schools to push seals «aco bon rac partx y ehow the...

'M^^!^'''^^^lM^m^i^^^^^^^tr«&!^^'-^ ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 MANASSAS, ^ftA.. f RiBAY, PEttMBER Tg; I9I5 SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACON RACE BOX PARTY Half of Proceedi From Chrittma* ^' Seals to Apply Towards Med- ical Inspection in Schools Fifty tkTJiara' worth of Red _Cross Christmas jeai» have l>een ordered /or Prince William. •ley will be placed on sale at! •cveral stores and will be sold by Fi^ ProffTaja Rendered at Bacon Race School Lut Saturday £*eQiu«. HOW THE MONEY WAS SPENT $1.00 A Ye«r in Advance h'< - isdaooi chikirva ihiMi^f^ioutr the county. The work of Belling: these seals in the coaiity is in the hands of the school leagrues, to whom half the proceeds have been promised to apply towards medical inspection in our schools. The other half of the money ob- tained from the sale of the seals will go to fight tuberculosis, prin- cipally in our own state. The teachers thoughout the ^county have been sent letters re- jfaBUesting that they lay the matter 'tof selling the seals before their The box pari\ aiid t;riteruin- raent given at Bacon Race School on Saturday rveniii^c last was counted a success by all present. -'- Soiiji Hi UW, fcrntuiky Homa'.' . ReciUUuri 'When Annie 'Spects Her Beau'' Ella Leary t-iije-patrorwMeagtws: Every school iajxpected to en. tl|fi:e in this Work. To the school oil of the state that sells the fest number of seals « prize of will bfi givftn; a st^rond pri7.e Ten SmaU Boys Song "OH Folks At Home" R«ciution- "Reverts tn t Church" EvaKidwell EeciutJoo—"The Bar"..Ruth Peazson Recit«tMB~"Mias January's Lec- ture <M Woman's Rights" Gr&cie Mazfield SoBg "Old Black Joe" ReciUtion—"TbetAigy in theQuar- t«"" Bertram Kdwell Reading—'The Story of tije Del- uge" (from "Uncle Remus").. Ruth Pearson RecJtatJOB—"jQM Mistah Tnx&le" Estoo Leary SoBg.. ."liaMs's ia de Cold, OoW Finuice Committee of Town Couaca Tells How $75,000 Bond Money Was Spent and Why Town Now XUmes.* Dofacit of >l«,71«<i^£Bti. m a t e a Y e a r l y P'^iftrnatw DAY OF PRAYER GREAT GAfllS IN SCHOOLS Gttmti Recitatloo — "The Tale of a Tad- >oie" .". .Gladys Davis [BY C. i , C. JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN FINANCE COMMITTEB] The Town Council of Manassas has received repeated r^-lst^ttlT J?^^^ ^?^an iteiHtzed statement ortBe expeDcKlures ottMlT-' ^ ^ 000 bond issue, but, on account of a chain of circumstances, it h ^ been jRipQssible for the committee to get up such a statement It will be of interest to every one. f "o^ij In the beginning, the council, as a whole, let the contracts which aggregated $68,000, but as some of the town people were not being reached by the water and light, although they were l a t ^ taxpayers, additions to the original contracts were let to t ^ amount of about $2,250, making the whole figure about $70,- Then there were some additions that we estimated about as W. C. T. U. Mmmi m Pr.r«r D e c Zad ft Natyaal PreUUUea. The Day of Prayer for National Constitutional Prohibition was obMnred by Hanasaas W. C. T. ^- o" Thursday. December 2nd. m.i ^ the Preabyt^ylflip State Sopcriotcndent St«ames in Addr«M at Richmond Gave Many Intercatinc Facta. LProoi the Sute Board of EducationJ »t 3 p. "57, in tHe^TriMJ^t^fiflip In his address o a ' T t e Y a a e ^ t^unar"" " " " T*rogre88." delivered twhsre the At the National Convention in Educational Conference io^Rich- S 'Jj* *^^^' .'^isL State 9094 &. • s a D a r o f Prayer for National ^- Steames cited certain facts Constitutional Prohibition and *°*^ figures which indicate re- every local W, C. T. U. in the «n*rk«ble activity on the part United Sutes was called ojpon to ?^ **'<*® charged with the train- aasemUe its members for prayer *"? p' '*»* y°9°8 in the OU Do- on that day. Tliere are a half rainiob. As an evidence of the million membav of the W. C. T. jntefMt shown in education dur- U. in the United States and many '°^ ^ )s>t twelvemoBth the others nqt members joined with ^ ^ Supt declared that:- tbeae in prayer on that day. J More than <me million dollars The Manassas W. C. T. U. used ***• expended for schoolhouses $10 and a third and fourth j m e o 5 $ 5 each will also be given. Special effort should be made to sell these little "bullets in a ^M- jMMetJWBT." As4i is, the eoun'} bidder. After a aoCTTfeor the Jfer will have to raise $50 before we can get the school medical in- jpection. It will be remembered Unt iiearly $100 has already been _j^afie± by His patrona' leagues of t l k coui^ty. Dr. Ennbn G. Wil- State CommissiotFer of dth, has finally promised to t3ie#erv»ce8 of one of the : phjfeicmM're'quii-ed' fur th» Reeitatioa—"Aa Sister^ Sooe ReciUtion.. Obliging Little .. . ^ „ , , riiliiaB P « s ^ ........... "Dixie" Annif T»«ry .*%oQ Josdaa. RoU" At the conolusion of the pro- gram boxes containing sapper fftr tworwereaoldto the highest assembly bro)ce up, well ideased with tiie affair. The box party was given to pufchase an orKaJi fw the school. Qnite a neat sum was realized. HONOK fiOIX FOB WOVBMSga ^••tesoafcwKse? $150.00. is paid by the ^ the county. Here is an -EzaKidw^, Grade If ax field, LiUiaa Puaey. Maxine Reid, Catk FMey. Snth Pteanoii. Andrew follows- Land for dLsrv^^lnTant «firii"=™',,rr,Jrr«7'/^ ^°® aunassas w. u T. U. used * « ^ expenaea lor schoolhouses foriffiJ^^'SfpSmatS^sS Prep^edinconnec- •^ne while pUn. for scores of as we figured it at the time, aVrancTtotal of about $72330TS ^ "'^^^ • P»rt of the program, °e» bmldings are under way '^^1^1^ J^ ^^^ ^^^^ bonds for a premium of $1,500, so we esti- 4.«j *i._.L !__, ^ $4,000 for emergency money and matod that we had abuut ^.,, thought that would be sufficient We had the wort of two rv^m. petent registered CMrineers that our figures were conservative. As the layiMT of the water pipes progressed, we received a vigorous protest from residents of Mairfe street, north of Quarry road, because they were beingf left out Their stareet did not ai>- peai uu the Uwi prints, but the coundl f^lt that they were en- titled to fire pmt<ytion at Icaal and about 300 feet of water and a hydrant were placed oathat street at an expense of ^35^ Then a protest was broughfenn because the sewer stopped at Itople street, on Quany raqd, instead of at Ptescbtt avenue, which seemed to be the i o g ^ stopwng place, so an additional 300 feet of sewa- was hud to|«acfa Prescott a,venae at a cost of ^^; this made altogether a«inail item of $736 adtUtion to the «MitracVL " The firet trouble we had was the question as to the k«ality "Lf^^^JI " ^ tlat caused untold woryy «nri tiryiM^/Twyi^^^ ^out $50U expense, beforewefinaUy settled it, ThawMcaused cy a technicahty inthe State law. - ^ work, started imnicafi|te^'®|iBcure contracts for the right-of- yayfqrthe sewer line and J^^ie ran against a snag. Mr Wood Wtu^Di. Ntwiiiiiii, llju Pin^liiir RVitatt^, Mr Hij^mpl^^y Hibbfl to be used on the 12th. Mr8.G^!-i -- Thaaanda of dollars were coo- Ci Rwmd, the presideut. had ^'bot>d oat of tho private parses charge of the meeting. of school patrons. The program consisted of ap^ The increase i^Tenndlffient was propriate hymns. Scripture read- "^'* **"» 28L00O, ing and prayers for *'ntidance|3^Tbe school revenues reached a for our leaders in planning the tobd of $6,823,451291 eampaigB." fei ' theuieuilwraoft wi^^ iiiihpl^g tL^^.^ TiZ Congi«»thattheYmaywQrkand'Jl^Vni!?°^ j ? ^ ^ - vote for the wibmiMion !of the "**" of 10 and Sft has been re- Pn^iUtion Amendment" and for ^ ° * ^ '''(*°> 24,5^ to lew tkiit "God's bieasing oa aU workeis 12.000." ,_ ^_ for National Consticational Pto-1 Negro ilUteracy., betwetp the SS^^ talks were made which ' SLlii^Jl ^ ^ . ^ were vary helpfuL Mrs. BeU a««*a « « » 81,294 to lesv than made one <m "Our Dependence 19<000. on God," Mrs. W. Hutchison on i Buclanaa County, in 1910, had "'ru^r^S?°r»''^^^"*/ °^ ^ ^ ' " ' ^ " ^ '-hJMren between Unity in lVork" aad Mra. Spien in .BH a» voor. Af .««• t]J^u. on "Enthusiasm." Mm Dogan J^ , ^^.^Lff^^i?^-** read the ProelamaUoB of j S S u ^ ° ° ' ' ^ *"***"*»• Tbepe^ Lillian Sieveng. .-SoleegMWttg Wi --A^ f^^^jnairrediiuBa Irw^- tof Sweeney, Cfiaa PM(7, Oareoee M. L. HaaaaUi, Teaeber. .'TH4HK1|:I KMuuii^, eucxynac, (MLTiflUJIIK j.. ' .• " -. . lily k the fl^ht against , reukmis, which is the eanae <tf about (me death in eroyfeight IB Virginia. Tlie Bed Cross Christmas seals t fur one cent attractively used on the back of envelopes and parkagea.—£««cy- one can afford to use a few of these seals. Th6 sale of the seals depends largely upon the way tbey are handled, however. If Baker refused to sign contacts. It was finally neoessary to i n s - tate cond^nnation proeae^ngs against Ifr.n^andatad thesiit and awards took aboift $1,200 to settte. Mr. Baker settled for [The'niBBa-bn{iaH^l The electron of Harry R. Hoos- .—*jd^«ut-i^iat-ttesepeople«x|ected,iRitwere un^aetffdo aor~ too to the speakership of the House of Delegates, which seems virtaally assured, may result in the sctoetion of Geo. t.. Thown- N the Bchuol children of Prince Wil liam will get-bosy at once there will be DO difficulty in dispoeing of the 5.000 oxdered for this eonaty BOY OF S CHEWS TOBACCO youngest tohacco chewar by self-acknowledgtnoit aax»ig 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in these United Sutes—it 8 years TJW. ThisisTBCordwMnTbntle: tin of the PnWic Health Service. reporting the result of an jpves- ing. of Orange, his most formi. dable opponent in the oonte^for the spoJcer's chair, for chairman of the Democratic eaocos, ac> cording to current political ramor, Mr. Browning has not intimated to this time that be has any in- tentKxi of retiriog frpm the T--•","—"»« ^i spcakeiship ~flj^h^''^i3t3M)^^ lE^' fm?"**^^ fr^(to qf Mr Hngston claim for the Elisabtfh City luemlier 90 per emt of the votes m the House. There are several candidates $10: Mr. Sinrlnir miTpphnd th n «v>mmit»iw. hy J^^Tianr^'mig $5ftO for tfie privilege nf fmrang his lot. This thoy felt was too much and jfltfty dfrwifiri ta try to make a detour which w>o donoi. MF. BFVMI Afty dfrjdfd ta try tQ wake a detour which wOTon showed his patric^m by offeriiy Roop and Miss Kelley were plea*- 22.2 to &2. ant feator<a of the program. j enrollment, session A nnllpitMm was Ukeii Un Ijin i m i irr n.. Fund. i: uatxxit «mOOO. I session the meeting' prayer b^ Mra. W. Oommunieated. from tfl^ BMBftJ' WFUhiu Hbm eioaedwith iBcrease in'enrollnMqt has been Bme^Sanu:—^naan than 61,000-aa nmeh in- •jdeed; M thp increase of the pew- a right-irf-way across his lot, tree of c h a i ^ The detour cost $275, making a total cost for »wer rightrof-wajr of ^1,485. "niis expense was totaUy unexpected and the committee, with Mr. Davis, the ei^ineer, and Mr. Lion, ourattomey, had dofee everything humanly possUe to '"»*»! the wtwionen were iKJtoOwon the ground with their tools: Perhaps the greatest am«innt nf tmiihlp ^^r»^ .»giia^ w th? attempt to locate the dL«?posal jdant The sitfe was moved four or five times and each time tiie pfotest seemed to grow k)uder, until the present location was deeid^d updn by the entire coui^il visits ipg and msppcting the mff m r^hndy. This site mamt crten^^- the 12-inch outfall sewa- a di^ance of about 2,000 feet beyond Uie site first thought of. Thi8«itailed an expense of practically $2,000, as there were four mau-helis on the extenaon. ThM making altogether \^iat seemed a necessary, altlwM^ unfoMeea emenditure on the w!^;er and sewer contracts (^$L120, ao oar safety fund of $4,000 was igone with $120 with it The ditehes showed over 10,000 square yards of rock where ^,f°g^i!. ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ every extra yaiti rmrf na $i.Y5, majang $14,000 extra thpt the (figging ebetabQve the face tigation of habits of juvenile at^ tendants at white schools in this particular but aoonymoos com- munity. In this same piece there is a -girl af S years who dips snuff, as well as a boy of the saose age who ircji^es himself in thi3hao- it Dipping snuff appears to be a practice of girls rather than boys with a reoMtl of one giri of II years, another of 12 years, tvo of 14 years and ooe ^ 15 Vf^ars. vnthout any c o n f e s s e d practice among boys. Six years is the age of the yourjiTfrt smoker of tobacco, a boy Tne habit seized another boy ot > years, three boys 9 years old. si.\ if 10 years, eigMt of 11 years. - \ app",.-. chatrmaasfifp, Init it ts not definitely Known, that MFI Browniaa deaiies tion. It is expected, however, that sfaookl he announce his with- drawal as candidate tor Speaker he wilt place himself in the hands of friends^who desire at the head of the eaocos. This finishes the sewer and water contracts and we have now ift the electric light and if the cwinril, r^ t>w. n»mmt»»^ r^^^ any nustake, it was with this otiKty. In order to explain intelli- gently bow we ran behind with tlus enterprise, it is necessary to go back to the beginning. When tJie committee took up the mattw ^ e^agir^ an eggiiuy thAy tny^f^ fix MKWJBTft Kff ffitBATi'^^sSr eediag triteteen yeaia^ -dar- *^Care of Live Stock. Ac^'aa Faar^AMMcTaO*. ing the sesiion of 1(>14-16 paid 42.500 visits to sehoeis as eoa- t pared with 40,lil doriag the ses- laioB of 1913-14. J..^ew .e anxaeauif.. study^i'Hhe I work <rfneariy a handled leading On Friday mwTiing next De- '«docat<»«—have been prmared eember 17tb, the Northern Vir- tor tbe dcmentary and high gioia Fkrmen'Institote will bold schools. thesecsad moving of die 1915-1& The study of domestic science, neweisH at the eoorthanse fa Ma. ayrieultuiw amA •«*<»- nassas. t h e m e ^ p g will lw» at [ will he esperiaiiy «w.n«>ej«wj ^ j a time of thev:^ear when the farmer should experieoee little difficulty in laeakiog away from his work and therefore there sbtnld he a good atteodaneaat the sessions next E^day. ^— une or tue mai? snbjeeto that to come to Manassas for a conference. Of thea^^TiTi;^ tlw. .T^T.^r-rT^Tr ^ ^ -^ " " ^ tbeStatemost come to the o^Mon of two membera of the committee that Mr. N. Wilson poee. He had unimpeachable recommendations from six or seven Of XMT neighboring towns and seenaed in every way to fill our requirements. Restated to Uiecommittee that be was an elee- itnehands !^"<^^e»»«*J>e«'b"*^ afterwards, in the heat of the fight of awani- to aee~&Im" ' " ^ f»ntrart.H, he rifnifd fhia^_Ihe facts, as they finaflv came a«« Th- °"^ ^®^ ^d^\P% had had in his employ a competent electrical rw«,»» w^io-,*- !„ _!!-Zi..j engineer who died the week after Mr. Davis signed our contract ^^f»i T!! ^ ^ i «tand Mr. Darden, whom-M» t.i^a^eJ totoke tfiS S S one of the ablest men in the W ; [place, knew very little, if anySi;?, ^ b ^ ^ L r t r i S j coiSSa mature. Me is an eloquent and, When we were awarding the contracts, one of the bidders. Mr forceful speaker, a good drfiater, t Laxton. of Charbttej^ N. C. an able electrical inyirw^r informed one of the best informed men on *^*' erummittt^ tKnf tvTo tm^iHt^tTr^^ ^—: >^- '-_o -., ., parliam«)tary procedure m the state; and his fnends declare h; has all the qualifications for a successful oracas chairman. Delegates C h r i s t o p h e r i wffl be**TheOire of Livestock. 411 cow to realixiF4b^ aroat importanoe of live stock in tbe adiemeof sse^ ccMfol faming. The snhifrt fostered. A plan for the standardizati<m of one and two-room rural 8ebQQia_ Ins beoi devised. Bat although Schod revenues increased $365,430.0^ (state $173 - 92£25 and eoontr $1^.566.86) the inereaieaas not commenso- rato with the enormous natas in school mroUmeot. More fundbi^ tiierefore, are sadly needed if , -^- nal facilities are to betormshed all of theehiidren who knock at tbe &m of Vir- gi nia's schoolbooses. Since k>cal Icvica havelBmost specialist wbu wDl ceitainly leaiy The Smith-L«ver Act. a pieee of reent kgislatioo by Contreas Jl^mmmmt^^ IMI I B • • • i I • • j rl **- - * ^^^P^TT gr^HT^ WTTi TnT TSHnVr and lus faotily, bat which is not well nndeirtood. will be foJIv ex- rescue. The I/egnlature will be ttikfi tw inegease the school funSr $i.8oo.ooa PakL Raiway •iSoaik. pbuoed. This one thing should insore a large attendance upon the iastitote. for the Soitfa-Lever Act is often talked of but very poorly nadeftteod as a g e t i a l thing by the very man it is wmed to help. Whether Prince William ought to have a coanty fair or not wiU ? ye.ar5, 13 of 15 vears. four oT T7 •- rfiew P 8t 1 6 ve. There veara -' ;Hiy _ , „. „—:r^ V-—• - •' .1 ""'s-cg^^^M.iMu.ciqjpiwEr, iniormea the committee that the ^lecifieations were incomplete, and if the system was built strictly upon these ^>eci^catioiH that it wodkl require an expenditure of from $2,000 to $3:^100 to pat thema- tem upon a commercial basis. , , ^ .^,^ . ,.^„,j ,«.. « u^n wn Electrical construction is an extremely technj<;a] business,'<also be taken up aX this meeting. requires years of stridy to understand thornughlv. and the com-1 You ought to have a say in this Meeu,, of Prince W,ll,.™: 0. t.'^^Se'^'^S.^^l:S:M^L^i^^^^:-^'' " '^^' 'ZM'l '" : 1^ years and one D Adams, of Charlotte, are un- upon derstood to have definitely an- nounced Lhemsci \ e^loi thCdCaUf cus chairmanship :iai Mr. Dav.s. especially as Srrrrptt & Flemmine:, who were ,, . , . , the !owt-T ; ,i.iers. Took a ?Tanc! wu.h him. A.^ it turned out all ^-"i^ <i'9C"^'0" '" regard to la one h- ^^iM:. Li4AL-_>ii£ aLaLementa urovec if\n^. and wo i»Hi«4-th»t w*^r^- >:^ rrett & f-iemminp- finished tneir work, we had a complete' .;c >>- L'TT! :i'ni rractic^iix ;» coiripleti' three-phase pnman. ^-^ ^- '•" v^^^^i^ <^^ .UTT system, but B.^a a secondary^ wire A-a.<; up. not one-fourth enough msLitiite n.xt r nday and show -. t^at •'•: -''-., - - 'eve m c >opera- •.rjf the movement ;"or a fair m Lais. Tbe roost important th..'2, however. i.'S to he present at tne During Septembsi-.-Bouthore Railway disbursed for labor, ma- terial, supplies and other purposes $4,129,787 of which $3,eeO.Sia or 88 64 per cent was paid to indi- viduals aad industries located in the Sooth. This amounts to mere than 90 per cent of the moneys paid t^ the company for transportation by those located on its lines. During August the c.wvp-, ,. disbursed for hke pnrpose- " 100.976 of which $3.656.7.i2 - per cent, was paid to indivu; and isdnstrtes tocaled in Sonth. The.sp ficnjres ~: , ter'"'^" ro a' ;^ ^o. ..--. „. ^ fhox-; :;; ...- .• -.- ;- -.vnirh h^- .- ,•• , ' . -. .- ... ' ' •. Oitf*i A4>4 .1.-,. South-

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Page 1: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in



M A N A S S A S , ^ftA.. f R i B A Y , P E t t M B E R Tg; I 9 I 5


Half of Proceedi From Chrittma* ^' Seals to Apply Towards Med­

ical Inspection in Schools

Fifty tkTJiara' worth of Red _Cross Christmas jeai» have l>een ordered /or Prince W i l l i a m .

•ley will be placed on sale at! •cveral stores and will be sold by

F i ^ ProffTaja Rendered at Bacon Race School L u t Saturday £*eQiu«.

HOW THE MONEY WAS SPENT $ 1 . 0 0 A Ye«r in Advance

h'< -

isdaooi chikirva ihiMi f ioutr the county. The work of Be l l ing: these seals in the coaiity is in the hands of the school leagrues, to whom half the proceeds have been promised to apply towards medical inspection in our schools. The other half of the money ob­tained from the sale of the seals will go to fight tuberculosis, prin­cipally in our own state.

The teachers thoughout t h e ^county have been sent letters re-jfaBUesting that they lay the matter 'tof selling the seals before their

The box pari\ aiid t;riteruin-raent given at Bacon Race School on Saturday rveniii^c last was counted a success by all present. -'-

Soiiji Hi UW, fcrntuiky Homa'.' . ReciUUuri 'When Annie 'Spects

Her Beau'' Ella Leary

t-iije-patrorwMeagtws: Every school iajxpected to en.

tl|fi:e in this Work. To the school oil of the state that sells the fest number of seals « prize of will bfi givftn; a st rond pri7.e

Ten SmaU Boys Song "OH Folks At Home" R « c i u t i o n - "Reverts tn t Church"

EvaKidwell EeciutJoo—"The Bar". .Ruth Peazson Recit«tMB~"Mias January's Lec­

ture <M Woman's Rights" Gr&cie Mazfield

SoBg "Old Black Joe" ReciUtion—"TbetAigy in theQuar-

t « " " Bertram Kdwell Reading—'The Story of tije Del­

uge" (from "Uncle Remus") . . Ruth Pearson

RecJtatJOB—"jQM Mistah Tnx&le" Estoo Leary

SoBg.. ."l iaMs's ia de Cold, OoW

F i n u i c e Committee of Town Couaca Tel ls How $ 7 5 , 0 0 0

Bond Money W a s Spent and W h y Town N o w

X U m e s . * Dofacit of >l«,71«<i^£Bti. —

matea Yearly P'^iftrnatw


Gttmti Recitatloo — "The Tale of a Tad-

>o ie" .". .Gladys Davis


The Town Council of Manassas has received repeated r^-lst^ttlT J?^^^ ^?^an iteiHtzed statement ortBe expeDcKlures ottMlT-' ^ ^ 000 bond issue, but, on account of a chain of circumstances, it h ^ been jRipQssible for the committee to get up such a statement

It will be of interest to every one. f "o^ij In the beginning, the council, as a whole, let the contracts

which aggregated $68,000, but as some of the town people were not being reached by the water and light, although they were l a t ^ taxpayers, additions to the original contracts were let to t ^ amount of about $2,250, making the whole figure about $70,-

Then there were some additions that we estimated about as

W. C. T. U. Mmmi m Pr.r«r D e c Zad ft Natyaal PreUUUea.

The Day of Prayer for National Constitutional Prohibition was obMnred by Hanasaas W. C. T. ^- o" Thursday. December 2nd.

m.i ^ the Preabyt^ylflip

State Sopcriotcndent St«ames in Addr«M at Richmond Gave

Many Intercatinc Facta.

LProoi the S u t e Board of EducationJ

»t 3 p. "57, in tHe^TriMJ t fiflip In his address o a ' T t e Y a a e ^ t^unar"" " " " T*rogre88." delivered twhsre the

At the National Convention in Educational Conference io^Rich-— S 'Jj* *^^^' .'^isL State 9094 &.

• s a D a r o f Prayer for National ^- Steames cited certain facts Constitutional Prohibition and *°*^ figures which indicate re-every local W, C. T. U. in the «n*rk«ble activity on the part United Sutes was called ojpon to ?^ **'<*® charged with the train-aasemUe its members for prayer *"? p ' '*»* y°9°8 in the OU Do-on that day. Tliere are a half rainiob. As an evidence of the million membav of the W. C. T. jntefMt shown in education dur-U. in the United States and many ' °^ ^ )s>t twelvemoBth the others nqt members joined with ^ ^ Supt declared that:-tbeae in prayer on that day. J More than <me million dollars

The Manassas W. C. T. U. used ***• expended for schoolhouses

$10 and a third and fourth j m e o 5 $ 5 each will also be given.

Special effort should be made to sell these little "bullets in a

^M- jMMetJWBT." As4i is, the eoun'} bidder. After a aoCTTfeor the Jfer will have to raise $50 before we can get the school medical in-jpection. It will be remembered Unt iiearly $100 has already been

_j^afie± by His patrona' leagues of t lk coui^ty. Dr. Ennbn G. Wil-

State CommissiotFer of dth, has finally promised to

t3ie#erv»ce8 of one of the : phjfeicmM're'quii-ed' fur th»

Reeitatioa—"Aa S i s t er^

Sooe ReciUtion..

Obliging L i t t l e . . . ^ „ , , riiliiaB P « s ^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Dixie"

Annif T»«ry .*%oQ Josdaa. RoU"

At the conolusion of the pro­gram boxes containing sapper fftr tworwereaoldto the highest

assembly bro)ce up, well ideased with tiie affair.

The box party was given to pufchase an orKaJi f w the school. Qnite a neat sum was realized.



$150.00. is paid by the ^ the county. Here is an

-EzaKidw^, Grade If ax field, LiUiaa Puaey. Maxine Reid, Catk

FMey. Snth Pteanoii. Andrew

follows- Land for dLsrv^^lnTant «firii"=™',,rr,Jrr«7'/^ ^°® aunassas w. u T. U. used * « ^ expenaea lor schoolhouses foriffiJ^^'SfpSmatS^sS Prep^edinconnec- •^ne while pUn. for scores of as we figured it at the time, aVrancTtotal of about $ 7 2 3 3 0 T S ^ "' ^ • P»rt of the program, ° e » bmldings are under way '^^1^1^ J ^ ^^^ ^ ^ bonds for a premium of $1,500, so we esti-

4.«j *i._.L !__, ^ $4,000 for emergency money and matod that we had abuut ^.,, thought that would be sufficient We had the wort of two rv^m. petent registered CMrineers that our figures were conservative.

As the layiMT of the water pipes progressed, we received a vigorous protest from residents of Mairfe street, north of Quarry road, because they were beingf left out Their stareet did not ai>-peai uu the Uwi prints, but the coundl f^lt that they were en­titled to fire pmt<ytion at Icaal and about 300 feet of water and a hydrant were placed oathat street at an expense of ^35^ Then a protest was broughfenn because the sewer stopped at Itople street, on Quany raqd, instead of at Ptescbtt avenue, which seemed to be the i o g ^ stopwng place, so an additional 300 feet of sewa- was hud to|«acfa Prescott a,venae at a cost of ^ ^ ; this made altogether a«inail item of $736 adtUtion to the «MitracVL "

The firet trouble we had was the question as to the k«ality "Lf^^^JI " ^ t l a t caused untold woryy «nri tiryiM^/Twyi^^^ ^ o u t $50U expense, beforewefinaUy settled it, ThawMcaused cy a technicahty in the State law. - ^

work, started imnicafi|te^'®|iBcure contracts for the right-of-y a y f q r t h e sewer line and J^ ie ran against a snag. Mr Wood Wtu^Di . Ntwiiiiiii, llju Pin^liiir RVitatt , Mr Hij^mpl^^y Hibbfl

to be used on the 12th. Mr8.G^!-i -- Thaaanda of dollars were coo-Ci Rwmd, the presideut. had ^'bot>d oat of tho private parses charge of the meeting. of school patrons.

The program consisted of ap^ The increase i^Tenndlffient was propriate hymns. Scripture read- "^'* **"» 28L00O, ing and prayers for *'ntidance|3^Tbe school revenues reached a for our leaders in planning the tobd of $6,823,451291 eampaigB." fei ' theuieuilwraoft wi^^ iiiihpl^g tL^^.^ TiZ C o n g i « » t h a t t h e Y m a y w Q r k a n d ' J l ^ V n i ! ? ° ^ j ? ^ ^ -vote for the wibmiMion !of the "**" of 10 and Sft has been re-Pn^iUtion Amendment" and for ^ ° * ^ '''(*°> 24 ,5^ to lew tkiit "God's bieasing oa aU workeis 12.000." , _ ^ _ for National Consticational Pto-1 Negro ilUteracy., betwetp the

SS^^ talks were made which ' S L l i i ^ J l ^ ^ . ^ were vary helpfuL Mrs. BeU a««*a « « » 81,294 to lesv than made one <m "Our Dependence 19<000. on God," Mrs. W. Hutchison on i Buclanaa County, in 1910, had

"'ru^r^S?°r»''^^^"*/ °^ ^ ^ '"'^"^ '-hJMren between Unity in lVork" aad Mra. Spien in .BH a» voor. Af .««• t]J^u.

on "Enthusiasm." Mm Dogan J^ , ^ ^ . ^ L f f ^ ^ i ? ^ - * * read the ProelamaUoB of j S S u ^ ° ° ' ' ^ *"***"*»• Tbepe^ Lillian Sieveng. .-SoleegMWttg Wi --A f^^^jnairrediiuBa Irw^-

tof Sweeney, Cfiaa P M ( 7 , Oareoee M. L. HaaaaUi,


. ' T H 4 H K 1 | : I

K M u u i i ^ , e u c x y n a c , (MLTiflUJIIK j . . ' .• " - . .

lily k the fl^ht against , reukmis, which is the eanae <tf about (me death in eroyfeight IB Virginia.

Tlie Bed Cross Christmas seals t fur one cent

attractively used on the back of envelopes and parkagea.—£««cy-one can afford to use a few of these seals. Th6 sale of the seals depends largely upon the way tbey are handled, however. If

Baker refused to sign contacts. It was finally neoessary to i n s ­tate cond^nnation proeae^ngs against Ifr.n^andatad t h e s i i t and awards took aboift $1,200 to settte. Mr. Baker settled for


The electron of Harry R. Hoos-

.—*jd^«ut - i^ ia t - t tesepeople«x |ec ted , iRi twere u n ^ a e t f f d o aor~

too to the speakership of the House of Delegates, which seems virtaally assured, may result in the sctoetion of Geo. t.. Thown-


the Bchuol children of Prince Wil liam will get-bosy at once there will be DO difficulty in dispoeing of the 5.000 oxdered for this eonaty


youngest tohacco chewar by self-acknowledgtnoit aax»ig 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in these United Sutes—it 8 years

TJW. ThisisTBCordwMnTbntle: tin of the PnWic Health Service. reporting the result of an jpves-

ing. of Orange, his most formi. dable opponent in the oonte^for the spoJcer's chair, for chairman of the Democratic eaocos, ac> cording to current political ramor, Mr. Browning has not intimated to this time that be has any in-tentKxi of retiriog frpm the T- - •" ,"—"»« i spcakeiship ~flj h '' i3t3M) ^ lE^' f m ? " * * ^ ^ fr^(to qf Mr Hngston claim for the Elisabtfh City luemlier 90 per emt of the votes m the House.

There are several candidates

$10: Mr. Sinrlnir miTpphnd th n «v>mmit»iw. hy J ^Tianr 'mig $5ftO for tfie privilege nf fmrang his lot. This thoy felt was too much and jfltfty dfrwifiri ta try to make a detour which w>o donoi. MF. BFVMI Afty dfrjdfd ta try tQ wake a detour which wOTon showed his patr ic^m by offeriiy

Roop and Miss Kelley were plea*- 22.2 to &2. ant feator<a of the program. j enrollment, session

A nnllpitMm was Ukeii Un Ijin i m i irr n.. Fund. i: uatxxit «mOOO.

I session

the meeting' prayer b^ Mra. W. Oommunieated.

from tfl^ BMBftJ' WFUhiu Hbm e ioaedwi th iBcrease in'enrollnMqt has been Bme^Sanu:—^naan than 61,000-aa nmeh in-

•jdeed; M thp increase of the pew-

a right-irf-way across his lot, tree of c h a i ^ The detour cost $275, making a total cost for » w e r rightrof-wajr of ^1,485. "niis expense was totaUy unexpected and the committee, with Mr. Davis, the ei^ineer, and Mr. Lion, ourattomey, had dofee everything humanly possUe to

'"»*»! the wtwionen were iKJtoOwon the ground with their tools: Perhaps the greatest am«innt nf tmiihlp ^^r»^ .»giia^ w th?

attempt to locate the dL«?posal jdant The sitfe was moved four or five times and each time tiie pfotest seemed to grow k)uder, until the present location was deeid^d updn by the entire coui^il visits ipg and msppcting the mff m r^hndy. This site mamt c r t e n ^ ^ -the 12-inch outfall sewa- a di^ance of about 2,000 feet beyond Uie site first thought of. Thi8«itailed an expense of practically $2,000, as there were four mau-helis on the extenaon. ThM making altogether \^iat seemed a necessary, alt lwM^ unfoMeea emenditure on the w!^;er and sewer contracts (^$L120, ao oar safety fund of $4,000 was igone with $120 with i t

The ditehes showed over 10,000 square yards of rock where ^ , f ° g ^ i ! . ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ every extra yaiti rmrf na $i.Y5, majang $14,000 extra thpt the (figging ebetabQve the face

tigation of habits of juvenile at^ tendants at white schools in this particular but aoonymoos com­munity.

In this same piece there is a -girl af S years who dips snuff, as

well as a boy of the saose age who ircji^es himself in thi3hao-i t Dipping snuff appears to be a practice of girls rather than boys with a reoMtl of one giri of II years, another of 12 years, tvo of 14 years and ooe ^ 15 Vf ars. vnthout any c o n f e s s e d practice among boys.

Six years is the age of the yourjiTfrt smoker of tobacco, a boy Tne habit seized another boy ot > years, three boys 9 years old. si.\ if 10 years, eigMt of 11 years. - \


chatrmaasfifp, Init it ts not definitely Known, that MFI Browniaa deaiies tion. It is expected, however, that sfaookl he announce his with­drawal as candidate tor Speaker he wilt place himself in the hands of friends^who desire at the head of the eaocos.

This finishes the sewer and water contracts and we have now ift the electric light and if the cwinril, r^ t>w. n»mmt»»^ r^^^

any nustake, i t was with this otiKty. In order to explain intelli-gently bow we ran behind with tlus enterprise, it is necessary to go back to the beginning. When tJie committee took up the mattw ^ e ^ a g i r ^ an egg i iuy thAy tny^f^ fix

MKWJBTft K f f ffitBATi'^^sSr eediag triteteen yeaia^


* Care of Live Stock. A c ^ ' a a


ing the sesiion of 1(>14-16 paid 42.500 visits to sehoeis as eoa-

t pared with 40 , l i l doriag the ses-laioB of 1913-14.

J . . ^ e w .e anxaeauif.. study^i'Hhe I work <rfneariy a handled leading

On Friday mwTiing next De- '«docat<»«—have been prmared eember 17tb, the Northern Vir- tor tbe dcmentary and h i g h gioia Fkrmen'Institote will bold schools. thesecsad moving of die 1915-1& The study of domestic science, neweisH at the eoorthanse fa Ma. ayrieultuiw amA •«*<»-nassas. t h e m e ^ p g will lw» at [ will he esperiaiiy «w.n«>ej«wj ^ j a time of thev:^ear when the farmer should experieoee little difficulty in laeakiog away from his work and therefore there sbtnld he a good atteodaneaat the sessions next E^day. ^—

une or tue mai? snbjeeto that

to come to Manassas for a conference. Of t h e a ^ ^ T i T i ; ^ tlw. . T ^ T . ^ r - r T ^ T r ^ ^ - ^ " " ^ tbeStatemost come to the o^Mon of two membera of the committee that Mr. N. Wilson

poee. He had unimpeachable recommendations from six or seven Of XMT neighboring towns and seenaed in every way to fill our requirements. Restated to Uiecommittee that be was an elee-

itnehands ! "<^^e»»«*J>e«'b"*^ afterwards, in the heat of the fight of awani-to aee~&Im" '"^ f»ntrart.H, he rifnifd fhia^_Ihe facts, as they finaflv came a«« Th- °"^ ^ ® ^ ^d^\P% had had in his employ a competent electrical

rw«,»» w^io-,*- !„ _!!-Zi..j engineer who died the week after Mr. Davis signed our contract ^ ^ f » i T ! ! ^ ^ i « t a n d Mr. Darden, whom-M» t.i^a^eJ totoke tfiS S S one of the ablest men in the W ; [place, knew very little, if a n y S i ; ? , ^ b ^ ^ L r t r i S j c o i S S a mature. Me is an eloquent and, When we were awarding the contracts, one of the bidders. Mr forceful speaker, a good drfiater, t Laxton. of Charbttej^ N. C . an able electrical inyirw^r informed one of the best informed men on *^*' erummittt^ tKnf tvTo tm^iHt^tTr^^ ^—: >^- '-_o -., ., parliam«)tary procedure m the state; and his fnends declare h; has all the qualifications for a successful oracas chairman.

Delegates C h r i s t o p h e r i

wffl be**TheOire of Livestock. 411 cow to realixiF4b^ aroat importanoe of live stock in tbe adiemeof sse^ ccMfol faming. The snhifrt

fostered. A plan for the standardizati<m

of one and two-room rural 8ebQQia_ Ins beoi devised.

Bat although Schod revenues increased $365,430.0^ (state $173 -92£25 and eoontr $1^.566.86) the inereaieaas not commenso-rato with the enormous natas in school mroUmeot. More fundbi tiierefore, are sadly needed if , -^- nal facilities are to betormshed all of theehiidren who knock at tbe &m of Vir-gi nia's schoolbooses. Since k>cal Icvica havelBmost

specialist wbu wDl ceitainly leaiy

The Smith-L«ver Act. a pieee of r een t kgislatioo by Contreas Jl^mmmmt^^ IMI I B • • • i I • • j rl **- - *

^^^P^TT gr^HT^ WTTi TnT TSHnVr and lus faotily, bat which is not well nndeirtood. will be foJIv ex-

rescue. The I/egnlature will be ttikfi tw inegease the school funSr $i.8oo.ooa

PakL Raiway • iSoaik.

pbuoed. This one thing should insore a large attendance upon the iastitote. for the Soitfa-Lever Act is often talked of but very poorly nadeftteod as a g e t i a l thing by the very man it is wmed to help.

Whether Prince William ought to have a coanty fair or not wiU

? ye.ar5, 13 of 15 vears. four oT T7

•- r f i e w • P 8t 1

6 ve.


veara -' ;Hiy

_ , „. „—:r^ V-—• - •' .1 ""'s-cg^^^M.iMu.ciqjpiwEr, iniormea the committee that the ^lecifieations were incomplete, and if the system was built strictly upon these ^>eci^catioiH that it wodkl require an expenditure of from $2,000 to $3: 100 to pat thema-tem upon a commercial basis. , , .^,^ . , . ^ „ , j ,«.. « u^n wn

Electrical construction is an extremely technj<;a] business, '< also be taken up aX this meeting. requires years of stridy to understand thornughlv. and the com-1 You ought to have a say in this

Meeu,, of Prince W,ll,.™: 0. t . ' ^ ^ S e ' ^ ' ^ S . ^ ^ l : S : M ^ L ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ : - ^ ' ' " '^^' 'ZM'l '"

: 1 years and one D Adams, of Charlotte, are un- upon derstood to have definitely an-nounced Lhemsci \ e^loi thCdCaUf • cus chairmanship

: ia i

Mr. Dav.s. especially as Srrrrptt & Flemmine:, who were ,, . , . , the !owt-T ; ,i.iers. Took a ?Tanc! wu.h him. A. it turned out all -"i <i'9C"^'0" '" regard to la one h-^^iM:. Li4AL-_>ii£ aLaLementa urovec if\n^. and wo i»Hi«4-th»t w*^r^->:^ rrett & f-iemminp- finished tneir work, we had a complete' .;c >>- L'TT! :i'ni rractic^iix ;» coiripleti' three-phase pnman. ^-^ ^- '•" v^^^^i^ <^^ .UTT system, but B. a a secondary^ wire A-a.<; up. not one-fourth enough msLitiite n.xt r nday and show

• — — — — -. t^at •'•: -''-., - - 'eve m c >opera-

•.rjf the movement ;"or a fair m Lais. Tbe roost important th..'2, however. i.'S to he present at tne

During Septembsi-.-Bouthore Railway disbursed for labor, ma­terial, supplies and other purposes $4,129,787 of which $3,eeO.Sia or 88 64 per cent was paid to indi­viduals aad industries located in the Sooth.

This amounts to mere than 90 per cent of the moneys paid t^ the company for transportation by those located on its lines.

During August the c.wvp-, ,. disbursed for hke pnrpose- " 100.976 of which $3.656.7.i2 -per cent, was paid to indivu; and isdnstrtes tocaled in Sonth.

The.sp ficnjres ~: , • ter'"'^" ro a' ; ^ o . . . - - . „ . ^ f h o x - ; :;; ...- .• • -.- ; - -.vnirh • h^- . - ,•• , ' . - . .- ... ' '

•. • Oitf*i A4>4 .1.-,. South-

Page 2: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in


Chiisbna&itXri Should mean a lot to you if you wish to practice economy this year. Be a S. P. U. G.—

join the Society Prevention Useless Giving. Lock over our stock of presents


Fur>.ioT Prft*inrf»->PiMiitifHl nrnv •eU at pleasing prices.

Beautiful Silk H o s e in holly boxeSk $1.00

Beautiful l ine of Ladies* UndermusUns.—$1.00 Skirts 6 9 c

Special—Lot Knit Goods, including Sweaters , Cap'i^ Shawls, e t c $ 1 . 0 0 values 25c ; 5 0 c values 12ic; 2 5 c values 7 c

Ladies' Waists in holly boxes $ 1 . 0 0 . 6 9 c values 4 8 c A f ew great bargains left.

Ladies' Kid Gloves in b o x e s ^ $ 1 . 5 0 va lues $1 .10 . Beautiful walking wwl waiui gluvei: ~

M - i ' t y i SftShtrtt, fntt ritUn . - t \ W

FREET—FREE! f R E E f If you buy $ 2 0 . 0 0 wortH,between n o w and Christ-m a s ^ e wilt present you with a yenr'-S subscription to McClure's Magaz ine or some other good period* ical you may s e l e c t y

LA FRANCE SHOES — ' • t • ' , , I . '

Select a pair of beautiful La France Shoes for "her" N e w m o d e k in cloth tops and the l ^ g l i s h late

bals, in both black and tan.

The latter are $3,00

Some great values in shoes left from the _ big sale

-UsefufGhristmas Presents

Handkerchiefs Galore.—A beautiful Crepe-de-Chene "^~ number fbr~T5c. D l h ^ r v a l u es 5 c to 50c, include

ing both men's and ladies' initial ones .

Men's Neckwear in holly boxes, 2 5 c and 5 0 c . Other styles at half price.

Ladies' Neckwear in individual boxes , 2 5 c and 5 0 c

Linen Accessories for the Housewife.—Beautiful Table Cloths, 21 ^ards long, $ 1 . 1 5 values . . . 9 8 c

Guest Towels . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 c and 5 0 c Bath Towe l s i • 2 5 c and 5 0 c 7 5 c Sheets , per pair . $ 1.25

Wonderful Values in Blankets and Comforts

H o w About a R u ^ L o ^ over our faiuuus Doxart-$10 .00 , 9 x 1 2 Druggett for $ 9 . 7 5 .

$ 3 . 5 0 9 x 1 2 Mattings ! ~ $ 2 . 7 9 $ 3 . 0 0 9x121 Mattuigs ; - . . . . • . - ^ - ^ $ 2 J 9

Oar Entire Stock^C^ and C o a t s ^ a L ^ £ost ".- i l -ij" .LL - III I

SaWHT i 'i^fmrv.v^, Lr "Tfeffacfe Where You Wffl Fv^f»i;>ny Ri,y . ^

The Vkvinia brnWrngr-Mtmntl Poatal receipb. regarded as the T F N F R A I N F W ^ N f t T R ^ ^ « « « ^ > »'^"p''«=ateof the hom^^ " " ULnLnnLHriTT»TWriliy nf thnWnnMiiotrmT im ii Fii

»^ft» A" horse fangine injt^ United

breeders. r "'-

The wan-has csat Qresff Britain S8 310,000;000. The, daily ex-pt nditures of the nation aasitow

T ^

Hearing $25,000,000,

Fifty-nine dead and 66in}qred IS the hunting toll in eighteen states for the season which ended ^ ' "' 'mbf'r y^, '""V^mpff rvd with

in San Francisco, since the Pana-ma-Paeific JEa^poe ion has dosed. xne-structure, now on the ext»»-aition grounds, will be razed and reino«ei) to a .^i ta^e site in ihe city. Thpre it will stand as a oarooriaT to. e Jathgt oi^ His. Uotfhtry. '-f: —*^—^

With thedoeeof NoTember the total number of licenses issued I ^ ^ " ^ l u•ge l posmmcea for automobiles by Secretary of handleone-half of the postal buaj-

best barometer of business condi-tionH irt thfeeouiitrv.- have b e ^ jumping by leaps arjd bounds Binc^.the big: set l a tlTroagbou^ the

commercial boom UniteJ

States. The receipt^ifbf the 60 latgest pD8toffiee8!>^ow that the gain for November last over N6-vember of 1914, wa8^$2,0g?,13& or'IST^ per cent Theliornra! rate of increase, ia seyen per cent.


lua L»y in « Supply Ut ttmr Icm tor 'N#zt S«ininsr. '

]Po„you.know that the nlghta: ar6_ getting cold now? Do you 'Kiiow that thiei water may freeze any day? Do you-know that next summer you will be as warm aat-the-^e-is-eoid, and that if you use foresight and present energy ynn fan havft mmp nf the frigidity

Alwa^ K^i^dc ^ m Ynn W i Fre^ Meats My specialty is fresh meats, the year round—summer as well as winter.' Your


ferWiiat Ycflfayfah Various W a y s of U « n g Y o a r

SufT^us" Electric C u r t e n r ~ ~

If jou u se only € 0 c worth of energy during the month the remaining 4 0 c will operate— (

AaEiedricIm 8 IMVI OraWasMM Msdne 20 "

111 desda^TB^tiwndia^ayeSf a(?o _ — .—'•

thf* GomB»;<»wyiH;h B.'0. Jpmcs ireacbs|diriS6il of a 1 ^ Tfiis is an inert>i>«g af mnr« f mn a) par

ness. the gain .tbrooghout t fe &)untry is e a g & l e d a|lBore tban

President Wilson and Mrs. ^ter-man Gait will bojnafriod Sattir- day, December 18th.altJftr8.<3alt'8 home in Washington, according to a formal announcement made last Saturday at the White Hoaae.

Ernest Tfaompocng^iOB. natoft clist, SoHi Us reat ignation ao ehiirf'sepat ef the Boy Scouts of America. Mr. S«toD said he resigned Secaoae of a gradual change of jpoUdeawUdi he oppoifed.

cent ovw the total foTttw twelve months of i<w^ T> u ^jf^^^^

to dilute the extreme heat to livable temperature?

Ttltela about yutw laai uliaitce to iKiild an ice house. Build it. Get itatarted today, and. faavait

patronage during the win tea* mor\&8 wiH msure the cj>rtaint.y nf'gnnd^ r»]pan^

that the revenue f nnn automobile i ic^Ms thi^ yeiir wfH exceed 1214,000.

There are 179 men^bers ir

Cbesterfieki is the first countyJ ^padv for thpfi~» i>^ «« th^ li^y IB the sUle Xu acwipt the offer ot [^^y b^ Iso the last

Just recaU bow yon longed for a cool drink last summer and make up your mind that next

fresh meat during hottest weather .

Or a TKsn deaicr

Or 140W. USA I M ^ OraTsastcr

2& .166 loe I T

If yoa-use-cniy 70c worth of

J:he State Forester of financial assistance from the go^er&meRt in fire-protection measures. On November 22nd, 1 ^ bcwrd of jeax yeu are going to have the

F&rdpesce party, asw en route ^"Pg''"*?* ^ot^d SIS0.00 l o b e to Ifofwsy en the ateamsblir " ^ tnTbat oounlly fa 1816 4iv OfffiirTT, y^^n.^«g ^fnngiiniiti 1 " " ^ ' ' ""P-b»tf **« ^tarv of a

R. C. Saufly, navy^aviaU»v tabt ww4d's amtade

ment loade Mwtday by the line owning the vessel. The line also anwonoeed that reservfttioim have &en made on the gVsdwik VUlr which sails late this week, for twentr-fivft pt>wMm« »hn int ft

forest patrolman : d a H ^ the four driest months nextyear,tbe other half to be pa^ by the United States Government This is the first step in the building up of a * **VrftlMr*' ggregt-frro protective

record for hydro-aeroplanes last Saturday, when he ase^ded 12,> 136 feet The ascoit occupied fifty minutes, and t b e d e a ^ t t o PensSMia BAT, flfCMn Bunutes.'

Col. Jotan 5 . ttoiby oelabfated his g2nd birthday anniversary Monday. Cokmd Moeby spent the day with his children and prandebiidrsB at his home in

In the fiotjreek of July, 1914, 5,087 first-class passengers sailed for Europe from American ports. This year, in thg eoite^pondirig

tbe United States Department of Agriodtare, the state fBraster and the county supervisMV.

wedc, 378 sailed. la the other d&san of pavengers the falling off was also^great The total cf all classes of steamship travelers boutKl from this country for

n u — />«i 1 M w • KorcHpei^theweek mentioBedof VVashmgton. Cokmel Mosby » i ^ ^ ^ was ?P.iM7 InirTBg ;n his usual robust health and en-^

I'ribate To Colonel fierUi^

For every old soldiel- of tbe Confederacy who dies, a man will step forward and take his plaee in everyday life Bat as each one dies, there passes with bim

comforts of life tTiat cost as little as ice. Why, m Bible timea tbe loaves aaad fishes vme provided »nA man niippli<>rf the hytket j n which to gather the fragmentsr So todaythe ice is given us, but we must furnish the receptacle. Take advantage 6f the ice.

Your milk and batter arv bet­ter for having ice. You can get a. grMter price for them, both be-

Mj piium ai-e as low as is consistent with the qualify of. meat fumishea and your trade is solicited.

energy during the maath the^...-remaintity 3 0 c o p e r a t ^ ^ ' ' '

AiEledric Iroa .y... . . . . 6 h m


frtVtsUif IbclM. OnrYioHrOnw:

rOAONDERS' rUkm'» OU a*mmi. Yi.

.. IS TT-ar

ALML&JdtiM m Or a 40ff. Iaz4 bBv 75

to jdn the Fold party IbJiorWty. j ^ y t e " ^ eeoperataw» -betweenjcaase-of .limproved qtiality and better shipping. There are a dos6B reasons for having ice— fsch better than the other.

_Now, as to how to build an i c e j l - - ^ _. .- - •- ?:r''~-- House. f^augg^Mi that ycu Tookt Te legraph and Teie-

up Mr. Scott's article of about a year ago on the subject If you cannot do this, just build a double or treble wall house^ fill in be­tween with sawdest or any other good non-conductor of heat and coid, make d o u b l e doors, far enough apart to close one before

joys the company of friends who call i>n.ium and kttera from tboee unable to meet him in perstm.

Rockingham county has fin-

one of-^ fast-disaDnearinir tvne, ^" ;;; " " ^ - 'jl ^ ' ^ " " ^ ^'^^ which will never be of sawdust to put betweentbeice year 4.577,

The first annu*! rnnvntinn «f ^*^ *''*"" * ^** ^®*"' * ^ ^ ' ""^ o^^" ''' *"< ^' ^"^^^ is your 1 he first annual convenuon of generatftnrperhaps, the type will; ice house! m»n « S l f f ^ T i « " ' * ' ' V ^ ^ ^ ^ bave vanished. In the death of If i is impossible for you to do man Suffrage was ushered m ^^^^ , p ^ _ , , _ . x ^ k p l ^ r ^ ^ ' « " this, have you not a clay I

, , ^ , Monday when representatives cf -<>«>nel l! ,dmund Berkeley, of ^ ^ • which vou can dpivp . ^ d *iu^>pmg i t*4H« . i«_^^ . . fh^ .* the west. Prince WilUam County, one-tf ^ b aVrf CD an under"^^^ wh.chtotals40,000.barreLs. or 2.S(1, bearing . monster pet.fon for the finest exemplars of that t y p e ' ^ m ? If you^an no? doT^^^^

alone th« b-usan B. Anthnny suffrage has jrone. In time of war. he «-f ii!H like, iust do the f>est vou ed to amendment, arrvPdm W a s h i n g - . , ^ promntfnn as a frjrhtPr- Tr , -^ - '^- >^^^- ^^ - ^ house" of 1

atthesteps ,, , _ _ , ^ , .-.>.. e ...;,,;. sc.rr. .r co n d i t i o n I .rtifiL.; ;'jr Lht: co.,'i ,.av.




p h o n e PoJ«iJuid Pi l ing

for which w e pay c a s h .


If you use on ly 8 0 c worth cf energy during the month d ie remnming l a O c jaSSL operate—

AiBedriclnw 4kmn T S T T d f i i l a e t o e » -^ OraTKcnduMf 13 " Oru&wkFM M "

*' *^^TMMK"taBa.7 aw ~

rjjrloads From this c^op a,.„,r t,re ousan n. antnnny sunrajre has jrone In time of war he he county has been enA«ed to amendment, arrived m Washing- *7, ,." IT

try*' aT7:o-jnt nf $j«l.OO(T. T-aree'ton, were welcomed at the steps ^"^^ promntron as ^ ..jrlrtpr: irr qtiartuiesoftheapples were sent of the CapuoL buildin(? and w^^e-*^'"^ * ^ p*ac^_ he -shcxjk h«inds tc^ the far south. New Orleans received later In the afternoon by Riadly with his old enen^ies and 8n<i other (:ulf cities furnisnin? the President of the Umted r >«- f r - i s at (rett> .-tturir -:ne best marKL-ts. -States. Times buspatch.

j r a T s u t s S

i l you use only 90c %¥«riJi «i energy during the month the remaining 10c w S operate— --

. Ai Dediic ksi 2hKA y Or 1 Wssk^ lacfat 5 «

OraVaccaa ClesMf € " BHARLo. OraS-iKfcFa 40 "

Ti..p^1^:{0ra40W. Maz^ La^ . 25 "

FIRST NATONAL BAM, \1a\T-i:, ' " Ai-H:ac^Nr>R.iA. V A '*" ^"e a b o v e money-saving

^^s:«!»ATTO DEPOsiroar o» ^ •-*PP^'*"/*'" " " ^« secured of LNITKD STATSS i ™®' " y^" buy now you can

«ioo.oo< save money on any of these

u a a i B S L. SOOTHE, f J K Pi»«id»nl 1 •

3E0.B. WA»riEi,r.O»»W.r


•ne . . l i e

r: I,

: ytv-.r.zz-c

a« av. iffessivc r .irmer. - e c l l c u . L h i o m g h o u L L n « .

^ G.LROSENBERGER "Anything Electrical"



Page 3: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in


f l l U L J . S m li t V E h Y KKIDAY AVTEKNOON BY


C l a d


j ' MANASSAS i X A DECADE I It was ten y*ars ajfo last Sunday that the great-j est fire«^at Manassas ever exptjrienced wiped out ja large portion ol the buJiiK'Ss 3ectiQn_of the tawn^ j Looking at the ruins on that day who was prophet

at "Manaasas, Virginia, aa Second ! „„ L .. -• ^ ,, i , .

Mali Matter enough to foretell the erection of the many sub­stantial brick business houses which give to our town the air of progressiveness that is usually found in cities—not in toWoa oTJeaa than 2.000 population?

Greater Manassas, thou£:h many at the time hardly dreamt of such a thing, had its origin in the big fire. The many wonderful gains made by Manassas in the last decade are largely traceabte

1 HE LOITC-AWSITED W A T E M E N T ^ ^ t . ' t ^ ^ f ^ we believe they do) Manassas crisis occurred on the morning of December 5th, 1905. Had the peo-

S U B S C R I P T I O N , $ 1 . 0 0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE


h •-• ' r f - a r - . r l 1.,r .nc r - s - Ir.^^^tlu7l«Tla Twei>«j-aT»C^rtlfcc"«»ell cor.' : ,,'« I J. : I t'.-i Mui;. :>. 'i I (i[ l> AtJverti*«r«,

• I - I . l>» / . . . r « i •i.K.tKinii, ubUuary notie— atkm than tli> "•"• ' ' • - ' • . n . . . r.r.l ;i I n„. t tor u[ «n KdvertUnc c h k n e t e r . « i ch»

i . fnr . i l , , u i l l br i>„bli.-h«J »t th«r«t«of T m a t y - S T e O n u a r


An interesting piece-of iiewHls the arttcte fl-orO the Finance Committee of the Town Council of Manassas, which appears on the first page of this

^ iaatfrf Tug JQURMAL Soon after the boiidn were •old and work was started upon the improvements, ^ e people of the town, especially the taxpayers, requested that a statement of expenses incident to the installation of vi ater, lights and sewerage be given the people. So many rumors of extra ex­penses here and there became current that tb« townspeoplie were unable to tell anything about the financial condition of the town, although it was quite generally understood that the city fathers were spending"considerable more than the bond issue called for.

On the completion of the worH it wag thought

pie of Manassas folded' their hands and bemoaned the cruelties of fate, instead of pi ffhi"g '•h'>f/< W

that a statement would be made but, unfortunately, yone waa forthwming.—th6h it wU that the tax-

_^gera felt sure that the town had been placed eon-

beginning over again as they did, Manassas would no more resemble the town it is today than a sobr urban village resembles a good i-ize town.

In 19^6 Manassas had no improvements, very few brick business houses, a shoddy depot, no public high school, no normal training or agriculture de­partments in the schools, no Eastern College, but one thing it had then and still has today, i. e., citi­zens with stamina to push ahead and make of ad­versity a stepping stone to success, Ii-4fae next decade records an equal degree of progress for pur town we will be doing well. We have been g^ven tliu mleuiH; It nunalna to be seeu If wt; are gjfa^ to use them to th« h«>at «rivitn»j.gA

rWEALTH The accumulation of wealth is merely a question of

saving money and putting it in a safe pl^e. —— This hank A ^ welcome yourjEtccounty ,

whether Targe or smaHT

Ciderably in debt and again expressed a wiah for a Ijtatement of tiip town's fioanoea. The towa ooun ^ of that time! did nc^ deem it wise or necessary, ^ e do not know which, to make any statement, whereupon its members became quite se i rely^crifc'

-|pized-fay some of-fee^citiaeiis of- tV t^wn, Jgitji

CONGRESS AND NATIONAL PEyCNSE The Sixty-Popth C o n g i ^ . which convened on

j t e eotHUM e of the,newjdmini8tniti<m in Septem-m of this year pablicity was promised |tnd as-|nraiM»8 were made that a financial statemeot of pie tpWn would be gives the indriic as soon as it •ould be properly Ar^wn np.—Tha articto en

Tufatduy. prtHnls^ to be one of the aip^t i?ij^?1ipt ever ju»emt>led,p time of peace. dyerdui<fc>w#»g all othsr mat^trs of basiDen, maay of are <>f ex iem^ um)l$VaseM^^tMir«Uar^M^

: pmirfe, is ili»-BP"»—~- *— •'—~ -* ' - — ^ — '

**How The Mftrfcay W>« R n a « f ^ ^ , fj^^ g^ggy

The statement of tfici T^mgnt f}nmt%fY^itf^ }f„ |j]

^ e appeiurances of irankiwiM. It makea no at-"'"^~' to cohc^l KJBw unpleasant pccurreiices; h ^

Kve been incomplete. It goes into detail enough tor the jieneral reader aod speaks well for the

defense. So biff, has 1 ^ issue grown within Ust f9w montl^ and so seriously |ias it come to Jbe looked VLpoa tji^^many that Preskfont Wilson's messsge, the If n|:«at he h«s yet deByered to ( ^ greBB^<iealt in langc iiwasure with natioaal ' The PrpnidMitissnrnn hf, AiUv mwui^t^w^

4i TTumrrwtfjj^WA Compounded Semi-AmiuaUy

Doited ^aies L;.'i;iK^m i t ^n^P stal S a ? ^


ence autsr depend on


^ ^ .. . . . ,3 , . . -—=i^yqjr

Ml this « a d the best costs Ao

aiid meanstfT^^pariag oar country for a poM^e time of troable and urged that action be taken

J o w n I'a great isawo^i^ents iuid its bright oaMook the firture. Unddobtedly noBb a statement is

I credit to Manassas The OHJT J M I ^ lii tfcat it y a s HOit made s o w ^ say right after the eompje

y ^

rn of theimiffovements.. Ttn fsct thiri the town $16.71$,in de^it, in add^ti(» to |he|75.00p.bQnd

"•Kmey, for the water, lights And sewerage a^i^ems, rvjttatng t ^ fe6l '96' fasd eTffr~17hen comj^iaeA

P'th other jgyna of 9Br^ig^ we4a4 ftst 1100.008 r thamM impi«»arf»^»i||ff ii'imW iTfT fftnitMiflmd rc«

•enable. We siMMild, thmfore. reed this state-p e n t from the Knanee Cwnmittee w ^ a fee^yy of pride and shook! be thankfiM'Co ihe m e m b e r s ^ >jtw lat» and weaeat tm^ Thft tohnml nntiringlf

,Jur the cqnwnanity i t largeb even ^toagk nanldy criticaed at times.


In very few ways can you better iiTe

along t ^ l i o e s ipdicat^jhhisjuldreas. " q ^ l S o n W 1 ^ p « ^ n « l i W 8 & a ' t f

that Congress fm do weU to take^eps in the mat^ ter only after very careft! drfiber^tion. TSw aug. geetions of Tif, President ate fhxn the pmnt^of l i ew Qf-^repaqpdnftw enthusissts; dne eensidoian-U9Bd

M«e tiftirmnat f l«r> ha .^i.^^ ji ^ , ^ &f thoOO who

thmk oor e o a n ^ soonid not s t n p itself heavily Gt * wws whid) mj|ir never hif pQi Afier aU, ik^ n ^ ^som« mt^^oy eoune, not^v<^ iifff($mKfr^

'm dffieute mettei^^^iy C o n r o s to put taxes on and titat hot H |ec^omes burdensome to the tezpaiiar nniess the need iaimpera^ye. ^^

. problem wh»^ shaold ire» eratioo as that nff ycmring revenue for the 1

New York ibarpers. to t&Hc it over


get our s ^ mm

worth at a tame and the child of the wage earner miends his penny tot a "little crusader."

--Thea«tlerfSwt""finHW Cb' ' mMTSiilM m "Pnwte-i

' Vniliam thn year should meei with encouraging anoeess. In sddition to the help which will Jbegiven in the fight agaiivt tabereulosis in Virginia in par-tieolar and in the United States b general, the work of medical inspectien in the schools throogh-eot the county will be greatly furthered by the sale of seals in the ooonty, inasmoeh as half tiw pn>-ceeds will go for this porpose. The people of Prince William will do well to make especial use of the seals Uiis year. To coeh individual user it will be a small item, but when totalled the eonnty should have a good amount to add to the fund for

increases in armr^Md navy Is U ^ of aBBroSNrintions and the elhnination of evanr vestige of poric jbnnel fram the jomy and navy a* penditurea. Strange to say, Presidmt WOsoa'f qieeeh does notgjve stwnfsncea.tlM^jnonsar iter |pr

in army and navv' Is gwng to 1^ S|Myt

• wL^ ' ' ^'''^'

I r i i S i H i i i l i J K a i l i i i

tf '

l l k i l i r i i f k t-^jjliiix-^.

it of the Christmas season than by baying jind •s ing ]&ed Cross Christmas seals. These litde^mes-

lugeiB of hope and guud e h e g wffe ttew ptiron •ale in, 1907 in one state, D e l a ^ u ^ Tbe move­ment became popular in a short w ^ e an^ gowtbe

are being sold m pneticaily ait tfaestates and

territories. Their use is ccmfioed to no one class;, » 1- ~, w,. .. nose houBoa buy hundred of »rfiat»'^ snenM Imrfc yriyTs i|vii<f mnay,

economically; certainly.from past can not infer tiwt economy and earefnlneso will be watchwords m soeb appropiiatiooa. It has b e w quite deariy shown that handreds of ^Jwisands ef deUsrs have been wasted every year in the paying a f m e t a i army tad urvy btUi. B^onTwe »pmi tuck kvffe gums a$ propoaed on naiioruU dd*

The suggeMoo that a force of 400,000 young men be raised in incrtsments of 133.000 each year for a period o j .ti»taf.jraaB_to impplemMit the rtgp; army is in seme ways a good one but is hanflyf _ ^ i U e The patriotism of the men is ail right but ^ is unlikely that they ooald for^o their r^ruiar means of livelihood for at least two months each year in order to train for something not nepd^ in their life work, but which would rathiY tend to make them shiftless and lacking )0 Mtthitioa. Best-aess booses eoold not be asked sodi a great fayor as togivekMigpegiodsof vacation toaen they aim to train to poaitions of responsibitity.

Without doabt Congress has a hard task before i t The cry tot preparedness is load and daixiM--ous. but 80 o(A great as many woold-faaye us believe The cry Is rather for a "reasonable" program of defense, for a careful expenditure of funds, the

BwwBMMaiiHiHniiiruuinnijiiiiiiiuiiu s

not, we wiB give you

DeguHiing-ijft turcbi|

medical inspection in the schools. Be an instrn-j building up of our army and navy for defense—not ment for the spread of good health and good cheer jfof aggression, ttfT-fUrthering of good roads, bet-by •. .ying and asiiig R«t CTOB Christmag seals, { ^ /""'"•"f. ^ » « f " > > ^ ^ * ^ ff^**^ uniformity j

4 ^ justice for e^\. The peopi*of the United Statoo ^wish the matter of nati(^!il defense to tje consid-

.- ^: :..-. * -•••• -e jp tri i.-,e fact that Christ- ered, twjt they do n t wish it to cover iip other im-1 ^ Q

aiready. portant problems before our coan:r>- today. t > t > l « > t > t t a « a « « « ! « > « a t t a < | . t t » < J < J < > 0 t t f i O U C tX fit J t i S l l i l | 3 L t J t i »

8 S 8 It

Cotiikiteed Meal and Other Cow Feed WaatodI k EXCIMUBCO

8 8 8 1 8

^onner^i OONN£A-mHtf>tN«- ^A^AfTASSAS, VTRG fN11

mas ~<asn


Page 4: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in

BRIEF LOCAL NEWS —Service at Trinity Episcopal

Church, Manassas. Sunday toffra-ing at t l o'dock. Sunday adwoi meets promptly at 9:45 a. m.

—Ur. J. A. Morgan baa sold out hia livery buataea^toWeather holt and Towoa, tht new firm takinsr charge the first of this week.

—Because 6f the continued iil-nesa of Mrs. J. C. Gregory the Manaasaa Presbyterian Chgreh bell will not ring for services un-

-Brentsville Camp No. 13037.' - T h e next meeting of the Mrs. Emma Dau gh er ty, of | F"« M. W. of A. will hold a special "board of supervTs6fs wtt? Be ti^M (jmio, is Tiowon a virit to Mr. and'* " business meeting on Saturday at the courthouse on Thursday of Mrs. T. H. Alhev. Mrs. Alhey i evening. At that time officers next week. This will be probably is a sister of Mrs. Daugherty. i for the preceding jrear will be the last meeting of the present jj^s. J. W. Shackleford and

board, for the new board wiil daughter. Mrs. H. A. Brown, of come mto exiatenee oft January Kemington, werejviaitors of Mrs. 1. 1916. The persomiel of the j^^^g^d Hi^son the feist of the new board of superviBor* forp •

—Rev. Alford Kelley will preach at IBe Uiifton P r e s b y t e i r i a n Chureb Sunday morning at 11 a'ftlocfc ubJBOt: "Affl

—The illustrated lecture of Mr. Osbom. H. Oldroyd, which was to have been given in Conner's Op^ra House this evening, has been postponed t o ji later date.

- M r . John R. TUleU has sold what is known as the Henry Fair> fax tract of land, whidi contains 43 acres and is situated near Davis' ford, to Brown and Hooff.

- T h e debate on "Resolved, That the United States Should Anpex Mexico," which was held at gtotiam C611ete <thaDel fig

Md., where Mr. Pringlejwill take

The many frieada of the family wiil regret to hear of their early departure but wish them ev«ry success in the new field.

—Do not fail to bay the little Bed Croes Ghristoms seals to place oa the back of envelopes and packages. Every one you buy wiU help in the gaining of medical inspection in our Schools for the present session and also will help in the fight against the S reat scourge, tuberculosis.

—The Loyal Temperance Leg-jqn will meet Sunday afternoon

evetung, w«a won by tiie affirma­tive.

—Mr. G. R. Campbdl. a paint-vr of •yeciuiiuwu,'aad MiaaKel* lie Ai Martai^ (rf Haymari^et, were- atarried in jiMMaaas On MondayT^w Rey» J. if*. BtoiBlit-txciating*

—Mias A g n ^ D . .RMtdolph, Executive Secretary, Vu:ginia Anti • Tubercutons Aasociatifm. has jxYxniaed to speak in Maoaa-sas sometime during JwpmxjssL the woric of the aasoi^iatum.

every member on band. Hon. C. J. Meetze will address tbe

' I T »g )n• AH arfl flftr<*»*"Y mvi j B

Students of the first year :" ( . ^ " ^ T T " ^ * " " ' ^ ^ * *^ M«»«fi^*

Agricultural Hi i^ Sefaoptfaarfrfe: fpivftH thffjjf r^pnrtH lyw j g e k The reports of tbe tbird*year class will be ie»t out iMXt week.

questing tbeJr presence at the. Riiffner BatW^y fma^7 toll Hri« evettiftg.

elected. The order will give a danc«J on Friday ev«ilng, Decem­ber 17. The public is invited.

—'Qiere was no conference of the Manassas ppstors on Monday as had been planned. Tbe ab­sence of several of the pastors from town, together with the ill­ness of Mrs. Qaarles, prevented the holding of the meeting. The conference'wilt takeistace In the near future.

'•J^MTI Anrimci-^rinidfc mi. family expect to leave the latter ramiiy expect to leave cne latcer "•' .", ° - - — - - - -•--"• JM home ^irFoTl^e-xf w i a f o r T T y a i r s v n i ^ - K « " « " « » ^ ^ . ^

in the Presbyterian Church, at 3 o'clock. All m e m b e r s are urged to be present A little Christmas token wiH be given to

ling at tlm

—A special praise aarriee will be given at the Manassas Presby ierian Cfanrrh Simdsy tnorh 11 o'clock, under the direCtioQ^of the Woman'« Missionary Society. Mrs. Spamer, a missionary fjeom CbiuuF: IB expected^ to apetk. Speoal musieal renditions have jbaen. diidtyinvii :iM; at wht

Ha pCWMifrjaeai


>at|eodth an offering wiM t>e

— Mystic invitations were' sent out the firat of the we«>k to f riartdir of Eidelis Class No. 1. of Manas­sas Baptist Senday S e h o ^ f^jtimcrwid place has not yet be«i

— 1 ^ e j ^ B l | ^ ^ ^ | | L | » m of Wairenton HigH~S»o3'Ts ex­pected to play the girls' tegm of Manaaaaa-ttiffh Sfhnnl at Munyi.

nap """"'time neTt Friday.—The

Prince William county will be as follows:—Manassas, J. J. Con­ner; Brentsville, J. P. Kerlin; Gainesville, 0 . C. Hutchison; Colea. T. M. Russell; Dumfries, J. T. Syncox; Occoquan, J. L. DawsoR; •

Mrs. H. L. Qaaries was taken suddenly ill of heart trouble Mon-

'week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac L. Shack-

lett. who spent the s u m m e r months in Manassas, have re­turned to Washington for the winter.

day morning aboutT^ o*ctock.-Of^ ^^ Jus waJL-to^MarahalLhis

meeting was held last Friday with Mrs. Belt The subject dis-cuased was the "Passing Awav of the Old-fashion Father ao^ Mother." After the pn^rram a short business sesdon was held when it was decided that the W.' €- ^ W i I I .^W.—JJ—laW^fcl—*W^——™^MM^fcM

• X. Lf. wouiu nuKi luiuu uieei-ings each miE»nth-a mcAhers'meet-ing on the first I^4day, a bosinesa meeUdg digciBCuud Friday and Y "Union Sigxod Reading Sodid" on^tiie fourth FndiQr. Owingta

JoufU^ Friday f r t « ^ -OB-

Chri^mas eve, the reading social this nu»th.;trin be on the fifth Friday, Doianber Slat AU of the BHiBtiBgt, esc^i|t the akothnre'r-will be held at iiia hQn|>e of Mrn.-


Mr. S. S. Roszel, of Alexan­dria, formerly of Manassas, passed through town "Wednesday after-

Mrs. E. A. Bennett, qf Bing h&mton, N. Y., arrived in town

most of the week but she is slight ly better as w^ go topress and is ^_ resting easy. Mrs. W. C. Scott,7^e8day afternoon for a vlSt to' of Edgefield, Orange county, was called by wire to her sister's bed­side Monday evening, as was also her brother, Mr. Thomas Cow­herd, of CUfton Forge. Mrs. J. W. Yowell, of Culpeper, d a u s ^ ter of Mrs. Quarlee, was also called but has hewn unable to come on aeewnt of her own ill-neas.

her son-in-law and d a u g h t e r , Lieut, and Mrs. Geo. C. Rmind.

Mr. A. A. HooflF, Allison and Bowling Hooff and Mrs. P. E. Thomas spent Sunday at Upper Marlboro. Md. T h e trip was made in Mr. Hooff's automobile.

THE JOURNAL fifty>two times for $1.00 in advance.

Catarriul Deafness Camot BeQired —Quite an interesting mothers' br looi appucaiiau. «< tbey ckanot r««ch

' the dU*««ed porlion of thtt •ar. Then la only ene way to cure catarrbaJ deafnefll. and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Oeafaeaa l> caused by an la-? Cazaed condition of the thucoua lining ot the Bnatachlan Tube. When this tnbe l» n a k n M yoti U r e a rumbBniMaflS W l>np«rf«m> h^erln^i ""< » » " " " »- »nrli.«ly c<«ae4. DeafneM la the remit. UolaM t t e taflammatlmi can be reduced and thta tnVs raatorad to Ita normal eondltion, hearlns wt;i ba deatroyad (orever. Many eaaea M ' ifwsaa a n casMd Inr .ckURh.

'taSanea condition of the mucous aor-Hall'a Catarrh Cora a e u thm tka

Wa will gtra Ona Boadrat DoUara for U 7 ooaa o( Catarrhal DaatBaaa tkat canaaf b a « v a A b r Hair* O t a n k Can. ~ Qrak. An Pt^OTlat^ Tic

ing the

Hon. R. tkii^bey Garik>n, of Louisa, was in town Wodncs&qfv

Attorney 6t6nvilld Gfl lnes .^ decidwl upon.. The admissioh wiil I Warrentqmt was n, Manaassa yisi-be S^ centSi—Tj|e game» ycqfeerdig

Let This Bank Pay Your BilH

Deposi t your money here, where you know it will be safe, send your creditors orders (checks) on us"and le t U8 pay vour bills. Think of the t ime it will save you—and the trou-b le—to sit at home and pay y o u r bills, or make other remittances by

-nwtt}, in perfect sa fe ty . Think howt - th i s m e t h o d - i n s u r e s yott against-

loss. H o w it encourages sav ing .

h o w easy it is.

Our slogan is, "It is a pleasure to serve."

Hie Peoples National Bank or MANASSAS, VA.

i .

F.Tening-• t H E bright

light o i "dre~ —The. Manaasaa^ Chapter, ^ U.

D. C, wiU gfve a silver tea on Thursday evwiing, Deceinbe/30. beginning at TdSQ-o'clock afr the

tB be 1 lively O M and ev<ry «&e shotdd-watch out for the time and place, announcement of'which will be made in a few days. ~

chapter room for the-benefit of the inmateatrf th^geMiers* Bame at Richmbnd., ^

—Frank Nidtois, who ten days agn fell fnwniJ:hB misf'of the

—Aboot $l<n was elear^iroift tbe annual Episcopal dinner, sup per andlhaTSsr, whiiBh was bold in Conner's Opera Bouse on Mon day of this week. The patronage

pow<>r hftiiw<»,ait«i mItwrBH |iMnfiil noon wiB <Bp€»iiUly good. J h e hnt nnt aprinrii infnritfg. ia getting total amount collected tO date a along nicely and Itepee to/be able to take up again has dotJesM^ai-gine*r (mTCaaiaf. ^ ~~^rr:r"

— Woodbine aehoolboaae will be the scene of a box party and tee cream iocial teaaorroff (Sat-urdayT '"'"'i"g. , '•*#*? m go-

^59w6I, while tbe expensei wm amoant to $S0 or a little more, it ViPoqt IcBowh eiwtfiyi aiaeiHtf tbe bills are not yet in.

-Tbe basketball team of l^a iiassaa High School expects to get

quootod to hriag a be« of a eake^ The proceeds will be for the ben­efit of a crippled child. ' AH are invited.

week. Up to the bas not

nt jtibae at>^ to

— The Alumni Association of ManassasInstitid» and Hanassaa Agrtwltawl H t t h S e h 6 e l will meet at the home of Miss Engenia H. Osboum tomorrow (Satarda>) evening at 8 o'clock. A foil at-

nt Htly desiredr—— '

—Mra. J. C. Gregory, who has been ill for several months past at her home on Main Street, was taken worse yesterday and bet condition was critical fer quite a while. Aa we go to preaa she ia somewhat improved and ia ra-ported aa resting

tbe team iHtictice on account of tbe lack of an available floOT. Arrangements are expected to be made the. first of next week wh«»r<>hy th^ Inr*! teain will be able to ose-a part of 1 the old candy factory building week, fiir ilw fvmHinder of the seMoar

—The next meeting of the Ma­nassas Volunteer Fire Company will be held at tbe Town HaHi next Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tiis will be the UAI

—Services c t r r e s o y c e r i a ? Church for next week will be aa followa: Sunday—Sunday school at 10 a. m. Missionary praise service at 11 a. m., concluding A ith an address by .\;rs. Spamer,

meeting of the year, in all proba­bility, and it will be the last op-pononny nnder preaent rettngg -iat the reenvtog of applications of membership without fee. Those contemplating joining the organization should make appli­cation at the meeting of next weali.

—Last Friday evening Manas-

. Mr. R. Selecman a o i daughter', of Qcc(X}uan« were Manassas vis­itors Monday.

' MiBs Grace Nlcol h»8 raaraad from a visit to Mrs. A. geaa. at Catlett StatioB.

Rayo lamp makes reading and sewing real pleas--ures UK

Mr. Baym^ond Reeves spfE bt Saturday and Sunday with his


Mtaa Ethd Biytat. of Wash

and Mrs. B. Lb &7a»t. Sonday.

Tho) . -€iiftar, tit Washington, apent Sunday with Mr. and Mn> Gassius Carta*, <» Main street

-Itf. •wnr W barton, of Uaiaea-dowft txt regrtar practice n e x t ville, ptid Oitt- <5flKe a'fffiaaiBSt


• M r . G. R. Polen. of A r c i ^ Loudoun ooenty, paid THB JOUR-NAL office a visH-the^iBt of the

__Mra. J.,£..&irk8 jetumad Sat^ urday from a visit to ]fet niece, at Brandy Station, C u l p e p e r cdoiity-

Mr. and Mra. S. W. Muddiman,

» « i*8:hSchpol k»t tw^j»8ket-1 snd Fjw^msn Keys, of Dumfries, balT gamea at tha Ttands of East-

, em College. In a ghoie between the first teams of the schools the score was 39 to 15, while in a lat­er frame the s e c o n d team of

. Esttfrft-got tbe k>ag ettd of a 24 to 6 »core from the .second team

of Roanoke, fomer residents of Manassas. .acB-jEnesta of MrsTX. W. Spiaa.

Mr. Aylette Nicol, of Alexan-dria, was in attendaooa upon cir­cuit c o u r t s Manaaaaa^Ae^&vt of this vrcdL

Mcssn. L. E. Merchat, W. H.


STKXJTJAK Hie gift that keeps the picture story of everyyouth-ful ioter*^—school days and sports, the wint^iaadi summer outings, the <al;y boy^s trip t o l ^ oMintry and the country boy's t r ^ to the cfty, ' In all the^O ther^is fun in the picCare takings and aft«inut]s both fun and ytisfaetion in poeaession.- ;; ——-

O n CkrutnMi* t tock of Kwiikk* mmi B r o w a i M i* pmttieaimiiy oMaylate . Let l u tkvm y o u

T h e R a y n i givffs

Steady light—tbat-c^ ' t Kurt-i^ eyes. It ilBqtUfes almost Rd attention. Its simplicity of design makes it easy to

You to rp-

^kecp- cieao, don*t ha^e-move the shade to light it—just lift the gallery and touch a matchT -Most con* v e n i e n r — m o s t efficient '— « r o < t : economical. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond Whitt OH fo obtain hett rrtuits

and J. R. Ftdc, of Qoantieo, were in Msnassas Monday,

Mra. Bert Jewell, of Bingham-ton. N. Y.. has been a recentj guest in the home of Mr. and!

ssionar\ from China. Preach- of the tiiph ?oh(X>l. Eastern Coi-tMrs. George C. Round. - i r t T ^ a — rr:. - t tbretr- -Af=-^r*; ' f^ t* «v '.Vopronton ^ftig^ Mr. Wavne Kramsn.of Ea.U rn"

^^^ AJtt--^^-, ^r,•r, p . n T . g » .VIiiV>Iiaui.*'^i-i..M?.^ -Local lowors ,- ,. , r -T» • i - T-,.,rT. ^ _ , - t n r K f t H v - P r a y e r ^ } ^^ ^^ ,. ., ; nose wis^„njf to-^'^^'«^^^- -^'* Taes<iav Ic ^ - n d . " e at . . p, m., subject: e r c u r a . . . ejre team should '•i'^ Chri.--i. a<= r.-.idavs at his

'* ' ' - - •: :./>• spiri t . ' ' at:eiui ., • , : <.:\v -n i:,-.a t,-*^.? i.^.;.

in OilStoveSy Lamps and Heaters.

T h e Rayo ia only one of our many products ^spccraiTy suitable—tef— u«e Oil the farm.

Standard H o « « e b o l 4 L(ibfic«m

Stamian) Hand

"Pifbwaiif Mica AxW Gr««K Eureka Harnesi Oil Matchlciu Liquid Gto«

If your dealer docs not carry them, write to ovir nearest station.



«**i»^*•• Bta a4iir-i»Ue*. tt. C*m«t

Lehigh's the Answer I <^I*J*_ B11^ IWl 111 X7T

ballding and we will give

J ' *• oneqnaled ««• hotnea, sidewalks, fence posts, g»tn, povcbet, barru, Bikw, feerflft^ traoght, garden fimuture and a boodred other forma of bolidinf.

— - J N r t h r Ml ^L.ttg%JSf « — g « ^ incrmm'U ,tr„<,,k nj, it fTfr* ° " * ' - . " ' ^ y " « t«*i«ih »tr»ct»r . h u p ,» t<T p o - r to wittBtand tbe wear ..vd tear o* the akoMiMa. It u . gumraotoe a n i i w t doprectation and Bpkcep.

W e b«re l<-hj)rti on hand. W e ha»e • lot of *w .-«•.. . , . fbf OTHwrrtf biiiUIUiK TOO nueht to know. .Uk lu «<X1»T i , r •, o 1...-1; tbins you buiUi^-wM Ltimglt.

n We have a full lifle of Terra U««! • .CM-, i d'eni r \?s\n imt,

Menc. Lamner. ^ili Work. Galvanized Roobrg


Page 5: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in



There will l>e a rtKuiiir mttiimK "f the Haymarket, Civic Lea^fue at the higb schoul tiuiiLiiliK t-2ii» (Knuay) rven-ing at 7:3y o'ciutk. Kev. Kobb White

••i rill deliver ar. adtJrebS. The Kev, Mr. Kuniier, rjf Marahall, ill preach at tht> Baptist Clmrch Siin-

day mormiig at 11 o'ekjck. At T;30 ID the evening there will be preaching by the pastor, Kuv. W. L. Naff.

Mrs. G. E. Armour and daughter, Hinti Ada, aitc-rxled the funeral of Mra. Armour's falkjt-r, Mr. C. S. Kitchen, at Wiin:he»ter on Thursday of last week.

Mrs. T. E. Ganiett. who haa been confined to hex bed for the paat w<*ek, is able to be out again.

le the neighborhood of four hundred turkeyii were purchased and shi{>{>ed to Philadelphia by Rector A Hunt this WOCJt. '-" - • - ••-, ——


Ant I tutwrculosi* Workers Afte* |750,-OOO Fund. '

.Nearly > t^.500.000 tuu. bttu t^i^ h.

Mr. T . Bowraan Price, jr., returneir war tEIg njethod of raising money was to I'hiladelphia on Wednesday after a visit of a few days to big pareota. Mr. •ad Mrs. f\ ^ P r i c e .

Mrs. J. E. Jordan, of U •isited her sisters, Mrs. T. E. Gamett and Mrs. H. B. Bragg:, on Toeaday and Wednesday.

Mr. William Fatten visited his daugh­ter in Washington this week.

Mr. J. M. Dulan. of Alexandris. was in town on business Monday.

Mrs. Peter Polen, of Hiclcory Grove, was in Haymarlcet Tneaday. _-

Mr. M. G. White, who has been visiting in Philadelphia and Baltimore, has returned home. ,

Dr. W. R. Tutloss, who has been at Hopewell for several weeks, has r*-

Red Croaa Christmaa Seals In the sereu >ettr», sod yet many people whl wUI buy these hoUday stickers at this eighth annual sale do not know bow the charitx stamp idea originated.

It was war that brought forth tbe clMHty stamp—our ClvU war of 01 to "86. Some of your eraudmotbers first played "post office" with stickers sim­ilar to Red Croea Seals 'way back In 18 52, when they conceived the idea of selUnR Htumpa at fairs for tbe t>eneflt of the relief funds for tbe unliHorr' hospitals ID Brooklyn. Boston and elsewhere, .\eariy $1,000,900 was rals-• • hi "tirts way ocfopp Isuiy.


' '••'—•(jf-XJ^r-' Lost—A dog red taii;wK!r»n!te

on tail and white under chin. as been gone since Nov. 30th.

Liberal reward to finder. Albert Lawrence.ManB8»w,R.F.D.8^ 2t

Lost.—November 26th, white-enameled gold class [»n with L. H. S. initials and "R. C." on re­verse. Return to W. A.*

QMCMISI Piano for Sale.—Tracer piano

in excellent condition. Reasona­bly priced. Addrm X. this « ^ fice. 12-10-4t-*

discontinued In this country for a gen­eration, although It found vogue In PoiHigBtr" " BHluwUiiJiL AuauiK, Trance. Spain. Deamarit. Norway. RoHRift, Sweden and otber Bnropean coontries. There ai« BOW eevenU tboasanda of different types of charity atamps used In all parte of the worM. as many aa forty being need In Aoe-trla for children's hospitals alone.

Stamps or seals were Bret need to get meney for the aat^tubercalosia cmsade in Norway and Sweden in lOCn. To incob HUM. the well known snrifll worker of New York, and to

turned to his home here. Mr. S. T. Madyes. "f Tjjy.>.iiio n.,^.

a business caller Monday. - -Mr. C. H. StHily hag gone to HflpWwll where he will remain for the winter.

Mr. A. B. Carter was IB Haausaa on business last Saturday. ~

^ Mr. E T E . PidcetVoribiBoai . wai fa town Wednesday,

Many Christmas pretwrationsare now under 'way and our village wiU soon "p^MDf kh attroctiTS app«traiie«. -


_ JBUer G(u^iBd_preached at Greenwood Church Sunday morning. ^ A \iarfpt

' ^ w d Was in attendance and we were very g l M to have him witit tis again.

Mr. and Us*. Boslt Sjmford and son, , Hoburt, were guests <»*,M»i Sjid jtos.-W. A. Dane Sunday. f

Miss Maod Norman speat thie waek-•nd at her home in Kopp. '

— We are sef^]^ ti> relate tfcat Mrfc itUisi Windsor JOBM iint impKWeinnclx om her recent illness.

Mrs. G . ^ Chiricefi^in Satiorday^iller-nooa.'ontil Sunday momiog. ' '-,

Mr. Paul Clarke, of Indian ^eac^ Md spent Sunday at his bome^-hBra. H«

Miss Bmlly P. BisselL the energetk •ecretary of the Delaware Red Croea, Jointly belong tbe honor of origlna^hic otir American Red Crtaa Christmaa seal. In 1907 Mr. Rlla'a Interest waa aroTised by tbe receipt of a Christmas tubercolosls stamp on a letter from •JUspway. H e ijubllalisd au aitlcln alwnr this queer looking stamp In the Ont-leeh and suggested suuie possible amm for tt In tbla coontry. Ulsa Bissell at once flaw an o|>portunlty bere and pre­pared a stamp, f ^ m the sale of w U A her society n»Ilzed $3,000 for tubereo-liisls wnrk Ho Impressed waiTiSe wtft this socce^ that she Induced the lean Red Cross to take up the sale la 1906 on a national haste. With vary little orpinizatio& and xlth.JiardIy mas attempt at careful advecUslng tbe sals that yeai' brought tn over $136,000 for anti-tuberculods wort: In varlotis parts of the United States. Is » 0 8 . wltb more thorough organization, the sale was' Ihenesae^^ M nearly <3li>.'00O. ta> IBll to over (380,-000 and;In 19U to over «40aooa la 1013 tbe sale was hMTeaaed to neaity

htitd tliMS. 32 per e«i | /mon^jpr peala were soU. tdtsllag

forthe-anti-tolMMaliMlf was'


was accompanied to Pr«estone jyyhia BMter. Miss Lucil'V'»H i*f*W 0 ^ " ftaifey

Mr. and Mrs. moved to their

illiam Smith have residence between

Clarke^B Ofid ?aaa£» stores. Greenwood ScbtW and Road Improve­

ment League will meet at the home of Mrs. aE.Clarke F n ^ evening at 7:30.

Mr. Claude Enids tb« home Of Mr. C. g : Claitd SUhflay afBeiniaSn and at the home of Mrs. E. J. Alexan­der that evening.

slight attack of tonsSitis. Ekier Gariand dined with Mrs. E. J.

Alexander and family Sunday, The funeral of Mr. Archie Bailey was

Jargely-Mtended. oa-£ridiy^^s«Qii>g-of. ^ lastL-week.

Mr. J. U Hinton called at tEe Mr.~ 'CT Br~Cli<rke Sunday.

~ n d H Cfarlahd was iSbtored to tlccd^ tpua Sudday afternoon by Mr. Icikm

^Oarke, ^^eompanied by his- mother, Mia. C. EL Clarke, Miss Maud Noraian aad Mr. D. C. Aloxander

Host faraMHi ot4 iH8 saetiaa havW butchered.

^ Uft Jehn Claslts has seltf oiis-af-Iua vatea^e dogi. which be puxhased ia

' Scotland about a year agu. Mrs. Qavii aad Mrs. Myers, of Clif-

Kfawi, werg f watii of Mrs. J. L^Hjatan. -fluTHiftV

We can hardly realize the fact that Qtristmaa is so rapidly approaching.

" ' inkm Clariw >oe* s vsry sahisMs

- ^

Oatf last week. - -Mr. C. E. Clarke, sceeitipaaied by Mr. Robert Hinton. spent Sunday after-Boon viewinj; bis farm and stock.

Miss Osie Bailey was a grust of Miss Lncile Clarke Sunday.

We are very sorry to Ifam that M « . i


iHStftMtloM WhsM CbiMren Are trwrt-«d and Taught at Same TNIM.

ri'ancy articltffl teft from Bpiac: copal bazaar for sale Rixey's, Lee avenue.

at It

For Rent-ftangKtoTrnairHsy-market; 6 rooms and attic, full plumbing, exeeHent hot and cold water; with or without land and tenant house. Cbaa. J. Gilliss, Havmarket, Va, 12-10-5t*

Christmas toys for 5c and 10c You will do well to visit the 5c •nd lOe Store at Manaaaas for the purchaaing of your Christmas vaya,—Wid« varieCTand complete stock. Come early for a good selection. 12 3-8t

Will buy 20 to 30 cars of fram-ing. Sftnd liat of what you have. 0. B. Harden, 236 N. 12th at, PhilaHftl hi* Pn .12 3 4t-*

For Sale or Rent -^room house on Centre wreat, tiHAit S6dtftarn station. J. F. Guliek. 12-3-8t

For Sale,-White rock coct grels, $1.00 each, TOire blood, very fine. J.J.0uuuer,MaHag8a».12 8tr

For Rent.—3-room bungalow-water and sewerage—$6.00 a »©feth. W, & Attajy,-^ t23tf

Seoond-tiand~~Bianie8s tk>tigfi¥ and sold at Austin's. 12-S-t^

„ For Sale.—Mammoth Bronjw igio t* I turkeys; big buued. heaftBy a$a^

bred from unrelated stock; both toms and hens for sale fdr breed­ing purposes. J. ,H. Steele. R. F. IU»to.3.M»naaitaB»VfcU 26 ft^l'6

Good Farm for Sale. —226 Ostw, 175 clearad jind i»oducing good ctopi; fine apple orchi|r<j( I'TI ^y<. inf- gnod hniMwuM, ^te!



At And Below Wholesale Price


Our buyer indked up t h b lot of Orereoata, one and two of a land, from tbe

Urgeat OMker in the United State*; they were anxum* to mov* theee

amell bta; they suited us and we bought, T h « » az« all s i zea lroa

3 3 to 44 in the lot aund boUi kmgand^knevienfth Orercoatt.

j ^ N o t f t « » t thMaoU WHOLESALE for l e e e i b u i l M & w d

~ I12.CK). Wo have divided theiii into two lota. - ~

Lot No. 1-^8.00 i

Not ^ a coat m tKe lot tEat sold foirieu than this price wholesale.

Lot Nos 2-$10.00 ^^P^^^fe]^=^t=

ing wholeside from $ 1 1 8

furtliof iafomuttion call on or .{dresa H. M. Arts, Catban>>n. Va.

~8a7. teacber. bow aick's a feller got tar tA Ittr lyt to this 'ere open air acbooir Tbls was a greeting to on* of the teachers .at th^'Slteabeth Mc-UArinick Opes Air UCSMI lb (jnicaeo tb« otber day by a puny little fellow wbo bad been envylUg tbe sick kiddles the good t l m e . ^ e y were bavtng at Btudyfakg. working; sleeidng aad play-teg an In thg open air.

•Xivea air scboois to tb* namber ec nea^y. SOO are na^ maintained aB orer tbe United States. Some of tbem this winter in the nortlieoj sUtes will hoM sessions when the thermometer la

ir25-tf Turkeys Found.—A flock eame

to S. C. Harley'a place t«ro weeks agg Owner by identifying same wftv. x^ yw aa^s v.y *\*gm>it^t*i|n; o « m j ^ and paying ror their keep and this adv. can get same. 11-26 " ' Just received a carload of Hecker's flour. Maddux ft Bv»^

down, to sero or below. enjoy tbe 'balmy winds

Others wlU of SOOthSTB

OaUfomU. Lotdsiona -vt Alabama. In tbe open air a<:ho<A movement Red

Clfoas saala MTa4a^ywl and at» JtPi —-+-^tr tag an Impottant part Ttie sei»

money, through the Aatl-TubeiruluMs-aoctetles. has-beea-ths m w n s fnr,siirt j^er&Denffiiir «iM convtselng tbe ~IBM9-beaded school t>oards of tbe wlsdian at the plan and also fUr prorldhw food, dotbingund special nursing care jrUei i tbe public fuoda could not fursM^ Bed

Itn^jas ilosls ITS T i r r r " ^ - » T « * - — • -(rtend*

, 25.19tt> bearing final return limit <)r JanUiry^^gr-1916; Agents for details or write C. Wi Westbury, Genend Agent, Sootb' ecn Railway, Watd ingten. H C.


Chriatffw* Msssingsre Work the Year

Bow Red Cross Chrtatmas-Seals net anTy~hrtIIg fOMfWL tWlt pTOTlde-Sale^ and protection for these wbo haven't tuberculosis. Is Ulustrated by a story which reftcbod beadqtiarters today

y,,^L-<i^ «« 1 eomyosltof In a snan B. i. Alexander ia on the side week. X



pp \rT~'.,

list this newspaper office In an Indiana dty. Y. Z. ,t,e fell a victim to tubercul««te through

• tome one i r^relessneaa. She was only S&ieCcea and ttie-sole breadwisner fer a little family group whl<4 cOSOOtS of bcntelf and hertrrandparents. Hpr UsltovWTJT.:'CTS'noticed that ber coogti

_£liruii*c and that day bj dar sbe grew thinner and thianer. but she Bsvbr cooSded her troubles w any oae. She Jtiat ~be{it on tbe iob.' Through an aaksuwu clwuuel tbe King's Dangh tsrs learned of tbe case, and Inveatlga-

8t win help tide your'crfd roof I aon J**^ ^ ^ ^ *th,!lr^l'iJ^ Let us talk about ««fingj ^^^^^:T^>r.^nJ'^Z

I people whom «l>e was supporUng. rbvsKlaiis pronoon*ed her case bop*-

|«as mi *Tic wTiB rel'usea Bdmittanee to tbe suit.' sau.iiorlum far early ca»e^ (.-.T •• !•'- r«iaivJi. SlK' tiicw little alx>Ui

' ..,-r^ .iii'it c.-pi.tli I'lii she ks now It liDiuo tliroush" lifi :nnl i!< t.ikiiic tbe rpr IS tu prevent tier ID

IF you cover vour house, bam and other buildings with a good roofing like we sell. ••

VVe also have a roofing cement


W. C. WAGENER A s » n t . ( - , . - • - •. rn^r-.'jin Fr ,-,-»•

lf.1 , 3 a iVH : > M V cj

I ar. IX Vr

o*aizf»l I'' ^/rUon friNi' sr^widinn to others

WANTED—Men t o learn barber trade; fewweek^required; steady position for comj>ete4| graduates; wonderful de­mand teP: barbers. Free catakMRie.' VasbiMton Barbcy College, Washtng-toa, arc. —.--4j—• -0-171Bt-'

For ISale.:' 4B» |0rd but] calves and heifwfl wBlHired—fine stock.

KtfMiirf 1*«tland China B. Lynn Robertson. "Snow Hill" Farm, Gainesville. Va, l-l-ie*

Christmas HoKday Escuraion fares to points in the SWrthiSouth eastuKi^ Bailsa£

ithwest tia Sou^ero mhAf T*y, IS, ^ . ]p^,

T.W.Wwri«Soiit Waaili lgwaii


fiiffie&ntliepotihrjniiaii'a 'BBcjr 'tiiriu keciily to ^ttc tfaougfats of egg8.«How toget tiiem k the next qoeatioii.

This is easily sc^ed by tbe feeding of our cetelicatech Hon^rfarook Laying Food. This isa mash food properly balanced and ready lor the morning mash.

Wrtt^ for a « o p r of Wood'afOMk frrtitrrlsli trtilrh gfxre s r o m p l e f


Violin Lessons fHipHe in groaps of threer—

each, hour lessons. . .$ .50 - Indivithial lessons and ad-

vaiictfti putrils. 45 m1mif# lessons." fl.O©


O. W. M05HER, JIL,

Our toy reWTedie

tWa,Wagona .S le i la .Bal»y

Gnas, and a fine Boe of 5 and 10 ceat toya.

^W^rwiBlBake Special Priem to Sunday S c M P<

beaulSltti UneST •*


AeirHi^ fromna. ; f o e w o i k » r f i J

Now abowt CANDY—we c a n t tj/f enough about A. Our line aaaortanent is fremendona, ranging in price front 3^ pounds for 25c to - y » - |

SOcapound. W e aa« sure to please you for IMNBO and Sunday SC!KH4.

Nnt^Figa, Datos, Cocoannts, OrM^rea, Raisios> Ceiery. Bananaa>.<tfa|^ar Apples, _^

Meat, Oyrters, Turkeys, Everything for Xmas. UBa»

and we will guarantee" the quality jurf wkit bvy. Our prices are i

we 1 ^ y3«i k is. B e a r t i U Xmaa China~-anything you want<~big k>t to pick from. Come and see ua e*riy and have your toy* put away tiU gd_&Mta cgmes. We ure |;oiBg to hare aaoae SPECIALS that w i t surprise you. Lotk. us or ir anil j^mmmtKkKtH^

1OURKE & Ct). ="Everything on Earth to Elal":

Page 6: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in


The Starr Piano Co. i^

arc tke uily naiiufdctiuers of stricdy bigh inde pianos who ouiaUJi ex-cluiir ik^Ky vtrt rxMii "t ^ stilt.

Suir-nade piants in s«lil *t cast af maMfactBriof pbs Mr reasoii*-bie pnft M , isstead of 100 par ceit pra(t IMUII; B I ^ bytiealm.

Ther are tW largest auaafacturen

world. WitUi fertrtkree (43) yean Iktj bare Bade and sold •are Jku i2fiJM)Q JosteuKids TIMT ve ised in more edmaluBat

^Ar Virginian of Virginians By ALICE MAUDE E W E L L —

Prince WiJIiam county met with an irreparuble when on Wednesday, December 1st, Cwloriel Edmuiid Berke­ley brt«thed his last.

A writer in T H E JOURNAL has alrtady dealt -Aith ihe loading ovanto of Uolonai liorkatoy'a tifa, iitcktdHiy hto war rtscord, which is too well and honorably known to need rep­etition. I wish to add a few points not previously men­tioned.

Colonel Berkeley belonged emphatically to the old Southern regime, about which there were many things now passing away. One of these seems to have been a more general goodwill, a fuller recognition of the tie of siniplf human fellowship. He was an exceptionally kind neighbor to all classes and was called in his vicinity "The Poor Man's Friend" —a most honorable t i t le! And this spirit .of uoiveraal tAarity. (in the larger aense)-extended

- j « ^ - l ^


~ "MV^^^^wif-Mlfr-Jukfl ^

FaetMy WarwroosB*. Frtdcriclubarg, Va. H. WTALU^CE CAMSR. Mmaa^t.

H. D. WENRICH, L<«*1 IU|W«MntoliT«. (M4)



Listi lkg Maciiih^ (eight eohmn eapati^y

itself at times even to the apparently thankless and un-worthy

Colonel Berkeley saw much of the best ante-bellum HtS-taTtreT*S home at Aldie, a fine oFJ mansion,'

was a center of hospitality, as was later his own home at "Eyergreen." The colonial college towja of WiUisun&burg waa renowned for gaiety, grace and charm. It was there that he met Miss Mary Lawson Williams, the lady who be­came nia wife on January 1, 1845. She was the daughter of a distinguished Southern judge—a woman of unusual attractions and gifts, but reatfy no less to make sacrifices

_when her country's call came. The day of adversity which followed found her as true gold tried in the fire.

On the years just following the War Between the States, I need not dwelL _There are too many people living who retoember them. The very crust of a past-mellow social world had broken in. Hardship, harrowing uncertainty,, lack of needed means characterized the new order and bore heaviest on those who had been fcmerly prosperous. The present writer was a child of reconstruction. It was 4ier good fortune in those days to be much at "Evergreen"

one of a household m&de happy largely by the sweet She win always thtnk 6f Colonel temper of it8 head. „...„,„ *.....» ^ v iv,.ici

Berkeley at that trying time as free from bitterness, cen- -aoriousnes^ or hard ,fe«Hng toward those mor« favored by fortune than anyone she has ever~Enown. His dispbsilion" was so gr cjd that it seemed a sort of touchetooe changing such clouds to sunshine. He was incapable of hatred or any long-contiBoed resentegent His faith m his feUow-

. manTHis hone of airhleaamtra to etttrnt^ fen gipngmntt h>«pj-talitjr Memed unbounded. He'iwd tiuit saving grace of thinking more of isthers than bimseif. And uese^^aits-.

' cofitinaed 1 1 the end, making for him new friends «vfl&-among the Unioo veterans. It siaems-fiuiBg that one of these. Mr. Gewge C. R6ond, shook! have been a ptdlbearw at his funeral. . The other pallbeareiji were, either Confederate voter-

am or th^ sons of vetjHwis, b o v : Messrs. Lewis Shumate, Johne Hutfihison, William Becielevr Carl Clarkaon and Georive "^ler. ^7^ honoranr pallhiiarers weare: t smtmn Edward (Tartar, aad Messrs. John S. jBwell, Ibadwdl Hoteh-ison, Alexander Coffipton and Cppa Hunton.

Colonel Berkeley's love of poetij was a life-long Sodrcfe

Men's Suits . $10.00 to $25.00 Men's Overcoats $7.00 to $18.00 Men's .Mackinaws $6.00 to $10.00 Boys' Mackinaws $2.00 to $5,00 Men's Work Coats, Dickeys and

Kerseys. . . . $2.75 and ^3. Cantripum Overalls . . . $1.00 Sweet Orr Overalls . . . $1.10


Korrect ^ l a p e for Men, "" ~" ~ " $4.00, $4.50, $5.00

Beacon for Men . . $3.00, $3.50 Men'ft-Weiftferennw & Liofr Bmnd

Work Shoes . . $2.50 to $6.00


All the latest shapes in Men's and Boys'Hats

Fur Caps . . . . . . $1.50

W e carry a Large Assortment of Trunks and Suit Cases

Men's Underwear

Union Suits . . . $1.00, $1.50 «nd Drawers -

$1.00, $L50. $2.00



High Rock Shirts and Drawers, best underwear on the market for the price .'- . ~ : . . \., ... . bOc

Scariet Underwear . $I.0O»$lJiO.

Bejfs' Underwear*

Fleeced and Ribbed U;?ifl»^t3 5$c S e«ced Shirts and Drawcfs . JtSe Ribbed Shirts and pniweiB* • SHIc

Caathmere Haif HoseTT— • • -*5e «e|ii^Wo^jaalfH«e. ^^ . ' Boys'Hose . . ISeio


Men's VVliite Handkerchiefs, all linen . . . . 2 for

Better Grade j.inen Handker­chiefs^ put ui) in Holly iji'xes

Cheaper (jiude of Wiiite Handkerchiefs . . . 5c, 10c


Our assortment of Ties are equal to aniLJiiiUiiUy fuuiid — in citv stores, put up in

^'Hol ly boxes . . . 25c, 50c Men's Bath Robes

$2.75, $3.50, $4.50 Men's House Slippers

25c, 50c, $1.50


8-oz. White Canton Flannel-Gloves, knit wrist, 3 pairs for . . 25c

7-oz. Husking Gloves, mule skin, tipped fingers, 3 pairs for . 25c

Horse-hide Gauntlets, $1 seconds, slightly scarred—this is the best value in a work glove we have ever seen—only . . . . 50c

_ K i d G l o v e s . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Hansen's. _ W ork "Gauntlets, or Os-

bom's Work Gauntlets, •— jpiiUv, (l.iiof^ 1>50

Automobile Gloves . $1.50 Fur Gauntlets . . . . . $2.75 Rush Gauntlets . . , . $1.00 Suodo Gloves, fui lined .—. .$2.S0


FUmtnel Shirts and Sweaters Men's Bli e Flannel Shirts . $1.00 Men's Gray Flannel Shirts, „ , - ; 50e,-85<!, 11.50 Men's Sweaters frpin 5 ^ fo Boys' Sweat«B from 50c to

-«f pteasore. Her^jMjredfted it,Jus own or another's, . < »s^.:*,Tat=-.^^^ hisoQem on

Itnasfine Getrifsburg was something to be remembered [ > town* that ^ show the infltietwe oi Seatt^ many nf i^T^^

ne knew by taeMt.. Other v^amJvf him are wea known tn readers nf THR JOURWAI;, and this aofaject natur-

credit or 3 p<r c^tf discount for c&sh

^ „._..^— not unpuetie. . _.™^ _,_.__ The Virginia Berkeleys are descended from the ancient

B«^k>y family of England, being thus rebtted to the £ari ' of Berkeley and the two Colonial Governors of fhut nme.

—St ancestor in Vtigipia, Cptonel John Berkrfw, epme to-fill a pcsitioD .ef ttatt in ' Ml tha-Inchaa 'ef=mS^ ava their hv<w t« .t Klfflfi i r SM wni

onnaany wj»-

Oiwd iwttlUBSSIS JMnttL


On all b i l l s ^ $5.00 and^-up to $10.00,5 per cent discount "10.00 and up. 10 per cent off

Manassas, >^rginia

tu iK wlS6-il iT « i l h . :

for next sixty days. I have a fulf stock of every­thing from a teaspoon u p _ t o ^ a fine suit of furniture. Ev- •

t-house. - » -

Da ; « i knom it to be • f»tt i k i » ^ c i i i k « ] h w doo* H O S E to redne* UM cost of living ia th« town of "-"^trut t k n tha Vf idaut of tlw United StttM? Doa'tyoa notice a redneti(M-ootwitlMt«iMlii« tb« {at% that tiKn has bee»« tteady Sdvsoce ia tlw markat since hia •T*"iTf friiTTi frn fn flftj 1"" rantT Wliat iln ymi ihlrt jua mjukl be P*7«C for n g a r today if b«t f«r—«h, weU. M««rMMd. U^mpmf t openu

m a n

Furniture Store

University ot VirpBa H«MI of Pablie SchootS'ttrai <rf Vlr«Wa


College. Gra(iuate. Law, M«d>-cine. Lngineehme. — -


Bvafwrated peacbea. 7eeots perpoood. (three f 6 r » e « i t s ) ; dM. very t«ivei*-tlwt rrawfor » centa. ^tlurw fer K «aM>h finnm. M eenta per pound, aprieota, 14 cents per poand, good fat meat at 10

"- *-' •*- - • • «entB, treedamaH shedldtra at »«ep«a. aad good Its. The

4sNd, at IS cents, gsod swe«t breakftwt bMatt. BeaOraSead, <W S — _ cents, e o n meal at U tmt» per pmdt. cent eS a* 11 eanta par SkOsn.

V If you have not triad any of a y U-cent coffee, yoa have made a g n a t ^ miatake; a g n a r BMny are oaing tkia coffee Jn prefarctice to itmt

formeiiy need at frooi M to 25 cents per poand: not only beeaoae it ta less money, bttt beeaose it is better, so they tell I M . DO yoa Hke fIsTorinx tkst FLAVORS; if so. sB<i yoa will brii^ yoor bottia J will let you ba«B wfcat yoa w a i t at one-half retail nricn, jost to^aonaint-yoa with tte oaoat eaeeliant quality of my own SHke; TaaiUiC two oancfs far 10 eenta, and ientoo. two oances for 15 cents. _ _

i i - * is i ^ M l j md-mt t t e RIGST pKcea yo« want, why, c a n e to see me.

im i-ovr-« all

And purchase it at RANK'S, not because of flrice, foy,VictrQla8 and Records are priced the aame everywhere in pie United State*, bot f (wp ttebig.reason t|ia^Jie_fi.XANN SONS & C a SiaiVICil is unique and distinctive, having

tJriminating patrons. jl. KANN SONS &.CO. YICTRQLA^EfiVICE

^^ te i i PLAN No. 1

• 1 tUmJk •-#•!;'« Re •MM af raw a n c),oo.i. ,

PATABLC $2.00 MONTH LY * l t J

18 far-reachlic^ an3^ helpful Service- it does not end with the courteous closing of the sale, but is ever reacty to keep you enthusiastic witn ^your selection.

cnatN tn . >r«t

hUV\ Mil

-— tLB, SPRINKEL I Milmis tiQmtn fnha im^ MANASSAS, VA. |


lst~Prompt Delivery.of JMachinfe.anrf RacorJs 2nd—KaniTs Sealed Record Service i

. , Sn^^Caan's Liberal Exchange Service , 4l£rrKaan's Ever CMDplete StocKs ^~


A small first payment only is required, baaed off the amount of records included on each of our special j)Ians, followed by easy monthly pay­ments as noted below. The first payment secures imntediate pofflession of any model you select and the records, which must be paid 'for on ac-c^ptanee Gi your Lroo Menibeisiiip,' are of your own choosing.

W e P r e p a y Fre igh t and E i p r e « « W h e r e N e c e s i a r r

Page 7: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in

n "^nsvip _' -THE MANASSJtS JOTJRNAX, FRIDAY. DgCfiMfeER 10, 1915'

w/m. m m

The Fireside That Comes With You

"W'OU needn'thav^e a cold ^ room, a co^d corner in

your house, or a chil ly moment in the day—if you iiave a PERFECTIONSMOKE-LLoS O I L H E A T E R .

Just take it wherever the extra heat is needed. In five minutes it

chills to cheery warmth, no trouble and it's very little

ten hours of comfort on" a sin^e gallon of kerosene. Why start a big coal fire when a little oil heater will do ?

The Perfection is smokeless, odor­less and absolutely safe. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Ofl Stoves, Lamps and Heaters.


cnaiiges Ws expense

Wathin^on, D . C Norfolk. V«. RieluMad, V«.


OIL COMPANY tr Jertey) \

BALTIMORB CkuHonc. N . C .

Our lcKoo . W. V * . Chiri«.«o«.-a. C.

Look for th« T r i a n ^ e Tradenmrfc.

Sold in many stvlew p ^ sizes at all. hardware and general Btorea.





:H0W THE MONEY WAS__ 5PENT C'c^iunuctl F'rom First I'a^e

'tran.^funiifr oajuu-ity and no niom on the cros.^-anris, hi fa •! i t ' ha.s ci.>i iaaclicaily $3,000 to make tHe system a commerual \tn.i\M>.-,i:,i\: w;nH:'ver waiiat lault in this mat ter will have to take

^ " ''^ ^oiimii eouitiflot atop at that jx^int; they aiinply wer.' ! :•' (Ml In complete the job, as this is the utility frura wiiich

twe expect to derive the revenue to pay oflTtTTelxinds: ^— Nov\ it eame to the business of selling the water and light"

and Lhf council had many discussions as to how much the con­sumers should be charged to connect with the town plant. It was finally decided that as the consumers were the taxpayers it should be made a.s t ;usy as possible for them to participate in the

j benefits of the utdities, so it was decided to make the nominal char^-e ol'$;j.00 (one-half tlie cost of the meter) for water con­nection, and make the electric connection free. As a matter of fact, It costs on the average $14.00 to make a water connection and $8.ot) for the lightr Wc h^a^Jn-Havember 1stTZlIwafer ^!^.':'!' ' '^''"' ^-^ht^Jiti power customers which hav^ nn^t fV » ir.»rr.

Muififi ^llf^•i^ifl'IUHllJ8«lf!3||^s^llllllll^Il(llm|l|l||,,„,,,5..;-„ ffrinnTOfrnmmnmmniTHnHHin/TrfniiirimniiilS ! i f f

2X* "REGENT* A yountf SMS J b iu iacM «ack

tM air. B«ck iorm £tttcd; natural p«(Uia^ •oft rolling, aLarp peaked lapel*; £ro&ta aligktly cuta­way; tkree buttoiu.

$15, $20. $25 na up.


1 ^ : ?

$4,170 to connect up. - Tjit^se-%ures will explaiui^m- U is that w« have uaeri treait this year's income and are now carrying a deficit of $16,716 X)ne more thing in thig conn^tion i§ that th^ spur trs^r}^ fc^t .i. y] 250 instead of $1,000, as originally estimated. '

Now just a glance at the present state of our finances and we will finish. We have three excellent and complete plants. Mr. Richard Messer, engineer of the State Board of Health, made the statement on his last inspection of our utilities that if we failed to get good results from die standpoints of both health and satisfaction all the theories of health boanfs^and other stiidents of such subjects were at f auiL He also said that we had the jnost coniplete and bestJngtallesLpknt in the state. One of our neighboring towns, of about the same population has spent more than $100,000 for water alone and have not a satisfactory supply ndw. , r ^^ ^

Our plants paid their own running expenses the first year, and this, in spite of the fact that we started the 24-hour service on the fourth month—something most towns of our size don't get in less than a year. Our income is now approximately $500 per month and the running expienses $400. We expect them to support thgjnvives thia ypuT onH i r a y g g a $t,000 bond the firot of next November.

In these figuresAwe have taken no account of the street light-ing,which at the average pricfe would be $1,600 per year. The

. P ^ ^ ^ y r o w i h g e v e i r y m o n t h and we ara rwa/^hmg m,f .farther for busmessaUthetifije* With good conservative ma»-agteffigHtrthe Income ^lould 1tH»eas5'T»"tfig7^<^t where itwflT ~ pay all running expMise, interest on the bonds^ $1,00^ bond ~ each year and relief!© the tife^sryers 6^the easpense of street lighting. We don't like to btiigr on the town too much, but we would Tike to tove some one Bn6w ug a town with bettenyjiter, — ——-——-* * - * * — " • • « w*»avF v » v V M v n u u u W T T U TTXVli l ^ M ^ i ' T f O t C Z T

betterJgbtst.asgpQjl a seweriBjartein, as well lighte^j^peetBiMid with as low prices for these cQQiRenienfiEfi as ISapaasas.

HNANCUdU STATEMENT " ~ - ^ We will have to raise- eacb»year for thyee yeany:

Tr^sare^. Clerk "

120.00 75/60

T h e C t c r r y Tree labe l—a ayxnool ox u n c o m p r o m i s i n g stanaaraa ux every process o f clotneB making —* a [guaranty uf kll wuul fabrics • an assur^ aace or painistaking t^orixig—->

cJgc p f gQQJ fai t l i tlirbngk itt tkrougk>^£ro

oCtWwooI to tLc Bcwtag t 9

PI>3«Jcipli£. - N « « Y ^ / ^



• if

Washington Leading Store

-^TrEoi China, filaf. ~^^^ —Sflyerwjare, E t c

Our «upramaey in-tiM fffHyfring lines has be«n teco^nized for yaara.

Dependable qualitiee, ezehulTiriy lowei^ prieea for TH£ BEST.

5t*rtaag idrmrwarm FiBMt Pl«te4 W««i»' Mck-Gfail* Collaty Ckiaa TaUmraM

^^S^ ttickCmt T<HlatS«t« Braaa and Coppat Wa*** Chafias Di«fcM Ckafiat Diali A< St»^«>« ' ••••.« Parlor Lanqt* KiteiMa Ut«aMU ilithrwiB Fatwti -Eddy Italiigwatuia, Am.


Twd Carioads ot ^ = B u gg i e 8 = =

Pricet fan$4SJ»lt HCOW

We have just received one ear load of Ifla*- IBbB^n DuggteS: and one (EEff!o8d~0fthef am^inr Haydot^s—each made o^ the very best material available, bought ih the whfto wddd i s d punted as per oar instnietiom.

Also all kiBd&4>£


i , A p p „ Da{)bs & iiy&cs...... . , ^^ . . . . . . . . . . . Sterrett & Flerinming—Mtiffiated:!.. Spur T » c k . ; . . . . . . . . . . Educationi^lommHtee . . • . . . . • . . • . . ,

_ Ordinance Committee . —Publier-BuildiiiK CoiumiiUft

1.93274 800.00 416.75

. - - 50.0I> ....•• 2bM

I . . '• i

^ ^ ^ >

-finance Uomnnttee • i.?&ffly< Interest on Notea. incltM fcy town p^lf y ^ t ' ' S ^ (reduced $334,1)0 each yeSr)

j ' ' ^ - - - S I'/.

Bank, «>ECIAL - TmS- YEAR



$5.250 00 — — - — - . . . . . . • • . - . • • . r- * ' » > ^ » T - « « > « » . « » . . . . . . W t / a M t A / W

Hutchison Electric Extension MJA,•.., t * * 2 5 6 ^ ' F ire Rnirirwa-'Krnt'a • . ' • . 5*, - • • ' _ „ - ^ - Fire Engine Note fiwurt Avenae Side Walk



^044.64 .f We do not know tAie assessed valuation yet "so cannot tell


themia $12,000

-J years. <Mr raising^ the taxes 15 cents per $100 ft»th»e Payments on the town hall are no£ incnided in t h ^ state-

bccdiiaii' tliey aw takwuatre qf by a gpoeial tajt. ~^-—~ Maxmssas, Va,, Novefl^9er29; TSfS^

: i UME c o w PEAS

It will be worth your while to inspect ear stock. '_

1215 F S t and 1214-18 G St.. . . V WASHIWQTOW, P . C. j \

\ Istimates cheerfully given

for installation and . ^ ftxtttres. ,


Reeder & Wine V i r ( i n t A M^nam^i

F. A. Cockrell k Co. Manaaeas, Va .

HARD BRICK 1 have just burned a big kiln of hardljrick which I will sell at my fsum for $7.00 p«" thousand. Place ordernow

D. LIBEAU Eatef Y^xjM jAt, near Kane's F«H

AddrcM: MAnastrat,^^.

>iin>cnbe for T H E JOURNAL ,>n(0 me year in advance.

=?* :



ittnrtkeir >



Lidbar, Smgles, LatIi$,<1)oors, Sash, BKnds and Building Material


Office: No. 115 N. Union S t ree t Factory: No. .HI N. Lee Street. ALEXANDRIA.

"Songs of Love and War," $1.00 Postpaid Tbe ManAisat Journal Publishiog Company. .N'Ar.a»i!.A&,\'a.

Page 8: SCHOOLS TO PUSH SEALS «ACO BON RAC PARTX Y EHOW THE … · 2,215 school children in the town of "'X"—which may be anywhere in

« - - • < . ' • •



COMMON LAW - M ONDAY A special grand jury of inquest

brougl\t in an indictment aerainat -Ames Page for a felony—a tn»e

bill, and an indictment against R, E. Herreli for # / tony—*P^Jfi bin.^ • — —

A list of writings.admitted to record during and since last term of court was laid before the court, examined and ordered to be filed.

Chas. A. Barbee, sheriff, made report of prisoners confined in jaii—same was ordered filed.

In re estate of Emma Stone, deceased -~repor t nf commissionsr "Front of aeoounts eonfiymed and record k»* on U>« Fred Ford place.

were in Waahiui<ton shopping last S a t - | f ^ T T ^ J W ¥ / ^ O A ¥' C urday, also Mrs. 0 . C. ;5outhard. g I ^ J 1 1 1 - . . I t . , ^ / \ l . t * .

-&ev . -W. N a t t - p t f e w w * in t h e - B g T t w t f - - • • ." " " - ^ -Church both Sunday nmniir.g and ni^'hl. His subject in the morning w a s the "Keepintt o l V u w e . " , i

R«v. AJfor4 K.«41«y will pr««ch San- : day m o r n i n g n e x t - i n t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n

of ropart ordarad. Jaa. JS. Lfray v*.T4aud Mcln-

teer—plaintiff to recover of de-fenijint $60. with interest from December 6, lulSi and coats ex-pended in suit, incIudJog fee of C. A. Sinclair. .

Brown & Hooff- vs. L. F. Bar-Kamin—plaintiffs to recover of defendant $l56.0i with intend from December 9,1914, and costs expeoded.

M. M. Washington vs. E. X Gray—plaintiff to recover $375, with interest on $250 from July 17,1915. and on $125 from August 18. 19 i 5, and costs expended, m-cludlng ten per cent additional for collection.

M. B. Washington vs. EMwin J. Gray—pjanrtrtf-to-recover $119.42, with interest from July

-1. 191S, and ,tm per <cnt-»d<M-ttonal for collection.

it viilting her daughter, Mrs. Bladen, of Annondale, «nd her siater-in-law, Mlta Nellie Cross, i9 keeping house for her and taking c b a ^ e of bar three sons daring her ab­sence.

Mrs. Tilden Mather* has been on the sick list but is about again.

Hog killing seems to be the order of the day at the present time.

Mr. -.Sprackar has as his guests hjs daughter, Mrs. Wood, aiid fasaily, of

RoyaL They expect to locate

o''Horses, Cattle A Christmas Suggestion



B e g i n n i n g a t 1 0 A . M., S h e r p

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of tife v i l lag . .

Ai jriicstion of R. B. Davis fat correccion oi ammeoos a88e8»> ment otf taxes—asaessment of taxes tor years 190&13 inekuive

-on money »n banic amounting to 1228.68'atate tax and $517.65 dis­trict levy decland erroneooa— said Davis, however, assessed

are tbs proud parents of a young son. In our last issue we failed to report

the death of Mra. John Bryant, of Aah-hum, whoge iUnesa reported. Mrs. Bryant passed away Wednesday, November 24th, and was buried the folk)wing Friday. -

Mrs. Bryant was formerly Miss Bettie Payne, of this neighborhood, and re­sided here a few y e a n after her Ri*r-riage to Mr. Brjrant, but renooved to Ashbum about thirty years ago «»"< has lived there ever since.

Besides her husband, the deceased is survived by seven children and one adopted chikl andsevervl grandchildren. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Martha Payne, of Clifton, and two sisters, J irs . J. M. Fuimer and Mrs. T. A. Ayre, also of this place. These sur­vivors all have the sympathy of all the friends and aoqoaataaees in their sad bereavement.

Mrs. Bryant was a very estimable lady, loved and respect by all who knew her. She was about 69 yeaft of age.

The teaghers < f the arhnnl ar^ jpta»-• ^ * y Jo be given Prlday nigfit.

• J e u i W make- an acceptable holiday

"•~~~~~~~"^~~"~""~~*"~~~~ present to some friend. The Having accepted a position giver will certainly be grate-

in Maryland and expect i ng to fully remembered every week leave at once, I will utlf r at for a whole year, and the cost public auction, on the above- to you will be only $1.00. named date, at Birming-ham Farm, on Centervilleroad, 1 '; mile from Manassas, the fol- ^ • • ^ • • ^ • ^ ' ^ • • ' ^ ^ • • ^ » lowing personal property: • J^^ L, __jr

Horse, 3 good milch cows, i _L _ . #„ „„„j „^„ „ „ . m White W f i C T L h e n s , i Ask ns tO SCnd JJHLMT ana^yeai^ ol J TWeW Style Book ^

Farm Implements. —Two- j^

Having determined to devote our , .. . whole time to the Real Estate and

a subscription to; Insurance business, we hereby M*a»88a» Jeur«it^-*"'n^»idisoJii£iL^I xzraperty for sale and

1 solicit All property for sale 1 request those having property to Mist the same with us promutly.

W « promise to clea.1 fairly with all and will ( i v * th« bus ines i our t>e>t attent ion

C. J. MEETZE A. CO. o r r i c M . i . c . B u i l d i a i Mu>u>*>,V>.


December nib. Jtabbita seem to

4» very plentifoi this

le eenaitioB.— Wa have had a couple of very Ugbt

falht of mnw and it baa b e t wtw—ally cold for this season of th^ year.

fl08L46 state tax tar money de-ppMtgd in bmk on Pabroary X, m4

Hkmetm ci-millmjfft tidD<^^legad ia^neoBo asiaiia ment of taxes ^ere filed by Wm.

The moniinar,papers give ac-tottnts of theJxmdnffof the town of Hopewell, Va.,yesterday after-noeh. Practically the whole town was destroyed with an iisUmated ks8of$l,000,000ormore. Itwas stated that the DuPont powder plant, swne distance away, was

' hoc ihou^nt to be in dan>;er. The fire starts ina Qreek restai|rant

been the work of a German spy

horse wagon, l-horse spring waBTHrr toffgy, goed-^iirreyt with pole, Farmers' Favorite drill with disc and hoe at­tachments; spring tooth and spike harrow; 2 OTiyerplows, 20 and 40; cultivator, double set wagon harness, plow har­ness and collars, 3-horse power International engine, reed grinder, cut-off saw, 2 belts, reen bone cutter; 250-egg incubator, C^rpher's mod­el, good condition; about 3 tons nay and also corn, wheat and fodder.

Household and |Citchen FuiuUuMu - QHB new kitchen

shows many of Rich's fashions jfor mfiA.. wflmfia ana children and you can buy from it with every as­surance of satisfaction.

B. Rich's Sons IM4)M FSl.Csr. lOA

range, 2 heating stoves and nmneroua other articles.

Temis—Sums of $10 and


fries, S. C. Jeffriee, Mrs. W. U. Milnes, F. H. Sanden and G. R &iooks. These notices weveeoB-tinaed toaaotlierdiMMtf tiNhtterm ] of court.

—Thr^ee was uideied lu i a ttpiaa agaiiiBt R Ifi. HmeB dnreeteit to the ^ r i f f of this

- county, retemaUe on the first day of February, 1916, term of eo'ufC '~ ~

Commonwealth vs, Amos P i ^ _=:d«£eiDdanL4>l£Bdfid_EBiltZ-ADd

u«dercash;over that amount a. credit of six months, with interest bearing, negotiable note, with approved security, payable atlbe National Bank oiMi


Manassas TransfeF to..

U|hto-Date Hand Laundry Gloss or Domestic finish. Our new

system produces our domestic linens equal to new. I do all my washing by hand. I use no chemicals to injure your goods. I g ive them conscientious labor, and the result is laoodry abso­lutely free from blemishes. Please give me a trial.

Of Tour 9MM,

We make a specialty of such work and guarantee satisfac-tioQ. . AJittnlataifiotB made on short notice. For price call on or write

Harman's Studio W e a r i c h Building Maoaaaas, Va

BrinK or send your Kodak Work


MOTOR CAR EFTlCICNCY JH largely a question of the akill of the tssait miuu A fi«mpLicat«id midflicgla adjusted mechanism like an auto shoala never be repaired or overhalled by tinkers.


becauae eve i^ one o f our mec)uknica is an expert. No delays—no tinkering. All Work guaranteed. Consnltations free.



roadster. C h e ^ . class ijtudebaker

Call at Laundry. ll-5-3mo. : W. J. HOTTIE


»r« to RANDALL ft McCOY




The way to make two bladts of grass grown where one does now: Buy the celebrated Magnesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co.', the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out pro­duced them ail, and the reason for it is because it contains Mag­nesium and Oxide of Iron in rigfit proportion to Calcium Carbonate, and the United States Agricul­tural Department in Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Mag­nesium is absolutely necesaajjrto plant growth and nothing else will take its place. Send orders to W. T. Thomasson, Manassas, Va., or direct to us and namowHH have prompt attention.

Lccsbnrg Lime Co., be .

For Sale 80x220 f t . situated in Tillett'a Sub-

aKrtiriBg proflWrtirta Uoran and W. F. Hibfas. A most de^ siraUe location for a home; offered very reasonably because owner has retnored from Marawas, For further in fom*-t iooaddnaB

W. B. COLBERT, —• »41S >Mfc R«»d, N AWW-

l l l f l - l a o . — W—hiaHoarPrfe

sentenced to imprisoninent in the penitentiary for three years.

Br^an Gordan allowed $6 for defending: Amos Page on indiet-menc for felony. "

Court adjoaragd until thjg (Pfrr day) morning at 10 o'clodc

!h, Fill



la cffett October 24, I9i6. iniiiiati Sft-' r^"i-'-H -only as »>•» DMOoi *^not gnsTsnlDori '

SODTBBODND. No. t«—Dailylocsl. 8:30 a. m. Oaliv«is

oonneotwo at Maig{i daily except Saodaj to C. A 0 . lor G<n^D«TiUe sun BiciunoDd.

Mn. *.<—Haily tl<r<v.g>» iraiA tot-X0;(» »• m will stop at Msm

Ho. 17—Ilxoept Sunday, local froM Wasb-•agtoo to Warreston, 6:22 p. m.

Nn 1' " "

NORTHBOUND. No. IS^ilicept Sundsy. local baa Wsf

& iB ^ F 1 ' T < B B * M*°° " *'*»^y&aa. 7:0fi,a_ia


Mamie J. Goode vsi. Bebeoea J. Prescott — injanetion awarded against defendant and cause con^ tinoed.

National Bank of ManaasyvBr Hopkins oeiver, directed to make soch dispontion of old oatbaildiafir op prftwJHfis at pomer of W< Cemis^ Streets as~£e~may~deera boot to partieBTBterested

. 2:10 p. mTCabaMW it Orange with C. d 0. » . . ! - „ • fm,., ItiA.

- "sMod lod OordoDsrille. So. 28—Daily. 7:fiii r m^ l ^ t • - « h»

XaJFTON DOINGS. The debate baton the CUf too School

LeagtM aiid vis i ton k s t Friday ni^ht by the hi^h seho<d papib on the sabject "ReaolTed. That the Ainwican iajiaiw Were Unjustly Treated," was well at lenieA. The affinnative wa; tals,en tfiiiaes Xonw Elgin and Ruth Quig-g, tJie negutive by Mr. IrvtB Qnigz and J Miss Sani FugiuDnr Tbc judgM **rre| Mr. Fristoe. Mrs. Mathers and Mrs. j Wilton Buckley, i ^ decided in favor' of the n^at ive , a t thoo^ they said tfae^ aflRrmative put up a strong argomcnt and it was a tittle hard to decide. Con­sidering tbe fact that thi* was the first time any of the contestants had been heior« the public in this capacity, Uip.v all deaerre a great deal of credit S-ar thp manaar in which thay handled

Ifi—Tliiljlooal for Warreatoa, Obsf -lottDtTille and way sutions. 5:12 p. m. Fait man Parlor Car to \yarrenton. —"»• 41—Daily throngb Uautr 40«tf-«r-».r-Mops lo Ist oS paaaeogera from WashingHa and AJ«xaiidria and to take on .passsngen tor pointe at wfaieh echedoled to top .


^0. 16—Daily tlirough train CbarlottesTilJe. Warrentos, Mioai Waahington, 9:05 a. m. 'Pnllm« Warr«nton to Waahiogton.

betweea •as sad


No. 14—Daily from Harrisoaborg to Wash­ington, 9:47 a. m. Pullman Parl<w Car

iJo: » . -D«n» local.

tween UarriaooWg, u-TimTtan and. ington.

No. 44—Daily through train beti laaaasaSd Waahiogton. F-^5

S6. fe—DaUy"

• I S as L>aab-


, . . ^-iugh train,. ••jsgng «aft wr WsshrngtoD iodl^pr T<aW~ J0a» p m;, (topa on dag.

WESTBOtyp So. 49—Daily loeai for HarTiaoabarg ioS~~

ultermadiate pointa, 9 40 a. m , ^ 21—Daily local to Harrisoabaia; 9 : 0 0 p . n

- m . I r. " •,: \ •- • r F n d a y n^fht H

:r.- (1< :•:. AT.-: ~~- wa? Aocom- ^ B

. i k . . . .-^ i . • mcm.--.t: to' . i l i s & . H

\^Ut^-n*r*- •.'•>*• SC^.>«... who TV- ^ B

IS ^ '> .--T :,r, ' .. •r'lf until ^ 1

is made from beat materials, baked in an up-to-date oven,-harttJled by neat, clean, care^" ful workmen. Ask for it— accept no other. We also have a nice QUICK tUNCtt COUNTER where you can satisfy your appetite. Full line of confectionery.

J. M. BELL WhitiHiire, I.vnn & Aidea Co,

izzo r sirt^f N. w. WASHINGTON D. C.

E. H. COAi'\i.\S W. H.T.\Y1,( F. g - T . CART, C-= v. W. ffESTB: ;.;

\" F d Geo. Ugr--^ I "fiffic Mg^-*aj!t A , A .

.ON. D. 0.

Hew Wall Paper Onr new F,.:* all kir:ri> of \\ has arrive': low and ; . . 3i

FootesWallPaper House A.-,

iea« ts^xtr'tf**'*^'

(M l J e w e J e r j Silvpr«mith»

\>R. I>. F . H O I D E N T I S T

-iidine. Manassas, ^ M. I C.