say thanks with letter

Menginap menumpang di rumah teman January 4, 2015 Paul & Linda Singapore Dear Paul & Linda I thorougly enjoyed your hospitality during my five-day stay in Singapore (Saya betul2 menikmati keramahan kalian selama lima hari saya tinggal di Singapura). The trip was a success in every way (Perjalanan itu sukses dimana-mana). We landed the contract, and it should provide a substantial chunk of business.(Kami mendapat kontrak dan kontrak itu akan memberikan tiang bisnis yang kokoh). It was great getting together with you two once again.(Adalah menyenangkan dapat berkumpul sekali lagi dengan kalian berdua). Don’t forget the standing invitation to pop in on me the next time you’re in Jakarta. (Jangan lupa akan undangan abadi untuk menyinggahi saya bila nanti kalian ke Jakarta) Thanks again for your hospitality.(Terimakasih sekali lagi atas keramahtamahan kalian). Sincerely, Gala Banneringgi

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Page 1: Say Thanks With Letter

Menginap menumpang di rumah teman

January 4, 2015

Paul & Linda


Dear Paul & Linda

I thorougly enjoyed your hospitality during my five-day stay in Singapore (Saya betul2 menikmati keramahan kalian selama lima hari saya tinggal di Singapura). The trip was a success in every way (Perjalanan itu sukses dimana-mana). We landed the contract, and it should provide a substantial chunk of business.(Kami mendapat kontrak dan kontrak itu akan memberikan tiang bisnis yang kokoh).

It was great getting together with you two once again.(Adalah menyenangkan dapat berkumpul sekali lagi dengan kalian berdua). Don’t forget the standing invitation to pop in on me the next time you’re in Jakarta. (Jangan lupa akan undangan abadi untuk menyinggahi saya bila nanti kalian ke Jakarta)

Thanks again for your hospitality.(Terimakasih sekali lagi atas keramahtamahan kalian).


Gala Banneringgi

Page 2: Say Thanks With Letter

Setelah dua keluarga salin bertemu

January 4, 2015

Bob & Betty


Dear Bobby and Betty,

The only bad part about staying at your house for a week was that we had to leave!. Thanks again for a wonderful time, lots of laughs, lots a sight to see, lots a good food—but best of all, the pleasure of all of us being together again.

Now that we’ve seen that our two families can have such a good time together, why don’t all of your plan on coming up here fo r a visit? We’d love to see you again.

Thanks loads for a superweek.


Gala Banneringgi

Page 3: Say Thanks With Letter

Perhatian dari teman ketika suami meninggal

April 14, 1997


New York

Dear Nancy,

Your kindness at the time of my husband’s death meant more than I can express in words. The old saying, “a friend in need is a friend, indeed,” is a perfect description of you.

Thanks for being available and understanding.


Gala Banneringgi

Page 4: Say Thanks With Letter

Teman hadir disaat duka cita

June 19, 2003



Dear Liz,

Your expression of love and concern was very much appreciated during my time of grief. Nothing will be able to erase our fond memories. I will nurture them forever. The presence of good friends like you was especially comforting.

Thank you


Gala Banneringgi.

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Surat duka cita ketika ibu meninggal

November 15, 2007



Dear Muzakkar

Thank you for the letter you sent when you heard the news of my mother death.

The thoughtfulness of old friends is very comforting in this time of grief, and I do appreciate it.


Gala Banneringgi

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Ditemani diawal perceraian

June 19, 1997

Marry Jakarta

Dear Marry,

You’ll never realize how much your visit meant to me on the day Heru left and how grateful I am for all the time you spent with me during the hard weeks that followed.

Now that I’m back on my feet and realize that divorce isn’t the end of the world, I want to let you know how much I appreciated you support.

Thank you.



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Bantuan Mengawasi Rumah Selama Mondar-mandir ke Rumah Sakit

October 23, 2001



Dear Samuel

You will never know how much we appreciated your kind and practical help. With all the trips back and forth to the hospital in the past weeks, it has been good to know that we didn’t have to worry about our house.

Thank you.


Gala Banneringgi

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Mendapatkan Makanan dari Tetangga Ketika Kembali Dari Rumah Sakit

April 15, 2005



Dear Betty,

You were so sweet to bring dinner over the night that I came home from hospital. The dinner was delicious, I enjoyed the luxury of relaxing and enjoying the evening. Don did the clean up, so I truly had the night off.

Thank you.



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Doa dan Ucapan Selamat atas Kemenangan di Kejuaraan

January 13, 1997



Dear Bobby,

Thanks so much for all of those kind words of praise. You’re much too generous, but I certainly did appreciate your note of congratulations on my winning the golf championship.


Gala Banneringgi

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Tawaran Bantuan

January 14, 1998

Mr. John Smith


Dear Mr. Smith

Thank you for your thoughtful expression of sympathy and offer of assistance. I appreciate knowing that I can call on you if the need should arise.


Gala Banneringgi

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Bantuan Mendapat Pelanggan

August 18, 1998

Mr. Simon Carpenter

Bank XYZ


Dear Mr. Carpenter

We were happy to meet Mr. John Smith and equally deligted to accept him as a new client. Thank you so much for referring him to us.

Your kind remarks about our service were certainly helpful, and we want you to know how much we appreciate your interest and confidence in our work.


Gala Banneringgi

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Mendapat Hadiah Pernikahan

June 14, 1998

Liz and Bob


Heru and I want to thank you for the beautiful stove set. We’re looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift.

We’re having fun getting organized in our little apartment. Soon we’ll be ready for company, and we’ll be giving you a call.

