sasol sap enterprise portals journey

SASOL SAP Enterprise Portals Journey

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SASOL SAP Enterprise Portals Journey

Page 2: SASOL SAP Enterprise Portals Journey


SASOL SAP Enterprise Portals Journey

SASOL Portal landscape 2003 – Future

Current activities


Lesson Learned


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SASOL Portal landscape 2003 – Future

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SASOL Portal landscape 2003 – Future

Visionary and determining factors

Landscape milestones

2004 : First SAP EP installation (Synfuels)

2004 to 2005 : Upgrade of Synfuels portal

2006 to 2009 : Go-live SASTECH and Group Portals

2010 : “The Big Year”

2011 to 2012 : Talent Management


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SASOL Vision:

“To establish one integrated global portal for the Sasol group of

companies that will deliver information that is relevant to the

individual needs of every employee and assist in the ongoing drive

of knowledge management, in a cost effective way”

Visionary & determining factors

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Concepts discussed in 2003:

“…Business-to-Employee (B2E)-programs/initiatives”

Visionary & determining factors

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“… bringing together a variety of environments and consolidating in such a way that

employees/managers find more value from the aggregate than the parts”

Visionary & determining factors

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“…relationship between a B2E-program and the various technologies”

Visionary & determining factors

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Sasol’s B2E-vision summarized

Visionary & determining factors

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Sasol’s EIP-vision:

“…the following framework as a guideline…”

Visionary & determining factors

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Sasol’s EIP-vision:

Visionary & determining factors




App integration


Authentication via SSO

Authorization approvals role-based


Security services infrastructure -

adequate hardware, network

connectivity and security


Compliance - Sasol’s established

Information Management policy

and procedural guidelines

Layered security through


Data stores (LiveLink as a

document repository and the

various BU data warehouses)

File-based systems (MS


Business/functional applications

(SAP, MES, etc)

Productivity tools (MS Office)

External content sources

Internet environment

At anytime: 24x7x365

From anywhere: work, home,

travel; from any country/geography

where Sasol operates

Through any device: including

PC’s, PDA’s, WAP-enabled

phones, etc. where appropriate

To any employee (including

retirees) - based on their


An intuitive front end and layout

Smart navigation to reduce task


Require minimal user training

Consistent user interface

Improved search capabilities

Well organised information

Wizard-based assistance

Personalisation (active profiling,

passive profiling)

Collaboration (virtual meeting/chat;

identification of subject matter

experts; discussion groups)

Process support (external

workflow through support of third-

party workflow applications;

internal workflow)

Publishing and distribution

(authoring, approval, and crawlers

for searching)

Extensive, cross application


Categorisation including

classification, taxonomy and

Metadata Integration (business

applications, infrastructure, e-mail

and GroupWare, database and

internet content and services)

Usage metrics

Customisation functionality to

modify the configuration and

Information presentation of the

interface to reflect business needs,

professional interests and

personal styles or preferences

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2003: Go-live Synfuels Portal (SAP Enterprise Portal 5.0. SP5)

7200 users live with the following functionality:

Manager Self-Service (MSS) – 1400 Managers (3rd customer globally to go live on


Employee Self-Service (ESS)

BW HTML reports (file system based)

SEM (Balanced Scorecard and Manager’s Cockpit iViews)

Knowledge Management (KM) – Livelink and intranet integration, Factiva Newsfeeds,

subscription, notification, etc

Honeywell Integration – Full application portal

Outlook Web access

Single sign-on

Shortcut to SAPGUI for Windows for existing SAP backend environments



Additional SAP Backends

Standalone ITS

Landscape: 2003

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2004: Upgrade of Synfuels Portal from 5.0 to 6.0

Increased User base to 27,800 users in June 2004

Ensure stability of current implementation and finalize support processes and


Expanded KM functionality in portal

Implement the KM Connector for SAP DMS to support DMS strategy

Improve and expand integration with SAP R/3 and BW

Honeywell content certification – Honeywell iViews

Integration of more standard BP

Cluster environment

Landscape: 2004 - 2005

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2006: Stabilizing the Synfuels Portal on functionality

2007: Go-live of SASTECH Portal (SAP EP 7.0), SASTECH BW

User base -2000

Custom Timesheet application for SASOL specific projects

BW Reports

2008: Go-live of Group Portal (SAP EP 7.0)



2008(3Q): Synfuels Portal changes

Migration ITS 6.20 IAC’s to ITS 640 (Integrated ITS)

2008: Project Six pack upgrade

Landscape: 2006 – 2009

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2009: Multiple domain setup for SASOLCORP to SASOLSCD migration

2009 (3Q): Group Portal changes

2009 (4Q): RPM Portal changes

AD management via Omada

2009: Move all end-user management to AD for migration purposes

Operation activities on UME data source files, build-in filter “514”.

2009: Synfuels portal

SSO: IISproxy vs Kerberos authetication

Landscape: 2006 – 2009 (cont)

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1Q: Migration of all ESS/MSS functionality from Synfuels Portal to Group


Migration of functionality and introduction of BP for ESS/MSS based on

Java/ABAP Web Dynpro

NATREF domain integration (3rd domain)

1Q: WPC (Web Page Composer) to manage content

2Q: Go-live of RPM Portal (single stack EP 7.0) BP for RPM based on Java/ABAP Web Dynpro for RPM 4.5

2Q: BW integration in Group Portal Minimum requirements for Xcelsius

2Q: Xcelsius dashboard in Group Portal RPM dashboard

Landscape: 2010

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4Q: HW migration for all Portal and Backend environments ERP domain introduction

Full trust

SSO reconfigured



DNS alias

System landscape connections

Connection changes

RFC changes

Landscape: 2010 (cont)

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1Q/3Q: Migration of SASTECH Portal technology to Group Portal

Custom Timesheet application

Migration of BW Functionality from SASTECH BW to Synfuels BW

Decommission of SASTECH Portal and SASTECH BW

1Q: Upgrade Group Portal to 7.02

WPC issues

3Q: Go-live of Travel Management on Group Portal

ESS/MSS BP HR 604 – ABAP WebDynpro

3Q: Go-live of SAP Learning Solution on Group Portal

Content player, Authoring environment

Landscape: 2011 - 2012

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3Q: Go-live of SRM 7 on Group Portal

SRM BP 7.0 - ABAP Web Dynpro

3Q: Go-live of MII Portals (NetWeaver CE 7.11)

7 portals (including QA and DEV) located per site.

2012: Xcelsius based dashboards on Group Portal

HR -, Diversity -, ITM Scorecard

2012: Talent Management in Group Portal

Nakisa (NetWeaver CE 7.11) integration into Group Portal

SAP Talent Visualization

Landscape: 2011 - 2012 (cont)

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SASOL Portal landscape 2003 >>




2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Future












Jan Mar Oct

ITS 6.20 to

ITS 6.40





Portal 7.0


Portal 7.0 CE 7.11

CE 7.11


Portal 7.02


Portal 6.0

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Group Portal

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Future – Federated landscape

Consumer Portal (EP 7.3)

Producer portals

SRM portal

EP 7.3

ESS/MSS portal

EP 7.3


Reporting portal

EP 7.02 > EP 7.3

Dep upgrade BW

Custom Apps portals

EP 7.02 > EP 7.3

Possible producers

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Future – External Facing Portal

SAP EP 7.3 (1st instance on VM (VMware 5)

SAP Web Dispatcher

First Spirit (CMS)






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Future (cont)

Mobility (portal on device) Extending workflow for Approvals

B2B, B2P

Social networking Microsoft Office Communicator


Solution Manager CTS +



Internet website SAP

Intranet website SAP


“Buzzwords” SAP NetWeaver Cloud Portal

After 7.3?

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Current activities

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Current actvities

Projects ESS/MSS Talent Management & Nakisa Visualization

HR Scorecards based on Xcelsius and BW technology

Federated Portal landscape project

External facing Portal project

RPM upgrade to PPM 5

Impact on Portal BP

Support Support Packages & patches

General maintenance

HW investment/replacement

Performance tuning for current environment to cater for high load periods

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Challenges -Technical

Looking at Integration holistically (Project & Support):

Impact of a portal upgrade on backend or Impact backend upgrade on portal.

Impact of client refreshes on portal

QA to be a true reflection of your PROD

Transports of portal specific configuration on the backend

None-transportable configuration, opening of backend system

NWDI & CTS in Portal environment

Minimum requirements according to PAM, SAP notes & Wiki pages

Client (browser and JRE, additional components) – minimum footprint


Impact all components on one portal

Compatible JAVA components and Business Packages.


SP, SNOTE implementation – ITS (Services)

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Challenges -Technical (cont)

Exposure internationally


Multiple domain/forests vs Single domain

Performance impact (Accelerated Application Delivery for WAN)

Upgrade from SAP EP 7.0 to 7.3

Custom Look and Feel impact

BW and Portal tight integration

Session management (version dependencies)


Version 7.01 issues,

Fixes, workarounds, corrections supplied by SAP AG, patch updates

Custom applications & Out of support applications

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Challenges -Technical (cont)

Federated landscape



Role design

Custom applications

single UWL vs multiple UWL’s

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Challenges - Business

Programme management

Multiple projects impact on environment

Resource planning

Change management

Change in functionality

“Where did that button go?”

New functionality


Global exposure

Privacy laws (ESS/MSS Portals)

Has Branding been affected?

Has the SASOL EIP vision been compromised?

Are we still on track?

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Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned

Look and Feel is critical

A simple change like a change in the colour/branding of a theme can be very appealing

(although can be short lasting) – you gotta keep the change constant

Content Ownership is very important

This gave out users a sense of “this is our portal” and they add to the contribution pool for

making the portal “the place to be”. They are with the end users of the portal and become

part of the sales/marketing team to bring in interest to the portal

Do not mix workflow tools

We currently have SAP Inbox and UWL running at the same time, and now and again

users get confused

User Activity is VERY necessary

Some business units have compliance content that they need their personnel to familiarise

themselves with and they could end up in a situation where they need to audit who has

visited the content.

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Lessons Learned (cont)

Roadmap where you want to go…

Alignment of SASOL’s Roadmap and SAP’s strategy

Look at your landscape holistically and design accordingly!

Read, Read, Read

Plan, Plan, Plan

Test, Test, Test

Consider impact on the landscape with regards to live environment.

Plan for proper knowledge transfer after go-live.

“It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.” - Winston Churchill

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How did you…?

Trial and error

Test environment

Where did you find?

SAP notes

Knowledge sharing

SAP User Groups

Any Other questions?


Dries Yssel [email protected]

Rori Nare [email protected]