satan’s attempts to destroy god’s plan of salvation

Satan’s attempts To destroy God’s plan Of Salvation

Upload: cathleen-bishop

Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Satan’s attempts To destroy God’s plan Of Salvation

Satan’s attemptsTo destroy

God’s planOf Salvation

Page 2: Satan’s attempts To destroy God’s plan Of Salvation

(21) Since the day when God cast Lucifer out of Heaven (Isaiah 14: 12 – 15; Ezekiel 28: 13 – 15) warfare has been waged

ceaselessly between the Devil and the Almighty God.

God created the devil but not as the Devil. He was created as the anointed cherub.

He was the shining one. Not a deceiver, a murderer, the author of evil.

Jesus said that He saw Satan as lighting fall from Heaven. And therefore, he became the


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• (20) The Devil is jealous

• The Devil is envious

• The Devil hates God

Ever since he lost his estate in Heaven, he has tried to frustrate

the plan and the program of God. Satan is still fighting a loosing battle.

After God created man and placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,

Satan was not long in seeking to destroy God’s purpose in creating.

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(19) Devil rested not until he approached Eve with temptation. Devil tempted them and made them to violate the laws of God

and make both of them to sin.

When Adam and Eve tried to cover their sin, God shed blood of an animal and gave them covering of skin.

“I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head,

and thou shalt bruise his heel!” (Genesis 3:15)

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Undoubtedly, parents taught both the boys. Abel followed parent’s instructions and brought a lamb as a

blood offering while Cain ignored what he was taught.

(18) Two sons, Cain and Abel, were born to Adam.

God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s offering. Cain was angry.

Shortly at the suggestion of the Devil, he murdered Abel, because God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s.

He thought that Abel must be the seed,

so he set out to destroy that seed.

But subsequently, God raised another son, called Seth, and through him, sons were born who began to call upon God.

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(17) The next attempt of the devil to frustrate the plan of God was to corrupt womanhood and thereby to corrupt all seed

so that the righteous seed could not come.

He led the sons of God to look upon the daughters of men with favor and to take them for wives,

with the result that evil grew and prevailed.

Devil planned that eventually all seed would become corrupt through adultery, fornication and immorality.

Therefore, God wanted to destroy the earth but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Except his family, all were destroyed.

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(16) Later God called Abraham with the purpose of establishing in him a line through which the promised seed would come.

Even though he was faithful, the devil tempted him to have a son through Hagar.He wanted to solve his problems with his wisdom.

In spite of Abraham’s failure, he protected Sarah and gave her Isaac when they were both very old.

Devil did not keep quiet.

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(15) The Devil

made the brothers of Joseph to sell him off

made Joseph to be separated from his family

later on took the entire clan to Egypt

made them slaves for 430 years

gave them much hardship under bondage.

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(14) Later on, God raised Moses but devil made him to disobey God and therefore Moses himself could not enter into Promised Land.

Devil was trying to frustrate the plan of God to prevent the coming of the seed of woman

who was to bruise his head.

Again the children of Israel did abominations against God until finally there was only one little boy left

through which the seed could come.

He was hidden and protected for a long time, and the king who would not follow God died,

the boy was set on the throne (2Chronicles 22:11,12 &23:11).

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(13) was a time when the entire Jewish race was to be killed but for Esther who stood and kept the lineage to move on!

The lineage continued on until at last, in spite of all the Devil could do to prevent it, the promised Seed,

Jesus Christ, came into the world.

His coming was announced, Herod has wicked intentions,

encouraged by devil that he should kill all children less than two years!

Jesus had to escape to Egypt and come back later to Nazareth where he lived until 30 years.

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(12) Later on Devil tempted Jesus to jump from a high pinnacle

There were occasions during the ministry of Jesus where Jews wanted to throw stones at him and kill

Another time they wanted to push him from a high place and devil tried all means to kill the seed of the woman

before the death on the cross.

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(11) Jesus did not come to found a religion

He did not come to establish an earthly church of any other temporal organization

He was sent by God to bring man back to Himself

“God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” Jesus unhesitatingly announced to unbelievers,

“I and my Father are one. I came not to myself; my Father sent me. The works I do, I do at the command of my Father.”

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(10) On three occasions during His earthly ministry

God in an audible voice gave testimony to His Son.1. At the baptism of Jesus.

God said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17)

2. On the Mount of Transfiguration, God spoke saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” (Matthew 17: 5)“Hear ye Him” their clear implication is that “What he saith is truth”3. John records the third occasion - “Now is my soul troubled;

and what shall I say? Father, save me from his hour; but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again” (John 12; 27, 28)

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(9) This thrice-repeated testimony from heaven shows beyond all reasonable doubt that

Jesus was the Son of God.

Never before and never since has the God of Heaven said of any mortal being.

“This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”

Jesus is the only one who ever completely satisfied the great heart of the loving God.

Jesus fulfilled every requirement, every wish of the Heavenly Father.

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(8) Adam failed to do this.

Noah failed to do it; after the glorious experience of being saved in

the Flood which destroyed all life save that which Noah had taken into the ark,

Noah walked after the flesh.

Abraham, man of faith, failed to please God by trusting Him.

he lied about his wife, and he went into Egypt to escape famine in the land

God had promised to him.

Abraham failed

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(7) Moses failed

Elijah failed

David a man after God’s own heart – Failed and committed a terrible sin

Man apart from the grace of God, is totally and entirely depraved, lost, ruined,

hopeless and hell bound.

But what flesh could not do what the Holy law of God could do “in that it was weak through the flesh,

God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. (Romans 8:3)

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(6) Jesus did what man could not do for himself

Jesus did what man had never done and what the natural man would not have done if he could have.

Jesus submitted Himself wholly to God, surrendering every fiber of His being,

every phase of His will, in to the hands of His heavenly Father.

He never spoke a word, he never committed an act, and

He never performed a miracle for selfish reasons

What he did was always done to glorify “him that sent me”.

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(5) Just before the Lord Jesus finished His earthly ministry, just before He walked the last mile to the cross,

He said, “I have glorified thee on the earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do” (John 17:4)

During the thirty-three years Jesus lived here on earth, He was tempted in all points as we are; yet He never sinned.

Never did He sin in thought, word or deed

He lived here exposed to every form of sin and temptation, yet He lived a life of perfect victory over the world,

the flesh and the Devil

Therefore, Jesus could take the place of the sinner and say to a just and holy God,

“I have accomplished that for which you sent me to accomplish”.

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(4) From the day God slew animals in the Garden of Eden to provide a covering for the bodies of sinning Adam and Eve,

He has demanded blood as a sin offering.

A Holy God has accepted no other offering, nor will He accept any other,

“Without the shedding of blood is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22).

Every drop of blood shed in connection with the millions of offerings made during the Old Testament era

pointed in type to the blood of the Lamb of God shed on the cross of Calvary.

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(3) If the Lord Jesus had not gone to the cross, if He had not died on the cross,

the plan and purpose of God for man’s redemption would not have been accomplished.

How wonderful it is

• not to have to offer the blood of animals that can never take away sin

• not to have to go though the ceremonies of the old covenant “Now any child of God can bow down

where ever he or she is and confess sins to God. And if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just

to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).

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(2) Come unto me “all” – that includes me, you and all

All we have to do is to confess, wherever we are, whenever we will, our need to Christ, recognize Him as the only one who can meet that need

and then come, freely, trustfully, boldly. He will supply that need, whatever it is.

There have been many religions since Adam. There are hundreds of religions and cults today.

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(1) But the Bible declared one Lord and one faith:

Jesus is the one way

Jesus is the one door

Jesus is the one light

Jesus is the one living water

Jesus is the one living bread

Jesus is the one shepherd

Jesus is the one truth

Jesus is the one life.

There is no side door or back door in


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(0) God honors the blood of Jesus Christ; and when we honor Christ by exercising faith in His finished work,

God grants to us forgiveness of sins for Christ’s sake (Ephesians 4:32)

Since God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.

Since it is not God’s will that any should perish but “that all should come to repentance’.

It may be that someone says, “I am neutral. I am neither for nor against the Son of God.

I am neutral in respect to all religions”.

If you accept the Bible as true, you cannot be neutral.