, Berkeley (1963). In

order to undertake my graduate work I competed for and received a Special Fellowship in

Radiological Physics and a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. During my

graduate work and before receiving a Ph.D. I was examined for my proficiency in four fields of

knowledge: atomic and nuclear physics, radiation physiology, biochemistry, and cellular


Following receipt of my Ph.D. degree I worked at the Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory until retirement at the end of 1996. Since that time I have been at the University of

Utah in a position of Research Professor, and I do independent work through my sole

proprietorship, Lynn R. Anspaugh, Consulting.

During my career I have been the author or co-author of 348 published articles and

reports and an additional 75 abstracts. A complete list of these publications in provided in my

Curriculum Vitae, which is the Appendix to this report.

My work has focused almost entirely on environmental health physics, radiation-dose

reconstruction, and environmental risk analysis. I have also, as a member of a team, prepared

and presented several courses and seminars on radiation-dose reconstruction and general risk

assessment at a number of universities, including San Jose State University; University of

California, Los Angeles; Stanford University; University of California, Davis; and University of

California, Berkeley.

My research and publications have originated mainly from the following activities:

Principal Investigator, Project on the determination of trace elements in human tissues

(an important subject for the prediction of the uptake of radionuclides by the human


Principal Investigator, Project on the microdosimetry of 131I in the thyroid gland;

Principal Investigator, Risk evaluation (one of the first quantitative risk assessments) of

the potential use of a nuclear explosive to create a reservoir for the storage of natural gas;

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Principal Investigator, Project on the experimental measurement of the resuspension of

plutonium and other radionuclides from soil surfaces;

Principal Investigator, Risk evaluation and experimental measurements of the risk of

flaring natural gas (contaminated with 3H) from a well bore fractured with a nuclear


Principal Investigator, Development of a model to predict the movement of tritium (3H)

in biological systems;

One of several investigators, Development of a system to assess the real time impacts of

radionuclides in Utah from releases at the Nevada Test Site;

Principal Investigator, Development and calibration of a field-spectrometry system to

measure radionuclides in the environment;

Principal Investigator, Examination of the relative hazards of different fissile materials;

Co-Principal Investigator, Study of the impact of the emission of 222Rn from The Geysers

Geothermal Power Plant;

Scientific Director, The Imperial Valley Environmental Project, which was a

comprehensive project to examine the environmental impacts of the use of geothermal


Project Director, Experimental determination of the inventory and distribution of all man-

made radionuclides on surface soil at the Nevada Test Site;

Scientific Director, Off-Site Radiation Exposure Project, which was the first major dose-

reconstruction project carried out in the United States. The goal was to assess the

radiation dose to hypothetical receptors and some actual persons from past releases of

radionuclides from the Nevada Test Site;

Co-Principal Investigator, Assessment of the use of radionuclides as tracers in the

enhanced recovery of oil and gas;

Investigator, Assessment of the global impacts of the Chernobyl accident;

Co-Principal Investigator, Development of a dose-assessment model for possible future

uses of the Nevada Test Site;

Scientific Director, The Nevada Applied Ecology Group, which conducted a

radioecological study of radionuclides deposited in soil at the Nevada Test Site;

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Scientific Director, The Basic Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Program for

the Nevada Test Site;

Member, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, which was part of the White House

Office of Science and Technology Policy charged with evaluating the potential impacts

of radionuclides being launched into space;

Leader, Working Group on Environmental Transport of the US–USSR Joint

Coordinating Committee on Nuclear Reactor Safety;

Member, Project on the reconstruction of thyroid dose to children in Belarus and Ukraine

exposed as a result of the Chernobyl accident;

Member, Project on the reconstruction of collective dose to the population living in

Ukrainian areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident;

Co-Principal Investigator, Project on the use of measurements of 129I to reconstruct the

deposition of 131I in Belarus from the Chernobyl accident;

US Principal Investigator, Project on dose reconstruction for the population living on the

Techa River, which is downstream of the first Russian facility for the production of


Principal Investigator, Evaluation of internal dose to the population of the contiguous

United States from testing of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site and of large tests

at other sites (global fallout). My two reports on this subject have been incorporated in a

report to Congress by the US Department of Health and Human Services;

Investigator, Reconstruction of radiation dose from the testing of nuclear weapons at the

Semipalatinsk Polygon, Kazakhstan;

Investigator, Dose reconstruction in support of an epidemiologic study of radiogenic

thyroid cancer in children from the testing of nuclear weapons in Nevada;

Investigator, Dose reconstruction for Chernobyl clean-up workers enrolled in an

epidemiologic study of radiogenic leukemia;

US Principal Investigator, Derivation of source terms for releases of 131I and other

radionuclides from the first Russian facility for the production of plutonium, evaluation

of pathways through the environment to man, and reconstruction of dose to residents of

Ozersk, Russia;

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Member, World Health Organization team to perform a preliminary assessment of

radiation dose from the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and


Member, World Health Organization team to perform a Health Risk Assessment

regarding the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami;


Member, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation team

to perform a detailed dose reconstruction concerning the nuclear accident after the 2011

Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

As part of my career work, I have participated in the work of many committees. Among

them are:

Review Panel on Total Human Exposure, Subcommittee on Strategies and Long-Term

Research Planning, Science Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Agency;

Department of Energy/Office of Health and Environmental Research Interlaboratory

Task Group on Health and Environmental Aspects of the Soviet Nuclear Accident;

United States Delegation to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of

Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR);

Biomedical and Environmental Effects Subpanel, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review

Panel, Office of Science and Technology Policy;

Executive Steering Committee, University of California Systemwide Toxic Substances

Research and Teaching Program;

National Laboratory Directors’ Environmental and Public/Occupational Health Standards

Steering Group;

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, an independent

organization chartered by the US Congress;

International Committee to Assess the Radiological Consequences in the USSR for the

Chernobyl Accident, International Atomic Energy Agency;

California Radiation Emergency Screening Team, California Department of Health


Environmental Management Advisory Committee, US Department of Energy;

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National Academy of Science/National Research Council Committee on an Assessment

of CDC Radiation Studies;

Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board, US Environmental Protection


Expert Group Environment, United Nations Chernobyl Forum;

National Academy of Science/National Research Council Committee on Development of

Risk-Based Approaches for Disposition of Transuranic and High-Level Waste; and

National Academy of Science/National Research Council Committee on Effects of

Nuclear Earth-Penetrator Weapon and Other Weapons

World Health Organization, Expert Panel on Exposure Assessment for the Accident at

the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

World Health Organization, Expert Panel on Health Risk Assessment for the Accident at

the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

Selection for service on many of the above named committees and panels is recognition

of my technical expertise and experience. In addition, I have received the following honors from

my colleagues or other organizations.

Elected Fellow, Health Physics Society;

Elected President, Environmental Section, Health Physics Society;

Elected President, Northern California Chapter, Health Physics Society;

Elected to Board of Directors, Great Salt Lake Chapter, Health Physics Society;

Elected Treasurer, Lake Mead Chapter, Health Physics Society;

Elected as a Distinguished Emeritus Member, National Council on Radiation Protection

and Measurements (following service as an elected member of the Council for two six-

year terms);

Designated as an Honorary Professor, Urals Research Centre for Radiation Medicine,

Chelyabinsk, Russia;

Selected for listing in American Men and Women of Science;

Selected for listing in Who’s Who in the West;

Selected for listing in Who’s Who in America;

Selected for listing in Who’s Who in Medicine and Health Care; and

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Selected for listing in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.

I have also been accepted by Federal and State of Louisiana courts without challenge as

an expert witness for radiation-dose-reconstruction and dose-projection issues. I do not consider

this as part of my qualifications, but as evidence of the acceptance of my expertise.

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Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, and Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, have applied to

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to expand their natural gas-pipeline systems

in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. Both of these companies are Spectra Energy

Corporation natural gas-pipeline companies. The FERC has issued a Final Environmental

Impact Statement (FEIS) for this project (FERC 2012) and has approved the project subject to

implementation of proposed mitigation and other measures. Following publication of the FEIS

several entities have sought to intervene and to request a rehearing regarding several issues. One

of the more frequently cited issues relates to the presence of radon (specifically 222Rn) in natural

gas (Ring undated; Schulte undated; Scott 2011; Donohue 2012; Resnikoff 2012; Schulte 2012).1

Rationale given for raising the concern about radon in this context is the belief that the natural

gas in the pipeline is or will be derived from the Marcellus Shale formation, which some of the

interveners believe contains elevated levels of radon. Generally speaking all natural gas contains

some levels of radon, so the presence of radon in and of itself is not new. The fundamental

questions here are whether the natural gas in this pipeline might contain highly elevated levels

and the possible health effects of human exposure to such levels.

The purpose of this document is to examine the issue of radon levels in natural gas in this

pipeline and possible risks to individuals. Most of the statements made by interveners are only

suggestive or qualitative. Information given in Resnikoff (2012) and repeated in Schulte (2012)

is presented in a quantitative fashion; examination of the Resnikoff report is believed to cover all

significant issues raised in the other reports or statements.2


Naturally occurring radiation and radioactive materials

Everyone is exposed to natural background radiation, which arises from a variety of

sources that can be grouped within four broad categories. The first group consists of cosmic rays

and cosmogenic radionuclides. Cosmic rays originate in outer space; these galactic rays have

components that are 98% nucleonic and 2% electrons. The nucleonic component consists mainly 1 The reference style used in this document is a combination of the usual scientific and legal styles. Complete references are given only in the reference section. Where it is appropriate to designate a particular page or pages in a reference, this information is provided as a footnote. 2 Ring notes that stable 206Pb (lead) is a toxic heavy metal and that “lead will be formed in the pipes to the homes, which use natural gas.” Insignificantly small amounts of stable lead, which is the ultimate decay product of radon, will accumulate on the inside wall of the pipeline, but only long before the pipeline reaches any customer’s residence. Accordingly, lead from natural gas does not create any health risk to the natural gas customer.

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of protons (nuclei of hydrogen), but also contains alpha particles (nuclei of helium) and some

heavier nuclei.3 These cosmic rays interact in the upper atmosphere and produce a radiation field

that exposes persons on the earth with generally higher exposures accorded to persons living at

higher altitudes. The cosmic rays also interact with nuclei in the upper atmosphere to produce

radionuclides by a variety of mechanisms; the more common cosmogenic radionuclides are 3H

(tritium), 7Be, 14C, and 22Na. These radionuclides enter the body and produce radiation


The second category is external exposure from radionuclides that are contained in the

surface of the earth. These primordial radionuclides were present at the time of the earth’s

creation, and they have extremely long half-lives such that they are still present in the earth’s

surface. The main radionuclides of concern are 40K and the series of radionuclides that are

headed by 232Th and 238U. There is another decay chain headed by 235U, and this radionuclide is

very important in terms of the development and use of nuclear energy. However, 235U occurs

only in minor amounts: Of naturally occurring uranium, only 0.72% by weight consists of 235U

(Lederer and Shirley 1978), so the presence of 235U and the chain it heads are not significant in

terms of natural background radiation. The decay chains headed by 232Th and 238U are

diagramed in Figs. 1 and 2. Each decay chain, unless disturbed, is said to be in secular

equilibrium in that the activity of every member of each chain is exactly the same, although the

masses of each member may be greatly different. Equilibrium is present because the half-life of

the parent radionuclide is much, much longer than the half-life of any successor radionuclide in

the chain. If secular equilibrium is disturbed, for example, by extracting the uranium from the

other members of the chain by the mining and milling of uranium, then the process of in-growth

of the daughter radionuclides will begin again, but it may be many years before secular

equilibrium is re-established within the uranium materials. External exposure to humans occurs

due to the decay of these radionuclides in soil (and in building materials) and the interaction of

the decay emissions (primarily gamma rays or photons) with human tissue.

As noted in Figs. 1 and 2, each of the two chains has one decay product that consists of a

noble gas, 220Rn or 222Rn. Either of these tends to migrate from the soil surface into the air and is

available for subsequent inhalation by man; this is the third category of exposure: inhalation.

Radon-222 is the more important of the two, as its half-life is long enough for it to migrate

through soil and into outdoor air. Depending upon a variety of factors, radon may also

3 A much more lengthy discussion of natural background radiation can be found in UNSCEAR (2000).

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Fig. 1. The radioactive decay chain headed by 232Th. Decays by alpha-particle emission are noted by diagonal lines indicating a change in atomic number of two and a change in atomic

weight by four. Decays by beta emission are noted by short horizontal lines indicating a change of one in atomic number, but no change in mass. Abbreviations used are y = years, d = days,

h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. Prefixes used are G = Giga = 109, and = micro = 10-6. This diagram is patterned after that of Evans (1955).

accumulate in indoor air, where it may become concentrated. The inhalation of radon (and its

short-lived decay products) is generally the most significant source of exposure of humans to

natural background radiation, or radiation of any type. Other radionuclides in the two series and 40K may also be suspended from the soil surface and inhaled.

The final category of exposure is related to the ingestion of the same three primordial

radionuclides and the progeny of 232Th and 238U. As each of the three radionuclides resides in

soil, it is inevitable that some amounts of these materials are taken up into food crops or


208Tl3.1 m

212Pb10.6 h

212Bi61 m

212Po0.3 s

216Po0.15 s

220Rn55.6 s

224Ra3.7 d

228Ra5.75 y

228Ac6.13 h

228Th1.91 y

232Th14 Gy


Atomic number






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Fig. 2. The radioactive decay chain headed by 238U. Decays by alpha-particle emission are noted by diagonal lines indicating a change in atomic number of two and a change in atomic

weight by four. Decays by beta emission are noted by short horizontal lines indicating a change of one in atomic number, but no change in mass. Abbreviations used are y = years, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. Prefixes used are G = Giga = 109, k = kilo = 103,

and = micro = 10-6. This diagram is patterned after that of Evans (1955).

238U4.5 Gy

234Th24 d

234mPa1.2 m

234U244 ky

230Th77 ky

226Ra1.6 ky

222Rn3.8 d

218Po3.05 m

214Pb26.8 m

214Bi20 m

214Po160 s

210Pb22.3 y

210Bi5.0 d

210Po138 d

206PbStable Atomic number





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contaminate the outside surfaces of the food. Thus, the radioactive materials are ingested with

food, and some soil is also ingested directly due to the contamination of hands, etc.

A general concept is the relationship between activity and mass. As mentioned above,

the activity of each member of a chain headed by a parent radionuclide would be the same under

conditions of secular equilibrium, but the mass of each member of the chain would be quite

different. The relationship between activity, A, and mass, M, of a radionuclide is given by






00 693.0KK , (1)


A = activity of a radionuclide, Ci;

K = constant equal to 8.56 10-19 Ci-y disintegration-1;

A0 = Avogadro’s constant, atoms mole-1;

AW = atomic weight of the radionuclide, g mole-1;

= decay constant, disintegrations (atom-y)-1;

0.693 = natural logarithm of 2;

T1/2 = half-life of the radionuclide, y; and

M = mass of the radionuclide, g. Thus, for 238U there would be 3 106 g per Ci of activity, but for 234Th there would be only

43 10-6 g per Ci, a difference of about 11 orders of magnitude.

The activity values given above are in terms of curies, which is abbreviated as Ci.

Originally one Ci was defined as the activity associated with one gram of 226Ra; this definition

was changed in 19504 to apply to any radionuclide that had 3.700 × 1010 disintegrations per

second. One Ci is a large amount of activity—not something usually encountered. More

appropriate subunits have been given as a milli-curie (mCi, one thousandth of a Ci), micro-curie

(Ci, one millionth of a Ci), nano-curie (nCi, one billionth of a Ci), and pico-curie (pCi, one

trillionth of a Ci). Much of the data discussed in this report is given in the smallest of the above,

i.e., in pCi.

4 Evans (1955), p. 472.

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Unfortunately in terms of adding to confusion, most of the world, with the notable

exception of the United States, uses the Système International (SI) of units to describe almost

everything, including units of activity (ICRU 1998). Thus, the SI unit of activity is the

disintegration per second, of which the special name is the becquerel (Bq), equal to one

disintegration per second.

Concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil

A substantial amount of effort has been devoted to determining the amount of exposure

and dose a person receives from these naturally occurring radioactive materials. One of the steps

in this description has been to determine the concentrations of 40K, 232Th, and 238U in soil.

Because of historical interest and because it is the parent of 222Rn (see Fig. 2), considerable

interest has also been devoted to measuring the occurrence of 226Ra in soils. Information on the

occurrence of 40K, 232Th, and 238U in soils throughout the world is presented in Table 1. The

range of values is not the most extreme that can be found, but is a broad category of range that is

not unusual. Concentrations of 226Ra are very similar to those of 238U, although 226Ra is not

always found in complete equilibrium with its parent 238U. As indicated in Table 1, the

radionuclide with the highest typical concentration in soil is 40K, which is an isotope of

potassium that makes up 0.0117% by isotopic abundance of all potassium (Lederer and Shirley


As can be noted from Table 1, there is a substantial variation in the concentration of these

materials in soil throughout the world. An older survey for the United States (NCRP 1984)

indicated that a typical value for the occurrence of 238U in US soil was 0.6 pCi g-1, which was

stated to be equivalent to 1.8 g of 238U per gram of soil. Myrick et al. (1983) measured the

concentrations of 232Th, 238U, and 226Ra in soil at more than 300 locations across the United

Table 1. Occurrence of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil. Values in this table are averages over the world.5

Parameter 40K 232Th 238U

Value Range Value Range Value RangeMedian and range,

pCi/g 11 3.8–23 0.81 0.30–1.7 0.95 0.43–3.0

Population-weighted mean, pCi/g

11 1.2 0.89

5 UNSCEAR (2000), p. 116; original values were given as Bq per kilogram (kg).

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States. Some selected values that they reported are shown in Table 2. The variations in

concentration of all three radionuclides are large. For the samples collected and analyzed for the

entire U.S. the quotient of the high end of the range divided by the low end is on the order of

20 to 30.

Radiation dose from naturally occurring radionuclides

Based upon a variety of measurements, including some of those indicated above, the

UNSCEAR (2000) has calculated the annual doses that a person would receive due to exposure

to naturally occurring radionuclides. These values are summarized in Table 3 according to the

four broad categories previously discussed. An indication of the range of the doses is also

provided in Table 3. The average total dose rate is expected to be 240 mrem per year with a

reasonable range (not considering extremes) of about 100 to 1,000 mrem per year. And, as

indicated previously, it is seen that exposure to radon (primarily 222Rn) is the largest source of

exposure to man.

Concentration of airborne radon in U.S. homes

During 1989 and 1990 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) undertook the

National Residential Radon Survey. Values were reported in units of Bq per m3, as is typical of

the scientific literature, whereas it is more typical in regulatory matters in the U.S. to speak about

units in terms of pCi/L. In order to facilitate conversions it may be helpful to note the following:

Table 2. Reported measurements of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil throughout the US. Values are taken from Myrick et al. (1983).


Number of samples analyzed

Range of values, pCi/g Arithmetic mean

and standard deviation,a pCi/g

Geometric mean, pCi/g, and

geometric standard deviation,b unitless

232Th 331 0.10–3.4 0.98 ± 0.46 0.87 × 1.7±1 238U 355 0.12–3.8 1.0 ± 0.83 0.96 × 1.6±1 226Ra 327 0.23–4.2 1.1 ± 0.48 1.0 × 1.6±1 a Standard deviation of the arithmetic mean is the 2 value. b The geometric standard deviation (GSD) is a multiplicative parameter; the range between the geometric mean

multiplied by the GSD and the geometric mean divided by the GSD would contain 68% of the values in the distribution.

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Table 3. Estimated annual dose to the population of the world from naturally occurring

radionuclides and cosmic rays. The ranges are not those for individuals in extreme circumstances, but are reasonable ranges for substantial segments of the population.

Data are taken from UNSCEAR (2000).6

Source or pathway category Average, mrem/y Range, mrem/yTotal from cosmic rays and cosmogenic radionuclides 39 30–100Total external exposure from radionuclides in soil, etc. 48 30–60Total inhalation (mostly radon) 126 20–1000Total ingestion 29 20–80Total from all sources 240 100–1000




















pCi1 . (3)

During the survey 5,694 U.S. housing units were tested successfully, of which 4,658 were single-

family homes and 1036 were multi-family homes. The average radon concentration in the

former housing type was 54.0 Bq/m3 (1.46 pCi/L) and in the latter 24.1 Bq/m3 (0.651 pCi/L).

Values for EPA Region 2 (New York and New Jersey) were somewhat lower with an average

over all living levels of 31.8 Bq/m3 (1.86 pC/L). These values were compared with the EPA

action level for mitigation of 148 Bq/m3 (4 pCi/L).


The essence of the Resnikoff paper7 is its sensational and false assertion that as many as

30,000 excess lung cancer deaths in New York State might occur as a consequence of radon in

Marcellus Shale natural gas used by customers with unvented stoves. Resnikoff’s assertion

clearly violates the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommendation that

“the aggregation of very low individual doses over extended time period is inappropriate, and in

particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective effective doses

from trivial individual doses should be avoided.”8 Resnikoff’s improper and incorrect cancer

estimate is based upon his erroneous estimate of the radon concentration in the natural gas

6 UNSCEAR (2000), p. 140; original values were given in mSv. 7 Resnikoff (2012), p. 2. 8 ICRP (2007), p. 13.

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supplied to New York State customers. As explained in detail below, the cancer risk, based on

actual radon measurements from natural gas samples along the existing pipeline, is insignificant.

The Resnikoff report appears to have been prepared9 initially as a criticism of a Draft

Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement prepared by the New York State Department of

Environmental Conservation (DEC). Resnikoff’s statement was that the issue of radon had been

ignored by the DEC. This initial concern has been superseded by the Final Environmental

Impact Statement (FEIS) prepared by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

(FERC 2012). The FERC report does consider the issue of radon.

It has been known for about 100 years that radon occurs in natural gas (van der Heijde

1977); and the potential health impacts of this occurrence have been investigated by several

authors, including a major study by the U.S. EPA (Johnson et al. 1973). The EPA study

estimated that the overall average concentration of radon at the wellhead is 37 pCi/L. One major

conclusion of the Johnson et al. study was that, “The use of natural gas containing radon-222 for

average exposure conditions does not contribute significantly to lung cancer deaths in the United

States.”10 FERC cited the EPA study in its final environmental impact statement.11 The

Commission also cited studies by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy,12 the British

National Radiation Protection Board,13 and the University of British Columbia Department of

Health Care and Epidemiology.14 These studies’ conclusions were consistent with the EPA

study conclusion. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy study specifically concluded that “in

most cases, the concentrations of radon-222 in well-head gas that would be required to produce

unacceptably high indoor radon-222 concentrations are far in excess of those that have been

observed…. On the basis of present information it seems unlikely that radon-222 in natural gas

would pose a radiological hazard to domestic users, except perhaps in specific local uses near

wells with extraordinarily high concentrations.”

It is my opinion that these studies represent the current scientific consensus regarding the

doses and risks related to the residential use of natural gas. I am unaware of any contradictory,

peer-reviewed, scientific publications. It is also my opinion that these studies fully support the

Commission’s conclusion that “exposure to radon associated with domestic gas use is small and

9 Resnikoff (2012), p. 1. 10 Johnson et al. (1973), p. 51. 11 FERC (2012), p. 4-217. 12 Gogolak et al. (1980). 13 Dixon (2001). The National Radiation Protection Board has been subsumed by the Health Protection Agency. 14 Van Netten (1998).

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radon is not likely to be of concern to suppliers or customers due to the small quantity that is

released into buildings from burning natural gas.”15 The bases for my opinions are discussed


Resnikoff disputes the studies referenced by the Commission based upon his claims16

that: (1) the radon concentrations in Marcellus Shale natural gas are higher than gas produced

elsewhere; (2) the proximity of the Marcellus Shale formation to the New York residences where

the gas is used will result in higher radon concentrations, because the radon decay during

transportation is reduced; (3) New York City apartment volumes are smaller than the residential

volume considered in the studies and the New York City apartment radon concentrations will be

correspondingly higher; and (4) the air exchange rate in New York City apartments is less than

the rate assumed in the studies.

Actual measurements conducted between June 26 and July 3, 2012, of the radon

concentration in the natural gas at various points along the existing pipeline, which will be

extended into New York City in the expansion project, completely refute Resnikoff’s claims and

fully support the Commission’s conclusion that radon is not a concern. Specifically, Resnikoff’s

claim that over 30,000 persons could die of lung cancer is based on his flawed estimate that the

radon concentration in the natural gas as it is delivered to customers in New York City will be

1953.97 pCi/L.17

In fact, however, the actual, measured radon concentration in the pipeline at

Lambertville, New Jersey, approximately 70 miles before the gas would reach New York City

customers by the pipeline extension is only about 17 pCi/L – 115 times less than Resnikoff’s

estimate. The Lambertville radon measurement and the other measurements made along the

pipeline clearly demonstrate that Resnikoff’s first two claims, (1) that Marcellus Shale gas has

much higher radon concentrations, and (2) that the concentrations remain high because of the

short transport distance and decay period, are incorrect. Even if one accepts Resnikoff’s other

two claims, (3) that New York City apartment volumes are smaller than the residential volumes

assumed by the EPA, and (4) that the air exchange rate is lower than assumed, the lung cancer

risk is still insignificant – approximately 1 chance in 100,000 – a risk level that is considered

acceptable by the U.S. EPA. Each of these concepts is discussed in detail below.

15 FERC (2012), p. 4-217. 16 Resnikoff’s May 10, 2012, Declaration, as included in Schulte (2012). 17 Resnikoff (2012), p. 12.

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Concentration of radon at the natural gas wellhead

According to Resnikoff (2012)18 the first factor that must be addressed in assessing the

health effects of radon in natural gas is the concentration of radon at the natural gas wellhead. In

reality, however, the radon concentration in the pipeline measured at or near the consumer’s

home is much more useful and reliable than an estimate of the wellhead radon concentration,

because the radon concentration in the pipeline will reflect the radon concentration in the gas

actually supplied to the customer. It is obvious that the radon concentration measured in the

pipeline will accurately represent the radon decay that has occurred just before the gas is

supplied to the customer, as well as the radon reductions caused by any commingling with non-

Marcellus Shale gas, storage, and/or processing that may have occurred since the gas left the

wellhead. If, instead, one relies only upon a wellhead radon estimate (as Resnikoff did), one

must make uncertain assumptions about the radon reductions caused by commingling, storage,

and processing (as Resnikoff failed to do in his analysis). For this reason, the measurements of

radon (by an independent, commercial laboratory) in natural gas samples (collected by an

independent, environmental engineering company) at various points along the pipeline are vastly

superior to Resnikoff’s wellhead estimates.

Further, Resnikoff’s wellhead estimates are not reliable or correct. He relies upon the

concentration of uranium-238 in various geologic formations for his estimate. The first source of

uranium data that he relies upon is some gamma ray logs that are of such poor quality that

Resnikoff admits: “It is not possible to give the specific radioactivity measurement.”19 Even if

Resnikoff could read the logs accurately, he incorrectly converts the API log units to picocuries

per gram, deriving a uranium concentration that is much too high.20 The second source of

uranium data upon which Resnikoff relies is a 1981 preliminary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

18 Resnikoff (2012), p. 4. 19 Resnikoff (2012), p. 6. 20 Resnikoff contends that the poor-quality gamma ray logs indicate 200-400 API units, and he uses the conversion that 16.5 GAPI units are equal to 1 pCi/g radium equivalent. He then assumes that 1 pCi/g radium equivalent is equal to 1 pCi/g of radium alone. This is not true; the term equivalent refers to a mixture of radionuclides giving rise to an equivalent dose as does radium alone. For a mixture of naturally occurring radionuclides, the radium equivalent would be calculated as equal to A(Ra) + 1.43A(Th) + 0.077A(40K), where the A’s represent activity in Bq/kg (Tufail et al. 2006). . Without knowing the concentration of Th and 40K in the wellbore, it is not possible to interpret the GAPI unit quantitatively in terms of U or Ra

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report that was not reviewed or edited by the USGS.21 Resnikoff claims at page 8 of his report

that the preliminary USGS data are consistent with his illegible gamma ray log data that he has

misinterpreted. All these sources of error and uncertainty should be disregarded in favor of real

empirical data – the actual radon measurements in the pipeline that are now available.

Resnikoff uses the inconsistent USGS data and illegible gamma logs in an unknown

model to estimate the concentration of radon at the wellhead. Resnikoff provides no information

about the model. He lists 15 parameters (e.g., “max gas-yielding radius r”), but supplies no

information about where he obtained the parameter data that he claims to use in the model. He

also fails to state the uncertainties associated with each of the parameters. Again, all of these

postulations should be disregarded, and reliance should be placed instead upon the actual radon

measurements in the pipeline. In fact, it is a scientific axiom that actual measured data are

always superior to modeled estimates. In this case, Resnikoff’s modeled estimates are

particularly unreliable, because he does not give any information about the model or the basis for

the parameters he uses in the model. In summary, Resnikoff’s estimate of the concentration of

radon at the wellhead is not correct or reliable, because he used unreliable or undocumented data

in an unknown model. Dr. Resnikoff concludes this section of his report with the comment that,

“independent testing of production wells in the Marcellus shale formation”22 is needed. As

explained above and considered in more detail below, independent testing of samples collected

along the pipeline has been accomplished. This testing, as noted, is far superior to testing the

wells, because it accurately measures the concentration of radon in the consumer’s gas supply.

Transport from the wellhead to the residence

Resnikoff’s second factor for estimating the health effects of radon in natural gas pertains

to the transportation of the gas from the wellhead to the household.23 The main importance of

this factor is that radon-222 has a half-life of only 3.8 days (Fig. 2), so the longer distance that

natural gas is transported the more time there is for decay of the radon. Dr. Resnikoff notes that

if gas is piped from the Gulf Coast it takes longer than for gas piped from the Marcellus Shale

formation. As explained above, actual measurements of the radon in natural gas samples

collected along the pipeline are the most accurate indication of the radon that will be present in

21 “Geochemistry of trace elements and uranium in Devonian shales of the Appalachian Basis,” J.S. Leventhal et al., U.S. Geological Survey (Open File Report 81-778, 1981); available at: 22 Resnikoff (2012), p. 9. 23 Resnikoff (2012), p. 4.

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the gas supplied to the customer. These measurements account not only for the reduction in the

radon concentration due to radioactive decay during transportation, but also for the reductions

due to commingling of the gas from the Marcellus Shale formations with other gas, storage, and

processing of the gas. Thus, these actual measurements are much more useful and reliable than

Resnikoff’s estimates of the radon reduction due to decay alone.

Dilution of incoming radon in the home

Resnikoff’s third factor for estimating the health effects of radon in natural gas concerns

the dilution of radon entering the home. The dilution factor used in the EPA study (Johnson et

al. 1973) was given as 7,111. This value depends on three factors: the amount of natural gas

used in the home, the size of the home, and the number of air exchanges per unit time.

Dr. Resnikoff takes issue with the home size (residential volume) and the number of air

exchanges assumed in the EPA study. He postulates a smaller average size of the home and a

smaller rate of air exchange. His postulated dilution factor is given as 4,053.24 As discussed

below, even if Dr. Resnikoff’s dilution factor is applied to the actual radon concentrations

measured in the pipeline, the health risk is insignificant.



Measurements of radon in the pipeline natural gas

We agree entirely with Dr. Resnikoff that there was a need for independent testing of the

radon levels in natural gas that might reasonably be expected to enter homes of the residents in

New Jersey and New York. In order to meet this need, Spectra Energy retained an independent

environmental engineering company25 to collect samples of natural gas from eight different

locations as shown in Fig. 3 and submitted the samples to an independent commercial

laboratory26 for analysis of radon. The results are given in Table 4. As expected, the

concentrations of radon in samples further to the west have higher concentrations than those to

the east. This is partly due to radioactive decay of the radon as the natural gas moves eastward

through the pipeline. It seems clear that the first two samples in Table 4 are the more

24 Resnikoff (2012), p. 10. 25 RAdata, Inc., 27 Ironia Road, Flanders, NJ. 26 Bowser-Morner, 4518 Taylorsville Road, Dayton, OH. The natural gas samples were analyzed for their radon concentrations by Dr. Philip Jenkins, Ph.D., who is a Certified Health Physicist and specializes in radon mesurements.

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Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of the existing Spectra Energy pipeline. The red lines represent the Texas Eastern pipelines and the green lines represent the Algonquin Gas Transmission pipelines. The locations of eight points sampling for

analysis of 222Rn are shown by the boxes. The point considered to be most representative of natural gas delivered or to be delivered to customers in New Jersey and New York is the Lambertsville Compressor Station.

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Table 4. Results of independent sample analysis for the content of 222Rn in natural gas at eight different sampling points. The first two samples are nearer to residents in New Jersey and

New York, who might use gas from the pipeline extension.

Sample date Sample location Rn conc. (pCi/L)


(pCi/L) June 26, 2012 Mahwah Interconnect (#00201) 16.9 ±1.6 0.10

June 26, 2012 Lambertsville compressor stationM&R#78012 Line 20

17.0±1.6 0.12

June 27, 2012 Anadardo M&R#73659 27.6±2.6 0.10June 27, 2012 Williams LMM M&R#736521 23.9±2.2 0.10July 1, 2012 NiSource Midstream (#75660) 32.9±3.0 0.12July 1, 2012 Caiman (#73656) 39.1±3.6 0.11July 2, 2012 National Fuel-Holbrook (#75720) 26.2±2.4 0.09July 2, 2012 Energy Corp-Jefferson (#73465) 44.1±4.1 0.10a Minimum detectable concentration. representative of the concentrations of radon in natural gas as it would enter residences, because

these two samples are the closest to the customers in New York City.

Concentration of radon from burning natural gas in residences

According to the methods employed by both Johnson et al. (1973) and Resnikoff (2012)

the concentration of radon in residences is simply the concentration in natural gas divided by a

dilution factor. According to Resnikoff that dilution factor should be 4053. On that basis the

incremental concentration of radon in residences is 0.0042 pCi/L, as derived below:






pCi17 and (4)

33 m









pCi17 . (5)

This value of 0.0042 pCi/L is 443 times lower than the “normal” radon level in

residences of 1.86 pCi/L in EPA Region 2 (New York and New Jersey).27

27 Marcinowski et al. (1991), p. 705.

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Dose from incremental increase of radon in residences

The calculation of radiation dose from the inhalation of radon has been carefully studied

for years. This research gave rise early on to an expression of exposure rather than dose in terms

of a Working Level (WL). Originally, this was intended to equate to being exposed to 100 pCi/L

of radon in equilibrium with its short-lived daughters. However, radon is seldom in equilibrium

with its short-lived daughters, so the definition of a WL was changed to “that concentration of

short-lived radon daughter products in a liter of air that will yield 1.3 × 105 million electron volts

(MeV) of alpha energy in decaying through 214Po (see Fig. 2). Integrated exposure as a surrogate

for dose was then defined in terms of working level months (WLM). The original definition was

applied for occupational exposure, so a WLM was calculated on the basis of exposure for 170

hours per month.28

The most recent authoritative document that addresses dose and risk from exposure to

radon is the International Commission on Radiological Protection Report No. 115 (ICRP 2010).

Two further definitions are important, because of the non-equilibrium among radon and its short-

lived daughters.29 The first is that of “equilibrium equivalent concentration,” which is defined as

“the activity concentration of radon gas in equilibrium with its short-lived progeny that would

have the same potential alpha energy concentration as the existing non-equilibrium mixture.”

And, the equilibrium factor is “the ratio of the equilibrium equivalent concentration to the radon

gas concentration. In other words, the ratio of potential alpha energy concentration for the actual

mixture of radon decay product to that which would apply at radioactive equilibrium.” This is

important, because the equilibrium factor is typically given as 0.4.

An important statement in ICRP (2010) is that, “an annual domestic exposure of

227 Bq/m3 gives rise to 1 WLM assuming occupancy of 7000 hours per year and an equilibrium

factor of 0.4. Thus, the annual dose (in WLM) of the exposure to the incremental radon

exposure given above is














3 . (6)

28 ICRP (1993), p.4. 29 ICRP (2010), p. 19.

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If we integrate that annual dose over a 30-year period, as suggested by Resnikoff, 30 the

result is a 30-year dose of 0.020 WLM.

Risk of lung cancer from the incremental increase in radon concentration

As given by the ICRP, the risk of lung cancer is 5 × 10-4 per WLM.31 Thus, the

individual risk of lung cancer is calculated to be 1.0 × 10-5. This means the risk of lung cancer

associated with radon in natural gas used in unvented ovens and calculated with Dr. Resnikoff’s

dilution factor is 1 in 100,000.

According to the U.S. EPA any risk below 10-4 (1 in 10,000) is deemed acceptable

(Fields 1997; Luftig and Weinstock 1997; EPA 2012). And, it must be remembered that there

may not be any increase over the risk that the future customers of this pipeline will receive, as

they are likely already using natural gas from other sources. The actual measured concentration

of radon in the existing pipeline is below the average tabulated by Johnson et al. 1973) for the

United States. Thus, the use of natural gas from this pipeline might actually decrease the

existing risk.


This report began with a discussion of background radiation, levels of naturally occurring

radionuclides in soil, doses received from background radiation, and levels of radon found in

U.S. homes during the National Residential Radon Survey (NRRS) (Marcinowski et al. 1994).

The NRRS was conducted by the EPA under a mandate from Congress in the Superfund

Amendments and Reauthorization Act.32 Radon is ubiquitous and is the largest source of dose to

man from naturally occurring radioactive materials.33 The naturally occurring level of radon in

homes in EPA Region II, which includes New York and New Jersey, is 1.86 pCi/L.

A major conclusion from the study of natural background radiation is that environmental

levels of radiation and radon are very weak carcinogens, if they are carcinogenic at those levels

at all. This conclusion might seem surprising to those who have grown accustomed to the scare

tactics employed by interveners. However, the proof exists in the fact that humans still exist on

30 Resnikoff (2012), p. 4. 31 ICRP (2010), p. 11. 32 Marcinowski et al. (1994), p. 699. 33 See Table 3 above.

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earth. If the projections employed by the interveners were correct, all humans would have

perished from cancer thousands of years ago.

From Table 3 above, the average dose to the world population from the inhalation of

radon is 0.126 rem per year. With use of a dose conversion factor of 9 nSv per Bq h/m3 from

UNSCEAR,34 the annual dose from the projected use of natural gas from the pipeline extension

is calculated to be 0.0004 rem. Compared to an annual dose of 0.240 rem per year from all

sources of natural background, this is a trivial dose.

The ICRP, which is recognized as the pre-eminent authority on radiation protection, has

cautioned against summing such trivial doses over a large number of persons (this is termed

collective dose) to project cancer risks. This was noted above, but it is worth repeating here:

“Collective effective dose is not intended as a tool for epidemiological risk

assessment, and it is inappropriate to use it in risk projections. The aggregation of

very low individual doses over extended time periods is inappropriate, and in

particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective

effective doses from trivial individual doses should be avoided.”

Effective dose is a specialized concept of dose that is a weighted sum of doses to all organs.35 I

consider the comment above on trivial doses to apply to lung doses as well as to effective doses.


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission appropriately confronted the issue of the

dose and risks associated with radon in natural gas by considering the pertinent research

performed by leading scientists in the two federal departments having primary responsibility for

the public’s radiation protection – the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.

Department of Energy. These studies, which still represent the current scientific consensus, are

supported by additional research conducted by scientists at the National Radiological Protection

Board (which is now part of the U.K. Health Protection Agency) – the primary agency

responsible for public radiation protection in the United Kingdom – and other scientific

institutions. The Commission considered this British study, as well as supportive Canadian

research. The Commission’s conclusion that radon in natural gas is not a significant concern is

fully supported by this research. It is my scientific opinion that the Commission’s conclusion is

34 UNSCEAR (2000), p. 36. 35 UNSCEAR (2000), p. 21.

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completely consistent with the information on radon dose and risk presently accepted by the

knowledgeable scientific community.

Dr. Marvin Resnikoff criticizes the Commission’s conclusion, claiming that the radon

level in Marcellus Shale gas is extraordinarily high and that the reduced distance between the

wellhead and customer’s residence will cause many deaths. He makes this claim despite a clear

warning by the leading international radiation-protection agency that such assertions are

scientifically improper.

Natural gas samples have now been collected by an independent environmental

engineering company and analyzed by at an independent commercial laboratory by a certified

health physicist and specialist in radon measurements. The samples were collected along the

applicant’s pipeline and particularly at the point near where the pipeline would be extended into

the New York City metropolitan area. The sample analyses clearly show that the radon levels in

the natural gas are low and will cause no significant health risk. Further, the sample results

directly and factually contradict Resnikoff’s speculative claims. Most importantly, the sample

results support the Commission’s conclusion that radon in natural gas is not a significant



Dixon DW. Radon exposures from the use of natural gas in buildings. National Radiological Protection Board. Radiat Prot Dosim 97:259–264; 1998.

Donohue C. Request for rehearing of Sierra Club, No Gas Pipeline, Food & Water Watch and Sane Energy Project. New York, NY: Clare Donahue; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. CP11-56-000; 2012.

Environmental Protection Agency. Exposure factors handbook. Washington, DC: EPA; 2011.

Environmental Protection Agency. Title 40. Protection of the Environment. Part 300. National oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan. Subpart E. Hazardous substance response. § 300.430. Remedial investigation/feasibility study and selection of remedy. 40 CFR 300.430(e)(2)(i)(A)(2); (Current as of June 28, 2012).

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Federal Energy Regulation Commission. New Jersey–New York Expansion Project. Final environmental impact statement Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, and Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC. Washington, DC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Docket Nos. CP11-56-000 and PF10-17-000; FERC/EIS-0241F; 2012.

Fields TJ, Jr. Clarification of the role of applicable, or relevant and appropriate requirements in establishing preliminary remediation goals under CERCLA. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency; OSWER No. 9200.4-23; 1997.

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Gogolak CV. Review of 222Rn in natural gas produced from unconventional sources. New York, NY: Environmental Measurements Laboratory; Report DOE/EML-385; 1980.

Harley NH. Radon levels in a high-rise apartment. Health Phys 61:263–265; 1991.

International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements. Fundamental quantities and units for ionizing radiation. Bethesda, MD: ICRU; ICRU Report 60; 1998.

International Commission on Radiological Protection. 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Oxford: Pergamon Press; ICRP Publication 60; 1991.

International Commission on Radiological Protection. Protection against radon-222 at home and at work. Oxford: Pergamon Press; ICRP Publication 65; 1993.

International Commission on Radiological Protection. The ICRP Database of dose coefficients: Workers and members of the public. Oxford: Pergamon Press; ICRP CD-ROM System, Version 2.01; 2001.

International Commission on Radiological Protection. The 2007 recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Orlando, FL: Elsevier; ICRP Publication 103; 2007.

International Commission on Radiological Protection. Lung cancer risk from radon and progeny and statement on radon. Orlando, FL: Elsevier; ICRP Publication 115; 2010.

Johnson RH, Jr, Bernhardt DE, Nelson NS, Calley HW, Jr. Assessment of potential radiological health effects from radon in natural gas. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency; Report EPA-520/1-73-004; 1973.

Lederer CM, Shirley VS, Eds. Table of isotopes, seventh edition. New York, NY: Wiley; 1978.

Leventhal JS, Crock JG, Malcolm MJ. Geochemistry of trace elements and uranium in Devonian shales of the Appalachian Basin. Denver, CO: U.S. Geological Survey; Open File Report 81-778; 1981. Available at Last accessed on July 3, 2012.

Luftig SD, Weinstock L. Establishment of cleanup levels for CERCLA sites with radioactive contamination. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency; OSWER No. 9200.4-18; 1997.

Marcinowski F, Lucas RM, Yeager WM. National and regional distributions of airborne radon concentrations in U.S. homes. Health Phys 66:699–706; 1994.

Myrick TE, Berven BA, Haywood FF. Determination of concentrations of selected radionuclides in surface soil in the U.S. Health Phys 45:631–642; 1983.

National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. Radiation dose reconstruction for epidemiologic uses. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1998.

National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. Health effects of exposure to radon. BEIR VI. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1999a.

National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. Evaluation of guidelines for exposures to technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1999b.

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National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Exposures from the uranium series with emphasis on radon and its daughters. Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements; NCRP Report No. 77; 1984.

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Approaches to risk management in remediation of radioactively contaminated sites. Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements; NCRP Report No. 146; 2004.

Resnikoff M. Radon in natural gas from Marcellus Shale. New York, NY: Radioactive Waste Management Associates; January 10, 2012. Also given as Attachment A in Schulte (2012).

Resnikoff M. Declaration of Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D. May 10, 2012. This declaration is included in Schulte (2012).

Ring JW. The radioactive dangers associated with the hydrofracking process in the Marcellus and Utica Shales in NY State. Exhibit 18 in Schulte (undated).

Schulte WJ. Comments of Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch and No Gas Pipeline on Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Newark, NJ: Eastern Environmental Law Center; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. CP11-56; undated.

Schulte WJ. Motion to supplement the record of the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch, and No Gas Pipeline. Newark, NJ: Eastern Environmental Law Center; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. CP11-56; 2012.

Scott G. Comment of Gudrun Scott, RN on DEIS in CP 11-56. Andover, NY: Gudrun Scott; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. CP11-56; 2011.

Tufail M, Akhtar N. Waqas M. Radioactive rock phosphate: The feed stock of phosphate fertilizers used in Pakistan. Health Phys 90:361–370; 2006.

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. New York, NY: United Nations; UNSCEAR 2000 report to the General Assembly; Sales No. E.00.IX.3; 2000.

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Effects of ionizing radiation. Volume II. Annex D. Sources to effects assessment for radon in homes and workplaces. New York, NY: United Nations; UNSCEAR 2006 report to the General Assembly; Sales No. E.09.IX.5; (2009).

Van Netten C, Kan K, Anderson J, Morley D. Radon-222 and gamma ray levels associated with the collection, processing, transmission, and utilization of natural gas. Am Indust Hygiene Assoc J 59:622–628; 1998.

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CURRICULUM VITAE LYNN R. ANSPAUGH EDUCATION: Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Nebraska B.A. with High Distinction (Physics), 1955–1959 University of California, Berkeley, California M.Bioradiology (Health Physics), 1959–1961 University of California, Berkeley, California Ph.D. (Biophysics), 1961–1963 POSITIONS: USAEC Special Fellowship in Radiological Physics, University of

California, Berkeley, California, 1959–1961 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, University of

California, Berkeley, California, 1961–1963 Biophysicist, Biomedical and Environmental Research Division,

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1963–1974

Biophysicist and Group Leader for Applied Environmental Sciences,

Biomedical and Environmental Research Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1974–1975

Biophysicist and Section Leader for Analysis and Assessment,

Environmental Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1976–1982

Biophysicist and Division Leader, Environmental Sciences Division,

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1982–1992

Biophysicist and Director, Risk Sciences Center, Health and

Ecological Assessment Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1993–1995

Biophysicist and Director, Dose Reconstruction Program,

Atmospheric and Ecological Sciences Program, Health and Ecological Assessment Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, 1995–1996

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Lynn R. Anspaugh Page 2 CV/Bibliography

July 1, 2012

Research Professor, Division of Radiobiology, Radiology Department,

School of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1997–Present

CONCURRENT Teacher, University Extension, University of POSITIONS: California, Berkeley, California, 1966–1969 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1975 Faculty Affiliate, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1979–1983 Scientific Director, NTS Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project,

1979–1996 Scientific Director, Nevada Applied Ecology Group, 1983–1986 Scientific Director, Basic Environmental Compliance and Monitoring

Program, Nevada Test Site, 1986–1992 Guest Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles, California,

1992–1997; 2008; 2010 Guest Lecturer, Stanford University, Stanford, California 1992 Co-Director, Risk Sciences Program, Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory, Livermore, California, and University of California, Davis, California, 1992–1995

Visiting Lecturer and Associate in the Experiment Station, University

of California, Davis, California, 1992–1995 Guest Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley, 1995–1997 Consulting Employee, Science Applications International

Corporation, Las Vegas, NV; 1998–2000 Associate, Sanford Cohen & Associates, Inc., McLean, VA; 2003–

2004; 2006–Present RESEARCH: Trace Elements in Human Metabolism Aeolian Resuspension of Transuranic Radionuclides Public Health Implications of the Use of Nuclear Energy Environmental and Health Effects of Utilizing Geothermal Energy

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Lynn R. Anspaugh Page 3 CV/Bibliography

July 1, 2012

Reconstruction of Radiation Doses from Early Fallout of Nuclear Weapons Tests Calculation of Radiation Doses from Nuclear Reactor Accidents Reconstruction of Radiation Doses from Releases from Plutonium-

Production Facilities Reconstruction of Radiation Doses from NTS and Global Nuclear

Weapons Tests PROFESSIONAL American Association for the Advancement of Science SOCIETIES: Health Physics Society President, Environmental Radiation Section, 1984–85 President-Elect, Northern California Chapter, 1985–86 President, Northern California Chapter, 1986–87 Member, Research Needs Committee, 1994–1997; 1999–2002 Member, International Relations Committee, 1997–2000 Member, Board of Directors, Great Salt Lake Chapter, 2001–2003 Treasurer, Lake Mead Chapter, 2008–Present Radiation Research Society PROFESSIONAL Consultant, Subcommittee to Develop a Federal Strategy ACTIVITIES: for Research Into the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation;

Interagency Radiation Research Committee, 1979 Member, Fallout Study Advisory Committee, University of Utah,

1983–1986 Consultant, Subcommittee on Risk Assessment for Radionuclides,

Science Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Agency, 1984 Member, Ad Hoc Working Group to Review a Veterans

Administration Health Assessment Project, Interagency Radiation Research Committee, 1984

Member, Task Group 7 (Contaminated Soil), Scientific Committee 64 (Radionuclides in the Environment), National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1985–1990

Member, Review Panel on Total Human Exposure, Subcommittee on Strategies and Long-Term Research Planning,

Science Advisory Board, Environmental Protection Agency, 1985 Member, DOE/OHER Interlaboratory Task Group on Health and Environmental Aspects of the Soviet Nuclear Accident and

Member, Committee on the Assessment on Health Consequences in Exposed Populations, 1986–1987

Member, Task Group on Exposure of American People to Iodine-131 from NTS Fallout, National Cancer Institute Thyroid/Iodine-131 Assessment Committee, 1986–1993

Member, United States Delegation, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1987–2005; 2007; 2008; 2011

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Lynn R. Anspaugh Page 4 CV/Bibliography

July 1, 2012

Member, Biomedical and Environmental Effects Subcommittee, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Committee, Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1988–Present

Member, Executive Steering Committee, University of California Systemwide Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program, 1989–1993

Member, National Laboratory Directors' Environmental and Public/Occupational Health Standards Steering Group, 1989–1996

Consultant, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1989–1992, 1996, 2002–2007 Member, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1989–Life; Distinguished Emeritus Member after

2001 Member, Program Committee, 1989–1990 Chairman, Scientific Committee 84 on Radionuclide Contamination, 1990–1995 Member, Program Committee, 1994–1995

Vice Chairman, Scientific Committee 64 on Radionuclides in the Environment, 1995–2001

Member, Program Committee, 2000–2001 Distinguished Emeritus Member, 2002–Life Member, Scientific Committee 87-5 on Risk Management and

Analysis for Decommissioned Sites, 2002–2004 Member, Scientific Committee 6-4 on Fundamental Principles of

Dose Reconstruction, 2006–2010 US Leader, Working Group on Environmental Transport, US-USSR Joint Coordinating Committee for Civilian Nuclear

Reactor Safety, 1989–1995 Member, International Committee to Assess the Radiological

Consequences in the USSR for the Chernobyl Accident, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1990–1991

Co-Leader, Task on Corroboration of Dose Assessment, International Committee to Assess the Radiological Consequences in the USSR from the Chernobyl Accident, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1990–1991

Member, California Radiation Emergency Screening Team, Department of Health Services, State of California, 1990–1996

Member, Environmental Management Advisory Board, Department of Energy, 1992–2001.

Member, National Cancer Institute, Committee on Fallout Radiation Effects on Thyroid (FRETTERS), 1995–1996

Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Committee on an Assessment of CDC Radiation Studies, 1997–2001

Consultant, National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine/National Research Council, Committee on Exposure of

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American People to I-131 from Nevada Atomic Tests: Implications for Public Health, 1998

Expert Foreign Affairs Officer (Special Government Employee), U.S. Department of State, April 1999; May 2000; April 2001; January 2003; April 2004; September 2005; May 2007; July 2008; May 2011.

Member (Special Government Employee), Radiation Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999–2005

Chairman, Expert Group Environment, United Nations Chernobyl Forum and International Atomic Energy Agency, 2003–2006

Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Committee on Development of Risk-Based Approaches for Disposition of Transuranic and High-Level Waste, 2003–2004

Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Committee on Effects of Nuclear Earth-Penetrator Weapon and Other Weapons, 2004

Member, Expert Panel assembled by the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council to consult with members of the Government Accountability Office on Public Health and Environmental Impacts of Radioactive Leaks [particularly tritium] at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, January 2011

Member, World Health Organization, International Expert Panel for the Initial Evaluation of Population Radiation Exposure from the Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, 2011–2012.

Member, World Health Organization, International Expert Panel for the Initial Health Risk Assessment: 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. 2011–2012

Member, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, International Expert Group for the Assessment of the Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure Due to the Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

HONORS: Sigma Xi Fellow, Health Physics Society, 1989 Elected Member, National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements (NCRP), 1989–1995, 1995–2001 Distinguished Emeritus Member, National Council on Radiation

Protection and Measurements (NCRP), 2002–Life Who’s Who in the West, 21st Edition, 1987–1988; 29th Edition, 2002–

2003; 30th Edition; 31st Edition, 2004–2005; 32nd Edition, 2005; 33rd Edition, 2006; 34th Edition, 2007

Who’s Who in America, 52nd Edition, 1997; 53rd Edition, 1999; 54th Edition, 2000; 55th Edition, 2001; 56th Edition, 2002; 57th Edition,

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2003; 58th Edition, 2004; 59th Edition, 2005; 60th Edition, 2006; 61st Edition, 2007; 62nd Edition, 2008; 63rd Edition, 2009.

Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2nd Edition, 1999–2000; 3rd Edition, 2000–2001; 4th Edition, 2002–2003; 5th Edition, 2004–2005

Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 5th Edition, 2000–2001 Honorary Professor, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine,

Chelyabinsk, Russia, 2007–Life Alumni Achievement Award, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2010

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Lynn R. Anspaugh, Ph.D. PUBLICATIONS 1. L.R. Anspaugh, Chemical Elements in the Serum of Man in Health and

Diabetes Mellitus: X-Ray Emission Spectrographic Determinations, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, UCRL-10873 (1963).

2. L.R. Anspaugh, Special Problems of Thyroid Dosimetry: Considerations of

I131 Dose as a Function of Gross Size and Inhomogeneous Distribution, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-12492 (1965).

3. L.R. Anspaugh, W.H. Martin, and O.A. Lowe, “The Elemental Analysis of

Biological Fluids and Tissues,” in Program Book for the Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine of the USAEC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-14739, pt. 2, pp. 33–36 (1966).

4. L.R. Anspaugh and W.H. Martin, “Special Problems of Thyroid Dosimetry,”

in Program Book for the Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine of the USAEC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-14739, pt. 2, pp. 161–166 (1966).

5. L.R. Anspaugh, J.W. Gofman, O.A. Lowe, and W.H. Martin, “X-Ray

Fluorescence Analysis Applied to Biological Problems,” in Proc. of Second Symp. on Low-Energy X- and Gamma Sources and Applications, P.S. Baker and M. Gerrard, Eds. (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1967), pp. 315–334.

6. L.R. Anspaugh, A.L. Langhorst, O.A. Lowe, and W.H. Martin, “Chemical

Elements of Biological Fluids and Tissues,” in Program Book for the Meeting of the AEC Bio-Medical Program Directors, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50223, pp. 9–11 (1967).

7. L.R. Anspaugh and W.H. Robison, Quantitative Evaluation of the Biological

Hazards of Radiation Associated with Project Ketch, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-15325 (1968).

8. L.R. Anspaugh, R.J. Chertok, B.R. Clegg, J.J. Cohen, R.J. Grabske,

F.L. Harrison, R.E. Heft, G. Holladay, J.J. Koranda, Y.C. Ng, P.L. Phelps, and

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G.D. Potter, Biomedical Division Preliminary Report for Project Schooner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50718 (1969).

9. F.P. Cranston and L.R. Anspaugh, Preliminary Studies in Nondispersive X-Ray

Fluorescent Analysis of Biological Materials, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50569 (1969).

10. Y.C. Ng, L.R. Anspaugh, C.A. Burton, and O.F. deLalla, Preshot Evaluation

of the Source Terms for the Schooner Event, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50677 (1969) (title U, report SRD).

11. B. Shore, L.R. Anspaugh, R. Chertok, J. Gofman, F. Harrison, R. Heft,

J. Koranda, Y. Ng, P. Phelps, G. Potter, and A. Tamplin, “The Fate and Importance of Radionuclides Produced in Nuclear Events,” in Proc. for the Symp. on Public Health Aspects of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosives (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1969), pp. 595–651.

12. W.L. Robison and L.R. Anspaugh, Assessment of Potential Biological Hazards

from Project Rulison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50791 (1969).

13. G. Holladay, S.R. Bishop, P.L. Phelps, and L.R. Anspaugh, “A System for the

Measurement of Deposition and Resuspension of Radioactive Particulate Released from Plowshare Cratering Events,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 17, 151–158 (1970).

14. L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, G. Holladay, and K.O. Hamby, “Distribution and

Redistribution of Airborne Particulates from the Schooner Cratering Event,” in Proc. 5th Annual Health Physics Society Midyear Topical Symp.: Health Physics Aspects of Nuclear Facility Siting (Eastern Idaho Health Physics Society, Idaho Falls, ID, 1970), vol. 2, pp. 428–446.

15. L.R. Anspaugh and W.L. Robison, “Trace Elements in Biology and

Medicine,” in “Recent Advances in Nuclear Medicine,” J.H. Lawrence, Ed., Prog. At. Med. 3, 63–138 (1971).

16. L.R. Anspaugh, W.L. Robison, W.H. Martin, and O.A. Lowe, Compilation of

Published Information on Elemental Concentrations in Human Organs in Both Normal and Diseased States. I. Raw Data Ordered by Atomic Number, Subordered by Organ and Suborgan, Listing Method of Analysis, Geographical Source, Age, Sex, and Number of Individuals, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51013, pt. 1, rev. 1 (1971).

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17. L.R. Anspaugh, W.L. Robison, W.H. Martin, and O.A. Lowe, Compilation of Published Information on Elemental Concentrations in Human Organs in Both Normal and Diseased States. II. Data Summary Ordered by Atomic Number, Subordered by Organ, Suborgan, and General Health State, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51013, pt. 2 (1971).

18. L.R. Anspaugh, W.L. Robison, W.A. Martin, and O.A. Lowe, Compilation of

Published Information on Elemental Concentrations in Human Organs in Both Normal and Diseased States. III. Data Summary Ordered by Organ and Suborgan, Subordered by Atomic Number and General Health State, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51013, pt. 3 (1971).

19. L.R. Anspaugh, J.J. Koranda, W.L. Robison, and J.R. Martin, “The Dose to

Man Via Food Chain Transfer Resulting from Exposure to Tritiated Water Vapor,” in Tritium, A.A. Moghissi and M.W. Carter, Eds. (Messenger Graphics, Las Vegas, 1971), pp. 405–421.

20. L. Schwartz, W. Robison, and L. Anspaugh, Opportunities to Monitor

Potential Dose to Man from Nuclear Excavation, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51068 (1971).

21. J.J. Koranda, P.L. Phelps, L.R. Anspaugh, and G. Holladay, “Sampling and

Analytical Systems for Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity,” in Rapid Methods for Measuring Radioactivity in the Environment (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1971), pp. 587–614.

22. L.R. Anspaugh, J.J. Koranda, and W.L. Robison, “Environmental Aspects of

Natural Gas Stimulation Experiments with Nuclear Devices,” in Radionuclides in Ecosystems, D.J. Nelson, Ed. (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1971), pp. 37–52.

23. R.C. Pendleton, J.J. Koranda, W.W. Wagner, P.L. Phelps, R.D. Lloyd,

L.R. Anspaugh, and W.H. Chapman, “Radioecological Studies in Utah Subsequent to the Baneberry Event,” in Radionuclides in Ecosystems, D.J. Nelson, Ed. (National Technical Information Services, Springfield, VA, 1971), pp. 150–169.

24. L.R. Anspaugh, “Retention by Vegetation of Radionuclides Deposited in

Rainfall: A Literature Summary,” in Study of the Iodine Problem, W. Nervik, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51177 (1972) (title U, report SRD).

25. J.J. Koranda, L.R. Anspaugh, and J.R. Martin, “The Significance of Tritium

Releases to the Environment,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 19, 27-39 (1972).

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26. P.L. Phelps, L.R. Anspaugh, J.J. Koranda, and G.W. Huckabay, “A Portable Ge(Li) Detector for Field Measurement of Radionuclides in the Environment,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 19, 199–210 (1972).

27. L.R Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, G.W. Huckabay, P.H. Gudiksen, and

C.L. Lindeken, “Methods for the In-Situ Measurement of Radionuclides in Soil,” in Workshop on Natural Radiation Environment, J.E. McLaughlin, Ed., United States Atomic Energy Commission Health and Safety Laboratory, New York, NY, HASL-269, pp. 12–39 (1972).

28. P.H. Gudiksen, C.L. Lindeken, C. Gatrousis, and L.R. Anspaugh,

Environmental Levels of Radioactivity in the Vicinity of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, January through December 1971, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51242 (1972).

29. L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, P.H. Gudiksen, C.L. Lindeken, and

G.W. Huckabay, “The In Situ Measurement of Radionuclides in the Environment with a Ge(Li) Spectrometer,” in The Natural Radiation Environment II, J.A.S. Adams, W.M. Lowder, and T.F. Gessell, Eds. (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA., 1972), pp. 279-303.

30. C.L. Lindeken, P.H. Gudiksen, J.W. Meadows, K.O. Hamby, and

L.R. Anspaugh, Environmental Levels of Radioactivity in Livermore Valley Soils, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-74424 (1973).

31. L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, N.C. Kennedy, and H.G. Booth, “Wind-Driven

Resuspension of Deposited Radioactivity,” in Environmental Behavior of Radionuclides Released in the Nuclear Industry (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1973), pp. 167–184.

32. W.L. Robison, L.R. Anspaugh, W.H. Martin, and O.A. Lowe, Compilation of

Published Information on Elemental Concentrations in Human Organs in Both Normal and Diseased States. IV. Data Summary Ordered by Specific Health State, Subordered by Atomic Number, Organ, and Suborgan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51013, pt. 4 (1973).

33. L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, G.W. Huckabay, and T. Todachine, Field

Spectrometric Measurements of Radionuclide Concentrations and External Gamma Exposure Rates at the Nevada Test Site. A Demonstration Study, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51412 (1973).

34. L.R. Anspaugh, “Relationship Between Resuspended Plutonium in Air and

Plutonium in Soil,” in Enewetak Radiological Survey, United States Atomic

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Energy Commission Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-140, vol. 1, pp. 515–525 (1973).

35. P.L. Phelps, L.R. Anspaugh, S.J. Roth, G.W. Huckabay, and D.L. Sawyer,

“Ge(Li) Low Level In Situ Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Applications,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 21, 543–552 (1974).

36. P.L. Phelps, L.R. Anspaugh, N.C. Kennedy, H.G. Booth, R.W. Goluba, J.M.

Reichman, and J.S. Koval, “Resuspension Element Status Report,” in The Dynamics of Plutonium in Desert Environments, P.B. Dunaway and M.G. White, Eds., United States Atomic Energy Commission Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-142, pp. 221–310 (1974).

37. L.R. Anspaugh, J.H. Shinn, and D.W. Wilson, “Evaluation of the

Resuspension Pathway Toward Protective Guidelines for Soil Contamination with Radioactivity,” in Population Dose Evaluation and Standards for Man and His Environment (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1974), pp. 513–524.

38. L.R. Anspaugh and D.W. Wilson, “The Relative Biological Hazards of Fissile

Materials,” in Joint AEC-DOD Phase II Feasibility Study of a Low-Yield Atomic Demolition Munition (LOADM) and a Reduced Residual Radiation Demolition Munition (RADM), US Army Armament Command, Rock Island, IL, FO-304-74 (1974) (title U, report SRD).

39. L.R. Anspaugh, K.R. Peterson, and W.L. Robison, “Modeling the Dose to Man

from Exposure to Tritiated Water Vapor,” in Peaceful Nuclear Explosions IV, (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1975), pp. 369–376.

40. L.R. Anspaugh, J.H. Shinn, P.L. Phelps, and N.C. Kennedy, “Resuspension

and Redistribution of Plutonium in Soils,” Health Phys. 29, 571–582 (1975). 41. J.H. Shinn and L.R. Anspaugh, “Resuspension—New Results in Predicting the

Vertical Dust Flux,” in The Radioecology of Plutonium and Other Transuranics in Desert Environments, M.G. White and P.B. Dunaway, Eds., United States Energy Research and Development Administration Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-153, pp. 207–215 (1975).

42. P.L. Phelps and L.R. Anspaugh, “Resuspension Element Status Report,” in

Radioecology of Plutonium and Other Transuranics in Desert Environments, M.G. White and P.B. Dunaway, Eds., United States Energy Research and Development Administration Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-153, pp. 197–205 (1975).

43. L.R. Anspaugh and P.L. Phelps, Interim Report on the Investigation

of the Impact of the Release of 222Rn, Its Daughters, and Possible Precursors

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at The Geysers Geothermal Field and Surrounding Area, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, MISC-2033 (1975).

44. C.F. Hall, L.R. Anspaugh, J.S. Koval, P.L. Phelps, and R.J. Steinhaus,

A Computer-Controlled Sampling System for Airborne Particulates, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51886 (1975).

45. L.R. Anspaugh and P.L. Phelps, “Resuspension Element Status Report, May

1975. Nevada Applied Ecology Group,” in Studies of Environmental Plutonium and Other Transuranics in Desert Ecosystems, M.G. White and P.B. Dunaway, Eds., United States Energy Research and Development Administration Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-159, pp. 91–100 (1976).

46. L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, N.C. Kennedy, J.H. Shinn, and J.M. Reichman,

“Experimental Studies on the Resuspension of Plutonium from Aged Sources at the Nevada Test Site,” in Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants R.J. Engleman and G.A. Sehmel, Eds. (National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1976), pp. 727–743.

47. J.A Kirby, L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, G.A. Armantrout, and D. Sawyer, “A

Detector System for In Situ Spectrometric Analysis of 241Am and Pu in Soil,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 23, 683–689 (1976).

48. L.R. Anspaugh and P.L. Phelps, Eds., An Overview of the Imperial Valley

Environmental Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-17067 (1976).

49. L.R. Anspaugh, “In Situ Methods for Quantifying Specific Radionuclides,”

IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 23, 1190–1196 (1976). 50. L.R. Anspaugh and C.S. McCaleb, “Imperial Valley Environmental Project,”

in Energy and Technology Review, R.B. Carr, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52000-76-5, pp. 21–26 (1976).

51. L.R. Anspaugh, Ed., Balanced Program Plan. Volume IX: Geothermal

Energy. Analysis for Biomedical and Environmental Research, United States Energy Research and Development Administration Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research, Washington, DC, ERDA-116 (1976).

52. P.L. Phelps and L.R. Anspaugh, Eds., The Imperial Valley Environmental

Project: Progress Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-50044-76-1 (1976).

53. P.L. Phelps and L.R. Anspaugh, “Development of Specialized Instruments and

Techniques. Resuspension Element Status Report,” in Nevada Applied

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Ecology Group Procedures Handbook for Environmental Transuranics, M.G. White and P.B. Dunaway, Eds., United States Energy Research and Development Administration Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-166, pp. 325–337 (1976).

54. L.R. Anspaugh and P.L. Phelps, “Results and Data Analysis: Resuspension

Element Status Report,” in Nevada Applied Ecology Group Procedures Handbook for Environmental Transuranics, M.G. White and P.B. Dunaway, Eds., United States Energy Research and Development Administration Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-166, pp. 359–403 (1976).

55. J.A. Kirby, L.R. Anspaugh, and P.L. Phelps, Nevada Test Site, Hamilton In

Situ Gamma Soil Survey: Progress Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-17421 (1976).

56. J.A. Kirby, L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, G.W Huckabay, F.R. Markwell, and

M. Barnes, “A Comparison of In Situ Gamma Soil Analysis and Soil Sampling Data for Mapping 241Am and 239Pu Soil Concentrations at the Nevada Test Site,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 24, 587–590 (1977).

57. D.P. Serpa, L.R. Anspaugh, P.L. Phelps, and A.J. Soinski, The Geysers

Geothermal Power Plant: Environmental Impact of the Release of 222Rn, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Dept. of Eng. Res., San Ramon, CA, 420-77.22 (1977).

58. R.A. Nyholm and L.R. Anspaugh, Eds., Imperial Valley Environmental

Project: Quarterly Data Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-17444-1 (1977).

59. L.R. Anspaugh, “Discussion of Environmental Issues,” in Environmental

Development Plan (EDP), Hydrothermal Energy Systems, United States Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, DC, EDP/G 01(77) pp. B1-B13 (1977).

60. L.R. Anspaugh, The Geothermal Environmental Overview Project, Lawrence

Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-17632 (1977). 61. L.R. Anspaugh, N.B. Crow, P.H. Gudiksen, K.F. Haven, P.L. Phelps,

K.D. Pimentel, W.L. Robison, and J.H. Shinn, Plan for the Long Term Assessment of Environmental Quality in Imperial Valley, California in Relationship to the Development of Geothermal Resources, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52248 (1977).

62. L.R. Anspaugh, S. Amend, W. Bennett, J. Dietz, G. Grant, P. Leitner,

R. Nitsos, R. Ohmart, I. Straughan, and D. Tiller, “Potential Problems to Wildlife Resources,” in Potential Effects of Geothermal Energy Conversion on

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Imperial Valley Ecosystems, J.H. Shinn, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52196, pp. 24–32 (1978).

63. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environment, Health and Safety Issues,” in Environmental

Development Plan (EDP), Geothermal Energy Systems, United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/EDP-0014, pp. 21–24 (1978).

64. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Issues,” in Environmental Development Plan

(EDP), Geothermal Energy Systems, United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/EDP-0014, pp. B1–B7 (1978).

65. L.R. Anspaugh, Final Report on the Investigation of the Impact of the Release

of 222Rn, Its Daughters and Precursors at The Geysers Geothermal Field and Surrounding Area, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, MISC-2818 (1978).

66. L.R. Anspaugh and P.L. Phelps, Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) for

Geothermal Energy Systems, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-81910 (1978).

67. L.R. Anspaugh (contributing author), Environmental Readiness Document.

Hydrothermal Electric and Direct Heat. Commercialization Phase III Planning, United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/ERD-0005 (1978).

68. P.L. Phelps, D.L. Ermak, L.R. Anspaugh, C.D. Jackson, and L.A. Miller,

“Preliminary Environmental Assessments of Known Geothermal Resource Areas in the United States,” Geotherm. Resour. Counc. Trans. 2, 523–525 (1978).

69. Y.E. Ricker and L.R. Anspaugh, Geothermal Environmental Projects

Publication List With Abstracts, 1975 Through 1978, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52783 (1979).

70. L.R. Anspaugh and J.A. Kirby, Soil Radionuclide Concentrations and External

Exposure Rates in the Vicinity of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, at Three Proposed Sites for a Coal-Fired Power Plant in California, and at Two Coal-Fired Power Plants in Utah, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, MISC-2931 (1979).

71. L.R. Anspaugh (contributing author), Environmental Development Plan.

Geothermal Energy Systems, United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, DOE/EDP-0036 (1979).

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72. L.R. Anspaugh (contributing author), Environmental Assessment. Geothermal Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, Brochure CRO B-62 (1979).

73. L.R. Anspaugh and J.F. Kordas, Assessment of the Nevada Test Site Inventory

and Distribution Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52967 (1980).

74. L. Anspaugh and P. Leitner, “Health and Safety Concerns,” in An Assessment

of Geothermal Development in the Imperial Valley of California, D. Layton, Ed., United States Department of Energy Technology Assessments Division, Washington, DC, DOE/EV-0092, vol. 1, pp. 10–1 to 10–21 (1980).

75. L.R. Anspaugh and J.L. Hahn, “Human Health Implications of Geothermal

Energy,” in Health Implications of New Energy Technologies, W.N. Rom and V.E. Archer, Eds. (Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 1980), pp. 565–580.

76. L.R. Anspaugh (contributing author), Workshops to Rate and Assign Air and

Water Issues for Hydrothermal Energy Development, J.M. Williams and E.M. Wewerka, Eds., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-8613-C (1980).

77. J. Harley, F. Arsenault, L. Anspaugh, B. Boecker, S. Book, R. Foster, and

B. Vaughan, “Report of Cluster D—Pathways to Man,” in To Address a Proposed Federal Radiation Research Agenda, (Interagency Radiation Research Committee, Bethesda, MD, 1980), vol. 2, pp. 117–141.

78. J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, and Y.E. Ricker, Technology Assessment:

Environmental, Health, and Safety Impacts Associated with Oil Recovery from US Tar-Sand Deposits, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53210 (1981).

79. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh, and K.D. O'Banion, Health and Environmental

Effects Document on Geothermal Energy - 1981, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53232 (1981).

80. J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, and Y.E. Ricker, Environmental, Health, Safety,

and Socioeconomic Concerns Associated with Oil Recovery from US Tar-Sands Deposits: State-of-Knowledge, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-19298 (1982).

81. D.W. Layton and L.R. Anspaugh, “Health Impacts of Geothermal Energy,” in

Health Impacts of Different Sources of Energy (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1982), pp. 581–594.

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82. J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, Y.E. Ricker, and G.J. Rotariu, “Risk Estimates of Impacts from Emerging Tar-Sand Technologies,” in Health Impacts of Different Sources of Energy (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1982), pp. 595–606.

83. J.M. Ondov, K.C. Lamson, D.H. Stuermer, R.E. Heft, R.A. Failor, D.J. Ng,

C.J. Morris, L.R. Anspaugh, J.I. Daniels, and J.R. McNabb, Measurements of Potential Atmospheric Pollutants in Off-Gases from the LLNL 6-Tonne Retort, L-3, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53265 (1982).

84. J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, and J.M. Ondov, Summary of Air-Quality

Regulations and Recommended Guidelines for Oil-Shale Development in the Colorado Piceance Basin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-52992 (1982).

85. L.R. Anspaugh, “A Comment on Cohen,” Cato J. 2, 275–278 (1982). 86. J.F. Kordas and L.R. Anspaugh, Nevada Test Site Radionuclide Inventory and

Distribution Project Operation Plan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-19413 (1982).

87. L.R. Anspaugh (contributing author), A Study of the Potential Health and

Environmental Impacts from the Development of Liquid-Dominated Geothermal Resources, J.M. Williams, Ed., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-9407-P (1982).

88. D.W. Layton, J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, and K.D. O'Banion, Health and

Environmental Effects Document on Geothermal Energy—1982 Update, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53363 (1982).

89. Y.C. Ng, R.T. Cederwall, and L.R. Anspaugh, Environmental Assessment of

the Use of Radionuclides as Tracers in the Enhanced Recovery of Oil and Gas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, NUREG/CR-3467, UCRL-53485 (1983).

90. D.W. Layton, J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, and K.D. O'Banion, “Selected

Material from Annual HERAP Meeting Presentation: Health and Environmental Risk Analysis of Geothermal Energy,” in Summary of Technical Review and Discussion Meetings for 1983 Health and Environmental Effects Documents and Fifth Annual HERAP Contractor Meeting, (US Department of Energy, Washington, DC, May 1984), pp. 17–33.

91. R.O. McClellan, T.F. Yosie, S. Abrahamson, L. Anspaugh, V. Archer,

V.P. Bond, G.L. Brownell, M. Eisenbud, F.A. Gifford, J.V. Neel, W.J. Schull,

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D. Thompson, and F.W. Whicker, Report on the Scientific Basis of EPA's Proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Radionuclides, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC (August 1984).

92. L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, Estimate of Whole Body Dose for Lynette Tew

and Becky Farnsworth from Nevada Test Site Local Fallout, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-20068 (1985).

93. J. Ware, M. Lippmann, L. Anspaugh, N. Duan, W. Johnson, J. Spengler,

J. Stetter, J. Wesolowski, and R. Flaak, Review of the Agency's Ongoing Research in Understanding Total Human Exposure to Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution. Report of the Review Panel on Total Human Exposure, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC (May 1985).

94. R. Hickman and L. Anspaugh, Radioprotective Drugs: A Synopsis of Current

Research and a Proposed Research Plan for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53639 (1985).

95. L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, Estimate of Thyroid Doses for David A. Timothy

and June Carrell from Nevada Test Site Local Fallout, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCID-20582 (1990).

96. L.R. Anspaugh, “Why the 'Plumbbob Gamma Decay' (PGD) Curve is an

Incorrect Model for External Gamma-Exposure Rate as a Function of Time: A Comment on 'Continental Close-In Fallout: Its History, Measurement, and Characteristics,'“ in The Radioecology of Transuranics and Other Radionuclides in Desert Ecosystems, W.A. Howard, P.B. Dunaway, and R.G. Fuller, Eds., US Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-224, pp. 59–69, 1985.

97. L.R. Anspaugh and B.W. Church, Historical Estimates of External Gamma

Exposure and Collective External Gamma Exposure from Testing at the Nevada Test Site. I. Test Series Through Hardtack II, 1958, US Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, NVO-226 (1985).

98. L.R. Anspaugh and J.R. Kercher, “Biological and Ecological Impacts of

Nuclear War,” in Institutional Research and Development, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-85, pp. 111–112 (1985).

99. L.R. Anspaugh, “Long-Term Consequences and Prospects for Recovery from

Nuclear War: Two Views. View II,” in The Medical Implications of Nuclear War, F. Solomon and R.Q. Marston, Eds. (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1986), pp. 566–579.

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100. L.R. Anspaugh and B.W. Church, “Historical Estimates of External Gamma

Exposure and Collective External Gamma Exposure from Testing at the Nevada Test Site. I. Test Series Through Hardtack II, 1958,” Health Phys. 51, 35–51 (1986).

101. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Impact,” in Special Session on Chernobyl

Update, Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics and Safety, Saratoga Springs, NY, American Nuclear Society, September 17-19, 1986. (Video tape)

102. L.R. Anspaugh, “The Biological and Ecological Impacts of Nuclear War,” in

Institutional Research and Development, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-86, pp. 170–172 (1986).

103. L.R. Anspaugh, Retention by Vegetation of Radionuclides Deposited in

Rainfall - A Literature Summary, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53810 (1987).

104. M. Goldman, R.J. Catlin, L.R. Anspaugh, R.G. Cuddihy, W.E. Davis,

J.I. Fabrikant, A.P. Hull, R. Lange, D. Robertson, R. Schlenker, and E. Warman, Health and Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident, US Department of Energy Office of Health and Environmental Research, Washington, DC, DOE/ER-0332 (1987).

105. L.R. Anspaugh, “What Happened at Chernobyl,” in Energy and Technology

Review (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, August 1987), pp. 1–5.

106. L.R. Anspaugh, “Assessment of Dose and Biological Effects from Chernobyl,”

in Energy and Technology Review (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, August 1987), pp. 14–20.

107. L.R. Anspaugh, “The Ifs, Ands and Buts of Nuclear War” (Book Review:

Nicholas Wade, A World Beyond Healing, the Prologue and Aftermath of Nuclear War, W.W. Norton and Company, New York, NY, 1987) The Scientist 1 (21), 22 (1987).

108. J.R. Kercher and L.R. Anspaugh, “Analysis of the NAEG Model of

Transuranic Radionuclide Transport and Dose,” in The Dynamics of Transuranics and Other Radionuclides in Natural Environments, W.A. Howard and R.G. Fuller, Eds. (US Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, NV, 1987), NVO-272 (DE87014456), pp. 469–506.

109. L.R. Anspaugh and J.R. Kercher, “The Biological and Ecological Impacts of

Nuclear War,” in Institutional Research and Development, Lawrence

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Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-87, pp. 99–100 (1987).

110. L.R. Anspaugh, M. Goldman, and R.J. Catlin, “Atmospheric Releases from

Severe Nuclear Accidents: Environmental Transport and Pathways to Man: Modelling of Radiation Doses to Man from Chernobyl Releases,” in Nuclear Power Performance and Safety (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1988), IAEA-CN-48/274, pp. 377–382.

111. R.J. Catlin, M. Goldman, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Projected Global Health

Impacts from Severe Nuclear Accidents: Conversion of Projected Doses to Risks on a Global Scale,” in Nuclear Power Performance and Safety (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1988), IAEA-CN-48/273, pp. 413–424.

112. R.O. Gilbert, D.W. Engel, D.D. Smith, J.H. Shinn, L.R. Anspaugh, and

G.R. Eisele, “Transfer of Aged Pu to Cattle Grazing on a Contaminated Environment,” Health Phys. 54, 323–335 (1988).

113. L.R. Anspaugh and B.W. Church, “Reply to Comments on Estimates of

External Gamma Exposure by Neel and Rowland,” Health Phys. 55, 581–582 (1988).

114. Y.C. Ng, H.C. Rodean, and L.R. Anspaugh, Incorporation of Additional

Radionuclides and the External Exposure Pathway Into the BECAMP Radiological Assessment Model, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53893 (1988).

115. S.E. Patton and L.R. Anspaugh, Basic Environmental Compliance and

Monitoring Program (BECAMP), Year-End Summary Report FY 1987, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCAR-10244-87 (1988).

116. L.R. Anspaugh, R.J. Catlin, and M. Goldman, “The Global Impact of the

Chernobyl Reactor Accident,” Science 242, 1513–1519 (1988). 117. L.R. Anspaugh, B.G. Bennett, A. Bouville, L. Fritelli, A. Hagen, and

O. Pavlovsky (contributing authors), “Exposures from the Chernobyl Accident,” Annex D in Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1988 Report to the General Assembly, with Annexes (United Nations, New York, 1988), Sales No. E.88.1X.7.

118. J.R. Kercher and L.R. Anspaugh, “Biological and Ecological Effects of

Nuclear War,” in Institutional Research and Development, G.L. Struble, Ed.,

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-88, pp. 88–90 (1988).

119. S.E. Patton and L.R. Anspaugh, Basic Environmental Compliance and

Monitoring Program (BECAMP) Year-End Summary Report FY 1988, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCAR-10244-88 (1988).

120. J.R. Kercher, S. Cowles, P. Tate, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Ecological Effects of

Climate Changes Caused by Nuclear War,” in Technical Papers Presented at the Defense Nuclear Agency Global Effects Review, Santa Barbara, CA, April 19–21, 1988, Volume III, MCR-R-1173, pp. 218–253 (1988).

121. L.R. Anspaugh, “1988 Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award Presented

to Marvin Goldman,” Health Phys. 56, 803–805 (1989). 122. L.R. Anspaugh, K.D. McKinley, and L.L. Schwartz, “Hazardous Waste and

Toxic Substance Research,” in Institutional Research and Development, G.L. Struble, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-89, pp. 104–105 (1989).

123. L.R. Anspaugh, V. Oversby, L. Schwartz, J. Ackerman, W. Bergman,

R. Buddemeier, M. Durst, G. Greenly, A. Hindmarsh, F. Hoffman, D. Layton, W. McConachie, W. Pitz, J. Richardson, and R. Taylor, A Summary of Research, Assessment, and Management Capabilities Applicable to the Fields of Hazardous Waste, Toxic Materials, and Environmental Contamination, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53927 (1989).

124. J. Joyce, L.B. Gray, D.A. Huff, L.J. Ullian, A.W. Wilhite, J.A. Sholtis, Jr.,

R.J. Kurzeja, M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh et al., Safety Evaluation Report for Galileo, Volume I, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, DC, INSRP 89-01, Volume I (1989).

125. J. Joyce, L.B. Gray, D.A. Huff, L.J. Ullian, A.W. Wilhite, J.A. Sholtis, Jr., R.J.

Kurzeja, M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh et al., Safety Evaluation Report for Galileo, Volume II, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, DC, INSRP 89-01, Volume II (1989).

126. J. Joyce, L.B. Gray, D.A. Huff, L.J. Ullian, A.W. Wilhite, J.A. Sholtis, Jr., R.J.

Kurzeja, M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh et al., Safety Evaluation Report for Galileo, Volume III, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, DC, INSRP 89-01, Volume III (1989).

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127. R.O. Gilbert, D.W. Engel, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Transfer of Aged 239+240Pu, 238Pu, 241Am, and 137Cs to Cattle Grazing a Contaminated Arid Environment,” Sci. Total Environ. 85, 53–62 (1989).

128. M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, J.O. Blanton, L.J. Bollinger, R.J. Cuddihy,

N.H. Cutshall, M.D. Hoover, G.M. Marmaro, T.F. McCraw, R.C. Nelson, W.S. Osburn, Jr., J.F. Park, J.E. Pinder, III, and W.L. Templeton, Biomedical and Environmental Effects Subpanel Report for Galileo, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, DC, INSRP 89-06 (1989).

129. J.R. Kercher, L.R. Anspaugh, and S.W. Cowles, “Biological and Ecological

Effects of Nuclear War,” in Institutional Research and Development, G.L. Struble, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-89, pp. 10–11 (1989).

130. P.D. Moskowitz, P.D. Kalb, S.C. Morris, M.D. Rowe, M. Marietta,

L.R. Anspaugh, and T.E. McKone, Comparing Risks from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal on Land and in the Ocean: A Review of Agreements/Statutes, Scenarios, Processing/Packaging/Disposal Technologies, Models, and Decision Analysis Methods, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Radiation Programs, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA 520/1-89-028 (1989).

131. L.R. Anspaugh, “Radioactivity,” in Evaluation of Military Field Water

Quality, Volume 4. Criteria and Recommendations for Standards for Chemical Constituents of Military Concern, J.I. Daniels, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-21008, pp. 3–1 through 3–54 (1990).

132. F.A. Mettler, W.K. Sinclair, L. Anspaugh, C. Edington, J.H. Harley,

R.C. Ricks, P.B. Selby, E.W. Webster, and H.O. Wyckoff, “The 1986 and 1988 UNSCEAR Reports: Findings and Implications,” Health Phys. 58, 241–250 (1990).

133. S.E. Patton and L.R. Anspaugh, Basic Environmental Compliance and

Monitoring Program (BECAMP) Year-End Summary Report FY 1989, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCAR-10244-89 (1990).

134. L.R. Anspaugh, R.J. Catlin, and M. Goldman, “The Global Impact of the

Chernobyl Reactor Accident,” in Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research, Final Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1989, D.L. Abell, Ed., School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA, UCD 472-135, pp. 126–136 (1990).

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135. M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, J.O. Blanton, L.J. Bollinger, M.D. Hoover, G.M. Marmaro, T.F. McCraw, R.C. Nelson, W.S. Osburn, J.F. Park, and W.L. Templeton, Biomedical and Environmental Effects Subpanel Report for Ulysses, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, DC, INSRP 90-06 (1990).

136. L.R. Anspaugh, S.C. Black, C.F. Costa, D.R. Elle, E.H. Essington,

R.O. Gilbert, D.A. Gonzalez, R.B. Hunter, R.D. McArthur, P.A. Medica, T.P. O'Farrell, S.E. Patton, E.M. Romney, J.H. Shinn, and C.B. Thompson, “Radiation-Related Monitoring and Environmental Research at the Nevada Test Site,” in Environmental Monitoring Restoration and Assessment: What Have we Learned?, R.H. Gray, Ed. (Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, 1990), pp. 159–167.

137. L.R. Anspaugh, Y.E. Ricker, S.C. Black, R.F. Grossman, D.L. Wheeler,

B.W. Church, and V.E. Quinn, “Historical Estimates of External Exposure and Collective External Exposure from Testing at the Nevada Test Site. II. Test Series after Hardtack II, 1958, and Summary,” Health Phys. 59, 525–532 (1990).

138. R.T. Cederwall, Y.E. Ricker, P.L. Cederwall, D.N. Homan, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Ground-Based Air-Sampling Measurements Near the Nevada Test Site after Atmospheric Nuclear Tests,” Health Phys. 59, 533–540 (1990).

139. B.W. Church, D.L. Wheeler, C.M. Campbell, R.V. Nutley, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Overview of the Department of Energy's Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project (ORERP),” Health Phys. 59, 503–510 (1990).

140. Y.C. Ng, L.R. Anspaugh, and R.T. Cederwall, “ORERP Internal Dose

Estimates for Individuals,” Health Phys. 59, 693–713 (1990). 141. L. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, T. Grant, S. Haywood, T. Kirchner, W. Marter,

M. Otis, and J.V. Ramsdell, “Dose Reconstruction,” in Proceedings of the CEC/DOE Workshop on Uncertainty Analysis, Santa Fe, NM, November 13–16, 1989, C.E. Elderkin and G.N. Kelly, Eds., Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, PNL-SA-18372, pp. 25–27 (1990).

142. J.J. Koranda, P.L. Phelps, L.R. Anspaugh, G.B. Potter, W. Chapman,

K.O. Hamby, K.R. Peterson, T.V. Crawford, and R.C. Pendleton, Radioecological Studies Related to the BANEBERRY Event, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-51027, 1971 (1991).

143. M. Goldman, R.C. Nelson, L. Bollinger, M.D. Hoover, W. Templeton, and

L. Anspaugh, “Potential Health Risks from Postulated Accidents Involving the Pu-238 RTG on the Ulysses Solar Exploration Mission,” in Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems, Part One, M.S. El-Genk

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and M.D. Hoover, Eds. (American Institute of Physics, New York, NY, 1991), pp. 152–164.

144. J.R. Kercher and L.R. Anspaugh, “Analysis of the Nevada-Applied-Ecology-

Group Model of Transuranic Radionuclide Transport and Dose,” J. Environ. Radioact. 13, 191–216 (1991).

145. I. Shigematsu, M. Rosen, L.R. Anspaugh, V.G. Bar’yakhtar, B.G. Bennett,

G.H. Coppee, R. Coulon, F. Fry, G.K. Gheorghiev, V.A. Gubanov, J. Jovanovich, N. Kelly, A. Kuramoto, T.R. Lee, F.A. Mettler, Jr., A. Salo, E. Smales, F. Steinhäusler, A.V. Stepanenko, V.V. Voloshchuk, and P. Waight, The International Chernobyl Project—An Overview: Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 92-0-129091-8 (1991).

146. L. Anspaugh, D. Calmet, A. Cornelissen, S. Mobbs, P. Moskowitz, and

R.W. Pollock, Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: An Evaluation of Reports Comparing Ocean and Land Based Disposal Options, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-TECDOC-562 (1990).

147. L.R. Anspaugh, “A Reply to: Let’s All Play by the Same Rules,” Health Phys.

61, 143–145 (1991). 148. S.E. Patton and L.R. Anspaugh, Basic Environmental Compliance and

Monitoring Program (BECAMP), FY 1990 Year-End Summary Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCAR-10244-90 (1990).

149. L.R. Anspaugh and D.W. Layton, Contributing Authors, “Environmental and

Occupational Public Health Standards Steering Group,” [Videotape] Risk-Based Standards Workshop, Baltimore, MD, July 9-10, 1991 (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 1991)

150. L.R. Anspaugh and D.W. Layton, Contributing Authors, “Risk-Based

Standards Workshop, Sessions I and II,” [Videotape] Risk-Based Standards Workshop, Baltimore, MD, July 9–10, 1991 (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 1991).

151. L.R. Anspaugh and D.W. Layton, Contributing Authors, “Risk-Based

Standards Workshop, Session III,” [Videotape] Risk-Based Standards Workshop, Baltimore, MD, July 9–10, 1991 (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 1991).

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152. I. Shigematsu, L.R. Anspaugh, V.G. Bar'yakhtar, B.G. Bennett, G.H. Coppee, R. Coulon, F. Fry, G.K. Gheorghiev, V.A. Gubanov, J. Jovanovich, N. Kelly, A. Kuramoto, T.R. Lee, F.A. Mettler, M. Rosen, A. Salo, E. Smales, F. Steinhäusler, A.V. Stepanenko, V.V. Voloshchuk, and P. Waight, The International Chernobyl Project—Technical Report: Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures, International Advisory Committee, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (1991).

153. H.L. Beck and L.R. Anspaugh, Development of the County Database:

Estimates of Exposure Rates and Times of Arrival of Fallout in the ORERP Phase-II Area: Comparison with Cumulative Deposition-Density Estimates Based on Analyses of Retrospective and Historical Soil Samples, United States Department of Energy, Las Vegas, NV, DOE/NV-320 (1991).

154. L. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, B.G. Bennett, and B.W. Wachholz, “Radiation

Exposure of the Population,” in The International Chernobyl Project, Proceedings of an International Conference, Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures (IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 1991), pp. 27–32.

155. M. Rosen, G.O. Gotovchits, F.A. Mettler, P.H. Jensen, L.R. Anspaugh,

F. Steinhäusler, A. Carnino, A. Eggleton, V.A. Gubanov and C.J. Huyskens, Panel Members, “Panel Discussion; The Lessons Learned,” in The International Chernobyl Project, Proceedings of an International Conference, Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures (IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 1991), pp. 61–76.

156. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, Working Group

7.1 on Environmental Transport, US-USSR Joint Coordinating Committee on Civilian Nuclear Reactor Safety, February 21, 1992, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA UCRL-ID-110062 (1992).

157. S.E. Patton and L.R. Anspaugh, Basic Environmental Compliance and

Monitoring Program (BECAMP) FY 1991 Year-End Summary Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCAR-10244-91 (1992).

158. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh, J.I. Daniels and T.E. McKone, “Pilot Health-

and Environmental-Risk Assessments of Three DOE Facilities,” in Environmental Technology Program Annual Report FY91, J.L. Yow, Program Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-105199-91, pp. 7–8 (1992).

159. J.I. Daniels, R. Andricevic, L.R. Anspaugh and R.L. Jacobson, Risk-Based

Screening Analysis for Assessing the Contribution to Potential Public Health

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Risk from Ingestion of Ground Water Contaminated by Radionuclides Introduced at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-112789DR (1992).

160. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh, K.T. Bogen and T. Straume, Risk Assessment of

Soil-Based Exposures to Plutonium at Safety-Shot Sites Located on the Nevada Test Site and Adjoining Areas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-112605DR (1992).

161. L.R. Anspaugh, “An Historical Perspective of the Nevada Applied Ecology

Group,” in Summary of the Nevada Applied Ecology Group and Correlative Programs, US Department of Energy, Nevada Field Office, Las Vegas, NV, DOE/NV-357, pp. 97–117 (1992).

162. L.R. Anspaugh, D.W. Layton, T. Straume and D. Hsieh, “Risk Analysis of

DOE Sites,” in Laboratory Directed Research and Development FY1992, G.L. Struble, C. Middleton, S.E. Anderson, G. Baldwin, J.C. Cherniak, C.W. Corey, R.D. Kirvel and L.A. McElroy, Eds., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-92, pp. 81–82 (1992).

163. J.I. Daniels, R. Andricevic, L.R. Anspaugh and R.L. Jacobson, “Risk-Based

Screening Analysis of Ground Water Contaminated by Radionuclides Introduced at the Nevada Test Site (NTS),” in Pilot Study Risk Assessment for Selected Problems at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), J.I. Daniels, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-113891, pp. 69–97 (1993).

164. J.I. Daniels, D.W. Layton and L.R. Anspaugh, “Overview of the Nevada Test

Site and Identification of Problems to be Addressed,” in Pilot Study Risk Assessment for Selected Problems at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), J.I. Daniels, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-113891, pp. 13–18 (1993).

165. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh, K.T. Bogen and T. Straume, “Risk Assessment

of Soil-Based Exposures to Plutonium at Experimental Sites Located on the Nevada Test Site and Adjoining Areas,” in Pilot Study Risk Assessment for Selected Problems at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), J.I. Daniels, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR-113891, pp. 19–67 (1993).

166. J.I. Daniels, R. Andricevic, L.R. Anspaugh and R.L. Jacobson, Risk-Based

Screening Analysis of Ground Water Contaminated by Radionuclides Introduced at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-112789 (1993).

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167. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh, K.T. Bogen and T. Straume, Risk Assessment of Soil-Based Exposures to Plutonium at Experimental Sites Located on the Nevada Test Site and Adjoining Areas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-112605 (1993).

168. L.R. Anspaugh, L.R. Bauer, E.H. Essington, R.O. Gilbert, T.E. Hakonson,

W.C. Hanson, S. Ibrahim, J.R. Kercher, C.A. Little and R.G. Schreckhise, Contributors, Possible Differences in Biological Availability of Isotopes of Plutonium: Report of a Workshop, J.R. Kercher and G.M. Gallegos, Eds., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-110051 (1993).

169. M.E. Mount, D.W. Layton, N.L. Schwertz, L.R. Anspaugh and W.L. Robison,

“Estimated Inventory of Radionuclides in Former Soviet Union Naval Reactors Dumped in the Kara Sea and Their Associated Risk,” Proceedings of the Radioactivity and Environmental Security in the Oceans: New Research and Policy Priorities in the Arctic and North Atlantic, Woods Hole, MA, June 7–9, 1993 (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 1993), pp. 105–118.

170. L.D. Hamilton, S. Holtzman, A.F. Meinhold, S.C. Morris, M.D. Rowe, J.I.

Daniels, D.W. Layton and L.R. Anspaugh, Lessons Learned: Needs for Improving Human Health Risk Assessment at USDOE Sites, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, NY, BNL-60157 (1993).

171. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, Working Group

7.1 on Environmental Transport, US-USSR Joint Coordinating Committee on Civilian Nuclear Reactor Safety, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-110062-94-2 (1994).

172. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report Update,

Working Group 7.1 on Environmental Transport, US-USSR Joint Coordinating Committee on Civilian Nuclear Reactor Safety, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-110062-94-3 (1994).

173. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, March–May

1994, Use of International Data Sets to Evaluate and Validate Pathway Assessment Models Applicable to Exposure and Dose Reconstruction at DOE Facilities, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-CR-116511-94-3 (1994).

174. L.D. Hamilton, S. Holtzman, A.F. Meinhold, S.C. Morris, R. Pardi,

M.D. Rowe, C. Sun, L.R. Anspaugh, K.T. Bogen, J.I. Daniels, D.W. Layton, T.E. McKone, T. Straume, R. Andricevic and R.L. Jacobson, “Pilot Study Risk

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Assessment for Selected Problems at Three US Department of Energy Facilities,” Environ. Intl. 20, 585–604 (1994).

175. L.R. Anspaugh, and T.E. McKone, “Risk-Analysis Research,” in Laboratory

Directed Research and Development FY 1993, G. Struble, C. Middleton, G. Baldwin, J.C. Cherniak, C.W. Corey, R.D. Kirvel, P.M. MacGregor and K. Rath, Eds., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-53689-93, p. 70 (1994).

176. R.L. Hunter, D.W. Layton and L.R. Anspaugh, “Opportunities and

Impediments for Risk-Based Standards: Some Views from a Workshop,” Risk Anal. 14, 863–868 (1994).

177. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, June–

September 1994, Use of International Data Sets to Evaluate and Validate Pathway Assessment Models Applicable to Exposure and Dose Reconstruction at DOE Facilities, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-CR-116511-94-4 (1994).

178. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, March–

September 1994, Chernobyl Studies Project, Working Group 7.0 Environmental Transport and Health Effects, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-110062-94-6 (1994).

179. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Reports and Final

Report, October–December 1994, Use of International Data Sets to Evaluate and Validate Pathway Assessment Models Applicable to Exposure and Dose Reconstruction at DOE Facilities, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-CR-116511-95 (1995).

180. L.R. Anspaugh and S.M. Hendrickson, Eds., Progress Report, October 1994–

March 1995, Chernobyl Studies Project, Working Group 7.0 Environmental Transport and Health Effects, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, UCRL-ID-110062-95-1 (1995).

181. L.D. Hamilton, S. Holtzman, A.F. Meinhold, S.C. Morris, M.D. Rowe,

J.I. Daniels, D.W. Layton and L.R. Anspaugh, “Lessons Learned: Needs for Improving Human Health Risk Assessment at USDOE Sites,” Technology: Journal of the Franklin Institute 332A, 15–33 (1995).

182. Y. Gavrilin, V. Khrouch, S. Shinkaryov, V. Drozdovitch, V. Minenko,

E. Shemyakina, A. Bouville, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Estimation of Thyroid Doses Received by the Population of Belarus as a Result of the Chernobyl Accident,” in Proceedings of the First International Conference of the European Commission, Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine on the

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Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Minsk, Belarus, March 18–22, 1996 (European Commission, Luxembourg, 1996), pp. 1011–1020.

183. L.R. Anspaugh and A. Bouville, “United States-Assisted Studies on Dose

Reconstruction in the Former Soviet Union,” in Proceedings of the First International Conference of the European Commission, Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine on the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Minsk, Belarus, March 18–22, 1996 (European Commission, Luxembourg, 1996), pp. 1003–1010.

184. A. Bouville, L.R. Anspaugh, and G.W. Beebe, “What is Desirable and Feasible

in Dose Reconstruction for Application in Epidemiological Studies?” in Proceedings of the First International Conference of the European Commission, Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine on the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Minsk, Belarus, March 18–22, 1996 (European Commission, Luxembourg, 1996), pp. 995–1002.

185. I.A. Likhtarev, L.N. Kovgan, S.E. Vavilov, R.R. Gluvchinsky,

O.N. Perevoznikov, L.N. Litvinets, L.R. Anspaugh, J.R. Kercher and A. Bouville, “Internal Exposure from the Ingestion of Foods Contaminated by 137Cs after the Chernobyl Accident,” Health Phys. 70, 297–317 (1996).

186. M.O. Degteva, E. Drozhko, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, A.C. Bouville, and

C.W. Miller, Eds., Joint Coordinating Committee on Radiation Effects Research, Project 1.1–Final Report, Dose Reconstruction for the Urals Population, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, UCRL-ID-123713 (1996).

187. E.K. Garger, L.R. Anspaugh, J.H. Shinn and F.O. Hoffman, “A Test of

Resuspension-Factor Models Against Chernobyl Data,” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Impact of Radioactive Releases, Vienna, Austria, May, 1995 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1995), pp. 369–376.

188. G. Voigt, H.G. Paretzke, L.R. Anspaugh, A.C. Bouville, et al., “Scientific

Recommendations for the Reconstruction of Radiation Doses Due to the Reactor Accident at Chernobyl,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 35, 1–9 (1996).

189. L.R. Anspaugh and J.I. Daniels, “Bases for Secondary Standards for Residual

Radionuclides in Soil and Some Recommendations for Cost-Effective Operational Implementation,” Health Phys. 70, 722–734 (1996).

190. L.R. Anspaugh, “A Risk-Based Approach to Cleanup—Problems and Pitfalls,”

in Assessing the Risks of Nuclear and Chemical Contamination in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union: Cleanup, Management, and

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Prevention, E.J. Kirk, Ed. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1996), pp. 29–32.

191. E.A. Ispenkov, Ya.E. Kenigsberg, V.F. Minenko, M.I. Balonov,

Yu.I. Gavrilin, A.E. Kondrashov, M.N. Savkin, V.G. Skvortsov, V.F. Stepanenko, I.A. Zvonova, V.V. Chumak, L.N. Kovgan, I.A. Likhtarev, I.P. Los’, V.S. Repin, B.G. Sobolev, W. Burkart, K.D. Martignoni, L.R. Anspaugh, R. Mould, and G.N. Souchkevitch, “Dose Reconstruction Project Protocol,” in World Health Organization, International Programme on the Health Effect of the Chernobyl Accident (World Health Organization, Geneva, 1996), WHO/EHG/96.04.

192. F.W. Whicker, T.B. Kirchner, L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, “Ingestion of

Nevada Test Site Fallout: Internal Dose Estimates,” Health Phys. 71, 477–486 (1996).

193. T.B. Kirchner, F.W. Whicker, L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, “Estimating

Internal Dose Due to Ingestion of Radionuclides from Nevada Test Site Fallout,” Health Phys. 71, 487–501 (1996).

194. E. Cardis, L.R. Anspaugh, V.K. Ivanov, I. Likhtarev, K. Mabuchi,

A.E. Okeanov, and A. Prisyazhniuk, “Estimated Long Term Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident,” in 1st International Conference One Decade After Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident, Background Paper Session 3, Vienna, Austria, April 8-12, 1996, (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1996), pp. 241–279.

195. M. Dreicer, A. Aarkrog, R. Alexakhin, L.R. Anspaugh, N.P. Arkhipov, K.-

J. Johansson, “Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident for the Natural and Human Environments,” in 1st International Conference One Decade After Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident, Background Paper, Session 5, Vienna, Austria, April 8-12, 1996, (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1996), pp. 319–366.

196. I.A. Likhtarev, L.N. Kovgan, S.E. Vavilov, R.R. Gluvchinsky,

O.N. Perevoznikov, L.N. Litvinets, L.R. Anspaugh, J.R. Kercher, and A.C. Bouville, “Response to Müller and Pröhl,” Health Phys. 71, 798–799 (1996).

197. T. Straume, A.A. Marchetti, L.R. Anspaugh, V.T. Khrouch, Y.I. Gavrilin,

S.M. Shinkarev, V.V. Drozdovitch, A.V. Ulanovsky, S.V. Korneev, M.K. Brekeshev, E.S. Leonov, G. Voigt, S.V. Panchenko, and V.F. Minenko, “The Feasibility of Using 129I to Reconstruct 131I Deposition from the Chernobyl Reactor Accident,” Health Phys. 71, 733–740 (1996).

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198. M.O. Degteva, E. Drozhko, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, and C. Miller, Development of an Improved Dose Reconstruction System for the General Population Affected by the Operation of the Mayak Production Association, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, UCRL-PROP-126084 (1996).

199. L.R. Anspaugh, D. Hickman, J. Lucas, I. Proctor, T. Straume, T. Sullivan, and

W.L. Robison, “Assessing Exposure to Radiation,” in Science and Technology Review, D. Wheatcraft, Ed., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, UCRL-52000-97-1/2, pp. 14–21 (1996).

200. L.R. Anspaugh, “Technical Basis for Dose Reconstruction,” in Proceedings of

the 31st Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Environmental Dose Reconstruction and Risk Implications, Proceedings No. 17, Arlington, VA, April 12-13, 1995, (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, 1996), pp. 25–48.

201. L.R. Anspaugh, “An Overview of Dose Reconstruction: Lessons Learned

from Studies in the United States,” in Symposium on Assessing Health and Environmental Risks from Long-Term Radiation Contamination in Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1996 American Association for the Advancement of Science and Science Innovation Exposition, Baltimore, MD, February 8-13, 1996 (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, 1997), p. 3–19.

202. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, M.I. Vorobiova, D.S. Burmistrov,

V.V. Khokhryakov, K.G. Suslova, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, and A. Bouville, “Population Exposure Dose Reconstruction for the Urals Region,” in Symposium on Assessing Health and Environmental Risks from Long-Term Radiation Contamination in Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1996 American Association for the Advancement of Science and Science Innovation Exposition, Baltimore, MD, February 8-13, 1996 (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, 1997), pp. 21–33.

203. T. Straume, L.R. Anspaugh, E.H. Haskell, J.N. Lucas, A.A. Marchetti, I.A.

Likhtarev, V.V. Chumak, A.A. Romanyukha, V.T. Khrouch, Yu.I. Gavrilin, and V.F. Minenko, “Emerging Technological Bases for Retrospective Dosimetry,” Stem Cells 15(Suppl. 2), 183–193 (1997).

204. L.R. Anspaugh (One of Numerous Participants of a Study Headed by

A. Bouville), Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses Received by the American People from Iodine-131 Following Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests, A Report from the National Cancer Institute (US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, 1997).

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205. M. Goldman, R.C. Nelson, L.R. Anspaugh, W.V. Hoak, M.D. Hoover, A.C. James, T.F. McCraw, G.M. Marmaro, B. Napier, R.E. Scott, and W.L. Templeton, Biomedical and Environmental Subpanel Report for Cassini (Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington, 1997).

206. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, D.S. Burmistrov, N.G. Safronova,

V.P. Kozheurov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Analytical Review of Historical Monitoring Data and Modeled Concentrations of Radionuclides in Techa River Water and Sediments at Specific Locations over Time. Description of Hydrologic Data and Models Employed, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 1 (1997).

207. L.N. Astakhova, L.R. Anspaugh, G.W. Beebe, A. Bouville, V.V. Drozdovitch,

V. Garber, Y.I. Gavrilin, V.T. Khrouch, A.V. Kuvshinnikov, Y.N. Kuzmenkov, V.P. Minenko, K.V. Moschik, A.S. Nalivko, J. Robbins, E.V. Shemiakina, S. Shinkarev, S.I. Tochitskaya, and M.A. Waclawiw, “Chernobyl-Related Thyroid Cancer in Children of Belarus: A Case-Control Study,” Radiat. Res. 150, 349–356 (1998).

208. E.I. Tolstykh, V.P. Kozheurov, D.S. Burmistrov, M.O. Degteva,

M.I. Vorobiova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Individual-Body-Burden Histories and Resulting Internal Organ Doses Evaluated on the Basis of the Techa River Dosimetry System Approach, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 3 (1998).

209. V.P. Kozheurov, A.N. Kovtun, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, Calibration of Whole-Body Counter SICH-9.1 for Strontium-90, Cesium-137 and Potassium-40 Using Special Phantoms, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake, City, Final Report for Milestone 2 (1998).

210. R.C. Nelson, M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, M.D. Hoover, A.C. James,

T.F. McCraw, B. Napier, and W.L. Templeton, “Assessing Consequences of Plutonium Releases from Potential Spacecraft Accidents,” in Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 13–18 September 1998, New York City, USA, E. Mosleh and R.A. Bari, Eds. (Springer, New York, 1998), Vol. 2, pp. 939–944.

211. N.G. Bougrov, D.S. Burmistrov, M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, E. Haskell,

H.Y. Göksu, P. Jacob, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Environmental Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Measurements and Their Comparison with Values Calculated on the Basis of Historical Monitoring Data, Urals Research

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Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 4 (1998).

212. Y.I. Gavrilin, V.T. Khrouch, S.M. Shinkarev, N.A. Krysenko, A.M. Skryabin,

A. Bouville, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Chernobyl Accident: Reconstruction of Thyroid Dose for Inhabitants of the Republic of Belarus,” Health Phys. 76, 105–119 (1999).

213. L.R. Anspaugh, “Overview on Existing Approaches to Dose Reconstruction,”

in Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination, A.K. Junk, Y. Kundiev, P. Vitte, and B.V. Worgul, Eds. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999), pp. 89–98.

214. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, D.S. Burmistrov, N.G. Safronova, V.P.

Kozheurov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Review of Historical Monitoring Data on Techa River Contamination,” Health Phys. 76, 605–618 (1999).

215. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, A.V. Kozheurov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, External Doses Evaluated on the Basis of the Techa River Dosimetry System Approach, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 6 (1999).

216. A.B. Brill, M. Stabin, A. Bouville, L.R. Anspaugh, V.T. Khrouch, Yu.I.

Gavrilin, and S.M. Shinkarev, “Can the Chernobyl Accident Provide Answers Regarding the Relative Risk of 131I vs. SLNS,” in Radiation and Thyroid Cancer, G. Thomas, A. Karaoglou, and E.D. Williams, Eds. (World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey, 1999), pp. 195–198.

217. M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, E.I. Tolstykh, V.P. Kozheurov,

M.I. Vorobiova, E.E. Tokareva, and E.A. Shishkina, Analysis of the Main Factors Contributing to Uncertainty in Internal Dose from 90Sr and Feasibility Evaluation for Reduction in Uncertainty, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 8 (1999).

218. M.A. Pilinskaya, S. Dybskiy, F. Hill, T. Straume, J. Lucas, and L. Anspaugh,

“On the Frequency of Chromosome Exchanges in Some Highly Irradiated Groups of Chernobyl Victims Measured by Whole Chromosome Painting, J. Ukrainian Natl. Acad. Sci. No. 7, 169–173 (1999).

219. Yu.A. Izrael, E.D. Stukin, V.N. Petrov, L. Anspaugh, A. Doury, R.J.C.

Kirchmann, and E. van der Stricht, “Nuclear Explosions and their Environmental Contamination,” in Nuclear Test Explosions. Environmental

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and Human Impacts, F. Warner and R.J.C. Kirchmann, Eds. (Wiley, New York, 2000), pp. 33–98.

220. A. Bouville, L. Anspaugh, M.I. Balonov, K.I. Gordeev, V.I. Kiselev, V.M.

Loborev, N.K. Luckyanov, E. Pauli, W.L. Robison, M. Savkin, V.V. Sudakov and S. Zelentsov, “Estimation of Doses,” in Nuclear Test Explosions. Environmental and Human Impacts, F. Warner and R.J.C. Kirchmann, Eds. (Wiley, New York, 2000), pp. 115–177.

221. T. Straume, L. Anspaugh, A. Marchetti, V. Minenko, and G. Voigt, I-129

Dosimetry: A Demonstration Project for the Use of 129I as a Surrogate for 131I in Belarus and Other Regions Contaminated by Chernobyl Fallout, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report (2000).

222. M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, M.I. Vorobiova, E.I. Tolstykh,

V.P. Kozheurov, A.V. Kozyrev, N.G. Bougrov, A.N. Kovtun, N.B. Shagina, E.A. Shishkina, E.E. Tokareva and V.A. Taranenko, Development of an Improved Dose Reconstruction System for the General Population Affected by the Operation of the Mayak Production Association—Final Report, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City (2000).

223. B.A. Napier, N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, and

L.R. Anspaugh, Preliminary Uncertainty Analysis for the Doses Estimated Using the Techa River Dosimetry System – 2000, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 11 (2000).

224. L.R. Anspaugh, Radiation Dose to the Population of the Continental United

States from the Ingestion of Food Contaminated with Radionuclides from Nuclear Tests at the Nevada Test Site, Lynn R. Anspaugh, Consulting, Salt Lake City, Final Report to the National Cancer Institute for Purchase Order No. 263-MQ-912901 (2000).

225. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, V.P. Kozheurov, E.I. Tolstykh, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Dose Reconstruction System for the Exposed Population Living Along the Techa River,” Health Phys. 78, 542–554 (2000).

226. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “The Techa River Dosimetry System: Dose Reconstruction for Population Risk Analysis,” in Harmonization of Radiation, Human Life and the Ecosystem, Proceedings (International Radiation Protection Association, Hiroshima, 2000), CD-ROM, Paper No. T-19(1)-4.

227. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R.

Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, and A.N. Kovtun, “The Techa River Dosimetry

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System: Methods for the Reconstruction of Internal Dose,” Health Phys. 79, 24–35 (2000).

228. L.R. Anspaugh, “Health and Environmental Issues at U.S. Nuclear Test Sites,”

in Nuclear Physical Methods in Radioecological Investigations of Nuclear Test Sites, S.S. Hecker, C.F.V. Mason, K.K. Kadyrzhanov and S.B. Kislitsin, Eds. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2000), pp. 45–60.

229. L.R. Anspaugh, “Technical Basis of Dose Reconstruction,” in Nuclear

Physical Methods in Radioecological Investigations of Nuclear Test Sites, S.S. Hecker, C.F.V. Mason, K.K. Kadyrzhanov and S.B. Kislitsin, Eds. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2000), pp. 161–172.

230. I.A. Likhtarev, L.N. Kovgan, S.E. Vavilov, O.N. Perevoznikov, L.N. Litvinets,

L.R. Anspaugh, P. Jacob, and G. Pröhl, “Internal Exposure from the Ingestion of Foods Contaminated by Cs after the Chernobyl Accident—Report 2. Ingestion Doses of the Rural Population of Ukraine up to 12 Y after the Accident (1986–1997),” Health Phys. 79, 341–357 (2000).

231. L.R. Anspaugh, Radiation Dose to the Population of the Continental United

States from the Ingestion of Food Contaminated with Radionuclides from High Yield Weapons Tests Conducted by the U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R. between 1952 and 1963, Lynn R. Anspaugh, Consulting, Salt Lake City, Final Report to the National Cancer Institute for Purchase Order No. 263-MQ-008090 (2000).

232. V.P. Kozheurov, V.I. Zalyapin, N.B. Shagina, E.E. Tokareva, M.O. Degteva,

E.I. Tolstykh, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Statistical Analysis of Individual Dosimetric Data and the Evaluation of Uncertainties in Instrumental Techniques Used for 90Sr-Body-Burden Evaluation (Whole-Body Count and Tooth-Beta Count), Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 1 (2000).

233. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, V.P. Kozheurov,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Dosimetry of the Techa River System: Dose Reconstruction for Radiation Consequences Risk Assessment,” Radiation Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) № 4, 36–46 (2000) (in Russian).

234. L.R. Anspaugh, Evaluation of the HEDR Source Term for the Atmospheric

Releases of I-131: Review of the Report “Review of HEDR Source Term for the Atmospheric Releases of I-131” by Owen Hoffman, Shyam K. Nair and Robert Wichner, Dated March 1999, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, RTI #7171-130 (2001).

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235. E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Shved, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, D.V. Ivanov, S.N. Bayankin, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, A. Wieser, and P. Jacob, Description of the Computer Database “TOOTH” and Discussion of Requirements for EPR Measurements to Support a Validation Study of External Doses Calculated by Use of the Techa River Dosimetry System-2000, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 2 (2001).

236. L.R. Anspaugh, M.O. Degteva, E.A. Shishkina, E.I. Tolstykh, and B.A.

Napier, Commentary on the Number of Teeth Required for Analysis by EPR in Order to Validate Estimates of External Dose for Members of the Extended Techa River Cohort, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, Unscheduled Report (2001).

237. B.A. Napier, N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Preliminary Uncertainty Analysis for the Doses Estimated Using the Techa River Dosimetry System – 2000,” Health Phys. 81, 395405 (2001).

238. E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, V.A. Krivoschapov, N.B. Shagina, L.M.

Peremyslova, M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, N.G. Safronova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Verification of Referent-Intake Levels for Strontium-90, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 3, Part 1 (2001).

239. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, V.P. Kozheurov,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Improving the Dose Reconstruction System for Estimating the Risk of Late Effects in the Techa River Population,” Med. Radiol. Radiat. Safety 46, 9–21 (2001) (in Russian).

240. L.R. Anspaugh and T. Straume, Review of Literature on Measurements of 129I

in Reference to the Chernobyl Accident and Description of Procedures to be Used to Sample Soil and to Analyze Soil Samples for 127I, 129I, and 137Cs, Lynn R. Anspaugh, Consulting, Salt Lake City, Report to the National Cancer Institute for Purchase Order No. 263-MQ-116967 (2001).

241. S.L. Simon, K. Gordeev, A. Bouville, N. Luckyanov, C. Land, Zh. Carr,

R. Weinstock, L.R. Anspaugh, H. Beck, and A. Romanyukha, “Estimates of Radiation Doses to Members of a Cohort Residing in Villages Near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site,” in Workshop on Dosimetry of the Population Living in the Proximity of the Semipalatinsk Atomic Weapons Test Site, C. Lindholm, S. Simon, B. Makar, and K. Baverstock, Eds. (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, 2002), pp. 48–54.

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242. I.A. Likhtarev, L.N. Kovgan, P. Jacob, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Chernobyl Accident: Retrospective and Prospective Estimates of External Dose of the Population of Ukraine,” Health Phys. 82, 290–303 (2002).

243. N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, M.O. Degteva, V.P Kozheurov,

E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Statistical Analysis of Repeated Measurements of Strontium-90 Body Burdens and Evaluation of Age- and Sex-Dependencies of Strontium-Elimination Rate during a Period 25–45 Years After Intake, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Progress Report for Milestone 4 (2002).

244. L.R. Anspaugh, M.O. Degteva, and E.K. Vasilenko, “Mayak Production

Association: Introduction,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 41, 19–22 (2002) 245. V.V. Khokhryakov, E.G. Drozhko, Yu.V. Glagolenko, S.I. Rovny, E.K.

Vasilenko, A. Suslov, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, A. Bouville, V.F. Khokhryakov, K.G. Suslova, and S.A. Romanov, “Studies on the Ozyorsk Population: Dosimetry,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 41, 33–35 (2002).

246. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, B.A. Napier, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Studies on the Techa River Populations: Dosimetry,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 41, 41–44 (2002).

247. M.M. Kossenko, D.L. Preston, L.Yu. Krestinina, M.O. Degteva, N.V. Startsev,

T. Thomas, O.V. Vyushkova, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, V.P. Kozheurov, E. Ron, and A.V. Akleyev, “Studies on the Extended Techa River Cohort: Cancer Risk Estimation,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 41, 45–48 (2002).

248. K. Gordeev, I. Vasilenko, A. Lebedev, A. Bouville, N. Luckyanov, S.L.

Simon, Y. Stepanov, S. Shinkarev, and L. Anspaugh, “Fallout from Nuclear Tests: Dosimetry in Kazakhstan,” Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 41, 61–67 (2002).

249. L.R. Anspaugh, S.L. Simon, K.I. Gordeev, I.A. Likhtarev, R.M. Maxwell, and

S.M. Shinkarev, “Movement of Radionuclides in Terrestrial Ecosystems by Physical Processes, “Health Phys. 82, 669–679 (2002).

250. A. Bouville, S.L. Simon, C.W. Miller, H.L. Beck, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.G.

Bennett, “Estimates of Doses from Global Fallout,” Health Phys. 82, 690–705 (2002).

251. S.L. Simon, A. Bouville, H.L. Beck, N. Luckyanov, L.R. Anspaugh, and C.W.

Miller, “A Summary of Estimated Doses to Members of the Public from Atmospheric Nuclear Tests at the Nevada Test Site,” in Radiation Legacy of

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the 20th Century: Environmental Restoration (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2002), pp. 189–200.

252. N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, V.P Kozheurov, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, Update and Improvements in a Model for the Biokinetics of Strontium, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 3, Part 2 (2002).

253. E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Shved, E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, and L.R. Anspaugh,

Investigation of the Tooth as a Complex Dosimeter: Formation of Dose in Tooth Enamel, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City (2002).

254. V.P. Kozheurov, V.I. Zalyapin, N.B. Shagina, E.E. Tokareva, M.O. Degteva,

E.I. Tolstykh, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Evaluation of Uncertainties in 90Sr-Body-Burdens Obtained by Whole-Body Count: Application of Bayes’ Rule to Derive Detection Limits by Analysis of A Posteriori Data,” Appl. Radiat. Isot. 57, 525–535 (2002).

255. E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, N.B. Shagina, V.A. Krivoshchapov, M.O.

Degteva, E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Estimation of Individual-to-Model Ratios (IMR) and Their Uncertainty for the Techa River Residents, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 4 (2002).

256. N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov,

E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Evaluation of Age and Gender Dependences of the Rate of Strontium Elimination 25–45 Years after Intake: Analysis of Data from Residents Living along the Techa River,” Radiat. Res. 159, 239–246 (2003).

257. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, N.G. Safronova, L.M.

Peremyslova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Verification and Evaluation of Uncertainties for Intake Levels for Non-Strontium Radionuclides with Use of an Improved Techa River Model, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 5 (2003).

258. E.E. Tokareva, M.O. Degteva, R.K. Mikusheva, V.N. Schennikova, N.B.

Shagina, V.A. Shved, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Description of the Household Registry for the Techa River Settlements, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 6 (2003).

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259. B.A. Napier, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, M.I. Vorobiova, V.P. Kozheurov, and E.I. Tolstykh, “Environmental Radiation Dose Reconstruction for U.S. and Russian Weapons Production Facilities: Hanford and Mayak,” in Risk Methodologies for Technological Legacies (Kluwer, Boston, 2003), Chapter 9, pp. 149–182.

260. E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Shved, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, D.V. Ivanov, S.N.

Bayankin, A. Wieser, H.Y. Göksu, N.A. El-Faramawy, N. Semiochkina, P. Jacob, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Issues in the Validation of External Dose: Background and Internal Dose Components of Cumulative Dose Estimated Using the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Method, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City Final Report for Milestone 7, Part 1 (2003).

261. E.I. Tolstykh, E.A. Shishkina, M.O. Degteva, D.V. Ivanov, V.A. Shved, S.N.

Bayankin, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, A. Wieser, and P. Jacob, “Age Dependencies of 90Sr Incorporation in Dental Tissues: Comparative Analysis and Interpretation of Different Kinds of Measurements Obtained for Residents on the Techa River,” Health Phys. 85, 409–419 (2003).

262. E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, N.B. Shagina, V.A. Krivoshchapov, M.O.

Degteva, E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Evaluation of Subcohorts of the Extended Techa River Cohort with Different Algorithms for Estimation of 90Sr-Body Burdens and Assessment of Uncertainties, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 8 (2003).

263. L.R. Anspaugh, E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Shved, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, and

B.A. Napier, “Comment on Paper by Hayes, Haskell, and Kenner,” Health Phys. 85, 622–624 (2003).

264. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, N.G. Safronova, O.V. Kozyreva, V.M. Ivanov,

G.P. Dimov, Yu.Yu. Romanskaya, V.Yu. Golikov, A.N. Barkovsky, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Description of the X-Ray Diagnostic Procedures Registry for the Techa River Residents, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 16 (2003).

265. Yu.G. Mokrov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Reconstruction of Dose to

the Residents of Ozersk from the Operation of the Mayak Production Association: 1948–2002. Final Report on the Feasibility Study for Project 1.4, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City (2004).

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266. F.O. Hoffman, L.R. Anspaugh, A.I. Apostoaei, H.L. Beck, A. Bouville, B. Napier, and S.L. Simon, “Credibility of Uncertainty Analyses for 131I Pathway Assessments, Health Phys. 86, 536–538 (2004).

267. Yu. Gavrilin, V. Khrouch, S. Shinkarev, V. Drozdovitch, V. Minenko, E.

Shemiakina, A. Ulanovsky, A. Bouville, L. Anspaugh, P. Voillequé, and N. Luckyanov, “Individual Thyroid Dose Estimation for a Case-Control Study of Chernobyl-Related Thyroid Cancer among Children of Belarus—Part I: 131I, Short-Lived Radioiodines (132I, 133I, 135I), and Short-Lived Radiotelluriums (131mTe and 132Te),” Health Phys. 86, 565–585 (2004).

268. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, V.A. Shved, E.A. Shishkina, D.V. Ivanov,

S.N. Bayankin, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, A. Wieser, P. Jacob, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Validation of TRDS External Dose Estimates by EPR Measurements Supported by Assessments of Strontium-90 Concentration and Monte Carlo Simulations of Electron Transport in Dental Tissues, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 7, Part 2 (2004).

269. L.M. Peremyslova, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, N.G.

Safronova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Analytical Review of Data Available for the Reconstruction of Doses Due to Residence on the East Ural Radioactive Trace and the Territory of Windblown Contamination from Lake Karachay, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 10 (2004).

270. D.J. Strom, L.R. Anspaugh, J.H. Flynn, F.O. Hoffman, D.C. Kocher, P.A.

Locke, P.J. Merges, and B.A. Napier, Approaches to Risk Management in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Sites (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, 2004).

271. M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, A.V. Akleyev, P. Jacob, D.V. Ivanov, A.

Wieser, M.I. Vorobiova, E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Shved, A. Vozilova, S.N. Bayankin, and B.A. Napier, “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization-Based Investigations of Individual Doses for Persons Living at Metlino in the Upper Reaches of the Techa River,” Health Phys. 88, 139–153 (2005).

272. D.E. Daniel, J.S. Applegate, L.R. Anspaugh, A.G. Croff, R.C. Ewing, P.A.

Locke, P.A. Maurice, R. Rogers, A.E. Smith, T.G. Theofanous, and J. Wong, Risk and Decisions about Disposition of Transuranic and High-Level Radioactive Waste (National Academies Press, Washington, 2005).

273. J.F. Ahearne, L.R. Anspaugh, R.C. Ewing, S.A. Fetter, R.L. Garwin, S.P.

Gold, E.G. Grewis, T.M. Hardebeck, R. Jeanloz, W.J. Patterson, G.S. Patton,

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H.W. Schmitt, E. Sevin, C.B. Tarter, and R.H. Wertheim, Effects of Nuclear Earth-Penetrator and Other Weapons (National Academies Press, Washington, 2005).

274. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, B.N. Akhramenko, N.B. Shagina, N.G.

Safronova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Report on the Uncertainties in TRDS External Dose Estimates Evaluated on the Basis of Modeling Data and the Distributions of External Exposure Components of EPR Measurements, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 9 (2005).

275. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, A Review of Data on Releases of Radioactive Wastes from the “Mayak” Production Association into the Techa River in 1949–1956, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled Report (2005).

276. F.A. Allahdadi, A. Buslik, R.W. Englehart, J.W. Lyver, IV, S.W. Poppell, Jr.,

W.H. Ailor, L.R. Anspaugh, W.H. Boggs, C.D. Botts, V.J. Dandini, M. Goldman, E.W. Klamerus, R.C. Nelson, W.R. Pendergrass, G.F. Polansky, P.G. Prassinos, P.D. Rodrik, R.E. Scott, J.W. Taylor, E.A. Tupin, M.S. Wetherholt, R.L. Whitman, G.D. Wyss, and J. Young, Safety Evaluation Report for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Pluto-New Horizons Mission, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington (2005).

277. M.O. Degteva, V.Yu. Golikov, M.I. Vorobiova, A.N. Barkovsky, T.I.

Zubkova, O.V. Kozyreva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Development of a Protocol for the Reconstruction of Individual Medical Doses for Members of the Extended Techa River Cohort, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 17 (2005).

278. N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier,

Dosimetric Models for Strontium in the Human Bone: A Review of Available Data and Researches Needed, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled Report (2005).

279. M. Goldman, L. Anspaugh, G. Bowker, D. Gillette, R. Nelson, W.

Pendergrass, W. Roeder, R. Scott, and G. Sehmel, Proceedings of the Pluto New Horizons Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel Particle Resuspension Technical Interchange Meeting, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington (2005).

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280. F.A. Allahdadi, A. Buslik, R.W. Englehart, J.W. Lyver, IV, S.W. Poppell, Jr., W.H. Ailor, L.R. Anspaugh, W.H. Boggs, C.D. Botts, V.J. Dandini, M. Goldman, E.W. Klamerus, R.C. Nelson, W.R. Pendergrass, G.F. Polansky, P.G. Prassinos, P.D. Rodrik, R.E. Scott, J.W. Taylor, E.A. Tupin, M.S. Wetherholt, R.L. Whitman, G.D. Wyss, and J. Young, Supplemental Technical Information to the Safety Evaluation Report for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Pluto-New Horizons Mission, Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel, Washington (2005).

281. M.I. Balonov, L.R. Anspaugh, and many others, Environmental and Source

Monitoring for Purposes of Radiation Protection (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2005), Safety Guide No. RS-G-1.8,

282. S.L. Simon, H.L. Beck, K. Gordeev, A. Bouville, L.R. Anspaugh, C.E. Land,

N. Luckyanov, and S. Shinkarev, “External Dose Estimates for Dolon Village: Application of the U.S./Russian Joint Methodology,” J. Radiat. Res. 47, A143–A147 (2006).

283. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, E.A. Shishkina,

N.G. Bougrov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Techa River Dosimetry System: Current status and Future,” Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) № 1, 6680 (2006) (in Russian).

284. S.L. Simon, L.R. Anspaugh, F.O. Hoffman, A.E. Scholl, M.B. Stone, B.A.

Thomas, and J.L. Lyon, “2004 Update of Dosimetry for the Utah Thyroid Study,” Radiat. Res. 165, 208–222 (2006).

285. A. Bouville, B. Duane-Potocki, P. Garbe, E. Gilbert, C. Land, A. Lubenow, N.

Luckyanov, K. Mabuchi, C. Miller, J. Morrissey, C. Parvanta, J. Qualters, J.F. Rogers, E. Ron, S.L. Simon, J. Smith, D. Swindel, R.M. Weinstock, R.C. Whitcomb, Jr., C.M. Wood, L.R. Anspaugh, and H.L. Beck, Report on the Feasibility of a Study of the Health Consequences to the American Population from Nuclear Weapons Tests Conducted by the United States and Other Nations, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington (2006).

286. L. Anspaugh (Chairman), M. Balonov (Scientific Secretary), R. Alexakhin, B.

Batandjieva, F. Besnus, H. Biesold, I. Bogdevich, D. Byron, Z. Carr, G. Deville-Cavelin, I. Ferris, S. Fesenko, N. Gentner, V. Golikov, A. Gora, J. Hendry, T. Hinton, B. Howard, V. Kashparov, G. Kirchner, T. LaGuardia, G. Linsley, D. Louvat, L. Moberg, B. Napier, B. Prister, M. Proskura, D. Reisenweaver, E. Schmieman, G. Shaw, V. Shestopalov, J. Smith, P. Strand, Yu. Tsaturov, O. Vojtsekhovich, and D. Woodhead, Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and Their Remediation: Twenty Years of Experience. Report of the Chernobyl Expert Group ‘Environment’ (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2006).

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287. V.F. Minenko, A.V. Ulanovsky, V.V. Drozdovitch, E.V. Shemiakina, Yu.I. Gavrilin, V.T. Khrouch, S.M. Shinkarev, P.G. Voillequé, A. Bouville, L.R. Anspaugh, and N. Luckyanov, “Individual Thyroid Dose Estimates for a Case-Control Study of Chernobyl-Related Thyroid Cancer Among Children of Belarus—Part II. Contributions from Long-Lived Radionuclides and External Radiation,” Health Phys. 90, 312–327 (2006).

288. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, L.M. Peremyslova, M.O. Degteva, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Methodological Approaches to the Reconstruction of Radionuclide Intake for Residents of the East Urals Radioactive Trace and Karachay Trace, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final report for Milestones 11 and 12 (2006).

289. H.L. Beck, L.R. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, and S.L. Simon, “Review of Methods

of Dose Estimation for Epidemiologic Studies of the Radiological Impact of Nevada Test Site and Global Fallout,” Radiat. Res. 166, 209–218 (2006).

290. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh,

B.A. Napier, N.G. Bougrov, V.A. Shved, and E.E. Tokareva, “Development of an Improved Dose Reconstruction System for the Techa River Population Affected by the Operation of the Mayak Production Association,” Radiat. Res. 166, 255–270 (2006).

291. T. Straume, L.R. Anspaugh, A.A. Marchetti, G. Voigt, V. Minenko, F. Gu, P.

Men, S. Trofimik, S. Tretyakevich, V. Drozdovitch, E. Shagalova, O. Zhukova, M. Germenchuk, and S. Berlovich, “Measurement of 129I and 137Cs in Soils from Belarus and Reconstruction of 131I Deposition from the Chernobyl Accident,” Health Phys. 91, 7–19 (2006).

292. N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, L.R. Anspaugh, and

B.A. Napier, “Reduction of the Uncertainties of Internal Doses due to Strontium-90 for the Extended Techa River Cohort,” Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) Special issue № 1, 525 (2006) (in Russian).

293. E.A. Shishkina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, V.A. Shved, E.E. Tokareva,

D.V. Ivanov, S.N. Bayankin, A. Wieser, H.Y. Göksu, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Results of Tooth Dosimetric Investigations for Residents of the Techa Riverside Region,” Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) Special issue № 1, 2644 (2006) (in Russian).

294. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, N.B. Shagina, V.I. Zalyapin,

V.A. Krivoshchapov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Long-Lived Radionuclide Intakes for Techa Riverside Residents. Part 1.

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Strontium-90,” Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) Special issue № 1, 4567 (2006) (in Russian).

295. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, L.M. Peremyslova, N.B.

Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Long-Lived Radionuclide Intakes for Techa Riverside Residents. Part 2. Cesium-137,” Radiat. Safety Problems (Mayak Production Association Scientific Journal) Special issue № 1, 6879 (2006) (in Russian).

296. L.R. Anspaugh, M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, Yu.G. Mokrov, and B.A.

Napier, “Dosimetry for Members of the Extended Techa River Cohort,” Health Phys. 91, 393–394 (2006).

297. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, N.G. Safronova, N.B.

Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Methodological Approaches to External Dose Reconstruction and Validation for the EURT and Karachay Trace Areas, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 13 (2006).

298. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, L.M. Peremyslova, M.O. Degteva, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Dietary Intake of Short-Lived Radionuclides on the Territory of East Urals Radioactive Trace: New Approaches,” in Proceedings of the First International Scientific Conference on Adaptation of Biological Systems to Natural and Extreme Conditions (State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, 2006), pp. 54–58.

299. J.L. Lyon, S.C. Alder, M.B. Stone, A. Scholl, J.C. Reading, R. Holubkov, X.

Sheng, G.L. White, Jr., K.T. Hegmann, L. Anspaugh, F.O. Hoffman, S.L. Simon, B. Thomas, R. Carroll, and A.W. Meikle, “Thyroid Disease Associated with Exposure to the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site Radiation. A Reevaluation Based on Corrected Dosimetry and Examination Data,” Epidemiol. 17, 604–614 (2006).

300. N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, V.A.

Krivoshchapov, E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Algorithm for Selection of the Best Individual Estimate of Internal Dose on the Basis of the Results of Calculations Performed Using Three Different Protocols, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 18 (2007).

301. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, Comparative Analysis of the Possible Impact of Different Sources of Environmental and Medical Exposure for the Members of the Techa River Cohorts, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine,

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Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 14 (2007).

302. L.R. Anspaugh, “Doses to Members of the General Public and Observed

Effects on Biota: Chernobyl Forum Update,” J. Environ. Radioact. 96, 13–19 (2007).

303. C.S. Lea, M. Samuhel, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, D.J. Strom, D. Bazyka,

and I.A. Likhtarev, Chornobyl Research and Service Project. Dose Assessment and Reconstruction Team: Findings and Recommendations, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC (2007).

304. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, N.G. Bougrov, V.I. Zalyapin, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “An Approach to Reduction of Uncertainties in Internal Doses Reconstructed for the Techa River Population,” Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 127, 480–485 (2007).

305. M.I. Balonov, L.R. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, and I.A. Likhtarev, “Contribution

of Internal Exposures to the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident,” Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 127, 491–496 (2007).

306. E. Vasilenko, M.Gorelov, M. Smetanin, V. Knyazev, I. Teplyakov, V.

Khokhriakov, V. Khokhriakov, Jr., N. Koshurnikova, N. Shilnikova, P. Okatenko, V. Kreslov, M. Bolotnikova, M. Sokolnikov, K. Suslova, S. Romanov, O. Alexandrova, S. Miller, M. Krahenbuhl, D. Choe, L. Anspaugh, K. Eckerman, J. Fix, R. Scherpelz, and B. Napier, “Mayak Worker Dosimetry Study Project 2.4. Volume I: Overview of Dose Assignment Methodology for Mayak Workers,” Health Phys. 93, Special CD (2007).

307. L.R. Anspaugh, E. Buglova, J.D. Boice, Jr., L.-E. Holm, R.L. Andersen, and

T.S. Tenforde, “Closing Remarks: Summary and Discussion of Major Findings from Chernobyl,” Health Phys. 93, 593–595 (2007).

308. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, M.I. Vorobiova, V.Yu. Golikov, A.N.

Barkovsky, A.V. Kozyrev, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Reconstruction of Individual Medical Doses for Members of the Extended Techa River Cohort, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 19 (2007).

309. Yu.G. Mokrov, S.I. Rovny, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Reconstruction

of Atmospheric Releases of I-131 from Mayak Radiochemical Plant Stacks for the Period from 1948 to 1970, Part 3: Improvements in the Calculation Methods for the Determination of I-131 Delivery to the Radiochemical Plant, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 1, Part 3 (2007–2008).

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310. Yu.G. Mokrov, V.Z. Martyushov, P.M. Stukalov, T.A. Antonova, I.A. Ivanov, S.I. Rovny, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Changes in Population Food Ration and Demographic Parameters for Ozersk in 1948–2002, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 6 (2007–2008).

311. Yu.G. Mokrov, A.V. Lyzhkov, V.A. Muzrukov, N.P. Pyatin, S.I. Rovny, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Reconstruction of Atmospheric Releases of I-131 from Mayak Radiochemical Plant Stacks for the Period from 1948 to 1970, Part 2: Results of the Reconstruction of 131I Releases from the Stacks of the Reactor and Radiochemical Plants, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final report for Milestone 7 (2007–2008).

312. Yu.G. Mokrov, S.I. Rovny, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Potential for

Iodine-129 Application as a Tracer Element for Assessment of Internal Dose to Thyroid for Residents of the Territories Contaminated with Iodine-131, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 9 (2007–2008).

313. Yu.G. Mokrov, P.M. Stukalov, I.A. Ivanov, S.I. Rovny, L.R. Anspaugh, and

B.A. Napier, Screening Calculations of External Doses to the Residents of Ozersk (Not Associated with Releases of Noble Gases and Iodine-131), Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 10, Part 1, (2007–2008).

314. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, E.A. Shishkina, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, A Review of Data on Releases of Radioactive Wastes from the “Mayak” Production Association into the Techa River in 1949–1956, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, Report on ISTC Project No. 2841 (2008).

315. L.R. Anspaugh, Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and

Their Remediation: 20 Years of Experience,” in Chernobyl: Looking Back to Go Forward (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2008), pp. 47–76.

316. B.A. Napier, M.O. Degteva, and L.R. Anspaugh, Assessment of Various Types

of Uncertainty in the Techa River Dosimetry System, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled report (2008).

317. Yu.V. Glagolenko, E.G. Drozhko, Yu.G. Mokrov, N.P. Pyatin, S.I. Rovny,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Methods and Results of Reconstruction of Noble Gas Releases from the Stacks of the Mayak PA Graphite Reactors Over the Whole Period of Their Operation,” Radiat. Safety Prob. Special Issue, 5–19 (2008).

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318. Yu.V. Glagolenko, E.G. Drozhko, Yu.G. Mokrov, S.I. Rovny, D.A. Beregich,

P.M. Stukalov, I.A. Ivanov, A.I. Alexakhin, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of External Doses to Ozyorsk Residents due to Atmospheric Releases of Inert Radioactive Gases from the Stacks of the “Mayak PA” Reactor Production from 1948 to 1989,” Radiat. Safety Prob. Special Issue, 20–31 (2008).

319. Yu.V. Glagolenko, E.G. Drozhko, Yu.G. Mokrov, S.I. Rovny, A.V. Lyzhkov,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Methods for Reconstruction of Radionuclide Composition and Activity of Fission Products Accumulated in the Irradiated Uranium at the Moment of its Radiochemical Reprocessing at Plant “B”, “Mayak” PA in the Early 1950s,” Radiat. Safety Prob. Special Issue, 32–47 (2008).

320. Yu.V. Glagolenko, E.G. Drozhko, Yu.G. Mokrov, N.P. Pyatin, S.I. Rovny,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of 131I Releases from Stacks of the Radiochemical Plant of the Mayak Production Association for the Period from 1948 to 1967,” Radiat. Safety Prob. Special Issue, 48–57 (2008).

321. Yu.G. Mokrov, V.Z. Martyushov, P.M. Stukalov, I.A. Ivanov, D.A. Beregich,

L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Food Consumption Patterns of the Ozyorsk Population in 1948–1966, Important for Estimating Peroral Component of Internal Exposure Doses,” Radiat. Safety Prob. Special Issue, 58–71 (2008).

322. A.V. Akleyev, L.Y. Krestinina, D. Preston, F. Davis, M.O. Degteva, L.

Anspaugh, N.V. Startsev, B. Napier, and E. Ron, “Radiogenic Risk of Malignant Neoplasms for Techa Riverside Residents,” Med. Radiol. Radiat. Safety 53(4), 13–37 (2008) (in Russian).

323. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, V.A. Krivoshchapov, M.O. Degteva, E.A.

Shishkina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Improvement in Strontium-90 Reference Intake Function for Residents of the Techa River Settlements, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled Report Part 1 (2008).

324. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, L.M. Peremyslova, N.G. Safronova, M.O.

Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Improvement in Cesium-137 Intake with Cows’ Milk Contaminated as a Result of Soil→Grass→Milk Transfer, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled Report Part 2 (2008).

325. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, Structure of the Revised Techa River Dosimetry System: General Approach and Evaluation of Source-Term Parameters, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University

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of Utah, Salt Lake City, Combined Report for Milestones 20 and 21, Part 1 (2008).

326. B.A. Napier, L.R. Anspaugh, Yu.G. Mokrov, and S.I. Rovny, Evaluation of

Chemical Forms of 131I Involved in Atmospheric Transport, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, and Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, Final Report for Milestone 4 (2008).

327. A. Kesminiene, A.-S. Evrard, V.K. Ivanov, I.V. Malakhova, J. Kurtinaitis, A.

Stengrevics, M. Tekkel, L.R. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, S. Chekin, V.V. Chumak, V. Drozdovitch, V. Gapanovich, I. Golovanov, P. Hubert, S.V. Illichev, S.E. Khait, V.P. Kryuchkov, E. Maceika, M. Maksyoutov, A.K. Mirkhaidarov, S. Polyakov, N. Shchukina, V. Tenet, T.I. Tserakhovich, A. Tsykalo, A.R. Tukov, and E. Cardis, “Risk of Hematological Malignancies among Chernobyl Liquidators,” Radiat. Res. 170, 721–735 (2008).

328. V. Kruychkov, I. Golovanov, L. Anspaugh and N. Luckyanov, Technical

Description of RADRUE, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda (2009). 329. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, N.G. Safronova, B.N. Akhramenko, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Methodological Approaches to Evaluation of Parameters for External Exposure of the Techa River Residents since 1952, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Unscheduled Report (2009).

330. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, A.V. Kozyrev,

L.R. Anspaugh and B.A. Napier, Structure of the Revised Techa River Dosimetry System: Exposure Pathways and System Databases, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Combined Report for Milestones 20 and 21, Part 2 (2009).

331. Yu.G. Mokrov, S.I. Rovny, D. Beregich, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier,

Reconstruction of External Dose Caused by Atmospheric Releases of Noble Radioactive Gases from the Stacks of the Mayak Reactors in 1948–1989, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 10, Part 2 (2009).

332. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, Individual Dose Calculations with Use of the Revised Techa River Dosimetry System TRDS-2009D, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 22 (2009).

333. B.A. Napier, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and N.B. Shagina, Assessment of

Uncertainty in the Radiation Doses for the Techa River Dosimetry System,

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Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Status Report for Milestone 23 (2009).

334. L.R. Anspaugh and B.A. Napier, Minor Parameters Needed for Individual

Dose Calculations, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Final Report for Tasks 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 (2009).

335. S.I. Rovny, Yu.G. Mokrov, P.M. Stukalov, D.A. Beregich, I.I. Teplyakov, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Methods for Calculating Thyroid Doses to the Residents of Ozersk due to 131I Releases from the Stacks of the Mayak Production Association, Mayak Production Association, Ozersk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for Milestone 12, Part 1 (2009).

336. V. Kryuchkov, V. Chumak, E. Maceika, L.R. Anspaugh, E. Cardis, E.

Bakhanova, I. Golovanov, V. Drozdovitch, N. Luckyanov, A. Kesminiene, P. Voillequé, and A. Bouville, “RADRUE Method for Reconstruction of External Photon Doses for Chernobyl Liquidators in Epidemiological Studies,” Health Phys. 97, 275–298 (2009).

337. B.A. Napier, L.R. Anspaugh, R.D. Daniels, G.D. Kerr, D.C. Kocher, K.J.

Kopecky, J.W. Neton, S.L. Simon, R.E. Toohey, and P.C. Voilleque, Radiation Dose Reconstruction: Principles and Practices (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, 2009), NCRP Report No. 163.

338. E.A. Shishkina, M.O. Degteva, N.G. Bougrov, V.A. Krivoshchapov, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Evaluation of Historical Methods for Measurements of Gamma and Beta Radiation with Use of Monte Carlo Modeling of Radiation Transport, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for New Milestone 1 (2010).

339. N.B. Shagina, M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, E.A.

Shishkina, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Improvement in the Techa River Model on the Basis of New Data on the Techa River Source Term, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for New Milestone 2 (2010).

340. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, M.I. Vorobiova, E. A. Shishkina, L.M.

Peremyslova, E.E. Tokareva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Individualization and Validation of External Doses for Individuals Who Lived in the Upper Techa River Villages, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for New Milestone 3 (2011).

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341. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, N.B. Shagini, E.A.

Shishkina, V.A. Krivoshchapov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Long-Lived Radionuclide Intakes for Techa Riverside Residents: Strontium-90,” Health Phys, 101:28–47 (2011).

342. N.B. Shagina, E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier,

“Cortical Bone-Resorption Rate in Elderly Persons: Estimates from Long-Term in vivo Measurements of 90Sr in the Skeleton,” Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 54:e411–e418 (2012)..

343. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier,

“Does the Cortical Bone Resorption Rate Change Due to 90Sr-Radiation Exposure? Analysis of Data from Techa Riverside Residents,” Radiat Environ Biophys, 50:417–430; 2011.

344. R.M. Maxwell and L.R. Anspaugh, “An Improved Model for Prediction of

Resuspension,” Health Phys, 101:722–730 (2011). 345. M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, “Reevaluation of Waterborne Releases of Radioactive Materials from the Mayak Production Association into the Techa River in 1949–1951,” Health Phys, 102:25–38 (2012).

346. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, E.A. Shishkina, V.A. Krivoshchapov, N.B.

Shagina, N.G. Bougrov, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Matching of Data Sets Obtained with the Old and New WBC Systems: SICH-9.1 and SICH-9.1M (2006–2011), Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for New Milestone 4 (2012).

347. N.B. Shagina, E.I Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, O.V. Kozyreva, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, Description of the Revisions to TRDS-2009 Code and Databases, Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Final Report for New Milestone 4 (2012).

348. L.R. Anspaugh (One of many participants in a study headed by Maria del

Rosario Pérez and Jane Simmonds), Preliminary Dose Estimation from the Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, World Health Organization, Geneva (2012).

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ABSTRACTS 1. G. Holladay, L.R. Anspaugh, and P.L. Phelps, “Measurement of Airborne

Radionuclides from a Plowshare Cratering Event,” presented at the Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy, Anaheim, CA, Oct. 6–10, 1969.

2. C.L. Lindeken, P.H. Gudiksen, J.W. Meadows, K.O. Hamby, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Levels of Radioactivity in Livermore Valley Soils,” Health Phys. 25, 328 (1973).

3. D.P. Serpa, R.W. Lorenz, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Measurements of Radioactivity

in Cooling Tower Sludge at the Geysers Geothermal Field, California,” Health Phys. 31, 532 (1976).

4. L.R. Anspaugh, “Identification of Environmental Issues Associated with the

Utilization of Geothermal Energy,” in Proc. US Dept. of Energy Environmental Control Symp. (United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1979), vol. 3, p. 1.

5. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Impacts of Using Geothermal Heat as an

Energy Source,” Health Phys. 37, 6 (1979). 6. L.R. Anspaugh and D.W. Layton, “Health and Environmental Risk Analysis of

Geothermal Energy,” in Summary: Health and Environmental Risk Analysis Program (United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1981), pp. 81–82.

7. J.M. Ondov and L.R. Anspaugh, “Chemistry of Radionuclides in Coal

Preparation,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Radioactivity Associated with Coal Use, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, LA-9106-C, pp. 41–42 (1981).

8. Y.C. Ng and L.R. Anspaugh, “Collective Internal Doses to Selected Offsite

Areas Subjected to Fallout from Weapons Tests at the Nevada Test Site,” Health Phys. 43, 105 (1982).

9. J.J. Koranda, L.R. Anspaugh, and Y.C. Ng, “Reconstruction of Radiation

Doses to Sheep in Penoyer Valley, NV, Exposed to Fallout from Shot NANCY in 1953,” Health Phys. 43, 105–106 (1982).

10. L.R. Anspaugh and B.W. Church, “Assessment of Radiation Doses Downwind

of the Nevada Test Site,” American J. Roentgenology 141, 1089 (1983). 11. L.R. Anspaugh and B.W. Church, “Assessment of Radiation Doses Downwind

of the Nevada Test Site,” in Environmental Radioactivity, Proc. of the

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Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, MD, 1983), Proceedings No. 5, pp. 38–39.

12. L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, “Methodology for Estimating Radiation Doses to

Individuals Exposed Offsite to Fallout from Weapons Tests at the Nevada Test Site,” Health Phys. 47, 200 (1984).

13. Y.C. Ng, R.T. Cederwall, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Radiation Doses from the Use

of Radioisotopes as Interwell Tracers in the Enhanced Recovery of Oil and Gas,” Health Phys. 47, 164 (1984).

14. L.R. Anspaugh, “An Analysis of Uncertainty Concerning the Predicted

Occurrence of a 'Nuclear Winter',” in Society for Risk Analysis Book of Abstracts, Annual Meeting 1986 (Society for Risk Analysis, McLean, VA, 1986), p. 25.

15. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident,” Bull.

Am. Phys. Soc. 32, 87 (1987). 16. L.R. Anspaugh, B.W. Church, D.L. Wheeler, and Y.E. Ricker, “Historical

Estimates of Radiation Exposure and Dose from Testing at the Nevada Test Site,” Health Phys. 52, S75 (1987).

17. L.R. Anspaugh, R. Cederwall, R. Henderson, Y. Ng, R. Nutley, and R. Smale,

“Estimates of Collective Dose from the NTS Off-Site Radiation Exposure Project,” Health Phys. 52, S82 (1987).

18. R.T. Cederwall, Y.E. Ricker, P.L. Cederwall, D.N. Homan, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Measurements of Airborne Radionuclide Concentrations Near the Nevada Test Site from Atmospheric Testing,” Health Phys. 52, S75-S76 (1987).

19. B.W. Church, D.L. Wheeler, C.M. Campbell, R.V. Nutley, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Overview of the Department of Energy's Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project (ORERP),” Health Phys. 52, S74-S75 (1987).

20. Y.C. Ng, L.R. Anspaugh, and R.T. Cederwall, “ORERP Internal Dose

Estimates for Individuals,” Health Phys. 52, S82 (1987). 21. L.R. Anspaugh, M. Goldman, and R.J. Catlin, “Atmospheric Releases from

Severe Nuclear Accidents: Environmental Transport and Pathways to Man: Modelling of Radiation Doses to Man from Chernobyl Releases,” in Extended Synopses, International Conference on Nuclear Power Performance and Safety (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1987), IAEA-CN-48/274, pp. 173–174.

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22. R.J. Catlin, M. Goldman, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Projected Global Health

Impacts from Severe Nuclear Accidents: Conversion of Projected Doses to Risks on a Global Scale: Experience from Chernobyl Releases,” in Extended Synopses, International Conference on Nuclear Power Performance and Safety (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1987), IAEA-CN-48/273, pp. 172–173.

23. M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, and R.J. Catlin, “Global Health and

Environmental Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident,” in Abstracts, Topical Meeting on Population Exposure from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (The American Nuclear Society/Oak Ridge Associated Universities, September 14–18, 1987), p. 30.

24. M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, and R.J. Catlin, “Radiobiological Significance of

the Chernobyl Accident,” in Eighth International Congress of Radiation Research, Provisional Programme and Additional Information, Edinburgh, July 19–24, 1987, p. 352B.

25. M. Goldman, L.R. Anspaugh, and R.J. Catlin, “Health and Environmental

Impact of the Chernobyl Accident,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 55, 7–8 (1987). 26. R.O. Gilbert and L.R. Anspaugh, “Transfer of Aged 238Pu, 241Am, and 137Cs to

Cattle Grazing a Contaminated Environment,” in Abstracts of Papers, Workshop on the Transfer of Radionuclides to Livestock (Commission of the European Communities, National Radiation Protection Board, Oxford, England, 1988), p. 4.

27. L.R. Anspaugh, R.O. Gilbert, and D.W. Engel, “Foodchain Transfer of Aged

Plutonium in a Desert Environment,” Health Phys. 56, S36 (1989). 28. L.R. Anspaugh, Y.C. Ng, and W.L. Robison, “Use of Uncertainty Estimates in

the Interpretation of Dose Prediction and Reconstruction Results,” in Proceedings of the CEC/DOE Workshop on Uncertainty Analysis, Santa Fe, NM, November 13–16, 1989, C.E. Elderkin and G.N. Kelly, Eds., Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, PNL-SA-18372, pp. 63–64.

29. L.R. Anspaugh, “Environmental Behavior of Plutonium,” Health Phys. 58, S5

(1990). 30. J.I. Daniels, L.R. Anspaugh, R. Andricevic, and R.L. Jacobson, “Incorporating

Predictive Uncertainty Into a Risk Analysis Addressing Human Exposure to Radionuclides Migrating in Groundwater,” in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 7–11, 1992.

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31. D.W. Layton, L.R. Anspaugh and W.L. Robison, “Risk-Based Methodology for Assessing the Contamination of the Arctic Environment,” in IARPC Workshop on Arctic Contamination, Anchorage, Alaska, May 3-7, 1993.

32. P. Corrado and L. Anspaugh, “Land Use, Risk, and Cleanup,” in Fifth National

Technology Information Exchange (TIE) Workshop, Denver, CO, November 16–18, 1993.

33. H.L. Beck and L.R. Anspaugh, “The ORERP County Data Base,” Health Phys.

66, S118–S119 (1994).

34. B.W. Church, D.L. Wheeler and L.R. Anspaugh, “The Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project (ORERP)—A Dose Reconstruction Effort Following Nuclear Weapons Testing in Nevada,” Health Phys. 66, S76 (1994).

35. T.B. Kirchner, F.W. Whicker, L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, “Estimating

Internal Dose Due to Ingestion of Radionuclides from Nevada Test Site Fallout,” Health Phys. 66, S118 (1994).

36. F.W. Whicker, T.B. Kirchner, L.R. Anspaugh and Y.C. Ng, “Ingestion of

Nevada Test Site Fallout: Internal Dose Estimates,” Health Phys. 66, S117–S118 (1994).

37. L.R. Anspaugh and J.H. Shinn, “Investigations on the Environmental Behavior

of Plutonium at the Nevada Test Site, USA,” in First International Symposium on Chronic Radiation Exposure: Risk of Late Effects, Chelyabinsk, Russia, January 9-13, 1995 (Urals Research Center of Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1995), p. 153.

38. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, M.I. Vorobyova, D.S. Burmistrov,

V.V. Khokhryakov, L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, A. Bouville, “Population Exposure Dose Reconstruction for the Urals Region,” in 1996 AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, February 8-13, 1996, Where Science Comes to Life, (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., 1996), p. A-7.

39. L.R. Anspaugh, “Dose Reconstruction Issues as They Pertain to the Chernobyl

Cleanup Worker Population,” in Program and Book of Abstracts of the Radiation Research Society, 44th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 15–18, 1996 (Radiation Research Society, Oak Brook, IL, 1996), p. 71.

40. Y.I. Gavrilin, V.T. Khrouch. V.F. Minenko, V.V. Drozdovitch,

A.V. Ulanovsky, S.M. Shinkarev, A.C. Bouville, L.R. Anspaugh, and T. Straume, “Reconstruction of Thyroid Doses for the Population of Belarus Following the Chernobyl Accident.” UCRL-JC-122072 (1995).

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41. I.A. Likhtarev, Y.I. Gavrilin, V.F. Minenko, B.G. Sobolev, V.T. Khrouch, V.V. Drozdovitch, I.A. Kairo, S.M. Shinkarev, A.V. Ulanovsky, L.R. Anspaugh, A.C. Bouville, and T. Straume, “Reconstructing Thyroid Doses for Children Exposed as a Result of Chernobyl,” in Final Program and Book of Abstracts of the Annual Society for Risk Analysis and International Society of Exposure Analysis Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 8–12, 1996 (Society for Risk Analysis, McLean, VA, 1996), p. 62.

42. B.V. Worgul, Yu.I. Kundiev, I.A. Likhtarev, N.M. Sergienko, V.V. Chumak,

C. Medvedovsky, G. Parkhomenko, A. Ruban, R. Shore, P. Vitte, L. Anspaugh, and S. Xu, “The Ukrainian/American Chernobyl Ocular Study (UACOS),” in Program and Abstracts, Ocular Radiation Risk Assessment in Populations Exposed to Environmental Radiation Contamination, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Kyiv, 1997 (Institute of Occupational Health, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1997), p. 31.

43. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, M.I. Vorobiova, D.S. Burmistrov, N.G.

Bougrov, E.I. Tolstykh, A.N. Kovtun, A.A. Romanyukha, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Dose Reconstruction for the Exposed Population Living Along the Techa River,” Health Phys. 76, S143 (1999).

44. L.R. Anspaugh, A.V. Akleyev, M.O. Degteva, T. Straume, and B.A. Napier,

“Interpretation of FISH Assays When Zero or Only a Few Translocations Are Observed,” in Chronic Radiation Exposure: Possibilities of Biological Indication (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, 2000), pp. 111–112.

45. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier,

“Reassessment of External Doses for the Techa River Residents,” in Chronic Radiation Exposure: Possibilities of Biological Indication (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, 2000), pp. 181–182.

46. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “The Techa River Dosimetry System: Dose Reconstruction for Population Risk Analysis,” in Harmonization of Radiation, Human Life and the Ecosystem: Programme and Abstracts (International Radiation Protection Association, Hiroshima, 2000), p. 281.

47. M.O. Degteva, V.P. Kozheurov, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, Evaluation of the Stochastic Effects of Low-Dose Radiation: Dose Reconstruction for the Techa River Cohort,” in Bioastronautics Investigators’ Workshop Abstract Volume (Universities Space Research Association, Houston, 2001), pp. 290–291.

48. C.W. Miller, A. Bouville, L. Anspaugh, H. Beck, E. Gilbert, J. Qualters, S.

Simon, and R.C. Whitcomb, Jr., “Results of a Feasibility Study of the Health

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Consequences to the American Population of Nuclear Weapons Tests Conducted by the United States and Other Nations,” in Exposure Analysis: An Integral Part of Disease Prevention, Book of Abstracts. (Medical University of South Carolina; Charleston, 2001) pp. 47–48.

49. M. Degteva, L. Anspaugh, B. Napier, and R. Bell, “Dose Reconstruction,

Validation, and Epidemiological Studies for the Techa River Cohort,” Health Phys. 82, S163–S164 (2002).

50. E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, V.A. Krivoshchapov, M.O. Degteva, V.P.

Kozheurov, L.M. Peremyslova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Verification of 90Sr-Intake Levels for the Techa River Residents,” in Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts. (GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany, 2002).

51. M.I. Vorobiova, E.A. Shishkina, M.O. Degteva, V.A. Shved, E.I. Tolstykh,

L.R. Anspaugh, B.A. Napier, D.V. Ivanov, S.N. Bayankin, A. Wieser, P. Jacob, V. Nagy, and M.R. Desrosiers, “Estimates and Validation of External Doses for Individual Members of the Extended Techa River Cohort and the Techa River Offspring Cohort,” in Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts. (GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany, 2002).

52. N.B. Shagina, B.A. Napier, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, and

L.R. Anspaugh, “Uncertainty Analysis for Doses Estimated by Use of the Techa River Dosimetry System,” in Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts. (GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany, 2002).

53. L.Yu. Krestinina, D.L. Preston, O.V. Vyushkova, T. Thomas, A.V. Akleyev,

M.O. Degteva, N.V. Startsev, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Cancer Mortality Follow-Up in the Extended Techa River Cohort: Cancer Risk Estimation,” in Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts. (GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany, 2002).

54. M.I. Vorobiova, M.O. Degteva, N.G. Bougrov, L. Anspaugh, and B. Napier,

“Problems of External Dosimetry for Residents of Inhabited Areas on the Techa River,” in Book of Abstracts, Jubilee Scientific Conference on Hygienic, Dosimetric, and Medical-Biological Aspects of Long-Term Effects of Chronic Radiation. (Southern Urals Biophysics Institute, Ozersk, Russia, 2003) (in Russian).

55. V. Krjuchkov, I. Golovanov, E. Maceika, L. Anspaugh, A. Bouville, E.

Bakhanova, E. Cardis, V. Chumak, V. Drozdovitch, Yu. Gavrilin, G. Howe, Ph. Hubert, S. Illychev, A. Kesminiene, A. Mirkhaidarov, V. Pitkevitch, V.

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Tenet, and A. Tsykalo, “Dose Reconstruction for Chernobyl Liquidators in Cancer Case-Control Studies,” in Widening the Radiation Protection World (International Radiation Protection Association, Madrid, 2004), paper 3f3; (

56. D.J. Strom, L.R. Anspaugh, J. Flynn, F.O. Hoffman, D.C. Kocher, P.A. Locke,

P.J. Merges, B.A. Napier, and E.I. White, “Risk Management for Decommissioning and Remediation of Radioactivity Contaminated Sites,” Health Phys. 86, S133 (2004).

57. M.O. Degteva, M.I. Vorobiova, E.I. Tolstykh, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, Dose-Reconstruction System for the Extended Techa River Cohort,” Health Phys. 86, S174 (2004).

58. A. Bouville, S.L. Simon, H.L. Beck, and L.R. Anspaugh, “Fallout Studies

Dosimetry,” Health Phys. 86, S175 (2004). 59. D.J. Strom, L.R. Anspaugh, J. Flynn, F.O. Hoffman, D.C. Kocher, P.A. Locke,

P.J. Merges, B.A. Napier, and E.I. White, “Approaches to Risk Management in Remediation of Radioactivity Contaminated Sites,” Health Phys. 89, S84 (2005).

60. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A.

Napier, “Techa River Dosimetry System: Current Status and Future,” in Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, 2005), p. 91.

61. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, V.I. Zalyapin, V.A. Krivoshchapov, L.M.

Peremyslova, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Long-Lived Radionuclide Intakes for the Techa Riverside Residents,” in Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, 2005), pp. 95–96.

62. N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, V.I. Zalyapin, L.R. Anspaugh, and

B.A. Napier, “Reduction of the Uncertainties in the Internal Doses from Strontium-90 for the Extended Techa River Cohort,” in Chronic Radiation Exposure: Biological and Health Effects (Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Chelyabinsk, 2005), p. 99.

63. L.I. Khyrunenko, L.R. Anspaugh, V.G. Gryshenko, L.O. Gulak, and Z.P.

Fedorenko, “Radiation and Breast Cancer in Ukraine Following the Chernobyl Accident: A Case-Control Study,” Health Phys. 90, S101; (2006).

64. Yu. Glagolenko, Yu. Mokrov, P. Stukalov, A. Aleksakhin, M. Degteva, M.

Vorobiova, L. Anspaugh, and B. Napier, “Source-Term Reconstruction for the Techa River Situation on the Basis of Archival Data,” In: Fifth International

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Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts, GSF Institute for Radiation Protection, Neuherburg (2007) p. 32.

65. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh,

and B.A. Napier, “Possible Impact of Confounding Sources of Environmental Exposure for the Members of the Techa River Cohorts,” In: Fifth International Workshop on Radiation Risk Research in Southern Urals, Book of Abstracts, GSF Institute for Radiation Protection, Neuherburg (2007) p. 33.

66. E. Tupin, L. Anspaugh, M. Goldman, R. Nelson, S. Poppell, and R. Scott,

“Evaluation of Potential Biological and Environmental Effects of United States Launches of Large Radionuclide Sources, Health Phys. 95, S95 (2008).

67. M.O. Degteva, E.I. Tolstykh, M.I. Vorobiova, N.B. Shagina, L.R. Anspaugh,

B.A. Napier, “Structure of a New Techa River Dosimetry System: General Approach and Evaluation of Parameters,” In: Late Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Bridging the Experimental and Epidemiologic Divide Conference, Scientific Programme and Book of Abstracts, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda; 2009:20.

68. M.O. Degteva, L.R. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “JCCRER Project 1.1—

Further Study of Uncertainty, Confounding, and Validation of the Doses in the Techa River Dosimetry System,” In: Joint Coordinating Committee for Radiation Effects Research, 7th International U.S.–Russian Meeting, Participant Booklet, Department of Energy, Washington, 2009:E1.

69. M. Degteva, E. Tolstykh, M. Vorobiova, N. Shagina, L. Anspaugh, and B.

Napier, “Dosimetry for the Extended Techa River Cohort,” Health Phys. 99, S63 (2010).

70. M. Degteva, N. Shagina, M. Vorobiova, E. Shishkina, L. Anspaugh, and B.

Napier, “Re-Evaluation of the Techa River Source Term: Impact on Dose Estimates for Exposed Populations of the Riverside Communities,” In: Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-Dose Effects. Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference. Chelyabinsk: Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine; 2010:60–61 (in English) 94–95 (in Russian).

71. B.A. Napier, M.O. Degteva, N.B. Shagina, and L.R.Anspaugh, “Uncertainty

Analysis for the Techa River Dosimetry System,” In: Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-Dose Effects. Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference. Chelyabinsk: Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine; 2010:63–64 (in English) 100 (in Russian).

72. N. Shagina, V. Golikov, M. Degteva, M. Vorobiova, L. Anspaugh, and B.

Napier, “Reconstruction of Individual Doses due to Medical Exposures for Members of the Techa River Cohort,” In: Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-

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Dose Effects. Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference. Chelyabinsk: Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine; 2010:64 (in English) 107–108 (in Russian).

73. E.A. Shishkina, M.O. Degteva, A. Volchkova, P. Fattibene, D. Ivanov, A.

Wieser, and L. Anspaugh, “Principles of External Dose Validation with EPR Tooth Dosimetry for Techa Riverside Residents,” In: Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-Dose Effects. Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference. Chelyabinsk: Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine; 2010:64–65 (in English) 108–109 (in Russian).

74. E.I. Tolstykh, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, N.B. Shagina, V.I. Zalyapin,

V.A. Krivoshchapov, L.R.. Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Reconstruction of Long-Lived Radionuclides Intake for the Techa River Residents,” In: Medical and Ecological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (MEEIR-V), Proceedings of Vth International Scientific-Practical Conference. Tomsk: Seversk Biophysics Research Center; 2010:158–159 (in Russian).

75. E.I. Tolstykh, N.B. Shagina, M.O. Degteva, L.M. Peremyslova, L.R.

Anspaugh, and B.A. Napier, “Improvement in estimates of Cesium-137 intake for Techa riverside residents,” In: Chronic Radiation Exposure: Low-Dose Effects. Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference. Chelyabinsk: Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine; 2010:67 (in English) 104 (in Russian).