school based task 2

School based task 2 – Holistic development TS2 TS6 Pseudonym: Rose Date of Observation: 27.11.2015 Time commenced: 1:00pm Time completed: 3:30pm Setting: Inside the classroom and outside area 1:00 – 1:20 = Carpet time/registration Miss Fox – Rose: “Good afternoon Rose” Rose – Miss Fox: “Good afternoon Miss Fox” (very loudly and confidently) (Rose puts her hand up, but begins to ask her question before asked to speak) Rose – Miss Fox: “Miss Fox, don’t forget to do the daily board” Miss Fox – Rose: “Oh thank you for reminding me, I nearly forgot” (Puts hand up and waits for turn to speak) Rose – Miss Fox: “Can I go and paint first, please, I will be very good at light and dark colours” Miss Fox – Rose: “you will have to wait until the other children have finished first” Another child – Rose: “Rose you can have my space, I would like to play with the play dough now” Miss Fox – Another child: “That is very kind, off you go then Rose” Rose – Another child and Miss Fox: “Thank you” 1:20 – 1:35 = Painting area Rose – Rose: “Just need to keep adding white and it will get lighter and lighter” (proceeds to add white paint to the blue paint she already has in the palette)

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School based task 2 – Holistic developmentTS2TS6Pseudonym: Rose

Date of Observation: 27.11.2015Time commenced: 1:00pmTime completed: 3:30pm

Setting: Inside the classroom and outside area

1:00 – 1:20 = Carpet time/registrationMiss Fox – Rose: “Good afternoon Rose”Rose – Miss Fox: “Good afternoon Miss Fox” (very loudly and confidently)

(Rose puts her hand up, but begins to ask her question before asked to speak)Rose – Miss Fox: “Miss Fox, don’t forget to do the daily board” Miss Fox – Rose: “Oh thank you for reminding me, I nearly forgot”

(Puts hand up and waits for turn to speak)Rose – Miss Fox: “Can I go and paint first, please, I will be very good at light and dark colours”Miss Fox – Rose: “you will have to wait until the other children have finished first”Another child – Rose: “Rose you can have my space, I would like to play with the play dough now”Miss Fox – Another child: “That is very kind, off you go then Rose”Rose – Another child and Miss Fox: “Thank you”

1:20 – 1:35 = Painting areaRose – Rose: “Just need to keep adding white and it will get lighter and lighter”(proceeds to add white paint to the blue paint she already has in the palette)

Rose – Another child: “Don’t forget to wash your brush and wipe it on the tissue before you use another colours… that is the rule”(When telling other child to do this, Rose is doing it herself demonstrating what is right)Another child- Rose: “I am”Rose – another child: “No you didn’t, I saw you” (pauses from painting)Another child – Rose: “I only forgot that time”Rose – Another child: “ok, your painting is very good”Another child – Rose: “Thank you so is yours” (both children continue)

Rose – Rose: “Just a little bit of white… maybe a little bit more, the colour is not very different.”(Carries on adding white paint, and before making the colour lighter paints a stripe on piece of paper)

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Rose – Rose: “And paint a stripe, and another stripe, next to each other but starting at this side” (looks around to see if the other children are doing the same)

Rose – Another child: “You can go on here now, I will just get you a clean tissue, and put my painting on the drying rack” (stands up and takes off apron)Another child – Rose: “Thank you Rose, will you show me how to do one like yours”Rose – Another child: “Well… Yes, I just kept adding a bit of white paint to my blue paint, but only a little bit at a time, then before doing it again make sure you paint a stripe on your paper. You must remember that each time, starting from this side… Um… Yes that’s how I done mine. There you go here is the paint brush” (leaves painting area)

1:35 – 1:55 = afternoon snackAnother child – Rose: “I haven’t got my afternoon snack today, my dad forgot to put it in my book bag”Rose – Another child: “I have only got an apple today, otherwise I would have given you some grapes”(sits quietly with water bottle watching the number video on the smart board eating snack)

1:55 – 2:20 = mark makingRose – Rose: “I am going to draw a picture for Miss Fox, Miss Blake and Mrs Poutney, then I am going to write my list to Santa”(Draws 2 pictures)Rose – Rose: “I will do my list to Santa now and then do the other picture” (Writes list for Santa and then draws other picture)(Puts away in draw)(Colours 3 Christmas pictures)

2:20 – 2:50 = outside areaRose – 2 other children: “You can catch me first, go”(Plays tag for 15 minutes, running around, laughing and showing clear signs of enjoyment.)Rose – 2 other children: “I am going to play in the sandpit now, but we can play again later”(Rose leaves other children and plays independently in the sand using a variety of resources)

2:50 – 3:00 = creative area (Rose is the only child in this area)Rose – Rose: “I am going to make a bus, a big purple bus, I need to remember the wheels… oh and the lights just in case it gets dark”(Goes to the junk box, gets cereal box, then collects purple tissue paper from the creative shelf)

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Rose – Rose: I will stick this bit here and this bit there, and if it is to big for the edge I will fold it like this”

3:00 = tidy up timeMiss fox – Whole class: “Tidy up time now children, as quick as you can, get your things for home time and sit on the carpet. Everyone should be tidying”Rose – Rose: “Oh no, I haven’t finished, I still need to do this side, that side and that side, I will out it on the shelf and finish tomorrow”(Rose did return the next day to complete her bus)

“Oh no, I will put my bus up here until tomorrow, cause I still need to make this side purple, this side and that side”(Places on the side and tidies the creative table)

3:10 = get ready for homeRose – Rose: “I need to get my water bottle” (putting pictures into book bag at tray)(Sits on the carpet with finger on lips waiting for other children)(Lines up ready for home time and waits for name to be called)

3:30 = home time Rose – Miss Fox: “See you tomorrow Miss Fox, I will practice my numbers at home tonight”

It is clear throughout this observation the amount of independence that Rose has throughout her play. She seems to play alongside others rather than with others. She is also very focused and is not easily distracted when taking part in an activity ensuring that a task that she has started is completed.

How does the organization of the classroom support the child’s holistic development? How does one area of provision support the child’s holistic development?Each area of provision within the classroom targets different elements of the EYFS curriculum, however, they do not just focus on this on specific element, they are all aiming and targeting the prime areas to a child’s development. One area of provision that supports all children holistically is the role-play area in which they are exposed to a variety of different skills and stimuli. The role-play environment is a perfect opportunity for children to initiate conversations with their peers and expand their learning further. Therefore representing the role-play area supporting personal, social and emotional development of children, allowing them open doors to make relationships. The freedom to initiate conversations also supports self-confidence and self-awareness in children’s development. The role-play area is also offers situations for children to develop their expressive art and design through imagination and getting into role of the character/theme of the area. Mathematics skills are also being brushed upon, with a number wall and number line, allowing children to expand their knowledge. Overall, the role play area offers many opportunities for support to holistic development with the main focus being communication and language.