science as community: sustainability-oriented trans-disciplinary research

Arjen E.J. Wals Science as community: Sustainability-oriented trans-disciplinary research

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Science as community: Sustainability-oriented trans-disciplinary research. Arjen E.J. Wals. Outline. Unsustainability, change & confusion Hybrid learning in post-normal times Science as community - phronesis. 2.000.000/5min. 426.000/day. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Arjen E.J. Wals

Science as community:Sustainability-oriented trans-

disciplinary research

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1.Unsustainability, change & confusion

2.Hybrid learning in post-normal times

3.Science as community - phronesis

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Who knows? Who cares? Deepwater horizon Nuclear radiation in Japan Increased infertility in men Calcium supplements for women Runaway (?) climate change Organic – sustainable – for all? Paper or plastic? …. ‘ We are drowning in

information while starving for

wisdom’ E.O. Wilson, 1998, p. 300)

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Post-normalism Complexity Uncertainty and indeterminacy Contestation and controversy – extinction of

‘truth’ & erosion of ‘trust” (fact free science, fact free politics, science as opinion)

Shallowness and hyper-connectivity – erosion of meaning

Emergence - reflexivity

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“The conventional wisdom holds that all education [and research] is good, and the more of it one has, the better.… The truth is that without significant precautions, [it] can equip people merely to be more effective vandals of the Earth” (D. Orr).

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Trends and counter-trends in higher education1. Science for impact factors – science for

society2. Increasing efficiency– promoting authentic

learning3. Science as ‘commodity’ – science as


trend counter-trend

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Science for impact factors – trend

T1990 2000 2010

Time to read/review


What’s you h-


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Science for society – counter trend

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Diploma factory - trendIncreasing efficiency - trend

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Authentic learning – counter trend

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Science as commodity - trend

More private funding Billable hours Accountability

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Science as community – counter trend

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  Science as commodity Science as communityResearch orientation

Science for Impact FactorsStrong emphasis on publication targets to be met by publishing in ISI journals preferably with a high Impact Factor

Science for ImpactStrong emphasis on societal relevance targets to be met by positive feedback by extended peers that include those who are to benefit from the research

Educational orientation

EfficiencyStudents are viewed from an economic perspective as clients, input, throughput and output, who need to get their diploma’s within the time allocated at minimal costs Instrumental – transfer of pre-determined and relatively fixed outcomes

AuthenticityStudents are viewed from a human development perspective as citizens who want to develop themselves and want to engage in meaningful learning around authentic issues that cannot be lectured Emancipatory – high degrees of self-determination, space for transformation and co-created and emergent outcomes

Business orientation

Focus on continuous growthThe university wants to or is forced to (as governments withdraw public money) to get more money out of the market. Faculty get acquisition/ ‘billable days’ targets. Growth of private institutions.

Focus on dynamic qualityThe university invests in community relations and community outreach seeking to become indispensible and an integral part of the community which in return is willing to support the university.

Epistemological orientation 

Empirical rationalismFinding an objective truth. Establishing causality. Single truth exists and can be known. Maximize predictability, management and control. Minimize uncertainty.

Socio constructivismCo-creation of knowledge, inter-subjectively validated. Pluralist. Not one single ‘truth’ but many subject to interpretation. Uncertainty as a given. Facts and values are inseparable.

Type of knowledge generated

Scientific and technical knowledge that can (allegedly) be generalized across contexts to inform attempts by various social actors to predict, control, and/or intervene for specific instrumental ends.

Phronesis: ethically practical knowledge that is indispensible for the work of making context specific value judgments about ends and means.

Source: Peters & Wals, in press

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Rethinking science

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Social Learning









Facilitators & co-learners



Passive receivers Active receivers



Knowledge transfer

Knowledge circulation

Knowledge co-creation

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Hybrid Learning Configuration

A vital coalition of multiple stakeholders engaged in a common challenge using a blend of learning processes in a rich context (sum>parts)

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Source: George Siemens, 2008

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