scala : · peril on land...

. THE TEESDALE MERCURY. \s'isintaday. March 1st. 195s BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS. AGRICULTURAL. GENERAL NoTICES. GENERAL NOTICES. sse/".o. / aM•",ore-ma.""art/ aate"... ma/er.,""eno-aer/aer."-er.'"Ore`m/Or...." BOWES PA It I SH HALL Fi - ND. 11 SCALA : VICTORIA HALL PHONE 50 Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 3, 4: il Thurs , Fri., Sat , March .T. 3, 4 Saturday Matinee at 1-30 pate i ciark Gab'e, Alexis Smith in Cecil Parker, David Tomlinsm . ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY a u With Wendell Corey, Audrey Totter r .Frank Morgan. Gable's most eicitia: peer picture for years. CINEMA A COMMITTEE MEETING in the 4-11- School. 7-30 p.m., FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd. PHONE 50 BARNARD CASTLE Twice Nightly at 6 p.m. and 8-15 p.m. BARNARD CASTLE. Twyford's Pedigree Seeds Sow New Ste& for Higher Yields Spring oats now ready, cleaned and dressed, for prompt delivfry Star, Victory, Onward. Marvellous Samples may be seen at our District Office : Market Place Barnard Castle Rep.. Kt:1.17\ THOMPS0‘, Tel. 3118 RAIL EXCii RS IONS torainOE PRESTON.—On Feb. 26th. at Lan- cheater Hospital, Emily Preston, late of Hetheriek Grange, Alar- wood. Interment at Lanchester, Thursday, at 2 p.m. SPOOR.-25t1t Feb.. Lime Trees Avenue. Peterborough. Betsy. dear wife of Rev. John Spoor, late of Barnard Castle. 113310aLaw. ABBorr.---111 loving tnemot•y of Inv ch•ar husband, Joseph Henry Abbott. died 16th February. 1947. —Remembered by loving Wife and family. CLARKSON.-- Treasured mettimies of a dear wife and mother, who passed away at Dyson House. 13arning,hanisellarch 1st. 1944. OLIVER t late of H ndert aitei —In loving memory of a dear Husband and Father. who died. suddenly, March 4th, 1946. Your life was spent in kindly deeds. Giving :help in others' needs. —Ever remembered by his loving Wife and Son John, Garth House, Mickleton. SOWERI3Y (Baldersdalet. — In affectionate remembrance of - a dear husband and dad (Fred), who died on March 2nd, 1947.— Always remembered by his Wife and family. R.I.P. CRICKET AND TENN1S CLUB. 413"":' TO DARLINGTON 3/9 Emery Saturday to 3rd June iddleton-iii-Teesdale dep. 11-35 am, also from Mickle ton 11-39 8/6. Return from t. Darlington 410, 5 - 30 or 7 p.m. _ POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK. latANTED, Groundsman for COM-- ing season. Approximately 2ti weeks employment. Applications to be sent , to undersigned statiug experience. wages, • .ete., by 15th March, 1950. D. L. D. KII`CHING, Black Horse Inn, ' CHILTERN HUNDREDS Wtth Lana Morris. Come and see what happens when falls for parlourmaid. NOW Booking for forwatid delivery-. .4.1 Growing Pullets, 4-6 wk. old. All popular breeds and .crosses from Aci.redited. Blood-tested breeding stock. Prices on application.—H. .1. Walker, Prospect House, Bqwes. Phone: Bowes 24. GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS Sunday, March 5tn. at 7 - 45 p.m • Cheryl Walker, William Terry . STAGE DOOR CANTEEN White Flannelette Sheets, size 70 x 90 price 38'6 "Vantoria" Flannelette Sheets, White with coloured border, 70 x 90 price 4316 White Flannelette Sheets, 80 x 100 price 45'6 WANTED urgently-, clean Cur 1 Bitch. newly whelped, for Foster-Mother.—Bilek. West Roods, Boldron. TO MIDDLESBROUGH Every Saturday to 6th May Barnard Castle 12-15 pm 4/6 Cotherstone 11-49 am 4/9 Mickleton . 11-39 am 5/3 Middleton-in-T. 11-35 am /6 Romaldkirk 11-44 am /3 Return from Middlesbrough -15 pm to all stations. To Barnard Castle only 9-15 ACCOMMODATION. Mons Tues., Wed., March 6. 7, 8 : Sam Wanatnaher, Leaa Pmdoyani GIVE US THIS DAY a With Kathleen Ryan.. Bonar Colleano Love Signed his`Death Warrant. :Mon., Tues., Wed., Nlarch 6, 7. 8: Frederick March, Florence Eldridge, Francis L. Sullivan in CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS u Wap Kathleen Ryan and Derek Bond ['he story the World has ‘vaited- to see Peril on land and danger on sea. -.41 Colour by Technicolor NATIONM, BRITISH WOMEN'S TOTAL ABS'TINENCE UNION. A MEETING of the above will be " held in NE,WGATE :METHOD- IST SCHOOLROOM on TUESDAY. 14th MARCH. at 2-30 p.m. All Members and Supporters are eordi- ally invited ,to attend. WILLIAM "VINCENT HESLOP Deceased. All Wool Blankets, single size, price 251- each size 70 x 90, 381 - size 80 x 96, 46'11 pDINBURCAL—Bed, Breakfast dr " Supper, doubles.—Miss Dick- son, 5, Warrender Park Terrace. Scarth Cinema Cosy Cinema STA1NDROP Middleton-in-Teesdale Phone: zit SALES AND WANTS. CH1 Alhambra Quilts, coloured, size 80 x 100. at 64'6 each Cot Flannelette Sheets at 3/41 each Cot White Wool Blankets at 9/10 each ATH 0 TO NEWCASTLE 6/' Every Saturday to 6th May Barnard Castle dep. 12 -20 pm return from Newcastle 5-30 pm 7-35 or 8- 12 pm. Full details from the stations CO ALI, PERSONS having (ambits 4--si against the Estate of the above Deceased late of 'West Middleton Farm Hutton 'Magna in the North Riding of the °Minty of York _Farmer are rebuested to send parti- culars thereof; and all persons in- debted to the said deceased are Fanner are requested to send parti- with to the undersigned Solicitors to. the Administratrices. DARLING. HESLOP & FORSTER. Solicitors, Bank Chambers. 21.& 23, Market Place, Barnard Castle. LINII FED QUAN llrIES:-JUNREPEATABI.V. VALUE; ABSO.LUTELY Finest Cloth Clip- pings. 1'n:ciders 18/- st.; flookeys, 25/-, carr. Paid. Long Wool Thrums, 3/ti lb.. Rug. Wooi, 8/9. S.A.E. colour list.—Yorkshire Clipping Co., 11, St. Vincent Street, Suuderland. To-day (W.Lidnesday) aa 6 - 15 & 8.-25 Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart MARKED WOMEN (a) also Perils of Nyoka, Chapter 11 (u) Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., Twice at 6 t 8-15 p.m. Tues., Thurs., One performance at 7 Admission : Half Prices: 5d., 9d., 1/-. WHeSON (Middleton-in-Teesdale).— In loving memory of a dear Brother and Uncle. Joseph. who died March 1st. 1945.—Always remembered by his sister Laura, brother-in-laa- Robbie. nephews Albert and Roland. atiziOwLzhciinals. BENDELOW.—Mr M. "Bendelow and family-, of the Post Office, Bowes, wish to thank all rela- tives, friends and neighbours for help and kind expressions of sympathy received during their recent sad bereavement; also for beautiful floral tributes. 11,0311111.—Mrs J. Homer and family are deeply grateful to all relatives, friends and neighbours, staff of N.H.I., for kindness- also Dr. Coombs, and. appreciat'e the many expressions of sympathy, beauti- ful flowers, and letters, in their sudden bereavement. WARD.-31iss M. Ward wishes to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours; also Dr. Coombs and the Rev. S. L. Cook, for kindness shown to her in her sad loss; also for floral tributes and letters of sympathy.-15, King Street, Bar- nard Castle. WINTER.--Mrs N:. Winter wishes te, thank all kind friends for their kindness during the illness of her husband. also Dr. Coombs and Nurse Wilkinson; and. for all floral tributes sent and deep sympathy shown. faltUY.ING a Bike? Why not a " C 0 V ENTRY-EAGLE? Write for name of dealer and catal- ogue to COVENTRY - EAGLE CYCLES LTD., (7oventry. BRITISH RAILWAYS) ROYAL NAVAL OL COMRADES' ASSOCIAION. FURNISHERS & DRAPERS TeZ:162 NVed., Thurs . March I, 2 : - Louis Hayward and Janet Blair in BLACK ARROW STRUCES t Russell Haydon and Dud Taylor is the Pay Off Fri., Sat.. March 3, 4 : Jack Carson and Janis Palge in IT'S MAGIC „Barnard Castle District. DUNLOP MIES. Local Stock for Cars, Trucks or Tractors. —LOUIS SMITH, Motor Engineer, Barnard CaStle. Phone 25 Barnard Castle. 30-32 HORSEMARKET, BARNARD CASTLE saturday at 2-15 and 6-15 Bruce Cabot and Constance Bennett WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES (u) also Grannie Get Your Gun (u) igibtror to,r w 11.. 1.11): r Sl y .loa sed Wit tik .11.1 t1e1:11: 11.3: tai j:::1:11 1:1! a l I i t l'er . 1 4 art ta e sic tiol the. th4c-e ?iv 'haste at -!ii then 110 tRYSI: !ti le 1-aass hneisegir 'Hist ( u4LI'mwsise ;(),( 1.411 raj fel Dratirs agtaosit, .ince si tor yont Wea y Cho: 1 Soci effoc s. and cies ults RLdr,se le m fieli .stn i 11 a ir" 'the 3- Jamas 1 11 r,m s I -t enam in ) .1 tel . ng . e ao:/mr./Mt.orartomr.../ar. er,oer,,raor 11,Ion. at 6-15 and 8-25; Tues at 7-15 David Farrar and Kathleen Byron 1 1111111111111111111BIIII,IiiIIIIIiIIII 1 I 1,11111111111111111111-11111,1 1 1,I I 1 I I I lllllll SALE, Oak' Roll-Top Desk A with Drawers under.—Apply 198, Newgate Street, Bishop Aucks lattd. THE SMALL BACK ROOM (a) B.-111NARD CASTIA: LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. A MEETING is to be held in the 1-k BALLO!, CAFE on THURS- DAY. MARCH 9th, at 7 pan., in connection with the above Associa- tion. All Liberals are invited. 11. MILTON, Hon. Sec. (Pro. Tem.). NIon'. Tues.. March 6. 7 : Danny Kaye and Dinah Shore in UP IN ARMS GRAND CARNIVAL DANCE Qby kind pernAssion of 0.C. 5th T.R. Royal Signals) will be held in I DEERBOLT CAMP on WEDNESDAY, March 1st, 1950. from 8 .p.m. to 1 . Tickets 3/6 each. • Spot and Elimination Prizes. Evening Dress Optiotal. UAlt AND BUFFET: Late Buses to StAindrop and Middleten-in-Teesdale and inter- Mediate Villages. TENDERS. FOR SALE, Good Fire Logs, loads and half loads; also Bags.--Stan Maude, Newshane Phone Barning,ham 205. COUNTRY WEAR Made in Scotland : BY CRAFTSMEN FAMOUS FOR SPECIALISED AGRICULTURAL BOOTS RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL OF BARNARD CASTLE. NORTH AGRICUTURAL SHOW ATTRACTED 1,410,00o IN 194,... Last year 175 agricultitial ad"' in the Northern Counties attnies 1, 110.00U people. while eompet it, lion a total of L1120.(100 in ic 'honey and acre awarded tropi. to the value tit L41.6:50. Ent: totalled 230,275. These interesting t-ts are re ealed in the 1950 edittoa of t N.F.U. Northern Agricultural Sho Guide just istied and covering IT e0Mities theVhire. Durhain. Northumb. land. Cumberland and N'eettnorla. The guile will prove of conside able use to agriculurists, provid. a ootaplete directory of impel-tat agrieultural and horticultural shia being held this year. giviug daty itad place of each show, e ing date for entries and the lie, tary's name and address. For the first time details attendance at individual shows 1949 aae given tegether with five, deal:ng wi:11 show publications sai catologues mid schedules. shows classified issued 36a. eatalogues last year. and 216. schedules. Other infortnation chides the date each wociety formed and the nearest railw station. - In ao introduction to bhe Gui reference is made to the fact th agriculture is our oldest a largest single industry with Ina ancillary trades depeudent IL .timost as old as the incite has been the "Agricultural Asa which over many years 11 developed. wita the quickes tempo (1.• agrieliltural piste generally into ihe "shop wittier of the industry. Often' ,Ir soeieties that to-day attract ttei thousands to their annual exii tions started in quite a. humble. a with a modest prize for the fartii who had. by the aecepted standar of the day. the "Best Beast in Neighbourhood." "Gradually they develcped something bigger and hitt,' classifications u-ere extended. pro' tnoney increased and troohies to the " premiums offered." n!d yet the fundamental itim of ali them. which is still the basis of agrirettltural or horticultural ihs'r was to eneourage good husbati an I production of livestock crops by cornpetit,ion. Rapid gress has +been made ie. the NSURES A N D :URA BIL IT Y poR SALE, Children's Encyclo- pedia tArthur Mees), 10 vols. complete. Clean, good condition.— Box 19, Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle. 11111111 11 111111111111 11 11 1111 V A CANT POSSESSION. MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. SALE OF EXCELLENT TERRACE G. TARN BAIII°NVREIDGE, SON & GILCHRIST will offer by Auction at THE CLEVELAND A.113LS, 311DDLETON-IN-TEESDALE, on TUESDAY. MARCH 14th, 1950, at 3 p.m., NO. 22. BRIDGE STREET, Middle- 41 ton-in-Teesdale, a substantial stone-built Dwellinghouse, pleasant- ly situated facing ViTest on the out- skirts of the town, in good condi- tion throughout and containing:— Vestibule; Small ,Entrance Hall; Sitting Room with bay window; Living Room; Scullery; Pantry; Store Cupboard; 3 Good Bedrooms; Bathroom (H. & C.) and W.C., to- gether with concrete yard eontaining Wash-house. W.C. and C.H. Electric Light, Main Water, Main Drainage. VACANT POSSNESION on com- pletion. Key to view front lir G. Cooke,- Draper. 4. Horsemarket. -Middleton- in-Teesdale. Further particulars from the AnCtioneers:-44. High Row, Dar- lington, Tel. 4733; or from the Solicitors: — Messrs. DAWSON. ARNOTT & PICKERING, Barnard Castle. Tel. 6. IIIDDLETON4N-T.EESDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCTETY. fIREAT NEWS! Floors lovelier k)l- than ever with DARKALINE Gloss Staiu. Beautify your aurround 'to-clay. Only costs 2/3. pLAY PEN, £3; Miniature AR- A Electric £5.—Phoile Cotherstone 286. ROBERT ANDERSON Family Bootmaker 9 HORSE MARKET CARNARD CASTLE Tel, 41 pROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS— Our 20 page booklet of profit- able hobbies and spare time occupa- tions can assiat you. Stitt' P.O. 4/6. Money refunded if dissatisfied. —Norfolk Secretanal Services, 19, King Street, Citeat Yarmouth. SALE' Standard 12 in very good condition.—G. W. Forster, 17, Woodlands Road, Barnard Castle. PERSONAL. Refuse Imitations Look for : COUNTRY VVEAR " Stamped on the soles. A RE YOU STILL SINGLE? Suit- 1-1. able introductions confident- ially arranged.—Write for details: Marjorie Moore, 392, • St:and, London, W.C.2. RRITISH FRIENDSHIP SOCIE'TY " 231, 1.13aker Street, N.W.1. Introduction to new friends every- where. No age limit. Write for particulars. MEN, WOMEN—"OLD"? FEEL YEARS YOUNGER, GET PEP; Take Oystrax Tonic Tablets to-day. 1/9 (Plus Tax). All Chemist s. HIO1111111,11111HUIHOWC11111111111BONIAIIIIIIHKUIHIUMN111111101111h1HOHIHVIIWIHRHUIWOUINHINAUSHIIII PARISH OF FOREST AND FRITH TENDERS are invited for the Col- 1 tection and Disposal of House Refuse for the Twelve Months com- mencing the First day of April, 1950, from 17 Premises in the above parish, comprising:— Hill End (J. Horn, occupier), Maisie Bank (J. Corps, occupier); Herdship Cottage; Rigg Side (3 houses) ; Raby Terrace (2 houses) ; Foam Foot (S. Hodgson, occup- ier) ; Lane Side (E. Reanney. occupier); Marches Ghyll (3 houses); Manse House; Rough Rigg; Honey Pot; and Sevy Hill. Collections will have to be made fortnightly or more often if found necessary. and the successful tend- erer will have to find his own Tip for the disposal of the refuse; such tip to have the approval of the Council. FORMS OF TENTDER may be obtained from the undersigned and envelopes marked " Forest and must be returned to hint in sealed Frith Scavenging " not later than TUESDAY, the 14th March, 1950. The lowest or any -tender not necessanly accepted. HARRY T. LEONARD. Clerk to the Council. 43. Galgate, Barnard Castle. 28th February, 1950. Annual WHIST DRIVE AND SALL, FRIDAY. MARCH 3rd, 1950, the ASSEMBLY HALL. Whist Drive commences 7-15 pan. prompt. - Championship Prize—Voucher for £5/5/-. Other Prizes: Ladies' lst--Voucher for 4.t2,; 2 Ladies' 2nd--Chicken. Ladies' 3rd—Value 10/6. Ladies' 4th-20 Eggs. Gents' lst—Voticher for 41/ 2/, Gents' 2nd—Chicken. Gents' 3rd—Value 10/6. Gents' 4th-20 Eggs. Consolation Prizes. Cards 2/6. Late comers to take four tricks each hand pla ed. Dancing 10 pan. to 2 a.m. Jack Woodhall's Dance Band (Stanhope). 3Cany Novelty Compet tions. Admission 216. High-Class Refreshment Buffet by Mrs Lawrence, Prop.. Middleton House Hotel. I GENERAL NOTICES. QALE, Young Cur Blah, offering %-i° well. Choice 'of tao.—Beadle, Foal Syke, Baldersdale. GENERAL NOTICES. t.'laiining Date FRIDAY. MARCH Monster WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE. ist " Follow the Band." BARNARD CASTLE TOWN RAND. QA I.E. Second-hand Building Stone `-i7 and Rubble.—Apply 39, New- gate, Barnard Castle. . QALE— , B.S.A. Pump, Action .22 %.-1 Ririe, 10 shot; Case, etc. I:13 10s. or nearest.-13ox 26, Teesdale Mercury, Bat•nard Castle. MIDDLETON CELTIC ra QALE, 1945 Norton 500 cas, Side Valve. Seen any time. Offers to Allinson, West End Garage, Bowes. DANCE will be held Mi SATURD.A.Y, MARCH 4th. 8-3(1 to 11-45 tem. WILBERT DOWSON Ss BAND. Admission 2, -. SALES BY AUCTION. GRAND DANCE SCOTCH CORNER ' THIS FRIDAY, 3rd MAI1CH, 1950, 7-30 THE RAMBLERS' BAND. TICKETS 5,1-. Admission at Door. FREE BUSES will run at following times: Leaving Barnard Castle (Scala), 7-30 p.m., via Whorltou, Oving- tmi atid Hutton Magna. Leaving Barnard Castle (Scala), 7-30 p.m... iia Barningharn. News- ham. Dalton, Wha.shton. Ravens- worth and (Idling. Leaving Staindrop (Post Office), 7-45 pan.. via Stainton and Bar- nard Castle. All proceeds in aid of BAND UNIFORM FUND. Cluitning Date. A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE in the TEAIPER ANC E HALL OTHERSTONE. on EASTEI! AIONDAY April 10th. 1950. RAMBLERS' DANCE BAND in attendance. Pa rticulars later. WANTED. Modern Piano.. State ww make ,price and particulars to Box 24, Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle. S ( No itigti st ( 1, CHURCH NOTICES. poNoREGATIONA I, CHURCIT: Hall Street.- -Sunday, Alarch 501.--Services at 10-30 a.m. and 6-30,p.m. will be cmalueted by the Rev. S. Leon Cook. The Sacrament of Holy Communion at the close of the evening aervice. " Come and worship with us.' THIN ITY METOODIsT CH I' 11 C H A Barnard Castle.—Sunday, 5th Alan:h.-10-30 a.m., Mr T. Cowling. Winston. 6-30 p.m., Rev. L. T. D. Chapman. Wesley Guild, Friday. 7 p.m.-- United Meeting with Nt•wgate and Congregational Friends. Subject: Worship. NEW:GATE METHODIST 41 CHURCH. .13antard Castle.— , Sunday. Mareh 5th.-10-30 am_ Mr E. Carr, Lay Agent, Barninghain. 6-30 p.m., Mr W. R. Tarn, Wood- land. QECTIONAL TIMBER HUT, 191 ft. 29 ft., 10 ft. to eaves. 20 ft: to ridge: Suitable for Village Hall or Bungalow. Timber floor and lined through. Price E900 staading. Viewed at Woolsington Airport.— Particulars Havery's (Contractors), 2, Market Place. Barnard Castle. Tel. 363. SHABBY LINO and cold stone Floors are so depressing. Make them warm and inviting. Paint on " LIQUID LINO " FLOOR PAINT in a lovely colour. Dries quickly. Costs little--it's a winner. ROTARIANS HEAR OF RADIUM. Members of Barnard Castle Rot- ary Club on Tuesday were much intrigued by a talk on " Radium .itt the Hospital.'• given by Mir B. 1) H. Watters. /41.Sa.„ of the Bar- tard Castle School staff. Mr Wat- teas. who. before coming to Bartrard Castle. hal considerable experience in London hospitals. spoke of the mysterious eliaracter of raditue and of the pains he had had to find it whenever any of it happened to a.stray aecident. He had had to live for it in septk. talks and other ritbbish heaps anti even fhe e:nders from the hospital incinerators, but he invariably suc- ceeded in distovering ,the a-here- about of the illusive substance which WaS worth as numb C5,04K) per gramme. He explained that ahe use of radium in the treatment of muteerous growths was limited by the effect it had upon adjacent kissues. He gave an interesting description of the measures taken for the preservation of radium against bombing attacks by the enemy during the war. and to inns- STREATIAA1 ANI) Sl'AINTON INSTITUTE. BARN.AR•D C.ASTLE.. CRICKET AND TENNIS CLUB. -se--eet A NN [AL GENERAL MEETING, " THURSDAY, 9th MARCH, at Black Horse Hotel, 7.p.m. D. L. D. KITCHING, Hon. Secretary. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Quick, Clean, and Efbcient. by the new Vac Electric Chimney weep. NO SOOT. NO CARPEL'S TO RENI VE. Etc. Book your Orders now for a 'CLEAN SWEEP. APP1Y: 39, NEWGATE, ECARNARD CASTL . LOST AND FOUND. BARNARD CASTLE & 'TEESDALE FAHMERS' AUCTION MAtal. Tuesday, 7th March:. PRIZE SHOW AND SALE OF BULLS. Attested. Class 1.--OVer 18 mouths. Class 2.—Under 18 moutlas, all calf teeth. Class 3.—Under 12 months. Non-Attested. Classes 4, 5 and 6 as above. Wednesday, 8th March: WEEKLY SHOW AND SALE OF ATTESTED ANL) NON- A IESTED DAIRY COWS ANL) HEIFERS. Judging, 10-30 a.m. Sale 11 a.m., commencing with Attested. G. HARDY, Secretary. Aucteon Mart, Barnard Castle. Tel. 112. . BOWE.; 'METHODIST CHURCH. QTRAYED. I.ight Brown Terrier Is' Dog (long tail). Will give more than his vallie, as reward. No questions asked.-L-Metealfe, Dalton Fields, Richmond. • NORTH RIDING 0E1(1:IRKS. POLIVE THURSDAY. MARCH 2nd, WHIST DRIVE commencing 7-15 p.m. Admission 1,6. Peeled Refreshments. BOW ES Y.F.C. NEWGATE SALE ROOMS, BARNARD CASTLE. SITUATIONS VACANT & WANTED. trate rts etrength he told of a man junhohiscaurrai ed isteoaa.ts inpoc a 1 lket q aanntdityin oco f bee0 ;valn Years eindau . stry. century and particularly in the great exhibition To-day the show . sequence suffered 'an injury to his elassification devoted to Compost Not only is anatomy which it t,00k five years to far livestock and carps. etc., hut eradicate. At the conclusion of the incorporates an expanding mac4sa discussion a specimen of radium ery and trade section aid featti was eireulatel for the inspection of devoted to agricultural science the inemhers. The Club's thanke development, so that A is in ew' to Mr Waaters were exptessed by e, reispec ueattional an vezt to of teo erin nsiders ers Rotarian Colonel E. Gttliick. farm woi kers. and all who one ail AND THE AUDIENCE LAUGHED or another gain their livelilko through agriculture. The arts s " Whom have we to thank,." crafts of the countryside and asked a speaker at the Election. hotnehle are an important part singing the praises of the Socialist the annual show. Government "for Britain's bonny "Show societies have fortunes babies" ? Before he could answer not failed to realise that the ants:- his OWR question. a rouse ift the event is of considerable =portals' audience gave him the reply. and no mean attract,ion to thou '' Private Entenprise." antic; of townspeople—coast= so that alongside the merke progress of the show has ba introdneel a consumer intertst with the St. Helier (Jersey) After more than '20 year's seritif ite. :e w a %dui titwtod .ffent(tvia u mas a ble ulm iaeison r. boat, Coxswain Thomas J. King, mallY Instances the allow bra.nche who was recently avrar.led the out in entertainment and there x. I,ifeboat Institute's Gold 3Iedal for many to-day tha.t at-e Imam his pa•rt a gallant rescue of four " Shows and Fairs." lives from a yacht, has just retired. f:Itsolet mee bee: aa nii id:aatruth iin e Ile has been instrumental in saving leada re yareathow a gre s auttrm aeatnypat:til :=1 54 lives. wider coverage. County snows inter est ncrt only people of a partici'''. county but from surrounding art. while streit great exhibitions as ' Eng:ate:Fs Annual .Show. ' other outstanding. nalional ereat• Priated merwyand , at bYtbethetteTteeacj iate.-ad al. are' attracting an inereasig putnEar Mom a/ the Company, 24, Market Place.uf mew, vis Bernard Castle. AN OPEN C.0.1. FILM SHOW will be held in the SCHOOL, BOW ES, on MONDAY, 6th MARCH; at (-30 pan. Speaker from Shincliffe A.1. Centre. All interested are invited. I IBRARIAN-TVPIST with organ- " ising and hostess abilities re- quired tit the Barnard Castle (Co. Durham) 1actory of Ultixo .Labora- tortes Ltd., makers of Penicillin and medical products. Applicants must be accurate. intellig,ent copy typists, with ability to organise and Main- tain Library records.; also with charm and assurance tor arranging and conducting routine visits trent medical and other professional groups to the Factory. The post is interesting, progressive altd pension- able. Good working conditions. Salary froin .1;330 p.a.-7-Apply writing to Personnel Depaitment. Glaxo&aboratories Ltd., Greenford, 3Iiddlesex. Grand WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE, ROKEI3Y. A WHIST DRIVE will be held in ROKET3Y SCHOOL on MONDAY. 3IARCH 6th, 1950, to commeuce at 7 p.m. Admission 2, -. Refreslinants 6d. GENERAL NOTICES. on IVEDNESDAY, 22nd AIARCH, 1950 at THE' TEMPERANCE HALL, COTHERSTONE. MORNING Help Wanted, -three A's. hours daiiy. except Sutidays. laght :housework and cooking.— airs Hugonin. Lynton. Darlington Road, Barnard Ca st MARCH 9th, 1950. A GRAND CONCERT will be given by 311t, J. ALLINSON'S PARTY, of Forest-in-Teesdale, Also Note and Silver Tree. The Tree will be stripped by Mrs, F. Ds1WSON, Stainton. 'Chair to be taken at 7 p.m. by 3111 F. STALEY. Adtnission by Programme, 1/6 each. All are Welcome. COTHERSTONE CRICKET CLUB. USEFUL HOUSEHOLD BARGAINS. p ULL BED-SIZE TICKS, 4ft. lints. A x 6ft. Reconditioned, laundered and perfect. L1/2/6. FELT FOR UNDERCARPETS. Useful for many 'other ptirposes. 54in. wide, lin. thick. Any length supplied. 4/- yd. ItUGMAKING OUTFIT, compris- ing of 14 lbs. best pew mixed col- oured cloth clippings, rug needle and instructions. All for 15/6. REMNANTS. barge Cloth pieces. Tweeds, etc.._ ideal for - kiddie.s' knickers. iyd. wide; some target. 4/- per lb. KHAKI KAPOCK Quo,Ti4, EX. U.S.A. Double .bed size. 1:1 each. WHITE SI LK PARAC UTE PANELS, 88" long, 36" wide, tapering to 1". 5/- each, Cash with Order. Carriage Free. Money refunded if dissatisfied. D. GERROLL, Dept. T.M. 11a, Gillett Street, LONDON, N.16. SYDNEY S. HODGSON, F.A.L.P.A. will Sell by Auction on THURSDAY, MARCH. 9th, 1950, A .LARGE 00.L.LECl/ON " HULS.r...HOLD and =Wets, bnetly:-2 Oak Hall btaucts; 3 Ilalltut Sideboards; Inlaid Al AHOGAN Y CiLLN A CABINET ; BOARD; SM A 1.1. 0A.H. GATE- .LEGGED TABLE; wAttAuT V 0.L VIM.; BOOKCASE; Sal A1.11 MODEJIN OAK DELFT RACK with Cupboards under; 4 V.ARIOUS CHESTERFIELD SUITES in vari- ous Coverings; Odd Easy Chairs; BED SEITEE in Rexine; Ma- hogany Centre Stalk Table; 7-Piece Sutte in Saddlebags; WELL MADE MODERN IOAK CHEST; LIGHT OAK GENT'S FITTED WARD- ROBE; 3 Various Odd Wardrobes; 2 Rubber Roller Wringers, as new; Mahogany and other Chests of Drawers; 7-Piece Suite in Rexiue; 310DERN COOKER ; GAS WASHER with Table Top; Rubber Roller Wringer attached; Gas Boiler; Roller Lawn Mower; Gal. Baths and Dust Bin; DARK OAK BEDROOM SUITE; DARK WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE; vari- ous Double and Single Bedsteads in Oak aud Mahogany, with Overlays; 2 Cots; Commodes; various Toilet Chests; Mains and Battery Radios in good order; Gramophones; vari- ous Kerbs; Clocks; Brass Standard Lamp, fitted Electric; Screens; DOLL'S PRAM AS NEW; Zinc and Oak Tubs; Overmantles; Piano Stools; Valor Stoves; 5 Various Carpets; Stairs Carpet ; Rugs, etc.; Quantity Gent's Clothing; usual Kitchen _Sundries and China. Sale at 10 a.m. and 1 pan. No Children Admitted to Auction Sales. Goods on View each day 10-12 and Auctioneeels-5AdPani reSs: Newgate Sale ROOMS, Barnard Castle. Phone (Startforth Sectionli Present The " NiCk Ibbott " Sextet at their CARNIVAL CHARITY BALL to be held in the DEERBOLT CAMP DANCE HALL (by kind permission of the 0,C., 5 T.R., Royal Signai) WEDNESDAY, 8th 3IARCtH,. 1950, 9 pan. to 2 a.m. Tickets 5/- eaeh.' Dances Old and Kew. Spot and other Prizes. BAR AND BUFFET; • „Proceeds in aid of Police lid other Charities. IGHTING & POWER PLANTS " for 'farms supplied for use with yuur own engine or powered by one of the large range of Ruston and- Hornsby Petrol. Paraffin or Diesel Engines. Cheap running with last- ing economy.. May we advise you? Your Local Ruston and Hornsby Agents, MARTIN & SMELT, 'Motor Engineers. Vere Road (opposite Mart), Barttard Castle. EDUCATIONAL. A MONSTER I WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE in the , READING R.0031, ROMALDKIRK on FRIDAY, MARCH 17th, 1950. Championship £5 Votther and Six other Good Prizes. Whist commences 7 p.m. prompt. Late comers take Three Tricks. Admission: Whist 2. 6; Daum' 2/-, or inclusive. Refreshments for Whist players ' only. Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. Music by JACK WOODHALL and His Baud. Proceeds in aid of Sports Club Fuuds, SAVED 64 LIVES. Claiming Datt. COTHERSTONE YOUNG CONSERVATIVES. Annual WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE. . Good Baud. . TEMPERANCE HALL, W DNESDAY, MARCH' 29th. ...seassessase.-assaisaseassaacteseseesses- Whist Drive 7-30 p.m. prompt. Championship £3/3/ - Voucher. 1st Ladies and Gents 21/5/- each. Many other good Prizes. Datic,e 10 Jack Woodhall and His Orchestra. Admission: Whist 2/-, Dance 2/-. Refreshments at Reasonable Prices. Late Night Buses. I BARNARD CASTLE PIANOFORTE STUDIO - Newgate Td,,,i,,,,.: 11,:rnatti Castle 276 Leonard Randall, L.R.A.M.,A.R.C.M. IngcborgPetersenasna m ,A.R.C.M. youR WEDDING is an import- ant event, so make sure of Photographs worthy of the occasion by engaging your Local Photo- grapher. Albums of 6 Large Size Photos from 23/10/-. No attendance fee locally. Expenses charged for out- lying districts. Call or phone tor further details. KENNETH ROBERTSON, PhotOgraphic Specialist, 42, HORSEMARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. Tel.: Barnard Castle 21. NATIONAL FARMERS' UNION. /1111tAiNGA 1 r. 1110Uat: PRIVATE St.11001.. for tiiris. small Boys taken. PRIVATE COACHING. —Applicatioes to Miss , E. R. Thompson. BARNARD CASTLE TOWN BAND Claiming Date. NONAGENARIAN'S HAT. At Soirthead. whieh returned two Conservatives. a 91-year-old voter went to the poll wearing a 50-year- old hat hearing the legend "This Liberaiikm Day." PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET. Barnard Castle Branch. T.1-11-11SDA Y. 6tli AP1.111.. 1950. BAND CONCERT (Conductor: E. .11.itutice Wright) THE WITHAM. IlAiLl„ BARNARD CASTLE. H. KIPLING, lion Sec. WANTED. :Small House. to Buy. aliddleton-iii-Teesdale.—Bos :25, Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle. THERE are still a few tickets left .1 for the Dinner at the Middleton House Hotel on March 9th, for Members and prospective members in the Upper Teesdale Area; See your local Committee Member or the Secretary, Strathmore Cham- bers, Horse Market, Bullard Castle.

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Page 1: SCALA : · Peril on land and danger on sea. -.41 Colour by Technicolor NATIONM, BRITISH WOMEN'S TOTAL ABS'TINENCE


THE TEESDALE MERCURY. \s'isintaday. March 1st. 195s

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS. AGRICULTURAL. GENERAL NoTICES. GENERAL NOTICES. sse/".o./ aM•",ore-ma.""art/ aate"... ma/er.,""eno-aer/aer."-er.'"Ore`m/Or...."



Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 3, 4: il Thurs , Fri., Sat , March .T. 3, 4 Saturday Matinee at 1-30 pate i ciark Gab'e, Alexis Smith in

Cecil Parker, David Tomlinsm . ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY a u With Wendell Corey, Audrey ■ Totter r

.Frank Morgan. Gable's most eicitia:

peer picture for years. •


Twice Nightly at 6 p.m. and 8-15 p.m. BARNARD CASTLE.

Twyford's Pedigree Seeds Sow New Ste& for Higher Yields Spring oats now ready, cleaned and dressed, for prompt delivfry Star, Victory, Onward. Marvellous Samples may be seen at our District Office :

Market Place Barnard Castle

Rep.. Kt:1.17\ THOMPS0‘, Tel. 3118


torainOE PRESTON.—On Feb. 26th. at Lan-

cheater Hospital, Emily Preston, late of Hetheriek Grange, Alar-wood. Interment at Lanchester, Thursday, at 2 p.m.

SPOOR.-25t1t Feb.. Lime Trees Avenue. Peterborough. Betsy. dear wife of Rev. John Spoor, late of Barnard Castle.

113310aLaw. ABBorr.---111 loving tnemot•y of Inv

ch•ar husband, Joseph Henry Abbott. died 16th February. 1947. —Remembered by loving Wife and family.

CLARKSON.-- Treasured mettimies of a dear wife and mother, who passed away at Dyson House. 13arning,hanisellarch 1st. 1944.

OLIVER t late of H ndert aitei —In loving memory of a dear Husband and Father. who died. suddenly, March 4th, 1946.

Your life was spent in kindly deeds.

Giving :help in others' needs. —Ever remembered by his loving Wife and Son John, Garth House, Mickleton.

SOWERI3Y (Baldersdalet. — In affectionate remembrance of - a dear husband and dad (Fred), who died on March 2nd, 1947.— Always remembered by his Wife and family. R.I.P.

CRICKET AND TENN1S CLUB. 413"":' TO DARLINGTON 3/9 Emery Saturday to 3rd June

iddleton-iii-Teesdale dep. 11-35 am, also from Mickle ton 11-39 8/6. Return from

t. Darlington 410, 5 -30 or 7 p.m.



latANTED, Groundsman for COM-- ing season. Approximately 2ti

weeks employment. Applications to be sent , to undersigned statiug experience. wages, • .ete., by 15th March, 1950.

D. L. D. KII`CHING, Black Horse Inn,


Come and see what happens when falls for parlourmaid.

NOW Booking for forwatid delivery-. .4.1 Growing Pullets, 4-6 wk. old. All popular breeds and .crosses from Aci.redited. Blood-tested breeding stock. Prices on application.—H. .1. Walker, Prospect House, Bqwes. Phone: Bowes 24.

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS Sunday, March 5tn. at 7 -45 p.m • Cheryl Walker, William Terry


White Flannelette Sheets, size 70 x 90 price 38'6

"Vantoria" Flannelette Sheets, White with coloured border, 70 x 90

price 4316

White Flannelette Sheets, 80 x 100 price 45'6

WANTED urgently-, clean Cur 1 Bitch. newly whelped, for Foster-Mother.—Bilek. West Roods, Boldron.

TO MIDDLESBROUGH Every Saturday to 6th May

Barnard Castle 12-15 pm 4/6 Cotherstone 11-49 am 4/9 Mickleton . 11-39 am 5/3 Middleton-in-T. 11-35 am /6 Romaldkirk 11-44 am /3 Return from Middlesbrough -15 pm to all stations. To Barnard Castle only 9-15


Mons Tues., Wed., March 6. 7, 8 : Sam Wanatnaher, Leaa Pmdoyani

GIVE US THIS DAY a With Kathleen Ryan.. Bonar Colleano

Love Signed his`Death Warrant.

:Mon., Tues., Wed., Nlarch 6, 7. 8: Frederick March, Florence Eldridge,

Francis L. Sullivan in

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS u Wap Kathleen Ryan and Derek Bond ['he story the World has ‘vaited- to see

Peril on land and danger on sea. -.41 Colour by Technicolor


A MEETING of the above will be " held in NE,WGATE :METHOD-IST SCHOOLROOM on TUESDAY. 14th MARCH. at 2-30 p.m. All Members and Supporters are eordi-ally invited ,to attend.


All Wool Blankets, single size, price 251- each size 70 x 90, 381 - size 80 x 96, 46'11

pDINBURCAL—Bed, Breakfast dr " Supper, doubles.—Miss Dick-son, 5, Warrender Park Terrace.

Scarth Cinema Cosy Cinema STA1NDROP Middleton-in-Teesdale Phone: zit

SALES AND WANTS. •CH1 Alhambra Quilts, coloured, size 80 x 100. at 64'6 each

Cot Flannelette Sheets at 3/41 each

Cot White Wool Blankets at 9/10 each ATH 0

TO NEWCASTLE 6/' Every Saturday to 6th May Barnard Castle dep. 12 -20 pm return from Newcastle 5-30 pm 7-35 or 8-12 pm.

Full details from the stations

CO ALI, PERSONS having (ambits 4--si against the Estate of the above Deceased late of 'West Middleton Farm Hutton 'Magna in the North Riding of the °Minty of York _Farmer are rebuested to send parti-culars thereof; and all persons in-debted to the said deceased are Fanner are requested to send parti-with to the undersigned Solicitors to. the Administratrices. DARLING. HESLOP & FORSTER.

Solicitors, Bank Chambers.

21.& 23, Market Place, Barnard Castle.


ABSO.LUTELY Finest Cloth Clip- pings. 1'n:ciders 18/- st.;

flookeys, 25/-, carr. Paid. Long Wool Thrums, 3/ti lb.. Rug. Wooi, 8/9. S.A.E. colour list.—Yorkshire Clipping Co., 11, St. Vincent Street, Suuderland.

To-day (W.Lidnesday) aa 6 - 15 & 8.-25

Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart


also Perils of Nyoka, Chapter 11 (u)

Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., Twice at 6 t 8-15 p.m.

Tues., Thurs., One performance at 7

Admission : Half Prices: 5d., 9d., 1/-.

WHeSON (Middleton-in-Teesdale).— In loving memory of a dear Brother and Uncle. Joseph. who died March 1st. 1945.—Always remembered by his sister Laura, brother-in-laa- Robbie. nephews Albert and Roland.

atiziOwLzhciinals. BENDELOW.—Mr M. "Bendelow

and family-, of the Post Office, Bowes, wish to thank all rela-tives, friends and neighbours for help and kind expressions of sympathy received during their recent sad bereavement; also for beautiful floral tributes.

11,0311111.—Mrs J. Homer and family are deeply grateful to all relatives, friends and neighbours, staff of N.H.I., for kindness- also Dr. Coombs, and. appreciat'e the many expressions of sympathy, beauti-ful flowers, and letters, in their sudden bereavement.

WARD.-31iss M. Ward wishes to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours; also Dr. Coombs and the Rev. S. L. Cook, for kindness shown to her in her sad loss; also for floral tributes and letters of sympathy.-15, King Street, Bar-nard Castle.

WINTER.--Mrs N:. Winter wishes te, thank all kind friends for their kindness during the illness of her husband. also Dr. Coombs and Nurse Wilkinson; and. for all floral tributes sent and deep sympathy shown.

faltUY.ING a Bike? Why not a " C 0 V ENTRY-EAGLE? Write for name of dealer and catal-ogue to COVENTRY - EAGLE CYCLES LTD., (7oventry.



NVed., Thurs . March I, 2 : - Louis Hayward and Janet Blair in

BLACK ARROW STRUCES t Russell Haydon and Dud Taylor is

the Pay Off

Fri., Sat.. March 3, 4 : Jack Carson and Janis Palge in


„Barnard Castle District.

DUNLOP MIES. Local Stock for Cars, Trucks or Tractors.

—LOUIS SMITH, Motor Engineer, Barnard CaStle. Phone 25 Barnard Castle.


saturday at 2-15 and 6-15

Bruce Cabot and Constance Bennett


also Grannie Get Your Gun (u)


w 11..

1.11): r Sly .loa

sed Wit



j:::1:111:1! al I it l'er. 14 art

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) .1 tel

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ao:/mr./Mt.orartomr.../ar. er,oer,,raor 11,Ion. at 6-15 and 8-25; Tues at 7-15

David Farrar and Kathleen Byron 1 ■ 1111111111111111111BIIII,IiiIIIIIiIIII 1 I 1,11111111111111111111-11111,1 1 1,I I 1 I I I lllllll

SALE, Oak' Roll-Top Desk A with Drawers under.—Apply 198, Newgate Street, Bishop Aucks lattd. THE SMALL BACK ROOM (a)


A MEETING is to be held in the 1-k BALLO!, CAFE on THURS-DAY. MARCH 9th, at 7 pan., in connection with the above Associa-tion. All Liberals are invited.

11. MILTON, Hon. Sec. (Pro. Tem.).

NIon'. Tues.. March 6. 7 : Danny Kaye and Dinah Shore in



Qby kind pernAssion of 0.C. 5th T.R. Royal Signals) will be held in I

DEERBOLT CAMP on WEDNESDAY, March 1st, 1950.

from 8 .p.m. to 1 . Tickets 3/6 each. •

Spot and Elimination Prizes. Evening Dress Optiotal.

UAlt AND BUFFET: Late Buses to StAindrop and

Middleten-in-Teesdale and inter- Mediate Villages.


FOR SALE, Good Fire Logs, loads and half loads; also

Bags.--Stan Maude, Newshane Phone Barning,ham 205.

COUNTRY WEAR Made in Scotland




Last year 175 agricultitial ad"' in the Northern Counties attnies 1, 110.00U people. while eompet it, lion a total of L1120.(100 in ic 'honey and acre awarded tropi. to the value tit L41.6:50. Ent: totalled 230,275.

These interesting t-ts are re ealed in the 1950 edittoa of t N.F.U. Northern Agricultural Sho Guide just istied and covering IT e0Mities theVhire. Durhain. Northumb. land. Cumberland and N'eettnorla.

The guile will prove of conside able use to agriculurists, provid. a ootaplete directory of impel-tat agrieultural and horticultural shia being held this year. giviug daty itad place of each show, e ing date for entries and the lie, tary's name and address.

For the first time details attendance at individual shows 1949 aae given tegether with five, deal:ng wi:11 show publications sai

catologues mid schedules. shows classified issued 36a. eatalogues last year. and 216. schedules. Other infortnation chides the date each wociety formed and the nearest railw station. -

In ao introduction to bhe Gui reference is made to the fact th agriculture is our oldest a largest single industry with Ina ancillary trades depeudent IL

.timost as old as the incite has been the "Agricultural Asa which over many years 11 developed. wita the quickes tempo (1.• agrieliltural piste generally into ihe "shop wittier of the industry. Often' ,Ir soeieties that to-day attract ttei thousands to their annual exii tions started in quite a. humble. a with a modest prize for the fartii who had. by the aecepted standar of the day. the "Best Beast in Neighbourhood."

"Gradually they develcped something bigger and hitt,' classifications u-ere extended. pro' tnoney increased and troohies to the " premiums offered." n!d yet the fundamental itim of ali them. which is still the basis of agrirettltural or horticultural ihs'r was to eneourage good husbati an I production of livestock crops by cornpetit,ion. Rapid gress has +been made ie. the



poR SALE, Children's Encyclo- pedia tArthur Mees), 10 vols.

complete. Clean, good condition.— Box 19, Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle. 11










will offer by Auction at THE CLEVELAND A.113LS,


at 3 p.m., NO. 22. BRIDGE STREET, Middle-41 ton-in-Teesdale, a substantial stone-built Dwellinghouse, pleasant-ly situated facing ViTest on the out-skirts of the town, in good condi-tion throughout and containing:— Vestibule; Small ,Entrance Hall; Sitting Room with bay window; Living Room; Scullery; Pantry; Store Cupboard; 3 Good Bedrooms; Bathroom (H. & C.) and W.C., to-gether with concrete yard eontaining Wash-house. W.C. and C.H.

Electric Light, Main Water, Main Drainage.

VACANT POSSNESION on com-pletion.

Key to view front lir G. Cooke,- Draper. 4. Horsemarket. -Middleton-in-Teesdale.

Further particulars from the AnCtioneers:-44. High Row, Dar-lington, Tel. 4733; or from the Solicitors: — Messrs. DAWSON. ARNOTT & PICKERING, Barnard Castle. Tel. 6.



fIREAT NEWS! Floors lovelier k)l- than ever with DARKALINE

Gloss Staiu. Beautify your aurround 'to-clay. Only costs 2/3.

pLAY PEN, £3; Miniature AR-A Electric £5.—Phoile Cotherstone 286.

ROBERT ANDERSON Family Bootmaker


Tel, 41 pROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS— Our 20 page booklet of profit-

able hobbies and spare time occupa-tions can assiat you. Stitt' P.O. 4/6. Money refunded if dissatisfied. —Norfolk Secretanal Services, 19, King Street, Citeat Yarmouth.

SALE' Standard 12 in very good condition.—G. W. Forster, 17,

Woodlands Road, Barnard Castle.

PERSONAL. Refuse Imitations Look for

: COUNTRY VVEAR " Stamped on the soles.

A RE YOU STILL SINGLE? Suit-1-1. able introductions confident-ially arranged.—Write for details: Marjorie Moore, 392, • St:and, London, W.C.2. RRITISH FRIENDSHIP SOCIE'TY " 231, 1.13aker Street, N.W.1. Introduction to new friends every-where. No age limit. Write for particulars.


PEP; Take Oystrax Tonic Tablets to-day. 1/9 (Plus Tax). All Chemist s.



TENDERS are invited for the Col-1 tection and Disposal of House

Refuse for the Twelve Months com-mencing the First day of April, 1950, from 17 Premises in the above parish, comprising:—

Hill End (J. Horn, occupier), Maisie Bank (J. Corps, occupier); Herdship Cottage; Rigg Side (3 houses) ; Raby Terrace (2 houses) ; Foam Foot (S. Hodgson, occup- ier) ; Lane Side (E. Reanney. occupier); Marches Ghyll (3 houses); Manse House; Rough Rigg; Honey Pot; and Sevy Hill.

Collections will have to be made fortnightly or more often if found necessary. and the successful tend-erer will have to find his own Tip for the disposal of the refuse; such tip to have the approval of the Council.

FORMS OF TENTDER may be obtained from the undersigned and envelopes marked " Forest and must be returned to hint in sealed Frith Scavenging " not later than TUESDAY, the 14th March, 1950.

The lowest or any -tender not necessanly accepted.

HARRY T. LEONARD. Clerk to the Council.

43. Galgate, Barnard Castle.

28th February, 1950.



FRIDAY. MARCH 3rd, 1950,

the ASSEMBLY HALL. Whist Drive commences 7-15 pan.

prompt. -

Championship Prize—Voucher for £5/5/-.

Other Prizes:

Ladies' lst--Voucher for 4.t2,; 2 Ladies' 2nd--Chicken. Ladies' 3rd—Value 10/6. Ladies' 4th-20 Eggs. Gents' lst—Voticher for 41/ 2/, Gents' 2nd—Chicken. Gents' 3rd—Value 10/6. Gents' 4th-20 Eggs.

Consolation Prizes.

Cards 2/6. Late comers to take four tricks each hand pla ed.

Dancing 10 pan. to 2 a.m. Jack Woodhall's Dance Band


3Cany Novelty Compet tions. Admission 216.

High-Class Refreshment Buffet by Mrs Lawrence, Prop.. Middleton

House Hotel. I

GENERAL NOTICES. QALE, Young Cur Blah, offering %-i° well. Choice 'of tao.—Beadle, Foal Syke, Baldersdale.


t.'laiining Date




" Follow the Band." BARNARD CASTLE TOWN RAND. QA I.E. Second-hand Building Stone

`-i7 and Rubble.—Apply 39, New-gate, Barnard Castle. .

QALE—, B.S.A. Pump, Action .22 %.-1 Ririe, 10 shot; Case, etc. I:13 10s. or nearest.-13ox 26, Teesdale Mercury, Bat•nard Castle.

MIDDLETON CELTIC ra QALE, 1945 Norton 500 cas, Side

Valve. Seen any time.—Offers to Allinson, West End Garage, Bowes.


will be held Mi


8-3(1 to 11-45 tem. WILBERT DOWSON Ss BAND.

Admission 2, -.




THIS FRIDAY, 3rd MAI1CH, 1950, 7-30


Admission at Door. FREE BUSES will run at following

times: Leaving Barnard Castle (Scala),

7-30 p.m., via Whorltou, Oving-tmi atid Hutton Magna.

Leaving Barnard Castle (Scala), 7-30 p.m... iia Barningharn. News-ham. Dalton, Wha.shton. Ravens-worth and (Idling.

Leaving Staindrop (Post Office), 7-45 pan.. via Stainton and Bar-nard Castle.

All proceeds in aid of BAND UNIFORM FUND.

Cluitning Date.


in the




April 10th. 1950.

RAMBLERS' DANCE BAND in attendance.

Pa rticulars later.

WANTED. Modern Piano.. State ww make ,price and particulars to

Box 24, Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle.

S (No


st (



poNoREGATIONA I, CHURCIT: •Hall Street.- -Sunday, Alarch

501.--Services at 10-30 a.m. and 6-30,p.m. will be cmalueted by the Rev. S. Leon Cook. The Sacrament of Holy Communion at the close of the evening aervice. " Come and worship with us.'

THIN ITY METOODIsT CH I' 11 C H A Barnard Castle.—Sunday, 5th Alan:h.-10-30 a.m., Mr T. Cowling. Winston. 6-30 p.m., Rev. L. T. D. Chapman.

— Wesley Guild, Friday. 7 p.m.--

United Meeting with Nt•wgate and Congregational Friends. Subject: Worship.

NEW:GATE METHODIST 41 CHURCH. .13antard Castle.—

, Sunday. Mareh 5th.-10-30 am_ Mr E. Carr, Lay Agent, Barninghain. 6-30 p.m., Mr W. R. Tarn, Wood-land.

QECTIONAL TIMBER HUT, 191 ft. 29 ft., 10 ft. to eaves.

20 ft: to ridge: Suitable for Village Hall or Bungalow. Timber floor and lined through. Price E900 staading. Viewed at Woolsington Airport.— Particulars Havery's (Contractors), 2, Market Place. Barnard Castle. Tel. 363.

SHABBY LINO and cold stone Floors are so depressing. Make

them warm and inviting. Paint on " LIQUID LINO " FLOOR PAINT in a lovely colour. Dries quickly. Costs little--it's a winner.


Members of Barnard Castle Rot-ary Club on Tuesday were much intrigued by a talk on " Radium .itt the Hospital.'• given by Mir B. 1) H. Watters. /41.Sa.„ of the Bar-tard Castle School staff. Mr Wat-teas. who. before coming to Bartrard Castle. hal considerable experience in London hospitals. spoke of the mysterious eliaracter of raditue and of the pains he had had to find it whenever any of it happened to

a.stray aecident. He had had to live for it in septk. talks and other ritbbish heaps anti even

fhe e:nders from the hospital incinerators, but he invariably suc-ceeded in distovering ,the a-here-about of the illusive substance which WaS worth as numb C5,04K) per gramme. He explained that ahe use of radium in the treatment of muteerous growths was limited by the effect it had upon adjacent kissues. He gave an interesting description of the measures taken for the preservation of radium against bombing attacks by the enemy during the war. and to inns-



-se--eet A NN [AL GENERAL MEETING, " THURSDAY, 9th MARCH, at Black Horse Hotel, 7.p.m.

D. L. D. KITCHING, Hon. Secretary.


Quick, Clean, and Efbcient.

by the new

Vac Electric Chimney weep.


Book your Orders now for a






Tuesday, 7th March:. PRIZE SHOW AND SALE OF

BULLS. Attested.

Class 1.--OVer 18 mouths. Class 2.—Under 18 moutlas, all calf

teeth. Class 3.—Under 12 months.

Non-Attested. Classes 4, 5 and 6 as above.

Wednesday, 8th March: WEEKLY SHOW AND SALE OF

ATTESTED ANL) NON-A IESTED DAIRY COWS ANL) HEIFERS. Judging, 10-30 a.m. Sale 11 a.m., commencing with Attested.

G. HARDY, Secretary. Aucteon Mart,

Barnard Castle. Tel. 112. . BOWE.; 'METHODIST CHURCH. QTRAYED. I.ight Brown Terrier

Is' Dog (long tail). Will give more than his vallie, as reward. No questions asked.-L-Metealfe, Dalton Fields, Richmond. •



WHIST DRIVE commencing 7-15 p.m.

Admission 1,6.

Peeled Refreshments.




trate rts etrength he told of a man junhohiscaurrai edisteoaa.ts inpoca 1 lketq aanntdityin ocof bee0;valnYearseindau. stry.

century and particularly in the

great exhibition To-day the show .

sequence suffered 'an injury to his elassification devoted to Compost Not only is

anatomy which it t,00k five years to far livestock and carps. etc., hut eradicate. At the conclusion of the incorporates an expanding mac4sa discussion a specimen of radium ery and trade section aid featti was eireulatel for the inspection of devoted to agricultural science the inemhers. The Club's thanke development, so that A is in ew' to Mr Waaters were exptessed by e,reispecueattionalan vezt toof teoerinnsidersers Rotarian Colonel E. Gttliick.

farm woi kers. and all who one ail AND THE AUDIENCE LAUGHED or another gain their livelilko

through agriculture. The arts s " Whom have we to thank,." crafts of the countryside and

asked a speaker at the Election. hotnehle are an important part singing the praises of the Socialist the annual show. Government "for Britain's bonny "Show societies have fortunes babies" ? Before he could answer not failed to realise that the ants:- his OWR question. a rouse ift the event is of considerable =portals' audience gave him the reply. and no mean attract,ion to thou '' Private Entenprise." antic; of townspeople—coast=

so that alongside the merke progress of the show has ba introdneel a consumer intertst

with the St. Helier (Jersey) After more than '20 year's seritifite.:e wa %dui titwtod.ffent(tvia u masa ble ulmiaeisonr.

boat, Coxswain Thomas J. King, mallY Instances the allow bra.nche who was recently avrar.led the out in entertainment and there x. I,ifeboat Institute's Gold 3Iedal for many to-day tha.t at-e Imam his pa•rt a gallant rescue of four " Shows and Fairs." lives from a yacht, has just retired. f:Itsoletmee bee: aaniiid:aatruthiine Ile has been instrumental in saving leadare yareathowa gres auttrmaeatnypat:til :=1 54 lives.

wider coverage. County snows inter est ncrt only people of a partici'''. county but from surrounding art. while streit great exhibitions as

' Eng:ate:Fs Annual .Show.

' other outstanding. nalional ereat• Priatedmerwyand, at bYtbethetteTteeacjiate.-adal. are' attracting an inereasig putnEar Mom a/ the Company, 24, Market Place.uf mew, vis Bernard Castle.


will be held in the



at (-30 pan.

Speaker from Shincliffe A.1. Centre.

All interested are invited.

I IBRARIAN-TVPIST with organ-" ising and hostess abilities re-quired tit the Barnard Castle (Co. Durham) 1actory of Ultixo .Labora-tortes Ltd., makers of Penicillin and medical products. Applicants must be accurate. intellig,ent copy typists, with ability to organise and Main-tain Library records.; also with charm and assurance tor arranging and conducting routine visits trent medical and other professional groups to the Factory. The post is interesting, progressive altd pension-able. Good working conditions. Salary froin .1;330 p.a.-7-Apply writing to Personnel Depaitment. Glaxo&aboratories Ltd., Greenford, 3Iiddlesex.



will be held in


on MONDAY. 3IARCH 6th, 1950,

to commeuce at 7 p.m.

Admission 2, -. Refreslinants 6d.




MORNING Help Wanted, -three A's. hours daiiy. except Sutidays. laght :housework and cooking.— airs Hugonin. Lynton. Darlington Road, Barnard Ca st


will be given by


of Forest-in-Teesdale, Also

Note and Silver Tree. The Tree will be stripped by

Mrs, F. Ds1WSON, Stainton.

'Chair to be taken at 7 p.m. by

3111 F. STALEY.

Adtnission by Programme, 1/6 each. All are Welcome.



p ULL BED-SIZE TICKS, 4ft. lints. A x 6ft. Reconditioned, laundered and perfect. L1/2/6.

FELT FOR UNDERCARPETS. Useful for many 'other ptirposes. 54in. wide, lin. thick. Any length supplied. 4/- yd.

ItUGMAKING OUTFIT, compris-ing of 14 lbs. best pew mixed col-oured cloth clippings, rug needle and instructions. All for 15/6.

REMNANTS. barge Cloth pieces. Tweeds, etc.._ ideal for - kiddie.s' knickers. iyd. wide; some target. 4/- per lb.

KHAKI KAPOCK Quo,Ti4, EX. U.S.A. Double .bed size. 1:1 each.

WHITE SI LK PARAC UTE PANELS, 88" long, 36" wide, tapering to 1". 5/- each, Cash with Order. Carriage Free.

Money refunded if dissatisfied. D. GERROLL,

Dept. T.M. 11a, Gillett Street,


SYDNEY S. HODGSON, F.A.L.P.A. will Sell by Auction on

THURSDAY, MARCH. 9th, 1950,

A .LARGE 00.L.LECl/ON " HULS.r...HOLD and =Wets, bnetly:-2 Oak Hall btaucts; 3 Ilalltut Sideboards; Inlaid Al AHOGAN Y CiLLN A CABINET ; BOARD; SM A 1.1. 0A.H. GATE-.LEGGED TABLE; wAttAuT V 0.L VIM.; BOOKCASE; Sal A1.11 MODEJIN OAK DELFT RACK with Cupboards under; 4 V.ARIOUS CHESTERFIELD SUITES in vari-ous Coverings; Odd Easy Chairs; BED SEITEE in Rexine; Ma-hogany Centre Stalk Table; 7-Piece Sutte in Saddlebags; WELL MADE MODERN IOAK CHEST; LIGHT OAK GENT'S FITTED WARD-ROBE; 3 Various Odd Wardrobes; 2 Rubber Roller Wringers, as new; Mahogany and other Chests of Drawers; 7-Piece Suite in Rexiue; 310DERN COOKER ; GAS WASHER with Table Top; Rubber Roller Wringer attached; Gas Boiler; Roller Lawn Mower; Gal. Baths and Dust Bin; DARK OAK BEDROOM SUITE; DARK WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE; vari-ous Double and Single Bedsteads in Oak aud Mahogany, with Overlays; 2 Cots; Commodes; various Toilet Chests; Mains and Battery Radios in good order; Gramophones; vari-ous Kerbs; Clocks; Brass Standard Lamp, fitted Electric; Screens; DOLL'S PRAM AS NEW; Zinc and Oak Tubs; Overmantles; Piano Stools; Valor Stoves; 5 Various Carpets; Stairs Carpet ; Rugs, etc.; Quantity Gent's Clothing; usual Kitchen _Sundries and China.

Sale at 10 a.m. and 1 pan. No Children Admitted to Auction

Sales. Goods on View each day 10-12 and

Auctioneeels-5AdPanireSs: Newgate Sale ROOMS, Barnard Castle. Phone

(Startforth Sectionli


The " NiCk Ibbott " Sextet at their

CARNIVAL CHARITY BALL to be held in the


(by kind permission of the 0,C., 5 T.R., Royal Signai)

WEDNESDAY, 8th 3IARCtH,. 1950, 9 pan. to 2 a.m. Tickets 5/- eaeh.'

Dances Old and Kew. Spot and other Prizes.

BAR AND BUFFET; • „Proceeds in aid of Police lid other


IGHTING & POWER PLANTS " for 'farms supplied for use with yuur own engine or powered by one of the large range of Ruston and-Hornsby Petrol. Paraffin or Diesel Engines. Cheap running with last-ing economy.. May we advise you? Your Local Ruston and Hornsby Agents, MARTIN & SMELT, 'Motor Engineers. Vere Road (opposite Mart), Barttard Castle.


in the ,


FRIDAY, MARCH 17th, 1950.

Championship £5 Votther and Six other Good Prizes.

Whist commences 7 p.m. prompt. Late comers take Three Tricks.

Admission: Whist 2. 6; Daum' 2/-, or inclusive.

Refreshments for Whist players ' only.

Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m.

Music by

JACK WOODHALL and His Baud. Proceeds in aid of Sports Club


SAVED 64 LIVES. Claiming Datt.





. Good Baud.




Whist Drive 7-30 p.m. prompt. Championship £3/3/ - Voucher.

1st Ladies and Gents 21/5/- each. Many other good Prizes.

Datic,e 10 Jack Woodhall and His Orchestra. Admission: Whist 2/-, Dance 2/-. Refreshments at Reasonable Prices.

Late Night Buses.

I BARNARD CASTLE PIANOFORTE STUDIO - Newgate Td,,,i,,,,.: 11,:rnatti Castle 276

Leonard Randall, L.R.A.M.,A.R.C.M.

IngcborgPetersenasna m ,A.R.C.M.

— youR WEDDING is an import-

ant event, so make sure of Photographs worthy of the occasion by engaging your Local Photo-grapher.

Albums of 6 Large Size Photos from 23/10/-. No attendance fee locally. Expenses charged for out-lying districts. Call or phone tor further details.

KENNETH ROBERTSON, PhotOgraphic Specialist,


Tel.: Barnard Castle 21.

NATIONAL FARMERS' UNION. /1111tAiNGA 1 r. 1110Uat: PRIVATE St.11001.. for tiiris. small Boys

taken. PRIVATE COACHING. —Applicatioes to Miss , E. R. Thompson.


At Soirthead. whieh returned two Conservatives. a 91-year-old voter went to the poll wearing a 50-year-old hat hearing the legend "This



Barnard Castle Branch. T.1-11-11SDA Y. 6tli AP1.111.. 1950.


(Conductor: E. .11.itutice Wright)


H. KIPLING, lion Sec.

WANTED. :Small House. to Buy. aliddleton-iii-Teesdale.—Bos :25,

Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle.

THERE are still a few tickets left .1 for the Dinner at the Middleton

House Hotel on March 9th, for Members and prospective members in the Upper Teesdale Area; See your local Committee Member or the Secretary, Strathmore Cham-

bers, Horse Market, Bullard Castle.