schizophrenia chapter 18 section 6. what is schizophrenia distortion/disturbance of cognition,...

Download Schizophrenia Chapter 18 Section 6. What is Schizophrenia Distortion/disturbance of cognition, emotions, perception, and motor functions. Schizophrenics

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Schizophrenia Chapter 18 Section 6 Slide 2 What is Schizophrenia Distortion/disturbance of cognition, emotions, perception, and motor functions. Schizophrenics suffer emotional disturbances and can lose some motor control. If a person remains afflicted with schizophrenia for a long time, it often causes brain damage. Slide 3 What is Schizophrenia? (cont) Afflicts one in every 100 people Those who have a family history have a one in ten chance of developing the disorder. Most schizophrenics have confused, disordered thoughts that end up affecting their speech as well Slide 4 Schizophrenia Many schizophrenics live far from reality in a dreamy, imaginary world filled with delusions, disembodied voices, and vivid hallucinations. Slide 5 Slide 6 Symptoms of Schizophrenia Delusions/paranoia Hallucinations Language changes Affect Changes Movement Changes Diverted attention Slide 7 Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Catatonic Disorganized Slide 8 Paranoid Schizophrenia Hallucinations of smell, taste, and other bodily sensations Unseen voices that give them commands. Belief that they have a special mission Slide 9 Inside the mind of a schizophrenic Slide 10 Disorganized Schizophrenia Incoherent language Inappropriate emotions Disorganized motor behavior Hallucinations and delusions Patients will neglect their appearance and hygiene and even lose control of their bladders and bowels. Slide 11 Catatonic Schizophrenia Catatonic State: mute, immobile, and mostly unresponsive Unusual postures held for long periods of time. Waxy flexibility Slide 12 Pediatric Schizophrenia ICgdU ICgdU Slide 13 Remission No cure exists for schizophrenia but some suffers do have periods where their symptoms become greatly reduced or disappear completely. Psychologists refer to this as remission: because symptoms almost always return eventually. Slide 14 Causes of Schizophrenia Much debate exists as to what actually causes Schizophrenia Possible factors: Genetic Biochemistry/brain structure Environment Slide 15 Slide 16 Famous Schizophrenics John Nash (Mathematician) Peter Green (Guitarist for Fleetwood Mac) Albert Einsteins son Brian Wilson (Beach Boys) Mary Todd Lincoln Amanda Bynes