saturday evening, the allin readiness doings at the at … · the last days of pompeii. last days...

SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1901. ALL IN READINESS AT THE STATE FAIR Greatest Show of AH the Long Series Is Prom- ised The Program in Full. A year of preparatory work is com- pleted. To-night the state fair gates will be closed. When they open at 9 o'clock Monday morning the forty-second annual state fair will be ready for the public. The Journal has kept Its readers well Informed as to the plans for this fair. These plans have been developed after being well thought out and they have proved so satisfactory and complete that President John Cooper of the fair board assures the public that the fair which will A GENERAL VIEW OF THE FAIR GROUNDS. be opened on Monday will be a well- rounded . and evenly balanced, exhibition. Although cattle will be the central fea- ture of,the great show aud will to a large extent absorb public attention, other departments of the fair have not been neglected and in every division there will be more exhibits than ever before. The fair is especially strong In amuse- ment features. The racing is of the highest class; the specialties are selected from the best the world has to offer and the evening performances will conclude with Pain's great masterpiece, the new "Last Days of Pompeii." These evening entertainments have proved such a suc- cess that they will be made a permanent feature of the state fair. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt will open the fair on Monday morning with an address on the agricultural resources and development of the northwest. The speech will be entirely non-political In character and will be a voicing of Roose- velt's love for practical affairs and the x-elfar'e of the common people. He knows the northwest well and is deeply.inter- ested in its agricultural development, for which-he sees a bright future. I FAIR WEEK PROGRAM : Each -Day's Doings at the Biff Show * :\:\ of Xext Week. .:"".•-.'\u25a0' Monday. Sept. 2, Roosevelt and ••\u25a0 * - . Labor Day. ' .• MORNING. -'•l':v;'C 9 a. m.— Formal opening of the forty-second annual Minnesota state fair. . . _.._.. _\u0084,,,,„ 11 a. "in—Address by Theodore Roosevelt, vice president of the United States.^B|&H9| 12 to 1 p. Reception to Vice President Roosevelt in .the Jobbers' Union building. AFTERNOON. 1 to 2 p. m.—Luflch for Vice President Roosevelt in the Federation building. 2 to 4 p. Review exhibition departments of the fair. \u25a0v*\i.i 4 p. m.—Review Thirteenth regiment Minne- sota volunteers. \u25a0 . \u0084 .i \u25a0 Running race—Half-mile heats; purse $200. Band concert, '\u25a0';'"• ;->'\u25a0">'-'"• Balloon ascension. Hippodrome races. 2:46 class pacing, purse $1,000; seventeen entries. EVENING. ' Running race—Half-mile heats. Running race One-mile dash. Band concert. Three races by the Tolbert Running Combi- nation. :, ftlffj Lionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition. Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family. Balloon ascension. Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic" ex- hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii." Tuesday, Sept. 3, Minneapolis Day. MORNING. ' Tho mornings of the fair will be devoted to an undisturbed display of the agricultural, dairy, horticultural, mineral, forestry, apia- rian exhibits; mechanical'products, woman's work, fine arts, etc., etc., and to the passing by the judges on the merits of the various ex- JUDGING' CATTLE : AT THE STATE iTAIit. hibits, with a view to the distribution of awards and prizes. " "y 10, a. m.Reunion of state legislature in In- stitute hall. $ .."..- v" 10 a. Auction sale of Shorthorn cattle.. ' AFTERNOON." '" °" Band, concert. -V .- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. -/ Aerialistic exhibition. by the Bickett family. Balloon ascension. , */',^. .''-. '• - Lionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition. . 2 p. m.—Exhibit of saddle horses on half- mile track. .''". \u25a0 t»n. \u0084.-''. -•* •• ':'J.^ilj:iiyA. . 2 p. m. Exhibition of harness horses, American and foreign \u0084 bred, on. half-mile ! track. ' ,' - ,t \u0084... 3:30. p. . m.—Matched light carriage team. (Stallions ' barred.) y** Exhibited '' on **• half-mi's track. ' yS Running race—Five-eighths mile heats; purse, $200..-:y'y/y':'yyy \u25a0 yy.<-"*y--. 2:21 class trotting— \ $5,000.,' This amount Is guaranteed by Minneapolis business men. Fifteen entries. ' 2:17 cless pacing— $1,000. Ten entries. EVENING. Band concert. •'•':' - . Three races by the Tolbert Running Combi- nation. Running Half-mile heats. ly/' Lionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition. . Running —One-mile dash. \u25a0\u25a0*\u0084.-. Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii." ' Wednesday, Sept. 4, State and Terri- torial Day. MORNING. 10 A. M.—Auction sale of Hereford cattle. . \u25a0 \u25a0 AFTERNOON. Band concert. Aeriallstic exhibition by the Blckett family. Balloon ascension. Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition. 2 P. M.—Matched roadster team (stallions barred), exhibition on half-mile track. Appointment turnouts, on half-mile track. 2:30 P. M.—Harness horses, American or foreign bred, to be judged on half-mile track. Running race, one-half mile: purse, $200. 2:22 class pacing; puree, $1,000; thirteen entries.' ".,[,-.'...•' " 2:35 class trotting; purse, $1,000; fourteen entries. EVENING. Running race, half-mile heats. Band concert. Running race, one-mile dash. Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition. Changes in Tolbert running combination. Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex- hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii." THE NEW AGRICULTURAL BUILDING AT THE STATE FAIR. ; —Photo by A. S. Williams. Thursday, Sept. 5, Live Stock anil Dairy Day. MORNING. 10 A. M.Auction sale of Hereford cattle. AFTERNOON Aerialistic exhibtlon by the Bickett family. Balloon ascension. - ; : Band concert. Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition. Changes in the Tolbert running combina- tion. \u25a0 r * " i .' Running race, five-eighth-mile' heats. $200 purse. " '.''"' . One-mile dash; purse, $200. - , ."-.V"'T w" 2:24 class trotting; purse, $1,000; fourteen entries. - \u25a0\u25a0' ', ; ;yy \ ) 2:301 class pacing; purse, . $I,ooo;."fifteen entries. , .' \u25a0.;' -.-\u25a0\u25a0'-_ - \u25a0 - \u25a0. _ ... ... \u0084_«.,.. \u25a0 EVENING. •\u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•. ,_. Three , races •by the Tolbert running com- bination. y >-: '.'..'?.\u25a0> "'s •'•"' '-. ': 'y-y^y Band concert Running race,, one-half-mile heats. Running race," one-mile dash. y. Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex- hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii." yy ".';: Friday Spet. 6. St. Paul Day. r.;". ; , v \u0084- AFTERNOON. y '"'."J "",lij Grand parade of the livestock, particularly THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. < \u25a0 Interesting because of the fact that the Na- tional Live Stock Exposition Is held on the grounds this year. Band concert. y \u0084"' Changes In Tolbert running combination. Parade, cowboy races and special features of the live stock firms of South St. Paul. Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family. Balloon ascension. \u25a0..\u25a0•..'... Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition. 2:13 class pacing. Purse $5,000. This amount is guaranteed by the business men of St. Paul. Twenty-eight entries. One-mile dash, running race. J-.""' "\u25a0' EVENING. '"\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: Running race, one-mile dash. Band- concert. Three races by the Tolbert running combi- nation. Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition. Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family. Running races, half-mile heats. Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex- hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii." Saturday Sept. ***, Twin City Day. AFTERNOON. Changes in Tolbert running combination. Band concert Balloon, ascension. .• •'"\u25a0 Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.- .;'; Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family. Running races, half-mile heats. Purse, $200. Running race one-eighth-mile dash. Purse $200". * ' \u25a0 ' « ''\u25a0 '-, \u25a0'-, - 2:45 class trotting. Purse $1,000. .'• 2:09 class pacing. Purse $1,000. Eight en- tries. This is the fastest'race held at the fair. ~-'-\ \u25a0 \u25a0: ..' •'\u25a0 - \u25a0'. ••; ./\u25a0 evening.,: "'r-:*,,. ... Running race, half-mile heats. '\u0084'.'''\u25a0\u25a0!". Running race,, one-mile dash. \u25a0 '-. ."' .. .' Three races by Tolbert running combina- tion. . \u0084'.'. ;. Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family. Baud concert.. Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex- hibition. \u25a0 :j_. . :,*,, ; i can instruct, them, -they are well informed of the horrible night's occurrence, .in which one of the greatest cities in ancient times was buried beneath a sea of hissing, molten stone. ; :; ;y y But books, pictures and lectures cannot portray . the scene In all the grandeur it must have possessed. H. J. Pain, of Lon- don, England, the most noted of all pyro- technists, conceived a representation of "The Last Days of Pompeii," a production of which . will be given each night at the state fair in all the magnificence of scenic effects and realism possible to modern art. The production will be something that will excel anything every before attempted in a pyrotechnic and spectacular way;'com- plete in every particular, true In each de- tail to history, correct in Its costumes and grand beyond any precedent in its en- tirety. ...".\u25a0. Nearly 300 performers participate in the representation of | the fete day.; Roman sports and pastimes are depicted by scores of acrobats, tumblers,- specialties, etc. A pretty plat, founded on Lord | Lyton's beautiful novel of the same name, runs through the play, but' Interest naturally centers upon the realistic crisis at the termination of the fete day's sports. Frowning Vesuvius awakes from its treacherous plumber, and with a terrific roar belches forth floods of smoke, lava, and pyrotechnics. The beautiful .temples, palace and public buildings fall one bx one and devouring flames Complete their de- struction. j$ This scene is one of awful grandeur and realism. ; Street Car Facilities. The state fair grounds can be reached from Minneapolis in about half an hour. The management of the street railway company has planned to put every avail- able wheel in motion next week and will run cars as often as may be necessary. It is stated by officials that there Is plenty of power this year and .that cars can be run at very frequent intervals. On Snell- ing avenue, near the fair grounds, there Is a long track for storage of cars, which will be used to meet the rush of the crowds after the close of performances. \u25a0Cars of the Como-Interurban-Harrlet line run directly from Lake Harriet down Hennepin avenue and to the fair grounds. In addition to these regular cars there .will be a large number which will run from Sixth ?™ I Hennepin to the fair grounds. Tf"" iters from any other lines in the city will be good on these cars. .; Admission to . the Fair. To correct any misunderstanding It should be' stated that admission to the fair is 50 cents—just what it has always been. For the evenings, however, the rate is but 25 cents. This price of ad- mission goes into effect at 6 o'clock, so that it is possible for the people who are busy during the day to go to the grounds at 6 o'clock, see. the exhibits before 8 and then take in the amusements at the grand stand, getting the benefit of the low rate. All the fair buildings are illu- minated at night except the cattle barns. The Last Days of Pompeii. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII Description of Pains' New Pyrotech- \u25a0 nic Spectacle*. The spectacular dramatic performance of the "Last Days of. Pompeii," which will be pepsentei each evening: at the state fair, is a representation of the most direful disaster or' all hi-story, the"death and burial of a city. ' When Vesuvius poured forth its deadly torrent \u25a0of \u25a0 lava upon the ancient city of Pompeii, burying it under a mass of liquid stone, and destroying with pitiless force the thousands of happy people who dwelt within the walls of the doomed place, cries of agony rent the lurid air, and all was desolation and misery. This happened eighteen centuries ago. Excavators' researches have brought be- fore the world relics of the fatal city. Volumes have been written upon it, and people have come to know a great deal of the history of Pompeii.. So far as books can teach them, so far as lectures by rages HIGH LIFE IN LOS ANGELES IN SUMMER "B. OB." Tells of the Glories of the Atmosphere and of the Sea- Eternal Spring in Everlasting Summer—Hotels and Hotel Life on the Pacific. I Correspondence of The Journal. | Los Angeles, Aug. 6, 1901.—Southern j California was never, before so filled with tourists during the dull summer months. Usually at this season of the year the curio shops along the main streets put up their shutters and move Into cheaper quarters; hotel men do their house.clean- ing, the theaters, are .deserted, and the townspeople live oft' each other. But the bands are still playing during the dinner hour at the hotels; the streets are crowd- ed with"..shoppers,.,'and the \ newspapers twang their ' editorial \\u25a0_ harps ... to \ the tune of prosperity and -contentment. The reason for this change of conditions which is becoming more sand\u25a0),. more apparent every year is not far to seek. Easterners are slowly awakening to the fact that de- lightful a3 it is all aong the Pacific coast in winter, it is really, pleasanter in sumy mer. The popular impression has been that California being so warm in winter must be comparitively hotter during the dog days, but experience proves the con- trary. During the recent period of scorch- ing; heat all over the country, when the | thermometer loitered along in the hun- dreds, it remained In the eighties in southern California and dropped into the sixties, up north in the" vicinity of 'Frisco. There Is relatively but little variation in the temperature;. but little more than ten degrees in the twenty-four hours. | Every afternoon by four o'clock _ a sea ; breeze will, so cool the hottest day, that at bedtime anywhere from 10 p.m. to 5 a. m. —you have'to sleep under a blanket. ! Light wraps are worn almost every night, and fidglty people look out for J a draught even in August. / Then too, on a really hot day here the local article at its worst is not compara- \ ble with the ! damp and oppressive * heat I that has made the east so uninhabitable j this summer. Owing to the lack of rain the air is not charged with moisture; the ! percentage of humidity is never, high, nor does the breeze come like a blast from a furnace.. Thunderstorms are almost as rare as angel's visits In this ever rose- blooming corner of, the' country, and cy- clones so unheard of that the people could not follow Lac/ Stafford's philosophical discussion on what would happen If the Irresistible force struck the immovable object. Yet in spite of the lack of rain there is no dust, for an occasional ' fog i cools the air, and lays the dust as well. But to conclude this long talk on, the I weather; the . following official table of | temperatures taken during the recent I heated term will fully substantiate as j facts the statements made above.. . City- . Therm. j Chillicothe. Mo lit j Bowling Green, Mo .....r.................. 112 1 Paris, Mo ..;... ,108 ! Monroe City. Mo ........107 ! I St. Louis, Mo ...,;106 j Omaha, Neb ... '...."..'-.105 Kansas City. Mo .104 ! Chicago, 111 !...10"! j I Odessa, Russia ... .-...; 1.103 ! Louisville, Xv ..:....'..:, ..i.... 102 i Springfield, Mo ,-.,';.."-. »...-. 100 [ Indianapolis, Tnd .*...... ;..-... J©ft ] Cincinnati. Ohio -. .' .100 | Los Angeles, Cal 83 i What to Eat. j The creature comforts of life are on a ! par with the climate. The "leading hotel ! in Los Angeles," save for the fact that the \u25a0 markets are limited, compares favorably with any hotel in New York or Chicago, j It is well nigh impossible to get soft-shell j crabs here, because they are not hardy ! enough to stand the long journey, and die \ on the way from the Atlantic seaboard. ! Lobsters, too, are "cut" just at present, j but will be "in" again August 10. Not be- j cause there are no lobsters along the Pa- ' cific coast— with or without the shell— I rather for the reason that last .winter's I crop of tourists so, ate Into .the crop of , shell fish that the legislature passed a bill ! prohibiting the lobster-potter from snar- ing during the summer months. The Pa- cific lobster by tbe* way is really, a huge craw-fish, has no claws, but is as edible as the Atlantic variety. | Then, too, you are served with eastern oysters even dur- ing the months without the 1 S, the oyster being brought out here and planted. As for the small California oysters, they are I good all the year around, and are always- j served as the first course of a formal din- ! ner or luncheon. But generally speaking j the sea food is neither si good or of such i variety, in the Pacific, and 'attempts; to ! plant ; Atlantic fish jj along this coast have \u25a0 ' largely resulted in failure, because the J water, is so much more salty- than along the eastern shore. - - ; . - r Dove, pigeon and squab are about the only 'game in the market just at present, and the j, Arizona;.meat is . so- tough and .unpalatable that the;best. cuts come from Chicago and Kansas \u25a0 City. But, on the other hand,:v. California raises fresh vege- tables all the year. There are few'days in,', the, $65 when you are .denied' straw- berries .with., your ' breakfast; . firm, juicy and about twice \u0084the size of .1 the .eastern berry. Cantaloupe and fresh corn have -been-; in the* market since the latter 'part. of April; new potatoes, green peas, and asparagus are among the staple.vegetables to be. had most any time. . And .as for spring chicken, that sagacious bird has his head on the block the year around, in this land of almost perpetual springtime, while you don't have to wait until Thanksgiving for your turkey. So thus what the mar- kets deny in sea food is made up for in game and vegetables. '•Going In for Sport." If you care to go In for sport it's but a three-hour journey to Catalina, where wild , goats are to be had for the shooting, though the sport of sports for. sports is fishing for the big Tuna. Old fishermen of the Grover Cleveland type claim that one never knows the delights of fishing before landing a Tuna, and that the most experienced of the Atlantic watermen fail in their first attempts. The tuna is said to be the gamest fish that swims, and get- ting a tarpon into the boat is as tame by comparison as old maid to-. poker. \ To land your fish within an hour after you've hooked him is a record to be proud of, it taking. on an average of from two to three hours. So the tournament just fin- ished under the auspices of the Catalina Tuna club proved most exciting to those interested in that sort of thing, the con- testants coming from all parts of the coun- try to take part in the tourney. The Tuna club is not an exclusive organization; in fact it's democratic in theory, but to be- come a member of the club you must have landed alone and unaided as the circus announcer would say,— a tuna weighing at least 150 lbs. And mind they don't take your word for the weight jof the fish, else the club would have a larger member- j ship. The catch must be made under cer- i tain restrictions as to weight of rod, reel I and line, and the weighing done under the j eye of the, keeper of the great seal, which i is the sad sea dog name for a land shark weighmaster. Fun at the Theaters. But If you prefer remaining on shore and letting the other fellow work so long overtime at sea, that he'd strike for shorter hours if compelled to find his pleasure fishing, there's enough of quiet amusement in town. At the Los Angeles l theater during these dull summer months we've had. Henry Miller in a round of I plays, Including "D'Arcy of the. Guards," | which he is trying on the California dog jbefore opening in New York. But the dog j did not fancy the dish particularly, and it j will hardly dod for New York. Blanche Bates followed in "Under Two Flags,' jand made : a pronounced individual hit, ; the fact of her being a Californian draw- ing really brilliant audiences to the ! theater on the opening night beg pardon 1 premier. - The Titian-haired Leslie Carter as'Zaza gave the Angellnoa'three nights' illustration on how to break the seventh commandment, get away with It, and now we are threatened with an in- vasion of the. Frohmans. Charles Froh- man's Empire Theater .company opens i next Monday, night,. presenting for the first time out of. New York "Mrs. Dane's Defense," and: Brother <M Dan follows in j "Lady Huntsworth's Experiment." . y*yA j 'At the* Burbank, .which supports stock i companies in standard plays, season after i season, James Neill and his company i have just concluded a most profitable : seven weeks' engagement. ' The Pacific ; coast Is, properly speaking,, the home of stock companies and it is no small credit ! to. Mr. Neill that, since entering this ; field he has won for.himself and company ! a place second to none. His production i of "Barbara Friietchle" In particular Is a j most ambitious undertaking for a stock j manager,, but the results both from an 1 artistic and box office point of view spoke I for.'themselves.-standing room being at a premium during "Frietchle" week. '.'-/ i . y - Wonder* of .the Sea. But for the past month the- sea has i been giving a sort of continuous perform- i ance, which as a spectacle rivals any stage i picture ever devised. About three weeks j ago people along the shore hereabouts > noticed that the; color of the/sea was changing,'lnstead of green it was becom- I ing more and more of a mud-red hue, the i ocean- for acres presenting' a marvelous i sight, the well-defined belt'of red lying \ off shore, coming nearer at times, fluctu- ating with* the tides./ At night it was dis- covered that the waters ablaze with light. Flames seemed to leap from every wave, and when the surf piled up on the shore, the spectacle was truly grand. Special trains were put/on at one of the resorts; divers were, employed/ to ... leap from the piers, and appeared to be swim- ming in molten metal, and came out of the water dripping with liquid Are. Various theories, were, put forward to account for the phenomena, every movement of the water, 5 like the touch of Midas, turning It to gold. The /most plausible explanation seems to; be that the . phosphorescence Is caused' by!. countless '' luminous,'/; animal- \u25a0'\u25a0-*\u25a0' y r '\u25a0•>. ;." y". 19 Doings at the Pan-American Correspondence of The Journal. Buffalo, N. V., Aug. 31.—The past has been an unusually quiet week at the Pan-American, relieved only *• by the steadily Increasing attendance, the aver- age for the week not being far from 70,- --000, not including Sunday, when' the at- tendance always 'way below that of week days, in spite of the 25-cent admis- sion. j Three . new shows . have started up on the Midway and one of them has al- ready had time to "bust." This makes forty-seven Midway attractions. \u25a0 - The West Point cadets left for school on the evening of the 28th, their furlough expiring on the 29th. During their brief stay they attracted all sorts, of favorable notice and gave daily drills either out on the grounds 'or in the : Stadium. While at the exposition they visited the breed- ing, farm of a local horse fancier and in the fullness of his good feelings he gave the corps a fine stallion, valued at $5,000. The boys took the horse with them when they left and hope to be allowed to start a breeding farm at the Point, where the much-sought-after perfect cavalry horse may be bred by the government. This Is the first stallion ever owned by the United States government. Mrs. W. S. Pattee, wife of Dean Pattee of the university law school, her son Richard and daughter paid the exposition a four-day visit the latter part of the week. . Tuesday to Friday of this week the joy- ous bark of the festive dog echoed throughout Pan-Amdom. The much- promised dog show . took place in the cattle sheds near the East Amherst gate. There were over fifty breeds of dog Helen Gjertson, Rick Olson, Mrs. L. S. Mather, J. A. Bernard, M. D., Miss Bessie Moore, D. F. Recker and wife, L. T. Sowle, Miss E. _F. . Reld, B. S. Groat, Rollin H. Spencer, Warren H. Dorner. Harvey C. Samuels, Homer D. Samuels, John D. Salttre.- James F. Williamson. Gertrude McKaig, TT adbourne Smith, D. Ougheltree, Har- 2, ,i?- T Keeler, Laura Gould. Mary Benner, V* lach and wife- L- v- Emery, Mrs. A. W. Osher, Miss Helen Osher, F. H. Peavey and wife, Mrs. Frank Briller, Arthur R. Joyce^ James McDougall, Mabelle V. Stock- l?r- $• °_ Suble"e and wife, Robert C. Hill, \V. Booth, Miss Pauline Burgess, Mira C. Jones, A. L. Truher, Mrs. d. O. Johnson, Mary A. Bye, Mrs. W. F. Porter, Marion Porter, Lillian M. Booth, Edith L Mar- shall, Mrs. W. W. Marshall, W. M Hop- kins and wife, R. J. Elliott, Edgar Wilcox Ellen A. Kennedy, Lillian S. Bladon, Ronena Pattie. Mrs. H. S. Pattie. N. J. Young E 1 M Taylor, Bernina Wolfenden, William Bald- win, Kathleen Molan, L. J. McNair J B Woolnough, Frank G. Danielson, Elizabeth Lthe, M. M. Traver, Mrs. R. J. Hill. Louise. Hill, Helen M. Wind, John Longer, F. J. Longer, W. J. Scanlon and wife, Robert Scan- lon, Fred" L. Smith, Agnes Smith, H. D. Dickinson and wife, Hamilton B. Brown Grace Holbrook Schlener, Gerald G WiK- gins. ST. PAUL. Mrs. J. Sandy, Patricia M. Hart, Mary Ker- win, T. H. Kerwln, Jennie Weber, David Ra- maley, R. W. Fahey, James Reardon, John T. .Ward, Mrs. H. C. Sempf, Mrs. Myron Brown, S. S. Crooks and wife, G. H. Kirkpat- rick and wife, W. F. Markor, George J. Rank and wife, C. L. Carman and wife, P. I. Car- man, W. Almont Gates, Gertrude Gray Mr 3. H. A. Gray, Miss D. L. Gray, H. W. Sweet. H. D. Ulmstead, Sydney W. Fernald,.Fred S. Cook, Louise M. Fernald, C. M. Fernald, Alex Richardson, Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Olive McDonald, John A. Bazille, Otto Smith. J. R. Donohoe and wife, Mrs. Frederick E. Foster, Martha M. Foster, J. A. McCaakey and wife, Cassius M. Rose and wife, E. :B. Strauss, Wm. Ferguson and wife, H. F. Stll- ' well and wife, Charles J. Stlllwell. Clifford ; ' THE PRESIDENT'S TEMPORARY HOME. X Where President McKinley and his party will lire during their visit to the Pan-America* Exposition It is the home of John G. Mllburn, at 1168 Delaware avenue.—Photo to by .xi. W. Hall. , . :', entered and the show attracted much at- tention. From Aug. 26 to Sept. 7 will be given the Pan-American swine . show In the south division of the cattle sheds. Nine breeds of swine are being shown. James MacMullan of Minneapolis, su- perintendent for the Minnesota board of managers, was absent for several days on a trip to Charleston, S. C., where he looked over the forthcoming exposition to be. held there. Mr. MacMullan is enthu- siastic about the Charleston exposition, which begins immediately after the close ,of the Pan-American, but the board of managers will probably not make any ex- hibit from Minnesota there. Charleston's exposition officials have been striving in every way to get all the exhibitors possible to display at their show after the close of the Pan-Ameri- can. Efforts have been made to induce Minnesota to take space or build a build- ing, but there is little prospect that anything will be done. Special invitations for President's Day, Sept. 5, will shortly be out. The affair, because of the expected crowd, will be largely governed by Invitations, and It is expected that this may prove the largest day of the exposition, though New York Day may exceed it. The 1 attendance from Minnesota still holds up well, 267 having registered at the Minnesota building Sunday to Wednesday, Inclusive, from the state. Of this num- ber 92 registered from Minneapolis, 67 from St. Paul and 108 from the state at large. Minneapolis, at least, did her share. . ..\u25a0 '\u25a0: y \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0 t.. ' It looks as though Minnesota would come well to the front In awards. She Is sure of at least one gold medal and her exhibits in all departments have not been surpassed by any other states. As a state, Minnesota Is the only one having a flour booth and is the only state hav- ing a booth in the big Manufacturers and Liberal Arts building. Minnesota Visitors. " MINNEAPOLIS. >' ' ' : Mrs. E. J. Roberts, Miss Roberts, Florence Wales, Thomas C. Roberts, J. R. Mathewson, Robert M. Thompson, F. Elwell. George H. Elwell, wife and daughter, Anna Christiansen, Shocking Reform Methods Stlllwell, Timothy Foley and wife, Mrs. A. E. Wallace, May C. Wallace, Ethel E. Wallace, Lena M. -Van Duzer, F. B. Brace apd wife, George M. Ray and wife, Mary Lowry Monk- house, Frank Brennan, L. D. Bissell and wife, Allan Bissell. STATE AT LARGE. Alice M. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wood, Gordon Wood, Duluth; Loomis Irish, . Sara Irish, Vine Island; Lena F. Hammons, Mar- jorie Hammons, David P. Craig, Anoka; C. Volland, Duluth; Bena Victoria Wlllson, Rochester; F. W. Fink, St. Louis Park; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bach. Milwaukee; E. O. Dilling, Margaret Dllllng,Moorhead; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCord, Annandale; J. F. Zimmer- man, Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McArty, Crookston; Mr. and Mrs. H. M.. Stanford, Moorhead; Walter M. Sanford, Duluth; John Morgan, Olivia; Jennie York, Brownsdale; Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Rldgeway, J. F. Koth- wan, Annandale; Lizzie B. Rodman, Eagle Bend; Nellie Greene Clacke, Red Wing;. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McCollum, Hallock; F. W. Rath, Wm. Seppel, Easton; Vidle H. Finley, Stillwater; Emily. A. Boyd, St. Charles; Mrs.; N. P. Reed, Lillian Reed, Winona; Dorcas McDougall, Miss Marjorle McDougall, Maud M. Breneman, Duluth; George H. Teachout, Farmtngton; Etta Annls Teachout, Owatonna; Henry Braun and wife, Hutchinson; A. S. Critchfleld, E. H. Burns, . Aitkin; Henry Tay- lor, Duluth; J. Mecusker, Little Falls; W. H. Alvorson, Red Wing; Arthur W. Lammers, Stillwater; William White, Duluth; Mrs. Alice Marsh, Mankato; H. N. Welch, Nellie J. Welch, Winnebago City; Mrs. A. W. Sowle, Hutchinson; Helen Stoughton, Duluth; Ada Davis, Mapleton; J. J. Corneveaux, Austin; M. Sullivan, Marshall; Harry A. Orcutt, Guy C. Orcutt, West Concord; Mrs. M. L. Van Slyke, Elmore; Eva E. Lane, Rochester: M. L. Van Slyke, Elmore; F. M. Snyder. Freeborn; Margaret Dresbach, Moorhead; Eleanor Gladstone, Northfleld; Helen' Olark- son, Anna Hinckley, St. Charles; Mrs. P. McConnell, Lottie M. Norris, Duluth; A. F. Stockman, Plato; William White, Btwablk; L. May Van Slyke, Nellye J. Black, Northfleld; Mrs. J. M. Smith, Helen D. Smith, Duluth; C. R. Bailey, Adelbert Porter, Winona; James A. Geer, Sauk , Rapids; Mrs. George Weber, Lansing; M. L. Smith, Waseca; Robert P. St. John, Duluth; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen, Blue Earth; A. H. Klasen, Freeport; Mattia Holcomb, Rochester; M. V. Dutcher, Pipe- stone; Mr. and Mrs. Glllls, St. Cloud; Eatelle- Plnkham, Glencoe; Jacob Kelberer, Winona; F. L. Hampton and family, Ada; Mrs. C. E. Callaghan, Rochester; Anna B. Mather, Fari- bault; J. S. Mather, Madelia; D. M. Neill and wife, Red Wing; Mrs. M. A. Gilmore, Maple- ton; Janchore Barrett, Duluth; John F. D. Meighen, Albert Lea; Joseph P. Meighen, Leroy; L. S. Lamm, Mankato; Wm. L. Miller, Duluth. One of the employes in the repair shops of the .St. Louis Park car line, at St. Louis Park, Is something of a practical joker as well as a practical electrician, and recently devised a scheme which has given him no end of. merriment> ever since and which incidentally has proved of direct benefit both to himself and j to his friends. ... Four men are employed in the shops, and, at the close of a hot day's work, they have frequently found that their sup- ply ofdrinklng '• water has been Insuffi- cient to; meet the' demands made upon It. The tank stands in one corner of the of- fice, and is—or rather | was—patronized by every thirsty man who chanced in. The. practical -joker, however, \u25a0 like the French king, has-changed all that. Yesterday ' afternoon two of the boys walked in and asked for a drink. The joker smiled delightedly. "Why, sure!" he said. "Help yourself." culae,, which grew brighter and brighter with' decomposition. " That is, the sea shines and smells, and the more it shines the worse" it smells, for the odor finally became, so offensive as to drive many cottagers back to. town, and just about the time they were settled, presto! the phosphorescence was gone in a single night, and the Pacific had taken on its normal' deep green coloring again. But the scientists; are still wrangling over causes and "effects, one faction - claiming that an infinitesimal bit of still life called the salpa— modest name for a scientist Is responsible for It all. "Some years they are scarce, but this season seems favora- ble to their production. They form la chains and come drifting in looking like necklaces of gleaming '• diamonds, y and when broken up by the sea, take on the colors of a prism, the nucleus of the ani- mal being the seat of light.| The ordinary color Is green, but melts into red, which shows phosphorescent at night. \u25a0* ! However, the ordinary layman, not be- ing troubled over scientific explanations, took the phenomena as he found it, with- out question, and doubtless ; enjoyed -the sight fully as 5 much 'as "the * fellow ! who' thought "J himself .*,*", specially * ordained by Providence *to explain everything. :T —B. 08. One of the youngsters walked over to the tank, picked up the cup and turned on the water. A minute later his arm gave a convulsive twitch, he Jumped quickly to one side, and then, with apparent de- liberation, threw the contents of the cup full In his friend's face. . Naturally the second boy got angry. "What the blazes 'dyou do that for?" he yelled. Then, he too, picked up the cup and rushed toward the tank to se- cure ammunition with which to retali- ate. :'"-.•- .' y \u0084.-'-' Again the joker smiled. He reached over and pressed a conveniently situated button, and the second youngster danced up and down with even more agility than his friend. The surprise of the boys tickled the joker to such an extent "that he relented and gave them some water himself. , \u0084.'.',"- - .- - , Two thin copper wires connecting the cup with a battery explained the source of the shocks received by the boys. Ifta-Port Arthur and Isle , r^JTj;: Royal and Return— 12. The Northern Pacific railway has de- cided to continue these beautiful short water trips, twice each week until Sept. 15th. Leave Minneapolis on any Tuesday or Saturday on the "Lake Superior Lim- ited" at 2 p. m., arriving 'at Duluth at 7. p. m. or leave on the night express at- -10:30 p m. arriving at Duluth in the morning. The steamer Argo sails every Wednesday and Sunday at 10 a. m. > The ticket Includes all meals and berths on the steamer for a two* days' trip. * Reserve your stateroom berths at the Northern Pacific - city ticket \u25a0 office.'-- -. \u25a0 > -' *>*'"* * *\u25a0> •' Cheap Excursion Tickets to Colorado ...... - . - - \u25a0 - -..-- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 Until Aug. 3lst. Only one fare plus $2 to Denver, Colorado Springs, etc., round trip tickets good for return to Oct. 81st. The -Minneapolis & St. Louis is j the shortest line, with quickest, and best service. '.. Perfect Mandolins for 9A At Metropolitan Music Co., 41-43 6th st S. If lion Want to Rent - Your house advertise it in; the Journal, You'll rent it. * \u25a0 - : -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 , •. - tm I - l; ,r A ''\u25a0 - \u25a0 -_flt*^^_fl**"__»_ - --''-C^-B -... •-VMiifi-m., .- ii \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Hiia^i iiiiiiw inliiiw iiiibii "_3kgfl^7g'^^y3 Kfl i"* -rx. BrJp'f^^^fl^ ?*^j? flBflflWH«fllflflB—. lrt-i i __fll __r^rai w*_llt-i . aazf^aW - iJI \u25a0Kf -bflVsi TBB EflH^BflßHfll^^^^^^JjEMflßflßß^-F Hfl '"JsVr*r ""'' k^' i^SflflflflV-aflflV-Bflflflflfl KB* <fl BBflSi<flßlfl^^flflßflßHP^ flflßßt "' aBBB_L» V flflflflflfltfll tt flflfl-P*_flP - %fIH BBBfl^-t Iflflßß "**• '«* *\u25a0-« __ft_flV£l-aV JBUljUlft^ Br_ r±***4mW^ jMarsfi**\W' M flflflk- " a^sw^ -;t*^SßltfcZ-r HBBWi^t3aHpß-Bo^ Bvfl KWPBJI J^^fliMfc*s\^^**^iiLr^- *->*** --"\u25a0-^she. &\u25a0__\u25a0 /,'.-.,;;; * :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, \,y \u0084';'.: '\u25a0 ":;-y ..:\u25a0\u25a0> ' '\u25a0\u25a0.:\u25a0:*' '\u25a0 ,y :: ...-1-:- "y' -y". y . : ';", y:- .;:_;..:...;.:\u25a0_ i.-\..^}-: i^g^i^. j - i -. - IM&. Bk IflflY-BVaW^? w^w*'—- -r \u25a0 ,*«*^^£Sfl_S!*-*». !\u25a0 •*?"'' 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Page 1: SATURDAY EVENING, THE ALLIN READINESS Doings at the AT … · The Last Days of Pompeii. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII Description of Pains' New Pyrotech-\u25a0 nic Spectacle*. The spectacular



Greatest Show of AH the Long Series Is Prom-ised The Program in Full.

A year of preparatory work is com-pleted. To-night the state fair gates willbe closed. When they open at 9 o'clockMonday morning the forty-second annualstate fair will be ready for the public.The Journal has kept Its readerswell Informed as to the plans for this fair.These plans have been developed afterbeing well thought out and they haveproved so satisfactory and complete thatPresident John Cooper of the fair boardassures the public that the fair which will

A GENERAL VIEW OF THE FAIR opened on Monday will be a well-rounded . and evenly balanced, exhibition.

Although cattle will be the central fea-ture of,the great show aud will to alarge extent absorb public attention,other departments of the fair have notbeen neglected and in every division therewill be more exhibits than ever before.

The fair is especially strong In amuse-ment features. The racing is of thehighest class; the specialties are selectedfrom the best the world has to offer andthe evening performances will conclude

with Pain's great masterpiece, the new"Last Days of Pompeii." These eveningentertainments have proved such a suc-cess that they will be made a permanentfeature of the state fair.

Vice President Theodore Roosevelt willopen the fair on Monday morning with anaddress on the agricultural resources anddevelopment of the northwest. Thespeech will be entirely non-political Incharacter and will be a voicing of Roose-velt's love for practical affairs and the

x-elfar'e of the common people. He knowsthe northwest well and is deeply.inter-ested in its agricultural development, forwhich-he sees a bright future.


Each -Day's Doings at the Biff Show* :\:\ of Xext Week. .:"".•-.'\u25a0'

Monday. Sept. 2, Roosevelt and••\u25a0

* - . Labor Day.' • .• MORNING. -'•l':v;'C

9 a. m.—Formal opening of the forty-secondannual Minnesota state fair. . . _.._.. _\u0084,,,,„

11 a. "in—Address by Theodore Roosevelt,vice president of the United States.^B|&H9|

12 to 1 p. Reception to Vice PresidentRoosevelt in .the Jobbers' Union building.

AFTERNOON.1 to 2 p. m.—Luflch for Vice President

Roosevelt in the Federation building.2 to 4 p. Review exhibition departments

of the fair. \u25a0v*\i.i4 p. m.—Review Thirteenth regiment Minne-

sota volunteers. \u25a0 . \u0084 .i \u25a0

Running race—Half-mile heats; purse $200.Band concert, '\u25a0';'"• ;->'\u25a0">'-'"•

Balloon ascension.Hippodrome races.2:46 class pacing, purse $1,000; seventeen


' Running race—Half-mile heats.Running race One-mile dash.Band concert.Three races by the Tolbert Running Combi-

nation. :, ftlffjLionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition.Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family.Balloon ascension.

Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic" ex-hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii."

Tuesday, Sept. 3, Minneapolis Day.

MORNING. 'Tho mornings of the fair will be devoted to

an undisturbed display of the agricultural,dairy, horticultural, mineral, forestry, apia-rian exhibits; mechanical'products, woman'swork, fine arts, etc., etc., and to the passingby the judges on the merits of the various ex-

JUDGING' CATTLE: AT THE STATE iTAIit.hibits, with a view to the distribution ofawards and prizes. " "y

10, a. m.Reunion of state legislature in In-stitute hall. $ .."..- v"

• 10 a. Auction sale of Shorthorn cattle..

' AFTERNOON." '" °"Band, concert. -V .- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. -/Aerialistic exhibition. by the Bickett family.Balloon ascension. , */',^. .''-. '•- Lionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition.. 2 p. m.—Exhibit of saddle horses on half-

mile track. .''". \u25a0 t»n. \u0084.-''. -•* •• ':'J.^ilj:iiyA.. 2 p. m.—Exhibition of harness horses,American and foreign \u0084 bred, on. half-mile !track. ' ,' - ,t

\u0084... 3:30. p. . m.—Matched light carriage team.(Stallions ' barred.) y**Exhibited '' on**•half-mi'strack. ' yS

Running race—Five-eighths mile heats;purse, $200..-:y'y/y':'yyy \u25a0 yy.<-"*y--.

2:21 class trotting— \ $5,000.,' Thisamount Is guaranteed by Minneapolis businessmen. Fifteen entries. '

2:17 cless pacing— $1,000. Ten entries.EVENING.

Band concert. •'•':' - .Three races by the Tolbert Running Combi-

nation.Running Half-mile heats. ly/'Lionel Legare, spiral globe exhibition. .Running —One-mile dash. \u25a0\u25a0*\u0084.-.Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii." '

Wednesday, Sept. 4, State and Terri-

torial Day.

MORNING.10 A. M.—Auction sale of Hereford cattle.. \u25a0


AFTERNOON.Band concert.Aeriallstic exhibition by the Blckett family.Balloon ascension.Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.2 P. M.—Matched roadster team (stallions

barred), exhibition on half-mile track.Appointment turnouts, on half-mile track.2:30 P. M.—Harness horses, American or

foreign bred, to be judged on half-mile track.Running race, one-half mile: purse, $200.2:22 class pacing; puree, $1,000; thirteen

entries.' ".,[,-.'...•' "

2:35 class trotting; purse, $1,000; fourteenentries.


Running race, half-mile heats.Band concert.

Running race, one-mile dash.Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.Changes in Tolbert running combination.

Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex-hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii."


Thursday, Sept. 5, Live Stock anil

Dairy Day.

MORNING.10 A. M.Auction sale of Hereford cattle.

AFTERNOONAerialistic exhibtlon by the Bickett family.Balloon ascension. - ; :Band concert.Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.Changes in the Tolbert running combina-

tion. \u25a0 r * " •i .'

Running race, five-eighth-mile' heats. $200purse. " '.''"' .

One-mile dash; purse, $200. - , ."-.V"'T w"2:24 class trotting; purse, $1,000; fourteen

entries. - \u25a0\u25a0' ', ; ;yy \) 2:301 class pacing; purse, . $I,ooo;."fifteen

entries. , .' \u25a0.;' -.-\u25a0\u25a0'-_ - \u25a0 - \u25a0._ ...... \u0084_«.,.. \u25a0

EVENING.•\u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•. ,_.

Three , races •by the Tolbert running com-bination. y >-: • '.'..'?.\u25a0> "'s •'•"' '-. ': 'y-y^y

Band concertRunning race,, one-half-mile heats.Running race," one-mile dash. y.Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex-

hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii." yy

".';: Friday Spet. 6. St. Paul Day.

r.;". ; , v \u0084- AFTERNOON. y '"'."J "",lijGrand parade of the livestock, particularly


Interesting because of the fact that the Na-tional Live Stock Exposition Is held on thegrounds this year.

Band concert. y \u0084"'Changes In Tolbert running combination.Parade, cowboy races and special features

of the live stock firms of South St. Paul.Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family.Balloon ascension. \u25a0..\u25a0•..'...Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.2:13 class pacing. Purse $5,000. This

amount is guaranteed by the business men ofSt. Paul. Twenty-eight entries.

One-mile dash, running race.J-.""' "\u25a0'

EVENING. '"\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:Running race, one-mile dash.Band- concert.Three races by the Tolbert running combi-

nation.Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family.Running races, half-mile heats.Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex-

hibition, "The Last Days of Pompeii."

Saturday Sept. ***, Twin City Day.

AFTERNOON.Changes in Tolbert running combination.Band concertBalloon, ascension. .• •'"\u25a0

Lionel Legare spiral globe exhibition.- .;';Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family.Running races, half-mile heats. Purse, $200.Running race one-eighth-mile dash. Purse

$200". * ' \u25a0 ' « ''\u25a0 '-, \u25a0'-, -2:45 class trotting. Purse $1,000. .'•2:09 class pacing. Purse $1,000. Eight en-

tries. This is the fastest'race held at thefair. ~-'-\ \u25a0 \u25a0: ..' •'\u25a0 • - \u25a0'. ••;

./\u25a0 evening.,: "'r-:*,,. ...Running race, half-mile heats. '\u0084'.'''\u25a0\u25a0!".Running race,, one-mile dash. \u25a0 '-. ."' .. .'Three races by Tolbert running combina-

tion. . \u0084'.'. ;. •Aerialistic exhibition by the Bickett family.Baud concert..Pain's brilliant spectacular pyrotechnic ex-

hibition. \u25a0 :j_. . :,*,, ; i

can instruct, them, -they are well informedof the horrible night's occurrence, .inwhich one of the greatest cities in ancienttimes was buried beneath a sea of hissing,molten stone. ; :;;yy

But books, pictures and lectures cannotportray . the scene In all the grandeur itmust have possessed. H. J. Pain, of Lon-don, England, the most noted of all pyro-technists, conceived a representation of"The Last Days of Pompeii," a productionof which .will be given each night at thestate fair in all the magnificence of sceniceffects and realism possible to modern art.The production willbe something that willexcel anything every before attempted ina pyrotechnic and spectacular way;'com-plete in every particular, true In each de-tail to history, correct in Its costumes andgrand beyond any precedent in its en-tirety. ...".\u25a0.

Nearly 300 performers participate in therepresentation of | the fete day.; Romansports and pastimes are depicted by scoresof acrobats, tumblers,- specialties, etc. Apretty plat, founded on Lord | Lyton'sbeautiful novel of the same name, runsthrough the play, but' Interest naturallycenters upon the realistic crisis at thetermination of the fete day's sports.Frowning Vesuvius awakes from itstreacherous plumber, and with a terrificroar belches forth floods of smoke, lava,and pyrotechnics. The beautiful .temples,palace and public buildings fall one bx oneand devouring flames Complete their de-struction. j$ This scene is one of awfulgrandeur and realism. ;

Street Car Facilities.The state fair grounds can be reached

from Minneapolis in about half an hour.The management of the street railwaycompany has planned to put every avail-able wheel in motion next week and willrun cars as often as may be necessary.It is stated by officials that there Is plenty

of power this year and .that cars can berun at very frequent intervals. On Snell-ing avenue, near the fair grounds, thereIs a long track for storage of cars, whichwill be used to meet the rush of thecrowds after the close of performances.

\u25a0Cars of the Como-Interurban-Harrletline run directly from Lake Harriet downHennepin avenue and to the fair grounds.In addition to these regular cars there.will be a large number which will runfrom Sixth ?™ I Hennepin to the fairgrounds. Tf""iters from any other linesin the city will be good on these cars.

.; Admission to . the Fair.

To correct any misunderstanding Itshould be' stated that admission to thefair is 50 cents—just what it has alwaysbeen. For the evenings, however, therate is but 25 cents. This price of ad-mission goes into effect at 6 o'clock, sothat it is possible for the people who arebusy during the day to go to the groundsat 6 o'clock, see. the exhibits before 8and then take in the amusements at thegrand stand, getting the benefit of thelow rate. All the fair buildings are illu-minated at night except the cattle barns.

The Last Days of Pompeii.

LAST DAYS OF POMPEIIDescription of Pains' New Pyrotech-

\u25a0 nic Spectacle*.The spectacular dramatic performance

of the "Last Days of. Pompeii," whichwill be pepsentei each evening: at thestate fair, is a representation of the mostdireful disaster or' all hi-story, the"deathand burial of a city. '

When Vesuvius poured forth its deadlytorrent \u25a0of \u25a0 lava upon the ancient city ofPompeii, burying it under a mass of liquidstone, and destroying with pitiless forcethe thousands of happy people who dweltwithin the walls of the doomed place, criesof agony rent the lurid air, and all wasdesolation and misery.

This happened eighteen centuries ago.Excavators' researches have brought be-fore the world relics of the fatal city.Volumes have been written upon it, andpeople have come to know a great deal ofthe history of Pompeii.. So far as bookscan teach them, so far as lectures by rages

HIGH LIFE IN LOS ANGELES IN SUMMER"B. OB." Tells of the Glories of the Atmosphere and of the Sea-

Eternal Spring in Everlasting Summer—Hotels and HotelLife on the Pacific.

I Correspondence of The Journal. |Los Angeles, Aug. 6, 1901.—Southern j

California was never, before so filled withtourists during the dull summer months.Usually at this season of the year thecurio shops along the main streets putup their shutters and move Into cheaperquarters; hotel men do their house.clean-ing, the theaters, are .deserted, and thetownspeople live oft' each other. But thebands are still playing during the dinnerhour at the hotels; the streets are crowd-ed with"..shoppers,.,'and the \ newspaperstwang their ' editorial \\u25a0_ harps ... to \ thetune of prosperity and -contentment. Thereason for this change of conditions whichis becoming more sand\u25a0),. more apparentevery year is not far to seek. Easternersare slowly awakening to the fact that de-lightfula3 it is all aong the Pacific coastin winter, it is really, pleasanter in sumymer. The popular impression has beenthat California being so warm in wintermust be comparitively hotter during thedog days, but experience proves the con-trary. During the recent period of scorch-ing; heat all over the country, when the

| thermometer loitered along in the hun-dreds, it remained In the eighties insouthern California and dropped into thesixties, up north in the" vicinity of 'Frisco.

There Is relatively but little variationin the temperature;. but little more thanten degrees in the twenty-four hours. |Every afternoon by four o'clock _ a sea ;

breeze will, so cool the hottest day, thatat bedtime —anywhere from 10 p.m. to 5a. m. —you have'to sleep under a blanket. !Light wraps are worn almost every night,and fidglty people look out for J a draughteven in August. /

Then too, on a really hot day here thelocal article at its worst is not compara- \ble with the !damp and oppressive * heat Ithat has made the east so uninhabitable jthis summer. Owing to the lack of rainthe air is not charged with moisture; the !percentage of humidity is never, high,nor does the breeze come like a blast froma furnace.. Thunderstorms are almost asrare as angel's visits In this ever rose-blooming corner of, the' country, and cy-clones so unheard of that the people couldnot follow Lac/ Stafford's philosophicaldiscussion on what would happen If theIrresistible force struck the immovableobject. Yet in spite of the lack of rainthere is no dust, for an occasional ' fog icools the air, and lays the dust as well.

But to conclude this long talk on, the Iweather; the . following official table of |temperatures taken during the recent Iheated term will fully substantiate as jfacts the statements made above..

. City- . Therm. jChillicothe. Mo lit jBowling Green, Mo .....r.................. 112 1Paris, Mo ..;... ,108 !Monroe City. Mo ........107 !

I St. Louis, Mo ...,;106j Omaha, Neb ... '...."..'-.105Kansas City. Mo .104 !Chicago, 111 !...10"! jI Odessa, Russia ... .-...; 1.103

! Louisville, Xv ..:....'..:, ..i.... 102 iSpringfield, Mo ,-.,';.."-. »...-. 100 [Indianapolis, Tnd .*...... ;..-... J©ft ]Cincinnati. Ohio -. .' .100 |Los Angeles, Cal 83 i

What to Eat.j The creature comforts of life are on a !

par with the climate. The "leading hotel !in Los Angeles," save for the fact that the \u25a0

markets are limited, compares favorablywith any hotel in New York or Chicago, jIt is well nigh impossible to get soft-shell jcrabs here, because they are not hardy !enough to stand the long journey, and die \on the way from the Atlantic seaboard. !Lobsters, too, are "cut" just at present, jbut willbe "in" again August 10. Not be- jcause there are no lobsters along the Pa- 'cific coast— with or without the shell— Irather for the reason that last .winter's Icrop of tourists so, ate Into .the crop of ,shell fish that the legislature passed a bill !prohibiting the lobster-potter from snar-ing during the summer months. The Pa-cific lobster by tbe* way is really, a hugecraw-fish, has no claws, but is as edibleas the Atlantic variety. | Then, too, youare served with eastern oysters even dur-ing the months without the1 S, the oysterbeing brought out here and planted. Asfor the small California oysters, they are

I good all the year around, and are always-

j served as the first course of a formal din-! ner or luncheon. But generally speaking

jthe sea food is neither si good or of suchi variety, in the Pacific, and 'attempts; to! plant ; Atlantic fish jjalong this coast have \u25a0

' largely resulted in failure, because theJ water, is so much more salty- than alongthe eastern shore. - - ; .- r Dove, pigeon and squab are about theonly 'game in the market just at present,and the j,Arizona;.meat is . so- tough and.unpalatable that the;best. cuts come fromChicago and Kansas \u25a0 City. But, on theother hand,:v. California raises fresh vege-tables all the year. There are few'daysin,', the, $65 when you are .denied' straw-berries .with., your ' breakfast; . firm, juicy

and about twice \u0084the „size of.1 the .easternberry. Cantaloupe and fresh corn have

-been-; in the* market since the latter 'part.

of April; new potatoes, green peas, andasparagus are among the staple.vegetablesto be. had most any time. . And .as forspring chicken, that sagacious bird has hishead on the block the year around, in thisland of almost perpetual springtime, whileyou don't have to wait until Thanksgivingfor your turkey. So thus what the mar-kets deny in sea food is made up for ingame and vegetables.

'•Going In for Sport."

If you care to go In for sport it's but athree-hour journey to Catalina, where wild

, goats are to be had for the shooting,though the sport of sports for. sports isfishing for the big Tuna. Old fishermenof the Grover Cleveland type claim thatone never knows the delights of fishingbefore landing a Tuna, and that the mostexperienced of the Atlantic watermen failin their first attempts. The tuna is saidto be the gamest fish that swims, and get-ting a tarpon into the boat is as tame bycomparison as old maid to-. poker. \ Toland your fish within an hour after you'vehooked him is a record to be proud of,it taking. on an average of from two tothree hours. So the tournament just fin-ished under the auspices of the CatalinaTuna club proved most exciting to thoseinterested in that sort of thing, the con-testants coming from all parts of the coun-try to take part in the tourney. The Tunaclub is not an exclusive organization; infact it's democratic in theory, but to be-come a member of the club you must havelanded alone and unaided as the circusannouncer would say,— a tuna weighing atleast 150 lbs. And mind they don't takeyour word for the weight jof the fish, —else the club would have a larger member-

jship. The catch must be made under cer-i tain restrictions as to weight of rod, reelI and line, and the weighing done under thejeye of the, keeper of the great seal, which

i is the sad sea dog name for a land sharkweighmaster.

Fun at the Theaters.But If you prefer remaining on shore

and letting the other fellow work so longovertime at sea, that he'd strike forshorter hours if compelled to find hispleasure fishing, there's enough of quietamusement in town. At the Los Angeles

l theater during these dull summer monthswe've had. Henry Miller in a round of

I plays, Including "D'Arcy of the. Guards,"| which he is trying on the California dogjbefore opening in New York. But the dog

j did not fancy the dish particularly, and itj will hardly dod for New York. BlancheBates followed in "Under Two Flags,'

jand made : a pronounced individual hit,; the fact of her being a Californian draw-ing really brilliant audiences to the

! theater on the opening night beg pardon1 premier. - The Titian-haired Leslie Carteras'Zaza gave the Angellnoa'three nights'illustration on how to break the seventhcommandment, — get away with It,—and now we are threatened with an in-vasion of the. Frohmans. Charles Froh-man's Empire Theater .company opens

i next Monday, night,. presenting for thefirst time out of. New York "Mrs. Dane'sDefense," and: Brother <M Dan follows in

j"Lady Huntsworth's Experiment." . y*yAj 'At the* Burbank, .which supports stock

i companies in standard plays, season afteri season, James Neill and his companyi have just concluded a most profitable: seven weeks' engagement. ' The Pacific; coast Is, properly speaking,, the home ofstock companies and it is no small credit

! to.Mr. Neill that, since entering this; field he has won for.himself and company! a place second to none. His productioni of "Barbara Friietchle" In particular Is aj most ambitious undertaking for a stockj manager,, but the results both from an1 artistic and box office point of view spokeI for.'themselves.-standing room being at apremium during "Frietchle" week.

'.'-/ i. y - Wonder* of .the Sea.

But for the past month the- sea hasi been giving a sort of continuous perform-i ance, which as a spectacle rivals any stagei picture ever devised. About three weeksj ago people along the shore hereabouts

> noticed that the; color of the/sea was• changing,'lnstead of green it was becom-I ing more and more of a mud-red hue, thei ocean- for acres presenting' a marvelousi sight, the well-defined belt'of red lying

\ off shore, coming nearer at times, fluctu-ating with* the tides./ At night it was dis-covered that the waters ablaze withlight. Flames seemed to leap from everywave, and when the surf piled up on theshore, the spectacle was truly grand.Special trains were put/on at one of theresorts; divers were, employed/ to ... leapfrom the piers, and appeared to be swim-ming in molten metal, and came out of thewater dripping with liquid Are. Varioustheories, were, put forward to account forthe phenomena, every movement of thewater, 5 like the touch of Midas, turning Itto gold. The /most plausible explanationseems to; be that the . phosphorescence Iscaused' by!. countless '' luminous,'/; animal-

\u25a0'\u25a0-*\u25a0' y r '\u25a0•>. ;." y".


Doings at thePan-American

Correspondence of The Journal.Buffalo, N. V., Aug. 31.—The past has

been an unusually quiet week at thePan-American, relieved only *• by thesteadily Increasing attendance, the aver-age for the week not being far from 70,---000, not including Sunday, when' the at-tendance always 'way below that ofweek days, in spite of the 25-cent admis-sion. j Three . new shows . have started upon the Midway and one of them has al-ready had time to "bust." This makesforty-seven Midway attractions. \u25a0 -The West Point cadets left for schoolon the evening of the 28th, their furloughexpiring on the 29th. During their briefstay they attracted all sorts, of favorablenotice and gave daily drills either out onthe grounds 'or in the : Stadium. Whileat the exposition they visited the breed-ing, farm of a local horse fancier and inthe fullness of his good feelings he gavethe corps a fine stallion, valued at $5,000.The boys took the horse with them whenthey left and hope to be allowed to starta breeding farm at the Point, where themuch-sought-after perfect cavalry horsemay be bred by the government. ThisIs the first stallion ever owned by theUnited States government.

Mrs. W. S. Pattee, wife of Dean Patteeof the university law school, her sonRichard and daughter paid the expositiona four-day visit the latter part of theweek. .

Tuesday to Friday of this week the joy-ous bark of the festive dog echoedthroughout Pan-Amdom. The much-promised dog show . took place in thecattle sheds near the East Amherst gate.There were over fifty breeds of dog

Helen Gjertson, Rick Olson, Mrs. L. S.Mather, J. A. Bernard, M. D., Miss BessieMoore, D. F. Recker and wife, L. T. Sowle,Miss E. _F. . Reld, B. S. Groat, Rollin H.Spencer, Warren H. Dorner. Harvey C.Samuels, Homer D. Samuels, John D. Salttre.-James F. Williamson. Gertrude McKaig,

TTadbourne Smith, D. Ougheltree, Har-

2, ,i?- TKeeler, Laura Gould. Mary Benner,

V* ™lach and wife- L- v- Emery, Mrs.A. W. Osher, Miss Helen Osher, F. H. Peaveyand wife, Mrs. Frank Briller, Arthur R.

Joyce^ James McDougall, Mabelle V. Stock-l?r- $• °_ Suble"e and wife, Robert C. Hill,\V. Booth, Miss Pauline Burgess, Mira C.Jones, A. L. Truher, Mrs. d. O. Johnson,Mary A. Bye, Mrs. W. F. Porter, MarionPorter, Lillian M. Booth, Edith L Mar-shall, Mrs. W. W. Marshall, W. M Hop-kins and wife, R. J. Elliott, Edgar WilcoxEllen A. Kennedy, Lillian S. Bladon, RonenaPattie. Mrs. H. S. Pattie. N. J. Young E 1MTaylor, Bernina Wolfenden, William Bald-win, Kathleen Molan, L. J. McNair J BWoolnough, Frank G. Danielson, ElizabethLthe, M. M. Traver, Mrs. R. J. Hill. Louise.Hill, Helen M. Wind, John Longer, F. J.Longer, W. J. Scanlon and wife, Robert Scan-lon, Fred" L. Smith, Agnes Smith, H. D.Dickinson and wife, Hamilton B. BrownGrace Holbrook Schlener, Gerald G WiK-gins.

ST. PAUL.Mrs. J. Sandy, Patricia M. Hart, Mary Ker-

win, T. H. Kerwln, Jennie Weber, David Ra-maley, R. W. Fahey, James Reardon, JohnT. .Ward, Mrs. H. C. Sempf, Mrs. MyronBrown, S. S. Crooks and wife, G. H. Kirkpat-rick and wife, W. F. Markor, George J. Rankand wife, C. L. Carman and wife, P. I. Car-man, W. Almont Gates, Gertrude Gray Mr3.H. A. Gray, Miss D. L. Gray, H. W. Sweet.H. D. Ulmstead, Sydney W. Fernald,.Fred S.Cook, Louise M. Fernald, C. M. Fernald,Alex Richardson, Mrs. W. H. McDonald,Olive McDonald, John A. Bazille, Otto Smith.J. R. Donohoe and wife, Mrs. Frederick E.Foster, Martha M. Foster, J. A. McCaakeyand wife, Cassius M. Rose and wife, E. :B.Strauss, Wm. Ferguson and wife, H. F. Stll- 'well and wife, Charles J. Stlllwell. Clifford ;


Where President McKinley and his party will lire during their visit to the Pan-America*Exposition It is the home of John G. Mllburn, at 1168 Delaware avenue.—Photo to by.xi. W. Hall. , . :',

entered and the show attracted much at-tention.

From Aug. 26 to Sept. 7 will be giventhe Pan-American swine . show In thesouth division of the cattle sheds. Ninebreeds of swine are being shown.

James MacMullan of Minneapolis, su-perintendent for the Minnesota board ofmanagers, was absent for several days ona trip to Charleston, S. C., where helooked over the forthcoming exposition tobe. held there. Mr. MacMullan is enthu-siastic about the Charleston exposition,which begins immediately after the close,of the Pan-American, but the board ofmanagers will probably not make any ex-hibit from Minnesota there.

Charleston's exposition officials havebeen striving in every way to get all theexhibitors possible to display at theirshow after the close of the Pan-Ameri-can. Efforts have been made to induceMinnesota to take space or build a build-ing, but there is little prospect thatanything will be done.

Special invitations for President's Day,Sept. 5, will shortly be out. The affair,because of the expected crowd, will belargely governed by Invitations, and It isexpected that this may prove the largestday of the exposition, though New YorkDay may exceed it.

The 1 attendance from Minnesota stillholds up well, 267 having registered at theMinnesota building Sunday to Wednesday,Inclusive, from the state. Of this num-ber 92 registered from Minneapolis, 67from St. Paul and 108 from the state atlarge. Minneapolis, at least, did hershare. . • ..\u25a0 • '\u25a0: y \u25a0 \u25a0

'\u25a0 t.. '

It looks as though Minnesota wouldcome well to the front In awards. SheIs sure of at least one gold medal andher exhibits in all departments have notbeen surpassed by any other states. As astate, Minnesota Is the only one havinga flour booth and is the only state hav-ing a booth in the big Manufacturers andLiberal Arts building.

Minnesota Visitors." MINNEAPOLIS. >'

' ': Mrs. E. J. Roberts, Miss Roberts, Florence

Wales, Thomas C. Roberts, J. R. Mathewson,Robert M. Thompson, F. Elwell. George H.Elwell, wife and daughter, Anna Christiansen,

Shocking Reform Methods

Stlllwell, Timothy Foley and wife, Mrs. A. E.Wallace, May C. Wallace, Ethel E. Wallace,Lena M. -Van Duzer, F. B. Brace apd wife,George M. Ray and wife, Mary Lowry Monk-house, Frank Brennan, L. D. Bissell andwife, Allan Bissell.

STATE AT LARGE.Alice M. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wood,

Gordon Wood, Duluth; Loomis Irish, . SaraIrish, Vine Island; Lena F. Hammons, Mar-jorie Hammons, David P. Craig, Anoka; C.Volland, Duluth; Bena Victoria Wlllson,Rochester; F. W. Fink, St. Louis Park; Mr.and Mrs. Frank Bach. Milwaukee; E. O.Dilling, Margaret Dllllng,Moorhead; Mr. andMrs. J. H. McCord, Annandale; J. F. Zimmer-man, Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McArty,Crookston; Mr. and Mrs. H. M.. Stanford,Moorhead; Walter M. Sanford, Duluth; JohnMorgan, Olivia; Jennie York, Brownsdale;Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Rldgeway, J. F. Koth-wan, Annandale; Lizzie B. Rodman, EagleBend; Nellie Greene Clacke, Red Wing;. Mr.and Mrs. C. J. McCollum, Hallock; F. W.Rath, Wm. Seppel, Easton; Vidle H. Finley,Stillwater; Emily. A. Boyd, St. Charles; Mrs.;N. P. Reed, Lillian Reed, Winona; DorcasMcDougall, Miss Marjorle McDougall, MaudM. Breneman, Duluth; George H. Teachout,Farmtngton; Etta Annls Teachout, Owatonna;Henry Braun and wife, Hutchinson; A. S.Critchfleld, E. H. Burns, . Aitkin; Henry Tay-lor, Duluth; J. Mecusker, Little Falls; W. H.Alvorson, Red Wing; Arthur W. Lammers,Stillwater; William White, Duluth; Mrs. AliceMarsh, Mankato; H. N. Welch, Nellie J.Welch, Winnebago City; Mrs. A. W. Sowle,Hutchinson; Helen Stoughton, Duluth; AdaDavis, Mapleton; J. J. Corneveaux, Austin;M. Sullivan, Marshall; Harry A. Orcutt, GuyC. Orcutt, West Concord; Mrs. M. L. VanSlyke, Elmore; Eva E. Lane, Rochester:M. L. Van Slyke, Elmore; F. M. Snyder.Freeborn; Margaret Dresbach, Moorhead;Eleanor Gladstone, Northfleld; Helen' Olark-son, Anna Hinckley, St. Charles; Mrs. P.McConnell, Lottie M. Norris, Duluth; A. F.Stockman, Plato; William White, Btwablk; L.May Van Slyke, Nellye J. Black, Northfleld;Mrs. J. M. Smith, Helen D. Smith, Duluth;C. R. Bailey, Adelbert Porter, Winona; JamesA. Geer, Sauk , Rapids; Mrs. George Weber,Lansing; M. L. Smith, Waseca; Robert P.St. John, Duluth; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen,Blue Earth; A. H. Klasen, Freeport; MattiaHolcomb, Rochester; M. V. Dutcher, Pipe-stone; Mr. and Mrs. Glllls, St. Cloud; Eatelle-Plnkham, Glencoe; Jacob Kelberer, Winona;F. L. Hampton and family, Ada; Mrs. C. E.Callaghan, Rochester; Anna B. Mather, Fari-bault; J. S. Mather, Madelia; D. M. Neill andwife, Red Wing; Mrs. M. A. Gilmore, Maple-ton; Janchore Barrett, Duluth; John F. D.Meighen, Albert Lea; Joseph P. Meighen,Leroy; L. S. Lamm, Mankato; Wm. L. Miller,Duluth.

One of the employes in the repair shops

of the .St. Louis Park car line, at St.Louis Park, Is something of a practicaljoker as well as a practical electrician,

and recently devised a scheme which hasgiven him no end of. merriment> eversince and which incidentally has provedof direct benefit both to himself and jtohis friends. ...

Four men are employed in the shops,and, at the close of a hot day's work,they have frequently found that their sup-ply ofdrinklng '•water has been Insuffi-cient to; meet the' demands made upon It.The tank stands in one corner of the of-fice, and is—or rather | was—patronized byevery thirsty man who chanced in. The.practical -joker, however, \u25a0 like the Frenchking, has-changed all that.

Yesterday ' afternoon two of the boyswalked in and asked for a drink. Thejoker smiled delightedly.

"Why, sure!" he said. "Help yourself."

culae,, which grew brighter and brighterwith' decomposition. " That is, the seashines and smells, and the more it shinesthe worse" it smells, for the odor finally

became, so offensive as to drive manycottagers back to. town, and just aboutthe time they were settled, presto! thephosphorescence was gone in a singlenight, and the Pacific had taken on itsnormal' deep green coloring again. Butthe scientists; are still wrangling overcauses and "effects, one faction -claiming

that an infinitesimal bit of still life calledthe salpa— modest name for a scientist —Is responsible for Itall. "Some years theyare scarce, but this season seems favora-ble to their production. They form lachains and come drifting in looking likenecklaces of gleaming '• diamonds, y andwhen broken up by the sea, take on thecolors of a prism, the nucleus of the ani-mal being the seat of light.| The ordinarycolor Is green, but melts into red, whichshows phosphorescent at night. \u25a0* !

However, the ordinary layman, not be-ing troubled over scientific • explanations,

took the phenomena as he found it, with-out question, and doubtless ; enjoyed -thesight fully as 5 much 'as "the * fellow! who'thought "J himself .*,*", specially *ordained byProvidence *to explain everything. :T

—B. 08.

One of the youngsters walked over tothe tank, picked up the cup and turned onthe water. A minute later his arm gavea convulsive twitch, he Jumped quicklyto one side, and then, with apparent de-liberation, threw the contents of the cupfull In his friend's face. .

Naturally the second boy got angry."What the blazes 'dyou do that for?" heyelled. Then, he too, picked up thecup and rushed toward the tank to se-cure ammunition with which to retali-ate. :'"-.•- .' y \u0084.-'-'

Again the joker smiled. He reachedover and pressed a conveniently situatedbutton, and the second youngster dancedup and down with even more agility thanhis friend. The surprise of the boystickled the joker to such an extent "thathe relented and gave them some waterhimself. , \u0084.'.',"- - .- - ,

Two thin copper wires connecting thecup with a battery explained the sourceof the shocks received by the boys.

Ifta-Port Arthur and Isle , r^JTj;:Royal and Return— 12.

The Northern Pacific railway has de-cided to continue these beautiful shortwater trips, twice each week until Sept.15th. Leave Minneapolis on any Tuesdayor Saturday on the "Lake Superior Lim-ited" at 2 p. m., arriving 'at Duluth at 7.p. m. or leave on the night express at--10:30 p m. arriving at Duluth in themorning. The steamer Argo sails everyWednesday and Sunday at 10 a. m. > Theticket Includes all meals and berths on thesteamer for a two*days' trip. * Reserveyour stateroom berths at the NorthernPacific - city ticket \u25a0 office.'-- -. \u25a0 > -' *>*'"* * *\u25a0>

•'Cheap Excursion Tickets to Colorado...... - . - - \u25a0 - -..-- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0

Until Aug. 3lst. Only one fare plus $2 toDenver, Colorado Springs, etc., round trip

tickets good for return to Oct. 81st. The-Minneapolis & St. Louis is jthe shortestline, with quickest, and best service.

'.. Perfect Mandolins for 9AAt Metropolitan Music Co., 41-43 6th st S.

If lion Want to Rent -Your house advertise it in; the Journal,You'll rent it. *


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