sap - order bom walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013 SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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Step by step guide how to create Order BOMs in SAP


Page 1: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013


l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m

March 2013

Page 2: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

INTRODUZIONE (scusate per l’italiano

) Nella nostra Organizzazione che vende alcuni macchinari con un codice materiale standard e configuarabile (cioe’ lo stesso materiale viene utilizzato per piu’ clienti) si e’ presentata l’esigenza di associare alcuni pezzi di ricambi a questi macchinari che possano essere diversi da cliente a cliente. Per fare questo utilizziamo le Distinte base di ordine: esse permettono di tenere traccia di quali materiali sono associati ad un ordine cliente e rappresentano un modo di procedere diverso - e forse meglio tracciabile- all’utilizzo delle Alternative delle Distinte Base. Nelle prossime pagine vedremo come si creano le Distinte Base Ordine. Ogni critica e/o suggerimento è più che ben accetta/o

INTRODUCTION (sorry for my English


In our company some machines are sold with the same material code for different customers: so we are facing the necessity to associate some spare parts , that could differ among customers, to these machines. To reach this target we are using Order Bill of materials: they allow us to keep track of what materials are associated to a particular Sales Order and are maybe a way to proceed with a higher level of traceability compared to Alternatives BOMs. In the next pages we will see how Order BOMs can be created. Feedbacks are highly


VORWORT (es tut mir leid fuer mein

Deutsch ) In unserer Firma verkaufen wir einige Maschinen mit dem gleichen Materialnummer (wir benutzen konfigurierbaren Materialen: so wir haben den gleichen Materialen fuer verschiedene Kunde). Wir mussen irgendwie verschiedene Ersatzteile zu dem gleichen Materialnummer verbinden. Wir benutzen Verkaufsauftragstueckliste: so koennen wir erinerrn welche Materialen gehoeren zu welchem Auftrag (ohne Alternative Stueckliste zu benutzen). Auf den folgenden Seiten soll ein Augenblick ueber Auftragstueckliste vermittelt werden. Rueckmeldungen sind wilkommen.

Page 3: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

COSA ? WHAT ? WAS ? Creazione Ordine di Vendita per un cliente Create Sales Order Verkaufsauftrag vorbereiten Creazione Distinta base per Ordine Create Order BOM AuftragStueckliste Vorbereitung Congelamento DiBa Ordine Freeze Order BOM Auftragstueckliste gefrieren MRP run Visualizzazione/modifica Ordini Pianificati View/Modify Planned Orders Auftragstueckliste visualisieren/aendern Creazione Ordine di Produzione Create Production Order Auftrag bearbeiten MRP run Lista Requisiti Requirements list Creazione DiBa per un 2o Ordine di Vendita Create Order BOM for 2nd customer AuftragStueckliste Vorbereitung (zweiter Kunde) Congelamento DiBa 2o Ordine Freeze Order BOM Auftragstueckliste gefrieren MRP run Visualizzazione/modifica Ordini Pianificati View/Modify Planned Orders Auftragstueckliste visualisieren/aendern Creazione Ordine di Produzione Create Production Order Auftrag bearbeiten MRP run Sintesi Fabbisogni e Richieste di Acquisto Overview Requirements and Purchase Requests Augenblick Plannen Auftraege/Bedarfs


MD02 CO41, MD12 CO41 MD02 MD04 CS61 CSKB MD02 CO41, MD12 CO41 MD02 MD04, COOIS, ME57

PICTURES Pic 1 Pic 2, Pic 3 Pic 4, Pic 5, Pic 6 Pic 7, Pic 8 Pic 9, Pic 10, Pic 11, Pic 12, Pic 13 Pic 14, Pic 15 Pic 16, Pic 17, Pic 18 Pic 19, Pic 20 Pic 21, Pic 22, Pic 23 Pic 24 Pic 25, Pic 26 Pic 27, Pic 28, Pic 29 Pic 30 Pic 31, Pic 32, Pic 33

Page 4: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

Page 5: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

Page 6: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

Page 12: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

Page 15: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

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SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013

Page 20: SAP - Order BOM Walkthrough

SAP ORDER BOMs WALKTHROUGH l o r e n z o l e o n e l l i [at] h o t m a i l [dot] c o m March 2013