sap xi 3.0 ex1 - purchase order - receive spare

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  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    All Exercises


    - Good understanding of XI features- Good understanding of BPM features


    The business case for the complete process is a simplified selling of spare parts. The spare partsare selected in a non-SAP Catalog/CRM-System, which is in our exercises simulated by a WebDynpro user interface. Since the non-SAP Catalog/CRM System sends the spare part items inindividual messages, the process starts with a collect pattern (exercise Receive Order Items). Inthe Receive Order Items exercise the order items are merged into a single message which is then

    used in the Preparations exercise where the preparations in the SD system are done. ThePreparations exercise consists of a synchronous call to the SD system to check whether missingmaterials have to be created. If so, the materials are created in the Create Materials exercise bylooping through a list of missing materials and sending each material to the receivers, which arefound using a receiver determination step (MM and SD system). In the Create Orders exercise, asales order and a purchase order are created. The last exercise - Send Purchase Order toSupplier- covers the communication with the supplier who receives and confirms the purchaseorder. Exception handling is also part of the exercises.

    In order to focus on the modeling of the process we hide complexity. Therefore, we have simplemessage types and there are no mappings between process interfaces and the interfaces usedby the business systems. In fact, we simulate the business objects (e.g. create Material, createOrder) using ABAP proxies in the business systems, which are physically the clients 811(Supplier), 812 (SD), 813 (MM) in the Integration Server box. Moreover, the Integration Directory

    configuration is preconfigured and so does not have to be done by the participants.

    The following graphics show the business scenario, which is separated in five exercises:

    1. Receive Order Items2. Preparations3. Create Materials4. Create Orders5. Send Purchase Order to Supplier

    At runtime, the following business systems are used:

    CRMCatalog DMSCRM

    SD System Airline_Group_OneMM System Airline_Group_Two

    Supplier Travel_Agency_Summer

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    1. Receive Order Items

    2. Preparations

    3. Create Materials

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    4. Create Orders

    5. Send Purchase Order to Supplier

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    A complete process, which creates two materials that are sent to two systems, produces thefollowing messages (message selection in client 800 only) and Workflow logs:

    Receive Order Items


  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    Create Materials

    Create Orders

    Send Purchase Order to Supplier

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    Exercise 1: Receive Order Items

    The aim of the exercise is to collect three incoming order items. The incoming messages arrivefrom the SOAP adapter. This is triggered by a Web Dynpro application.

    Part 1 Find your own business process and check theenvironment

    1. Log on to the Integration Server: http://:/rep .The instructor will provide you with the names of the and the .

    2. Navigate to your business process: software component

    SELLSPAREPARTS Business Scenarios & Processes Business Processes

    If you are in Group XY, your business process is SellSpareParts_0XY.(Process SellSpareParts_000 is reserved for the instructor and demo purposes)

    SellSpareParts_0XY is the only repository object you are allowed to change.

    Graphic 1: Find your business process

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    Initially, your process template only contains one receive step. If you run into trouble during thecreation of the exercises, you can open the exercise solution in a second window for guidance.If you are not able to finish an exercise, you can delete your process and recopy it from thesolution template. Make sure that you use exactly the same process name as before. Forexample, if you want to start with exercise 3, you can start by resetting you process from theSolution_2 process. Make sure that you activate the process.

    your process

    solution template

    Graphic 2: Creating your exercise process based on the solution template

    Part 2 Test the initial state of your business process

    By executing this step you test the system environment.

    1. Select the urlhttp://:/webdynpro/dispatcher/local/OrderSparePartItem/OrderSparePartItem

    The server and port names are the same as above. They are provided by the instructor.

    2. Enter the name of your business process in the Process Definition field.This is very important; otherwise you will send the data to a different process.

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare



    You might run into problems with endless running processes caused by the wrongprocess design. In this case, the workflow log shows an older protocol time stamp. Toavoid interference with these process instances use a different Customer Number.

    3. Click SendItem .OrderItem has been submittedis displayed.

    4. Log on to the Integration Server (ABAP stack, client 800) and check intransaction SXMB_MONI whether you can see your SparePartItem message.The Receiver Service column must display the name of your process .

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    You may use the/SPAREPARTS layout for the list layout:

    5. Check the Workflow log (refer to the screenshots below):

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    6. Select your process instance by calling transaction sxmb_moni_bpe.Enter the name of your process in the Service field on the selection screen, thenchoose Execute.

    Double-click the process instance to open the Workflow log:

    Use the transaction SXMB_MONI_BPE to find your process instances.


  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    Step 3 Building the collect pattern

    1. Delete the receive step in your scenario.

    2. Insert the following block:

    3. Define a container element counter, (type xsd:integer):

    4. Insert a loop with the condition counter 3:

    5. Create a correlation CorrCustomer::

    Make sure that in the XPath expression the Multiline check box (lower right corner) isdeselected. This is necessary for all XPath expressions you create in correlations or ifyou use/activate a correlation in a send or a receive step.

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    6. Define a container element item in the process container:

    7. Define a receive step:

    Make sure that in your XPath expression the Multiline check box is deselected (lowerright corner).

    8. Define a container operation on the element counter:

    9. Create a container multiline element itemlist:

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    10. Define a container operation to append a single item from container element item to thelist of items in container element itemlist:

    Make sure that the Multiline check box is deselected.

    11. Save and activate your process. Next, send three items to your process by using theWeb Dynpro user interface. (submit three times):

  • 7/30/2019 SAP XI 3.0 EX1 - Purchase Order - Receive Spare


    12. Check the workflow log of your process. It should look as follows:

    As you send three items with the same customer number they are collected by theprocess. After the third item, the condition becomes TRUE; therefore the loop is finishedand the process is complete.