satisfied employees make successful companies

Satisfied employees make successful companies.

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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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«I love my Job» an initiative of umantis


Page 1: Satisfied employees make successful companies


Page 2: Satisfied employees make successful companies

On average a human being spends...

24½ years sleeping. 13½ years working or in school. 12 years watching television, listening to the radio or similar entertainments. 4½ years on social contacts. 3 years eating. 1¾ years bathing or on body care. 1 year on the phone. 9½ months on various things like house work, shopping, being in a queue, walking, driving, idling or going out.

Thus, we spend the biggest part of our active life working…

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…Now who wants to spend all this time in a job you don’t enjoy holding down?

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Do you think of the weekend on Monday mor-ning already? Are you tired and exhausted and do you feel empty inside? Do you find yourself amongst unhappy and sad faces on your way to work? According to studies 75 percent of all employees are not dedicated to their work. The daily grind at work seems to have become a large and grey part of their lives. It’s a pity, es-pecially if you bear in mind how much time this is in consideration of the whole life. But what is necessary in order that employees can love their jobs again?

The Problem


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According to the HR-Barometer of the ETH Zurich study the following issues are, besides the contractual conditions of employment (salary, working hours, holidays etc.) very im-portant for a productive work environment: personnel development (further training, performance evaluation, work structuring), participation (scope for decision-making), transition to flexible working (working hours, working place). About 2/3 of the questioned employees stated that they don’t receive en-ough feedback on their performance. They are missing clear structures, planning and co-ordination of the tasks as well as appreciation. The lack of these factors is not just not moti-vating for the employee, but also exceedingly inefficient for the company. Processes such as task management, personnel development, continuous goal agreement, performance eva-luation and knowledge management are value increasing for both parties. On the one hand these measures enable to determine the po-sition for the employee, on the other hand the company can break down its goals to the in-dividual employee and receive transparency

Employers that don’t take care of their employees

generate employees that don’t take care

of their job.

in terms of the goal achievement. That way measures for the employees’ development can be implemented more targeted. Furthermore fairer individual salaries are possible. Work that is fun and makes sense and job variation are important factors named by the questio-ned employees. Besides, 40% of all employees do not feel obligated to their current employer. The mostly named reasons are missing va-luation and appreciation, the lack of de-velopment possibilities as well as missing regular training and education. Thus, really important for the employees’ motivation and satisfaction are adequate appreciation of the work and a positive company culture. In do-ing so the key figures often are the superiors. They define the company culture and are con-ducive to the team atmosphere. They urge on their employees, they exemplify the company values and encourage the exchange within the

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team. The wrong person in a key position or a negative attitude of the superior toward the company are often reasons for a large part of the dissatisfaction and for fluctuation. Social competency and the ability of responding to

Employers that don’t take care of their employees

generate employees that don’t take care

of their job.

the individual needs of the employees are im-portant pillars of successful leadership. Leading a team isn’t easy – and unfortunately is often underestimated.


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Once employees don’t feel committed to their employer any more, productivity starts to sink, absenteeism increases, the quality of customer service is reduced, sales and earnings decrease and finally company-internal knowledge gaps occur due to more fluctuation. Considering the loss of earnings, competencies and knowledge as well as the costs for the recruitment and on-the-job training of new employees, a high fluctuation is a cost factor that most com-panies cannot beat. The more dissatisfied

The Consequences

an employee is, the larger the risk for the em-ployer. According to Gallup (one of the leading marketing and opinion research institutes) the loss of productivity due to work dissatisf-action amounts to 260 billion Euro only in Germany each year!


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Successful companies too will be confronted with changes and challenges in future. Only those or-ganisations will survive that can prove being ad-justable and dynamical within this constant change. But change does not only affect the wor-king environment. It’s also about the living envi-ronment of each employee: their personal private situation. Many people can’t manage balancing their work and their private life (work-life balan-ce). An efficient task management, transparency in terms of the tasks and processes within the com-pany and new flexible modes of working will play a major role. Companies will only be able to bring out the best in their team if they can sychronise the employee’s individual strengths with the


right tasks, set goals and reward the achieve-ment of these goals. Its about the human being as an individual with all of his or her strengths and weaknesses: To know about who knows what and to know all employees adds up to taking the opportunity of achieving company success from employee talent. Success unites. If we are success-ful, we prefer investing – and vice versa.


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The Future

In our knowledge society the companies with the best talents will be successful. To attract them, to successfully promote them in order that they can fully contribute: these are the tasks of the human resource management. New technolo-gies can support managers in ensuring a consis-tent mentoring of the talents. The Internet, new media and technologies have fundamentally changed HR work in the past al-ready. In the beginning e-mails replaced and signi-ficantly eased written communication. Soon after that talent data pools with search functions were created where all relevant information was coll-ected in one place for employees and superiors. Then interactive HR platforms (similar to XING or Facebook) followed where applicants, employees and alumni were able to record their application data (e.g. application documents, own profiles, re-quests for further training, participations in events etc.). In future the HR management will be even more affected by these developments. Job plat-forms can often only be found on the Internet, lar-

ge companies accept online applications only and the search for jobs will more and more occur via social networks. These innovations will simplify the application process for employers and employees. HR systems such as the applicant management, the goal stipulation and evaluation as well as the individual development can easily be integrated into the existing processes. Thus, companies will achieve more and more targeted development measures for each individual and consequently reach more job satisfaction.

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Satisfied employees have a direct positive influ-ence on the company performance. According to a current study companies with a large number of satisfied employees were able to increase their performance by 20%. Web 2.0 provides more and more possibilities of gathering the em-ployees’ needs and of pointing out perspectives. Social networks and new technologies will revo-lutionise the whole personnel work.

Safeguard the future of your company by investing into the employee satisfaction. Talent management software


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