sap sd cs config 132 pages

8/9/2019 SAP SD CS Config 132 Pages 1/131 tandard Business Processes in AP Customer ervice 1.0 Business Background: SAP Customer Services is a highly integrated process module which involves a strong integration of SAP PM (Plant Maintenance), SAP SD (Sales & Distriution), SAP MM (Materials Management), SAP !"#C$ (!inance & Controlling modules) and other SAP %ogistics modules lie SAP PS, SAP %' etc he scenarios supported in this module include Pre#sales scenario for services, Sales scenario for Services*Spares, Post Sales (Actual Service delivery) scenarios, Special scenarios such as +arranty Claim processing, "ntercompany scenarios, se of Configurale Services etc he scenarios are most apt for $rgani-ations that are heavily into Service sales such as Consulting organi-ations <or> $rgani-ations offering support post sale of products, for e.ample Automoile companies, "ndustrial '/uipment manufacturers, Consumer Durales manufacturers and so on 2.0 Inclusions & Exclusions in this document: 0iven the fact that scenarios within SAP CS can get very comple. with highly integrated configurations, and various levels of permutations and cominations of transactional o1ects, in this document " have tried to include at least the 2aseline scenarios and provide a rief insight on other possile comple.ities Special scenarios lie +arranty Claim processing have not een dealt with in this document as that3s a separate su#module altogether which pro aly should get ela orated in a separate document 4owever, simple usage of asic Master warranties has een mentioned in this document Configuration aspects have een touched in certain scenarios riefly, wherever the criticality of the same has een felt necessary "t is to e noted that, same scenarios can e configured or presented in a different way y different consultants 4ence generali-ation of the same may not always e possile 4owever an effort has een made in presenting processed in closest match to SAP recommended standards 3.0 Brief insight into !" # $aster %ata 'ransactional ()*ects 3.1 ome essential %ata ()*ects echnical ()*ects: Customer side echnical o1ects can e Customer !unctional %ocation, Customer /uipment and in comple. system installations an "nstalled 2ase which is a hierarchical representation of the echnical $1ects installed at Customer site Mostly we use Customer '/uipments as the asic o1ect on which service processing is carried out SAP comes with a standard '/uipment category 5S6 whose view profile*usiness profile is to e configured in such a way that it includes Service relevant screen sections such as Partners, +arranty, Structure, Sales and Distriution data, Seriali-ation data section etc sually these '/uipments are Seriali-ed '/uipments ie they are a culmination of a Material "D 7 ni/ue Serial 8o Also, there would e a 2ill of Material of such '/uipments clearly highlighting the Spare parts, Assemlies which constitute the Customer '/uipment A screen snapshot of a Customer '/uipment as elow #onfigured & #om+iled B,: Suhra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9 E-$ail: suhra1yoti:gmailcom, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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tandard Business Processes in AP Customer erv ice

1.0 Business Background:

SAP Customer Services is a highly integrated process module which involves a strong integration of SAP PM (Plant Maintenance), SAP SD (Sales & Distri ution), SAP MM (Materials Management), SAP!"#C$ (!inance & Controlling modules) and other SAP %ogistics modules li e SAP PS, SAP %' etc

he scenarios supported in this module include Pre#sales scenario for services, Sales scenario for Services*Spares, Post Sales (Actual Service delivery) scenarios, Special scenarios such as +arrantyClaim processing, "ntercompany scenarios, se of Configura le Services etc

he scenarios are most apt for $rgani-ations that are heavily into Service sales such as Consultingorgani-ations <or> $rgani-ations offering support post sale of products, for e.ample Automo ilecompanies, "ndustrial '/uipment manufacturers, Consumer Dura les manufacturers and so on

2.0 Inclusions & Exclusions in this document:

0iven the fact that scenarios within SAP CS can get very comple. with highly integrated configurations,and various levels of permutations and com inations of transactional o 1ects, in this document " havetried to include at least the 2aseline scenarios and provide a rief insight on other possi le comple.ities

Special scenarios li e +arranty Claim processing have not een dealt with in this document as that3s aseparate su #module altogether which pro a ly should get ela orated in a separate document4owever, simple usage of asic Master warranties has een mentioned in this document

Configuration aspects have een touched in certain scenarios riefly, wherever the criticality of the same

has een felt necessary "t is to e noted that, same scenarios can e configured or presented in adifferent way y different consultants 4ence generali-ation of the same may not always e possi le4owever an effort has een made in presenting processed in closest match to SAP recommendedstandards

3.0 Brief insight into !" # $aster %ata 'ransactional ()*ects

3.1 ome essential %ata ()*ects

echnical ()*ects: Customer side echnical o 1ects can e Customer !unctional %ocation, Customer /uipment and in comple. system installations an "nstalled 2ase which is a hierarchical representationof the echnical $ 1ects installed at Customer site

Mostly we use Customer '/uipments as the asic o 1ect on which service processing is carried outSAP comes with a standard '/uipment category 5S6 whose view profile* usiness profile is to econfigured in such a way that it includes Service relevant screen sections such as Partners, +arranty,Structure, Sales and Distri ution data, Seriali-ation data section etc sually these '/uipments areSeriali-ed '/uipments i e they are a culmination of a Material "D 7 ni/ue Serial 8o Also, there would

e a 2ill of Material of such '/uipments clearly highlighting the Spare parts, Assem lies whichconstitute the Customer '/uipment A screen snapshot of a Customer '/uipment as elow

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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!or Seriali-ation of a Material and su se/uent creation of an '/uipment view for the Material, a Serial8o profile should have een configured in SAP and should have een assigned to the Material Master under Plant data* stor ; view

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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ransaction <"=>?@ is a display list report showing Customer #@ '/uipment #@ Mat 8o #@ Serial 8omapping ou can add further fields to the $utput variant

ask ist: his is particularly essential for planned*scheduled Maintenance services ased on acontract or say non#contractual wor with standard Activities*Components*'.ternal services*PB s

ransaction: < "A> *"A> *"A>E@ Create*Change*Display 0eneral Maintenance as %ist F mostly used<"A>G*"A>;*"A>H@ Create*Change*Display '/uipment as %ist

er/ice "roducts: A Service material ( ype D"'8) that usually summari-es the Service wor and formsa line item of a Customer Service Sales $rder or a Contract is also defined as a Service item at times

his is particularly the case when in the De it memo re/uest generated from D"P processing duringBB2 (Besource Belated 2illing), a first level summari-ation item is a Service Product with the actualelements of cost li e Material, "nternal %a our etc grouped under it <or> o generate Service $rdersfrom Service Plans ased on Service Contracts for periodic service "n the latter case, a as %ist mayalso e assigned to the same

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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At first a Service Material of standard type 5D"'86 is created in transaction <MM>G*MMSG@ and then aService Product for the Service Material is created in transaction <$"SD@

he Service Material should have its Sales views active, Sales $rgani-ational assignment done, "temCategory group setting is critical for Sales document processing F "tem category determination ServiceMaterial usually have %'"S "tem category group "f the material is su 1ect to ransfer of Be/uirement,then a suita le Strategy 0roup must e set under MBP H view his will e detailed later in thedocument

ransaction: <MM>G Create*MM>; Change*MM>H Display@ Material

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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ransaction: < $"SD@ Define Service Product

3.1 'ransactional %ata ()*ects

ransactional Data $ 1ects covering all the scenarios in this document would includeI

# SDI Sales documentI =uotation*Sales or Bepair Service $rder*Service Contract# SDI Delivery Document# SDI 2illing document# ABI Payment document# PM*CS 8otifications F Service Be/uest* Bepair Be/uest* Pro lem 8otification# PM*CS $rder F Pre#sales planning $rder* nplanned or Planned Service $rder* Bepair

Service $rder # ime confirmation documents# 0oods movement documents

hese o 1ects will e detailed along with some of their critical configuration aspects, under processes inlater sections of this document

.0 Business "rocesses

.1 "re- ales scenario

"rocess Background: Customers who may e interested in entering into a %ong term Service contractor procuring short term Services would initially call the Customer Service representative and generatean en/uiry re/uesting for a =uotation Customer Service representative can enter the details in SAPusing a CS 8otification and allocate it to the respective person responsi le to detail the wor and

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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prepare the =uotation he detailed planning is done on a Service $rder and on completion of planningthe planned values are converted to Dynamic items which map to a SD Service =uotation document

he =uotation is then sent to the customer who may accept or re1ect it here may e 2 su) scenarioshereI# uotation is )inding: Customer is illed at a price agreed in the =uotation on acceptance

of the same, once the services have een performed "n this case 2illing form of ype 5>G6 !i.ed rateshould have een set in the =uotation #@ Post =uotation acceptance, Service $rder released andcosts accrued #@ 2illing is done at a !i.ed agreed rate as per =uotation, even if there is deviation inactual costs incurred

# on-Binding or Informati/e uotation: Customer would e illed on actual worperformed as accrued in the Service $rder once the =uotation is accepted and Service $rder released 2illing !orm 5>;6 F Costs would e used "n the scenario steps detailed elow, we haveused an "nformative =uotation only

It is to )e noted that once a =uotation is created from a Service $rder, no further Contracts can ereferenced System only allows G cost account assignment =uotation <#@ Service $rder

#onfiguration +re-re uisites:

Configurations on SAP SD side and PM side are riefly detailed elow, highlighting the most crucialconfiguration aspects

!" %: "4( -> ales and %istri)ution - $nly the critical settings documented elow

G Sales Document Types for =uotation document and su se/uent $rder*Contract defined "nthis e.ample, standard document type 5AS6 has een used for =uotation

; Assigning Sales Area to Sales orders +e have assigned to 5AS6 relevant Sales area3. Sales document items F "tem categories 5A0'6 for 5AS64. Sales document items F Assign "tem categoriesI As this is a critical config 8ode, a mapping

has een detailed in screenshot elowI

he %ogic usually followed y the system isISales doc type #@ "tem category group (derived from sales material master) #@ sage ( heusage S'"8 is to e set for 2illing relevant items for Dynamic processing) #@4igher levelitem category (if su items are to e there in Sales $rder) #@Default item category #@Manual item categories possi le ($ptional)

%oc t,+e ! 5 uotation settings

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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5. Reasons for Billing Block 6. Customer Ser ice !" Ser ice #uotation$RRB !" %rofiles for Resource Related

Billing$#uotation Creation &&&

he D"P profile 5= 6 configured in this step is the most crucial configuration as this would containthe rules of converting planned items within the Service $rder into Dynamic items to e placed intoSales =uotation

sage F 5=uotation creation and Sales pricing3 and mapped to Sales document type 5AS6

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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C'aracteristics ( Cost element (this can ta e care of all planned costs in fact), Product (Serviceproduct at a higher summary level in =uotation, if re/uired), Cost Center, Activity ype, Material,2illing !orm All a ove characteristics, other than product mar ed 5Characteristics relevant6,5Material Determination6, 58o Summari-ation6

Anything set for Material determination will then e availa le in Material Determination configurationsection detailed later

Sources ( >>HG Planned Costs F %ine item, G>>J

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Selection criteria) Cost elements have een primarily used as selection criteria for respectivesources of planned costs in this e.ample

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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*aterial Determination+ Please note that all material used in Material determination should have eencreated as material masters of ype 5D"'86 F "tem category group 5%'"S6 he 2asic, Sales viewsshould have een at least maintained, and in Costing G view tic 5Material $rigin6, 5+ith =uantityStructure6

!or each Dynamic material to e selected in the D"P conversion, the Source selection criteria is thenset +e have used Cost elements as the asis of the same

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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!" "$: "4( -> "lant $aintenance & #ustomer er/ice -> $aintenance "rocessing

,. -otification settings+ $nly the critical settings documented elow# -otification Type 5"86 set as a 0eneral Service 8otification Standard 8otification type SG

can also e reused# -otification screen layout set for 8otification type "8 A simple layout has een ept

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# -um er range assigned to 8otification ype "8# Transaction start alue of "+ G mapped to "8# Assign -otification Type o $rder ype K6SB"86 F configured for this process, detailed elow# Standard %artner Determination procedure 5SL6 assigned to "8# Catalog profile /CS0 configured and assigned to "8

1. *aintenance 2rder settings+ $nly the critical settings documented elow

# 2rder Type 5SB"86 has een configured as a Bevenue 2earing Service $rder Settlementprofile 5 > # 8ot for settlement set6

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Credit imit C'ecks Sales Document type for Ser ice 2rder $rder type 5SB"86 mar ed as a Service $rder, lin ed to Sales Doc ype 5AS6 and assigned toD"P profile 5= 6

# -um er range set for $rder type SB"8# 2rder type SR -0 assigned to respective Maintenance Plant# Assigning Costing %arameter 5PM>G6 to Planned Lar Calculation only his $rder type is not

for Actuals processing

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# %artner Determination %rofile / SL6 set to SB"8# Set Sc'eduling parameters for $rder type SB"8# Completion confirmation parameter setting should not e re/uired as this $rder type is not

for actuals posting# 7alue category setting for user component %*+ As Service $rder here is cost and revenue

earing value categories must include components of oth Cost and Bevenue nature and musthave een allocated to suita le Cost elements* Cost element groups

SPB$ #@ PM&CS #@ Maintenance & service processing #@ 2asic settings #@ Settings for displayof cost #@ Maintain value categories*Assign Cost 'lements to Lalue Categories

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Assign Cost Condition for Sales Document Type+

SPB$ #@ PM&CS #@ Maintenance & service processing #@ 2asic settings #@ =uotation creationand 2illing for Service $rders #@ Assign Conditions for Sales Document types

'N>G has een assigned to 5AS6

"rocess te+s:

1. In uir, otification 6I 7 is created y Customer Service Bepresentative on receivingCustomer call*communication "f Customer is not an e.isting customer, Customer "D iscreated first as Sold to*Ship to party has een ept mandatory entries 2ased on usiness to

usiness, it may not e mandatory as well Also 8otification can e configured more

ela orately to capture more detailed information'ransaction code: < "+ G@ Create Service 8otification (0eneral)

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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8otification 5O 6 saved2. er/ice (rder of t,+e 6 4I 7 is created y allocated department*personnel for detailed

cost planning he Service $rder is created with reference to the 8otification created in StepG and further planned y the relevant team*personnel with pro1ected hourly charges, materialre/uirements etc

'ransaction I <"+ ;@ Change Service 8otification F "ndividual, <"+ ?@ Change %ist

'nter the 8otification 8um er in initial screen

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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A Service Product (Service Material configured as a Service Product in transaction $"SD) added tosummari-e the items ($ptional), $perations are planned, Material parts are planned, '.ternal services if any are planned and so on

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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tandard Business Processes in AP Customer erv ice

Clic on the Calculator icon to e.ecute the Planned Costs calculation "t will e automatically calculatedwhen the $rder is saved D$8$ release the $rder

Planned costs can e copied to estimated costs of $rder

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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tandard Business Processes in AP Customer erv ice

Chec the Sales Price view ou would notice that the Service Product DG>> is the header item under which the other Dynamic items have een summari-ed his is due to relevant D"P setting for sageCharacteristics 5Product6 and setting a Product in Service $rder (which is optional)

Clic on Create =uotation O6Do you really want to create =uotation 6 O es

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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tandard Business Processes in AP Customer erv ice

Chec the =uotation items, pricing conditions, Lalidity, erms of payment etc , update them if re/uired,and save the =uotation

Chec in Document flow of Service $rder ( ransaction <"+H;@) #@ Pre#processing document58otification6 and Post#processing document 5=uotation3 will e displayed

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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=uotation is then !a.ed*mailed*printed#posted to Customer for review

Q uotation is either Accepted or Be1ected y Customer

"f it is re1ected items are loc ed*mar ed with a re1ection reason ou can also delete the documentthrough path 5Sales document #@ Delete6 ut this may e avoided for future trac ing purpose

ransaction I <LA;;@ Change =uotation

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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"f =uotation is accepted (no item re1ected in =uotation), Service $rder is released and costs are postedto it

As long as the Service $rder has the system status = CB F =uotation Created <and*or@ a ser statusthat prevents release of the $rder, it cannot e processed further ransaction <"+H;@

he =uotation has to e accepted to change the system status of the Service $rder Pre#re/uisite for the same is that a 2illing re/uest should have een lin ed with the =uotation

<LA>G@ Create a 2illing Be/uest w r t =uotation F 5DB6 for the /uotation with the top level Service item8ot all costs may e chargea le at =uotation stage "t may 1ust e a statistical document to process theService $rder further

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Put in a 2illing 2loc if the Dummy 5DB6 is not to e illed further

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Save the De it Memo Be/uest

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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#heck the %ocument 8lo9 in er/ice (rder and #heck ,stem status

ransactionI <"+H;@

ou would also 8otice that the system status would have changed to = AC (=uotation Accepted)

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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he Service $rder can now e released, and actual e.penses (if any) incurred during the =uotationsu mission process is posted to the Service $rder and illed through the lin ed De it Memo Be/uest

sually, Service providers would not e charging customers for providing a =uote So the process 1ustends there, with simple oo ing of hours spent on preparing the =uote, and closing off the Service$rder

ransaction code <"+QG@ !or ime oo ing (without the Activity type if costs are not to e charged tothe Customer further)

'echnicall, com+lete the Service $rder

ransactionI <"+H;@

.2 ales cenario#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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tandard Business Processes in AP Customer erv ice

"rocess Background: Sales scenario in Customer Service could refer to the followingI

# ormal sale of a "roduct (say a %aptop or "ndustrial machinery) to the Customer Fwith*without Delivery his is a standard SD process and 1ust a rief of it will e detailed inProcess detail section elow

+ithout delivery scenario could e a Customer visiting a retail showroom and uying a %aptop,where he*she collects the %aptop, accessories, 0uarantee cards etc on payment of 8et due

+ith delivery scenario could refer to a delivery from the Product Company to the premises of thecustomer followed y su se/uent illing Delivery charges may or may not apply ased onCustomer location w r t Sales warehouse or as per product sales norms etc

his process would not e detailed ela orately (with configurations) in this document as it is aStandard Sales & Distri ution scenario with a standard process flow (with screenshots) as elowI

G Sales $rder (usually $B type) creation, complete pricing and other relevant data'ransaction: <LA>G*LA>;@

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; $ut ound Delivery (%!) Document creation <L%>G8@ * change <L%>;8@

"lease note: he $ut ound Delivery may e automatically created with the Schedule line inSales $rder his depends on configuration of Sales $rder ype in Sales & Distri ution,where under shipping section 5"mmediate Delivery 5A6 or 5R6 is set "f not, then delivery wouldhave to e manually created with reference to Sales $rder

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H Pic ing, Pac ing (if relevant), Posting 0oods issue & creating su se/uent Shippingdocuments (if applica le) <L%>;8@

$nce P0" is e.ecuted, 0oods movement status is complete he Delivery doc no and a Material doc nowill show up within Document flow section in Sales $rder

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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"f you chec the material document in <M2>H@, you will find that a movement with movement type >Ghas een e.ecuted Stoc account would e credited (#) for the outgoing material

Q Creation of a standard "nvoice document and posting of "nvoice <L!>G*L!>;@

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After Posting the "nvoice, it is released to Accounting !inally the Sales $rder document flow would e

as elowI

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Customer '/uipment is created as a Seriali-ed version of the material sold'ransaction I Create Serial 8o (with '/uipment view) <"=>G@

# ale of !ccessories +are +arts on receiving a Customer Be/uest 8otification he partsmay e under guarantee in which case the supplier may charge the customer nothing or certaincharges as per guarantee norms his is very similar to the Sales scenario, difference eing it3s

ased on a Customer 8otification post sales usually 2rief steps highlighted elowI

"lease ote: Apart from standard Sales & Distri ution configuration, it will involve 8otificationconfiguration on PM side which has een detailed in later sections of this document under PostSales Scenario

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G Service 8otification created'ransaction code: <"+ G@ (Create)* "+ ; (Change)

otification t,+e: SG

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; Sales $rder created from the 8otification y Clic ing on Sales $rder ta'ransaction code: "+ ; (Display)(rder t,+e: " have used the Standard $rder type 5$B6 ut it is again 2usinessspecific choice SD configurations should accordingly e done to support theprocess

H $ut ound Delivery creation and processing (same as previous scenario)'ransaction code: Create <L%>G8@*Change <L%>;8@* Display <L%>H8@%eli/er, ',+e: %!

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Q "nvoice creation and processing (same as previous scenario)'ransaction code: Create <L!>G@* Change <L!>;@* Display <L!>H@

Chec the Complete Document !low in 8otification or Sales $rder 'ransaction code: Display Sales $rder <LA>Q@* Display 8otification <"+ H@

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# #reation of er/ice $aintenance #ontract for rendering %ong term Planned Services suchas yearly services of Air conditioner with coolant change

his will e detailed in Post Sales Scenario #@ Service $rder processing F Contractual Services

.3 "ost ales cenario

"rocess Background: Post sales scenarios are the actual Customer Service scenarios, with the mostcritical ones eingI

# Service $rder processing F 8on contractual Services# Service $rder processing F Contractual Services F nplanned (!i.ed 2illing)# Service $rder processing F Contractual Services F nplanned ( &M 2illing)# Service $rder processing F Contractual Services F Planned (!i.ed 2illing)# Service $rder processing F Contractual Services F Planned ( &M 2illing)# Beturns & Bepair processing

Service $rder processing can again e ased on &M illing (2ased on actual costs incurred) or !i.ed

rate illing he a ove can also e su 1ect to +arranty is and as applica le or configura le servicesased on certain conditions As mentioned earlier, the CS module scenarios can get very comple. andconditional ased on the services rendered y the organi-ation his document would however onlyhighlight the ase scenarios which are the uilding loc s for further scenarios

.3.1 er/ice (rder "rocessing 5 on #ontractual ser/ices

"rocess Background: A Customer already dealing with a Service organi-ation or a new customer gives a call and re/uests a Service action, without going into a =uotation process i e they agree to payon whatever is the actual wor that would e performed or a !i.ed rate applied post the services have

een delivered his is a one#time service wor not ound y any contractual norms his ind of wor

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are usually illed on a &M ( ime & Material) asis "n most cases it3s an e.isting customer ust in caseit3s a new customer, Customer master records would e set up first and then the wor processed further

#onfiguration "re-re uisites:

% settings (nl, the critical nodes highlighted;

G S%R2 !" Sales 8 Distri ution !" Basic 9unctions !" %ricing #@ Settings for 5DB6 De it memore/uest+e have created a Document pricing procedure 5S6 which is assigned to DB Also the Customer thatwe are using in this prototype document is assigned a Customer pricing procedure 5S6 So systemdetermines the pricing procedure for the com ination 5Sales Area #@ Doc pricing procedure #@Customer pricing procedure #@ Default pricing condition6

2. S%R2 !" Sales 8 Distri ution !" Sales !" Sales document item !" Assign tem Categorieshis is a critical configuration setting for this process As we use standard SAP SD document type

5DB6 for De it Memo re/uest and standard "tem categories associated to it, " have not detailed theinitial settings which is usually already done in standard system

+e have set DB (document type) #@ %'"S ("tem cat group) #@ sage S'"8 #@ 2lan *%;+ (4igher "tem categories) #@ %;+ (Default "tem category) his will allow item category determination for DBduring Dynamic "tem processing in DP >

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3. S%R2 !" Sales 8 Distri ution !" Sales !" Customer Ser ice !" %rofiles for ResourceRelated Billing

his is again a very critical configuration Profile created with sage 2illing and Besult Analysis Salesdocument 5DB6 set for 2illing re/uest generated through this D"P profile, CB set for Credit Memore/uest

Characteristics included are Product (!or service product inclusions), Cost 'lement (Primary selectioncriteria for Cost sources), Activity ype*Cost centre*Material ($ptional as Cost elements drive selection)

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Sources are Actual Cost F %ine item driven here with G>>J cost relevanceSources in this prototype are driven on Cost element ased sets his is the case where cost elementspertaining to %a our, Material, Services etc are clearly availa le*identified to the %ogistics team "f thisisn3t the case, then the Source selection may e driven on sets of other characteristics which the%ogistics team is aware of li e Material "D sets, Activity type*Cost centre sets etc

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Material Determination F this is the set of Dynamic items which will get pic ed up to e placed into theDe it Memo re/uest as re/uest items (%;+ category) ased on source criteria he Materials used herehas een set up in SAP MM module as 5D"'86 material with "tem category 0roups set as %'"S, and inCosting G ta , 5Material origin6, 5+ith =uantity Structure6 have een set

ou would notice in configuration step that there are ; critical parameters Material Direct and "ndividualMaterial Direct means that if an actual material no is there (say a spare part used), then that will etransferred to the 2illing re/uest instead of the Dynamic material "n this case Material should have eenset as a Characteristic "ndividual refers to second level of summari-ation "t3s etter to tic all as"ndividual '.pense "tem else during DP > transaction it often causes issue in determining '.penditure"tems "f it has een set then each individual line will e posted separately to illing re/uest instead of summari-ing under the Dynamic material "D

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ach of this Dynamic material is then mapped to a Selection criterion, which has een ept on a set for identification of Source cost element

. S%R2 !" Sales 8 Distri ution !" Sales !" Customer Ser ice !" Assign conditions to SalesDocument type

DB is assigned to Condition type 'N>G (Actual costs)

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. S%R2 !" Sales 8 Distri ution !" Sales !" Billing !" *aintain Copy control for illing documents !" Sales Document to Billing document

Sales Document 5DB6 #@ 2illing document 5%;6 with 4eader, "tem mapping to include %;+ itemcategory (for this scenario as per previous configurations)

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"$ settings (nl, the critical nodes highlighted;

1. Basic settings: SPB$ #@ PM & CS #@ Maintenance & Service Processing #@# Settings for Display of Costs #@ Defined Lalue categories for Costs and Bevenues (as

Service $rder is Bevenue earing) and assigned them to corresponding Cost elements*Costelement groups can also e assigned

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Defined a Settlement profile & its corresponding allocation structure!or a Bevenue earing Service $rder, Settlement profile usually should allow settlement to aProfita ility Segment and Bevenues should also e accounted as Source in Allocation structure

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#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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; otification settings: SPB$ #@ PM & CS #@ Maintenance & Service Processing #@ PM &CS 8otifications #@ 8otification creation #@ 8otification ype*8otification Content*Partners*8otificationprocessing# 8otification type6SH6 re usedI 0eneral Service 8otification type# Define Screen emplates, Assign 8um er range, %ong e.t control# Assign 8otification ype to $rder typeI SH lin ed to PM*SM order type SM>; detailed later # Define $rder ypes and Special 8otification parameters F as in this scenario we will 1ust e

associating the 8otification to a Bevenue 2earing Service $rder, no Sales $rder*Contract type

need e associated# Catalog profileI A standard*customi-ed CS profile can e used for defining as *Activitycodes

# Partner Determination ProcedureI PDP 5SL6 assigned to the 8otification type SH# 8otification processing #@ Additional !unctions #@ Define Action o. #@ !ollow up functions

"n this node, " have ept the action defined y standard SAP as it is 4owever from theactions configured in the action only a couple of specific actions (highlighted ones) will eused in the process steps as you would notice "f re/uired, these action can e deassigned in configuration as well

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H (rder settings: SPB$ #@ PM & CS #@ Maintenance & Service Processing #@ PM &CS$rders #@# !unction and setting for $rder type 5SM>;6 F $rder type should e revenue earing and

lin ed to Settlement profile as created in steps a ove

# Chec credit %imits, Sales doc types for Service $rders F his node defines a PM $rder asa Service $rder and associates it to a D"P Profile (as configured earlier) and a De it Memore/uest document

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Configure 8um er range fort $rder type# Assign $rder type to Maintenance Plant(s)# Settlement rule I Define ime and Creation of Distri ution rule F has een set as Mandatory

for Completion# Define 8otification and $rder "ntegrationI SM>; is lin ed to SH 8otification# Costing data for Maintenance and Service $rders #@ Assign Costing Parameters and BA ey

Standard Costing parameters and BA ey used

# Partner #@ Define PDP and Partner function #@ Assign to $rder type #@ PDP 5SL6 assigned toSM>;

# Scheduling #@ Set scheduling parameters #@ !orward scheduling set for Plant, $rder typecom ination

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Completion confirmations #@ Define Control Parameters for Completion Confirmations # setas per standard for Plant 7 $rder type SM>; com ination

"rocess te+s:

G Customer call is recorded in a Service 8otification of type 5SH6 as per configuration'ransaction: <"+ G@

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he Belevant Details are filled in the 8otification, as s ( o do) *Activities (As done) etc are logged intorespective sections and 8otification is set into processing y releasing it

8otification 5OO6 saved

; Service $rder of type 5SM>;6 is created as a follow on function from the 8otification Allrelevant costs such as '.pected Service hours, Spare parts if any will e planned in theService $rder and the same will e released for actual processing Please 8ote that in thiscase 58o sales order6 would e associated

'ransaction: <"+ ;@

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As this is a Pure &M Service $rder, Service Product may*may not e associated +e will simply planthe %a our hours, Material (if any), Service (if any) and release the $rder

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Planned costs will e displayed on e.ecuting the Costing or on saving the order

he $rder is planned and released

H ime Confirmation against the wor performed for the Service $rder 'ransaction: <"+QG@

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Q 'ntering 0oods Movement against the Service $rder F for components*spare partsconsumed'ransaction: <M2GG@

Besource Belated 2illing for Service $rder 'ransaction: <DP >@

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.penses Liew

sing Account "ndicator against the %ines, you can actually control whether an e.pense line is actuallyrelevant for illing or not or Partial illing, for e.ample, a 0oodwill or a +arranty item 2ut that involves afurther level of advanced configuration which has een ept out of scope here Alternatively, if the caseis to completely ignore an item (say G>> J 0oodwill or something li e that) simply %oc the "tem and itwill not e processed in illing later

Also J to e illed can e the easy option for telling the system how much of the %ine item is to eilled 2y default its G>>J o accommodate a warranty*goodwill item 1ust change the J to e illed to >

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Chec the items, unloc the items you want to process further and clic on 2illing Be/uest ou willo serve that the 2illing re/uest 5DB6 %ine items will ear an "tem category 5%;+6 as per "tem categoryassignment configuration

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Create 2illing Document for the 2illing Be/uest'ransaction: <L!>G @

"lease ote: "f the items in the De it Memo re/uest had not een unloc ed, there may e a 4eader 2loc which may not allow processing of the 2illing document further A header level loc can eremoved y going into transaction <LA>;@ #@De it Memo Be/uest 8o #@ 0oto #@ 4eader #@ 2illing

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nsure that the field 2illing 2loc is empty

$n e.ecuting <L!>G@, "nvoice doc as elow would e generated and on saving the save,updated in Sales $rder document flow

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Belease the document to Accounting in ransaction <L!>;@ if the 2illing document type re/uires it to edone separately

"t would create the following Accounts level postings at the simplest levelCustomer A*c Dr,

Bevenue A*c Cr,a. A*c Cr

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.3.2 er/ice (rder "rocessing 5 #ontractual er/ices

"rocess Background: 2asically there may e ; primary su #scenarios for Contractual ServiceProcession "t would include

# "rocessing er/ice #ontracts 9ith "eriodic )illing I !i.ed periodic illing straight from theContract his would e ased on a 2illing Plan set against the Service item in the contract

sually an 5!L6 type of illing re/uest is generated out of contract line followed y actual illing

# "rocessing er/ice #ontracts 9ith 4esource 4elated Billing: 2illing would e on asisof actual costs accrued on an associated Service $rder (8on#revenue earing) followed y a

illing re/uest Service $rder charges will e illed at actual costs through a De it Memo re/uestfollowed y a 2illing document

"n the a ove processes, Maintenance Plans can also e rought into action for generating Service8otifications*Service $rders on a periodic asis ased on a Service Plan created on a Contract %ineitem defined as a Service Product Service contracts may also have price agreements for certainmaterial and standard monthly illa le charge for certain services

Service Contracts usually come into effect Post sales of a Customer product to the Customer or postacceptance of a =uotation on ehalf of a customer to e.ecute a Contractual service agreement for arelevant term post acceptance Costs and services posted to a Service Contracts are finally settled toProfita ility analysis where it can e further analysed

"n the process scenario descri ed elow, we would use a single Contract with ; line items F one with ailling plan for !i.ed 2illing and the other to e driven through a Planned Service $rder (generated from

a Maintenance Plan) costs settled to it here may e another su scenario where a Customer calls tore/uest a Service (Service 8otification) wor ased on an e.isting Contract (Auto contractdetermination) leading to a 8on#revenue earing service order that is processed further throughBesources Belated 2illing and costs settled to the Contract line item his scenario eing a little itsimilar to Bepair and Maintenance scenario in ne.t section is not detailed further her

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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#onfiguration "re-re uisites:

he configuration pre#re/uisites are similar to the configuration pre#re/uisites in previous and ne.tsections 4ence they are only riefly mentioned in this section to avoid repetition wherever possi le

SD side of configuration (All would e under "M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Sales*2illing)# Document Pricing procedure set for Contract document type 5+L6# Standard Sales document type 5+L6 for Service and Maintenance Contract activated# Standard Sales item category K+L86 is chec ed# Assignment of Sales item category

Doc type +L #@ "tem category group %'"S #@ sage 52lan 6 #@ Default "tem category 5+L8Doc type DB*%L (whichever used as 2illing re/uest from Service order) #@ "tem category group%'"S #@ sage S'"8 #@ Default "tem category %;+

# Copy control Sales document #@ 2illing documentSales doc +L*"tem category +L8 #@ 2illing doc !L

Sales doc DB*"tem category %;+ #@ 2illing doc !;

# 2illing Plan type for Periodic 2illing

# Define and Assign Date Categories

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# Assign 2illing Plan ypes to Sales Document ype +L

# Assign 2illing Plan ypes to Sales "tem Category +L8

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# Customer Service #@ Profile for Besource Belated 2illingSame as in previous process section with usage 52illing re/uest and Besult Analysis6

PM side of configuration (Mostly would e under "M0 #@ PM & CS #@ MaintenancePlanning*Maintenance Processing)

# Maintenance processing #@ 2asic settings #@ Lalue categories should capture all ranges of costs per Cost element*Cost element group assignment Bevenue value category not re/uired inthis case

# Maintenance processing #@ 2asic settings #@ Settlement #@ Settlement profile #@ should allowsettlement to Sales $rder

# Maintenance processing #@2asic settings #@ Settlement #@ Allocation structure #@ associatedwith a ove settlement profile should capture Sources for all costs and allow settlement further toreceiver SD" (sales document item)

# Maintenance Plan Category created with $utline Agreement as reference

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# 8o range assigned to Maintenance Plan category# Maintenance $rder type 5SM>Q6 created as a 8on#revenue earing order, settlement profile

allowing settlement to Sales $rder assignedPlease 8oteI ou have your own choice of $rder type ust set it up as a 8on#revenue earing$rder and allowing settlement to Sales $rder

# Maintenance $rder is mar ed as a Service $rder, lin ed to sales doc type +L

# Maintenance $rder type assigned to relevant Maintenance Plant# 8um er range set for Maintenance $rder type# Costing variant (standard PM>G* or custom) assigned to $rder type

ou can use your own costing variant with*without costing sheet as well, depending onre/uirement

# Scheduling parameters set for $rder ype 7 Maintenance Plant com ination# Completion confirmation parameter set for $rder type 7 Plant com ination

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"rocess te+s:G Define Service Product for Maintenance Plans

'ransaction code: < $"S!@

Prior to this, create a Service "tem ( ype D"'8) in MM>G*MMSG hen define it as a ServiceProduct for Maintenance Plan Also a Maintenance as %ist should have eing created definingthe $peration(s), Planned spares*services if any of the wor his is a pre#re/uisite to create aService 2ased Maintenance Plan to generate a Service $rder

; Creation of Service ContractI'ransaction code: Create <LAQG@* Change <LAQ;@* Display <LAQH@%ocument ',+e: +L

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Assigning ; Service items to the Contract F one (DG;>) with a !i.ed ill as per a 2illing Plan, everymonth (say T > per month for G year F '. an instalment payment contract), other (DG; ) with a ServiceProduct assigned which will e cater to actual costs incurred on a Service $rder through BesourceBelated illing on periodic special services

A 2illing plan is assigned to the first item (item G>)

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he item ;> F Actual cost service product may have a ase charge to cover some admin costs or maynot have any ase charge "n this scenario, we are assuming that all planned service related chargeswill come through the Service $rder

Customer '/uipment can e assigned to the Contract %ine item y selecting line item #@ '.tras #@echnical $ 1ects

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Save the Contract # Service and Maint Q>>> Q ? has een saved

H !i.ed periodic illing for Contractual %ine item ased on 2illing Plan'ransaction: <L!>Q@ Process 2illing Due %ist, <L!>G@

Select the due item in the list, choose "ndividual 2illing Document and save his will post the !i.edmonthly due ill and the status of the %ine item in the 2illing Plan will change from Status A (8ot illed)to status C (Completely processed) his would result in revenue eing realised against the Contract%ine item

Q Creation a Maintenance Plan with reference to item ;> of the Contract'ransaction code: <"P >@"lan categor,: CS (configured for this scenario)

"n configuration this Plan category has een set to e defined w r t an $utline Agreement(Contract)

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he Contract 8o and "tem gets em edded into the Maintenance Plan

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%et3s suppose we generate the Maintenance $rders immediately for the whole year to Plan in advance"n this case we eep the Call hori-on as > "f we want to create the Maintenance $rders near to plandates, say G months prior in a H month fre/uency #@ >J call hori-on needs to e set and so on

Also parameter Scheduling period is for how long we want the schedules to run in advance, in order for system to identify pending Calls ($rders) to e generated F say we want to plan for the ne.t months,we set scheduling period as M$8 Start of cycle will e defaulted to start of Contract

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Maintenance Plan is saved Maintenance plan GG Q; created

Maintenance Plan is scheduled'ransaction code: Manual <"PG>@* Automated atch for Deadline Monitoring programB"S BA;> <"PH>@

Save the schedule and chec in transaction <"P;Q@ the scheduled orders generated from MaintenancePlans of category 5CS6

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he Maintenance $rder is further planned and released for processing'ransaction code: <"+H;@

Planned %a our, Spare, Services costs if any would e displayed in the Costs sectionMaintenance $rder processing is similar to the other scenarios where 8on#Bevenue earingmaintenance orders have een used

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E ime confirmation for posting of actual la our hour to Service $rder 'ransaction code: <"+QG@

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? Planned 0oods movement for spares if any are posted to Service $rder 'ransaction code: <M2GG@Since its similar to prior scenarios as well as scenarios detailed later, have 1ust highlighted thetransaction

nplanned 0oods issues can e posted to $rder $perations through <"+Q;@ transaction

Besource Belated 2illing for Service $rder 'ransaction code: <DP >@"t should post dynamic items to the Contract document as Service $rder is 8on#revenue earing

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Chec the items, set amount*percentage to e illed and clic on 2illing re/uest

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As you would notice in this case we have used the Service Product line only for summari-ation i e as an"tem category of type %;S, whereas the Actual cost item F %a our cost in this scenario comes up asactual re/uest item of "tem category %;+ hus 8et value of re/uest U 8et value of %;+ item

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G> 2illing document for the 2illing re/uest created against Service $rder 'ransaction code: L!>G

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$nly the 8on statistical item in the 2illing re/uest will e proposed in the 2ill

he accounting doc is posted and released to accounting

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he $riginating Document F Contract 7 %ine 8o followed y 2illing re/uest document no will eem edded in the 2illing document line item level

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Bevenue would also have een posted to Contract "tem associated as the $riginating document itemhis is evident in controlling document within the "nvoice F Accounting document

GG Maintain Settlement rule and echnically Complete the Service $rder 'ransaction code: "+H;

Associated Sales Contract "tem is y Default set as the settlement receiver in the distri ution rule

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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G; Settle the Service $rder'ransaction code: N>??

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Document flow in Service $rder gets updated <"+H;@

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Costs get posted to Sales Contract item which can e analysed further in Sales Contract <LAQH@

%ine item selected #@ 'nvironment #@ Cost Beport

.3.3 4eturns & 4e+airs "rocessing

"rocess Background: "n the repairs process, the customer calls up the Customer ServiceBepresentative and informs of '/uipment or of a parts issue he CS Bep fills in a 8otification whichserves and the Beturns Material Authori-ation (BMA) document During creation of the 8otification, theycan also chec whether the '/uipment is under warranty or not and ma e a note of the same As the/uipment would e repaired in a Service Centre, a Bepairs $rder of type BAS followed y a BeturnDelivery document is created he part is received and the Bepair process in initiated A PM*CS Service

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$rder is automatically created ased on Bepair procedure to plan the detailed wor including la our,material, service charges etc Bepair $rder #@ Service $rder he Service $rder is then released andprocessed further $nce the actual costs have een oo ed to the Services $rder and it has een

echnically completed, the Bepair of parts is complete 2ased on su se/uent action in Bepair procedure, an $ut ound Delivery document can e created to deliver ac the repaired '/uipment tothe customer Post completion of delivery, the Service $rder is su 1ected to Besource related illingwhich posts illing items into the BAS Bepairs $rder hese illing items are then invoiced out to thecustomer Service $rder is finally settled to the Bepairs $rder and postings analysed further in the Sales$rder

#onfiguration "re-re uisites:

Most of the configuration steps are similar to the previous process configurations 4ence only the criticalaspects of configuration which are specific to this process have een highlighted elowI

C$ Configuration"M0 #@ 0eneral Controlling #@ $rgani-ation #@ Maintain Controlling Area

!"#C$ eam to ensure that the Controlling area has Sales $rder component active for the !iscal year of posting his is re/uired for settling Service $rder Costs to Bepair Sales $rder at the end of Service$rder process

Please note that there are multiple other C$ related settings such as C$#PA settings, Activity planningsettings etc As this document mainly focuses on CS*SD part of process, touch points have only een

riefly highlighted

SD Configurations

"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ 2asic !unctions #@ Pricing #@ Define and assign pricing procedure #@

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Document pricing procedure for BAS is 5B6 and Customer pricing procedure 5S6 accordingly a standardpricing procedure gets pic ed up for BAS Sales $rder

"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Account Assignment*Costing# Bevenue Account Determination #@ Assign 0*% Accounts F sed standard Condition types

and Act eys

# Beconciliation Account Determination #@ Assign 0*% Accounts F 0eneral F standardcondition type used

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"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Availa ility chec and ransfer of Be/uirements #@8odes under this are very critical to this process, as during the process there would e a ransfer of Be/uirements from Sales $rder (BAS) #@ Service $rder,

! Define Re:uirement Class ( Standard Re:uirement class /1;40 used and assigned toSer ice 2rder Type /S*;30 Assem ly ype U 5;6, Account Assignment Category U K'3

! Re:uirement Type ( Standard Be/uirement ype 5S'BP6 lin ed to Be/uirement Class ;>Q

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! Assignment of Re:uirement Type to Transaction+ "tem Category 5"BBS6 #@ MBP ype 5 5 #@Be/uirement ype 5S'BP6 $rigin of Be/uirement 5G6

"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Sales Document #@ Sales Document 4eader*"tem*Schedule %ine #@

# Sales Document type RAS defined F As per standard configuration# Assign Sales Area to Sales Document type F Belevant sales area (Sales $rg 7 Distri ution

Channel 7 Division) assigned to BAS#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Define "tem categories # he ey "tem categories in this process are "BBS (Main item FBepair Service Besources), "BB' (Beturns F su item), "BBP (Bepair F su item), "BA%($ut ound Delivery post repair F su item), "B"8 (2illing item F su item), "B"8 (Dynamic itemsfor 2illDoc) hese are the ase ones $thers can e "B%2 (Send Beplacement F pre repair),"B%A (Pic up replacement F post delivery of repaired goods), "BPA (!i.ed Bate Bepairs) etc "tdepends on what is the level of comple.ity*process steps facilitated through the BepairsProcedure he Bepairs procedure should have een assigned to the Main "tem category "BBS

hese are standard "tem categories and it3Vs advisa le to use SAP3s standard settings to avoidissues while e.ecuting the process

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# Assign "tem Categories F his is a very critical step and assignments must e done verycarefully as this process is asically driven on a 4igh %evel Main "tem 5"BBS6 followed y suitems that are triggered on actions of a Bepair procedure and concluded y Dynamic itemcreations through Besource Belated 2illing

8or I44 : BAS #@ "tem Category 0roup %'"S (of Service "tem) #@ Default "tem category"BBS, Manual category "BPA (in case of !i.ed rate repairs)

8or I44E: BAS #@ "tem Category 0roup 8$BM (!or Bepaira le item) #@ sage BG>G #@4igh %evel "tem "BBS #@ Default "tem category "BB'

8or I44": BAS #@ "tem Category 0roup 8$BM (!or Bepaira le item) #@ sage BG>; #@4igh %evel "tem "BBS #@ Default "tem category "BBP

8or I4! : BAS #@ "tem Category 0roup 8$BM (!or Bepaira le item) #@ sage BG>H #@4igh %evel "tem "BBS #@ Default "tem category "BA%

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"f you want to use !i.ed Bate Bepairs, the high level item category would simply e "BPAinstead of "BBS (as in this prototype we have demonstrated a Besource Belated pricingscenario and not a !i.ed one)

8or I4I : his is critical for the Dynamic item generation and Posting to BAS from PM*CSService $rder

BAS #@ "tem Category 0roup %'"S (of Dynamic items identified in Material Determination) #@sage S'"8#@ 4igh %evel "tem "BBS #@ Default "tem category "B"8

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- Assign Schedule %ine Categories F Schedule %ine category 5"B6 assigned to "tem Category5"BB'6

"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Customer Service #@ Service =uotation*Besource Belated 2illing #@

# Profiles for Besource Belated 2illing*=uotation Creation F his is similar to D"P profileconfiguration detailed earlier with sage 52illing and Besult Analysis6 $nly difference is5Product6 not used under sage #@ Characteristics in this case 4ave used other relevantcharacteristics li e Cost 'lement (primary driver in this prototype), Activity ype, Cost Centre

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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# Assign Conditions to Sales Document ypes F Sales document type BAS assigned tocondition type 'N>G to capture Actual costs in Service $rder during Besource Belated 2illing

"M0 #@ Sales & Distri ution #@ Customer Service #@ Beturns & Bepairs Processing #@

# Define Bepairs Procedure F "n this Prototype we have reused SAP standard Bepairsprocedure >>>G as is as it suffices most re/uirements "n special cases (such as addingadditional Actions in the procedure or modifying certain Actions types to*from manual*automaticactions), custom Bepair Procedure can e set his is the most crucial configuration for theBeturn & Bepair Process

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As you would notice, the Bepairs procedure comprises Stages ( roadly classified into Accept Bepair,Start Bepair, and Confirm Bepair), Se/uential Actions per stage, "f action is Default for this stage, "f action is Manual ( ic ed) or Automatic (Manual un tic ed) ased on Confirmation (Conf ) parameter setagainst the Stage #@ Action com ination +hile going through the process, it should e clear as to which

ac ground action*process triggers which confirmation parameter thus triggering a suita le Automaticaction

PM Configurations F mostly similar to configuration in last process detailed, so will not e ela oratelydetailed elow

"M0 #@ Plant Maintenance & CS #@ Maintenance and Service Processing #@ 2asic settings#@

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# Settings for Display of Costs F Maintain value categories and Cost elements*C' 0roupsassociated with Lalue categories As Service $rder is 8on#revenue earing, Cost valuecategories should suffice this scenario

# 0eneral $rder Settlement

F@ Maintain settlement profiles # should allow settlement of Maintenance $rder to SalesDocument item

#@ Allocation structure set in settlement profile should capture all source cost elements*costelement groups for transfer of costs from Service $rder to Sales $rder (Bepair $rder ) during settlement

"M0 #@ Plant Maintenance & CS #@ Maintenance and Service Processing #@ Maintenance & Service8otifications #@ 8otification creation*8otification processing

# 8otification typeI Defined a 8otification ype G to capture a Bepair Be/uest $ne can use astandard 8otification type with appropriate action control set as well

- Screen emplate for 8otification typeI

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And so onO

- 8otification 8o range set- Assign 8otification type to $rder typeI G assigned to $rder type SM>H- Special 8otification Parameters for Service 8otificationI his is critical to this process Sales

$rder type BAS assigned to 8otification type G

# Partner Determination ProcedureI Standard PDP 5SG6 is assigned to 8otification ype 5 G6

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# 8otification processing F@ Additional !unctions F@ Define Action 2o. #@ Define !ollow upaction

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here would e a Se/uence of Actions which can e triggered from inside the 8otification and theywould e triggered ased on a standard !unction module set in the Action detail section F screenshots


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"M0 #@ Plant Maintenance & CS #@ Maintenance and Service Processing #@ Maintenance & Service$rder #@ !unction and setting for $rder types

# Configure $rder ypesI $rder type 5SM>H6 is configured as a 8on#revenue earing $rder(Bevenue postings not allowed)

# Credit %imit chec s, Sales Document ype for Service $rdersI SM>H set with Salesdocument type BAS and mar ed as a Service $rder

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# "ndicate $rder ypes for Befur ishment processingI SM>H has to e set as Befur ishmentprocessing $rder

# $ther critical configuration steps for $rders which should e the same as previous process

section configurations (section Q H G configuration settings for PM) includeI# 8o ranges for $rders# Assigning $rder to Maintenance Plants# Define 8otification and $rder "ntegration I SM>H #@ G# Assign costing parameters and BA Ney to Plant 7 $rder typeI we used standard costing

variants PM>G in the system# Define Change docs, Collective PB indicators, $peration no intervals# Scheduling #@ Set scheduling parameter # Completion confirmations #@ Define Control parameters for Completion Confirmations##

"rocess te+s:

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G Customer call is recorded through a Pro lem 8otification'ransaction: <"+ Q@

otification t,+e: G (Befer configuration section)

he details of the '/uipment 7 Serial 8o are added in Beference $ 1ect section

"lease ote: "f a master warranty has een created against the '/uipment in transaction <20MG@and*or assigned in transaction <"'>;@, and the configuration setting of Customer warranty set to displaya pop#up dialog if there is an e.isting warranty, at the 8otification screen the pop#upV would come up anddisplay the same 2ased on this, Service agent can ma e a 8ote of the same which may then e ta encare of in 2illing stage

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Clic on Action o. item 5%og elephone Call6 F fill in the details in the su screen that opens up hissection is meant for detailing the conversation etween the Customer Service Bep and the Customer

"t would create an Activity which is displayed in the Activity section of the 8otification

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8e.t clic on the 5Bepair $rder6 in the action 2o. Bepair $rder type 5BAS6 would e raised with aService item (DGG>) and '/uipment#Material 8o as a su #item "t will copy most of the details from thePro lem 8otification

Message 5Bepair order will e created after saving6 will e issued Save the 8otification "f it as s for a

echnical Beference $ 1ect, enter the '/uipment 8o of the '/uipment to e repaired8otification 5OOO 6 created

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; Display 8otification'ransaction: <"+ H@

otification o: As created in step G

Chec the Document !low sectionBAS $rder would e displayed

Dou le clic on the BAS order and select 'dit F Display F All items

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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he first item is the Service item and the su #item elow it is the Beturns item ( he '/uipment to ereturned from Customer #@ Service Depot for repairs) System automatically creates the item structure

Select the Main item (G>) and clic on the ta 5Bepairs6 elow the All items su screen "t will show thatthere is G item !or Beturn and Servicea le item would also e displayed

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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"n the BAS order you would o serve that the Main item (Service item) would have "tem category "BBS(Bep Serv Besources) and the su item (Servicea le item) would have "tem category "BB' (Beturn for Bepairs)

H Posting the 0oods receipt of a piece of '/uipment to e repaired'ransaction: <LBB'@%eli/er, ',+e: %B F Beturns Delivery"ur+ose: he piece(s) of '/uipment to e repaired are delivered he Beturns delivery iscreated with reference to the BAS $rder, su item hey are posted to non#valuated stoc as

sales order stoc using the num er of Bepair re/uests he stoc s would get received toSales $rder (') B stoc in this simulated scenario "n certain organi-ations it may also ereceived to =" stoc for "nspection on receipt his can e triggered y setting up =M(inspection type 5> 6) for servicea le material and setting movement type againstSchedule line category "B in SD

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Confirm the Delivery /uantity, Dates and other details and save the delivery document

Beturns Delivery 5OO 6 has een saved

Q Perform a Post 0oods "ssue against the Delivery document'ransaction: L%>;

%ocument o: As created in step H

Confirm Pic ing for item

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Post 0oods issue

Chec 0oods Beturn posted to 2loc ed Stoc'ransaction: M2 ;tock ',+e: Special Stoc indicator should e selected in initial screen

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Post Servicea le Material to 2loc ed stoc for echnician to chec and confirm Bepairs toproceed further or to Scrap the Material

'ransaction: <M2G2@ ransfer Posting from Sales $rder ( B) stoc to 2loc ed Stoc$o/ement ',+e: HQQ' F ransfer posting 2loc ed to Sales $rder stoc F Beversal"ur+ose: his movement is recommended y SAP if =uality Management of Beturnsprocess is not used his movement also ensures that Customer returned stoc is not usedinternally

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Document 5O 6 posted "f you run +arehouse Stoc Beport transaction <M2 ;@ ne.t, you would find

that the stoc =uantity would now show under 2loc ed Stoc , as opposed to B stoc in step

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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E echnician would perform the echnical Chec on Material and confirm whether it can eBepaired or not his can e confirmed to the Central Customer Service Bep

he Service Bep would open the BAS $rder in Change Mode <LA>;@ and go into theBepairs section for the Main item (G>) $n clic ing on ac arrow ne.t, system proposes tocopy item proposal to Start repair #@ Confirm the same and the $rder would automaticallygenerate a second su #item under the main item with item category 5"BBP6 F "nitiate Bepair

he 8et value of this item would copy Planned costs in PMI CS Service $rder (auto

generated in BAS sales $rder in this step as well) into Pricing condition 'N>; (Calculatedcosts) Service $rder is detailed in later steps

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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he Bepair Status of the Main item (G>) now changes to 52usiness decision made * nder repair6 Also5 nder Bepair6 field will show an added item count

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? Chec Document !low in 8otification screen'ransaction: "+ H

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ou would 8otice that the Beturns Delivery would appear completed ou would also notice that thesystem has automatically generated a Bepair Service $rder ( ype SM>H) ased on Bepairs Procedurestep associated with BMA scenario Befer configuration section for details

"lease note that this is a 8on#revenue earing Service $rder and should have een chec ed as aBefur ishment $rder in configuration "t would have een pre#costed with the %a our hours*Material etcfrom as %ist as defined against the Service Product (which is the su item in BAS order) Befer to theconfiguration section for step to define a material as a Service Product Planned costs as calculatedwould e displayed

"nitial costs F %a our*Material etc (if any) planned through the as %ist lin ed to the Service Product(Main item in BAS sales order) would reflect in Service $rder Costs section as also against theCondition type 5'N>;6 in Bepairs BAS sales order main item associated

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Detailed planning and release of the Service $rder 'ransaction: <"+H;@

nder Planning, plan %a our 4ours, Components (Spare parts) re/uired if any, '.ternalServices Be/uired if any and so on

"n the Components section you would note that the system has automatically included theServicea le '/uipment as a Component and set costing relevancy as 58ot relevant to

costing6 his is ecause we are repairing the '/uipment which is already owned y thecustomer in principle "f there are additional spare parts that would e re/uired in carrying outthe repair, they would e planned and may*may not e costed (!or e.ampleI "f the repair isunder warranty for the main e/uipment) "n this documented scenario we would see a sparepart eing used and costed

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#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Document 5Q ......6 postedGG 0oods receipt of Bepaired material to Sales $rder nrestricted stoc

'ransactions: M2GG$o/ement ',+e: HQH '

his is a ransfer posting from 2loc ed stoc to nrestricted Sales $rder stoc after completion of the Service repairs

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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Document 5OOOO 6 posted"n transaction <M2 ;@, the stoc would e reported under Sales $rder B stoc again

G; echnically Complete the Service $rder 'ransactions: <"+H;@

+hile performing 'C$, system will automatically propose the ne.t action in the Bepairs procedure of the lin ed BAS Sales $rder $n confirming, the repaired item will then e availa le for Delivery ac tothe customer

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GH Confirm that the Bepairs are complete and delivery is allowed'ransaction: <LA>;@

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A new su item would have een added with item category 5"BA%6 F Delivery item he repair screen of main item would show G item for delivery his would have een automatically created on Service $rder

echnical completion, if in Bepair procedure it would had een set to automatic "n our Bepair proceduremanual creation of delivery item has een set

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GQ Deliver the Bepaired piece of '/uipment ac to the Customer 'ransactions: <L%>G8@ Create $ut ound Delivery with reference to Sales $rder item

%eli/er, ',+e: %! F $ut ound Delivery

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nter the pic ed =uantity and Post 0oods issue "n $rgani-ations using +M functionality after Pic ing &Pac ing (if 4 management is used) a ransfer $rder will e created which when confirmed willautomatically lead to P0" $ur demonstrated scenario is simple "t3s Pic ing #@ Confirm pic ing #@ Post0oods "ssue (P0")

$ut ound delivery 5OO6 has een saved he document !low in Service 8otification would haveupdated everything till this point

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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G Create 2illing Be/uest for Service $rder ransactionI DP >his leads to creation of additional su items of category 5"B"86 in BAS Sales $rder which

would su se/uently e illed his can e found in <LA>;@ su se/uently

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G Create 2illing DocumentransactionI <L!>G@

Select and e.ecute "t will select the ; su items with item category 5"B"86

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Save the 2illing documentDocument 5OO6 has een saved and would show up in $riginal 8otification document flow

"nvoice document is usually automatically released to accounting "f not, then Belease to Accounting intransaction <L!>;@

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Chec the Accounting documents generated

Customer A*c Dr, Bevenue A*c Cr, a. A*c Cr

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he controlling document can also e displayed and it will show revenue posting to Profita ility Analysisif C$#PA is active

GE Settling and Completing the Service $rder 'ransaction: N$??"ur+ose: his function settles the costs of the service order to the BAS Sales $rder # repair re/uest A pre#re/uisite for this is settlement rule must have een set in Service $rder whichcan e defaulted to Sales $rder item ased on Settlement profile setting Also, Controllingarea should allow Costs eing posted to Sales $rder for the posting fiscal year As there will

e no further costs, you can also do a usiness completion of the Service $rder

"t is advisa le to do a est run first and then do an actual run

#onfigured & #om+iled B,: Su hra1yoti 2hattachar1ee, PMP9, Certified SAP 9 'AM, Certified " "%9E-$ail: su hra1yoti :gmail com, ocation: Perth, +estern Australia

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"f you chec in the BAS Sales order <LA>H@ #@ 'nvironment #@ Cost report, it will display the settledcosts in the report

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!or the period#end closing, the system finally settles the repair re/uest within the profita ility analysis his is aperiod end closing activity for Controlling eam