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  • 7/27/2019 Scherer and Arroyo


    Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)

    2002 Peripheral Nerve Society, Inc. 1


    Recent progress on the molecular organization

    of myelinated axons

    Steven S. Scherer and Edgardo J. Arroyo

    Department of Neurology, Room 460 Stemmler Hall, 36th Street and Hamilton Walk, The University of Pennsylvania

    Medical Center, Philadelphia


    The structure of myelinated axons was well described 100 years ago by Ramn

    y Cajal, and now their molecular organization is being revealed. The basal lamina of myeli-

    nating Schwann cells contains laminin-2, and their abaxonal/outer membrane contains two

    laminin-2 receptors,


    4 integrin and dystroglycan. Dystroglycan binds utrophin, a short

    dystrophin isoform (Dp116), and dystroglycan-related protein 2 (DRP2), all of which are part

    of a macromolecular complex. Utrophin is linked to the actin cytoskeleton, and DRP2 bindsto periaxin, a PDZ domain protein associated with the cell membrane. Non-compact my-

    elinfound at incisures and paranodescontains adherens junctions, tight junctions, and

    gap junctions. Nodal microvilli contain F-actin, ERM proteins, and cell adhesion molecules

    that may govern the clustering of voltage-gated Na

    channels in the nodal axolemma.



    1.6 is the predominant voltage-gated Na

    channel in mature nerves, and is linked to the

    spectrin cytoskeleton by ankyrin


    . The paranodal glial loops contain neurofascin 155, which

    likely interacts with heterodimers composed of contactin and Caspr/paranodin to form sep-

    tate-like junctions. The juxtaparanodal axonal membrane contains the potassium channels

    Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, their associated

    2 subunit, as well as Caspr2. Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Caspr2

    all have PDZ binding sites and likely interact with the same PDZ binding protein. Like Caspr,

    Caspr2 has a band 4.1 binding domain, and both Caspr and Caspr2 probably bind to the

    band 4.1B isoform that is specifically found associated with the paranodal and juxtaparan-

    odal axolemma. When the paranode is disrupted by mutations (in cgt

    -, contactin

    -, and


    -null mice), the localization of these paranodal and juxtaparanodal proteins is altered:

    Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Caspr2 are juxtaposed to the nodal axolemma, and this reorganization is

    associated with altered conduction of myelinated fibers. Understanding how axon-Schwann

    interactions create the molecular architecture of myelinated axons is fundamental and al-

    most certainly involved in the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathies.

    Key words:

    junctions, Schwann cells, cell adhesion molecules, neuropathy, channels


    Myelinating Schwann cells differentiate from im-

    mature Schwann cells in response to as yet undeter-

    mined axonal signals (Mirsky and Jessen, 1999)

    . The ac-

    quisition of a myelinating phenotype is accompanied by

    altered expression of numerous genes, many of which

    encode components of the myelin sheath. Moreover,

    the maintenance of the myelinating phenotype appears

    to depend on a continuous relationship with an axon, as

    axotomy results in the down-regulation of myelin-related

    genes and the dedifferentiation of previously myelinat-

    ing Schwann cells (Scherer and Salzer, 1996)


    Myelinating Schwann cells, in turn, organize the ax-

    onal membrane. Voltage-gated Na

    channels accumulate

    at the ends of developing myelin sheaths, and as two

    adjacent internodes elongate, these clusters fuse to

    form a node of Ranvier (Vabnick and Shrager, 1998)

    . The


    -type K

    channels, Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, are subse-

    Address correspondence to: Steven S. Scherer, M.D., Ph.D., De-partment of Neurology, Room 460 Stemmler Hall, 36th Street andHamilton Walk, The University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Phil-adelphia, PA 19104, USA. Tel: 215-573-3198; Fax: 215-573-4454;E-mail: [email protected]

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    quently excluded from the nodal axolemma and seques-

    tered beneath the myelin sheath by the developing paran-

    ode (Vabnick et al., 1999)

    . The analysis of mutations that

    affect the integrity of paranode, cgt

    -, contactin

    , and Caspr


    null mice, highlights the importance of this structure for

    the proper function of myelinated fibers (Bhat et al., 2001;

    Boyle et al., 2001; Poliak et al., 2001; Popko, 2000)


    In this review, we consider some of the recent

    findings relating to structure and function of myelinated

    axons in the PNS. We have focused on three emerging

    topics: the laminin-2 receptors of myelinating Schwann

    cells, the differences between compact and non-com-

    pact myelin, and the structure and function of the nodal

    region. We have compared some of these findings to

    those of Ramn y Cajal, and have emphasized how the

    molecular organization of myelinated fibers is related to

    various peripheral neuropathies.

    Myelinating Schwann cells are polarized

    According to Ramn y Cajal (1928), The medullated

    nerve fibre, then, consists of an external solid mem-


    sheath of Schwannof a tubular cellSchwann

    cellof a fatty sheath

    , and of an axon. He understood

    that the sheath was not part of the Schwann cell itself,

    and that it continued across nodes of Ranvier. With the

    advent of electron microscopy, the sheath of Schwann

    was shown to be composed of a basal lamina and asso-

    ciated collagen fibers (Thomas and Olsson, 1993)

    , and

    subsequently to contain laminin-2 (also known as merosin)

    and other associated proteins (Bunge, 1993)

    . A series of in-

    vestigations, largely in the laboratory of Richard and Mary

    Bunge (Bunge, 1993)

    , indicate that axon-Schwann cells in-

    teractions are required for Schwann cells to assemble their

    extracellular matrix, and that extracellular matrix may be

    required for myelination (c.f., Podratz et al., 1998)


    Laminins are trimers of


    , and

    subunits, each of

    which belongs to a gene family; the composition of lami-

    nin-2 is



    1. Laminin-2 is found in the basal laminae of

    skeletal muscle and Schwann cells, and is required for

    their normal development, as shown by the phenotype of


    mice. These mice lack the

    2 chain because

    they are homozygous for lama2

    mutations (Sunada et al.,

    1994; Xu et al., 1994)

    , and have a mild dysmyelinating neu-

    ropathy in addition to a myopathy, that are both related to

    defective basal laminae. In humans, LamA2

    mutations are

    the commonest cause of congenital myopathies. Becausesome of these patients also have mildly slowed conduc-

    tion velocities (Shorer et al., 1995)

    , laminin-2 is likely to be

    essential for the normal myelination in humans, too.

    Myelinating Schwann cells have two receptors for



    4 integrin (Einheber et al., 1993; Feltri et al.,


    and dystroglycan (Matsumura et al., 1997; Yamada

    et al., 1996)

    . As shown in Fig. 1,


    4 integrin is ex-

    Figure 1. Myelinating Schwann cells are polarized. The left panel is a confocal image of a transverse section of rat sciaticnerve, double-labeled with a rabbit antiserum against 4 integrin (FITC) and a mouse monoclonal antibody against MAG(TRITC). 4 integrin is localized around the entire circumference of the outer/abaxonal membrane, and MAG is localized onthe inner/adaxonal membrane. Compact myelin is not stained and thus appears black. The circumferential organization of amyelinated axon is shown schematically on the right panel.

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    pressed around the entire circumference of the abaxonal/

    outer membrane of myelinating Schwann cells. Mice lack-

    ing either the

    6 or the

    4 integrin subunit die shortly after

    birth because of a profound skin defect, but myelination in

    co-cultures established from

    4-null mice appears normal

    (Frei et al., 1999)

    . In epithelia such as the skin,


    4 het-

    erodimers are found in hemi-desmosomes, which adhere

    epithelial cells to their basal lamina via intermediate fila-

    ments. Schwann cells, however, do not have hemi-des-

    mosomes and


    4 integrin may be linked to the actin cy-

    toskeleton and not to intermediate filaments.

    Dystroglycan is composed of



    these are products of the same gene. In skeletal muscle,

    dystroglycan binds to dystrophin, which, in turn, binds to

    the actin cytoskeleton; dystroglycan also forms a com-

    plex with



    , and

    sacroglycans and sarcospan

    (Ozawa et al., 1998; Straub and Campbell, 1997)

    . Re-

    cently, Sherman and colleagues (Sherman et al., 2001)

    showed that dystroglycan-related protein 2 (DRP2) and

    periaxin form a complex with the dystroglycan receptorin myelinating Schwann cells (Fig. 2). As shown in Fig.

    3A, DRP2 is found in large blocks separated by longitudi-

    nal and transverse bands that can be immunostained for

    caveolin-1, as previously shown by Mikol et al. (1999).

    These anatomical features were well known to Ramn y

    Cajal (1928) (Fig. 3B). Thus, in contrast to the continuous

    localization of


    4 integrin, DRP2 is specifically local-

    ized to the Schwann cell cytoplasm that directly apposes

    the myelin sheath (Sherman et al., 2001)


    As depicted in Fig. 2, in myelinating Schwann cells

    DRP2/periaxin complexes are linked to a complex con-

    taining a short dystropin isoform (Dp116), utrophin,



    sarcoglycan, but not


    sarcoglycan or sar-

    cospan (Imumura et al., 2000; Sherman et al., 2001)


    Whereas utrophin is probably directly linked to the actin

    cytoskeleton, Dp116 and DRP2 lack an actin-binding do-

    main. The importance of this complex in myelinating

    Schwann cells remains to be fully elucidated, but it is

    clear that dystrophin as well as



    , and

    sarcoglycanare essential for skeletal muscle cells (Ozawa et al.,

    1998; Straub and Campbell, 1997)

    . Dp116 may be es-

    sential for proper myelination, as a splice site mutation in

    the human dystrophin gene that abolishes dystrophin ex-

    pression in peripheral nerve has been reported to cause

    a demyelinating neuropathy (Comi et al., 1995)

    . Periaxin is

    clearly essential, as periaxin

    -null mice develop a demyeli-

    nating neuropathy (Gillespie et al., 2000)

    , and recessive


    mutations in humans cause inherited demyelinating

    neuropathy (Boerkoel et al., 2000; Guilbot et al., 2001)


    Dystroglycan also binds to an isoform of agrin that is

    found in the basal laminae of Schwann cells (Yamada

    et al., 1996)

    . Finally, dystroglycan has another important

    connection to peripheral neuropathy, as it appears to be

    a receptor for Mycobacterium leprae

    , an intracellular

    pathogen of Schwann cells (Rambukkana, 2001)


    The PNS myelin sheath

    The organization of a myelinated fiber is shown in Fig.

    4A. It depicts two internodes; one has been unrolled to re-

    veal its trapezoidal shape. The figure shows that myelin

    sheath itself can be divided into two domains, compact

    Figure 2. The dystroglycan receptor complex of myelinatingSchwann cells. The dystroglycan receptor is linked to threemembers of the dystrophin family in myelinating Schwanncells, utrophin, DRP2, and Dp116. Of these, only utrophinhas an actin-binding domain, whereas DPR2 binds periaxin,which is shown binding to itself via its PDZ domains. Threesacroglycans, , , and , associate with dystroglycan. Thefigure was modified from one kindly provided by Drs. DianeSherman and Peter Brophy.

    Figure 3. Cytoplasmic domains in myelinating Schwanncells. Panel A is a confocal image of three teased fibers froma rat sciatic nerve, double-labeled with a rabbit antiserumagainst DRP2 (gift of Dr. Diane Sherman; FITC) and a mousemonoclonal antibody against caveolin-1 (TRITC). A node (ap-posed arrowheads) and two nuclei (n) are indicated. Panel B

    is a drawing made by Ramn y Cajal (1928) of teased fibersfrom an adult cat, stained with reduced silver (used with per-mission of Oxford University Press). He subdivided theSchwann cell cytoplasm into a perinuclear mass, longitu-dinal stripes, and transverse trabeculae; as shown inpanel A, the Schwann cell membrane in these regions con-tains caveolin-1 but not DRP2. Scale bar: 10 m.

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    and non-compact myelin, each containing a non-overlap-

    ping set of proteins (Fig. 4B). Compact myelin forms the

    bulk of the myelin sheath, and Fig. 5 depicts its molecular

    organization. Interaction of P0 tetramers in cisand trans

    (Shapiro et al., 1996)are essential for myelin compaction,

    as the extracellular space (between the intraperiod lines) is

    widened in Mpz-null myelin sheaths (Giese et al., 1992).

    Even mice that are heterozygous for a null Mpzmutation

    have focal areas of widened myelin (Samsam et al., 2002);

    this is also a hallmark of some human MPZmutations

    (Gabreels-Festen et al., 1996). Hence, both MPZ/Mpz al-

    leles may be required for proper myelination; the loss of

    one allele causes haplotype insufficiency.

    Duplication or deletion of PMP22 is the most com-

    mon cause of inherited demyelinating neuropathy (Mu-

    rakami et al., 1996; Suter and Snipes, 1995), causing

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A; affected

    individuals have 3 copies of PMP22) and hereditary neu-

    ropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP; affected

    individuals have 1 copy of PMP22), respectively. Al-

    though the function PMP22 is unknown, these results

    provide strong evidence that the amount of PMP22 in

    compact myelin is critical, which has been directly con-

    firmed (Vallat et al., 1996). Because perturbations in the

    stoichiometry of either P0 or PMP22 appears to alter the

    stability of the myelin sheath, compact myelin has been

    Figure 4. The organiza-tion of a myelinated axon.Panel A depicts an un-rolled myelinating Schwanncell, revealing the regions

    that form compact andnon-compact myelin. Tightjunctions are depicted astwo continuous (green)lines; these form a cir-cumferential belt and arealso found in incisures.Gap junctions are depictedas orange ovals; these arefound between the rowsof tight junctions, and aremore numerous in theinner aspects of incisuresand paranodes. Adherensjunctions are depicted as

    purple ovals; these are morenumerous in the outer as-pects of incisures and paran-odes. The nodal, paranodal,and juxtaparanodal regionsof the axonal membraneare colored blue, red, andgreen, respectively. Thefigure was modified fromArroyo and Scherer (2000),with permission of Springer-Verlag. Panel B depictsthe proteins of compactand non-compact myelin.Compact myelin contains

    P0, PMP22, and MBP; non-compact myelin containsE-cadherin, MAG, DM20,Cx32, and an unknownclaudin.

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    likened to a liquid crystal composed of highly ordered pro-

    teins and lipids. How other point mutations of MPZand

    PMP22 cause inherited demyelinating neuropathies re-

    mains to be determined, as these mutant proteins havetoxic effects that are not seen in null alleles. The main

    finding to date in this regard is that most mutant PMP22

    proteins are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, and

    do not reach compact myelin (DUrso et al., 1998; Naef

    et al., 1997; Naef and Suter, 1999; Notterpek et al., 1997;

    Tobler et al., 1999). Protein-protein interactions may also

    play a role, as P0 forms tetramers and PMP22 forms

    dimers; PMP22 may also interact with P0 (DUrso et al.,

    1999; Shapiro et al., 1996; Tobler et al., 1999).

    Non-compact myelin is found in paranodes (the lat-

    eral borders of the myelin sheath) and in Schmidt-Lan-

    terman incisures. As depicted in Fig. 4, non-compact

    myelin contains junctional specializations between the

    layers of the myelin sheath, so-called reflexive or au-

    totypic junctions (Arroyo and Scherer, 2000). Some of

    these reflexive junctions are also found in inner and outer

    mesaxons. Adherens junctions are most numerous in the

    outer mesaxon as well as in outermost layers of the para-

    nodes and incisures; these contain E-cadherin, -catenin,and -catenin, and are likely linked to the actin cytoskele-ton (Fannon et al., 1995; Hall and Williams, 1970). Tight

    junction strands enclosing gap junction-like plaques have

    been found by freeze fracture electron microscopy (San-

    dri et al., 1982). The claudin(s) forming these tight junc-

    tions remains to be determined.

    The gap junctions in myelinating Schwann cells con-

    tain connexin32 (Cx32) (Bergoffen et al., 1993; Chandross

    et al., 1996; Scherer et al., 1995). A role for gap junctions

    in the myelin sheath was not established until it was

    discovered that mutations in the gene encoding Cx32,

    GJB1, cause X-linked CMT (CMTX) (Bergoffen et al., 1993).

    Dye transfer studies in living myelinated fibers provide

    functional evidence that gap junctions mediate a radial

    pathway of diffusion across incisures (Balice-Gordon et al.,

    1998). A radial pathway would be advantageous as it pro-

    vides a much shorter pathway (up to 1000-fold), owing

    to the geometry of the myelin sheath. Disruption of this

    radial pathway may be the reason that GJB1 mutations

    cause CMTX. However, the pathway and the rate of 5,6-

    carboxyfluorescein diffusion in Gjb1/cx32-null mice did not

    appear to be different than in wild type mice (Balice-

    Gordon et al., 1998), implying that another connexin(s)

    forms functional gap junctions in PNS myelin sheaths. Theexistence of a radial pathway provides further evidence

    that the resistance of myelin is not as high as com-

    monly conceived (Funch and Faber, 1984).

    The lateral borders of the Schwann cell cytoplasm

    have microvilli (Fig. 6). Microvilli contain F-actin (Trapp

    et al., 1989), and as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, ezrin, radixin,

    and moesin (Hayashi et al., 1999; Melendez-Vasquez et al.,

    2001; Scherer et al., 2001), the defining members of the

    ERM family of proteins. ERM proteins bind to actin fila-

    ments mainly via their C-termini, and can associate with

    a number of different integral membrane proteins via

    their N-termini. ERM proteins also form head-to-tail oli-gomers with themselves and with merlin, the product

    of the NF2locus. It remains to be determined whether

    ERM proteins are associated with integral membrane

    proteins in Schwann cell microvilli, and whether their

    phosphorylation regulates their function in this setting

    (Hayashi et al., 1999). As shown in Fig. 8A, ERM proteins

    are also colocalized with F-actin in incisures and in the

    inner mesaxon (Scherer et al., 2001; Trapp et al., 1989).

    Strands of ERM/F-actin staining within the non-compact

    myelin appear to form a spiral pattern (Scherer et al.,

    2001), owing to the spiral nature of the myelin sheath

    itself, strikingly reminiscent of what was once known as

    the apparatus of Rezzonico (Fig. 8B).

    Specializations at nodes

    In spite of the differences between myelinating

    Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes and their myelin

    sheaths, the organization of the axon itself is quite sim-

    ilar in the PNS and CNS (Fig. 6A). Voltage-gated Na

    channels are highly concentrated in the nodal axo-

    lemma (Ellisman and Levinson, 1982; Haimovich et al.,

    1984); these belong to a multi-gene family, but the

    Figure 5. The localization of PNS myelin proteins in com-pact myelin. The left panel is an electron micrograph of com-pact myelin, which consists of alternating layers known as

    the intraperiod line (which is actually a double line) and themajor dense line. The right panel is a schematic depiction ofhow apposed cell membranes create the intraperiod andmajor dense lines. The disposition of P0 tetramers, PMP22dimers, and MBP monomers, as well as the glycolipids ga-lactocerebroside and sulfatide are shown. The approximatethickness of the lipid bilayers, as well as the intracellular andextracellular spaces is indicated (Vonasek et al., 2001).

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    Nav1.6 channel appears to be the main one expressed

    at nodes (Caldwell et al., 2000). The gene encoding this

    channel is mutated in mice with motor endplate dis-

    ease (med), a recessively inherited disease that cause

    respiratory paralysis (Burgess et al., 1995). Nav1.6 is prob-

    ably not the only voltage-gated Na channel at nodes, be-

    cause mixed nerve conduction velocity is only minimally

    slowed in medmice (Duchen and Stefani, 1971; Rieger

    et al., 1984); indeed, Nav1.2, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 have

    also been reported in nodes (Boiko et al., 2001; Fjell

    et al., 2000; Kaplan et al., 2001).

    Two splice variants of ankyrinG, 480 and 270 kDa,

    anchor voltage-gated Na channels at nodes (Kordeli et al.,

    1990; Kordeli et al., 1995). These isoforms are distin-

    guished by their membrane-binding domain composed of

    ANK repeats, a spectrin-binding domain, and a serine/

    threonine-rich domain (Zhang and Bennett, 1996). As

    depicted in Fig. 6B, ankyrinG also interacts with the cy-

    toplasmic domains of neurofascin 186 kDa (NF186) and

    Nr-CAM (Davis and Bennett, 1994; Davis et al., 1996;

    Davis et al., 1993; Srinivasan et al., 1988), and with

    spectrin (Koenig and Repasky, 1985; Trapp et al., 1989).

    A splice variant of spectrin IV (IV4) is specifically lo-calized to nodes (Berghs et al., 2000), a number of differ-

    ent spontaneous mutations in the murine spectrin 4

    gene cause quivering, in which altered ion channel dis-

    tribution has been noted (Parkinson et al., 2001). In

    keeping with the idea that ankyrinG links voltage-gated

    Na channels, NF186, and Nr-CAM to the spectrin cyto-

    skeleton, inactivation of the ankyrinG gene in the cere-

    bellum reduces the amount of voltage-gated Na chan-

    nels and neurofascin in the initial segments of granule

    cells and Purkinje cells, respectively (Zhou et al., 1998a).

    Although these workers were unable to visualize a re-

    duced number of Na channels in Purkinje cell initial

    segments, the diminished ability of these cells to initiate

    axon potentials is consistent with this idea. Since initial

    segments and nodes share many molecular characteris-

    Figure 7. ERM proteins in Schwann cell microvilli. PanelsA-D show a confocal reconstruction of a teased fiber from arat sciatic nerve (fixed for 60 minutes in 4% paraformalde-hyde), labeled with a pan-ERM antiserum (A), a mousemonoclonal antibody against Na channels (B), and a ratmonoclonal antibody against a phosphorylated epitope ofneurofilament heavy (NF-H, C); the merged image is shownin panel D. The insets in panels A and B show the superim-posed NF-H staining. At the node (double arrowheads), notethat the ERM antibody stains a larger diameter disk thandoes the Na channel antibody. Panel E shows a single 0.5m thick optical section from a section through a node ofRanvier; taken from an unfixed ventral root, double-labeledwith a rabbit antiserum against ezrin (TRITC) and a mousemonoclonal antibody against Na channels (FITC). Note thatthe ring of ERM staining is larger than the ring of Na chan-nel staining. Scale bar: A-D, 10 m; E, 1 m. From Schereret al. (2001), with permission of Wiley-Liss.

    Figure 6. Nodal specializations in PNS myelin sheaths.Panel A is a schematic depiction of the node, paranode, andjuxtaparanode. Panel B is a schematic drawing of possiblecis and trans interactions between the molecular compo-

    nents of nodes (modified from Arroyo and Scherer (2000),used with permission of Springer-Verlag).

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    Scherer and Arroyo Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 7:112 (2002)


    tics, the nodal membranes of Purkinje cells are probably

    similarly affected.

    Molecular interactions between Schwann cells and

    axons may define the locations of nodes. Bennett and

    colleagues (Bennett et al., 1997; Davis et al., 1996;

    Lambert et al., 1997)have proposed that NF186 and Nr-CAM have heterophilic interactions with other CAMs

    on the microvilli as depicted in Fig. 6B. This suggestion

    is in accord with the ultrastructural data showing tether-

    ing of the microvilli to the nodal axolemma (Ichimura

    and Ellisman, 1991; Raine, 1982). Neurofascin and Nr-

    CAM appear to be localized at presumptive nodes be-

    fore ankyrinG and voltage-dependent Na channels

    (Lambert et al., 1997). The observation that ERM pro-

    teins are associated with clusters of voltage-gated Na

    channels in developing nerves also supports this idea

    (Melendez-Vasquez et al., 2001). Other molecular inter-

    actions that may serve to localize Na channels: the ex-

    tracellular domain of the Na channel 2 subunit mayinteract in with tenascin-C and tenascin-R (Xiao et al.,

    1999), and extracellular matrix molecules that have

    been reported to be localized to the nodal region in the

    PNS and CNS (Bartsch et al., 1993; Ffrench-Constant et

    al., 1986; Rieger et al., 1986).

    Specializations at paranodes

    At paranodes, the lateral edge of the myelin sheath

    spirals around the axon, forming the axoglial junctions

    (Ichimura and Ellisman, 1991; Sandri et al., 1982; Tho-

    mas et al., 1993). In freeze-fracture, the paranodal loops

    of the myelin sheath contain rows of large particles that

    are in register with a double row of smaller particles on

    the axolemma; these particles are thought to connect

    the terminal loops to the axon. These particles correspond

    to the so-called terminal bands seen by transmission

    electron microscopy, and have been more recently

    termed septate-like junctions, as they resemble inverte-

    brate septate junctions (Einheber et al., 1997). Septate

    junctions may function similarly to vertebrate tight junc-

    tions, forming intercellular junctions that prevent the diffu-

    sion of small molecules and ions. Septate-like junctions,

    however, do not prevent the diffusion of lanthanum or

    even microperoxidase (molecular mass 5 kDa) into the

    periaxonal space (Feder, 1971; Hirano et al., 1969; Mac-

    Kenzie et al., 1984); hence are not tight in the con-

    ventional sense.

    The molecular organization of the paranode is de-

    picted in Fig. 6B. Heterodimers of contactin and Caspr arelocalized to the paranodal axolemma in myelinated fibers

    of the PNS and CNS (Einheber et al., 1997; Menegoz et al.,

    1997; Rios et al., 2000). These contactin/Caspr het-

    erodimers co-localize with an isoform of neurofascin,

    NF155 (Tait et al., 2000). All of these molecules are likely

    to be components of septate-like junctions, as in both

    contactin- and Caspr-null mice, the absence of either

    contactin or Caspr results in the loss of septate-like

    junctions (Bhat et al., 2001; Boyle et al., 2001). A neuro-

    fascin-null mouse has not yet been reported, but the

    targeted disruption of UDP-galactose ceramide galacto-

    syltransferase gene (cgt) have provided a glimpse of thelikely phenotype in myelinating Schwann cells (Bosio

    et al., 1996; Coetzee et al., 1996; 1998). CGT is neces-

    sary for the synthesis of galactocerebroside and sul-

    fatide, which are glycolipids found in the myelin sheath

    (Fig. 5). Besides lacking these glycolipids, the paran-

    odes in cgt-null mice lack septate-like junctions (Bosio

    et al., 1998; Dupree et al., 1998).

    Specializations at juxtaparanodes

    By freeze-fracture electron microscopy, the axo-

    lemma in the region extending 10-15 m from the para-

    node contains clusters of 5-6 particles (Miller and Da Silva,1977; Rosenbluth, 1976; Stolinski et al., 1981; Stolinski

    et al., 1985; Tao-Cheng and Rosenbluth, 1984). The dis-

    tribution of these juxtaparanodal particles corresponds to

    the distribution of delayed rectifying K channels (Chiu

    and Ritchie, 1980), Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 and their associ-

    ated 2 subunit (Gulbis et al., 1999; Mi et al., 1995;Rasband et al., 1998; Vabnick and Shrager, 1998; Wang

    et al., 1993; Zhou et al., 1998b). Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 subunits

    can freely mix in varying proportions to form tetramers,

    the functional channels (Hopkins et al., 1994), and the size

    Figure 8. Internodal localization of ERM proteins in myelinatingSchwann cells. Panel A is a confocal reconstruction of twoteased fibers from adult rat sciatic nerves immunolabeledwith a pan ERM rabbit antiserum. The inner mesaxon is indi-

    cated (arrows). Scale bar: 10 m. From Scherer et al. (2001),with permission of Wiley-Liss. Panel B is a drawing made byRamn y Cajal (1928) of teased fibers following silver im-pregnation after fixation in formol-uranium . . . showing theapparatus of Rezzonico (used with permission of OxfordUniversity Press).

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    of the particles (10 nm in diameter) compares well to the

    expected size of a tetramer (Kreusch et al., 1998). Al-

    though Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 channels appear to be concealed

    under the myelin sheath (Hildebrand et al., 1994; Kocsis

    et al., 1983), juxtaparanodal K channels are thought to

    have an important physiological function, dampening the

    excitability of myelinated fibers. The finding that Kv1.1-null

    mice have abnormal impulse generators near the neu-

    romuscular junctions supports this idea (Smart et al.,

    1998; Zhou et al., 1998b). Similarly, mutations in the hu-

    man Kv1.1 gene, KCNA1, cause a form of familial episodic

    ataxia that is associated with ectopic impulse generators

    somewhere within the peripheral nerve (Adelman et al.,

    1995; Browne et al., 1994; Brunt and Van Weerden, 1990;

    Van Dyke et al., 1975; Zerr et al., 1998).

    A homologue of Caspr, Caspr2 is localized to the jux-

    taparanodes of myelinated fibers in both the CNS and the

    PNS, colocalizing with Kv1.1/1.2/2 (Poliak et al., 1999).Caspr2 and Caspr have similar structures especially in the

    extracellular region, but only Caspr2 has an intracellularPDZ domain. Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, both of which also have

    PDZ domains, form a complex with Caspr2, probably me-

    diated by a protein with multiple PDZ binding sites. Al-

    though transcellular connections between the juxtaparan-

    odal axonal membrane and the myelin sheath have not

    been described, it is possible that Caspr2 has a binding

    partner (Peles and Salzer, 2000). Caspr and Caspr2 both

    have a cytoplasmic Band 4.1 protein binding site, and

    Band 4.1B protein is specifically localized to paranodes

    and juxtaparanodes (Ohara et al., 2000; Parra et al., 2000).

    The internodal regionThe internodal axonal membrane lacks the conspic-

    uous specializations of the nodal region. Nevertheless, in

    the PNS, intramembranous particles similar to those of

    the juxtaparanodal region are found apposing the internal

    mesaxon and incisures of the myelin sheath (Stolinski

    and Breathnach, 1982; Stolinski et al., 1981; Stolinski

    et al., 1985). In accord with these findings, the intern-

    odal membranes of PNS axons have a tripartite strand

    (consisting of a central strand of Caspr/contactin staining,

    flanked by strands of Kv1.1/1.2/2/Caspr2-immunoreac-tivity) that apposes the inner mesaxon and the inner-

    most aspect of incisures (Arroyo et al., 1999; Rios et al.,2000). These results suggest that Caspr2 could be lo-

    calized to the juxtaparanodal and internodal membrane

    by a trans-interaction with a protein expressed by the

    myelinating Schwann cell.

    Disrupted septate-like junctions anddisorganized axonal membranes

    The lack of septate-like junctions in contactin-, Caspr,

    and cgt-null mice leads to a profound reorganization of the

    axonal membrane (Fig. 9). Contactin and Caspr are notrestricted to the paranode, but are more diffusely localized

    in the internodal membrane, and NF155 is not restricted

    to the paranodal loops (Bhat et al., 2001; Boyle et al.,

    2001; Dupree et al., 1999; Poliak et al., 2001). Further,

    Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Caspr2 are mislocalized to the paranodal

    axonal membrane. The apposition of Kv1.1 and Kv1.2

    likely results in the inefficient axonal conduction of my-

    elinated fibers, as conduction velocities are slowed in

    contactin-, Caspr, and cgt-null mice (Bosio et al., 1996;

    Coetzee et al., 1996). In keeping with this suggestion,

    K channel blockers have extraordinary effects in these

    mutant mice (Bhat et al., 2001; Boyle et al., 2001; Coet-

    zee et al., 1996).


    In summary, the intricate localization of numerous

    axonal proteins is highly related to the structure of the

    overlying myelin sheath. This organization is disrupted

    by a number of mutations that affect various compo-

    nents of the myelinated axons, and functional conse-

    quences have been established. How the molecular ar-

    chitecture of myelinated fibers is disrupted in other

    Figure 9. Altered localization of paranodal and juxtaparanodalin cgt-null mice. Panel A is a photomicrograph of a ventralroot from a cgt-null mouse, double-labeled with a rabbit anti-serum against Caspr (TRITC) and a mouse monoclonal anti-body against Kv1.2 (FITC). Scale bar: 10 m. Panel B is aschematic representation of the reorganization of the axonalmembrane in cgt-null mice. In cgt-null mice, Kv1.2 is local-ized to paranodes, whereas Caspr is diffusely localizedthroughout the internode. Septate-like junctions/transversebands are absent in both the CNS and the PNS, and axoglialjunctions are disorganized in the CNS.

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    inherited and acquired neuropathies may provide in-

    sight into their pathogenesis.


    This paper is based on The Third Richard P. Bunge

    Memorial Lecture, given by S.S.S. to the Peripheral

    Nerve Society. Our work is supported by the NIH(NS37100, NS34528, and NS08075), the Juvenile Dia-

    betes Foundation, and the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Associ-

    ation. We thank Drs. Rita Balice-Gordon, Linda Bone,

    Peter Brophy, Bill Chiu, Suzanne Deschnes, Laura Feltri,

    Kurt Fischbeck, and David Gutmann, Albee Messing,

    Dan Mikol, David Paul, Ori Peles, Brian Popko, Jim

    Salzer, Diane Sherman, Larry Wrabetz, and Lei Zhou for

    their contributions to various aspects of the work re-

    ported here.

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