scanman on symbol mobile unit 9090 · 1 scanman on symbol mobile unit mc9090 overview this document...

1 ScanMan on Symbol Mobile Unit MC9090 Overview This document outlines the recommended procedure for installing and using the ScanMan software for scan access. ScanMan is designed as an “operator controlled” access control system. It is set up to allow operators to “scan” a ticket or pass of a customer and receive a response as to whether it is valid. ScanMan runs on mobile computers/scanners from Symbol Technologies. Currently, Siriusware supports four different models from Symbol: PDT7246 (CE 3.0 only), PPT2846 (Pocket PC 2002), PPT8846 (Windows Mobile 2003), and MC9000 series (Windows Mobile 2003). There are three hardware components in the wireless scanning system: access points, handheld mobile computers/scanners and programming cradles from Symbol Technologies. The access point is the device used by the mobile computers/scanners to communicate with the network. This is the first device to configure. The programming cradles connect to a serial port or USB port on a PC used to configure the mobile computer/scanner and load the ScanMan application onto the unit. The programming cradle should be setup after the access points. The mobile computer/scanner scans a ticket or pass and uses the access point to communicate with the network. The mobile computers are configured as the last step. I. Preparation 1. Wireless network/access point(s) The setup of the wireless access point is specific to the brand and model of access point that is being used. Consult the documentation for your access point. The following are some general guidelines that pertain to all access points: Generally, access points are configured either through special software or through a web browser. Through the configuration method specific to your access point, several settings must be set specific to your area. These settings are described in the following table: Setting Value Unit name SiteAP1 IP address Gateway IP address Subnet mask Net_ID (ESS) SSID Antenna selection Diversity = On DHCP Disabled

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Page 1: ScanMan on Symbol Mobile unit 9090 · 1 ScanMan on Symbol Mobile Unit MC9090 Overview This document outlines the recommended procedure for installing and using the ScanMan software


ScanMan on Symbol Mobile Unit MC9090 Overview This document outlines the recommended procedure for installing and using the ScanMan software for scan access. ScanMan is designed as an “operator controlled” access control system. It is set up to allow operators to “scan” a ticket or pass of a customer and receive a response as to whether it is valid. ScanMan runs on mobile computers/scanners from Symbol Technologies. Currently, Siriusware supports four different models from Symbol: PDT7246 (CE 3.0 only), PPT2846 (Pocket PC 2002), PPT8846 (Windows Mobile 2003), and MC9000 series (Windows Mobile 2003). There are three hardware components in the wireless scanning system: access points, handheld mobile computers/scanners and programming cradles from Symbol Technologies. The access point is the device used by the mobile computers/scanners to communicate with the network. This is the first device to configure. The programming cradles connect to a serial port or USB port on a PC used to configure the mobile computer/scanner and load the ScanMan application onto the unit. The programming cradle should be setup after the access points. The mobile computer/scanner scans a ticket or pass and uses the access point to communicate with the network. The mobile computers are configured as the last step. I. Preparation

1. Wireless network/access point(s)

The setup of the wireless access point is specific to the brand and model of access point that is being used. Consult the documentation for your access point. The following are some general guidelines that pertain to all access points:

Generally, access points are configured either through special software or through a web browser.

Through the configuration method specific to your access point, several settings must be set specific to your area. These settings are described in the following table:

Setting Value Unit name SiteAP1 IP address Gateway IP address Subnet mask Net_ID (ESS) SSID Antenna selection Diversity = On DHCP Disabled

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Change the IP settings to match your network. The Unit name and Net _ID can be anything you designate. We recommend you be specific to your location. All access points and handhelds use the same net id (ESSID). However, the IP address and Unit name must be different for all access points. Change diversity to on. Change DHCP to disabled.

Test your configuration by “pinging” the access points from any computer on the network.

Note: For security purposes, Siriusware, Inc. recommends setting up your access point to only talk to designated MAC addresses. The MAC address is like a serial number in the handheld unit, and can be obtained on the handheld. Please consult the documentation for the unit for more information.

2. Host PC

To install the ScanMan software, it is necessary to connect the cradle for the mobile computer to a PC running Microsoft ActiveSync software. The cradle is generally connected via a serial port or a USB communications port on the PC.

3. Install ActiveSync

Download ActiveSync from the Microsoft web site. This can be found by going to the site ( and searching for “activesync”. Install ActiveSync on the PC. This allows you to copy files to and from the mobile computers. After installing ActiveSync, it’s necessary to verify it is properly set up. To do this, go to the Connection Settings option from the File menu.

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Verify that the proper ports are allowed, and, if using a serial connection, the proper COM port.

4. Programming the cradle

Preparing the cradle involves connecting it to power and to the computer with a serial cable or a USB cable. The rest is done through ActiveSync. Please see the documentation for the cradle you have for more information.

5. Mobile computer/scanner

Before configuring the units, Siriusware, Inc. recommends that you charge the batteries for at least 4 hours. Familiarize yourself with the operations of the mobile computers from the manual. Power on the systems and follow the instructions for calibrating the touch screen. On the MC9090 units, the keyboard appears when it is necessary to enter text. Alternatively it can be brought up by tapping the keyboard icon in the bottom right corner. The MC9090 unit also has a physical keyboard.

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6. ActiveSync

It is necessary to change the communications method on the mobile computer for the method of connection. 1. On the handheld unit, tap Start at the top left of the screen and tap ActiveSync. 2. Verify the synchronized date time is current. If not, press “Synch” at the bottom left and make sure the synching is done. 3. Tap X in the upper right corner to exit ActiveSync.

7. Wireless network

Note: Siriusware, Inc. recommends assigning static IP addresses for each handheld unit. To configure MC9090 (Windows Mobile 2003) please refer to the manufacturer’s manual.

8. ScanMan software

Download the latest c_scanman* file (where * is a version number) into the ScanMan folder on the Siriusware server from Siriusware's web site ( Extract the contents into a folder on the computer that is used for installation (the PC that ActiveSync has been installed on and the Symbol cradle connected to). Note: If an Unzip program is not installed on the system, you may need to install WinZip or an equivalent.

II. Installation

1. Connection to PC with ActiveSync

When connecting a mobile computer to a PC, it is never necessary to set up a “Partnership.” Rather choose a “Guest Partnership” (or no partnership, if that is the option given). However, setting up a partnership allows for ActiveSync to be used over the wireless network. See the documentation for ActiveSync and for the mobile computer. After configuring the PC and the unit with the proper settings for ActiveSync, placing the unit in the cradle connected to the PC should start the connection automatically. However, if this does not work, it is recommended that you open ActiveSync on the PC and choose Get Connected… from the File menu. In some cases it may be necessary to repeat this procedure a couple of times to get it working. However, it’s also important to check ActiveSync and verify it is properly set up.

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2. Configuration steps

a. ScanMan.ini

Create a text file named ScanMan.ini in a notepad. The following settings are included in the ScanMan.INI file the first time ScanMan is launched and pertain to the connection to SalesEZ: IP= Port=4203 Unit= Rollover=8 Timeout=30 TrickleDelay=100 TrickleInterval=30 DailyScanDay= HotList= DailyScans= Count= Prepend= DCI= Exp=0 Card= Is34=0 Extract= LocOp=0 RecInt=25 Cntr=1 Log=1 cpn= cpv= All times are in tenths of a second, so a value of 30 means 3 seconds. Rollover month should be set to the middle of the off-season (see Rollover setting section below for more on this). Unit ID is used in calls as the salespoint name and should be distinct from other ScanMan units and salespoints. IP should be the IP address of the computer where SalesEZ PoolManager is running. Operator and Location are also used in communication with SalesEZ, but are set on the unit upon launching ScanMan. The above settings are configurable on the unit through the Config dialog. Other settings must be specified in a ScanMan.INI file in the same folder as the program on the Symbol device.

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Note: Please see the section Advanced Features later in this document for more options that can be set.

b. prefix.txt

Create a text file named prefix.txt in a notepad with all the prefixes used for access tickets and passes including the blank prefix. Example: AEFGLPSTZ Note that the space from the beginning of the line above is for the blank prefix.

c. ScanMan folder

With the 9090 scanner in the cradle, use Explorer on ActiveSync and navigate to \Program Files folder.

Create a folder named ScanMan (i.e., \Program Files\ScanMan)

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d. File location

Copy the following files from the desktop (ref. step #I.8 in Preparation) to \Program Files\ScanMan\ ScanMan.exe ScanMan.ini Prefix.txt Launch.exe Launch.bmp Launch.nam atl80.dll MFC80U.DLL msvcr80.dll goodoff.wav goodlive.wav badoff.wav badlive.wav mail.wav

e. Set ScanMan launch upon starting up the scanner

right click on the ScanMan.exe file --> create a shortcut

move the shortcut to \Windows\Startup\ You can choose to add a shortcut of ScanMan to the program start list instead of auto-launch by:

right click on the ScanMan.exe file --> create a shortcut

move the shortcut to \Windows\Start Menu\

f. Warm boot the unit

Press the power button for about 5 seconds then release it when the Symbol screen displays.

III. Detailed Configurations

Rollover setting

The rollover setting is a mechanism used to check validity of Validation Items based on an expiration date encoded in the item’s barcode. This method is derived from a combination of encoding an expiration date into the validation number and checking that date against a setting in ScanMan.INI. The ScanMan setting used to verify whether an item is valid or not is called the “rollover” setting. The rollover setting was introduced to eliminate the need to encrypt the year part of the date in the barcode (making for a shorter barcode on the ticket).

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The rollover setting works like this: 1) Scan the barcode. 2) ScanMan first reads the information about the expiration date of the ticket (usually

included in a line on the layout involving the syntax encrypt_date(tmp_edate). 3) ScanMan first checks the date of the item–if the expiration date encrypted is earlier

than the current date of the PC, the item is automatically invalid. 4) If the item is not expired based on the current date, ScanMan still attempts to

determine whether the item is good for the upcoming season. 5) To determine this, ScanMan checks its own rollover number vs. the number of the 6) month encrypted in the item expiration date. 7) If the rollover number is between today’s date (month) and the number of the month

the item expires, the item is assumed to be invalid. The system assumes that the item is from a previous year.

8) As long as the rollover number does not fall between today’s date (month) and the number of the month the item expires, it is assumed to be valid.

9) The purpose of this is to determine whether an item you are scanning is supposed to be good for dates still to come in this season at the resort or if the item being scanned is really good for next season at the resort.

10) So, for example:

It’s March of 2005.

You scan a ticket that has an expiration date of 12/25/05 (it has been pre-sold for Christmas of the next ski season).

Your rollover number is set to 10.

The ticket does not scan as valid, because the rollover number falls between today’s month (3) and December’s month (12).

The rollover setting can also be set by scanning: SETROLLx Where x is the number of the month. Note: If your area does not have an “off-season,” or you want your tickets to be good for more than one year, you should not encrypt the date into your barcodes. That way, ScanMan does not check the date when scanning, and assumes that all tickets are good if you are scanning offline.

Setting INI settings

While some settings can be changed within the Config dialog of ScanMan, not all can. However, all .INI settings can be set by scanning an appropriate barcode. This must be done outside of the startup setting of Location and Operator. The following table shows key ScanMan configuration barcodes.

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ScanMan configuration barcode Purpose SETIPx Sets the IP address (e.g., SETIP127.0.0.1) SETPORTx Sets the port SETTDx Sets the trickle delay (tenths of a second) SETTIx Sets the trickle interval (tenths of a second) SETTOx Sets the time out (tenths of a second) SETIDx Sets the Unit ID SETROLLx Sets the rollover month

The exceptions are LOC and OP. While SETLOCxxxxxx and SETOPxxxxxx always set the location and operator, respectively, it’s possible to use LOCxxxxxxx and OPxxxxxx. However, please see the section on LocOp, as this can change the behavior.


The device tries to use five .WAV files (which it expects to find in the same folder as Scanman.exe): Filename Function goodlive.wav For valid scans online badlive.wav For invalid scans online goodoff.wav For valid scans offline badoff.wav For invalid scans offline mail.wav For new e-message

Note: Sample files come with ScanMan. You can use any sounds, as long as they are named in this manner, and are 16 bit Stereo to play on the Symbol. You can convert them using the Sound Editor in Windows.

IV. ScanMan Interface

Date and time

The current date and time of the unit is displayed at the top of the ScanMan screen. It is important to verify that these are correct, as they are recorded with the scans that happen. When ScanMan connects to SalesEZ, these are updated from the server, so it is important to verify that ScanMan is live, at least initially.

Main display area

This area of the screen is used to show the results of scans. The scroll bar on the right is enabled if the information to show is more than can fit on the screen.

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Connect button

ScanMan always tries to be online. However, this is not always possible due to wireless and standard network or server issues. If the handheld unit becomes disconnected from PoolManager, the Connect button reads Connect in dark lettering. Also, the word OFF is placed at the top of the screen on either side. Finally, if a pass or ticket is scanned, ScanMan indicates that it was an offline scan. To reconnect, tap the Connect button.

Config button

The Config button should rarely be needed, but is used to set up ScanMan initially. It can also be locked and requires a password to unlock it. See the ConfigCode section in Advanced Features for more information on this. Manual button

The Manual button allows entry of a pass number manually. The keyboard is needed. The button can also be used for setting .INI settings and anything else that would normally be done with a barcode.

Counters display

Three different counters can be displayed in ScanMan: 1) Lcl indicates the number of “local” scans on the unit. Local scans are scans that

happened while ScanMan was running offline. It is important that this number be at zero before the end of the day to ensure that all admissions were reported to the server.

2) Day indicates the total number of scans on the unit, both local and ones that were sent to the server.

3) Cnt is a re-settable counter independent of anything. See the section Count in the Advanced Features section.

Location and operator information

After the user has entered the location and operator information, these are displayed at the bottom of the screen in ScanMan.

Quit button

The Quit button is used to exit the ScanMan application.

ScanInfo and PassInfo buttons

These buttons are used to obtain more information on a pass after a scan. See the corresponding sections later in this document for complete information.

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E-Msg button

This allows messages sent to guests to be displayed when a pass is scanned. See complete information in the E-Messages section of the Advanced Features section.

V. ScanMan Use

Location and operator input

When the program is launched, the first thing the user must do is enter the location and operator. This can be done through the Manual dialog or, more commonly (and conveniently) these are barcodes that are scanned. This is entered using the following format: LOCxxxxxx OPxxxxxx where xxxxxx is a unique six-character Location or Operator ID. For example, LOCLIFT1 sets the location to LIFT1. OPMATT sets the operator to MATT. After these have been entered, the settings are displayed at the bottom of the screen in ScanMan. These barcodes can be created using Microsoft Word on a computer with the Salesware Common Files installed by using the BC C39 2 to 1 Narrow, Regular, Size 30 font. Be sure to add asterisks (*) before and after the text you want printed in 3of9. For more information on barcodes, see ScanMan configuration barcodes. Note: See section on LocOp for additional information. At any time during operation a different Location barcode or Operator barcode can be scanned to change either the Location or the Operator for that unit. However, if you are typing them, re-starting the program is necessary.

Validation (Scanning passes and tickets)

Simply point the scanner at the barcode on the pass or ticket and press and hold the scan button or trigger. After a scan, text about the scan (good/bad, etc.) is displayed. These responses are summarized in the following table.

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Response displayed after scan Description of response GOOD The pass/ticket was scanned while connected and was


GOOD for # The ticket was scanned while connected and was valid for # customers at one time.

GOOD Offline The pass/ticket was scanned offline and is stored locally to be trickled later.

Expired The pass/ticket is no longer valid and has expired. If the pass has actually not expired but this message is displayed with the correct month/day of expiration, you might want to check and make sure that you didn’t include the expiration date in the barcode expression in the pass layout without intending.

Not enough total number of uses available on this pass

All uses for the pass/ticket that was scanned have been used already.

This pass is not allowed at this site

If set to use site number, this indicates that the pass is not valid at this site.

This pass was voided by OPERATOR for reason

The pass/ticket was voided by an operator either at a salespoint or in SysManager.

This pass is blacked out MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM through MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM for reason

The pass/ticket has been set up with a black-out period(s). This could be the item or just this pass/ticket.

Response displayed after scan Description of response m more minute(s) and s more second(s) must go by before next validation of this pass

The pass/ticket item has been set up with an access delay to prevent it from being validated more than once during a specified period of time.

This pass is not valid at this physical location

The pass/ticket item has been set up to be blocked at specified physical locations.

This pass is not valid until MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM

The pass/ticket was sold and scanned before its valid period of time.

Scan xxxxxxx INVALID. There is no record for PASS_NO PO in Table xxxxx.

This error implies an encryption or barcode layout issue.


When the handheld unit does not have a connection to PoolManager for SalesEZ, scans are collected in a database on the unit (unless they fail the expiration date and parsing tests).

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ScanMan can be manually reconnected to SalesEZ, if available, by tapping the Connect button in ScanMan. Or ScanMan attempts to reconnect to SalesEZ after x number of scans, as defined by the Reconnect Interval .INI setting (see Advanced Features for details). When connected to SalesEZ, the unit tries to trickle after the TrickleDelay has elapsed. At that point, a scan is sent to the server every time the TrickleInterval has elapsed. Any scanning on the unit resets the TrickleDelay.

Manual entry of pass/access number

1) Tap the Manual button. 2) Enter a pass or access number. 3) Tap OK in the dialog box or Ent on the keyboard. Note: Any pass numbers entered here are always assumed to be decrypted unless, for testing purposes, an * prefixes the swipe (in which case they are be interpreted exactly like scanned input). For example, if *A999 is entered, the A999 pass is decrypted before being tested. If A999 is entered, the pass number is assumed to be 999 using an A prefix.

Exiting ScanMan

Tap the Quit button at the bottom right of the screen to exit.

VI. Advanced features

Obtain scan information

Tap the Scan Info button after a successful scan and the pass/access number, the number of scans today, the date, time and location of the scans, the number of days the pass/ticket has been scanned, and a list of the days on which the pass/ticket was scanned are displayed.

Obtain pass or ticket information

Tap the Pass Info button after a successful scan and the following information is displayed: Guest name, phone number, date of birth, Guest number, pass number, start and end date/time, last use date/time, current total uses, points, money, warnings, number of times the pass was printed, number of times the pass was validated, the discount counter level, parent validation information, the DCI for the product, the amount paid, and where, when and by whom the pass was sold.


E-Messages are supported in ScanMan. When a pass is scanned and an E-Message is returned from SalesEZ, a .wav file is played before the normal .wav file (for good/bad online/offline) is played. This file is stored in the same folder as the other .wav files and must be called mail.wav. A new button, labeled E-Msg, is on the main dialog and if a message is present, the button becomes active.

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Tapping the E-Msg button brings up the message for the guest. When exiting the E-Message, the user may exit with or without clearing the E-Message.

LocOp setting

By default, the LOCxxxxxx and OPxxxxxx barcodes are used to set the Location and Operator. However, the LocOP .INI setting can change this behavior. When LocOp=0 (default), the behavior is as described above. When LocOp=1, you must use the format: SETLOCxxxxxx SETOPxxxxxx This setting is necessary only for clients using O or L prefixes on their passes or tickets. It can be set on the mobile computer by scanning a barcode of: SETLO1 Or disabled with: SETLO0

Hotlist functionality

This functionality is available only in version 4.0 of Salesware. However, if 3.4 is being used it is necessary to add the following .INI setting (to prevent the scanner from looking for the Hotlist): Is34=1 The default is 0 (FALSE). Setting it to 1 disables the checking of the hotlist. This can be set like other INI settings (see section Setting INI settings) by manually entering or scanning the following barcode: SETIS341 When ScanMan is running offline, there is support for a Hotlist file. The Hotlist file can contain a list of all passes and tickets that have been voided, are expired, etc. This prevents bad passes and tickets from being validated as good (which might occur because ScanMan is not connected to the server). How to create a pass Hotlist for offline scanning: 1) In SysManager, go to Activities > Pass Activities > Create Invalid Pass List. 2) Create a list of passes that should be included in the invalid passes list by specifying

the Prefix and the As of date. 3) The invalid passes list is stored on the server in a table called “hotlist”. You can view

its contents with Reportmanager (as with any table). 4) Connect ScanMan to SalesEZ; the Hot List loads on the scanner. 5) Disconnect ScanMan from SalesEZ so that scanning goes offline.

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When scanning blacked out, voided, or returned passes, this info displayed: HOTLIST pass number This pass is hotlisted.

When scanning an expired pass, the info shows GOOD for an offline scan. This is because expired passes are not included in the invalid passes list in order to keep this list to a reasonable size (you wouldn’t want passes from the last 5 seasons cluttering the list).

When ScanMan is launched and connects to PoolManager, it checks with the

server to download the Hotlist file. The date of the file is recorded in the .INI file and the new file is obtained if a different date is listed. This check is performed only at startup and a timeout of 120 seconds is used for obtaining the hotlist file.

Also, a scan of: SETHOTLIST shows how many entries are in the Hotlist. This allows users to ensure that the

Hotlist is up to date.

ConfigCode setting

Access to the Config menu can be controlled by an .INI setting. If not included, the Config menu is always accessible. If it is included, then a barcode (or manual entry) must be typed to be CON plus the code. For example: ConfigCode=P5H4 then, SETCONP5H4 must be scanned for the Config menu to be used. If there is a ConfigCode used and SETCON (or SETCON followed by anything but the actual code), then the Config menu is again disabled. Note that when the scan is received to enable the Config menu, the scan is not shown (so that prying eyes can’t obtain the secret code). Note: Make sure that the value that ConfigCode is set to is in all capital letters. This is because ScanMan capitalizes all letters that are scanned or typed in. If the ConfigCode is set to a lower case or mixed case value, then no barcode scanned ever unlocks the Config menu.


A Cnt= section is on the status line at the bottom of the ScanMan main dialog. This is the number of valid scans since the last reset. This number survives shutting down ScanMan or changing operators and only resets when the status line is touched, at which point a confirmation dialog is brought up.

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This counter can be disabled completely with an .INI setting: Cntr=0 Or it can be entered into ScanMan by a barcode or through the Manual dialog: SETCNTR0 The default is 1 (counter is enabled). Press and hold on the count area will display the option to reset the valid count.

Reconnect interval

The reconnect interval is the number of scans that must elapse before ScanMan tries to reconnect to SalesEZ. This can be set in the ScanMan.INI: RecInt=25 It can also be set by scanning a barcode of SETRECINT25. The default if not present is 25.

Expiration date checking

There is an INI setting for ignoring expiration dates. Exp=0 The default is Exp=1 which means to check expiration dates (the default is true even if the INI setting is not listed). This can be set by scanning by using a barcode of SETEXP0 or SETEXP1

Log verbosity

Scanning a barcode beginning with LOG sets the log verbosity. Note that the log is always at verbosity 0 unless this is done. For example: SETLOG5 ScanMan responds with what it has set the verbosity to if all is successful.

DCI setting

This setting causes scans to use the validation template for the item listed to inquire as to whether the pass or ticket would be valid. This is sent in with scans to checkandvalidate pass as well as validate pass. DCI=HENRY HENRY HENRY

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It can also be set up by scanning a barcode prefixed with DCI. For example: SETDCIHENRY HENRY HENRY would configure a scanner.

Prepend setting

This setting causes all barcodes scanned to be pre-pended with the prefix specified. For example: Prepend=B44614485 This is prepended to scans which do not have a prefix. If a barcode with 889903 is scanned, ScanMan interprets the barcode as B44614485889903. This can be set up by scanning a barcode prefixed with PRE, so: SETPREB44614485 would also set up the scanner properly and save to the .INI file.

Extract setting

This setting allows scans of a certain length that do not have prefixes, to have a substring extracted for processing. For example: Extract=10,1,2 Three items must be specified, the length to look for (10 in this case), the character to begin extraction at (1), and the number of characters to extract (2). The character to begin extraction on assumes 0 as the first character. With the above example, if the number 0123456789 is entered, 12 is extracted. Also, the Extract setting can take any number of settings by using a semi-colon as a separator. For example: Extract=10,1,2;11,2,3

Card prefixes

ScanMan can be configured to take different prefixes to denote cards. Normally, all card numbers must begin with B or b in order to be accepted. Now, you can specify these in the .INI file using: Card=MB

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The setting contains all the possibilities for the card prefix. Note that you can also allow a blank prefix, but you must specify at least 2 other prefixes around them. For example: Card=M B allows a blank prefix before the card number. This can also be specified by scanning: SETCARDMB This sets it in the .INI file (this is always the easier method).

ScanMan configuration barcodes

The configuration barcodes shown are examples. You must modify according to the parameters for your site. Note: To create these barcodes in Microsoft Word, use BC C39 2 to 1 Medium 18 points for barcodes and make sure to include an asterisk “*” before and after the barcode text. This font is installed as part of the Common Files.


Location: 01 – This represents the lift or entrance point and should be posted at each lift/entrance. This should be

unique per lift/entrance.


Operator: JSMITH – This represents the operator and should be on badge they wear


Scanman Config Settings:

IP Address of SalesEZ machine: IP172.20.1.251

*SETIP172.20.1.251* *SETIP172.20.1.251* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: IP=

Port: PORT4203

*SETPORT4203* *SETPORT4203* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Port=4203

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Trickle Delay: Number of seconds (in tenths of seconds) to wait until off-line scans begin trickling to SalesEZ

*SETTD100* *SETTD100* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: TrickleDelay=100

Trickle Interval: Time interval at which trickled scans (offline scans) are sent to SalesEZ (in tenths of seconds)

*SETTI30* *SETTI30* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: TrickleInterval=30

Time Out: Number of seconds (in tenths of seconds) to wait until ScanMan disconnects from SalesEZ

*SETTO30* *SETTO30* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Timeout=30

Rollover Month: ROLL6


Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Rollover=6

Prepend: B44614485 – used only when truncated 16 digit card numbers are encoded on the pass

*SETPREB44614485* *SETPREB44614485*

Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Prepend=B44614485

Log: LOG0 – allows you to increase or decrease logging on the scanner itself


Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Log=0

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Expiration Date Checking: EXP0 – 0 disables, 1 enables

*SETEXP0* *SETEXP0* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Exp=0

Reconnect Interval: the number of scans that must elapse before scanman tries to reconnect – default is 25

*SETRECINT25* *SETRECINT25* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: RecInt=25

Resettable Counter: disable or enable the resettable counter. Default is 1 (enabled)

*SETCNTR1* *SETCNTR1* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Cntr=1

Setting that controls access to the config menu – if not included the config menu is always accessible

Assuming the ScanMan INI setting shows: ConfigCode=MATTY (note that the code must be in all CAPS) Barcode that accesses Config menu assuming setting above is in place:

*SETCONMATTY* *SETCONMATTY* Barcode that disables the Config menu again:


Scanman can be configured to take different prefixes to denote cards

*SETCARDMB* *SETCARDMB* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Card=MB Note that you can also allow a blank prefix, but you must specify at least 2 other prefixes around them. Ex. Card=M B will happen to allow a blank prefix before the card number.

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DCI to send in with every checkandvalidate pass as well as validate pass


Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: DCI=PASS PARK ALLDAY

Setting for 3.4 users. Default is 0 (FALSE)

Note: The only time this is needed is to disable the checking of the hotlist; which doesn't exist in 3.4. So, setting this to 1 (TRUE) will disable checking of the hotlist for 3.4 installs. When upgrading to version 4.0 this setting, if set to 1, should be removed or re-set to 0.

*SETIS340* *SETIS340* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: Is34=0

Display the number of records in the current Hot List

Helpful when verifying that the current hotlist is up to date. The count of records in the hotlist loaded on the scanner can be compared to the number of records included in the current hotlist table in the server data.

*SETHOTLIST* *SETHOTLIST* No ScanMan INI setting is created with the scan of this barcode. It is only used to get information regarding the number of records contained in the hotlist loaded on the scanner.

Checkpoint Name

Typically used with GateKeeper, but can also be used with ScanMan when monitoring capacity counts within a specific location. Limited to 10 characters (anything beyond 10 will be truncated in the data). Used with CheckPointValue (described below).

*SETCPNWATERPARK* *SETCPNWATERPARK* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: CheckPointName=WATERPARK

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Checkpoint Value

Typically used with GateKeeper, but can also be used with ScanMan when monitoring capacity counts within a specific location. Value should be IN or OUT and is used with the CheckPointName setting (described above).

*SETCPVIN* *SETCPVIN* Resulting setting in the ScanMan INI file: CheckPointValue=IN

Unit IDs: – This is the unit’s internal ID and will be unique for all units – it corresponds to the

salespoint name













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VII. Diagnosing problems


Always keep the scanners powered up and the batteries charged. When shutting down for the evening, always allow the scanners to trickle in their scans and then exit the application before powering down. Make sure to replace the batteries if they get low. If ScanMan is running and the batteries die, scans may be lost.

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It is possible that ScanMan or the mobile computer itself locks and does not respond. However, some operations can take time and patience should be exercised. For example, the Hotlist function can take a few minutes when ScanMan is launched. If it is found that the unit is locked and needs to be reset, there are two different ways to do this:

Warm boot/soft reset – Restarts the mobile computer by closing all running programs.

Cold boot/hard reset – Restarts the mobile computer, but erases all stored records and entries in RAM. Data saved in flash memory is not lost. In addition, it returns formats, preferences and other settings to the factory default settings.

Always attempt a warm boot first. This restarts the mobile computer and saves all stored records and entries. If the mobile computer still does not respond, perform a cold boot. To perform a warm boot:

Hold down the Power button for approximately five seconds. As soon as the mobile computer starts to perform a warm boot, release the Power button.

Please refer to the Symbol manual for instructions of how to do a cold boot on MC9090 units.