schoolcalendar 8may&14aughagleyparkwintersport ... · christchurch"east"school week4...

School Calendar 8 May 14 Aug Hagley Park Winter Sport 14 August Whole School Learning Celebra?on (Team Kauri), 9.10am 14 August School DIsco (PTA) 19 August Wearable Arts Show, 12.45 2.45pm 24 August PTA mee?ng, 3.15pm, Community Rm 26 August Strum Strike Blow Performance 2 September School finishes at 2pm 4 September Whole School Learning Celebra?on (Team Koru), 9.10am Cultural Fes?val Performance, 12.30pm 11 September Teacher Only Day School closed for instruc<on 15 September Pub Quiz (PTA) 21 September PTA mee?ng, 3.15pm, Community Rm 25 September Whole School Learning Celebra?on (Team Harakeke), 9.10am 25 September Term 3 ends 12 October Term 4 starts 19 October PTA mee?ng, 3.15pm, Community Rm 26 October Labour Day school holiday 31 October Bunnings Sausage Sizzle (PTA) 13 November Show Day school holiday 16 November PTA mee?ng, 3.15pm, Community Rm 11 December Term 4 ends (to be confirmed) ___________________________________________________ Cultural Fes1val 2015 Te Waipounamu This year our Senior Kapahaka Group is performing on the 4th September 2015 at the ma?nee from 12.30pm2.30pm. You can s?ll order your ?ckets through Ticketek. We look forward to celebra?ng and showcasing our Senior Kapahaka group at Cultural Fes?val 2015. Vision/Purpose Statement A Vibrant Inspira?onal Learning Community in the Heart of the City Our Values Excellence Equity Integrity Sense of Community Te Ririte Te Ririte Ngākau Pono Nohonga Tahitanga Strategic Goals 1 Implement the Curriculum 2 Raise Student Achievement 3 Strengthening the Learning Community Kia ora everyone, So many great things have been happening in the first four weeks of the term and there is so much more to look forward to. We have the PTA Disco on Friday, our Wearable Arts Learning Celebration next week and a number of our students participating in the Cultural Festival and the Strum Strike and Blow Festival later in the term. I am pleased to confirm that the three parent positions on the board have been filled and we look forward to sharing more information with you about the incoming board when the remainder of the board is confirmed. In the mean time congratulations to our parent reps, Joe Tonner, Greg May and Romana Espie. Finally, our property refurbishment continues to gain momentum this term. A number of small focused workshops have been run by our appointed designer. This has included staff session and a student workshop. We will share further developments in this area in near future. Thank you all for your continued support of our ʻVibrant and Inspirational School in the HEART of the Cityʼ. I look forward to seeing you around the school. Regards Mike Principal ___________________________________________ School Disco Pajamma Nite! Friday 14 August Tickets $3 Team Koru & Harakeke Disco: 5.30 6.30pm Team Kauri Disco: 7.00 8.30pm Get your *cket for the disco by returning permission slip and money to the main gate before school. __________________________________ Wearable Art Compe<<on The winning poster is from Yasiira in Rm 9 Our Wearable Arts Celebra<on will be on Wednesday 19 August, 12.45 2.45 in the school hall.

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School  Calendar8  May  -­‐  14  Aug  Hagley  Park  Winter  Sport14  August   Whole  School  Learning  Celebra?on  (Team  

  Kauri),  9.10am14  August   School  DIsco  (PTA)19  August   Wearable  Arts  Show,  12.45  -­‐  2.45pm24  August   PTA  mee?ng,  3.15pm,  Community  Rm26  August   Strum  Strike  Blow  Performance2  September   School  finishes  at  2pm4  September   Whole  School  Learning  Celebra?on  (Team  

  Koru),  9.10am     Cultural  Fes?val  Performance,  12.30pm11  September   Teacher  Only  Day  -­‐  School  closed  for

  instruc<on15  September   Pub  Quiz  (PTA)21  September   PTA  mee?ng,  3.15pm,  Community  Rm25  September   Whole  School  Learning  Celebra?on  (Team  

  Harakeke),  9.10am25  September   Term  3  ends12  October   Term  4  starts19  October   PTA  mee?ng,  3.15pm,  Community  Rm26  October   Labour  Day  -­‐  school  holiday31  October   Bunnings  Sausage  Sizzle  (PTA)13  November   Show  Day  -­‐  school  holiday16  November   PTA  mee?ng,  3.15pm,  Community  Rm11  December   Term  4  ends  (to  be  confirmed)___________________________________________________

Cultural  Fes1val  2015  -­‐  Te  WaipounamuThis  year  our   Senior   Kapahaka  Group  is  performing  on   the   4th   September   2015   at   the   ma?nee   from  12.30pm-­‐2.30pm.   You   can   s?ll   order   your   ?ckets  through   Ticketek.   We   look   forward   to   celebra?ng  and   showcasing   our   Senior   Kapahaka   group   at  Cultural  Fes?val  2015.

Vision/Purpose  StatementA  Vibrant  Inspira?onal  Learning  Community

in  the  Heart  of  the  CityOur  Values

Excellence        Equity                Integrity                  Sense  of  CommunityTe  Ririte            Te  Ririte          Ngākau  Pono      Nohonga  Tahitanga

Strategic  Goals1   Implement  the  Curriculum2   Raise  Student  Achievement3   Strengthening  the  Learning  Community

Kia ora everyone,

So many great things have been happening in the first four weeks of the term and there is so much more to look forward to. We have the PTA Disco on Friday, our Wearable Arts Learning Celebration next week and a number of our students participating in the Cultural Festival and the Strum Strike and Blow Festival later in the term.

I am pleased to confirm that the three parent positions on the board have been filled and we look forward to sharing more information with you about the incoming board when the remainder of the board is confirmed. In the mean time congratulations to our parent reps, Joe Tonner, Greg May and Romana Espie.

Finally, our property refurbishment continues to gain momentum this term. A number of small focused workshops have been run by our appointed designer. This has included staff session and a student workshop. We will share further developments in this area in near future.

Thank you all for your continued support of our ʻVibrant and Inspirational School in the HEART of the Cityʼ. I look forward to seeing you around the school.

Regards MikePrincipal___________________________________________

School  Disco  -­‐  Pa-­‐jamm-­‐a  Nite!Friday  14  August  -­‐  Tickets  $3

Team  Koru  &  Harakeke  Disco:  5.30  -­‐  6.30pmTeam  Kauri  Disco:  7.00  -­‐  8.30pm

Get  your  *cket  for  the  disco  by  returning  permission  slip  and  money  to  the  main  gate  before  school.

__________________________________Wearable  Art  Compe<<on  The  winning  poster  is  from  

Yasiira  in  Rm  9  

Our  Wearable  Arts  Celebra<on  will  be  on  Wednesday  19  August,  12.45  -­‐  2.45  in  the  

school  hall.


TERM  3      2015

311 Gloucester StreetCHRISTCHURCH 8011

p: 366 2440f: 377 6600e: [email protected]:

News  from  Team  Kauri:Last  term  40  children  from  Team  Kauri  trained  to  be  playground   Peer   Mediators.   They   are   following   our  schoolwide   Restora*ve  Approach   by   using   the  chat  card   to   help   repair   harmed   rela*onships   in   the  playground.  This  Term  the  Peer  Mediators  have  beenout  in  the  playground  at  morning  tea  and  lunch  *mes.  They  wear  orangevests  to  support  childrenand  the  duty  teachers.  Their  role  is  to  talk  through  problems  childrenare   having   and   enable   these   children   to   repair  rela*onships   and   posi*vely   integrate   back   into   the  playground.

Since  Term   2  Team  Kauri  have  been  par*cipa*ng   in  Winter  Sport  on  a  Friday  aHernoon  at  Hagley.  There  are   four   sport   codes,   football,   hockey,   netball   and  rugby.In  rugby,  we  play  hard  and  the  Year  5/6  have  won  a  game  so  far.  We  tackle  the  other  team  to  get  the  ball  and  we  try  our  best.  Mr  Jenkinson  and  Mr  Agar  are  the  rugby  coaches  and  they  help  us  to  train  and  play  well.  It  is  awesome  to  see  girls  having  a  go  at  rugby  in  our  team.In  hockey,  it  is  amazing  to  play  against  other  schools  

and  to  prac*ce  hiSng  the  ball,  trying  to  get  it  in  the  goal.  We  have  prac*ces  every  Tuesday  lunch*me  and  

this  helps   us   to   play   well   on   a   Friday.   Some   of   the  players  are  really  good  at  hockey  and  some  of  us  are  s*ll   learning   hockey   skills.   Mr   Baker   and   Mrs  Carruthers  are  our  coaches,  thank  you  for  your  help.

In  netball  we  have  to  work  hard  as  a  team  and  play  fair.  We  always  try  to  focus  and  do  our  best.  Just  quietly,  our  netball  teams  are  awesome,  we  have  had  lots   of   challenging   games  and  we  have  won   a   few.  Mrs  Bibby  and  Mrs  Aldridge  are  the  coaches  and  they  encourage   us  to   learn  new  skills  and   play   the  game  well.In  football,  we  work  well  as  a  team.  There  is  a  lot  of  good   players   that   work   together   with   others.   Ms  Stock  and  Mr  Ross  are  the  coaches  and  they  teach  us  to  play  hard  and  put  us  in  our  posi*ons.  When  we  are  on  the  sideline  wai*ng,  we  support  the  team  on  the  field  or  prac*se  ready  to  go  on.Sadly  this  week  is  the  last  week  of  Winter  Sport  and  we  are  awai*ng  to  see  if   any  of  our  teams  are  in  the  finals.   Thank   you   to   all   the   coaches   (teachers)   who  give  up  a  lunch*me  each  week  for  a  prac*ce  and  for  organising   the   sports   teams.   Also,   thanks   to   the  parents  who  have  been  suppor*ng  our  teams  on  the  sideline.

By   Joseff,   Iain,   Arshnoor,   Harmony,   Kataraina,   Sa*va,  Roe  and  Sean