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Year 12


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This guide provides students and their parents/guardians with information about the subjects available at the senior level of Waiuku College. It is hoped that this information will assist students and their parents/guardians as they seek to make the right decisions about next year’s course of study.

The selection of subjects to be studied in Years 11, 12 and 13 has become a very important decision in a student’s education. Students are now given a very wide choice and this has a major effect in terms of their future direction both in education and in a career. It becomes more difficult to change direction as students’ progress further into the senior school and tertiary institutions so think carefully, consult widely and choose wisely.

Selecting Subjects

Study the Senior Subject Overview on the centre pages which details the subjects available at Waiuku College, paying particular attention to the way in which subjects lead to others at a higher level.

Note carefully those subjects that stop at a particular level, and plan how you will fill your options if you go on.

Students should seek to follow a broad-based, general course of study for as long as possible. Early specialisation is not recommended.

Entry to some careers and some tertiary courses can be made easier by selecting appropriate secondary courses. The Careers Advisor can be consulted for information on these requirements.

If you have a well planned career choice which requires a Level 3 qualification, start with the subjects you will need at that level and work backwards to Level 2, then Level 1.

General criteria you should use in your choices are:

Your interests Your abilities Any career intentions you have Allow for flexibility in case of a career change Any subjects needed for higher level or tertiary studies.

To make good decisions, you need the right information. Check that you have:

Discussed your subject choices with your family, teachers, Dean and the Careers Advisor Used the Quest Database and go to

The school reserves the right to cancel or change courses.

Important Dates

Students are issued with Option Forms on Monday 15th August Monday 22nd August - Parent Information Evening Thursday 25th August - return of all Option Forms. The form needs to be signed by your

parent/caregiver and for senior levels, by the teacher concerned.

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When I leave school, I hope to:

Don’t know

As a: The training will possibly be in: ____________________________________________________________

The degree will possibly be in:___________________________________________________

Get a jobimmediately

Do a diploma or certificate at Polytechnic or some other training

Do a degree at University or Polytechnic or do teacher training

For this I will need at Level 3:1. ___________________________2. ___________________________3 ___________________________4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

For this I will need Level 3 NCEA in:1. ___________________________2. ___________________________3 ___________________________4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

So, in Level 2 I need:1. Level 2 English/Literacy2. ___________________________3 ___________________________4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

So, in Level 2 I need1. Level 2 English/Literacy2. ___________________________3 ___________________________4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

So, in Level 1 I need:1. English2. Mathematics3 A Science or Geography4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

So, in Level 1 I have to do:1. English2. Mathematics3 A Science or Geography 4. ___________________________5. ___________________________

So I must keep my course as general as possible

Have you checked

Degree/Diploma Certificate

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SCHOOL EXAMINATIONSMost class levels and subjects have one internal examination per year. For seniors, the school practice examination is mid Term 3.

SENIOR QUALIFICATIONSNCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement). Waiuku College students normally take six subjects at Years 11 and 12. Year 13 students who wish to study six subjects must apply to their Dean. Years 12 and 13 students may take individual NCEA subjects at a different level. eg. Level 1. English, Mathematics and Science offer alternative courses at Levels 1 and 2. All NCEA subjects have an internally assessed component.

NCEA credits can be gained from Achievement Unit Standards. With Unit Standards, students either achieve or do not achieve the standard. With Achievement standards, individual performance can be at ‘Achieved’, ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ level or ‘Not Achieved’. There are entry requirements for each subject. Students and parents should read these carefully in the individual subject information leaflets.

NCEA Level 1: To achieve a Level 1 Certificate, students need to have 80 credits. As well, they need to meet the 10 Literacy and 10 Numeracy credit requirements by achieving Unit Standards in Literacy and Numeracy or by achieving specified Achievement Standards in a range of subjects.

NCEA Level 2: Students need to achieve 80 credits, 60 of which must be at Level 2. The other 20 credits can be from Level 1, 2 or 3 standards.

NCEA Level 3: Students need to achieve 80 credits, 60 of which are from Level 3. The other 20 credits can be from Level 2 or above standards.

NCEA Scholarship Standards: These are optional separate external exams/assessments targeted at the more academic students, and there are a range of financial awards available for the most successful students. Scholarships do not provide extra credits towards Level 3 NCEA.

University Entrance a minimum of 42 credits at Level 3 on NQF, including a minimum of 14 credits at Level 3

or higher in each of two subjects from an approved subject list, with a further 14 credits at Level 3 or higher taken from no more than two additional domains on the NQF or approved subjects.

a minimum of 14 credits at Level 1 or higher in Maths. a minimum of 8 credits at Level 2 in English or Te Reo Maori; 4 credits must be in

Reading and 4 credits must be in Writing (from a list of approved Achievement and Unit Standards)

ENTRY REGULATIONS AND SUBJECT APPROVAL REGULATIONSYear 11 must take English, Maths and a Science subject, plus three options. (Science includes Horticulture and Geography)

Year 12 must take English or Te Reo Maori and should retain a broad choice of subjects. Students should take Maths if it is required as a foundation for tertiary study or they have not yet gained Level 1 Numeracy (8 credits) or UE Numeracy (14 Maths credits at Level 1 or above).

Year 13 are strongly advised to study English, or a subject with major English language component (eg. History, Media Studies, Art History) especially if intending to go to University.


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For students who have not gained UE Literacy and do not wish to do a full year of English, a module for UE Literacy will be offered. They must take a total of 5 options which make up a coherent overall course related to proposed tertiary study, or employment.

CORRESPONDENCEWhere a subject is not offered at Waiuku College, it is possible in some circumstances to apply to study this subject through the Correspondence School or Open Polytechnic. There are certain criteria which have to be met. Normally only one subject can be studied by correspondence. Students should consult the teacher in charge of correspondence. Correspondence School does not offer tuition where there is a timetable clash.

QUALIFICATION ENTRY FEES (For NQF/NCEA)Qualification entry is performed automatically from our school computer records in late June. Students pay the fees set by NZQA to the school office in early Term 3.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR EXAMINATION SUBJECT FEESThis must be applied for in Term 2. Miss Ranson will advise.

SUBJECT CHANGESAll course change requests begin with the student approaching the appropriate Dean. Changes from year-long courses can occur up to 1 March but students are expected to catch up on missed work. Students will be given the opportunity to complete any missed assessments. In exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to change course up to 1 April but the student must accept that some disadvantage may occur. Miss Ranson must be consulted about such late changes, and it would be advisable to talk to a Careers Adviser.

WITHDRAWAL FROM SUBJECTNo unauthorised withdrawal is permitted. Senior students must be following an assessed programme of at least 25 periods (20 hours) per week and must consult with their Dean over course withdrawal. Even if a student declines to enter and pay for qualification fees, he/she must continue to actively study the subject until at least the end of Term 3. This involves doing all set work, tests and exams. During Term 4, the student must attend class but with the permission of the teacher, may study another subject.

SPECIAL ASSISTANCEIn external exams and in certain internal assessments for NCEA, students may apply for special assistance, such as reader/writer extra time. HOD Study Support will assess the application initially and make a recommendation to NZQA for both internal and external exams.

ACCELERATION PROCEDUREIndividual students may be accelerated beyond their year level at the discretion of the appropriate Deans. Liaison between HOD of subject, parents and Dean is required.

STUDENT GUIDANCEThe Form Teacher should be the first source of help. The subject Teacher, subject Head of Department and Deans will be glad to assist in any way they can.

DEANS: Year 10 - Mrs GilmartinYear 11 - Mrs Whitehead

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Year 12 - Mr Ditchburn Year 13 - Mr Donald

Years 10-13

ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL)ESOL help is available for those for whom English is a second language. This is coordinated by Ms Linnen.

GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTSOpportunities are provided for students to participate in extension courses and academic competitions. Interested students should contact the relevant Head of Department.

CORRESPONDENCE FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDSStudents with special needs may be dual enrolled with the Correspondence School. This is organised through the Study Support Centre.

GUIDANCE COUNSELLORMrs Jordan is our guidance counsellor. Her services are available by appointment to all students and parents with personal and educational concerns. All matters are treated with tact and are in confidence. Her office is situated in the guidance suite beside D block.

CAREERS ADVISERStudents and parents are welcome to make appointments with Mrs Holborow to discuss any matter relating to careers. She can be contacted in the Careers Centre.

TERTIARY EDUCATION ADVICEMrs Jordan and Mrs Holborow can provide information and advice on courses, costs and accommodation. Students from at least Year 11 onwards who are interested in tertiary education should seek advice to ensure their school courses are appropriate.

FAMILY PLANNING CLINICA Family Planning Nurse is available to see any student for health-related matters. Information is treated confidentially. To arrange an appointment see Mrs Jordan the Guidance Counsellor.


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When students reach Year 12 a whole range of new opportunities are presented to them to enable them to plan their path through the senior school and leave well prepared for tertiary study or work.

WORK EXPLORATIONAvailable to all senior students, during school holidays, and after external exams. Year 12 students will be placed around Waiuku, while Year 13 students will be encouraged to explore further afield. The experience of the real working world along with employers reports, give lasting benefit in career choice, motivation at school, and in obtaining after school and holiday jobs. Individual Work Exploration programmes may be arranged for students with particular needs in that area during term time.

GATEWAY PROGRAMMEA structured work experience programme called “Gateway” operates for Year 12 and Year 13 students.For Year 12 and Year 13 students who are “work-ready” and have the necessary attitudes to complete 10-20 weeks of work placement with an employer one day a week, while they continue to study at school.

Gateway offers students: Workplace learning related to student career goals A formal partnership is made between the school, employer and learner in Term 1 prior to starting the

work placement The workplace learning is assessed and learners are able to gain Unit Standards towards their NCEA An individual learning plan is developed for each learner detailing their qualification and learning to be

achieved in the workplace The assessment usually occurs in the workplace Students develop a relationship with a local enterprise, as well as links with Industry Training


Benefits of the Gateway Programme have shown that students become more motivated and self-confident. Students have reported that the workplace learning is easier because it is ‘real’.

In 2011 we had Gateway placements in businesses including: Building, Sign writing, Banking, Engineering, Hospitality, Hairdressing, Equine, Agriculture, Sport and Recreation, Early Childhood Education, Automotive and Accounting.

In 2012 we will have placements available for 25 students in Year 12 and 13.

Students will need to fill out a Gateway Application Pack and participate in an interview.

Applications close end of Term 3 2011.

Interviews: Term 4 – Weeks 1 & 2.

S.T.A.R. COURSESSenior students can study part of a Unit Standards based Polytechnic course while still at school. Success in one of these will give easier access to a full time course at polytechnic in the future. The courses would suit students who find it difficult to find a stimulating full time programme at school. They must be prepared to travel by shuttle bus to Manukau Institute of Technology, one day a week for up to six months.

Other S.T.A.R. funded courses are based at school, including 12 Automotive Engineering, 12\13 Hospitality, and as part of the Gateway programme or 12 Physical Education & Sports Studies (eg. First Aid courses) or, 13 Transition (eg. “Great Success”).


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Some courses are offered in the holidays off-site such as Audio Engineering and Hairdressing. These will be advertised as they are offered.

All these courses work towards passing Unit Standards on the NZQA Qualifications Framework. FEES WILL BE PAID BY THE SCHOOL TRAVEL may need to be subsidised by parents, but is largely paid by the School. A SHUTTLE BUS will be arranged where a number of students are going on the same day, for the

same length of time. Students pay part of travel costs. STUDENTS must be committed to going regularly if they decide to register.



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CARPENTRY & FABRICATION* Carpentry Construction Skills* Fabrication and WeldingCATERING HOSPITALITY* Baking and Pastry for Café * Café Service* Catering for the Café Industry* Introduction to Flight AttendingCOMPUTER AIDED DESIGN* AutoCAD – Level 1* AutoCAD – Level 2* AutoCAD – Level 3* Solid Works – Level 1* Solid Works – Level 2* Solid Works – Level 3HEALTH STUDIES* A Career in NursingSPECIAL NEEDS* Developing Interpersonal Skills for Community and Work* Friendships and Relationships* Personal Presentation for Community and Work* Self Care for Good HealthVEHICLE TECHNOLOGY* Motor Body Trades OXY – Part 1* Motor Body Trades MIG – Part 2* Motor Body Trades – Refinish

Bookings should be made in 2011 for 2012

1 day / 11 weeks1 day / 9 weeks

1 day / 5 weeks1 day / 5 weeks1 day / 5 weeks1 day / 5 weeks

2 days 2 days2 days 2 days2 days 2 days

2 days

1 day / 4 weeks1 day / 9 weeks1 day / 5 weeks1 day / 4 weeks

1 day / 8 weeks1 day / 8 weeks1 day / 8 weeks

The following courses can be offered at suitable times during the year at Waiuku taught by outside providers.

1. Intermediate First Aid – Actions for Survival (end of Term 2 or in school holidays)(Year 12 PED, Year 12 Sports, Year 12 Pathway to Employment & GATEWAY students – 80- places)


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2. “Great Success” – Great Hospitality – Customer Service Skills (Term 2)

3. Basic Tractor Safety Training – Agribusiness (Term 3 holidays)(for students who know how to drive a tractor already)

4. Basic Farm Bike Safety Training – Agribusiness (Term 3 holidays)(for students who know how to drive an ATV already)

1. Cut Above Academy: * Make-up* Hairdressing* Beauty Therapy

2. South Seas Film & TV: * Intro to Video Production* Intro to Animation* On-Screen Acting

3. MAINZ: * Live Sound* Stage Lighting* Audio Engineering* Intro to DJing

4. Beyond the Camera: TV & Film Experience – St Andrews College, Christchurch

5. Lifeway College 3D Animation

See Mrs Holborow (Careers Adviser) for more information in Careers Suite (D9) and to put your name down for 2012 courses.

The Parent Donation is suggested at $150 per student, but where there is more than one child in the family attending the College, a maximum of $200 per family would be suitable. We ask our parent community to show their support for the school by contributing all or as much of this donation as they



School Costs

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can. This supports a wide range of sport, cultural, personal interest and leadership activities offered at the College.

Option “Fees” - ie, Basic pre-payment for materials used in some subjects. Most craft activities require payment to cover the cost of materials used. Finished articles then become the property of the student.

Trips out of school and camps will also involve extra costs. The costs below are indicative only. Year 9, 10 and 12 Camps are usually all in March.

Fees may be paid in instalments or by an automatic payment (see school office).

The Option “Fee” is a down payment on basic materials to be used. Each job is then costed out to cover any additions to the basic, and students are informed accordingly.

Subject Yr 9 (F3) Yr 10 (F4) Yr 11 (F5) Yr 12 (F6)

Yr 13 (F7)School Donation - single student; or - family (2 or more)






Year Level Camp $65.00 $150.00 - TBA -P.E. Tee Shirt $35.00 $35.00 - - -ID Card & Student Diary $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00Art/Design/Photography/


$5.00 ½ yr $10.00 Full yr $20.00







Maori Carving $40.00 $40.00 $40.00Automotive Engineering $15.00Electronics $15.00 $60.00 $20.00English – Outside Performance $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00Fabric Technology $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00Food Technology & Home Economics

$10.00 $25.00 $25.00Graphics $7.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00Horticulture $20.00 $20.00Materials Technology ½ yr $30.00 Unit Standards

$60.00Yr 12 Metal

$50.00Yr 12 Furniture


Music $30.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00Physical Education $20.00 $35.00Sport Studies $40.00 $40.00Technology $25.00 Achievement Std


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In addition to the above ‘materials’ fees, other subjects make charges for workbooks provided directly, field trips, optional course certificate fees and NCEA fees.

NZQA School Qualification fees are set by NZQA and must be paid to the School Office by the end of July. Financial Assistance is available to those eligible.

Subject: ENGLISH

AdvancedLevel: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement NCEA Level 2

Credit Value: 22 credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 14 Achievement Standard credits from a Year 11 English course.

CONTENTThis is a literature-based course which will include the study of a Shakespearian play, poetry and film. Students will also complete units in formal writing, creative writing, close reading and oral presentations.



AIMS To develop students’ ability to read and analyse literacy texts To develop students’ writing skills to the level required for tertiary study To develop students’ research skills

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ASSESSMENTStudents will be assessed using a mixture of internal and external achievement standards.

Internal Assessed Achievement Standards – 10 credits2.4 Produce a selection of crafted writing (6 credits)2.7 Analyse connections across texts (4 reading credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.1 Analyse aspects of written texts (4 credits)2.2 Analyse visual/oral text(s) (4 credits)2.3 Analyse unfamiliar texts (4 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES This course prepares students for Level 3 English Advanced. Entry to tertiary courses which require Level 2 Literacy credits.

NB: This course is recommended for students who intend to study at university after leaving school.

Subject: ENGLISH

Level: YEAR 12

Duration: FULL YEAR

Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 2

Credit Value: 20 credits



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RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSLevel 1 Literacy: a minimum of 10 Level 1 credits from any Year 11 English course.

CONTENTThis course offers close reading, formal writing, creative writing and workplace communication skills.

ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed using a mixture of internal unit and achievement standards.

Unit Standards – 10 credits3488 Write business correspondence. (6 credits)12420 Read transactional texts. (4 literacy credits)

Achievement Standards - 10 credits2.4 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing. (6 literacy credits)2.7 Theme Study – analyse connections across texts. (4 literacy credits)

COSTSThere are no costs associated with this subject.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESEntry to tertiary courses which require Level 2 literacy credits.

AIM To develop students’ reading, writing and oral communication skills. To prepare students for NCEA Level 2 Achievement and Unit standards. To enable students to achieve Level 2 Literacy credits internally.NB: Literacy at Level 2 requires a minimum of 4 reading and 4 writing credits.

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards

Credit Value 24 Credits RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Preference will be given to those who have a combination of any two of the following:- English: AS 1.2, 1.5, 1.9 Technology: AS 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 Graphics: AS 1.8

NB: This course is a combination of both practical and academic components. 80% of any media production or product produced revolves around written work, so an aptitude for this is a necessity. Good problem solving and people skills are also required, as is the ability to work both individually and as a group to tight deadlines. Students will also be obligated to work some weekends to produce media product e.g. sports stories.

AIMS: To give students an overall knowledge of the basic mechanics of visual and written Media. This will include:-

News: The gathering and production of non-fiction articles/ television news stories Film: Its creation and interpretation. Production management and design, shot choice and listing, basic editing, an understanding of lighting, camera and sound for the production of visual material suitable for public viewing. Understanding the three key elements of the genre in order to produce and interpret the media i.e. Audience, Purpose and Format.

CONTENT / ASSESSMENT:Internally assessed Achievement Standards - 15 credits



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2.2 Close read unfamiliar media text (3 credits)2.5 Demonstrate understanding of narrative conventions in media texts (3 credits)2.6 Design and produce a media product and evaluate the process used to create the product (6 credits)2.7 Use technology in media production (3 credits)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 9 credits2.1 Describe the relationship between a media product and its target audience (3 credits)2.3 Demonstrate understanding of messages and/or values, and representations within media texts (3 credits) 2.4 Demonstrate understanding of a media genre (3 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: Level 3 courses, or further study in Journalism/ Media Studies at any technical institute or university.


AdvancedLevel: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards




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14 credits in level one achievement standards including at least Achieved in 1.2 Algebra and 1.3 Graphs.

CONTENTS1. Coordinate Geometry *2. Graphs *3. Algebra4. Calculus5. Probability6. Solving Equations * (Those marked * are internally assessed)

ASSESSMENTExternally and internally assessed. Includes end of the year examination of External Achievement Standards and assessment of Internal Achievements Standards.

COSTS Workbook $25.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESFor those students intending to take Mathematics in Year 13.

AIMS To introduce “higher mathematics”, in particular, Calculus, which is the basis of many

courses at higher levels. To give students a good grasp of Algebra which is essential for all further study. To start the theoretical treatment of subjects (eg. quadratics) and to find practical

applications of topics.

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Statistics & Modelling

Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 3Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 16 creditsRECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS14 credits in Level one Mathematics including 4 credits for external assessment.

CONTENTSInternally Assessed Standards: 1. Investigate bivariate data.2. Investigate time series data.3. Use expected values.4. Curve Fitting

Externally Assessed Standards5. Solving Equations



AIMS To prepare students for Level 3 Achievement Standards, internal and external. To prepare students for Tertiary study for all subjects requiring statistical

analysis. To enable students to gain one University Entrance subject as a year 12 student.

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6. Confidence Intervals

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards. Externally Assessed Achievement Standards during the end of year external examination. COSTS: Workbook $27.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESRequired for further study in Science subjects. Essential for further study in Mathematics and Statistics at Tertiary level.

Subject: BIOLOGY

Level: YEAR 12

Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational Achievement NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards




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14 credits in Science at level 1 including 6 Internal credits and the external Biology standard. Students must have met Numeracy and Literacy requirements at level 1.

CONTENTInternally Assessed Standards – 10 credits 2.2 Analyse the biological validity of information presented to the public. (3 credits)2.3 Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or animals to their way of Life. (3 credits)2.6 Investigate a pattern in an ecological community (4 credits) Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.4 Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level (4 credits)2.5 Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change. (4 credits)2.7 Demonstrate understanding of gene expression. (4 external credits)

WORKBOOK COSTSEach student is expected to buy a Year 12 Biozone Workbook which is approximately $27.00

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Level 3 Biology Tertiary studies in the Biological Sciences Careers in Medicine, Veterinary Science, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Bio-medical

Engineering, Marine Biology, Forestry, Conservation, and Parks and Reserves.

AIMS To produce students with a genuine interest in Biology To prepare students for success in the NCEA level 2 Biology assessments and to

prepare them for study at level 3 To prepare students for tertiary studies and careers in the Biological Sciences

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementAchievement Standards

Credit Value: 24 CreditsRECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:Science 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 Achieved or better as well as Maths 1.3 Measurement, Achieved or better. Students must have met Numeracy and Literacy requirements.

ASSESSMENT:Internally Assessed Achievement Standards – 11 Credits2.1 Carry out qualitative analysis. (3 credits)2.2 Perform an acid-base volumetric analysis. (3 credits)2.3 Carry out a gravimetric or colorimetric analysis and solve related problems. (2 credits)US 8947 Characterise oxidation-reduction reactions. (3 credits)

Internal assessments will be carried out in class time during the year.

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 13 Credits2.4 Describe the nature of structure and bonding in different substances. (4 credits)2.5 Describe the structural formulae and reactions of compounds containing selected organic

functional groups. (4 credits)2.6 Describe thermochemical and equilibrium principles (5 credits)



AIMS:To provide an interesting course as preparation for further studies in Level 3 Chemistry - Nursing, Lab Technician, Food Technology courses and Polytech. Chemistry will assist students taking Biology and Horticulture.

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By examination at the end of year 12.

COSTS: A study guide to the value of approximately $17 is required.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:Year 13 Chemistry, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Laboratory work.

Subject: PHYSICSLevel: YEAR 12

Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational Achievement Level 2

Achievement & Unit StandardsCredit Value: 21 credits maximum

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:Level 1 Science 14 credits including 1.1 (AS 90940 mechanics), 1.2 (AS 90936 Physics investigation) as well as Maths 1.3 (Measurement) and 1.1 (Algebra) Achieved. Students should



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also be capable of gaining merits in some of the above to have a realistic chance of examination success at level 2.

Students must have met Numeracy and Literacy requirements.

CONTENT:The course covers:-1. Experimental Techniques & Practical Physics2. Light & Waves3. Atomic & Nuclear Physics4. Mechanics5. Electricity & Electromagnetism

ASSESSMENT:Internally Assessed Achievement Standards – 6 Credits2.1 Practical Test (4 credits) 2.5 Atomic and Nuclear Physics (2 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 15 Credits2.3 Light and Waves (4 credits)2.4 Mechanics (6 credits)2.6 Electricity and Electromagnetism (5 credits)

COSTS: Each student is expected to buy the “Year 12 Physics Course Manual” which costs approximately $25.00. Students will also be advised to purchase a revision guide at a cost of approximately $15.00 which will help them study.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:Physics opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities. NCEA Level 2 Physics forms the foundation for careers in all types of Engineering (Electrical, Electronic, Marine, Civil, Aeronautical) as well as being an asset for students considering careers in Medical Physics, Finance, Ophthalmology and Information Technology.

AIMS:Students will develop: an understanding of concepts, principles, and models in physics; the ability to use concepts, principles, and models to explain physical phenomena,

systems and devices.Students will appreciate: the nature of theories and models in physics; how physics and physics-based applications impact on society and are influenced by

the needs and attitudes of people.Students will develop practical investigative skills and attitudes to: determine relationships, patterns and trends in physical phenomena, systems and

devices; identify and explain applications of concepts and principles in physics.

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ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR LEVEL 3 PHYSICS:Students must study NCEA Level 2 Physics and Mathematics. They should achieve full credits in Physics 2.1, and at least 2 of the following 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, and have a good record of study in Mathematics. Students should also be capable of gaining merits in some of the above to have a realistic chance of examination success at Level 3. (Any variation in these requirements is at the discretion of the HOD Science.)

Subject: SCIENCE



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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARCredit Value or National Certificate ofQualification Gained: Educational Achievement

NCEA Level 2Achievement and Unit

StandardsCredit Value: 21 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:Achieved grades in Science at Level 1 or by arrangement with the HOD.

ASSESSMENT:Internally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 CreditsUS6311 Explain reasons for the special characteristics of NZ’s flora and fauna (3 credits)US6362 Demonstrate an understanding of fossils (3 credits)US8771 Describe the use and functioning of rockets, satellites and space probes (3 credits)2.2 Science - Research information to present a scientific report (3 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 9 Credits2.3 Science – Describe the factors and processes involved in the evolution of New Zealand’s plants and animals (4 credits)2.5 Science – Describe New Zealand’s geological history (3 credits)2.7 Science – Describe the nature and life cycle of stars (2 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:Science, Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Laboratory work.

AIMS:To provide a stimulating course focused on Science in New Zealand. As preparation for further studies in Science, Nursing, Lab Technician, Food Technology courses and Polytech.

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Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Education Achievement NCEA Level 2

Achievement Standards H.I.T.O Unit Standards

Credit Value: 19 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students should have studied Level 1 Horticulture.

CONTENTS1. Document growing plants.2. Knowledge of soils and fertilisers.3. Landscape design.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement and Unit Standards – 19 CreditsAS 90450v1 Carry out a practical horticulture investigation with supervision. (4 credits) US 21027v3 Plant and care for bedding plants, bulbs or herbaceous perennials. (10 credits)



AIMS To build on horticultural skills gained in Level 1 To encourage an interest in processes, life cycles and care of plants To develop skills in landscaping Introduce career possibilities

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US 2803v4 Maintain a document work record of horticultural activities. (5 credits)

COSTS: $20 subject fee.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESGood foundation leading towards higher Horticulture qualifications - Level 3 Horticulture National Certificate in Horticulture University Degree course leading to a wide range of employment opportunities Conservation, Agriculture, Exporting, Landscaping etc.


Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 23 Credits




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Level 1 Geography: 6 Internal credits and 8 External credits. Otherwise at HOD’s / TIC’s discretion.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 11 credits *2.5 Conduct geographic research with guidance (5 credits) 2.6 Explain aspects of a contemporary geographic issue (3 credits) 2.7 Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale (3 credits)

* There may also be an opportunity for students to undertake an internal assessment using a computer based Geographic Information System (GIS) worth an additional 3 credits.

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards - 12 credits2.1 Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment (4 credits)2.3 Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development (4 credits)2.4 Apply concepts and geographic skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment (4 credits)

COSTSField trip - cost depends on study destination.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES● Level 3 Geography● Possible Careers are:- Cartographer (Map Maker); Survey Technician \ Draughting Assistant; Pilot; Journalist; Teaching; Park Ranger; Travel Agent; Town Planning; Industrial Relations Officer; Environmental Adviser

AIMSUnderstanding of natural and cultural landscapes and the patterns, processes, and interactions that exist within and between them.

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Subject: HISTORY

Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 24 to 28 credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents must be prepared and able to read a wide variety of sources of information: research and communicate information in a variety of presentations including essays, reports and a research report. HOD/TIC discretion.

CONTENTTheme: Nationalism in ActionCase Studies: Germany 1918 -1945

Vietnam and Conflict in Indo China 1945 – 1975 The Waikato Wars 1863 - 1864

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 14 Credits2.1 Historical inquiry. (4 credits)2.2 Examine an Historical Event of significance. (5 credits)2.4 Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical setting. (5 credits)



AIMS To develop the skills of enquiry, interpretation and communication used in history. To foster an understanding of other people and places distant in time and place. To develop in students the ability to enter imaginatively into the past.

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Externally Assessed – 14 Credits2.3 Examine Sources of an Historical Events. (4 credits)2.5 Examine causes and consequences in an essay. (5 credits)2.6 Examine how a significant event affected NZ society. (5 credits)

COSTSCost of field trip in Term 1 or Term 2.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Level 3 Scholarship and University. Necessary for those interested in Journalism, Communications, Public Relations, Law,

Research, Police, Government Departments.

Subject: TOURISM

Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEAR Credit Value or National Certificate ofQualification Gained: Educational Achievement

NCEA Level 2Unit Standards

Credit Value: 23 credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS An interest in tourism, travel and the people of the South Pacific. At least 8 credits in Level 1 Maths. At least 6 literacy credits in Level 2 English.



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Geography at Level 1 preferred but not essential.

CONTENT/ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Unit Standards – 23 credits24728 Demonstrate knowledge of work roles in tourism (3 credits)24729 Demonstrate knowledge of world tourist destinations (4 credits)24730 Demonstrate knowledge of the business of tourism (4 credits)24731 Demonstrate knowledge of destination New Zealand (3 credits)24732 Demonstrate knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs (3 credits)24726 Describe and compare social and cultural impacts of tourism (3 credits)24727 Describe and compare impacts of tourism on the physical environment (3 credits)

COSTS$20 Class Materials fee is payable within the first two weeks of the course.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESThis subject can be studied at Year 13 and a National Certificate in Tourism is a possible outcome. Job opportunities are available in many fields of the tourist industry. Further training is available in both Auckland and Wellington.


AIMS To develop an understanding of the Tourist Industry in New Zealand and the Pacific To enable students to complete the National Certificate in Tourism over two years.



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Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEAR Credit Value or National Certificate ofQualification Gained: Educational Achievement

NCEA Level 2Credit Value: 27 credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSLevel 1 Business Studies or high level of English and Mathematics at Level 1.

CONTENT ● Business formation● Functions of business● People in business● Business management● Business environment

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 15 credits2.4 Market Research. (3 credits)2.5 Motivation in the Workplace. (3 credits)2.6 Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance. (9 credits)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.1 Demonstrate understanding of the internal operations of a large business. (4 credits)2.2 Demonstrate understanding of how a large business responds to external factors (4 credits)2.3 Apply business knowledge to a critical problem(s) in a given large business context. (4 credits)

COSTS: 2 Class trips and workbooks.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES● NCEA Level 3 Business ● Many degree or diploma courses

AIMS● Explore how and why large businesses in New Zealand make operational decisions in response to internal and external factors. ● Plan, take to market, review and then refine a business activity incorporating a community well-being focus, basing recommendations for the future on market feedback.

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR

Qualification Gained: National Certificate ofEducational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 24 credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Must have achieved the following standards: 90893 or 90896, 90894 or 90895, 90897(or teacher discretion) (approximately 15 credits)

CONTENTS1. Writing: Use of both hiragana and katakana and kanji.2. Study of plain form leading to intermediate grammar topics in Japanese.3. Listening, speaking, reading and writing on the topic areas of Homestay, Food, Young

People and Sports.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – maximum of 14 credits2.2 Speak/present (speech)2.3 Interact (portfolio of short conversations with other students and / or teacher done over a year)



AIMS To build on the NCEA Level 1 course to develop increased competence and

confidence in written and spoken Japanese. To encourage an interest in more advanced topics in Japanese culture and society.

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2.5 Write (portfolio of writing done over a year)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – maximum of 10 credits2.1 Listen and respond2.4 View and respond (reading)

COSTS: Course Workbook and Language Perfect website fee - $25.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESYear 13 NCEA Level 3, plus University or Polytech courses leading to opportunities in: Tourism, Travel, Hospitality Industry, Retail, Sales, Marketing, Business Education, International Relations.

Subject: SPANISH

Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 20 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Must have achieved the following standards: 1.4, 1.1 or 1.5 or 1.3 (or at Teacher’s discretion)



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CONTENT1. Topics covered: Celebrations & Festivals; My Community; Education and

Employment; Social Life and Customs; Healthy Lifestyle; Sport and Recreation; Travel and Holidays, My Future.

2. Geography, Culture, History of Hispanic countries.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 10 Credits2.3 Interact using Spanish to communicate information, ideas and opinions in different, more complex situations. (5 Credits)2.5 Write a variety of more complex text types in Spanish on areas of immediate relevance. (5 Credits)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 10 Credits2.1 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in less familiar contexts. (5 credits)2.4 Read and understand written Spanish in less familiar contexts. (5 Credits)

COSTS: $30 Language Perfect Website registration and workbook

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES NCEA Level 3 Spanish University and Polytech courses leading to opportunities in tourism, travel, hospitality

industry, retail sales, marketing, business, journalism, translating and interpreting, education and international relations and any industry involving overseas communication.

AIMS: To develop the four language skills acquired at NCEA level 1: Listening; Speaking; Reading and Writing. To reach a higher level of self-expression in speaking and writing Spanish in a variety of situations. To develop further understanding of Hispanic countries and cultures.

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 20 - 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Achieved majority of standards in Level 1 Te Reo Maori.

CONTENT1. Listening Component

2. Oral Component: 3. Reading Component: 4. Written Component:

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 14 credits2.1.1 Whakarongo – Listening (4 credits) 2.2 Korero – Speaking (6 credits) 2.5 Tuhinga – Crafted writing (4 credits) (Will be offered to selected students)



AIMS To further develop skills in reading, writing, oral and communication. To encourage students to have pride in themselves and in their heritage, and to share with others in this. To develop pride in being Maori.

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Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 10 credits2.3 Panui – Reading (6 credits) 2.4 Tuhituhi – Writing (4 credits)

COSTS$15 Language Perfect Computer Programme

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Level 3 Te Reo Maori University /Polytech courses Careers in: Tourism, Travel, Hospitality Industry, Retail, Sales, Marketing, Business

Education, International Relations.

Subject: DRAMA

Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEAR

Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 30 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSIt is highly desirable for students to have gained 19 Credits in Level 1 Drama.



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CONTENT: This course has been designed to give students a broad-based introduction to the advanced study of drama. The focus is on a wide range of dramatic subjects, aspects of theatre and performance. Students will be expected to participate in all dramatic events produced by the school.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards: 22 Credits2.1 Apply drama techniques in a dramatic context. (4 credits)2.2 Devise and perform a drama. (5 credits)2.4 Select and use features of a drama/theatre form in a performance. (4 credits)2.5 Demonstrate understanding of a play that is significant in the development of theatre. (4 credits)2.6 Perform an acting role in a scripted production. (5 credits)Externally Assessed Achievement standards: 8 credits2.3 Demonstrate understanding of features of a drama/theatre form. (4 credits)2.7 Demonstrate understanding of the use of drama aspects within live performance. (4 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject but students will be required to attend and pay for three live performances.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESStudents can pursue careers on and off the stage including set design, production, script writing, acting, singing, directing, lighting and sound among various others.

AIMS To develop personal skills of communication and confidence both oral and non-verbal To study characterisations, plays, poetry and learn skills of mime and voice control To gain experience in technical aspects of theatre including: set design, costuming,

lighting, sound and make-up To study the history of theatre, experience live theatre and their own life performance To gain the background knowledge to be able to appreciate and criticise all forms of

dramatic entertainment To write and design their own work

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Subject: MAORI

PERFORMING ARTS Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2 and 3Achievement and Unit Standards

Credit Value 32 Credits Maximum

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents need not have taken Maori Performing Arts before, but must be able to produce a school report showing satisfactory achievement, effort and behaviour in all subjects. Entry to class by interview with HOD Maori. Please bring end of year report from previous year. Students cannot take this with Level 1 Drama.

CONTENT / ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Unit Standards – 19 credits Level 3. Demonstrates knowledge and skills of Waiata. (6 credits) Level 3 Demonstrates knowledge and skills of Poi. (7 credits) Level 3. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of Haka. (6 credits)Note: Standards taken above will depend on gender of student. Internally Assessed Drama Achievement Standards – 9 credits



AIMS● To develop practical knowledge of Kapa Haka as well as Maori Drama To extend skills in cultural knowledge and performance To develop personal skills of communication, confidence, both oral and non verbal To study cultural theatre, experience live theatre and their own life performance

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2.1 Apply drama techniques in a dramatic context. (4 credits)2.2 Devise and perform a drama. (5 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement standards: 4 credits2.7 Demonstrate understanding of the use of drama aspects within live performance. (4 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject but students will be required to attend and pay for three live performances.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:Level 3 Maori Performing Arts or Performing Arts at Polytech

Subject: MUSIC

Level: YEAR 12

Duration: FULL YEAR

Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement

NCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: Minimum of 18 CreditsMaximum of 30 Credits




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This course is designed for those students who wish to develop their musical skills to an advanced level. To help achieve this each student must have:- a minimum of 18 credits in Level 1 Music as well as Literacy requirements. a minimum of 3 years instrumental tuition on major instrument. (Either school instrumental

music tuition programme or private tuition).Students must:- attend regular (weekly) instrumental lessons at an advanced level, throughout the duration

of the course. Private instrumental tuition is highly desirable. participate in school ensembles as requested by instrumental tutor and music teacher.

Note: Each student is examined on their own merit; some or all of these requirements can be waived if a student can demonstrate to the Teacher in Charge of Music that an adequate level of performance and music theory skills have been reached.

CONTENTThe Year 12 course is demanding in performance, theory, musical analysis, aural skills, music knowledge and arranging/composition. However there is a pick and mix possibility to gain the required credits, some are more performance based whilst others are more theoretical based. For Tertiary study a combination of both strands is required.

ASSESSMENT The final numbers of credits that the student is awarded are derived from the assessment of tasks undertaken throughout the year. A programme can be negotiated with the Head of Department that can include elements of both the Practical Music and the Music Studies courses. All assessments are moderated through consultation with other music teachers\advisers and moderators to ensure that the levels and subsequent credits awarded are equated with those being awarded across the nation. The standards for Level 2 Music are:-

Making Music: Students will be required to complete a variety of tasks relating to the 5 Achievement Standards and 3 Unit Standards The Achievement Standards and Unit Standards for Level 2 Making Music are:-

AIMS To foster involvement and positive attitudes in Music with emphasis on musical

performance. To stimulate and develop an appreciation and enjoyment of Music through active

involvement in the three musical domains: Creation, Recreation and Appreciation.

To develop some performance skills, encouraging professional performance experience applied to a wide range of musical activities in both the school and wider community.

To develop a perceptive, sensitive and discriminating response to all styles of music.

To encourage the development of memory and the acquisition of aural and analytical skills.

To provide an appropriate body of knowledge and develop skills as a basis for further study or leisure.

To allow access to music technology, thereby helping to provide links with the commercial music world.

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Internally Assessed Achievement Standards - 37 Credits2.1 Perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist. (6 credits)2.2 Perform a substantial piece of music as a featured soloist on a second instrument.

(3 credits)2.3 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial piece of music as a

member of a group. (4 credits)2.4 Compose two substantial pieces of music (6 credits)US 20747 Perform music based on research of recorded compositions (10 credits)US 23729 Demonstrate knowledge of, and operate digital music communication systems for a music performance. (4 Credits)SOND2 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of sound for a performance using control and enhancement processes. (4 credits A,M,E)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards - 4 Credits 2.5 Demonstrate aural skill through written representation (4 credits)

Music Studies: Students will be required to complete a variety of tasks relating to the 4 Achievement Standards. The Achievement Standards for Level 2 Music Studies are:-

Internally Assessed Achievement Standards - 8 Credits2.8 Devise an instrumentation for an ensemble (4 credits)2.9 Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music (4 credits)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards - 10 Credits2.6 Demonstrate knowledge of conventions in a range of music scores (4 credits)2.7 Demonstrate understanding of two substantial contrasting music works ( 6 credits)

COSTS: There is a $20 subject fee for resources and workbooks.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESThis course provides the knowledge and skill base for those students who wish to study to an advanced level. Opportunities are available for further study in music at tertiary level for a career as a full or part-time musician, teacher or music therapist. Music is also necessary for careers in broadcasting, audio engineering and recording, multimedia and music management.

Subject: DESIGN

Level: YEAR 12



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Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSA minimum of 12 credits from Level 1 Visual Art.

CONTENT/ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 Credits2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established design practice (4

credits)2.2 Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to design (4 credits)2.3 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practices

(4 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.4 Students will produce a systematic body of work to show understanding of art-making

conventions and ideas within design. This work will be submitted for external assessment on a 2 board folio.

COSTS: $40.00 Class materials fee payable within the first two weeks.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESA minimum of 12 credits is required for entry into Level 3 full year courses in Painting, Design, Photography. Further study can also be undertaken at any Technical Institute or University.

AIMS: (Derived from The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum – Level 7) To develop practical knowledge in the Visual Arts - to extend skills with techniques,

tools, and materials in the selected fields of design, printmaking, painting, photography, and electronic media

To develop ideas in the Visual Arts – use a systematic approach to generate, analyse, and clarify ideas in a body of work

To communicate and interpret in the Visual Arts – research and analyse how artworks are organised and presented to communicate meaning, and how the form or convention used can modify ideas

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSA minimum of 12 credits from Level 1 Visual Art.

AIMS: (Derived from The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum – Level 7) To develop practical knowledge in the Visual Arts – to extend skills with techniques, tools

and materials in the selected fields of design, printmaking, painting, photography and electronic media.

To develop ideas in the Visual Arts – use a systematic approach to generate, analyse and clarify ideas in a body of work

To communicate and interpret in the Visual Arts – research and analyse how artworks are organised and presented to communicate meaning and how the form or convention used can modify ideas

CONTENT / ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 Credits2.5 Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established painting practice.

(4 credits)2.6 Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to painting (4 credits)



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2.7 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice. (4 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.8 Students will produce a systematic body of work to show understanding of art-making

conventions and ideas within painting. This work will be submitted for external assessment on a 2 board folio.

COSTS: $110.00 Art fees include all materials and student Art Packs.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESA minimum of 12 credits is required for entry into Level 3 full year courses in Painting, Design and Photography. Further study can also be undertaken at any Technical Institute or University.


Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards

Credit Value 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents need not have taken art before, however students who have gained 12 credits at Level 1 Visual Arts will have a distinct advantage. Students must have a good quality digital camera.



AIMS: (Derived from The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum – Level 7) To develop practical knowledge in the Visual Arts - to extend skills with techniques,

tools, and materials in the selected field of photography To develop ideas in the Visual Arts – use a systematic approach to generate,

analyse, and clarify ideas in a body of work in photography. To communicate and interpret in the Visual Arts – research and analyse how

artworks are organised and presented to communicate meaning, and how the form or convention used can modify ideas.

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CONTENT / ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 Credits2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice

appropriate to photography. (4 credits)2.2 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to photograph (4

credits)2.3 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established photography

practice. (4 credits)

Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 12 credits2.4 Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art-making conventions

and ideas within photography. This work will be submitted for external assessment on a 2 board folio.

COSTS: $40.00 Class materials fee payable within the first two weeks of the course.





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Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement and Unit Standards

Credit Value: 16 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSIt is highly desirable for students to have taken Year 11 Maori Carving and have shown interest and motivation.

CONTENT1. A wide variety of activities are covered which will include drawing of various forms and in a

variety of media, sculpture, mixed media work and advanced printmaking.2. Students need to work steadily throughout the year to produce the considerable amount of

work demanded of them

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards – 16 Credits2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice

appropriate to sculpture. (4 credits) 2.2 Use drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions appropriate to sculpture.

(4 credits)2.3 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established sculpture

Practice. (4 credits)2.4 Produce a resolved work that demonstrates control of skills appropriate to cultural

Conventions. (4 credits)

COSTS: $40.00 Art fee covers materials used in class.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESArt is a necessary subject for those seeking careers in the Visual Arts, I.T. Design, photography, fashion, architecture and teaching and traditional carving.

AIMS To cover a wide range of art activities but specialise in three dimensional work To learn to develop and clarify ideas in visual form To develop an understanding of and respond to the artworks of others To provide the opportunity for self expression in an academically demanding year.

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement NCEA Level 2 Unit StandardsCredit Value: 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSOpen entry. This is an introductory course. (Students who took the Year 10 or Year 11 Digital Technology must have completed it satisfactorily).

CONTENTUS 25656 Create a website using a mark-up language to meet a set brief. (3 credits)US 2784 Create and use a computer spreadsheet to solve a problem. (3 credits)US 2786 Create and use a computer database to solve a problem (3 credits)US 2788 Produce Desktop published documents to meet a set brief (5 credits)US 2791 Integrate spreadsheet and database data into a word processed document to

meet a set brief. (3 credits)US 5946 Use computer applications to present a computer topic. (3 credits)US 5957 Produce schematic diagrams using a computer application. (2 Credits)US 6734 Demonstrate an understanding of ergonomic principles for computer workstations. (2 credits)



AIMSEach Unit Standard has its own specified set of aims. The overall aim of the course is to empower students to operate a personal computer, in its most common uses, with confidence.

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ASSESSMENT Observation of practical tasks, and practical and written tests. Student may submit themselves for reassessment more than once. Each Unit Standard requires that the student must achieve competency in every single

aspect of the Standard before that Standard can be awarded.

COSTS$20 course costs, for printing. Students should also provide their own headphones/ear buds (for listening, watching and editing digital media during class).

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESBusiness and Computing Courses at Polytechnics and Universities.


Level: YEAR 12Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: Level 2 National Certificate

in Automotive EngineeringCredit Value: NCEA Level 2 - 24 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSYear 12 and Year 13 students only. Students should have done Year 11 or Year 12 Technology.



AIMTo provide a broad range of automotive industry training and an initial industry qualification.

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CONTENT1. Students will be required to undertake a course of practical and theory covering a range of

skills used in the Automobile industry. These will include the use of Oxy-Acetylene Welding plant.

2. Correct use of workshop procedures in cutting and drilling metal.

ASSESSMENTInternally assessed by the teacher in the school. Credits gained by assessment against Unit Standards at school are reported directly to MIT who is the provider and moderator of this course.

COSTSThere is a subject fee of $15.00 to cover materials used to be paid by February.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESThe units gained lead on to the Automotive field. This in turn can lead to apprenticeship training in:-

Automotive Engineering Brake System Maintenance Power Boat Servicing Heavy Truck Maintenance Automotive Electrical Engineering


Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement



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NCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 21 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS15 credits in Level 1 Graphics and the following standards: 1.31, 1.32 and 1.35

CONTENTAreas covered: Graphics Communication and Design; Environmental Design; Technological Design; Media Design. The quality and quantity of work submitted for assessment should demonstrate that skill development has advanced beyond Year 11 in all areas of understanding.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Achievement Standards - 12 Credits2.5 Produce a mock-up and model (3 credits)2.6 Design and present a solution for an architectural / environmental brief (3 credits)2.7 Design and present a solution for an engineering or technological brief (3 credits)2.8 Design and present a solution for a media or technical illustration brief (3 credits)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 9 Credits2.1 Produce 2D and 3D annotated freehand sketches. (3 credits)2.2 Produce 2D instrumental drawings. (3 credits)2.3 Produce 3D instrumental drawings. (3 credits)

All work is done throughout the year. There is no external examination. Students will be required to prepare and submit for external assessment work relating to standards 2.1 to 2.4. A portfolio containing these will be sent away to external assessors.

FEES: Drawing paper $25.


AIMS To provide a variety of design and drawing experiences which are challenging, creative,

useful and enjoyable. To promote an understanding of technology and its applications on awareness of

economic and environmental issues and encourage the exercising of aesthetic values. To stimulate self confidence, self esteem and pride in achievement by enabling all

students to achieve personal success.

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Level: YEAR 12/13

Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification National Certificate of Gained:

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2 & 3Unit and Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 26 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:Having completed Level 1 Home Economics with TIC of subject approval.

CONTENTS:Areas of study include: Preparation for service; Serving food to customers; Effective & Efficient practices in a commercial kitchen; Basic cookery methods; Cleaning methods and processes; Knowledge of hospitality departments; Commercial food sources and costs; Food Safety Hygiene Practices.

ASSESSMENT:Internally Assessed Unit Standards – 18 Credits167 Practice Food Safety Methods in Food Business. (4 credits) 13284 Clean Food Production Areas, Equipment and Utensils in a Commercial Kitchen. (2 credits)13280 Prepare fruit and vegetables in a commercial kitchen. (2 credits)13283 Prepare and present salads for service in a commercial kitchen. (2 credits)13285 Handle and maintain knives in a commercial kitchen. Level 3. (2 credits)



AIMS: This programme is for people who are studying in a school or early tertiaryenvironment. The qualification is awarded to people who have demonstrated that they have the foundation skills and knowledge necessary to enter the hospitality industry.

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13281 Prepare and present basic sandwiches for service. Level 2 (2 credits)6648 Food Technology and Nutrition: Prepare, plan and serve food for a special occasion. Level 3. (4 credits)Internally Assessed Achievement Standards – 4 CreditsAS90243 2.1 Explore a nutritional concern for a targeted group. Level 2. (4 credits) (This standard is optional)Externally Assessed Achievement Standards – 4 CreditsA.S. 90244 External Exam: Describe beliefs and practices associated with vegetarianism. (Level 2 – 4 credits)

COSTS: Materials - $25.00 to be paid by end of February 2011. Students are also required to bring some ingredients for practicals.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: Careers within the food industry Eg. Catering, Hospitality, Food Technology, Marketing, Food Research.



Duration: FULL YEAR

Qualification Gained: National Certificate ofEducational AchievementETITO Certificate of AttainmentLevel 2 Unit Standards

Credit Value: Level 2 - 16 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents must have studied Electronics in Year 11. (Done units 18240, 18242 and 18243)



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CONTENTThe course will include the study of digital and analogue systems .

The course is internally assessed through ETITO Standards Unit and Physics Unit Standards.

Successful completion of the Year 11 and 12 ETITO standards may result in the award of ETITO Certificate of Attainment.

COSTSTotal cost $40. $20 subject fee to cover the cost for materials for experiments and $20 workbook to be paid by February 2012

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESTertiary institute courses in electronics working in electronics/electrical sectors.


Level: Level 2 & 3 StandardsDuration: 1 – 2 Years

AIMS To present a course of study which builds on the knowledge and skills gained in

Year 11. To further develop skills and understanding of electronic principles, systems and

component use. To develop self confidence, self esteem and pride in achievement by enabling

students to achieve personal success.



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Suitable for Y12 &13 Students

Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational AchievementNCEA Level 1, 2 & 3Unit Standards

Credit Value : Maximum 31 Credits (Students are not expected to attempt all units in one year)

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSLevel 1 course in either of the hard materials technology courses. A good understanding of woodworking techniques is essential.

CONTENTStudents will be expected to design and make either their own item of furniture or a cheval with a drawer, a wine bottle stand and samples of wood turning.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Unit Standards; Recommended to aim for 31 credits.2217 Select and use safety equipment for furniture work (2 credits)20047 Hand turn wood to produce furniture items (4 credits)25569 Demonstrate knowledge of timber types and insect attack in furniture operations

(4 credits)2199 Use and maintain hand tools in furniture making (4 credits)25536 Operate a band saw to produce furniture components (3 credits)25537 Set a bandsaw to cut furniture components (4 credits)18918 Construct a furniture carcase (6 credits)16230 Demonstrate knowledge of and use adhesives in furniture making (2 credits)14995 Construct freehand drawings for use in furniture making (2 credits)

COSTS: Materials $90.00.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESA career in any of the woodwork related trades, building, carpentry, boat building, kitchen making etc.

AIMS: To develop students practical skills and theoretical knowledge of how to process timber in preparation for an apprenticeship in a woodworking trade.

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARCredit Value: 23 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents should have completed 14 credits at NCEA Level 1 Technology. Can only be chosen once either Yr12 or Yr13.

CONTENT1. To obtain a sense of achievement and satisfaction through craftsmanship and pride in

workmanship.2. Gain experience in decision making through practical problem solving.3. Develop skills that will allow the translation of knowledge and ideas into practical realities.4. Develop self-discipline and a range of practical skills which permit safe and satisfying use of

tools and materials.5. Practising the skills of reading, measuring, calculating as used in a workshop situation.6. Develop skills in communication and research.

ASSESSMENTThe course is totally internally assessed through Unit Standards with moderation undertaken by Skills 4 Work. The credits gained are 23 at Level 2. These are obtained through the construction of various metal working projects and the completion of workbooks.




AIMS To develop self confidence and creative ability. Students are involved in developing projects using engineering and drawing skills. Students study technology relating to materials, tools and processes and develop

their craft skills in metalwork.

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Materials fee $50 due by the end of February 2012. For large projects, a further material fee will be required to cover increase costs of materials and delivery .

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESCan lead to tertiary education in Automotive, General Engineering, Fabrication & Refrigeration.


Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR Qualification Gained: NCEA Level 2 Achievement StandardsCredit Value: 20 Credits




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It is necessary to have successfully completed Yr 11 Fabric Technology. Students need to be self motivated and be capable of working independently.

CONTENTThe course will consist of two design briefs that will allow students to follow the design process to develop a range of individualised products. Each design brief consists of the following aspects:-(a) Research and investigation-students will gather information relating to the given theme and

existing products(b) Design work: Work related to the design process. (c) Practical work: Students will learn and apply a range of techniques and processes to

develop a workable final outcome.

ASSESSMENTInternally Assessed Unit Standards – 16 Credits2.1 Develop and model a conceptual design (6 credits)2.2 Develop and implement a one-off solution (6 credits)2.7 Demonstrate skills in materials technology (4 credits)Externally Assessed Standards – 4 credits2.5 Inform own technological practice through the characterisation of an existing

production process (4 credits)

COSTS: $20 subject fee is to be paid by the end of February 2011. Students are also required to purchase their own fabric and trims for projects throughout the year.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESWork within the clothing industry or retail trade; Technical Institute course in manufacturing, design and pattern making; Diploma and Bachelor of Design (Fashion) university courses.

AIMS Further develop skills learnt in Level 1 and apply these to practical projects. Gain an understanding of the realities of the industry –meet with technologists Learn industry based skills in pattern making and computer aided design Work with independence and develop high level thinking, self management and problem solving skills applicable across all areas of study

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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational AchievementNCEA Level 2Achievement Standards

Credit Value: 20 Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS13 credits at Level 1 Physical Education.

CONTENT1. This is an academic course – 80% theory. 2. The course includes Functional Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Health Related Fitness,

Issues in Physical Education, Biomechanics, Motor Skill Learning, Communication and Leadership, Outdoor Recreation and Fitness Studies.

ASSESSMENTThis is a totally internally assessed course. 2.1 Examine relationships between regular exercise and concepts of fitness and health.

(3 credits)2.2 Examine how principles of anatomy and biomechanics relate to physical activity.

(4 credits)2.3 Examine principles and methods of training in physical activity. (2 credits)



AIMSTo provide background knowledge and skills for those interested in the Physical Education, Recreation, Leadership and Health fields.

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2.4 Examine skill learning and sports psychology in physical activity. (2 credits)2.5 Demonstrate performance in physical activities. (4 credits)2.7 Plan, apply and review leadership strategies in a group or team physical activity.

(3 credits)2.8 Demonstrate knowledge of safety issues and apply safety management procedures

in a physical activity. (2 credits)

COSTS$35 Subject Fee.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESUseful subject for those interested in Leadership, Recreation, Health and Physical Education areas. This course is the pre-requisite for Year 13 Physical Education Level 3 course. This course could be an introduction into the Sport & Recreation field.


& LEISURELevel: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEAR

1 option line Qualification Gained: National Certificate of Educational Achievement NCEA Level 2Credit Value: Possible 20 Credits A combination of Unit Standards




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Students should have demonstrated a commitment to and participation in sport. Priority given to students who have participated in Level 1 Physical Education. Must have met Literacy and Numeracy requirements. Students intending to progress through to NCEA Level 3 Physical Education should not take this course.

CONTENTTopics will include:- Sports and fitness training Sports coaching Adventure based learning Factors influencing participation

ASSESSMENT Practical Projects. ie. coaching, event management Set Assignments. ie. Power Point presentations, reports / tests and related unit studies.

COSTS$35 payable to the School Office.

POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDY AND/OR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESThis course will be a stepping stone for future study in The Sport and Recreation field.


AIMS To develop lifelong positive attitudes towards sport and training To become aware of a variety of different sports and what they have to offer To increase performance / achievement in your particular sport To develop leadership skills To develop outdoor education skills.



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Level: YEAR 12 Duration: FULL YEARQualification Gained: National Certificate of

Educational Achievement NCEA Level 2

Unit Standards Credit Value: 20 Credits + 4 First Aid Credits

RECOMMENDED ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students should be actively seeking to be on the Gateway Work Experience Programme and prepared to go to a work placement one day per week in Terms 2 & 3. They must commit to completing the workplace theory study to gain credits towards NCEA. This is the pathway to apprenticeships and jobs.

CONTENT AND ASSESSMENTThis course will be made up of Core Generic Unit Standards which lead to the National Certificate in Employment Skills. The following units will be studied:-24704 (v1) Demonstrate knowledge of banking products and services for personal

financial management. (2 credits)24707 (v1) Set a personal financial goal and plan its implementation. (3 credits)12355 (v2) Demonstrate knowledge of stress and ways of dealing with it. (2 credits)4261 (v3) Identify rights and responsibilities in relation to owning and operating a private motor vehicle. (2 credits)10781 (v2) Produce a plan for own future directions. (3 credits)4252 (v3) Produce a targeted resume. (2 credits)4253 (v4) Obtain job search skills. (3 credits)1979 (v7) Describe the employment relationship and the application of employment law to it. (3 credits)

GATEWAY PLACEMENT: Students must achieve a satisfactory work record in class in Term 1 and be “work ready” before they may be placed in a real work environment in Terms 2 & 3 on a Gateway placement one day a week

S.T.A.R. COURSES: (Fees paid by S.T.A.R funds). Students could choose to attend appropriate ones at Manukau Institute of Technology. See separate sheet. A Workplace First Aid Course will be offered in the Term 2 holidays. (4 credits)

COSTS: There are no costs associated with this subject.


Jobs in the workplace / apprenticeships Tertiary courses at M.I.T., A.U.T. or UNITEC in July and November.

AIMS: To give students the knowledge, attitudes, skills and confidence to plan their future careers.