scandianavian countries


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Presentation on Scandinavian Countries


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Group 1

• Minhaj Hussain 12011598-002

• Naeem Ashgar 12011598-003

• Nabeel Tariq 12011598-004

• Awais Ali 12011598-005

• Rehan Khan 12011598-006

• Usman Sabir 12011598-008

• M. Osama 12011598-009

• Noor u Subho 12011598-010

Page 4: Scandianavian Countries

What is scandinavia…?

• Scandinavia is a group of culturally related countries in northern Europe.

• Scandinavia is a historical and geographical region in Northern Europe.

• There are 3 main countries which are called scandinavian countries.

• Scandinavia and other lands are called Nordic countries.

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Norway Sweden Denmark

Finland Iceland

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Fun Facts About Scandinavia

1- The world's largest population of arctic reindeer herders can be found in Norway

2- The most popular souvenir in Sweden is the commonly seen "moose-crossing" road signs.

3- Norway is just a little bit larger than the US state New Mexico and two thirds of Norway are mountain regions.

4- Finland is called "The Land of the 1,000 lakes", the country has more than 188,000 lakes with 98,000 islands!

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Fun Facts About Scandinavia

5- During Easter in Sweden, which is a well-known holiday here, children dress up and go from home to home asking for candy.6- Sweden is known for innovation and inventions. e.g mouse, fridge, heart pace maker , marine propeller7- Rekjavik, the capital of Iceland, has sidewalks that are heated by geothermal heat in the winter.9- In Denmark, a flag is flown outside when it's someone's birthday.

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Fun Facts About Scandinavia

10- If you're not married when you turn 30, you will get a pepper shaker as a gift and male is called a Pepperman. And female is called Peppermaid .11- In Norway's dark winter during the Polar Nights, the sun is up for only 3 hours a day in some parts (and in others, doesn't come up at all).12- The NRK reports that there are more births in Norway in April than in any other month - apart from the town of Bodø, where the majority of births are in October and November

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• The main bond uniting Scandinavia is the fact that the languages — Danish, Norwegian and Swedish — are mutually intelligible after a bit of exposure.

• There is a passport union which allows the citizen to travel with out passport.

• There used to be a currency union, but it broke up in 1914.

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• Location It is located to the north of Germany and to the south/southwest of Norway and Sweden in Northern Europe.• It has coastlines which cover

4,545 miles (7,314 km) that are along the Baltic and North Seas.

• Area The total land area of Denmark is 16,638 square miles (43,094 sq km).

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• Geography It consists of the peninsula, Jutland and 474 islands, of which Zealand, Funen, Lolland, Falster and Bornholm are the largest.

• Capital The capital city of Denmark is Copenhagen, located on the island of Zealand.

• Population Denmark is a small country with only 5 million people.

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Birth rate: 10.22 births/1,000 population Death rate: 10.12 deaths/1,000 population. Population Growth Rate: 0.4%

Dialing code Its dialing code is 45.

• Currency The currency is the Danish krone. represented by (kr).

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• ReligionThe official religion of Denmark is Evangelical Lutheran.  85% of the Danish population is Evangelical Lutheran. 3% are Roman Catholic. 4% of the population is Muslim.

• Language The official language of Denmark is Danish. Some other languages like English and German are also spoken and understandable.

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• Topography: The topography of Denmark consists mostly of low and flat plains. The highest point in Denmark is Mollehojat 561 feet (171 m). The lowest point is Lammefjord at -23 feet (-7 m).

Literacy Rate: 99% for both men and women.

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• Climate: The weather in Denmark is defined by 4 seasons: 1- It rarely gets freezing cold during winter, which lasts from November to February, with an average temperature of 0.5 degrees Celsius (33 Fahrenheit) 2- March to May are the months of spring and this season is quite unpredictable 3- Early fall is usually warm and nice in Denmark.

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Holidays: 1- New Year's Day 2- Palm Sunday 3- Maundy Thursday 4- Good Friday 5- Easter Sunday 6- Easter Monday 7- Common Prayer Day 8- Ascension Day 9- Whitsun Sunday 10- Whitsun Monday 11- Christmas Day 12- Boxing Day.

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Traditional Foods: 1- Traditional meats include veal, duck, cod, shrimp, pork, and goose. 2- Vegetables are an integral part of a meal, especially red cabbage (slowly simmered) and potatoes. 3- Soups are varied (with split pea and ham a popular choice) and are good winter time dishes. 4-  Danes like their alcohol. "Akvavit" is very popular. Non-alcoholic drinks include Ruby-Red Punch and Apple Shrub (lime sherbet and apple cider).

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Economy: 1- GDP(growth rate): -0.4% 2- Labor force: 2.848 million. 3- Unemployment rate: 6.4%.

Budget: 1- revenues: $176.5 billion . 2- expenditures: $188.9 billion

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Inflation rate : 2.6%Industrial Production Growth Rate: 1.9%Exports : $110.8 billionExports – Commodities: Machinery and Instruments, Meat and Meat Products, Dairy Products, Fish, Pharmaceuticals, Furniture, Windmills.

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Exports – Partners : Germany 16.9%, Sweden 13.2%, UK 9.9%, Norway 5.7%, US 5.5%, Netherlands 4.9%, France 4.3%

Imports : $97.91 billion (2012 est.) 

Imports – commodities: Machinery and Equipment, Raw Materials and Semi manufactures for Industry, Chemicals, Grain and Foodstuffs, Consumer goods.

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Imports – partners: Germany 20.8%, Sweden 13.5%, Netherlands 7.2%, UK 6.3%, China 6.2%, Norway

Principle Govt. Officials: Queen : MARGRETHE II Prime Minister : Helle THORNING-SCHMIDT

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Political System: 1-  Denmark is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy both. 2- Norway has a unicameral Parliament. 3- The Prime Minister of Denmark is the head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark. 4- State power is formally distributed between three institutions: the Parliament (the legislative power), the Government (the executive power) and the Courts (the judicial power).

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Some facts about Denmark: 1- Denmark was the first European country to abolish slavery. 2- The "Dannebrog" is the oldest national flag in the world 3- The average tax rate in Denmark is 49%. 4- Danes eat more pasta than any other people 5- There is not a single mountain in Denmark.(hill 170m high )

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6- Denmark has been a member of the EU since 1973 and of NATO since 1949 7- Denmark is the fifth largest exporter of food in the world. 8- Only three Danish films have sold more than one million tickets. 9- Denmark has been inhabited since about 12,500 BC.


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Location: located in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula between the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean.

Area: 1- It has an area of 125,020 square miles (323,802 sq km). 2- It is slightly larger than New Mexico. 3- Nearly 70% of Norway is uninhabitable and covered by mountains, glaciers, moors, and rivers.

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Capital: Its capital city is Oslo.Population:  1- A population of a little above 5 million. It is the 2nd least densely populated country in Europe. 2- Birth rate: 10.8 births/1,000 population 3- Death rate: 9.22 deaths/1,000 population 4- Population growth rate: 0.327%

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Literacy Rate: 100 % for both men and women.

Currency: The “Norwegian Krone” is the currency of Norway.   The currency symbol is “ kr “.

Religions: Evangelical Lutheran (official) 85.7%. Pentecostal 1%, Muslim 1.8%, Roman Catholic 1%, Other 8.1%,Other Christian 2.4%.

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Languages: 1- Bokmal Norwegian (official). 2- Nynorsk Norwegian (official). 3- small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities .

Climate: 1- Summer from late June to early August is when the weather is warmest and the days are long and bright.( 77°F - 86°F. ) 2- In fall the landscape is painted in golden colors. The temperature drops slowly through September.

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4- In winter much of Norway is usually transformed into a snow-clad paradise. 5- Spring from May to mid-June is when the scenery in Norway is at its most spectacular, with trees and flowers waking to life.

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Traditional Food: 1- Norwegian population is one of the healthiest in the world. 2- Seafood plays a dominant role in the average Norwegian's diet. 3- Solo is an orange-flavoured soft drink, owned by the Norwegian companies Ringnes. Solo has a seven percent share of the Norwegian soft drink market.

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Economy: GDP Growth Rate: 3.1% Labor force: 2.645 million Unemployment rate : 3.1% Inflation rate : 0.6% 

Budget: revenues:$282.9 billion  expenditures:$206.7 billion Exports: $ 162.7 billion Imports:$86.78 billion

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Exports Commodities: Petroleum and Petroleum products, Machinery and Equipment, Metals, Chemicals, Ships, Fish. Industrial production growth rate: - 4.3%

Exports – Partners : Germany 16.9%, Sweden 13.2%, UK 9.9%, Norway 5.7%, US 5.5%, Netherlands 4.9%, France 4.3% .

Imports : $97.91 billion (2012 est.)

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Imports – commodities: Machinery and Equipment, Raw Materials and Semi manufactures for Industry, Chemicals, Grain and Foodstuffs, Consumer goods.

Imports – partners: Germany 20.8%, Sweden 13.5%, Netherlands 7.2%, UK 6.3%, China 6.2%, Norway.

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Political System: 1-  Denmark is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy both. 2- Norway has a unicameral Parliament. 3- The Prime Minister of Denmark is the head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark. 4- State power is formally distributed between three institutions: the Parliament (the legislative power), the Government (the executive power) and the Courts (the judicial power).

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Principle Govt. Officials: 1- Queen : MARGRETHE II 2- Prime Minister : Helle THORNING-SCHMIDT


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Location: 1- Sweden is located in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. 2- It is bordered by Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge tunnel.

Area: 1- Spread At 450,295 square kilometres (173,860 sq mi). 2- It is the 5th largest in Europe and the largest in Northern Europe.

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Capital: Sweden's capital city is ”Stockholm” which is also the largest city.

Population: 1- Total population is about 9.5 million. 2- Birth rate: 10.24 births/1,000 population. 3- Death rate10.21 deaths/1,000 population. 4- Population growth rate0.168%.

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Literacy Rate: 99% in both men and women.

Currency: The “Swedish Krona” is the currency of Sweden.  The currency symbol is “kr”.

Religion: Lutheran: 87%. Other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) : 13%

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Languages: 1- Swedish (official). 2- Small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities.Principle Govt. Officials: 1- King: CARL XVI GUSTAF 2- Prime Minister: Fredrik REINFELDT

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Climate: 1- Autumn brings colder weather and quite a bit of rain, but the trees undergo beautiful color changes. 2- During the winter the number of daylight hours decreases but the snow brightens up the city.  3- Spring arrives sometime in April/May, the snow melts and the days get longer. 4- Summer usually lasts from June to August with an average temperature of 15 °C (60 °F).

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Traditional Foods: 1- A limited range of fish and other seafood is an important part of the Swedish foods. 2- Sweden is one of the top 10 heaviest coffee drinking countries in the world. Milk consumption in Sweden is also very high. 3- On the fast food, pizza and hot dogs have been a ubiquitous part of Swedish culture.

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Economy: GDP Growth Rate: 0.9% Labor force: 5.032 million Unemployment Rate: 8%Budget: revenues: $287.9 billion  expenditures: $289.3 billion Inflation rate :1.4%

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Agriculture Products: Barley, Wheat, Sugar Beets, Meat, Milk.

Industries: Iron and steel, precision equipment (bearings, radio and telephone parts, armaments), wood pulp and paper products, processed foods, motor vehicles. Industrial production growth rate: 6.8% Exports : $177.6 billion

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Exports partners: Germany 10.4%, Norway 9.3%, UK 7.4%, Denmark 6.5%, Finland 6.4%, US 5.5%, Netherlands 5.2%, France 4.8%, Belgium 4.7% .

Imports : $166.4 billion

Imports – partners : Germany 18.1%, Denmark 8%, Norway 7.7%, Netherlands 5.9%, UK 5.8%, Russia 5.6%, Finland 5.3%, China 4.6%, France 4.5%.

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Political System: 1- Constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. 2- The Swedish government is formed by ministers and a Prime minister called State minister. 3- Prime Minister is called the Head of the State while king is called Chief of the State. 4- State power is formally distributed between three institutions: the Parliament (the legislative power), the Government (the executive power) and the Courts (the judicial power). ********

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