scalable gaussian process classi cation via expectation...

Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation Daniel Hern´ andez-Lobato Jos´ e Miguel Hern´ andez-Lobato Universidad Aut´ onoma de Madrid Harvard University Abstract Variational methods have been recently con- sidered for scaling the training process of Gaussian process classifiers to large datasets. As an alternative, we describe here how to train these classifiers efficiently using expec- tation propagation (EP). The proposed EP method allows to train Gaussian process clas- sifiers on very large datasets, with millions of instances, that were out of the reach of pre- vious implementations of EP. More precisely, it can be used for (i) training in a distributed fashion where the data instances are sent to different nodes in which the required com- putations are carried out, and for (ii) maxi- mizing an estimate of the marginal likelihood using a stochastic approximation of the gra- dient. Several experiments involving large datasets show that the method described is competitive with the variational approach. 1 INTRODUCTION Gaussian process classification is a framework that can be used to predict the class label associated to a new instance (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006). In the bi- nary case it is considered a non-linear latent function f whose sign at each input location determines the cor- responding label. Moreover, a Gaussian process prior is assumed for f . A practical difficulty is, however, that making inference about f is infeasible due to the non-Gaussian likelihood. Nevertheless, very efficient methods can be used to carry out the required compu- tations in an approximate way (Kuss and Rasmussen, 2005; Nickisch and Rasmussen, 2008). The result is a non-parametric classifier that becomes more expres- Appearing in Proceedings of the 19 th International Con- ference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2016, Cadiz, Spain. JMLR: W&CP volume 41. Copyright 2016 by the authors. sive as the number of training instances increases. Un- fortunately, the training cost is O(n 3 ), where n is the number of instances. This cost can be improved by us- ing a sparse representation for f (Qui˜ nonero Candela and Rasmussen, 2005). A popular approach in this set- ting introduces additional data instances in the form of m n inducing points or pseudoinputs, whose loca- tion in input space determines the regions where f can change significantly (Snelson and Ghahramani, 2006; Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008). Sparse representa- tions lead to a training cost that scales like O(nm 2 ). In order for Gaussian process classification to work well, good hyper-parameters for the prior on f (e.g., the level of noise, the length-scales and the amplitude) and good inducing point locations must be learned from the data. This is often done by maximizing an estimate of the marginal likelihood. A limitation of existing methods is, however, that the estimate of the marginal likelihood cannot be expressed as a sum over the data instances (Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008). This prevents using efficient techniques for maximiza- tion, such as stochastic gradient ascent or distributed computations. An exception to this is the recent work by Hensman et al. (2015), which combines ideas from stochastic variational inference (Hoffman et al., 2013) and from variational Gaussian processes (Tit- sias, 2009) to provide a scalable method for Gaussian process classification that can be applied to datasets with millions of data instances. Nevertheless, a disad- vantage of the work of Hensman et al. (2015) is that one-dimensional quadratures are strictly needed since some of the computations do not have a closed form. In this paper we introduce an alternative to the vari- ational approach described by Hensman et al. (2015) that is based on expectation propagation (EP) (Minka, 2001). The proposed method allows to train Gaussian process classifiers on very large datasets that were out of the reach of previous approaches based on EP. For this, we show that in EP it is possible to update the posterior approximation for the Gaussian process f and the model hyper-parameters, including the induc- ing points, at the same time. Furthermore, in our EP 168

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Page 1: Scalable Gaussian Process Classi cation via Expectation · Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008). Sparse representa-tions lead to a training

Scalable Gaussian Process Classificationvia Expectation Propagation

Daniel Hernandez-Lobato Jose Miguel Hernandez-LobatoUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid Harvard University


Variational methods have been recently con-sidered for scaling the training process ofGaussian process classifiers to large datasets.As an alternative, we describe here how totrain these classifiers efficiently using expec-tation propagation (EP). The proposed EPmethod allows to train Gaussian process clas-sifiers on very large datasets, with millions ofinstances, that were out of the reach of pre-vious implementations of EP. More precisely,it can be used for (i) training in a distributedfashion where the data instances are sent todifferent nodes in which the required com-putations are carried out, and for (ii) maxi-mizing an estimate of the marginal likelihoodusing a stochastic approximation of the gra-dient. Several experiments involving largedatasets show that the method described iscompetitive with the variational approach.


Gaussian process classification is a framework that canbe used to predict the class label associated to a newinstance (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006). In the bi-nary case it is considered a non-linear latent function fwhose sign at each input location determines the cor-responding label. Moreover, a Gaussian process prioris assumed for f . A practical difficulty is, however,that making inference about f is infeasible due to thenon-Gaussian likelihood. Nevertheless, very efficientmethods can be used to carry out the required compu-tations in an approximate way (Kuss and Rasmussen,2005; Nickisch and Rasmussen, 2008). The result isa non-parametric classifier that becomes more expres-

Appearing in Proceedings of the 19th International Con-ference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)2016, Cadiz, Spain. JMLR: W&CP volume 41. Copyright2016 by the authors.

sive as the number of training instances increases. Un-fortunately, the training cost is O(n3), where n is thenumber of instances. This cost can be improved by us-ing a sparse representation for f (Quinonero Candelaand Rasmussen, 2005). A popular approach in this set-ting introduces additional data instances in the form ofm � n inducing points or pseudoinputs, whose loca-tion in input space determines the regions where f canchange significantly (Snelson and Ghahramani, 2006;Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008). Sparse representa-tions lead to a training cost that scales like O(nm2).

In order for Gaussian process classification to workwell, good hyper-parameters for the prior on f (e.g.,the level of noise, the length-scales and the amplitude)and good inducing point locations must be learnedfrom the data. This is often done by maximizing anestimate of the marginal likelihood. A limitation ofexisting methods is, however, that the estimate of themarginal likelihood cannot be expressed as a sum overthe data instances (Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008).This prevents using efficient techniques for maximiza-tion, such as stochastic gradient ascent or distributedcomputations. An exception to this is the recentwork by Hensman et al. (2015), which combines ideasfrom stochastic variational inference (Hoffman et al.,2013) and from variational Gaussian processes (Tit-sias, 2009) to provide a scalable method for Gaussianprocess classification that can be applied to datasetswith millions of data instances. Nevertheless, a disad-vantage of the work of Hensman et al. (2015) is thatone-dimensional quadratures are strictly needed sincesome of the computations do not have a closed form.

In this paper we introduce an alternative to the vari-ational approach described by Hensman et al. (2015)that is based on expectation propagation (EP) (Minka,2001). The proposed method allows to train Gaussianprocess classifiers on very large datasets that were outof the reach of previous approaches based on EP. Forthis, we show that in EP it is possible to update theposterior approximation for the Gaussian process fand the model hyper-parameters, including the induc-ing points, at the same time. Furthermore, in our EP


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Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation

formulation the estimate of the marginal likelihood isexpressed as a sum over the data. This enables usingstochastic gradient ascent to maximize such an esti-mate to find good model hyper-parameters and induc-ing points. We also show that the EP updates canalso be implemented in a distributed fashion, by split-ting the data across several computational nodes. Insummary, our new EP formulation for Gaussian pro-cess classification has the same advantages as the vari-ational approach of Hensman et al. (2015), with theconvenience that all computations are tractable andone-dimensional quadrature methods are not required.Furthermore, our experiments, involving datasets withmillions of instances, show that both approaches forGaussian process classification perform very similar.

The EP algorithm proposed is not restricted to Gaus-sian process classification. It may be also used forefficient approximate inference in other models. More-over, to our knowledge, this is the first time that thehyper-parameters and the posterior approximation areupdated inside EP at the same time. Previous imple-mentations run EP until convergence with fixed hyper-parameters, to then update the hyper-parameters us-ing a small gradient step. This process is repeated, po-tentially re-using the last EP solution, until the hyper-parameters no longer change. All major Gaussian pro-cess toolboxes follow this approach (Rasmussen andNickisch, 2010; Vanhatalo et al., 2013; The GPy au-thors, 2015). We show that such scheme is less effi-cient since EP may take long time to converge at thebeginning, when the hyper-parameters are still verypoor. This is also the first work in which stochasticgradients are used to update the hyper-parameters inEP. This enables hyper-parameter learning within EPon massive datasets. These advantages and the goodresults of our method suggest that, in general, all EPalgorithms should be implemented as we propose here.


We introduce here Gaussian process classification andthe model considered. Then, we show that expectationpropagation can be used for distributed training andthat the model hyper-parameters can be inferred usingstochastic gradients. The full details of the proposedEP method are found in the supplementary material.

2.1 Gaussian Process Classification

Assume some data in the form of a matrix of attributesX = (x1, . . . ,xn)T with labels y = (y1, . . . , yn), whereyi ∈ {−1, 1}. The task is to predict the class label ofa new instance. For this, we assume the labeling ruleyi = sign(f(xi) + εi), where f(·) is a non-linear func-

tion and εi is standard Gaussian noise that accountsfor mislabeled instances. Furthermore, we assume aGaussian process prior over f with zero mean andcovariance function k(·, ·) (Rasmussen and Williams,2006). That is, f ∼ GP(0, k(·, ·)). To make infer-ence about f = (f(x1), . . . , f(xn))T given y, Bayes’rule is used. Namely, p(f |y) = p(y|f)p(f)/p(y) wherep(f) is a multivariate Gaussian distribution and p(y),the marginal likelihood, can be maximized to find theparameters of the covariance function k(·, ·). The like-lihood of f is p(y|f) =

∏ni=1 Φ(yifi), where Φ(·) is

the cdf of a standard Gaussian and fi = f(xi). Thisis a non-Gaussian likelihood which makes the poste-rior intractable. However, there are several techniquesthat can be used to get a Gaussian approximation ofp(f |y) (Kuss and Rasmussen, 2005; Nickisch and Ras-mussen, 2008). They all result in a non-parametricclassifier. Unfortunately, all these methods scale likeO(n3), where n is the number of training instances.

A sparse representation for the Gaussian process fcan be used to reduce the training cost. A pop-ular approach introduces a dataset of m � n in-ducing points X = (x1, . . . ,xm)T with associatedvalues f = (f(x1), . . . , f(xm))T (Naish-Guzman andHolden, 2008; Snelson and Ghahramani, 2006). Theaim of the inducing points, X, is to constrainthe form of f and to indicate where it can sig-nificantly change. Given X, the prior for f isthen approximated as p(f) =

∫p(f |f)p(f |X)df ≈∫ [∏n

i=1 p(fi|f)]p(f |X)df = pFITC(f |X), where the

Gaussian conditional p(f |f) is replaced by a factor-ized distribution

∏ni=1 p(fi|f). This approximation

is known as the full independent training conditional(FITC) (Quinonero Candela and Rasmussen, 2005),and it leads to a Gaussian prior pFITC(f |X) with alow-rank covariance matrix. This prior allows for ap-proximate inference with cost O(nm2). Finally, the in-ducing points X are regarded as hyper-parameters tobe learnt by maximizing the marginal likelihood p(y).

2.2 Model Specification and ExpectationPropagation

The original methods based on the FITC approxima-tion do not express the estimate of the marginal likeli-hood, p(y), as a sum across data instances. This makesinfeasible the use of efficient stochastic algorithms forlearning the model hyper-parameters. To avoid this,we follow Titsias (2009) and do not marginalize thevalues f associated to the inducing points. Specifically,the posterior approximation we consider is p(f |y) ≈∫p(f |f)q(f)df , where q is a Gaussian distribution that

approximates p(f |y), i.e., the posterior of the valuesassociated to the inducing points. To obtain q, we usefirst on the exact posterior the FITC approximation


Page 3: Scalable Gaussian Process Classi cation via Expectation · Naish-Guzman and Holden, 2008). Sparse representa-tions lead to a training

Daniel Hernandez-Lobato, Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato

pFITC(f |f) introduced in Section 2.1. In particular,

p(f |y) =

∫p(y|f)p(f |f)dfp(f |X)


≈∫p(y|f)pFITC(f |f)dfp(f |X)



∏ni=1 φi(f)p(f |X)

p(y|X), (1)

where p(y|f) =∏ni=1 Φ(yifi), pFITC(f |f) =∏n

i=1 p(fi|f) =∏ni=1N (fi|mi, si) and φi(f) =∫

Φ(yifi)N (fi|mi, si)dfi = Φ(yimi/√si + 1), with

mi = KfifK−1

f ff and si = Kfifi −Kfif

K−1f f

Kffi. Fur-

thermore, Kf f is a matrix with the prior covariances

among the entries in f , Kfifis a row vector with the

prior covariances between fi and f and Kfifi is theprior variance of fi. Finally, N (·|m,Σ) denotes thep.d.f of a multivariate Gaussian distribution with meanvector equal to m and covariance matrix equal to Σ.

The r.h.s of (1) is an intractable posterior due to thenon-Gaussianity of each φi. We use expectation prop-agation (EP) to obtain a Gaussian approximation q(Minka, 2001). In EP, each φi is approximated by anun-normalized Gaussian factor φi which is defined as:

φi(f) = si exp{− νi2 f


Ti f + µif


}, (2)

where υi = K−1f f

Kffiis a m dimensional vector, and

si, νi and µi are parameters to be estimated by EP. Im-portantly, φi has a one-rank precision matrix, whichmeans that in practice only O(m) parameters needto be stored per each φi. This is not an approxima-tion and the optimal Gaussian factor φi approximat-ing φi has this form (see the supplementary materialfor more details). The posterior approximation q isobtained by replacing in the r.h.s. of (1) each ex-act factor φi with the corresponding approximate fac-tor φi. Namely, q(f) =

∏ni=1 φi(f)p(f |X)/Zq, where

Zq is a normalization constant that approximates themarginal likelihood p(y|X). We note that all factors inq are Gaussian, including the prior. Thus, q is a mul-tivariate Gaussian distribution over m dimensions.

EP updates each φi iteratively until-convergence as fol-lows. First, φi is removed from q by computing q\i ∝q/φi. Then, we minimize the Kullback-Leibler diver-gence between Z−1i φiq

\i, and q, i.e., KL[Z−1i φiq\i||q],

with respect to q, where Zi is the normalization con-stant of φiq

\i. This involves matching the mean andthe covariances of Z−1i φiq

\i, which can be obtainedfrom the derivatives of logZi with respect to the (nat-ural) parameters of q\i (Seeger, 2006). Given a newdistribution q, the approximate factor is φi = Ziq/q

\i.This enforces that φi is similar to φi in regions of high

posterior probability as estimated by q\i. These up-dates are done in parallel for efficiency reasons, i.e.,we compute q\i and the new q, for i = 1 . . . , n, at thesame time, and then update φi as before (Van Gervenet al., 2009; Hernandez-Lobato et al., 2011). The newapproximation q is obtained by multiplying all the φiand p(f |X). The normalization constant of q, Zq, is theEP approximation of the marginal likelihood p(y|X).The log of this constant is (Seeger, 2006):

logZq = g(θ)− g(θprior) +∑ni=1 log Zi , (3)

where log Zi = logZi + g(θ\i) − g(θ), with θ, θ\i

and θprior being the natural parameters of q, q\i andp(f |X), respectively. Furthermore, Zi is the normal-ization constant of φiq

\i, and g(θ) is the log-normalizerof a multivariate Gaussian with natural parameters θ.

If EP converges (the φi do not change), the gradientof logZq with respect to the parameters of each φi iszero (Seeger, 2006). Thus, the gradient of logZq withrespect to a hyper-parameter ξj (i.e., a parameter ofthe covariance function k(·, ·) or a component of X) is:

∂ logZq∂ξj

=(ηT − ηT


) ∂θprior∂ξj



∂ logZi∂ξj

, (4)

where η and ηprior are the expected sufficient statis-tics under q and the prior p(f |X), respectively. See thesupplementary material. Using (4) the model hyper-parameters can be estimated by maximizing logZqvia gradient ascent. Typically, one alternates be-tween running EP until convergence for fixed hyper-parameters, and updating the hyper-parameters usinga gradient step. After training, q gives a predictivedistribution for the label y? of a new instance x?:

p(y?|y,X) ≈∫p(y?|f?)p(f?|f)q(f)dfdf? . (5)

Because several simplifications occur when comput-ing the derivatives with respect to the inducing points(Snelson, 2007), the total training time is O(nm2).

2.3 Scalable Expectation Propagation

Current EP implementations re-run EP (re-using theprevious solution) after each single gradient ascent up-date of the hyper-parameters since (4) is only valid ifEP has converged. Such a scheme is very inefficient atthe beginning, when the estimate of the model hyper-parameters is often very poor, and EP may requireseveral iterations to converge. To circumvent this, wepropose to update the approximate factors φi and themodel hyper-parameters ξj at the same time. Thatis, after a parallel update of all the approximate fac-tors, we update the hyper-parameters using gradient


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Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation

0 200 400 600





Training Time in Seconds



EP − Outer UpdateEP − Inner − Exact GradientEP − Inner − Approx. Gradient

Figure 1: (left) Value of logZq obtained when updating the hyper-parameters after EP has converged (outer) and just

after each update of the approximate factors φi (inner), when using the exact gradient, and the approximation (4),

which assumes matched moments between Z−1i φiq

\i and q. m = 300. (right) Distribution of the EP updates across K

computational nodes storing a subset D1, . . . ,DK of the data. Best seen in color.

ascent assuming that each φi is fixed. However, be-cause EP has not converged, the moments of Z−1i φiq


and q need not match. Thus, extra terms must beadded to (4) to get the exact gradient. In spite of this,our experiments show that the extra terms are verysmall and can be ignored. In practice, we use (4) forthe inner update of the hyper-parameters. Figure 1(left) shows that the approach described successfullymaximizes logZq on the Pima dataset from the UCIrepository (A. Asuncion, 2007). Because we do notwait for convergence in EP, the method is significantlyfaster. The idea of why the approach described worksin practice is as follows. The EP update of each φi canbe seen as a (natural) gradient ascent step on logZqwhen all φj , with j 6= i, remain fixed (Heskes andZoeter, 2002). Furthermore, those updates are veryeffective for finding a stationary point of logZq with

respect to the parameters of each φi since EP typicallyconverges. Thus, it is natural that an inner update ofthe hyper-parameters when all φi remain fixed is aneffective method for finding a maximum of logZq.

Distributed training: The method described is suit-able for distributed computation using the ideas in(Gelman et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2014). In particular,the training data can be split in K subsets D1, . . . ,DKwhich are sent to K computational nodes. A masternode stores the posterior approximation q, which issent to each computational node. Then, node k up-dates each φj with j ∈ Dk and returns


φj to themaster node. After each node has done this, the mas-ter node updates q using p(f |X) and the messages re-ceived. Because the gradient of the hyper-parameters(4) involves a sum over the data instances, its compu-tation can also be distributed among the K computa-tional nodes. Thus, the total training cost of the EPmethod can be reduced by a factor of K toO(nm2/K).Figure (1) (right) illustrates the scheme described.

Training using minibatches: The method de-scribed is also suitable for stochastic optimization. Forthis, the data are split in minibatches Mk of sizes � n, with n the total number of instances. For

each minibatch Mk, each φj with j ∈ Mk is refined,and q is updated afterwards. Next, the model hyper-parameters are updated via gradient ascent using astochastic approximation of (4). Namely,

∂Zq∂ξj≈(ηT − ηT


) ∂θprior∂ξj

+ C∑


∂ logZl∂ξj

, (6)

where C = n/|Mk|. After the update, q is re-constructed. With this training scheme we updatethe model hyper-parameters more frequently, and thetraining cost scales like O(m3). The memory resourcesscale, however, like O(nm), since we store m + 1 pa-rameters per each approximate factor φi.


A related method for binary classification with GPsuses scalable variational inference (SVI) (Hensmanet al., 2015). Since p(y|f) =

∫p(y|f)p(f |f)df , we ob-

tain the bound log p(y|f) ≥ Ep(f |f)[log p(y|f)] by tak-ing the logarithm and using Jensen’s inequality. Letq(f) be a Gaussian approximation of p(f |y). Then,

log p(y) = log

∫q(f)p(y|f)p(f |X)/q(f)df

≥ Eq(f)[log p(y|f)]−KL[q(f)||p(f |X)] , (7)

by Jensen’s inequality, with KL[·||·] the KullbackLeibler divergence. Using the first bound in (7) gives

log p(y) ≥ Eq(f)[Ep(f |f)[log p(y|f)]]−KL[q(f)||p(f |X)]

≥ Eq(f)[log p(y|f)]−KL[q(f)||p(f |X)]

≥∑ni=1 Eq(fi)[log p(yi|fi)]−

KL[q(f)||p(f |X)] , (8)

where q(f) =∫p(f |f)q(f)df and q(fi) is the i-th

marginal of q(f). Let q(f) = N (u|m,S), with mand S variational parameters. Because p(f |f) =N (f |Af , Kff − AKT

f f), where A = Kf fK

−1f f

, andKf f is a matrix with the covariances between pairsof observed inputs and inducing points, q(f) =


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Daniel Hernandez-Lobato, Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato

N (f |Am, Kff + A(S − Kf f )AT). S is encoded inpractice as LLT and the lower bound (8) is maxi-mized with respect to m, L, the inducing points X andany hyper-parameter using either batch, stochastic ordistributed optimization techniques. In the stochasticcase, small minibatches are considered and the gradi-ent of

∑ni=1 Eq(fi)[log p(yi|fi)] in (8) is subsampled and

scaled accordingly. In the distributed case, the gradi-ent of the sum is computed in parallel. The computa-tional cost of this method is O(nm2), when trained ina batch setting, and O(m3), when using minibatchesand stochastic gradients. A practical disadvantage is,however, that Eq(fi)[log p(yi|fi)] has no analytic solu-tion. These expectations and their gradients must beapproximated using one-dimensional quadratures. Bycontrast, in the approach described in Section 2.2 allthe required computations have a closed form solution.

Another related method is the generalized FITC ap-proximation (GFITC) of Naish-Guzman and Holden(2008), in which the values f associated to the induc-ing points are marginalized, as indicated in Section2.1. This generates the FITC prior pFITC(f |X) whichleads to a computational cost that is O(nm2). Expec-tation propagation (EP) is also used in such a modelto approximate p(f |y,X). In particular, EP replaceswith a Gaussian factor each likelihood factor of theform p(yi|fi) = Φ(yifi). A limitation is, however, thatthe estimate of the marginal likelihood p(y|X) pro-vided by EP in this model does not contain a sumover the data instances. Thus, GFITC does not al-low for stochastic nor distributed optimization of themodel hyper-parameters. This is not the case of theestimate described in (3) for the proposed approach.

A similar model to the one described in Section 2.2has been proposed by Qi et al. (2010). These authorsalso use EP for approximate inference. However, themoments of the process are matched at f , instead of atf . This leads to equivalent, but more complicated EPupdates. Furthermore, the inducing points X (whichare considered to be noisy) are not learned from theobserved data, but kept fixed. This is a serious lim-itation since finding good locations for the inducingpoints is strictly required to get good prediction re-sults. The main advantage with respect to GFITC isthat training can be done in an online fashion. This isalso the case of the approach proposed in Section 2.2.

Other methods have been proposed in the literature(Henao and Winther, 2012), but they do not allow forstochastic optimization of the hyper-parameters.


We compare the proposed method for Gaussian pro-cess classification based on a scalable EP algorithm

(SEP) with (i) the generalized FITC approximation(GFITC) of Naish-Guzman and Holden (2008) and(ii) the scalable variational inference (SVI) method ofHensman et al. (2015). SEP and GFITC use fast paral-lel EP updates that require only matrix multiplicationsand avoid loops over the data. All methods are imple-mented in R. The code is found in the supplementarymaterial. Finally, to guarantee a fair comparison, allhyper-parameters (including the inducing points) areset to the same initial values in each method.

4.1 Datasets from the UCI Repository

A first set of experiments evaluates the predictive per-formance of SEP, GFITC and SVI on 7 datasets ex-tracted from the UCI repository (A. Asuncion, 2007).We use 90% of the data for training and 10% for test-ing and report averages over 20 repetitions of the ex-periments. All methods are trained using batch algo-rithms for 250 iterations. Both GFITC and SVI useL-BFGS-B. In SEP we use gradient ascent with anadaptive learning rate (see the supplementary mate-rial). We report for each method the average negativetest log-likelihood. A squared exponential covariancefunction with automatic relevance determination, anamplitude parameter and an additive noise parameteris employed. The initial inducing points are chosenat random from the training data. All other hyper-parameters are initialized to the same values. A dif-ferent number of inducing points m are considered.Namely, 15%, 25% and 50% of the total number ofinstances. The results of these experiments are dis-played in Table 1. The best method is shown in boldface. The proposed approach, i.e., SEP, obtains sim-ilar results to GFITC and SVI and sometimes is thebest method. Table 1 also reports the average trainingtime in seconds. The fastest method is SEP followedby SVI. GFITC is the slowest method since it runs EPuntil convergence to evaluate then the gradient of theapproximate marginal likelihood. By contrast, SEPupdates at the same time the approximate factors andthe model hyper-parameters, which is more efficient.

4.2 Analysis of Inducing Point Learning

Using the setting of the previous section, we focuson the two dimensional Banana dataset and analyzethe location of the inducing points inferred by eachmethod. We initialize the inducing points at randomfrom the training set and progressively increase theirnumber m from 4 to 256. Figure 2 shows the resultsobtained. For small values of m, i.e., m = 4 or m = 8,SEP and SVI provide very similar locations for theinducing points. The estimates provided by GFITCfor m = 4 are different as a consequence of arrivingto a sub-optimal local maximum of the estimate of


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Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation

Table 1: Average negative test log likelihood for each method and average training time in seconds.m = 15% m = 25% m = 50%

Problem GFITC SEP SVI GFITC SEP SVI GFITC SEP SVIAustralian .68 ± .06 .69 ± .07 .63 ± .05 .68 ± .08 .67 ± .07 .63 ± .05 .67 ± .09 .64 ± .05 .63 ± .05Breast .10 ± .05 .11 ± .05 .10 ± .05 .11 ± .06 .11 ± .05 .10 ± .05 .11 ± .05 .11 ± .05 .10 ± .05Crabs .07 ± .07 .06 ± .06 .07 ± .06 .06 ± .07 .06 ± .06 .07 ± .07 .06 ± .07 .06 ± .06 .09 ± .06Heart .43 ± .12 .40 ± .13 .39 ± .11 .42 ± .12 .41 ± .12 .40 ± .11 .42 ± .13 .41 ± .11 .40 ± .10Ionosphere .30 ± .22 .26 ± .19 .26 ± .14 .29 ± .23 .27 ± .20 .27 ± .18 .30 ± .24 .27 ± .19 .26 ± .16Pima .54 ± .08 .52 ± .07 .49 ± .05 .53 ± .07 .51 ± .06 .50 ± .05 .53 ± .07 .50 ± .05 .49 ± .05Sonar .35 ± .13 .33 ± .10 .40 ± .17 .35 ± .12 .32 ± .10 .40 ± .19 .35 ± .13 .29 ± .09 .35 ± .16Avg. Time 59 ± 4 17 ± 1 40 ± 2 133 ± 6 37 ± 2 65 ± 3 494 ± 29 130 ± 5 195 ± 10

m = 4 m = 8 m = 16 m = 32 m = 64 m = 128 m = 256






Figure 2: Effect of increasing the inducing points for SEP, SVI and GFITC. Each column shows a different number of

inducing points from m = 4 to m = 256. Blue and red points represent training data from the banana dataset. Inducing

points are black dots and decision boundaries are black lines. Best seen in color.

the marginal likelihood. If the initial inducing pointsare chosen differently, GFITC gives the same solutionas SEP and SVI. We also observe that SEP and SVIquickly provide (i.e., for m = 16) estimates of the deci-sion boundaries that look similar to the ones obtainedwith larger values of m (i.e., m = 256). These resultsconfirm that SEP is able to find good locations forthe inducing points. Finally, we note that SVI seemsto prefer placing the inducing points near the decisionboundaries. This is not the case of GFITC nor SEP.

4.3 Performance as a Function of Time

We profile each method to show the prediction perfor-mance on the Image dataset a function of the trainingtime, for different numbers of inducing points m, i.e.,4, 50 and 200. Training is done as in Section 4.1.We report averages over 100 realizations of the experi-ments. The results are displayed in Figure 3 (left). Weobserve that the proposed method SEP provides thebest performance at the lowest computational time. Itis faster than GFITC because in SEP we update theposterior approximation q and the hyper-parametersat the same time. By contrast, GFITC waits until EPhas converged to update the hyper-parameters. SVI

also takes more time than SEP to obtain a similarlevel of performance. This method requires a few extramatrix multiplications with cost O(nm2) to evaluatethe gradient of the hyper-parameters. Furthermore,the initial performance of SVI is significantly worsethan the one of GFITC and SEP, for each value of m.More precisely, after one iteration, both GFITC andSEP have updated each approximate factor, leadingto a good estimate of q, the posterior approximation,which is then used for hyper-parameter estimation. Bycontrast, SVI updates q using gradient ascent whichrequires several iterations to get a good estimate ofthis distribution. Thus, at the beginning, SVI is mostprobably updating the model hyper-parameters whenq is still a very bad approximation of the posterior.

4.4 Training in a Distributed Fashion

We illustrate the utility of SEP and SVI to carry outdistributed training1. We consider the MNIST datasetand use 60, 000 instances for training and 10, 000 in-stances for testing. The number of inducing points mis set equal to 200 in both SEP and SVI. The task is

1GFITC does not allow for this type of training.


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Daniel Hernandez-Lobato, Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato

−1 0 1 2 3










Avg. Time in seconds in a log10 scale





t Log




GFITC m = 4GFITC m = 50GFITC m = 200SEP m = 4SEP m = 50SEP m = 200SVI m = 4SVI m = 50SVI m = 200

2 4 6 8 10 12








Number of Computational Nodes




e in




Figure 3: (left) Prediction performance of each method on the Image dataset as a function of the training time measured

in seconds (in a log10 scale). Different numbers of inducing points are considered, i.e., m = 4, 50, 200. Best seen in

color. (right) Average training time in seconds for SEP and SVI on the MNIST dataset as a function of the number of

computational nodes employed in the process of distributed training. Best seen in color.

to discriminate odd from even digits, which is a highlynon-linear problem. We distribute the data across anincreasing number of nodes from 1 to 12 using a ma-chine with 12 CPUs. The process of distributed train-ing is simulated via the R package doMC, which al-lows to execute for loops in parallel with a few linesof code. In SVI we parallelize the computation of theterms (corresponding either to both the lower boundor the gradient) that depend on the training instances.In SEP we parallelize the updates of the approximatefactors and the computation of the estimate of the gra-dient of hyper-parameters. Figure 3 (right) shows thetraining time in seconds of each method as a func-tion of the number of nodes (CPUs) considered. Weobserve that using more than 1 nodes significantly re-duces the training time of SEP and SVI, until 6 nodesare reached. After this, no improvements are observed,probably because process synchronization becomes abottle-neck. The test error and the avg. neg. testlog likelihood of SVI is 2.2% and 0.0655, respectively,while for SEP they are 2.7% and 0.0694. These valuesare the same independently of the number of nodesconsidered. The R code to reproduce these experi-ments is found in the supplementary material.

4.5 Training using Stochastic Gradients

We evaluate the performance of SEP and SVI on theMNIST dataset when the training process is imple-mented using minibatches of 200 instances. Each mini-batch is used to update the posterior approximationq and to compute a stochastic approximation of thegradient of the hyper-parameters. Note that GFITCdoes not allow for this type of stochastic optimization.The learning rate employed for updating the hyper-parameters is computed using the Adadelta methodin both SEP and SVI with ρ = 0.9 and ε = 10−5

(Zeiler, 2012). The number of inducing points is set

equal to the minibatch size, i.e., 200. We report theperformance on the test set (prediction error and av-erage negative test log likelihood) as a function of thetraining time. We compare the results of these meth-ods (stochastic) with the variants of SEP and SVI thatuse all data instances for the estimation of the gradient(batch). Figure 4 (top) shows the results obtained. Weobserve that stochastic methods (either SEP or SVI)obtain good results even before batch methods havecompleted a single hyper-parameter update. Further-more, the performance of the stochastic variants ofSEP and SVI in terms of the test error or the avg.neg. log likelihood is very similar. These are 1.8% and0.0528 for SEP, and 2.0% and 0.0654 for SVI, respec-tively. They are better than the results reported byHensman et al. (2015). The R code to reproduce theseexperiments is found in the supplementary material.

Our last experiments consider information about allcommercial flights in the USA from January 2008 toApril 2008. The task is the same as in (Hensman et al.,2015). Namely, to predict whether a flight was de-layed or not based on 8 attributes: age of the aircraft,distance that needs to be covered, airtime, departuretime, arrival time, day of the week, day of the monthand month. After removing instances with missing val-ues 2, 127, 068 instances remain. From these, 10, 000are used for testing and the rest are used for trainingthe stochastic variants of SVI and SEP (batch meth-ods are infeasible in this dataset). We use a minibatchof size 200 and set m = 200 and compare results witha logistic regression classifier. The results obtainedare displayed in Figure 4 (bottom). We observe thatboth SEP and SVI outperform the linear model, whichshows that the problem is non-linear. Eventually SEPand SVI provide similar performance results, probablybecause in this large dataset the posterior distributionis very close to be Gaussian. However, SEP improves


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Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation

0 1 2 3 4






Training Time in Seconds in a log10 Scale



t Erro


SEP BatchSEP StochasticSVI BatchSVI Stochastic

0 1 2 3 4






Training Time in Seconds in a log10 Scale



. Tes

t Log




SEP BatchSEP StochasticSVI BatchSVI Stochastic

1 2 3 4





Airline Delays

Training Time in Seconds in a log10 Scale



t Erro


SEP StochasticSVI StochasticLinear Model

1 2 3 4





Airline Delays

Training Time in Seconds in a log10 Scale



. Tes

t Log



d SEP StochasticSVI StochasticLinear Model

Figure 4: (top) Average test error and and average negative test log likelihood for SEP and SVI as a function of training

time on the MNIST dataset. Stochastic variants use a minibatch size equal to 200 to approximate the gradients. Batch

variants use all data instances for the evaluation of the gradient. (bottom) Results for the Airline delays dataset where

batch methods are not feasible. The performance of a linear logistic regression classifier is also shown. Best seen in color.

results more quickly. This supports that, at the begin-ning, the EP updates of SEP are more effective for esti-mating q than the gradient updates of SVI. We believethat SVI is most likely updating the hyper-parametersusing a poor estimate of q, at the beginning.


We have shown that expectation propagation (EP)can be used for Gaussian process classification in largescale problems. This scenario was previously consid-ered infeasible for this approximate inference method.The scalable variant of EP proposed in this paper(SEP) allows for (i) training in a distributed fashionin which the data are sent to different computationalnodes and (ii) for updating the posterior approxima-tion and the model hyper-parameters at the same timeusing minibatches and a stochastic approximation ofthe gradient of the estimate of the marginal likelihood.

The proposed method, SEP, has been compared withother approaches from the literature such as the gen-eralized FITC approximation (GFITC) and a scalablevariational inference (SVI) method. The results ob-tained show that SEP outperforms GFITC in largedatasets in which that method is infeasible. Further-more, SEP is competitive with SVI in large datasetsand provides similar and sometimes even better per-formance at an equivalent computational cost. If smallminibatches are used for training, the cost of SEP isO(m3), where m is the number of inducing points.

A disadvantage of SEP is that the memory require-ments are O(nm), where n is the number of instances.Nevertheless, we believe this cost may be reduced toO(m2) by using the approach of Li et al. (2015), inwhich the likelihood of the model is approximated us-ing a single Gaussian factor. In our experiments SEPseems to provide better results than SVI at the earlyiterations. An explanation for this is a better estima-tion of the posterior approximation q when using theEP updates, which are free of any learning rate, thanwhen using the gradient steps employed by SVI.

Finally, the proposed EP algorithm is not restricted toGaussian process classification. It may be used for effi-cient approximate inference in other models. The goodresults obtained also show that EP algorithms shouldalways be implemented as we suggest. That is, q andall the model hyper-parameters should be updated atthe same time. Currently, all major Gaussian pro-cess toolboxes do not follow this approach (they runEP until convergence after each single update of thehyper-parameters), and they could benefit from it.


DHL acknowledges the use of the facilities of Centro de

Computacin Cientıfica (CCC) at Universidad Autonoma

de Madrid. JMHL is supported by the Rafael del Pino

Foundation. DHL is supported by Plan Nacional I+D+i,

Grants TIN2013-42351-P and TIN2015-70308-REDT, and

by CAM, Grant S2013/ICE-2845 CASI-CAM-CM.


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